Saturday, June 1, 2024

Russian Forces Launch Rockets at Ukrainian Military-Linked Energy Facilities - MoD Ru

The Russian armed forces over the past 24 hours have launched a group rocket strike against Ukrainian energy facilities working for the military-industrial complex in response to Kiev's attempts to damage Russian energy and transportation facilities, the Russian Defense Ministry said on Saturday.

"In response to attempts by the Kiev regime to damage Russian energy and transportation facilities, the Russian armed forces launched a group strike with long-range airborne and sea-based precision weapons against Ukrainian energy facilities that support the operation of enterprises of the military-industrial complex," the ministry said. 

Russian forces also hit an expert center responsible for developing flight missions for Ukrainian drones, the ministry added.
"Tactical aviation, drones, missile forces and Russian artillery units struck the location of a group of technical specialists who were developing flight missions for attack drones, and also hit concentrations of enemy manpower and military equipment in 116 locations," the ministry noted.

1 comment:

  1. Российские Вооруженные силы нанесли удар по месту размещения группы технических специалистов, которые разрабатывали полетные задания для ударных беспилотников ВСУ. Об этом сообщило Минобороны России.

    Кроме того, ВС РФ атаковали скопления живой силы и военной техники противника в 116 районах.


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