Monday, September 16, 2024

Putin increased the staffing level of the Russian Armed Forces to 2,389,130 ​​people

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on increasing the staffing levels of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. 

The staffing level was increased to 2,389,130 ​​people. Moreover, 1,500,000 people from this number will have the status of military personnel.

The decree also provides for the allocation of funds to the Russian Ministry of Defense to implement this increase.

The previous time the staffing level was increased in December 2023, it was 2,209,130, including 1,320,000 service members.


  1. Путин увеличил штатную численность Вооруженных сил РФ на 180 тыс. военнослужащих

  2. Durch seinen Erlass erhöhte Putin die Stärke der Streitkräfte auf 2.389.000 Personen, darunter 1,5 Millionen Militärangehörige.

    Bei der letzten Aufstockung im Dezember 2023 lag die Personalstärke bei 2.209.130 Personen, darunter 1.320.000 Militärangehörige.

  3. According to public data, the ranking of countries by active military personnel will look as follows:
    China, 2.035 million
    Russia, 1.5 m
    India, 1.455 m
    US, 1.328 m
    Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, 1.32 m


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