Thursday, July 11, 2024

Moscow to Issue Military Response to Deployment of US Long-Range Missiles in Germany

Russia will issue a military response to the plans of the United States to deploy long-range missiles in Germany, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov said on Thursday.

"The nature of our reaction will be determined in a calm, professional manner. The military have already began working on the matter. We will, of course, analyze which specific systems will be discussed... We will determine a military response to this new threat," Ryabkov told reporters.

The US long-range missiles could be the ground-based versions of the Tomahawk cruise missile and the SM-6 missile, the diplomat explained.

 Washington and Berlin said earlier in a joint statement that the US would begin deployments of long-range fires capabilities in Germany in 2026, "which have significantly longer range than current land-based fires in Europe."


  1. Russia’s response to deployment of US missiles in German will be harsh and adequate, Federal Council Speaker Valentina Matviyenko said in an interview with journalist Pavel Zarubin.

    "I hope that it will not happen, because Russia’s response will be harsh and adequate. This is simply unacceptable. If we raise all post-War documents, Germany has no right at all to accommodate weapons of this kind, according to the signed agreements," the senior lawmaker said.

  2. Long-range US missiles are to be deployed periodically in Germany from 2026 for the first time since the Cold War, in a decision announced at Nato's 75th anniversary summit.

    The Tomahawk cruise, SM-6 and hypersonic missiles have a significantly longer range than existing missiles, the US and Germany said in a joint statement.

    Such missiles would have been banned under a 1988 treaty between the US and former Soviet Union, but the pact fell apart five years ago.

    Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said Moscow would react with a "military reponse to the new threat".

    "This is just a link in the chain of a course of escalation," he argued, accusing Nato and the US of trying to intimidate Russia.

  3. Олаф Шольц назвал "очень хорошим решением" планы Пентагона по размещению дальнобойных систем вооружения в Германии.

    Ранее Москва пообещала, что последует ответ "в военном ключе". Российский посол в Берлине отметил, что такие шаги Запада ведут к нарастанию конфронтации.

    1. Решение Пентагона разместить дальнобойные системы вооружения в ФРГ одобрил канцлер Олаф Шольц. По его словам, это поможет "сдерживать" Россию.

      США объявили на саммите НАТО о планах размещения дальнобойных ударных систем в Германии. Шольц отметил, что это решение "очень хорошее" и "вписывается" в стратегию безопасности немецких властей.

      Канцлер не опасается, что действия Пентагона втянут ФРГ в гонку вооружений. Он утверждает, что в РФ уже "невероятное вооружение", и поставка американских ракет – это нужное решение, оно "давно подготовлено" и "обеспечит мир".

    2. Спикер Совфеда Валентина Матвиенко заявляла, что решение Белого дома о размещении дальнобойных ракет в ФРГ не останется без ответа российской стороны, и этот ответ будет жестким.


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