Monday, July 8, 2024

FSB stopped an attempt by Ukrainian special services to hijack a Tu-22M3

The Russian FSB stopped an attempt by the Ukrainian special services, with the help of NATO, to organize the hijacking of a Tu-22M3 strategic bomber of the Russian Aerospace Forces abroad. The FSB Center reports this and also publishes a video.

    “The FSB of the Russian Federation stopped another attempt by the Ukrainian special services to carry out an operation to hijack a long-range strategic bomber Tu-22M3 of the Russian Aerospace Forces abroad, and the involvement of the special services of NATO countries in its preparation and implementation was revealed,” the service said in a statement.

It is clarified that during the hijacking attempt, Ukrainian intelligence officers intended to recruit a Russian military pilot for a monetary reward and providing him with an Italian passport. It was planned to transport the missile carrier to Ukraine.

According to the service, the employees also carried out an operational game, during which the necessary data was obtained and a strike was carried out on the Ozernoye airfield of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.


  1. ФСБ пресекла попытку угона на Украину стратегического бомбардировщика Ту-22М3. Украинская разведка пыталась завербовать нашего пилота, обещая ему около 3 млн долларов и гражданство Италии.

    Летчик получал от «собеседника» и угрозы, но не поддался на шантаж и рассказал обо всем командованию.

  2. Rusia frustra el secuestro de un bombardero de largo alcance Tu-22M3 a Ucrania

    El servicio de seguridad ruso, FSB, afirma que ha frustrado el secuestro de un bombardero de largo alcance Tupolev Tu-22M3 a Ucrania.

    "El FSB ha desbaratado otro intento de servicios especiales de Ucrania de secuestrar al extranjero un bombardero de largo alcance Tu-22M3 de la Fuerza Aeroespacial de Rusia, y descubierto la implicación de servicios especiales de países de la OTAN en los preparativos e implementación de esta operación", dice la nota de prensa.

    Según el comunicado oficial, la inteligencia ucraniana planeaba reclutar a un piloto militar ruso para que desviara un Tu-22M3 a Ucrania a cambio de una recompensa y concesión de ciudadanía italiana.

  3. FSB vereitelt Entführung eines Kampfjets Tu-22M3 in die Ukraine

    Russlands Inlandsgeheimdienst FSB vereitelte die Entführung eines Überschallbombers vom Typ Tupolew Tu-22M3 in die Ukraine, teilt das Zentrum für öffentliche Beziehungen des russischen Geheimdienstes (FSB) am Montag mit.

    "Der Föderale Dienst für Sicherheit der Russischen Föderation hat einen weiteren Versuch der ukrainischen Geheimdienste vereitelt, eine Operation zur Entführung eines strategischen Langstreckenbombers Tu-22M3 der russischen Luftstreitkräfte ins Ausland durchzuführen."

    Wie es heißt, habe der ukrainische Geheimdienst versucht, einen russischen Militärpiloten mit Geld und der Verleihung der italienischen Staatsbürgerschaft anzuwerben. Der Agent habe ein Kampfflugzeug Tu-22M3 entführen und auf ukrainisches Territorium bringen sollen.

  4. The Russian pilot was offered $3 mln for hijacking the Tu-22M3 strategic bomber, according to the photo of his correspondence with a Ukrainian intelligence officer released by the FSB.

    "You will get three million," the intel agent wrote. The correspondence makes it clear that $1 mln was expected to be paid by the Ukroboronprom defense company. A video released by the FSB showed bundles of US dollars.

    The pilot was contacted via the Telegram messenger. "No sense of morality or ethics. They asked me to set aviation equipment on fire and started to threaten my family members," the pilot said in the video. He was also asked to provide information about Russian planes, including their tail numbers and technical condition. "I went to my commanders and told them everything," the pilot said. According to him, the man who contacted him introduced himself as Pavlo; he made no secret of being a Ukrainian intelligence officer. "He suggested I hijack a plane to Ukraine. Not just any plane but a long-range bomber, a carrier of nuclear weapons," the pilot pointed out.

    The Tu-22M2 is a supersonic, variable-sweep wing, long-range strategic bomber designed to hit naval and ground targets with missiles and air bombs; it is capable of carrying nuclear and conventional weapons.


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