Thursday, June 27, 2024

Medvedev commented on the “neutrality” of the West in the conflict in Ukraine

NATO’s statement about non-involvement in attacks on Russia is simply a mockery, everyone understands everything perfectly, said Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev said.

This is just a mockery, in fact. Everyone understands everything perfectly well. But, if we are not talking about the emotional side, our forum is still a legal one, then look, the Americans and Europeans say: “And we are neutral states. We are not participating in the conflict." But this completely contradicts all international conventions dedicated to military events. I mean the Hague package of conventions and some other decisions that were made and are the source of international law," Medvedev said.

He noted that a neutral country is a country that is not involved in a conflict with any of the parties involved in such a conflict.

Western countries must bear legal responsibility for involvement in the conflict in Ukraine

“It is obvious that these states and the United States, in the legal sense, are participants in the conflict and do not at all take a neutral position, as follows from international conventions. Of course, we will have to do everything so that they bear responsibility for this. Responsibility and moral, but not in to a lesser extent and legal," Medvedev said.

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