tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1175681583743369857.post7062746616510373245..comments2021-04-13T12:50:08.317+02:00Comments on EL ETOS UT: GEO xronos news in brief (December 2014 - C)xronos/blogger.com/profile/13107445158803745642[email protected]Blogger161125tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1175681583743369857.post-13681102565842210962014-12-31T12:48:21.097+01:002014-12-31T12:48:21.097+01:00Ucrania será “un país ejemplar&quot; de la UE, afi...Ucrania será “un país ejemplar&quot; de la UE, afirma el primer ministro Yatseniuk ...<br /><br />El primer ministro ucraniano, Arseni Yatseniuk, expresó la seguridad de que Ucrania se convertirá en &quot;un país ejemplar&quot; de la Unión Europea.<br /><br />A finales de junio pasado, Ucrania firmó el convenio de asociación con la Unión Europea que supone crear una zona de libre comercio. En septiembre, el presidente ucraniano, Petró Poroshenko, presentó un conjunto de reformas denominada Estrategia 2020, que a su juicio deben permitir la solicitud de ingreso en la UE dentro de seis años.<br /><br />Aunque los expertos a su vez sostienen que Ucrania necesitará mucho más tiempo para ser admitida.<br /><br />&quot;Tenemos la seguridad y la fe de que (…) Ucrania será un país ejemplar en la Unión Europea, un miembro ejemplar de la familia europea&quot;, declaró Yatseniuk al felicitar a los ciudadanos con motivo de Año Nuevo.<br /><br />También dijo que el pasaporte ucraniano les permitirá desplazarse libremente por toda Europa................http://mundo.sputniknews.com/mundo/20141231/1032972830.html<br />31/12/14Anonymous[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1175681583743369857.post-67481941298025753912014-12-31T11:39:19.082+01:002014-12-31T11:39:19.082+01:0053 dead in Philippines flooding and landslides ......53 dead in Philippines flooding and landslides ...<br /><br />The death toll from flooding and landslides in the Philippines wrought by tropical storm Jangmi rose to 53, officials said, with some regions saying they were caught off guard by the deluge.<br /><br />In Catbalogan town in Samar province 19 people died in a landslide that left homes and vehicles buried under rocks and mud, local Mayor Stephany Uy-Tan said, adding that the town had been surprised by the landslide.<br /><br />&quot;We did not expect a deluge. We thought the hill where the landslide hit was tough as rocks,&quot; she told AFP.<br /><br />&quot;There was no evacuation, people were just advised to prepare for possible landslides,&quot; she said. &quot;We need to check communication systems to find out what went wrong.&quot;.................http://www.rte.ie/news/2014/1231/669666-philippines/<br />31/12/14Anonymous[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1175681583743369857.post-14352645111556727402014-12-31T07:20:42.412+01:002014-12-31T07:20:42.412+01:00Palestinian UN envoy after resolution voted down: ...Palestinian UN envoy after resolution voted down: &#39;Security Council remains paralyzed&#39; ...<br /><br />Palestinian observer Riyad Mansour said on Wednesday that the defeated Palestinian resolution calling for an Israeli withdrawal from Palestinian territories by late 2017 was the result of 3-1/2 months of efforts after the recent Israeli war against Hamas militants in the Gaza Strip. He said it was time to end the &quot;abhorrent Israeli occupation and impunity that has brought our people so much suffering.&quot;<br /><br />&quot;The result of today&#39;s vote shows that the Security Council as a whole is clearly not ready and willing to shoulder its responsibilities in a way that would...allow us to open the doors to peace,&quot; he said. &quot;It is thus most regrettable that the Security Council remains paralyzed.&quot;..................http://www.jpost.com/Breaking-News/Palestinian-UN-envoy-after-resolution-voted-down-Security-Council-remains-paralyzed-386207Anonymous[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1175681583743369857.post-83695098501365303312014-12-31T06:54:55.916+01:002014-12-31T06:54:55.916+01:00Israel und PalästinaNahost-Resolution scheitert an...Israel und PalästinaNahost-Resolution scheitert an einer Stimme...<br /><br />Noch immer fehlt ein dauerhaftes Friedensabkommen in Nahost. Eine Uno-Resolution soll helfen - und das Ende der israelischen Besatzung im Westjordanland einleiten. Doch dafür fehlt eine einzige Stimme. <br /><br />Die USA und Australien stimmten am Dienstag bei einer kurzfristig einberufenen Sondersitzung in New York gegen das Papier. US-Außenminister John Kerry rief in den vergangenen Tagen die Außenminister von 13 Ländern an, um ihnen die US-Position zu erklären. Die USA verzichteten aber darauf, von ihrem Veto Gebrauch zu machen, um nicht wichtige arabische Verbündete gegen sich aufzubringen..................http://www.handelsblatt.com/politik/international/israel-und-palaestina-nahost-resolution-scheitert-an-einer-stimme/11174560.htmlAnonymous[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1175681583743369857.post-83195153042097556572014-12-30T22:55:00.341+01:002014-12-30T22:55:00.341+01:00Ukraine PM says he is sure IMF will continue fundi...Ukraine PM says he is sure IMF will continue funding, expects no private investment ...<br /><br />Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk said on Tuesday the IMF mission, which will arrive in Kiev on January 8, will continue to provide funding to the country.<br /><br />“I’m sure that there will be a new program with the IMF. Its purpose is to stabilize state finances and to support the trade balance,” he said.<br /><br />“We had previous programs with the IMF because we followed up on our words and carried out reforms,” Yatsenyuk said.<br /><br />This year the government has received $9 billion external aid and paid $14 billion, he said. “I don’t know what would happen if we did not pay our debts. But if we hadn&#39;t not fulfilled our obligations, there would be no aid,” Yatsenyuk said.................http://itar-tass.com/en/economy/770066Anonymous[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1175681583743369857.post-49195280728134548202014-12-30T22:11:43.767+01:002014-12-30T22:11:43.767+01:00GRECE. L&#39;Europe a la peur pour seule réponse ....GRECE. L&#39;Europe a la peur pour seule réponse ...<br /><br />Face à la probable arrivée du parti Syriza au pouvoir, l&#39;attitude de l&#39;Union européenne prouve qu&#39;elle ne supporte plus la contradiction, aussi démocratique soit-elle. <br /><br />Le disque européen est rayé. Et il n’est pas sûr que les Grecs l’entendent avec la même oreille qu’en 2012. Depuis lundi et l’annonce d’élections législatives anticipées après le refus du Parlement d’élire le candidat du gouvernement à la présidence de la République, la musique des conservateurs locaux et des autorités européennes est la même qu’il y a trois ans : en dehors de l’austérité, point de salut, toute autre orientation conduirait le pays &quot;à la catastrophe&quot;, au chaos de la sortie de l’euro.<br /><br />Visé cette fois : Syriza, le parti de la gauche radicale d’Alexis Tsipras, donné favori du scrutin de fin janvier précisément parce qu’il prône une rupture avec le dogme de l’austérité édicté par l’Union européenne. Peu importe que Syriza ait mis de l’eau dans son vin anti-européen : une fois de plus, la seule réponse apportée par Bruxelles et ses cousins du FMI ou de la Banque mondiale à la contradiction démocratique de leur doxa économique porte un mot : la peur....................http://tempsreel.nouvelobs.com/edito/20141230.OBS9056/grece-l-europe-a-la-peur-pour-seule-reponse.html?xtor=RSS-164<br />30/12/14Anonymous[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1175681583743369857.post-67633845827514240822014-12-30T18:27:32.538+01:002014-12-30T18:27:32.538+01:00La derecha española alerta de las consecuencias ne...La derecha española alerta de las consecuencias negativas si gana Syriza en Grecia ...<br /><br />El Partido Popular, la formación española que lidera el presidente Mariano Rajoy, alertó hoy de las consecuencias &quot;negativas&quot; que tendrá una posible victoria del partido izquierdista Syriza en Grecia, tal como avanzan las encuestas.<br /><br />El país helénico celebrará elecciones anticipadas el próximo 25 de enero tras perder tres votaciones en el Parlamento griego el candidato a la presidencia, Stavros Dimas.<br /><br />El favorito de los griegos es Syriza, actualmente principal partido de la oposición. La formación que lidera Alexis Tsipras tiene un ideario parecido a Podemos e Izquierda Unida en España.<br /><br />El portavoz popular, José María Beneyto, estimó hoy en declaraciones a Europa Press que &quot;la posible victoria de Syriza puede tener consecuencias negativas para el país, generando inestabilidad&quot;...........................http://mundo.sputniknews.com/politica/20141230/1032935270.html<br />30/12/14Anonymous[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1175681583743369857.post-5410158405726480652014-12-30T12:26:06.410+01:002014-12-30T12:26:06.410+01:00Albanian seamen die in Norman Atlantic ferry recov...Albanian seamen die in Norman Atlantic ferry recovery...<br /><br />Two Albanian seamen have been killed on a tugboat while towing the fire-stricken Norman Atlantic ferry.<br /><br />Both men died after a connecting cable between the vessels snapped on Tuesday morning after it became entangled in a propeller, Albanian officials say.<br /><br />Ten people were killed and more than 400 rescued, after a fire broke out on the ferry in stormy seas on Sunday.<br /><br />It is unclear how many passengers are still missing. The cause of the fire on the car deck is unknown................http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-30630703Anonymous[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1175681583743369857.post-7071980621330039002014-12-30T11:08:03.188+01:002014-12-30T11:08:03.188+01:00Maduro wirft USA “Öl-Krieg” gegen Venezuela und Ru...Maduro wirft USA “Öl-Krieg” gegen Venezuela und Russland vor ...<br /><br />Venezuelas Präsident Nicolas Maduro beschuldigt die USA, durch ein Drücken der Ölpreise einen Krieg gegen die Wirtschaft seines Landes und die von Russland zu führen.<br /><br />Der Preis für ein Barrel venezolanischen Erdöls war von 95 US-Dollar im September auf 48 Dollar am gestrigen Montag gefallen. Maduro griff auf Worte von Boliviens Präsident Evo Morales zurück, laut dem dies einen Versuch darstellt, Venezuela zu zerstören. Ziel sei es, so Maduro, sein Land in eine Kolonie zu verwandeln und „unsere Unabhängigkeit und Revolution zu vernichten“, zitiert das Nachrichtenportal Noticias24 Maduro. .............http://de.sputniknews.com/politik/20141230/300440824.htmlAnonymous[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1175681583743369857.post-62876342389116447522014-12-30T06:03:17.039+01:002014-12-30T06:03:17.039+01:00Libya contracts U.S. firm to extinguish port stora...Libya contracts U.S. firm to extinguish port storage tanks fire ...<br /><br />(Reuters) - Libya&#39;s recognized government has contracted a U.S. firefighter firm to help extinguish fires at storage tanks at the Es Sider oil port, a spokesman said on Monday.<br /><br />Work would start within five days, government spokesman Mohamed Bazaza said, confirming a statement on a government website. The value of the contract was $6 million, the statement said, without naming the company.Fire has been raging for days at several storage tanks at Es Sider, Libya&#39;s biggest oil port, due to clashes of brigades allied with competing governments vying for control of the country&#39;s oil facilities.<br />http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/12/29/us-libya-security-idUSKBN0K71IR20141229?feedType=RSS&amp;feedName=worldNewsAnonymous[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1175681583743369857.post-69904814929900019862014-12-30T05:59:17.472+01:002014-12-30T05:59:17.472+01:00Disparition d&#39;un avion d&#39;AirAsia - Les Eta...Disparition d&#39;un avion d&#39;AirAsia - Les Etats-Unis envoient un destroyer sur zone...<br /><br />(Belga) Les Etats-Unis ont annoncé lundi l&#39;envoi d&#39;un destroyer, le USS Sampson, vers la zone de recherche de l&#39;Airbus d&#39;AirAsia, disparu depuis dimanche entre Java et Singapour.<br /><br />Le bâtiment militaire devrait arriver sur place dans la journée de mardi, a précisé le commandement américain de la flotte pacifique dans un communiqué. Le destroyer USS Sampson &quot;a été envoyé pour aider aux opérations de recherche du vol 8501 d&#39;AirAsia&quot;, a confirmé de son côté le porte-parole du Pentagone John Kirby sur son compte Twitter................http://www.rtl.be/info/monde/international/disparition-d-un-avion-d-airasia-les-etats-unis-envoient-un-destroyer-sur-zone-687764.aspxAnonymous[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1175681583743369857.post-11956130164762291972014-12-30T05:55:33.870+01:002014-12-30T05:55:33.870+01:00Indonesian officials say they are sending teams to...Indonesian officials say they are sending teams to investigate reports of smoke on an island in the area where AirAsia flight QZ8501 has gone missing....<br /><br />The multinational search for the plane has entered a third day, with the operation area now widened to cover 13 zones over land and sea..........http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-30626734Anonymous[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1175681583743369857.post-84570668141379769242014-12-29T22:35:42.482+01:002014-12-29T22:35:42.482+01:00 Wahl in Griechenland Scheitern mit Ansage... Die... Wahl in Griechenland Scheitern mit Ansage...<br /><br />Die Neuwahl stürzt Griechenland in eine Phase der politischen und wirtschaftlichen Instabilität. Dafür ist die Regierung verantwortlich – aber auch die internationale Troika. <br /><br />Als die Krakeeler zu laut wurden, schaltete das Parlamentsfernsehen ab. Ministerpräsident Antonis Samaras steuerte nach der gescheiterten dritten Runde für die Wahl eines neuen Präsidenten auf einen Ausgang aus dem Plenarsaal zu, da schrien ihm die Abgeordneten der rechtsextremen Partei der „Goldenen Morgenröte“ nach, schon sehr bald, nach der nächsten Parlamentswahl, werde auch er ins Gefängnis kommen; dort erwarteten sie ihn........http://www.faz.net/aktuell/politik/ausland/europa/wahl-in-griechenland-scheitern-mit-ansage-13345780.html<br />29/12/14<br /><br />Anonymous[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1175681583743369857.post-51498176970349918632014-12-29T22:29:10.882+01:002014-12-29T22:29:10.882+01:00Angst vor Neuwahlen: Neue Griechen-Krise kann Deut...Angst vor Neuwahlen: Neue Griechen-Krise kann Deutschland 80 Milliarden kosten...<br /><br />Taumelt das Land ins Chaos, fliegt es gar aus der Euro-Zone? Oder bleibt alles ruhig? Der Urnengang im Januar wird für die Griechen zur Schicksalswahl. Auch für Deutschland steht viel auf dem Spiel.<br /><br />Der Albtraum wird Wirklichkeit: Die Wahl eines neuen griechischen Staatspräsidenten ist auch im dritten Anlauf gescheitert. Der Kandidat der Regierungskoalition, Stavros Dimas, verfehlte im Parlament die notwendige Mehrheit..................http://www.welt.de/wirtschaft/article135848025/Neue-Griechen-Krise-kann-Deutschland-80-Milliarden-kosten.html<br />29/12/14Anonymous[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1175681583743369857.post-76167746477040160072014-12-29T22:20:59.740+01:002014-12-29T22:20:59.740+01:00Greek opposition leader vows to protect Greek bank...Greek opposition leader vows to protect Greek bank deposits ...<br /><br />(Reuters) - Greek opposition leader Alexis Tsipras on Monday promised to protect bank deposits in the country if he came to power in next month&#39;s election, in a bid to allay fears that his government would put the wealth of Greeks at risk.<br /><br />&quot;A Syriza government and its allies will safeguard - without any footnotes or asterisks - the deposits of citizens at Greek banks, in cooperation with the European Central Bank and European partners,&quot; Tsipras said in a speech.<br /><br />&quot;Let&#39;s put an end to the horror stories.&quot;<br /><br />Greece&#39;s parliament failed to elect a president in a final round of voting earlier on Monday, triggering the dissolution of parliament and early elections, which will be held on Jan. 25.<br /><br />(Reporting by Angeliki Koutantou)<br />http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/12/29/us-greece-vote-tsipras-idUSKBN0K71AB20141229?feedType=RSS&amp;feedName=worldNews<br />29/12/14Anonymous[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1175681583743369857.post-27014321966133772232014-12-29T22:13:55.535+01:002014-12-29T22:13:55.535+01:00Fitch senkt Ausblick für 20 russische Banken auf „...Fitch senkt Ausblick für 20 russische Banken auf „negativ“ ...<br /><br />Die internationale Ratingagentur Fitch hat den Ausblick für die Bonität von 20 russischen Banken von „stabil“ auf „negativ“ gesenkt. Das teilte die Agentur am Montag mit.<br /><br />Betroffen sind unter anderem die Moskauer Kreditbank, die Bank St. Petersburg, Zenit, Absolut, die LOKO-Bank, die Moscow Narodny Bank, die Expo-Bank und die Uraltransbank. Ihre Entscheidung begründete die Agentur mit einer möglichen ökonomischen Rezession in Russland, einer starken Abwertung des Rubels und mit der steigenden Inflation..................http://de.sputniknews.com/wirtschaft/20141229/300437190.html<br />29/12/14Anonymous[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1175681583743369857.post-68912891808021894302014-12-29T22:06:39.662+01:002014-12-29T22:06:39.662+01:00Earthquake M 4.7 - ADRIATIC SEA - 60 km NW of Tira...Earthquake M 4.7 - ADRIATIC SEA - 60 km NW of Tirana, Albania - local time: 21:34 ....<br /><br />Magnitude ML 4.7<br />Region ADRIATIC SEA<br />Date time 2014-12-29 20:34:13.7 UTC<br />Location 41.66 N ; 19.26 E<br />Depth 10 km<br />Distances <br />60 km NW of Tirana, Albania / pop: 374,801 / local time: 21:34:13.7 2014-12-29<br />35 km SW of Lezhë, Albania / pop: 18,695 / local time: 21:34:13.7 2014-12-29 <br />http://www.emsc-csem.org/Earthquake/earthquake.php?id=415404Anonymous[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1175681583743369857.post-81887598275906411582014-12-29T18:50:45.971+01:002014-12-29T18:50:45.971+01:00Virgin Atlantic plane lands safely at UK airport a...Virgin Atlantic plane lands safely at UK airport after fault ...<br /><br />A Virgin Atlantic passenger plane safely carried out a &quot;non-standard&quot; landing at London&#39;s Gatwick airport today after a landing gear problem, with television pictures showing the plane intact and stationary on the runway.<br /><br />&quot;Virgin Atlantic can confirm that flight VS43 has landed safely back at Gatwick,&quot; the company said in a statement. &quot;Our priority now is to look after our passengers and crew.&quot;<br /><br />Television pictures showed the aircraft made a slightly bumpy, but otherwise regular landing. Passengers could not yet be seen exiting the plane, which was shown surrounded by emergency service vehicles.....................http://www.buenosairesherald.com/article/178330/virgin-atlantic-plane-lands-safely-at-uk-airport-after-faultAnonymous[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1175681583743369857.post-29001554637481362862014-12-29T18:39:24.322+01:002014-12-29T18:39:24.322+01:00Poroshenko: Negotiations in Donbas are only possib...Poroshenko: Negotiations in Donbas are only possible with those who will be elected according to Ukrainian laws...<br /><br />The process of peaceful settlement in eastern Ukraine will begin after local elections there, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko said. <br />http://www.kyivpost.com/content/ukraine/poroshenko-negotiations-in-donbas-are-only-possible-with-those-who-will-be-elected-according-to-ukrainian-laws-376386.html<br />29/12/14Anonymous[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1175681583743369857.post-3735634918685104672014-12-29T18:27:12.697+01:002014-12-29T18:27:12.697+01:00Putin discusses economic situation in Ukraine with...Putin discusses economic situation in Ukraine with IMF Managing Director — Kremlin ...<br /><br />Russian President Vladimir Putin and IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde discussed financial and economic situation in Ukraine on Monday, the Kremlin press service reported.<br />http://itar-tass.com/en/economy/769905<br />29/12/14Anonymous[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1175681583743369857.post-9923686539114649892014-12-29T18:10:40.804+01:002014-12-29T18:10:40.804+01:00Russian project jeopardizes Turkey’s energy advant...Russian project jeopardizes Turkey’s energy advantage ...<br /><br />Russia’s proposal to sell gas to Europe via Turkey with the so-called ‘Turkish Stream’ will jeopardize Ankara’s strategic importance, according to an energy expert. Turkey’s advantage stems from providing an alternative to decrease Europe’s dependence on Russia, says Mithat Balkan, a former Turkish energy envoy.<br /><br />Russia’s proposal to sell gas to Europe via Turkey, the so called “Turkish Stream,” to replace the South Stream may jeopardize Turkish interests, according to an energy expert. “Turkey’s advantage is to provide an alternative gas supply to Europe; the Turkish stream will risk this advantage,” said Mithat Balkan, a former ambassador.<br /><br />Were you surprised when Russia canceled the South Stream project?<br /><br />I was surprised, but it seemed to come with the stance the EU had taken against Russia. With the unbundling issue [EU provision, which requires the separation of gas production and sale operation from the transmission networks, to the effect that a single company may not both own and operate a gas pipeline] and the EU’s strict attitude to not have Russia dominate that part of Europe; it seemed it was going to happen, but such a swift action was a surprise for everyone.....................http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/russian-project-jeopardizes-turkeys-energy-advantage.aspx?pageID=238&amp;nID=76205&amp;NewsCatID=348<br />29/12/14Anonymous[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1175681583743369857.post-38759597117298996572014-12-29T17:29:05.520+01:002014-12-29T17:29:05.520+01:00IMF asks Russia to delay Ukraine&#39;s debt paymen...IMF asks Russia to delay Ukraine&#39;s debt payment ...<br /><br />The next tranche from the IMF to Ukraine is likely to be delayed. The work on the program will not be not possible until all 15 billion dollars are collected. If the amount is not collected, Ukraine will face a formal default caused by the need to restructure its debt.<br /><br />The IMF, to facilitate the transfer of financial assistance to Ukraine, offers Russia to allow Ukraine to delay the payment of its debt on Eurobonds for several years ahead. Otherwise, other countries may refuse to allocate financial assistance to Ukraine.<br /><br />&quot;The IMF will not be able to assign $15 billion at once. The IMF board of directors is not likely to agree upon the allocation of such a large amount. The maximum the fund can allocate is 7-8 billion dollars. For Europe and America the allocation of funds lies within the sphere of a political conflict,&quot; RIA Novosti reports. <br /><br />In 2015, Ukraine has to pay six and a half billion dollars of debt - a half of this amount is to be paid to Russia. Sources say that the Russian authorities have showed a negative reaction to the IMF&#39;s suggestion for the time being.<br />http://english.pravda.ru/news/world/29-12-2014/129413-imf_russia_ukraine-0/#.VKGBGcw7IAnonymous[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1175681583743369857.post-46904088964629692652014-12-29T17:21:01.387+01:002014-12-29T17:21:01.387+01:00Moscow regrets Red Cross official describing aid c...Moscow regrets Red Cross official describing aid convoys to Ukraine as invasion ...<br /><br /> The Russian Foreign Ministry has expressed regret over the comments the chief of the Russian Red Cross Office, Igor Trunov, made regarding Russia’s humanitarian convoys to eastern Ukraine.<br /><br />“It is for a third day running that Ukrainian media have been replicating comments by the head of the Moscow office of the Russian Red Cross, Igor Trunov, regarding Russian humanitarian assistance to Ukraine’s southeast,” the Foreign Ministry said. “Judging by these reports this humanitarian aid functionary has all of a sudden decided to describe the Emergencies Ministry convoys as ‘invasion’ and to interpret the humanitarian cargoes as “dual purpose products.”<br /><br />“Such irresponsible statements cannot but cause regret,” the Russian Foreign Ministry said. “As is known, in making arrangements for this humanitarian operation Russia has permanently dispatched invitations to cooperate to the Ukrainian side and the International Committee of the Red Cross. The latest convoys carrying Russian humanitarian aid were inspected by Russian border guards. We hope that this procedure will be continued.”.................http://itar-tass.com/en/russia/769882<br />29/12/14Anonymous[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1175681583743369857.post-87883151778423124892014-12-29T17:11:10.063+01:002014-12-29T17:11:10.063+01:00Kiew verschärft Krim-Blockade ... Die Einwohner d...Kiew verschärft Krim-Blockade ...<br /><br />Die Einwohner der Halbinsel Krim kämpfen im täglichen Leben mit vielen Hindernissen und Mängeln, schreibt die &quot;Nesawissimaja Gaseta&quot; am Montag.<br /><br />Kurz vor dem Jahreswechsel hat die Ukraine den Bahn- und Busverkehr mit der Krim blockiert. Zudem gibt es auf der Halbinsel Probleme mit der Stromversorgung. Darüber hinaus verweigern die internationalen Kreditkartenfirmen Visa und MasterCard die Bedienung von Bankkarten. <br /><br />Die Behörden in Kiew begründen die sich häufenden Stromausfälle mit der fehlenden Kohle aus dem umkämpften Donezbecken.<br /><br />Am 24. Dezember war die komplette Halbinsel erstmals ohne Strom geblieben. Die Sprecherin des ukrainischen Energieministeriums, Anna Dudka, teilte mit, dass „die Verbrauchobergrenze überschritten worden“ sei. Der Strom sei vom Energieversorger Ukrenergo abgeschaltet worden...................http://de.sputniknews.com/zeitungen/20141229/300420475.html<br />29/12/14Anonymous[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1175681583743369857.post-72981053265567274812014-12-29T17:06:51.344+01:002014-12-29T17:06:51.344+01:00Kiev prêt à décréter l&#39;état d&#39;urgence en c...Kiev prêt à décréter l&#39;état d&#39;urgence en cas de reprise des hostilités (Porochenko) ...<br /><br />Kiev est prêt à décréter l&#39;état d&#39;urgence en cas de reprise des hostilités dans le sud-est de l&#39;Ukraine, a annoncé lundi le président Piotr Porochenko lors d&#39;une conférence de presse.<br /><br />&quot;L&#39;état d&#39;urgence sera déclaré dès lors que les hostilités auront repris&quot;, a déclaré le chef de l&#39;Etat ukrainien.<br /><br />Selon lui, les deux dernières réunions du Conseil de sécurité de l&#39;Ukraine étaient consacrées à la mise au point d&#39;un scénario d&#39;intensification de la production d&#39;armements dans le pays.<br /><br />&quot;Il s&#39;agit d&#39;un plan d&#39;action à réaliser en cas de rupture du processus de paix. Rien ne nous empêche aujourd&#39;hui de prendre des mesures efficaces&quot;, a souligné M. Porochenko..................http://fr.ria.ru/world/20141229/203335588.html<br />29/12/14Anonymous[email protected]