Sunday, July 7, 2024

2024 French legislative elections: Results of the second round

Initial projections for the second round of France's snap legislative elections on Sunday show the New Popular Front leftist alliance leading both President Emmanuel Macron's ruling coalition and the far-right National Rally but falling short of an absolute majority.  

Initial projections showed the New Popular Front – a hastily cobbled-together leftist coalition formed to block the far right – leading both Macron's centrist alliance (in second place) and the right-wing National Rally (in third).[]


  1. The left-wing coalition, led by Jean-Luc Mélenchon, is leading in France's elections and is prepared to form a government to implement its program.
    The left-wing New People's Front leads the French elections, with President Emmanuel Macron's Together coalition in second place and the right-wing National Rally in third. However, no coalition has secured an absolute majority in the National Assembly, according to preliminary results from BFM TV.
    The New People's Front is expected to have 175-205 seats, the Together coalition 150-175 seats, and the National Rally 115-150 seats.

  2. The leftist New Popular Front is leading in the second round of France’s early parliamentary elections and may count on from 175 to 205 seats in the National Assembly (lower house of parliament), according to the preliminary results cited by the BFMTV television channel.

    The presidential Together For the Republic coalition is winning from 150 t 175 seats in the national legislature, while the right-wing National Rally may have from 115 to 150 seats.

  3. Marine Le Pen ha dichiarato che la vittoria del Rassemblement National «è stata solo rimandata», sottolineando che «il RN è il primo partito in Francia»:

    «La marea si sta alzando. Questa volta non è salita abbastanza, ma continua a salire e, di conseguenza, la nostra vittoria è solo rimandata».

    1. Marine Le Pen kommentierte die französischen Wahlergebnisse und sagte, der Sieg der rechtsgerichteten Partei Nationale Rallye, die dieses Mal nicht den ersten Platz belegte, sei "nur verschoben" worden


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