Monday, July 8, 2024

Statement by the Russian Ministry of Defense about the morning strike on Ukraine

A group strike with long-range precision weapons was carried out against Ukrainian military industry facilities and Ukrainian Armed Forces aviation bases in response to attempts to damage Russian energy and economic facilities. The strike targets were achieved, the designated objects were hit.

The Ministry of Defense also stated that data about a deliberate Russian missile attack on civilian targets is “absolutely untrue.” And photos and videos from Kyiv, according to representatives of the department, confirm the fact of destruction “due to the fall of a Ukrainian air defense missile launched from an anti-aircraft missile system within the city.”

The Ministry of Defense states that “similar hysterics have been happening for years and every time on the eve of the next NATO summit.” “The purpose of such provocations is to ensure further funding for the Kyiv regime and the continuation of the war until the last Ukrainian,” the department said.



  1. Moscú tilda de "absolutamente falsas" las acusaciones de Kiev sobre ataques rusos a instalaciones civiles

    Las declaraciones de los representantes de Ucrania sobre el supuesto ataque deliberado de Rusia con misiles contra objetivos civiles son absolutamente falsas, indicaron desde el Ministerio de Defensa de Rusia. Numerosas fotos y videos publicados desde Kiev confirman inequívocamente el hecho de la destrucción causada por la caída de un misil de defensa antiaérea ucraniano, agregaron.

    "Observamos, en particular, que similares histerias del régimen de Kiev no se han producido durante el primer año y cada vez [ocurren] en vísperas de otra reunión [cumbre] de sus patrocinadores de la OTAN. El propósito de tales provocaciones es asegurar más financiación para el régimen de Kiev y la continuación de la guerra hasta el último ucraniano", detallaron.

  2. La Defensa rusa aclaró que en respuesta a los intentos de Kiev de dañar las instalaciones energéticas y económicas rusas, las Fuerzas Armadas de Rusia lanzaron un ataque en conjunto con armas de precisión y de largo alcance contra instalaciones de la industria militar ucraniana y sus bases aéreas.

  3. The Defense Ministry said Monday that several designated targets inside Ukraine were hit by precision strikes with long-range weapons in retaliation to Ukrainian attempts to cause damage to Russian infrastructure.

    In its daily briefing, the MoD addressed statements by the Kiev regime about strikes on civilian targets as untrue.

    According to Moscow, numerous published photographs and videos of the destruction in Kiev confirm that it was caused by the fall of a Ukrainian air defense missile launched within the city.

  4. Defesa russa desmente afirmações ucranianas sobre 'ataque deliberado russo contra alvos civis' em Kiev

    Inúmeras fotos e vídeos de Kiev mostram claramente o fato de as destruições terem sido provocadas pela queda de um míssil antiaéreo ucraniano, observou a Defesa da Rússia.

    As declarações "histéricas" do governo da Ucrânia visam assegurar o financiamento do regime de Kiev e continuação da guerra até o último ucraniano, acrescentou a entidade.

  5. Ukrainian defence minister Rustem Umerov has called for Kyiv's allies to urgently send more air defences in the wake of today's attacks.

    "Our defence capabilities are still insufficient... we need more air defence systems," he wrote on Telegram.

    He said Ukraine needed "quick decisions" from Ukraine's Western partners on whether they would "provide additional weapons to protect the skies and the civilian population".


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