Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Russian Doctrine on Use of Nuclear Weapons Under Clarification - Lavrov

Russia’s doctrine on the use of nuclear weapons is currently under clarification, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Tuesday.

"Americans definitely associate these conversations about the third world war as something that, God forbid, if it is realized, could affect only Europe ... And in this situation, it is probably very important to understand that we have our own doctrine, including the doctrine of the use of nuclear weapons, which, by the way, is now being clarified, and which American officials are very well aware of," Lavrov told reporters after talks with his Yemeni counterpart.

  • Lavrov Calls Blackmail Kiev’s Demands to Use Storm Shadow Missiles Against Russia.

 Ukraine's demands to the West to allow the use of Storm Shadow missiles on Moscow and St. Petersburg are blackmail, Lavrov said.
"This is blackmail. This is an attempt to pretend that the West wants to avoid excessive escalation, but in reality it is deceit. The West does not want to avoid escalation," Lavrov told reporters after talks with his Yemeni counterpart, calling the discussion of the possible use of Storm Shadow missiles by Ukraine for strikes deep into Russia "playing with fire."


  1. Российская доктрина использования ядерного оружия сейчас уточняется. Об этом заявил министр иностранных дел РФ Сергей Лавров на пресс-конференции по итогам беседы со своим коллегой из Йемена Шайей Мохсеном аз-Зиндани.

    «Очень важно понимать, что у нас есть своя доктрина, в том числе доктрина использования ядерного оружия, которая, кстати, сейчас уточняется и о которой американским деятелям очень хорошо известно», - сказал Лавров.

    В прошлом месяце замглавы МИД России Сергей Рябков заявил, что ядерная доктрина страны содержит слишком общие формулировки.

  2. Russia’s foreign minister, accused the West of playing with fire by considering allowing Ukraine to strike deep into Russia, stating a potential World War III would not be confined to Europe.


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