Saturday, July 13, 2024

Germany Draws Up Contingency Plan for War

As NATO continues to stoke tensions in Europe by arming the Ukrainian conflict, Germany has drafted a plan for a possible war in the region.

Dubbed Operationsplan Deutschland (Operational Plan Germany) or OPLAN DEU for short, the plan deals with issues ranging from “homeland security and the protection of defense-critical infrastructure to deployment planning and national territorial defense,” German Brigadier General Thomas Hambach said as quoted by Abendzeitung Munchen.

The plan also addresses the possibility of rapid NATO troop movements through Germany.

"In the event of an acute threat on the alliance's eastern flank, German and allied forces would have to be moved throughout Germany, including Bavaria, within a very short time," Hambach said.

OPLAN DEU is drafted by military and civilian experts, including people affiliated with federal ministries, local administrations and emergency services.

The exact contents of the plan are classified, though German media already surmised that the document outlines procedures to be enacted if Germany finds itself in a war.

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