Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Russia, North Korea united in building fairer world order — Putin

Russian President Vladimir Putin views North Korea as a steadfast ally in the fight against Western hegemony.

"Pyongyang has always been our committed and like-minded supporter, ready to confront the ambition of the collective West to prevent the emergence of a multipolar world order based on justice, mutual respect for sovereignty and consideration of each other’s interests," Putin wrote in an article for North Korea’s Rodong Sinmun newspaper ahead of his state visit to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK).

The United States "is going out of its way to impose" a rules-based order globally, "which is essentially nothing more than a global neo-colonial dictatorship relying on double standards," the Russian leader emphasized. "Nations that disagree with such an approach and pursue an independent policy face increasing external pressure. The US leadership views such a natural and legitimate aspiration for self-reliance and independence as a threat to its global dominance," Putin added.

The Russian head of state is on a friendly state visit to the North Korean capital, Pyongyang, on June 18-19. North Korean leader Kim Jong Un invited Putin to pay a return visit during his stay in Russia last September. The Russian president accepted the invitation without hesitation, and the stars aligned to make a visit at the current time possible. [TASS]


  1. Media briefings, foreign intelligence sources and even satellite imagery showing preparations in Pyongyang – there was just enough information to keep speculation high that President Putin’s trip to North Korea was about to happen.

  2. Pyongyang is all decked out to welcome Putin, with the city's streets lined with Russian flags and portraits of Putin.

    Images and footage shared by the Russian state-owned news agency RIA Novosti show a banner welcoming Putin along the freeway, lined with North Korean propaganda posters.

    "The friendship between North Korea and Russia is eternal," reads one banner outside Pyongyang’s Sunan International Airport.

    "We warmly welcome comrade Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin," says another.

  3. North Korean state television broadcaster KCTV is currently broadcasting concerts of Russian military and pro-war music on air, ahead of Putin's visit.

    The Russian leader is expected to arrive in North Korea later this evening.

  4. Russian President Vladimir Putin stressed that the US seeks to impose a new colonial order on the world and is trying to weaken the Russian economy through new sanctions and stirring up social and political tension within the country, but all its attempts to contain or isolate Russia from the world have failed.

    In an article for the Democratic Korea’s Rodong Sinmun newspaper titled “Russia and Democratic Korea: A Tradition of Friendship and Cooperation Over the Years,” Putin said, “The United States wants to impose a new colonial dictatorial order on the world”.

    Putin noted that the countries that do not agree with the American approach face severe external pressure.

    “Russia highly appreciates the DPRK’s firm support for the special operation, its solidarity with us on key international issues, and its readiness to defend common priorities and views at the UN”, Putin said.

  5. Диктор британского телеканала Sky News перепутал визит президента России Владимира Путина в Якутию с запланированным визитом в КНДР. Пост с ошибкой диктора был размещен в социальной сети X.

    «Срочные кадры, Путин прилетел в Северную Корею», - заявил диктор, сопровождая видеоряд прибытия президента РФ в Якутск.


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