Friday, July 19, 2024

Jordanian Foreign Ministry summons Dutch ambassador in protest over pro-Israel statements

Jordanian Foreign Ministry summoned on Thursday the Dutch ambassador to Amman to convey a message of protest to his government over statements made by the Dutch far-right leader Geert Wilders in which he supported the denounced Israeli Knesset’s decision, which denies the Palestinians their right of an independent state of their own.”

The official Petra news agency quoted ministry spokesman Sufian Qudah as saying :that the Dutch ambassador was summoned to the ministry’s headquarters and given a strongly worded letter of protest to be immediately conveyed to his government, including a demand that the Dutch government take a clear position condemning these statements that contradict the friendly relations and mutual respect between the two countries.

Qudah said that the inflammatory statements made by this racist parliamentarian are worthless and have no legal effect, constitute a flagrant violation of the international law, and reflect a culture of racist hatred that must be fought.

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