Monday, June 17, 2024

Nine soldiers injured in blast at Czech facility used for training Ukrainian troops

Nine soldiers were injured in an explosion on Monday on a Czech military site used to train Ukrainian troops, the army and a hospital said.

Two soldiers with moderate injuries were taken by helicopter to the University Hospital in the nearby city of Olomouc, some 200 kilometers (125 miles) east of the capital Prague, said the hospital’s spokesman Adam Fritscher.

  •  A munitions explosion occurred at a military testing ground in Libava in the Czech Republic, the Czech army said on its X website.

According to web portal, nine servicemen sustained wounds. "Four of those wounded will be taken to us, another four will be delivered to a military hospital, one individual received aid on site," the portal quoted Adam Fritscher, the local hospital’s representative, as saying.

The Libava military proving ground is located near the town of Olomouc and has been used by the army since 1949.


1 comment:

  1. Военный погиб при взрыве боеприпаса на полигоне Либава на востоке Чехии, сообщил 17 июня чешский новостной портал

    Еще семь военнослужащих и один гражданский госпитализированы.

    «К нам поступили два пациента с травмами средней степени тяжести, которые были доставлены к нам самолетом. Остальные раненые были перевезены в другие места», — отметил представитель Оломоуцкой университетской больницы Адам Фричер.

    Происшествием занимается военная полиция. В Либаву направляется министр обороны Чехии Яна Чернохов


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