Sunday, September 29, 2024

Austria’s far-right Freedom Party projected to win election

Austria’s Freedom Party (FPO) has been projected to finish first in the country’s general election, ahead of the governing conservatives.

An exit poll by pollster Foresight for broadcaster ORF projected on Sunday that Herbert Kickl’s FPO had received 29.1 percent of the vote, with Chancellor Karl Nehammer’s Austrian People’s Party (OVP) coming second with 26.2 percent.

 The centre-left Social Democrats were projected to come third, with 20.4 percent.


  1. Die Freiheitliche Partei Österreichs, die sich gegen die antirussischen Sanktionen ausspricht, erhält nach ersten Berechnungen 57 Sitze im österreichischen Parlament, während die Österreichische Volkspartei des derzeitigen Bundeskanzlers Nehammer 51 Sitze erhält, berichtet der Fernsehsender ORF.

  2. Austrian Chancellor Karl Nehammer has admitted that his Austrian People’s Party has lost to the Freedom Party of Austria in parliamentary elections.

    "Unfortunately, we did not come in first. Yet none of us should reproach ourselves," the politician said, addressing his supporters.

    Nehammer hopes to retain his position as the party leader.

  3. President Alexander Van der Bellen, who oversees the formation of governments, has voiced reservations about the FPO because of its criticism of the EU and its failure to condemn Russia.
    The party opposes EU sanctions on Moscow, citing Austria’s neutrality.


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