“Taking into account the European Commission’s position, which is not
contributing to the realization of this project, taking into account the
fact that we have only recently received permission from the respective
organizations in the Netherlands… Taking into account the fact that we
still have not received Bulgaria’s permission, we think that Russia is
unable to continue realization of this project in such conditions,”
Putin said at a press conference following talks with Turkish President
Recep Tayyip Erdogan................................Russia is unable to continue the South Stream gas pipeline
(Global Breaking News as comments 11/12/14 --- 20/12/14)
(Global Flash News as comments 11/12/14 --- 20/12/14)
(Global Flash News as comments 11/12/14 --- 20/12/14)
Afghan President Asraf Ghani has said the CIA's brutal interrogation programme "violated all accepted norms of human rights in the world"...
ReplyDeleteHe is among many world leaders condemning how the agency imprisoned and questioned al-Qaeda suspects.
A US Senate report on the programme has said the harsh methods did not lead to unique intelligence that foiled plots.
The report also concluded the agency misled politicians and public about the 2001-2007 programme.
The CIA has defended its actions in the years after the 9/11 attacks on the US, saying they saved lives.
And President Barack Obama has said it was now time to move on, despite acknowledging some of the CIA's actions amounted to torture.
None of the countries where the prisons were located has been identified in the report, but several countries suspected to have hosted sites reacted strongly to the publication...............http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-30420364
Detroit Emerges from Biggest City Bankruptcy in US History ...
ReplyDeleteDetroit Mayor Mike Duggan says it is a "fresh start" for his city, which emerged Wednesday from the biggest-ever bankruptcy for a U.S. city.
Duggan says Detroit will do the best it can to deliver the services its residents deserve.
Under a plan approved by a federal bankruptcy court, the city will shed $7 billion of its $18 billion debt and reinvest almost $2 billion into city services and infrastructure............http://www.voanews.com/content/detroit-emerges-from-biggest-city-bankrupcy-in-us-history/2554436.html
Ukraine’s new minister of economic development says Ukraine is bankrupt ...
ReplyDeleteUkraine’s new Minister of Economic Development and Trade Aivaras Abromavicius said on Wednesday the country was in fact a bankrupt.
“The state, as a matter of fact, is a bankrupt, so, it is simply unrealistic to expect us to offer real, but not declarative, programmes of motivation,” he said at a session of the Verkhovna Rada /parliament/ committee for economic policy. “Hence, the main thing now is not to impede businesses, and business will put things at rights.”
He promised that it would take about two years for Ukraine to be ranked among top 50 countries in the Doing Business rating. “The government’s position is like this: rules for businesses - small, medium-sized and big - should be the same. No business should enjoy preferences, unnecessary privileges, monopolization of entire industries. Our position is to re-regulate this sphere to stop inspections, to cancel licensing that has no sense,” he said.............http://itar-tass.com/en/economy/766305
Security forces in the West Bank are staying on high alert throughout the night ahead of the funeral of Ziad Abu Ein later in the day, Israel Radio reported Thursday...
ReplyDeleteAbu Ein died Wednesday during a demonstration near the village of Turmus Aiya.
The cause of his death is not yet clear.
President George W Bush 'knew everything' about CIA interrogation...
ReplyDeleteFormer US President George W Bush was "fully informed" about CIA interrogation techniques condemned in a Senate report, his vice-president says.
Speaking to Fox News, Dick Cheney said Mr Bush "knew everything he needed to know" about the programme, and the report was "full of crap".
The CIA has defended its use of methods such as waterboarding on terror suspects after the 9/11 attacks.
The Senate report said the agency misled politicians about the programme.
But the former Republican vice-president dismissed this, saying: "The notion that the committee is trying to peddle that somehow the agency was operating on a rogue basis and that we weren't being told - that the president wasn't being told - is a flat-out lie."
In the interview on Thursday, Mr Cheney said the report was "deeply flawed" and a "terrible piece of work", although he admitted he had not read the whole document.
President Bush "knew everything he needed to know, and wanted to know" about CIA interrogation, he said. "He knew the techniques... there was no effort on my part to keep it from him....................http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-30427211
Fidel Castro lauréat en Chine d'un prix de la paix alternatif au Nobel...
ReplyDeleteUn groupe d'intellectuels chinois a décerné à Fidel Castro un "prix de la paix" qui se veut une alternative au prestigieux Nobel, en saluant les efforts de l'ex-président cubain pour "résoudre les crises internationales".
"Castro, quand il était au pouvoir, n'a pas eu recours à la force ou à la violence pour résoudre les crises et les conflits dans les relations internationales, en particulier avec les Etats-Unis", a assuré Liu Zhiqin, l'un des organisateurs du "Prix de la paix Confucius", cité jeudi par le journal Global Times.
Le père de la Révolution cubaine, depuis qu'il a pris sa retraite en 2008, "s'est employé sans relâche à rencontrer des dirigeants et des organisations étrangères et a beaucoup servi la cause de l'élimination des armes nucléaires", a-t-il ajouté..................http://www.rtl.be/info/monde/international/fidel-castro-laureat-en-chine-d-un-prix-de-la-paix-alternatif-au-nobel-683294.aspx
Presentarán 200 demandas al Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos por violencia en Ucrania...
ReplyDeleteRusia presentará los próximos días 200 demandas al Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos (TEDH) por casos de violencia, registrados durante el conflicto en Ucrania, publica este jueves el diario ruso Izvestia.
El rotativo precisa que se trata de los crímenes de guerra, matanzas, torturas y secuestros que tuvieron lugar no solo en las regiones independentistas del este, pero también en el territorio que está bajo el control del Gobierno, en particular en las ciudades como Járkov, Dnepropetrovsk y Odessa.................http://sp.ria.ru/revista_de_prensa/20141211/163576819.html
An al-Qaeda affiliate in Yemen says it targeted a U.S.-Yemeni air base with rockets in retaliation for a U.S. raid on the group’s hideout to free an American hostage...
ReplyDeleteWitnesses say a powerful explosion rocked the Al-Annad base early Thursday in the southern province of Lahj.................http://english.alarabiya.net/en/News/middle-east/2014/12/11/Explosion-rocks-U-S-Yemeni-military-base.html
Gazprom avertit sur les risques du transit du gaz via l'Ukraine...
ReplyDeleteEn janvier et en février 2015 les possibilités pour le transit du gaz russe vers l'Europe baisseront étant donné que l'Ukraine a acheté de petites quantités du gaz russe en décembre 2014, a déclaré aux journalistes de télévision russes le porte-parole de Gazprom Sergueï Kouprianov.
Il a noté qu'en décembre l'Ukraine n'avait acheté qu'un milliard de mètres cubes de gaz tandis qu'en hiver l'achat du gaz devait s'élever à 2 milliards de mètres cubes par mois. Avant Nafrogaz d'Ukraine n'achetait pas du gaz ayant utilisé les réserves des dépôts souterrains.
Le 9 décembre l'Ukraine a repris les importations de gaz depuis la Russie.
Lire la suite: http://french.ruvr.ru/news/2014_12_11/Gazprom-avertit-sur-les-risques-du-transit-du-gaz-via-lUkraine-8134/
Türkei geht auf Distanz zu Gas-Deal mit Russland ...
ReplyDeleteTrotz des russischen Angebots zum Bau einer gemeinsamen Gasleitung hält die Türkei nach Angaben ihres Außenministers Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu den Bau der Transanatolischen Pipeline (TANAP) für wichtiger, schreibt die Zeitung „RBC“ am Donnerstag.
„Wir werden das Angebot von Wladimir Putin in Bezug auf eine neue Gaspipeline durch die Türkei erörtern und beurteilen. Doch das TANAP-Projekt hat weiter Priorität“, sagte der türkische Außenminister nach einem Treffen mit seinen georgischen und aserbaidschanischen Amtskollegen. Er erinnerte daran, dass Ankara und Moskau eine Absichtserklärung unterzeichnet haben, die Gespräche über den Bau einer Gaspipeline aus Russland in die Türkei vorsieht. Nach den Erörterungen werde die Türkei ihre Antwort geben, so Çavuşoğlu.
Das russische Energieministerium und der Energiekonzern Gazprom nahmen bislang keine Stellung zu den Äußerungen des türkischen Chefdiplomaten.......Weiterlesen: http://german.ruvr.ru/news/2014_12_11/Turkei-geht-auf-Distanz-zu-Gas-Deal-mit-Russland-0666/
Exclusive: Crimean leader in New Delhi during Putin visit ...
ReplyDeleteThe leader of Crimea, the former Ukrainian territory annexed by Russia, arrived for unofficial talks in New Delhi on Thursday as President Vladimir Putin met Prime Minister Narendra Modi for a summit.
Sergey Aksyonov met a Mumbai businessman to discuss boosting trade with the Black Sea region. India does not support Western sanctions against Russia, but the meeting may prove an irritant before President Barack Obama visits India in January.
Russian officials declined to comment, but a senior diplomat arrived with Aksyonov at an upscale New Delhi hotel for the meeting to sign a memorandum with a business group called the Indian-Crimean Partnership..................http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/12/11/us-india-russia-crimea-exclusive-idUSKBN0JP0HD20141211?feedType=RSS&feedName=worldNews
Euro-Krise: Griechenland sollte aus dem Euro austreten...
ReplyDeleteDas Krisenkind Europas steht vor Wahlen – und hat wieder Probleme. Das Verlassen der Euro-Zone wäre eine Lösung. Aber auch dann müsste die EU Griechenland weiter mit Milliarden unterstützen.
Nichts ist gut in Griechenland. Freilich: Die Wirtschaft ist im Sommer mit 0,7 Prozent so stark gewachsen wie in keinem anderen Euro-Land. Es kann sogar sein, dass die Rezession nach sechs Jahren vorüber ist. Aber Griechenland ist dabei, die zarten Erfolge wieder zu ruinieren.
Die Anleger verlieren das Vertrauen, dreijährige Staatsanleihen rentieren bei sagenhaften 8,5 Prozent, die Börse bricht ein. Wenn die Regierung die bisherigen Reformerfolge nicht verspielen will, muss sie noch zwei Schippen drauflegen, anstatt die internationalen Finanzkontrolleure schnellstmöglich abschütteln zu wollen und die bisherigen Erfolge in rosaroten Farben zu preisen.
Es ist zweifelhaft, dass es dazu kommt. Spätestens Anfang Februar drohen Neuwahlen, aus der die linken Reformbremser als Sieger hervorgehen dürften. Und selbst, wenn es anders kommen sollte, weil man sich doch noch rechtzeitig auf einen neuen Staatspräsidenten einigt: Das Volk ist reformmüde, und darum wird es die von den internationalen Geldgebern geforderten weiteren Strukturanpassungen nur sehr unvollkommen geben.....................http://www.welt.de/debatte/kommentare/article135237726/Griechenland-sollte-aus-dem-Euro-austreten.html
Russia Baltic military actions 'unprecedented' - Poland...
ReplyDeletePoland says the level of Russian naval and air force activity in the Baltic Sea region has been "unprecedented" this week.
Defence Minister Tomasz Siemoniak said most of the activity was in international waters and airspace and Sweden was the country most affected.
Nato partners of the Baltic states, including the UK, have military jets on an air policing mission in the region, monitoring the Russian planes.
Fighting in Ukraine has raised tension.
Mr Siemoniak said Russia was "not preparing to attack" but it was testing Nato defences, which "does not serve to build good relationships and trust".
The three small ex-Soviet states in the Baltic - Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania - joined Nato in 2004.
Speaking on the Polish news channel TVN24, he said there was no need to put the Polish army on a state of high alert.
Nato and Ukraine accuse Russia of fomenting the conflict in eastern Ukraine and supplying the pro-Russian rebels there with troops and heavy weapons. Russia denies the allegations, but admits that Russian "volunteers" are helping the rebels..............http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-30429349
European Union foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini will travel to Kiev on Tuesday for talks with Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko on the crisis in the rebel-held east of the country, the EU said on Thursday...
ReplyDeleteShe will also raise economic, political and judicial reforms that the EU believes are urgently needed in Ukraine.
Her trip will follow a visit to Brussels on Monday by Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseny Yatseniuk to follow up on an economic and political cooperation agreement signed in June.
Mogherini, the former Italian foreign minister, has said she is ready to help resolve the crisis over Moscow's annexation of Ukraine's Crimea region and its support for separatist rebels in eastern Ukraine, which led the EU and United States to impose economic sanctions on Russia..................http://www.todayonline.com/world/eu-foreign-policy-chief-visit-ukraine-next-week
Economic Recession Creating Rise of Homelessness in US ...
ReplyDeletehe United States has the highest levels of homelessness among all industrialized countries, the National Coalition for the Homeless (NCH) said, according to France24.com.
The number of homeless people in the US is “historic”, NCH representative said, according to the newspaper. The economic recession has made the situation for families more complicated, with many of them being not able to make ends meet.
“People can work 40 hours a week at a full-time job, at minimum wage, and still be below the poverty line," stated member of NCH board, Yvonne Vissing. "Most homeless people do work but they cannot keep up with the costs of living. Housing affordability and accessibility is a major problem," she added...............http://sputniknews.com/us/20141211/1015733137.html
More than 97% of all samples analysed as part of the latest Europe-wide monitoring programme of pesticides in foods contain residue levels that fall within legal limits - with over 54% of samples free from any detectable trace of the chemicals....
ReplyDeleteThese findings are part of the European Food Safety Authority’s (EFSA) 2012 annual report on pesticide residues in food. The report is based on the analysis of almost 79,000 food samples carried out by 27 EU Member States, Iceland and Norway.
This wide-ranging scrutiny of pesticide residues in foods sees each of the 29 reporting countries carry out two control programmes: a national programme designed by each country and an EU-coordinated programme requiring all national food control authorities to conduct consistent monitoring activities. In 2012, 12 food products were analysed as part of the EU coordinated programme for a total of 205 different pesticides. For both programmes some 78,390 samples of more than 750 different food products were tested for the presence of nearly 800 pesticides and metabolites...............http://www.efsa.europa.eu/en/press/news/141211b.htm
España y su sector financiero progresan adecuadamente, pero la resaca de la crisis deja aún enormes bolsas de vulnerabilidad....
ReplyDeleteLa Comisión Europea ha presentado hoy la segunda evaluación tras el final del rescate financiero español que obligó al Gobierno a pedir a los socios europeos 40.000 millones de euros tras la crisis de Bankia. El sector financiero se ha estabilizado, superó sin problemas los exámenes del BCE y sigue reforzándose, según Bruselas. Y aún así el informe está plagado de peros. El fundamental es que la economía y la banca española se han beneficiado del oasis en los mercados con subidas en las Bolsas y tranquilidad en la deuda pública: si regresan las turbulencias (y aquí y allá hay señales de que eso puede suceder), volverán a ponerse de manifiesto las flaquezas. “España no pudo escapar del último lío en los mercados, y eso demuestra que sigue siendo vulnerable a cambios repentinos en el sentimiento de los inversores globales”, dice el informe..................http://economia.elpais.com/economia/2014/12/11/actualidad/1418306714_297879.html
Nouvelles sanctions antirusses: Obama réticent (médias)...
ReplyDeleteLe président américain Barack Obama s'est montré réticent face à l'adoption de nouvelles sanctions contre la Russie si celles-ci risquent de provoquer des divisions entre les Etats-Unis et l'Europe, rapportent jeudi les agences occidentales.
"L'idée selon laquelle il nous suffirait d'augmenter les sanctions encore et encore et qu'à la fin (Vladimir) Poutine changera d'avis est, à mon avis, une erreur de calcul", a déclaré le locataire de la Maison Blanche, intervenant devant le Conseil des exportateurs américains.
Et d'ajouter qu'une surenchère en la matière pourrait être contre-productive, en provoquant de surcroît des divisions entre les Etats-Unis et leurs alliés européens................http://fr.ria.ru/world/20141211/203206713.html
Barack Obama doubts the need in more sanctions against Russia ...
DeleteUS President Barack Obama does not consider it reasonable to impose new sanctions on Russia if they lead to a split between the United States and Europe.
"The notion that we can simply ratchet up sanctions further and further and further and then ultimately Putin changes his mind, I think is a miscalculation," Obama said.
Obama said he did not support the idea of introducing additional sanctions against Russia without coordinating them with European allies................http://english.pravda.ru/news/world/12-12-2014/129293-barack_obama_russia_sanctions-0/#.VIsf78kYE9Q
Surge in extremism in Mideast result of West's short-sighted policy ...
ReplyDeleteRussian presidential chief of staff Sergey Ivanov said on Thursday the aggravation of the situation in the Middle East and North Africa was one of the results of certain Western countries’ policy.
“The short-sighted policy by certain Western countries led, diplomatically speaking, to a rapid surge in religious extremism in the Middle East and North Africa,” Ivanov said.
He expressed concern over the state of believers and religious minorities in the Middle East and North Africa. “We watch the complicated processes in the Middle East and North Africa where the ethno-confessional balance is destroyed,” he said at a session of the Council for Interaction with Religious Associations.
Read more: http://indian.ruvr.ru/news/2014_12_11/Surge-in-extremism-in-Mideast-result-of-Wests-short-sighted-policy-5228/
US House passes 1.1-tln-USD govt spending bill ...
ReplyDeleteThe US House of Representatives on Thursday night voted to pass a 1.1-trillion-US-dollar spending bill that would fund most of the US government through September next year, sending the bill to the Senate, just hours ahead of a midnight deadline to avert a government shutdown.
‘CIA HQ ordered torture of prisoners, but only low-level staff may face prosecution’ ...
ReplyDeleteThe Senate’s report into CIA torture activities is facing criticism for lacking testimonies from the agency’s staff and the victims, professor Ben Davis told RT. He said that prosecuting low-level staffers isn't enough, as torture orders came from above.
Professor at the University of Toledo College of Law and member of Advocates for US Torture Prosecutions, Ben Davis, called for everyone responsible for torture to be held accountable............./rt.com/op-edge/213707-cia-torture-brennan-prosecution/
US Senate Passes Bill to Arm Ukraine, Impose Sanctions on Russia ..
ReplyDelete– US Senators have passed legislation to impose harsher sanctions on Russia over its alleged involvement in the Ukrainian conflict and provide lethal and non-lethal aid to Ukraine, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee has announced.
"The hesitant US response to Russia's continued invasion of Ukraine threatens to escalate this conflict even further. Unanimous support for our bill demonstrates a firm commitment to Ukrainian sovereignty and to making sure [Russian President Vladimir] Putin pays for his assault on freedom and security in Europe," Republican Senator Bob Corker said, as quoted by the Foreign Relations Committee Thursday.
According to the Committee, the bill, which was coauthored by Corker and Senator Robert Menendez, would provide Ukraine with "lethal military and non-military assistance" as well as "energy, defense sector, and civil society assistance" and would expand sanctions against Russia................http://sputniknews.com/politics/20141212/1015758019.html
Poroschenko: Echte Waffenruhe in Ukraine hergestellt...
ReplyDeleteDer ukrainische Präsident Pjotr Poroschenko hat am Freitag gesagt, dass in der Ukraine eine "echte Waffenruhe“ hergestellt ist.
„Ich habe eine positive Nachricht. Heute (am Freitag) ist in der Ukraine erstmals in den sieben Monaten eine echte Waffenruhe fixiert“, zitiert AFP Poroschenko, der sich zu einem Besuch in Australien aufhält.
„Das ist die erste Nacht, in der kein ukrainischer Armeeangehöriger getötet bzw. verletzt wurde“, fügte er hinzu.............http://de.ria.ru/politics/20141212/270194449.html
Obama to impose sanctions on Venezuela's officials...
ReplyDeleteUS President Barack Obama will sign a bill, imposing sanctions on Venezuela's government officials over human rights violations, following arrests of thousands of activists, who took part in anti-government demonstrations.
US President Barack Obama will levy sanctions on Venezuela's government officials over human rights abuses, White House spokesperson Josh Earnest has announced.
Read more: http://indian.ruvr.ru/2014_12_12/281185099/
Le Sénat américain a adopté jeudi un projet de loi autorisant le président Barack Obama à introduire de nouvelles sanctions contre la Russie, rapporte RIA Novosti....
ReplyDeleteLe projet de loi autorise le président à imposer des sanctions aux fonctionnaires russes et aux sociétés contrôlées par le gouvernement. Il prévoit notamment des sanctions à l'encontre des représentants étrangers si le président des Etats-Unis « décide qu'ils font d'importants investissements dans certains projets russes liés au pétrole ».
Lire la suite: http://french.ruvr.ru/news/2014_12_12/USA-le-Senat-adopte-un-projet-de-loi-sur-les-sanctions-anti-russes-4125/
'Fragile' Cease-Fire Holds in Ukraine ...
ReplyDeleteUkraine's president says a "fragile" cease-fire is actually in place for the first time in his country's seven-month conflict between government troops and Russian-back separatists.
Petro Poroshenko said Friday that 24 hours had passed without any deaths or injuries of his soldiers.
Poroshenko said if the cease-fire held it would be "a great step for peace and stability in Ukraine."
The president called for the truce Tuesday in a bid to revive a much-violated cease-fire agreement signed in September.
The Ukrainian leader made his comments in Sydney, Australia, on the second day of a three-day visit to Australia, a key Western ally............http://www.voanews.com/content/fragile-cease-fire-holds-in-ukraine/2556096.html
Unknown attacker opens fire at Israeli embassy in Athens ...
ReplyDeleteAn unknown attacker on a motorcycle opened fire at the Israeli embassy in the Greek capital on Friday. Nobody was hurt, AFP reported.
When passing by, the motorcyclist opened fire at the diplomatic representative office from a submachine gun, supposedly of a Kalashnikov type, witnesses said.
Police are investigating the incident.
Diplomats and embassies were repeatedly attacked by rightist activists in Athens in recent years, AFP said.
The German embassy was under fire twice from a grenade launcher in 1999 and from a submachine gun in 2013. The US embassy was attacked in 2007. Nobody was hurt in the incidents.
Unidentified assailants opened fire on the Israeli embassy in Athens with a Kalashnikov assault rifle in the early hours of Friday, police said, but no injuries or damage were reported...
DeleteFour people on two motorcycles fired shots at the embassy building in a northern suburb of Athens, a police official said. Bullets were lodged in the walls, while 15 spent bullet cases were found about 40 metres from the building.
Police have cordoned off the area around the embassy, which has not been a target in other acts of low-level violence in Greece in recent years as an economic crisis raises social and political tensions.
Shots were also fired at the German ambassador's residence in Athens last year.
El anarquista Grupo de Luchadores Populares (GLP) es responsable del ataque de este viernes contra la Embajada israelí en Atenas, informó la web griega Proto Thema...
DeleteLas pruebas balísticas mostraron que la delegación diplomática fue tiroteada con los mismos fusiles Kalashnikov con los que anarquistas atacaron la residencia del embajador alemán el año pasado. El GLP se atribuyó entonces la responsabilidad del ataque.............http://mundo.sputniknews.com/europa/20141212/1032321959.html
Algerian FM says some EU diplomats behave like 'autocrats' ...
ReplyDeleteAlgerian Foreign Minister Ramtane Lamamra on Thursday said that the country rejects any foreign interference in its internal affairs, in response to recent statements attributed by local media to an EU diplomat, who blamed the North African nation political "status-quo."
"We do not accept interference in Algerian affairs either by states or international organizations," Lamamra said at a press conference at the end of the second High-level Conference on Security and Peace in Africa, that was held for three days in the western province of Oran.
A couple of days ago, local media reported statements made by an EU diplomat to Algerian journalists in Brussels, as he criticised "the reelection of President Abdelaziz Bouteflika for a fourth term," saying "an authoritarian regime cannot pretend granting stability," and that "the authorities in Algeria confuse democracy with stability."
In reference to the Algerian presidential reelection, the unnamed EU diplomat further added that "The political situation in Algeria is difficult. Unfortunately the desired democratic transition; aspired both inside and outside the country, has not been achieved."................http://www.globaltimes.cn/content/896434.shtml
L'Ukraine compte appeler 40 000 soldats en 2015...
ReplyDeleteL'Ukraine, engagée dans un conflit armé avec les séparatistes prorusses dans l'Est, compte appeler 40 000 soldats en 2015 et doubler son budget militaire, a déclaré vendredi le ministre de la Défense Stepan Poltorak.
"Nous prévoyons d'appeler en 2015 40 000 hommes et former 10 500 personnes qui feront leur service sur contrat", a déclaré Stepan Poltorak lors d'une intervention devant le Parlement ukrainien.
Après avoir renoncé à la conscription en octobre 2013, l'Ukraine a renoué avec ce système en mai, deux mois après l'annexion de la Crimée par la Russie et face à la rébellion séparatiste prorusse dans l'Est, soutenue militairement par la Russie selon Kiev...............http://www.rtbf.be/info/monde/detail_l-ukraine-compte-appeler-40-000-soldats-en-2015?id=8562995
Ukraine-Konflikt: Kiew will keinen Frieden ...
ReplyDeleteIn Minsk soll heute eine neue Verhandlungsrunde zwischen Vertretern der Ukraine und der selbsternannten Volksrepubliken Donezk und Lugansk stattfinden, schreibt die "Rossijskaja Gaseta" am Freitag.
Bei diesen Gesprächen soll die Regierung in Kiew eine Antwort auf die Frage geben, was sie teurer zu stehen kommt: ein echter Frieden oder ein „unechter“ Krieg. Die ukrainischen Behörden sind offenbar nicht in der Lage, diese Antwort zu geben: sie beteuern zwar ständig, Frieden im eigenen Land anzustreben, doch bisher konnten sie weder den Termin noch ihre Unterhändler für die Gespräche festlegen.
Am Montag hatte das ukrainische Außenministerium behauptet, Minister Pawel Klimkin würde nicht an den geplanten Beratungen im „Ukraine-OSZE-Donezk-Lugansk“-Format teilnehmen. Nur der ehemalige Präsident Leonid Kutschma könnte bzw. sollte sich daran beteiligen.................http://de.ria.ru/zeitungen/20141212/270196870.html
Les plus grandes villes italiennes bloquées par une grève générale ...
ReplyDeleteUne grève générale a éclaté vendredi en Italie contre la politique économique du gouvernement, à l'initiative des deux plus grands syndicats du pays: la Confédération générale italienne du travail (CGIL), qui compte 6 millions d'adhérents, et l'Union italienne du travail (UIL), qui représente plus de 2 millions de personnes.
La grève nationale devait d'abord se dérouler dans les Apennins mais des différends tactiques entre les dirigeants des trois plus grands syndicats du pays ont empêché d'organiser une action aussi extraordinaire. Au final, la Confédération internationale des syndicats libres (CISL) a lancé une série de manifestations de son côté début décembre. En revanche, l'Union générale du travail (UGL), un syndicat de droite qui ne participe pas en général aux manifestations communes des trois "poids lourds" du mouvement syndical en Italie, s'est jointe à la grève d'aujourd'hui.
Un mouvement sans précédent depuis vingt ans
Les médias du pays soulignent que la grève actuelle est l'action de protestation la plus importante menée par les syndicats ces vingt dernières années.....................http://fr.ria.ru/world/20141212/203212506.html
Clashes as Italian unions strike over Renzi labor reforms...
DeleteDemonstrators clashed with police in Milan and Turin on Friday as two Italian unions held a nationwide strike, the latest in a series of protests against labor reforms that would make it easier for firms to lay off workers.
Police said they made several arrests and television pictures showed officers in riot gear charging protesters who threw firecrackers and other objects.
Prime Minister Matteo Renzi has pledged to push on with his reform program for an economy heading for a third straight year of contraction, but he is facing resistance from both unions and some in his own center-left Democratic Party.
Friday's strike by the CGIL and UIL unions hit public transport, hospitals, schools and civil administrations across Italy, and more than 50 rallies were held..............http://www.todayonline.com/world/clashes-italian-unions-strike-over-renzi-labor-reforms
Two major trade unions in Italy have called for nationwide strikes over changes to the labour market, prompting huge rallies in more than 50 cities across the country...
DeleteAt least 40,000 demonstrators took to the streets of Rome, protesting against Prime Minister Matteo Renzi's reforms, reported the AFP news agency.
The unions intend the rallies to be a show of anger over measures Renzi has defended as necessary to stimulate the country's moribund economy and remedy sickly public finances in line with eurozone rules.
"Today there has been an extraordinary response from workers opposed to the Renzi government's policies," Maurizio Landini, one of the best-known and most militant of Italy's union leaders, told a rally in the northern city of Genoa..................http://www.aljazeera.com/news/europe/2014/12/thousands-protest-labour-reforms-italy-2014121214128478656.html
Rusia condena la profanación de tumbas ortodoxas en Sídney ...
ReplyDeleteEl Ministerio ruso de Exteriores censuró este viernes la profanación de decenas de tumbas en un cementerio en la ciudad australiana de Sídney.
La noche del miércoles al jueves un grupo de asaltantes desconocidos profanó 76 tumbas de rusos emigrados a Australia en la parte ortodoxa del cementerio Rookwood de Sídney, en el estado Nueva Gales del Sur.
"La Cancillería rusa condena la profanación de las tumbas de nuestros compatriotas, es un sacrílego que no puede ser justificado", señala una nota en la web ministerial...........http://mundo.sputniknews.com/mundo/20141212/1032318262.html
Lavrov: Kiev, independence supporters reach ‘difficult’ ceasefire...
ReplyDeleteA chance for peace in Ukraine has appeared, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Friday.
A ceasefire in Ukraine has been reached but with difficulties, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Friday.
“The chance for peace in Ukraine has appeared. It was difficult, but nonetheless a ceasefire has been reached,” Lavrov said.........Read more: http://indian.ruvr.ru/news/2014_12_12/Lavrov-Kiev-ceasefire/
Trois pays peuvent s’opposer à la prolongation de durée des sanctions contre la Russie ...
ReplyDeleteLa position des pays tels que la Hongrie, l'Italie et Chypre pourrait empêcher la prolongation de durée des sanctions contre la Russie expirant en 2015, selon les médias européens.
Selon des journalistes, Budapest, Nicosie et Rome sont en pourparlers avec Moscou sur cette question, ils sont les alliés les plus probables de la Russie.............Lire la suite: http://french.ruvr.ru/news/2014_12_12/Trois-pays-peuvent-s-opposer-a-la-prolongation-de-duree-des-sanctions-contre-la-Russie-0262/
Drei Länder können gegen Verlängerung von Russland-Sanktionen Veto einlegen ...
DeleteEine Verlängerung der Sanktionen gegen die Russischen Föderation, deren Gültigkeitsdauer 2015 zu Ende geht, kann durch die Haltung solcher Staaten wie Ungarn, Italien und Zypern behindert werden, teilen europäische Massenmedien mit.
Nach Angaben von Journalisten verhandeln Budapest, Nikosia und Rom mit Moskau in dieser Frage und sind die wahrscheinlichsten Verbündeten Russlands.
Die Massenmedien verfügen auch über Informationen darüber, dass die Slowakei und Tschechien zu Gunsten Russlands neigen, während Großbritannien, Polen und Schweden eine besonders harte Position gegenüber Russland beziehen.
Für die Verlängerung der Sanktionen ist die Zustimmung aller Mitgliedsländer der Europäischen Union erforderlich.
Weiterlesen: http://german.ruvr.ru/news/2014_12_12/Drei-Lander-konnen-gegen-eine-Verlangerung-von-Russland-Sanktionen-Veto-einlegen-9570/
Le autorità di Londra hanno chiuso lo spazio aereo ...
ReplyDeleteLe autorità di Londra hanno chiuso lo spazio aereo sopra la città a causa di un crash dei computer. Lo hanno riferito i media citando l'Organizzazione europea per la sicurezza della navigazione aerea (Eurocontrol).
"Le partenze ora sono in ritardo a causa di un'interruzione di corrente nel centro di controllo e questo riguarda lo spazio aereo del Regno Unito" si legge in un twitter dell’aeroporto di Heathrow. Non si conoscono ulteriori dettagli.
Per saperne di più: http://italian.ruvr.ru/news/2014_12_12/Le-autorita-di-Londra-hanno-chiuso-lo-spazio-aereo-9174/
PLO, Fatah to discuss cutting security ties with Israel over Abu Ein’s death ...
ReplyDeleteThe PLO and Fatah are scheduled to meet Friday to discuss suspending security cooperation with the IDF after Palestinian and Jordanian pathologists blamed the Israeli security forces for the death Wednesday of Palestinian official Ziad Abu Ein.
In a preliminary report, Israeli pathologists said on Thursday that Abu Ein, who suffered from heart disease, died of a heart attack in the midst of a vocal confrontation with soldiers and border policemen outside the village of Turmus Aiya the day before.
President Reuven Rivlin expressed his condolences for the death of Abu Ein on Thursday and vowed that Israel would thoroughly investigate the incident..................http://www.jpost.com/Arab-Israeli-Conflict/PLO-Fatah-to-discuss-cutting-security-ties-with-Israel-over-Abu-Eins-death-384455
Israel on Friday condemned Switzerland's plan to host a conference on respect for international human rights in the occupied Palestinian territories, charging it was a deviation from the country's traditional neutrality...
ReplyDeleteSwitzerland has announced a December 17 conference in Geneva, in response to a recommendation from the UN General Assembly at the request of Palestinian authorities.
But the Israeli foreign minister said it was "gravely" concerned by Switzerland's decision to host the meeting, which comes amid mounting tensions between Palestinians and Israelis.
The Palestinians are seeking a UN resolution by year-end that would set a timetable for Israel's withdrawal from the occupied territories.
"Switzerland is the depositor of the Geneva Conventions... The role of the depositor obliges Switzerland to operate in a neutral and apolitical manner," the foreign ministry said in a statement.
The conference will be devoted to the Fourth Geneva Convention, which defines humanitarian protections for civilians in a war zone.
"The decision of the Swiss government to hold a conference of signatories raises serious doubts concerning its commitment to these principles as Switzerland lends a hand to the politicisation of the Geneva Conventions in particular and the laws of war in general," the Israeli ministry said.
The General Assembly passed a resolution in 2009 asking Switzerland to lead consultations on holding such a conference.
Permanent representatives to the UN in Geneva are expected to attend the conference.
The foreign ministry said Israel "will not take part in the conference" and called on other countries to boycott the meeting.
Swiss President Didier Burkhalter has said he expected "very large participation" in the conference.
"Our objective is to advance the cause of international humanitarian law," Burkhalter said.
"Even if Israel and the United States boycott the meeting, the international community must speak on the issue. There is no denigration of Israel planned," he said.
Dolgov accusa la Svezia di applicare "doppi standard"...
ReplyDeleteLe autorità svedesi restano indifferenti nei confronti dei propri cittadini che prendono parte ai reati in Ucraina, ma allo stesso tempo, Stoccolma è preoccupata per gli svedesi-radicali che si recano in Medio Oriente.
Lo ha detto il responsabile per il Ministero degli Esteri russo per i Diritti umani, la Democrazia e lo Stato di diritto, Konstantin Dolgov. Secondo Dolgov, si tratta di una politica con un doppio atteggiamento da parte delle autorità svedesi nei confronti dei mercenari in Ucraina. In precedenza, i media svedesi hanno riferito di decine di mercenari radicali provenienti dalla Svezia, che combattono dalla parte delle forze di sicurezza in Ucraina. Secondo le informazioni delle associazioni per i diritti umani, sono coinvolti nelle violazioni dei diritti umani, tra cui uccisioni di massa e crimini di guerra.
Per saperne di più: http://italian.ruvr.ru/news/2014_12_12/Dolgov-accusa-la-Svezia-di-applicare-doppi-standard-1645/
L’agence de notation Fitch Ratings a baissé vendredi la note souveraine de la France d’un cran à “ AA ” contre “ AA+ ” auparavant en l’assortissant d’une perspective stable. L’agence de notation précise dans son communiqué que la croissance de la France devrait cette année être inférieure à la moyenne de la zone euro et ce pour la première fois depuis quatre ans...
ReplyDeleteFitch ajoute que la faiblesse de l’économie française met en péril les perspectives à la fois de consolidation budgétaire et de stabilisation du ratio d’endettement public. L’agence de notation avait placé la note à long terme “ AA+ ” de la France en “ rating watch negative ” le 14 octobre.............En savoir plus sur http://www.lesechos.fr/economie-france/conjoncture/0204013682384-fitch-baisse-la-note-de-la-france-a-aa-1074633.php?xtor=RSS37&b1TX8Wb7UTKSXw80.99
‘Day of Silence’ in Ukraine Successful, Southeast Remains Vulnerable: UN ...
ReplyDeleteThe "Day of Silence", observed in Ukraine has spared civilians from violence, but residents of the country's southeast, which has been severely affected by Kiev's military operation, launched in the region earlier this year, remain vulnerable, the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) has stressed.
"A "Day of Silence", agreed by all parties to the [Ukrainian] conflict, began at 10:00 am on 9 December and continued throughout the week. No civilian casualties were reported throughout this period – a noteworthy "success"," the OCHA Ukraine Situation Report, released Friday, said...............http://sputniknews.com/europe/20141213/1015797357.html
Leaders in the US Senate postponed an anticipated vote on a $1.1 trillion spending bill late on Friday and will instead aim to pass the must-do legislation on Monday, a Senate Democratic leadership aide said...
ReplyDeleteIn order to keep federal agencies operating beyond midnight Saturday, when existing funds expire, the Senate is expected to pass sometime on Saturday a stop-gap bill to temporarily extend government funding through next Wednesday.
The House of Representatives already passed such a measure anticipating the Senate's inability to finish work on the broad spending bill this week.
Gas tariffs for the population may be increased three to five-fold in Ukraine, Naftogaz CEO Andrei Kobolev told the television Channel 5 on Friday...
ReplyDelete“The government is currently considering the issue of raising gas prices,” he said. The rise may be three to five-fold. We have ungrounded low prices for consumers.”
He said the gas prices would be adjusted against weighted average import price. The final decision, in his words, had not yet been taken. Apart from that, people who would be unable to pay the new price in full would be eligible for subsidies..........Read more: http://indian.ruvr.ru/news/2014_12_13/Gas-price-for-population-to-be-raised-up-to-5-fold-in-Ukraine-Naftogaz-CEO-9919/
ISIS ‘shoots down’ Iraqi helicopter, killing pilots...
ReplyDeleteIraqi officials on Saturday said Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) militants shot down Iraqi helicopter near Samarra, killing two pilots onboard and raising fresh concerns about the extremists' ability to attack aircraft amid ongoing U.S.-led coalition airstrikes.
The attack happened in the Shiite holy city of Samarra, about 95 kilometers (60 miles) north of Baghdad. A senior Defense Ministry official told The Associated Press the Sunni militants used a shoulder-fired rocket launcher to shoot down the EC635 helicopter on the outskirts of the city. An army official corroborated the information. Both spoke on condition of anonymity as they weren't authorized to speak to journalists............http://english.alarabiya.net/en/News/middle-east/2014/12/13/ISIS-shoots-down-Iraqi-helicopter-killing-pilots.html
Die Regierung in Moskau hat die USA davor gewarnt, ihre Sanktionen gegen Russland zu verschärfen. Sollte ein entsprechendes US-Gesetz wirksam werden, "können wir das sicher nicht ohne Antwort lassen", sagte Vizeaußenminister Sergej Rjabkow...
ReplyDeleteMan werde Gegenmaßnahmen ergreifen
Das US-Abgeordnetenhaus hatte am Donnerstag ein Gesetz namens Ukraine Freedom Support Act beschlossen, am Freitag bestätigte es auch der Senat. Darin werden neue Sanktionen gegen den Rüstungssektor und die Öl-Industrie in Russland gefordert................http://www.zeit.de/politik/ausland/2014-12/ukraine-usa-russland-sanktionen
Russia will take counter measures if Washington imposes new sanctions on Moscow over the Ukraine crisis, Russia's Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said, according to an Interfax news agency report published on Saturday...
ReplyDeleteLate on Thursday, the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives unanimously passed the Ukraine Freedom Support Act, which would impose new sanctions on Russian weapons companies and investors in the country's high-tech oil projects. U.S. President Barack Obama is yet to sign the bill into law.
"Certainly, we will not be able to leave that without an answer," the agency quoted Ryabkov as saying.
Obama può firmare il disegno di legge per imporre sanzioni contro la Russia ...
DeleteIl disegno di legge sulle nuove sanzioni contro la Russia può essere firmato dal Presidente Barack Obama. Per l’approvazione del documento al Congresso rimangono solo alcuni ostacoli di natura formale.
Giovedì la Camera dei Rappresentanti e del Senato del Congresso degli Stati Uniti ha approvato all'unanimità un disegno di legge sulle sanzioni anti-russe. Le complicazioni procedurali hanno costretto a ripresentare il disegno di legge al Senato, dove dovrebbe essere nuovamente approvato all'unanimità e inviato alla Casa Bianca. Il disegno di legge consente al Governo degli Stati Uniti di introdurre nuove sanzioni contro la Russia e di fornire assistenza militare all'Ucraina.
Per saperne di più: http://italian.ruvr.ru/news/2014_12_13/Obama-puo-firmare-il-disegno-di-legge-per-imporre-sanzioni-contro-la-Russia-0322/
Podemos logra casi 865.000 euros de donaciones privadas ...
ReplyDeletePodemos, el partido de Pablo Iglesias, ha publicado en su ampliado portal de transparencia (transparencia.podemos.info/cuentas-claras/) que esta formación política ha recibido desde que se creó en enero pasado (en principio como asociación) 865.885,98 euros en donaciones, lo que supone el 82,4% de sus ingresos. Prácticamente la mitad de ese dinero ha sido aportado por ciudadanos mediante donaciones periódicas o por el método del micromecenazgo o crowdfunding.
Los ingresos totales de la formación ascienden a 1,01 millones de euros con la suma de la subvención que recibió por los gastos generados para concurrir a las elecciones europeas (112.439 euros que cobró el pasado día 2) y con los ingresos por venta de mercadotecnia (72.885 euros)................http://politica.elpais.com/politica/2014/12/12/actualidad/1418378421_763189.html
Steinmeier: OSZE soll in Ostukraine glaubwürdige Informationen beschaffen ...
ReplyDelete......Der Westen wolle nicht auf Medienberichte angewiesen bleiben. In diesem Zusammenhang werde die OSZE eine wichtige Rolle spielen. Auf die Frage, warum westliche Medien oft über eine Präsenz russischer Truppen auf dem Territorium der Ukraine berichten, ohne das mit Bildern oder anderem Material zu belegen, sagte Steinmeier, er sei nicht für Truppenbewegungen in der Ostukraine verantwortlich und habe keine Aufgabe, sie zu dokumentieren.
Aber der Westen versuche, entgegengesetzte Behauptungen objektiv zu betrachten. Nicht von ungefähr habe er darauf aufmerksam gemacht, dass die OSZE dabei die wichtigste, oder eine der wichtigsten Organisationen sei, fuhr Steinmeier fort. Es komme darauf an, die Abhängigkeit von Zeitungsberichten abzubauen.......Weiterlesen: http://german.ruvr.ru/news/2014_12_13/Steinmeier-OSZE-soll-in-Ostukraine-glaubwurdige-Informationen-beschaffen-8814/
Suspenden vuelos en tres aeropuertos del este de Ucrania por motivos de seguridad ...
ReplyDeleteEl Servicio Estatal de Aviación de Ucrania prohibió los vuelos a los aeropuertos de Jarkov, Dniepropetrovsk y Zaparozhie, capitales de las tres regiones limítrofes con la zona de conflicto.
Según el director del Servicio, Denis Antoniuk, citado por la agencia de noticias rusa Sputnik, la medida responde a motivos de seguridad.
Kiev mantiene cerrados desde hace varios meses los espacios aéreos de las regiones orientales de Donetsk y Lugansk, escenario desde abril pasado de un levantamiento armado contra el gobierno central................http://www.telam.com.ar/notas/201412/88759-suspenden-vuelos-en-tres-aeropuertos-del-este-de-ucrania-por-motivos-de-seguridad.html
The acid used in the Palestinian attack on six Israelis Friday in the West Bank was actually vinegar, Channel 2 reported Saturday...
ReplyDeleteThe victims were taken to Hadassah University Medical Center with light injuries and released from the hospital the next day.
Russian Defence Ministry has refuted Swedish Defence Minister Peter Hultqvist’s statement on a Russian warplane detected in the air space and allegedly nearly colliding with a passenger airliner on the way from Denmark’s capital Copenhagen....
ReplyDelete“No prerequisites existed for an air accident related with a flight of a Russian warplane in the international air space over the Baltic Sea on Friday, December 12,” spokesman of Russian Defence Ministry Major General Igor Konashenkov said on Sunday.
“The flight was being made strictly in compliance with international air space rules, not violating borders of other countries and at a safe distance from traffic routes of civilian aircraft,” he said, noting the warplane was at a distance of more than 70 kilometres from the flight route of a passenger jet on the way from Copenhagen....................http://itar-tass.com/en/russia/766826
Members of the Security Council have condemned a recent terrorist attack on the Embassy of Israel in Athens, praising the launch of an investigation into the incident by the Greek government...
ReplyDelete"Council members commended the response to the incident by the Government of Greece, including its unequivocal condemnation and immediate commencement of an investigation," the UN Security Council said in a statement Saturday, adding that it was also condemning "in the strongest terms" the December 12 Athens attack "involving dozens of shots fire at the [Israeli] Embassy building".
According to the statement, members of the Security Council also reaffirmed that terrorism "in all its forms and manifestations" is "one of the most serious threats to peace and security"........................http://sputniknews.com/politics/20141214/1015819910.html
Législatives au Japon : large victoire du parti de Shinzo Abe ...
ReplyDeleteLe parti du Premier ministre Shinzo Abe a, sans surprise, remporté une large victoire lors des élections législatives anticipées de dimanche au Japon, selon les premiers résultats.
Selon des premières estimations, le parti du Premier ministre japonais Shinzo Abe a remporté, dimanche 14 septembre, une large victoire aux élections législatives, que le chef du gouvernement conservateur avait lui-même provoquées.
D'après la chaîne publique NHK, le Parti Libéral Démocrate (PLD, droite), grand favori du vote, aurait en effet obtenu entre 275 et 306 des 475 sièges en jeu et pourrait conserver les deux tiers de la chambre basse avec son allié centriste Nouveau Komeito...................http://www.france24.com/fr/20141214-japonais-votent-elections-legislatives-anticipees-politique-shinzo-abe-abenomics/
Turkish police on Sunday carried out raids on media out-lets linked to Islamic scholar Fethullah Gülen, a former ally turned adversary of the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan who is currently living in exile in the US....
ReplyDeleteAccording to Reuters, a crowd outside the Istanbul offices of the newspaper Zaman in Turkey chanted: "The free press cannot be silenced," as newspaper editor Ekrem Dumanli challenged the police to arrest him. "The person to be detained is waiting here. Please come and get [me]. I'm waiting for you here," he said in a speech to supporters...............http://sputniknews.com/europe/20141214/1015829428.html
Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko said the ceasefire regime in eastern Ukraine made it possible for the Ukrainian military to reinforce their positions, the presidential press service said on Sunday...
ReplyDeletePoroshenko said the “regime of silence” helped to rearm and enhance troops and restore their combat readiness. At the same time he called to take more energetic efforts to realease all prisoners of wars. He set a task for agencies concerned to take efforts to have “all those on the lists of prisoners of war return home by Christmas.” He said there were not more than 600 such people................http://itar-tass.com/en/world/766855
Sweden confirms Russian spy plane violated airspace ...
ReplyDeleteIn what could have been catastrophic, it was confirmed on Saturday that a Russian military aircraft turned off its transponders to avoid commercial radar and nearly collided with a passenger jet over Sweden.
Sweden's air force chief Major General Micael Byden said on Sunday that the aircraft's transponders, which make the plane visible to commercial radar, were shut off.
Swedish fighter jets which were sent up to identify the aircraft later identified it as a Russian intelligence plane......................http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/world/europe/Sweden-confirms-Russian-spy-plane-violated-airspace/articleshow/45513544.cms
Israel PM rejects withdrawal talk ahead of Kerry meet ...
ReplyDeletePrime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Dec. 14 rejected talk of Israel withdrawing from east Jerusalem and the West Bank within two years, on the eve of a meeting with the top US diplomat.
"We... stand against the possibility of a diplomatic assault, that is an attempt to compel us by means of UN decisions to withdraw to the 1967 lines within two years," said Netanyahu.
The Jewish state seized east Jerusalem, the Gaza Strip and the West Bank during the 1967 Six-Day War. It pulled out of Gaza in 2005.
Netanyahu said such a withdrawal now would bring "Islamic extremists to the suburbs of Tel Aviv and to the heart of Jerusalem."
Speaking ahead of the weekly meeting of his cabinet, he said he would raise the issue in Rome with US Secretary of State John Kerry and Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi on Monday.
"I will tell them that Israel, to a large degree, stands as a solitary island against the waves of Islamic extremism that are washing over the entire Middle East," the Israeli premier said........................http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/israel-pm-rejects-withdrawal-talk-ahead-of-kerry-meet.aspx?pageID=238&nID=75626&NewsCatID=352
Reuters: Russian rights group's offices torched, members detained in Chechnya ...
ReplyDeleteThe offices of one of Russia's most active human rights groups in the troubled North Caucasus region of Chechnya was torched and its members were held by armed men in camouflage on Dec. 14, a top human rights activist said...............http://www.kyivpost.com/content/russia-and-former-soviet-union/reuters-russian-rights-groups-offices-torched-members-detained-in-chechnya-375130.html
U.S. State Department.: Remarks with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov Before Their Meeting...
ReplyDeleteJohn Kerry
Secretary of State
Rome, Italy
December 14, 2014
FOREIGN MINISTER LAVROV: Sorry for Sunday evening, guys. (Laughter.)
SECRETARY KERRY: Well, thanks everybody. We’re delighted to be here. We have a number of critical issues to talk about, and I’m very appreciative of Foreign Minister Lavrov changing his schedule and traveling on short notice to be here. I look forward to our conversations. I’m delighted to welcome him here to the American Embassy Residence in Rome. Thank you, Sergey.
FOREIGN MINISTER LAVROV: Thank you, John. I believe the Middle East issue is crucial for making sure that we don’t allow the situation to degrade further. And I would be very much interested in discussing what we can do together to avoid this.
SECRETARY KERRY: Good. I appreciate that. Thank you all.
QUESTION: (Off-mike.)
SECRETARY KERRY: Thank you all. We’re just going to go to work.
Geiselnahme im Zentrum Sydneys..... Drei Gefangenen gelingt die Flucht ....
ReplyDeleteIn Australiens Hauptstadt hat ein Unbekannter mehrere Geiseln genommen. Er stürmte ein Café im Zentrum Sydneys. Fernsehbilder zeigen schwarze Flaggen mit weißen arabischen Schriftzeichen. Premierminister Abbott ist alarmiert.
Drei Geiseln ist nach Angaben der australischen Polizei die Flucht aus dem belagerten Café im Zentrum von Sydney gelungen. Kurz zuvor war am Montag auf im Fernsehen übertragenen Bildern zu sehen gewesen, wie drei Männer aus verschiedenen Türen des Cafés ins Freie rannten.
Ein Bewaffneter hatte am Vormittag (Ortszeit) in dem Café im Geschäftsbezirk der Stadt eine unbekannte Anzahl von Geiseln genommen. Polizei und Feuerwehr sind mit zahlreichen Einsatzkräften vor Ort und sperrten das Gebiet im belebten Geschäftsviertel der Stadt weiträumig ab. Auf Fernsehbildern ist zu sehen, wie mehrere verängstigte Menschen in dem Café eine schwarze Flagge mit weißen arabischen Schriftzeichen hochhielten. Premierminister Tony Abbott berief ein Sicherheitstreffen ein..................http://www.faz.net/aktuell/gesellschaft/kriminalitaet/geiselnahme-in-cafe-im-geschaeftsviertel-von-sydney-13321596.html
IS militants execute 19 policemen in western Iraq ....
ReplyDeleteThe extremist Islamic State (IS) militants on Sunday executed 19 local policemen in Iraq's western province of Anbar, while seven IS militants were killed in clashes in the northern central province of Salahudin, security source said.
The policemen were executed one day after the militants who seized the al-Wafaa area, just southwest of the provincial capital city of Ramadi, some 110 km west of Baghdad, a provincial security source told Xinhua on condition of anonymity.
Separately, the IS militants surrounded a force from Iraqi police and government-allied militiamen in an area located some 35 km west of Ramadi, and fierce clashes were underway, the source said.....................http://www.globaltimes.cn/content/896784.shtml
PA to submit statehood bill to UNSC Wednesday: Source ...
ReplyDeleteA source with the Palestinian Authority (PA) has said that the latter will submit the draft resolution for ending the Israeli occupation and establishing a Palestinian state to the UN Security Council on Wednesday.
"In a meeting on Sunday night, the [Palestinian] leadership decided to submit the draft resolution on Wednesday," a source within the office of PA President Mahmoud Abbas told The Anadolu Agency.
State-run Palestinian news agency WAFA said Sunday that the draft resolution will be submitted after an "upcoming meeting between Arab foreign ministers, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and European ministers."
During the meeting, the PA also stressed the importance of expediting the formation of an international committee to investigate the death of senior Palestinian official Ziad Abu Ein, according to WAFA..............http://www.aa.com.tr/en/news/435441--pa-to-submit-statehood-bill-to-unsc-wednesday-source
Belgian police have sealed off part of the northern Belgian city of Ghent, as four armed men entered an apartment in the Dampoort neighborhood on Monday morning, taking a hostage...
ReplyDeletePolice have set up a security zone around the apartment.
"They're in the building but it's not clear what's going on inside. We have set up a security zone and asked residents to stay indoors for their own safety. For now, no one has been evacuated," police spokesman Manuel Mugica Gonzalez said.
Some 30 local and federal police officers are on the scene. Local media reports that special units of the federal police as well as a police helicopter are also on the scene.
"There is information that there may be a hostage," said Filip Rasschaert, the chief of the Ghent police, as quoted by De Standaard as saying.
"The federal judicial police and federal task forces are now on site. They have the lead and now we are supporting them in the operation. They have everything needed to bring the hostage situation to a successful conclusion," said Rasschaert.
Belgium cut off from world by national strike ...
ReplyDeleteBelgium ground to a halt in its biggest strike in years on Monday (Dec 15) as trade unions grounded flights, cut international rail links and shut sea ports to protest the new government's austerity plans.
In the climax to a month of industrial action against new Prime Minister Charles Michel's policies, striking workers stopped all public transport while most schools, businesses and government offices shut down.
Pickets also blocked traffic outside the Brussels headquarters of the European Union, a 28-nation bloc that has seen years of protests against austerity aimed at cutting debts that threatened the euro currency................http://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/world/belgium-cut-off-from/1530400.html
Global Energy giant Chevron terminated its contract with Ukraine to extract shale gas in western Ukraine after trying for more than a year to get the government to simplify taxation for this type of business...
ReplyDeleteThe termination is a setback to Ukraine’s twin efforts to achieve energy independence from Russia and create a more inviting business climate for Western firms.
“We have just terminated that PSA (product sharing agreement),” says Peter Clark, Chevron’s country manager. “When it was signed, things had to be done, but not all of them got done.”......................http://sofiaglobe.com/2014/12/15/chevron-pulls-out-of-gas-extraction-in-western-ukraine/
At Least Five Killed in Shooting near Philadelphia ...
ReplyDeleteAt least five people were shot dead early Monday by a suspected gunman outside the northeastern U.S. city of Philadelphia, local media reported.
The shootings, which ABC television affiliate WPVI said were thought to have been committed by a male military veteran, were said to have taken place at three different locations in suburban Philadelphia.
SWAT teams were called to a possible fourth scene in Pennsburg, it added.
Police told WPVI that the suspect was barricaded inside a home in Souderton, one of the sites where bodies were found, along with Lansdale and Lower Salford Township. SWAT teams were taking position outside the home.......................http://www.almanar.com.lb/english/adetails.php?eid=185777&cid=18&fromval=1&frid=18&seccatid=56&s1=1
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said, responding to a question from Interfax as to whether Crimea can be regarded as a location to place Russian nuclear weapons: "Crimea has now become part of a country that has such weapons under the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons."...
ReplyDelete"And by international law, the Russian state has all grounds to dispose of its legitimate nuclear arsenal in accordance with its interests and in accordance with its international legal obligations," Lavrov said.......................http://www.kyivpost.com/content/ukraine/lavrov-says-crimea-became-part-of-russia-which-has-nuclear-weapons-according-to-non-proliferation-treaty-375216.html
Sweden and Denmark summoned Russia's ambassadors Monday in protest over a near miss between a Russian surveillance plane and a commercial aircraft, a further sign of rising military tensions in the Baltic...
ReplyDeleteThe incident took place Friday south of the Swedish city of Malmoe, shortly after the passenger plane -- operated on behalf of SAS -- departed from Copenhagen International Airport bound for Poland, the Swedish defence forces said.
Sweden -- which unlike Denmark is not a NATO member -- said the Russian plane came dangerously close to the SAS jet at less than nine kilometres (six miles), and that it was flying without an electronic transponder, making it invisible to commercial jets.
Both Swedish and Danish jet fighters were scrambled in response to the incident which reportedly took place in international airspace covered by Swedish air traffic control.
"It is totally unreasonable that civilian lives are put at risk in this way," Danish Foreign Minister Martin Lidegaard told news agency Ritzau, calling the incident a "rather serious situation"......................http://english.ahram.org.eg/NewsContent/2/9/117980/World/International/Sweden-and-Denmark-summon-Russian-ambassadors-over.aspx
Russian Ruble Crashes to World's Worst-Performing Currency ...
ReplyDeleteThe ruble collapsed by 10 percent against the U.S. dollar Monday earning the Russian currency the dubious laurels of the world’s worst-performing currency this year.
The Russian currency has now fallen 49.3 percent against the greenback since January, according to data from the Moscow Exchange. The drop takes it below the Ukrainian hryvna, which has weakened 47.9 percent in 2014.
Monday’s plunge was the largest single-day fall for the ruble since the financial crisis of 1998 when Russia was forced to default on its debt after exhausting its reserves in a fruitless bid to prop up the currency.
In evening trading Monday the ruble was worth 64.4 against the dollar and 78.8 versus the euro. The currency earlier dropped past 100 rubles to the British pound...................http://www.themoscowtimes.com/article/513309.html
Ukraine hofft auf UnterstützungEU wiegelt Zusagen für neue Finanzspritzen ab ...
ReplyDeleteDie ukrainische Wirtschaft taumelt, die EU soll helfen: Ministerpräsident Arseni Jazeniuk ruft die Europäische Union zu sofortiger Finanzhilfe auf. Doch die Staatengemeinschaft hält sich mit konkreten Zusagen zurück.
Der ukrainische Ministerpräsident Arseni Jazeniuk hat die EU zu rascher finanzieller Hilfe für sein Land aufgerufen. Seine Regierung unternehme alles, um die schwer angeschlagene Wirtschaft wieder in Schwung zu bringen, sagte Jazeniuk am Montag nach Gesprächen in Brüssel. Aber dabei brauche sie Unterstützung. Auf die Frage von Journalisten, wann die Ukraine eine Finanzspritze benötige, sagte er: "Um es auf den Punkt zu bringen - gestern.".................http://www.handelsblatt.com/politik/international/ukraine-hofft-auf-unterstuetzung-eu-wiegelt-zusagen-fuer-neue-finanzspritzen-ab/11125294.html
Kampf gegen den Rubel-Verfall ...
ReplyDeleteDie russische Zentralbank hat drastische Maßnahmen zur Stärkung des Rubels ergriffen. Die Bank Rossii erhöhte ihren Leitzinssatz massiv von 10,5 auf nun 17 Prozent, um der Währung Schwung zu verpassen. Erst am Donnerstag hatte die Bank den Leitzins wegen eines "signifikanten Inflationsrisikos" von 9,5 auf 10,5 Prozent angehoben. Damit wollte sie der Entwertung des Rubel und den steigenden Preisen im Land entgegenwirken. Zu Jahresbeginn hatte der Zinssatz noch bei 5,5 Prozent gelegen...................http://www.tagesschau.de/wirtschaft/rubel-105.html
At least 126 people, mostly children, have been killed in a Taliban assault on an army-run school in the Pakistani city of Peshawar, officials say...
ReplyDeleteFive or six militants wearing security uniforms entered the school, officials said. Gunfire and explosions were heard as security forces surrounded the area.
The army says most of the school's 500 students have been evacuated. It is not clear how many are being held hostage.
The attack is being seen as one of the worst yet in Pakistan.
The BBC's Aamer Ahmed Khan in Islamabad says the killing of schoolchildren has caused unprecedented shock.
Thousands of Pakistanis have been killed in militant violence in recent years.
A spokesman for the militants says the school was targeted in response to army operations.......................http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-30491435
All militants dead after scores killed in school attack in Pakistan - police...
DeleteThe assault on the school in the city of Peshawar killed at least 130 people, most of them students, according to officials.
"The combat operation is over, the security personnel are carrying out clearance operation and hopefully they will clear the building in a while," police official Abdullah Khan said................http://www.rte.ie/news/2014/1216/667099-pakistan/
Reports from Lebanon say that Hezbollah’s internal security forces have uncovered a high-ranking agent working for Israel’s espionage and intelligence agency....
ReplyDeleteAccording to the reports, the agent was in charge of Hezbollah’s external operations, heading its “910” unit. This unit plans and executes operations directed at Israeli targets around the world. The reports, which quote security officials from the militant Islamist group, claim that the agent, identified only as M.S., posed as a businessman, which allowed him to travel freely around the globe....................http://www.haaretz.com/news/diplomacy-defense/1.632109
Brent falls below $60 for first time since 2009 ...
ReplyDeleteBrent crude oil prices fell over $1 per barrel and below $60 for the first time since July 2009 in early European trading today as Chinese factory activity slowed and stumbling emerging market currencies dented demand expectations.
Oil futures have almost halved since June amid rising output and cooling demand, but producer club OPEC has so far resisted calls to cut production to shore up prices.
Data showing activity in China’s factory sector shrank for the first time in seven months in December, adding to a slew of reports showing more fatigue in the world’s No.2 economy, further dragged on oil prices.
“China leaves 2014 on a weak note (and) the calls for further monetary stimulus are getting louder,” Singapore-based Phillip Futures said today.......................http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/brent-falls-below-60-for-first-time-since-2009.aspx?pageID=238&nID=75683&NewsCatID=344
October 2014 - Euro area international trade in goods surplus - €24.0 bn €7.6 bn surplus for EU28...
ReplyDeleteThe first estimate for the euro area (EA18) trade in goods balance with the rest of the world in October 2014 gave a €24.0 billion surplus, compared with +€16.5 bn in October 2013. The September 2014 balance was +€18.1 bn, compared with +€10.9 bn in September 2013. In October 2014 compared with September 2014, seasonally adjusted exports fell by 0.3% and imports by 1.3%.....................http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_STAT-14-2684_en.htm?locale=en
Autopsy Ordered on German MP Who Criticized Russia ...
ReplyDeleteA German court has ordered an autopsy on a conservative member of parliament, who was a prominent critic of Russia's Vladimir Putin, in order to rule out any link between his death and his hardline stance towards the Kremlin, state prosecutors said.
Andreas Schockenhoff, a deputy parliamentary floor leader for Chancellor Angela Merkel's conservative party, died unexpectedly on Saturday at the age of 57.
A former point-man for the German government on relations with Russia, Schockenhoff was an outspoken proponent of tough sanctions against Russia after its annexation of Crimea.
“We don't know the cause of his death,” Karl-Josef Diehl from the state prosecutor's office in Ravensburg told Reuters...............http://www.voanews.com/content/reu-court-orders-autopsy-on-german-lawmaker-schockenhoff-who-criticized-russia/2560846.html
Readout of the Vice President's Call with Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko (The White House, Office of the Vice President) ...
ReplyDelete"Vice President Joe Biden spoke today with Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko to discuss Ukraine’s financial and energy situation and developments in eastern Ukraine.
The Vice President welcomed Ukraine’s declaration of a ceasefire on December 9, which President Poroshenko said had significantly reduced casualties over the past several days. President Poroshenko updated the Vice President on Ukraine’s financial situation and reaffirmed Kyiv’s commitment to continue implementing a robust program of reforms, including measures to combat corruption.
The Vice President noted that the United States remains committed to working with international partners, including the International Monetary Fund, to ensure that Ukraine will have the macroeconomic support it needs as it implements its reform program.
The leaders urged Russia to ensure that its separatist proxies cease blocking the delivery of humanitarian aid to conflict-affected regions of eastern Ukraine."
EU und USA vor neuen Sanktionen gegen Russland und die Krim ...
ReplyDeleteSchiffe dürfen die Krim nicht mehr anlaufen, es wird zu Einreise- und Vermögenssperren kommen: Die USA und die EU versuchen Russland noch stärker unter Druck zu setzen.
Die EU möchte noch vor dem nächsten EU-Gipfel am Donnerstag neue Sanktionen gegen die von Russland annektierte Halbinsel Krim beschließen. Diplomaten teilten mit, dass vor allem Investitionen in den Bereichen Energie, Öl- und Gasförderung, Transport, Verkehr und Telekommunikation davon betroffen seien. Auch die USA planen neue Strafmaßnahmen gegen Russland...............http://www.zeit.de/politik/ausland/2014-12/russland-ukraine-sanktionen-usa-eu
President Obama Protects Alaska’s Bristol Bay From Future Oil and Gas Drilling
ReplyDeleteToday, in a video message posted online, President Obama announced his plan to designate Bristol Bay as off limits to consideration for oil and gas leasing -- an action that will safeguard waters that help provide 40 percent of America’s wild-caught seafood, support a $2 billion annual fishing industry, and are vital to the commercial fishing and tourism economy and to Alaska Native communities. The President’s video message can be found HERE. .........................http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2014/12/16/president-obama-protects-alaska-s-bristol-bay-future-oil-and-gas-drillin
Statement by the Spokesperson on the judgement of the General Court of the EU on Hamas ...
"We respect the General Court of the European Union's judgement delivered today annulling measures against Hamas, namely the designation of Hamas as a terrorist organisation and the freezing of Hamas' funds.
This legal ruling is clearly based on procedural grounds and it does not imply any assessment by the Court of the substantive reasons for the designation of Hamas as a terrorist organisation. It is a legal ruling of a court, not a political decision taken by the EU governments. The EU continues to uphold the Quartet principles.
The EU institutions are studying carefully the ruling and will decide on the options open to them. They will, in due course, take appropriate remedial action, including any eventual appeal to the ruling. In case of an appeal the restrictive measures remain in place."
Debate on CIA’s use of torture and role of EU member states ...
ReplyDeleteUS Senate revelations of the CIA's use of torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment of detainees in the wake of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, with the alleged complicity of some EU member states, will be debated with Commissioner Dimitris Avramopoulos and the Italian Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs Benedetto Della Vedova, on Wednesday, at 15.00................http://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/news-room/content/20141212IPR01252/html/Debate-on-CIA%E2%80%99s-use-of-torture-and-role-of-EU-member-states
Dalai Lama concedes he may be the last ...
ReplyDeleteExiled Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama has said he realises that he may be the last to hold the title.
But he told the BBC it would be better that the centuries-old tradition ceased "at the time of a popular Dalai Lama".
The Dalai Lama suggested the UK had taken a soft line with China over Hong Kong's recent student-led pro-democracy protests for financial reasons.
He also said the international community needed to do more to encourage democracy in China.
"China very much wants to join the mainstream world economy," he said.
"They should be welcome, but at the same time the free world has a moral responsibility to bring China into mainstream democracy - for China's own interests."
'Moral responsibility'
The Dalai Lama fled to India in 1959 after Chinese troops crushed an attempted uprising in Tibet.
Beijing views the Nobel Peace Prize-winner as a "splittist", though he now advocates a "middle way" with China, seeking autonomy but not independence for Tibet............http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-30510018
Pakistan: moratoire sur la peine de mort levé après le carnage de Peshawar ...
ReplyDeleteLe Pakistan a annoncé mercredi la levée de son moratoire sur la peine de mort dans les cas de terrorisme, au lendemain du massacre par des rebelles talibans de 141 personnes dont 132 écoliers à Peshawar, l'attaque la plus sanglante de son histoire.
L'annonce a été faite dans la matinée par les services du Premier ministre Nawaz Sharif au premier des trois jours de deuil national décrété après ce "massacre des innocents", selon la presse locale, unanimement condamné à travers le monde...............http://www.rtl.be/info/monde/international/le-pakistan-leve-son-moratoire-sur-la-peine-de-mort-en-cas-de-terrorisme--685009.aspx
Les pertes économiques liées aux désastres et catastrophes naturelles sont évaluées à 113 milliards de dollars (90,7 milliards d’euros) en 2014, en recul de 16% par rapport à 2013 - où ce montant atteignait 135 milliards de dollars - selon une première estimation du groupe suisse de réassurance Swiss Re publiée mercredi...
ReplyDeleteDans l’ordre, les pertes les plus importantes ont été causées par les tempêtes de neige au Japon en février dernier (estimées à 5 milliards de dollars) - inédite en près d’un demi-siècle - les orages et pluies aux Etats-Unis en mai dernier (3,7 milliards) et l ’ouragan Simon au Mexique en septembre (3,2 milliards).
Viennent ensuite les dégâts engendrés par la grêle, pluies et vents en juin dernier (3,1 milliards de dollars) en France, Belgique et en Allemagne, puis les tempêtes de neige aux Etats-Unis, cette fois en janvier dernier (2,5 milliards), et enfin les orages qui y ont eu lieu en juin (1,7 milliard)................En savoir plus sur http://www.lesechos.fr/finance-marches/banque-assurances/0204023263675-les-catastrophes-naturelles-ont-coute-113-milliards-de-dollars-en-2014-1075986.php?xtor=RSS37&mk6OUp7OiUX6f3Gh.99
Ende der Eiszeit: USA planen Botschaft auf Kuba ...
ReplyDeleteEs ist ein historischer Schritt: Die USA und Kuba wollen Berichten zufolge Gespräche eröffnen und ihre Beziehungen normalisieren. Ein inhaftierter US-Bürger wurde zuvor freigelassen.
In den Beziehungen zwischen den USA und Kuba zeichnet sich ein Ende der Eiszeit ab. Präsident Barack Obama wird Berichten zufolge noch heute einen grundlegenden Kurswechsel in der Kuba-Politik des Landes verkünden. Wie die Nachrichtenagentur AP berichtet, planen die USA sogar die Eröffnung einer Botschaft auf Kuba. Seit 1961 unterhalten die beiden Länder keine diplomatischen Beziehungen.............http://diepresse.com/home/politik/aussenpolitik/4621645/Ende-der-Eiszeit_USA-planen-Botschaft-auf-Kuba?from=rss
U.S. to open embassy in Cuba: AP ...
Delete(Reuters) - The United States is planning to open an embassy in Cuba as part of its plan to open talks and normalize relations with the island nation, the Associated Press reported on Wednesday, citing U.S. officials.
Cuba has freed Alan Gross - a US contractor jailed on the communist-ruled island since 2009 - on humanitarian grounds at the request of the United States, a US official said on Wednesday (Dec 17)...
DeleteUS President Barack Obama and Cuba's President Raul Castro were both to speak at 1700 GMT (1am Thursday Singapore time) on relations between the two countries, longtime Cold War-era adversaries, their respective governments said.
"This morning, Alan Gross has departed Cuba on a US government plane bound for the United States," the official said. "Mr Gross was released on humanitarian grounds by the Cuban government at the request of the United States."......................http://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/world/cuba-frees-us-prisoner/1535786.html
Cuban president to make announcement on U.S. relations ...
DeleteCuban President Raul Castro will speak to his nation at noon on Wednesday about relations with the United States, Cuban state television reported.
The advisory came as a U.S. official in Washington said Cuba had released American aid worker Alan Gross after five years in prison. REUTERS]
Kiew will mächtigste Armee Europas ...
ReplyDeleteNoch hält die vereinbarte Waffenruhe zwischen der ukrainischen Regierung und den pro-russischen Separatisten im Osten des Landes. Doch ein dauerhafter Frieden ist nicht in Sicht. Der Sicherheitsrat in Kiew will die Armee für einen möglichen Krieg mit Russland militärisch aufrüsten.
Der neue Sekretär des Nationalen Sicherheitsrates in der Ukraine will für einen möglichen Krieg gegen Russland die „mächtigste Armee Europas“ gründen. Ungeachtet der wirtschaftlichen Probleme brauche die Ukraine ein schlagkräftiges Militär - etwa dazu, um die von Russland annektierte Schwarzmeerhalbinsel Krim zurückzuerobern, sagte der als Hardliner bekannte Alexander Turtschinow.
Der von dem proeuropäischen Präsidenten Petro Poroschenko ernannte Leiter des Sicherheitsrats sagte Medien zufolge am Mittwoch, dass die Armee zudem die von prorussischen Separatisten kontrollierten Gebiete in der Ostukraine „befreien“ werde...................http://www.faz.net/aktuell/politik/ausland/europa/ukraine-konflikt-kiew-will-maechtigste-armee-europas-13327320.html
L’Iran et la Turquie discutent d’un règlement de la crise en Syrie ...
ReplyDeleteTurquie ont une nouvelle fois discuté mercredi de la nécessité de trouver une issue à la crise en Syrie tout en appelant au dialogue, lors de la visite du chef de la diplomatie turc à Téhéran.
« Nous voulons tous que la paix s'instaure le plus vite possible en Syrie sans ingérence étrangère », a déclaré le chef de la diplomatie iranienne Mohammad Javad Zarif lors d'une conférence de presse commune avec son homologue turc Mevlut Cavusoglu.
« Il y a des différences de vue mais avec la présence d'un grand ennemi commun que représentent le terrorisme, l'extrémisme et le sectarisme, nous avons besoin de rapprocher nos positions pour empêcher l'entrée des terroristes en Irak et en Syrie et combattre les terroristes », a répondu M. Zarif.
M.Cavusoglu a pour sa part déclaré avoir discuté avec son homologue iranien les évènements en Irak et en Syrie, ainsi que le développement des relations entre les deux pays.
« L’Iran et la Turquie ont souffert du terrorisme », a-t-il dit. Et d’ajouter : « les deux pays se partagent une volonté dans la lutte contre le terrorisme ».
« L'Iran et la Turquie ont peut-être des positions différentes, mais les deux pays coopèrent pour trouver une solution commune en Syrie », a encore dit M.Cavusoglu.
Le Premier ministre syrien Waël al-Halaqi effectue d'ailleurs une visite officielle à Téhéran.
The Moscow Times: Ruble chaos forces retailers to suspend sales in Russia ...
ReplyDeleteMassive fluctuations in the value of the ruble on Dec. 17 have prompted retailers to make emergency price revisions or even suspend sales in Russia until the crisis cools................http://www.kyivpost.com/content/russia-and-former-soviet-union/the-moscow-times-ruble-chaos-forces-retailers-to-suspend-sales-in-russia-375433.html
Europas Großbanken zittern um ihr Geld in Russland ...
Delete128 Milliarden Euro Schulden hat Russland gegenüber europäischen Banken. Die werden angesichts der Rubel-Krise nervös. In Deutschland sind die zwei größten Institute am stärksten engagiert.
Es ist noch nicht lange her, da waren Banken durchaus stolz auf ihr Geschäft in Russland. "Es ist mir eine große Freude zu betonen, dass die Russland-Tochter von Unicredit 2013 wieder sehr profitabel und erfolgreich war", frohlockte etwa der Aufsichtsratschef der russischen Unicredit-Tochter, Erich Hampel. Man habe einen Rekordgewinn verbucht, und Russland bleibe "eines der wichtigsten Länder für die weitere Entwicklung des Unicredit-Geschäfts".
Man darf davon ausgehen, dass Hampel im nächsten Jahresbericht deutlich mehr Moll-Töne anstimmen wird. Denn im Moment ist Russland auf dem besten Weg, von der Chance zum Risikofaktor zu werden. Das Land leidet unter Wirtschaftssanktionen, vor allem aber unter dem rapiden Verfall des Ölpreises.................http://www.welt.de/wirtschaft/article135498411/Europas-Grossbanken-zittern-um-ihr-Geld-in-Russland.html
Palestinians Present UN Draft on Israeli Withdrawal ...
ReplyDeleteThe Palestinian leadership at the United Nations has presented a draft resolution for a Security Council vote that sets a deadline for Israel's withdrawal from the occupied territories.
However, the Palestinian U.N. representative, Riyad Mansour, said late Wednesday that he would not press for a quick vote on the resolution, in order to allow for more discussion on the 15-member council.
The Palestinians would need the approval of nine of the 15 council members, but any of the five permanent members — Britain, France, China, Russia and the United States — can veto a resolution...............http://www.voanews.com/content/palestinians-prepare-un-draft-israeli-withdrawal/2563756.html
Abstimmung im Bundestag„: Schäuble will Blankoscheck für Griechen-Hilfen“ ...
ReplyDeleteDer Bundestag will heute über weitere Griechenland-Hilfen abstimmen. Eine Verlängerung des laufenden Programms ist unstrittig. Widerstand droht bei einer weiteren Kreditlinie, weil Schäuble das Parlament umgehen will.
Kurz vor der heutigen Bundestagsabstimmung über eine vorsorgliche Kreditlinie des Euro-Krisenfonds ESM für Griechenland haben die Grünen schwere Vorwürfe gegen die Bundesregierung erhoben. Nach Ansicht des Grünen-Chefhaushälters Sven-Christian Kindler und des Grünen-Europaexperten Manuel Sarrazin enthält die Beschlussvorlage von Finanzminister Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU) eine „inakzeptable und unnötige Beschneidung der Parlamentsrechte“. „Wir Grüne werden uns deswegen enthalten. Denn die Abgeordneten, die diesem Antrag zustimmen, werden ihre Parlamentsrechte an der Garderobe abgegeben haben“, sagten Kindler und Sarrazin dem Handelsblatt (Online-Ausgabe). Die Koalition kann allerdings mit ihrer Mehrheit die Anträge Schäubles durchwinken.................http://www.handelsblatt.com/politik/deutschland/abstimmung-im-bundestag-schaeuble-will-blankoscheck-fuer-griechen-hilfen/11135954.html
Swiss National Bank will cut interest rate to minus 0.25% ...
ReplyDeleteSwitzerland's National Bank (SNB) will bring in a negative interest rate cutting the value of large sums of money left on deposit in the country.
The Bank is imposing a rate of minus 0.25% on "sight deposits" - a form of instant access account - of more than 10m Swiss francs ($9.77m).
It is trying to lower the value of the Swiss franc, which has risen recently.
Russia's market meltdown and a dramatic plunge in the oil price have led investors to seek "safe havens". ..............http://www.bbc.com/news/business-30528404
Élections en Grèce: pourquoi la gauche radicale fait trembler l'UE? ...
ReplyDeleteLes élections législatives en Grèce inquiètent les Européens. Pourtant, en soi, le président ne joue qu'un rôle plutôt symbolique. Mais cette élection présidentielle, c'est surtout un test pour le gouvernement actuel de centre droit. Antonis Samaras n'est pas parvenu à imposer son candidat président au Parlement grec ce mercredi et n'a d'autre choix que de convoquer des élections législatives anticipées. Or, c'est justement ce que craignent les Européens puisque le grand favori de ces élections est le leader de gauche radicale Alexis Tsipras.
Si Alexis Tsipras fait tellement peur aux Européens, c'est qu'il est le principal adversaire de l'austérité en Grèce. Une austérité réclamée, quoi qu'elle en dise, par l'Union européenne. Alexis Tsipras n’évoque pas une sortie de la Grèce de la zone euro mais en revanche, il voudrait sortir du plan d’aide européen à son pays, trop contraignant à ses yeux.
Mais sans ce plan d’aide, la Grèce ne recevra plus d’argent européen et difficile d’imaginer que sans la garantie de ses partenaires, la Grèce trouve de l’argent à des taux raisonnables sur les marchés. Sachant que les marchés font d'ailleurs déjà peu confiance à Antonis Samaras, on voit mal comment ils pourraient faire confiance à Alexis Tsipras, plutôt sévère avec les marchés..........http://www.rtbf.be/info/dossier/euranetplus/detail_elections-en-grece-pourquoi-la-gauche-radicale-fait-trembler-l-ue?id=8601175
EU Parliament Urges Probe into CIA Torture ...
ReplyDeleteMembers of the European Parliament called Wednesday for an investigation into the possible complicity of EU member states with the CIA in using "unacceptable" interrogation methods on suspected terrorists.
In a debate about a U.S. Senate report that revealed torture, members said that trampling fundamental values in the fight against terrorism was unacceptable.
"Torture is illegal, immoral and inacceptable," said Slovenian member Tanja Fajon of the Socialists and Democrats. "Europe's participation in any form in any type of illegal activity by the CIA is shameful, unworthy of democracy, unworthy of the foundations and values on which the EU was built."
EU Home Affairs Commissioner Dimitris Avramopoulos said the commission believes EU countries should conduct "in-depth, independent investigations" into any involvement they had in the CIA tactics..................http://www.almanar.com.lb/english/adetails.php?eid=186272&cid=22&fromval=1
European Union governments adopted tighter restrictions on European investment in Crimea onThursday, targeting Russian Black Sea oil and gas explorationand tourism, an EU official said...
ReplyDeleteAccording to the official, the new restrictions, approved by the EU's 28 governments just before the bloc's leaders discuss the Ukraine crisis and relations with Russia at a Brussels summit, will take effect on Saturday.
Ukraine-Konflikt: EU beschließt weitere Krim-Sanktionen
DeleteDie 28 EU-Staaten haben neue Export- und Investitionsverbote gegen die Krim verhängt. Auch Kreuzfahrtschiffe dürfen künftig nicht mehr in Häfen der Halbinsel einlaufen.
Die Europäische Union hat weitere Sanktionen gegen die von Russland annektierte Schwarzmeerinsel Krim beschlossen. Von Samstag an sind europäischen Firmen und Unternehmen mit Sitz in EU-Ländern jegliche Investitionen auf der Krim untersagt. Auch der Export von Gütern in den Bereichen Energie, Öl- und Gasförderung, Transport und Telekommunikation wurde von den 28 EU-Staaten verboten.
Unter die neuen Sanktionen fallen auch Tourismusangebote: Betreiber aus EU-Ländern dürfen an den Stränden oder anderen Orten der Halbinsel keine Tourismus-Dienstleistungen mehr anbieten. Kreuzfahrtschiffe, die einem Unternehmen aus der EU gehören, dürfen nur noch in Notfällen in Hafenstädten wie Sewastopol anlegen, hieß es. Damit sollen Touristen von einer Reise auf das eigentlich zur Ukraine gehörende Territorium abgehalten werden.
EU's Mogherini urges Putin to change his attitude ...
ReplyDeleteBRUSSELS, Dec 18 (Reuters) - European Union foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini urged Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday to radically change his attitude to the rest of the world and be more cooperative.
Russia's financial crisis was not good news for Russian citizens, or for Ukraine, Europe or the rest of the world, Mogherini told reporters before an EU summit that will discuss the Ukraine conflict and the EU's relations with Russia.
"President Putin and the Russian leadership should reflect seriously about the need for introducing a radical change in (their) attitude towards the rest of the world and to switch to a cooperative mode," she said.
"The world has never been as dangerous and unstable as it is now and it would be only good news if we managed to build a constructive relationship to deal with some of these crises, obviously starting from Ukraine," she said. (Reporting by Adrian Croft; editing by Philip Blenkinsop)
US carmaker General Motors said Thursday it was halting sales to dealers in Russia due to the falling ruble, following in the footsteps of a number of companies seeking to limit their risk until the currency stabilises...
ReplyDeleteA growing number of companies including Apple and Ikea are deciding to halt sales despite a shopping boom from Russian consumers seeking to buy before the importers raise prices on the goods to take account of the ruble collapse.
Pummelled by falling oil prices and Western sanctions, the Russian currency has gone through wild fluctuations this week, plunging by 20 percent at one point on Tuesday.
"In view of the volatility of ruble exchange rate and with the aim to manage its business risk GM Russia has decided to temporarily suspend wholesaling of vehicles to its dealers in Russia as of December 16th, 2014," spokesman Sergei Lepnukhov told AFP.....................https://my.news.yahoo.com/gm-halts-sales-russian-car-162909215.html
Sommet européen: Donald Tusk veut imprimer un nouveau style ...
ReplyDeleteLes dirigeants européens sont, aujourd’hui et vendredi, en réunion à Bruxelles. Les 28 vont découvrir le style de leur nouveau président, le Polonais Donald Tusk qui remplace depuis deux semaines Herman Van Rompuy. Il sera question de la situation en Ukraine bien sûr mais aussi du fameux plan d'investissements proposé par Jean-claude Juncker, un pari à 315 milliards d'euros. Les dirigeants de l'UE débattent aussi, ce jeudi, de l'avenir de leurs relations avec la Russie, engagée dans le conflit en Ukraine et plongée dans une crise financière sans précédent................http://www.rtbf.be/info/dossier/euranetplus/detail_ue-les-dirigeants-en-sommet-en-pleine-crise-en-russie?id=8600574
Obama signs Russia sanctions bill, says no new penalties planned ...
ReplyDelete(Reuters) - President Barack Obama said on Thursday he had signed into law a new Russian sanctions bill passed by Congress but did not intend to impose further sanctions against Moscow for now.
"My administration will continue to work closely with allies and partners in Europe and internationally to respond to developments in Ukraine and will continue to review and calibrate our sanctions to respond to Russia's actions," Obama said in a statement.
"We remain prepared to roll back sanctions should Russia take the necessary steps."...........http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/12/18/us-russia-crisis-obama-sanctions-idUSKBN0JW2HE20141218?feedType=RSS&feedName=worldNews
New US legislation authorising sanctions on Russia over the Ukraine crisis could undermine relations between Moscow and Washington for a long time, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov was quoted as saying on Dec. 19.
DeleteIn a phone call with US Secretary of State John Kerry, Lavrov said that the new legislation "threatening new sanctions against Russia could undermine the possibility of normal cooperation between our countries for a long time," said a foreign ministry statement.
President Barack Obama on Thursday signed a law giving him the authority to impose new sanctions on Russia over Ukraine. He said he was not about to change the sanctions regime on Russia, which is experiencing a dire economic crisis, but that his administration would "continue to review and calibrate our sanctions to respond to Russia's actions."......................http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/new-us-sanctions-law-could-undermine-relations-with-russia-lavrov.aspx?pageID=238&nID=75818&NewsCatID=359
President Barack Obama signed a bill Thursday to help Ukraine and demanded Russia to end “its occupation and attempted annexation of Crimea.”...
DeleteThe Ukraine Freedom Support Act of 2014 allows the U.S. to assist the government of Ukraine in restoring its sovereignty and territorial integrity.
"We again call on Russia to end its occupation and attempted annexation of Crimea, cease support to separatists in eastern Ukraine, and implement the obligations it signed up to under the Minsk agreements," Obama said in a statement released by the White House...........http://www.aa.com.tr/en/headline/437643--obama-signs-bill-to-assist-ukraine-as-he-admonishes-russia
Комментарий официального представителя МИД России А.К.Лукашевича в связи с подписанием Президентом США антироссийского закона «О поддержке свободы Украины»...
DeleteГлубоко разочарованы тем, что Президент США подписал состряпанный американским Конгрессом на скорую руку закон «О поддержке свободы Украины» - откровенно антироссийский по своему характеру.
Ничего общего с задачей «поддержки свободы» на Украине или где бы то ни было еще этот текст не имеет. Он носит неприемлемый и вызывающий характер, отражает стремление влиятельных кругов США законодательно и надолго закрепить линию на слом отношений с Россией.
Мы многократно заявляли и подтверждаем вновь, что попытки экстерриториального применения американского законодательства для нас юридически ничтожны. Они идут вразрез с общепризнанными нормами международного права. Политически же принятое в Вашингтоне решение подводит под российско-американские отношения мощную мину, способную подорвать перспективу нормального взаимодействия по многим направлениям, в т.ч. в вопросах, в решении которых заинтересованы сами США.
Избавляться от этого «наследия» предстоит, видимо, долго. Вина за последствия целиком и полностью ложится на американскую сторону. Враждебные действия со стороны Вашингтона без реакции мы не оставляем. Решения по возможным ответным мерам будем принимать в зависимости от того, как в США на практике распорядятся новым законом.
Российская сторона готова к диалогу и сотрудничеству, но только на принципах равноправия, реального учета наших интересов. Попытки оказать на нас давление в любом случае обречены на провал.
Kurdish troops open key corridor to free Yazidis ...
ReplyDeleteIraqi Kurdish forces battling ISIS militants managed on Thursday to open up a key corridor so that thousands of people from the country's Yazidi minority who have been trapped on a mountain can flee, a senior Kurdish official said.
The development was an incremental step in the battle to retake the town of Sinjar, at the foothills of the mountain by the same name, which fell to ISIS militants in early August.
Backed by U.S.-led coalition airstrikes, the Kurdish peshmerga troops, launched the operation to retake Sinjar on Wednesday.
Masrur Barzani, chancellor of Kurdistan Region Security Council, told the Associated Press that the Kurdish forces advanced in battle, establishing the passageway to the mountain on Thursday................http://english.alarabiya.net/en/News/middle-east/2014/12/19/Iraqi-Kurdish-troops-fighting-ISIS-open-key-corridor-in-Iraq.html
Erfolg gegen IS im IrakKurden schlagen Korridor für die Jesiden frei ...
DeleteKurdische Kämpfer haben die Terrormiliz IS aus einem Teil des Irak gedrängt. Dabei entstand ein Fluchtweg für die eingeschlossenen Jesiden. Die USA melden zudem einen Erfolg beim Versuch, die Taktik von IS zu stören.
Kurdische Kämpfer haben im Irak mit Hilfe von Luftangriffen der US-Armee ein großes, von der Terrormiliz Islamischer Staat (IS) kontrolliertes Gebiet zurückerobert.
Nach mehr als 50 Luftangriffen konnten die Peschmerga-Kämpfer rund 100 Quadratkilometer bei der Stadt Sindschar westlich von Mossul nahe der syrischen Grenze einnehmen, wie US-Generalleutnant James Terry am Donnerstag in Washington sagte. „Ich glaube, wir haben bedeutende Fortschritte gemacht, die Offensive (des IS) aufzuhalten“, sagte Terry...................http://www.handelsblatt.com/politik/international/erfolg-gegen-is-im-irak-kurden-schlagen-korridor-fuer-die-jesiden-frei/11142460.html
Russia and the U.S. Play the Blame Game ...
ReplyDeleteThe U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee's recently released report on CIA torture of terrorist suspects makes stomach-churning reading. It was impossible to disagree with the Russian Foreign Ministry's human rights envoy, Konstantin Dolgov, when he said in a statement on Dec. 11 that its content was shocking.
The attacks of Sept. 11, 2001 were appalling, and it is understandable that Americans wanted to find and punish those responsible. But too many people lost their moral compass. The Nazi defendants in the Nuremberg trials, guilty of infinitely worse crimes than any of those detained by the CIA, were treated much more humanely when captured................http://www.themoscowtimes.com/article/513601.html
China to set up satellite, radar network to strengthen maritime power ...
ReplyDelete(Reuters) - China will set up an offshore observation network, including satellite and radar stations, to strengthen the country's maritime power, the official China Daily reported on Friday, in a move that could exacerbate tensions in the region.
Many of China's neighbors, including Japan, the Philippines and Vietnam, have expressed concern at China's military build-up and increasingly assertive posture in the region.
The network, which an official from the State Oceanic Administration called "fundamental" to protecting China's maritime interests, is set to be completed by 2020, the newspaper said................http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/12/19/us-china-security-maritime-idUSKBN0JX08520141219?feedType=RSS&feedName=worldNews
La Grèce de nouveau au bord du chaos ...
ReplyDeleteJ'ai passé la semaine en Grèce, notamment pour suivre Pierre Moscovici qui effectuait sur place sa première visite officielle comme commissaire aux affaires économiques et monétaires. Voici la version longue de mon reportage paru dans Libération daté du 18 décembre..............http://bruxelles.blogs.liberation.fr/coulisses/2014/12/la-gr%C3%A8ce-de-nouveau-au-bord-du-chaos.html
The U.S. government’s program to capture and kill insurgent leaders can backfire, a leaked CIA report said Thursday, citing “limited” results in Afghanistan in particular...
ReplyDeleteThe July 2009 document released by WikiLeaks tackles the pros and cons of “high value targeting” (HVT) operations conducted “against specific individuals or networks.”
The 18-page report was made under former CIA director Leon Panetta just months before President Barack Obama ordered a “surge” of troops in a bid to reverse the Taliban insurgency, defeat Al-Qaeda and quicken an end to the war in Afghanistan.
The report categorized the program’s contribution to counterinsurgency success in Afghanistan as “limited.”
“The Taliban has a high overall ability to replace lost leaders,” it said.............AFP...............http://english.alarabiya.net/en/News/2014/12/19/Leaked-CIA-document-reveals-setbacks-of-targeted-killings.html
Napolitano conferma: “Dimissioni imminenti”...
ReplyDeleteIl Presidente dovrebbe lasciare l’incarico intorno al 14 gennaio. Renzi: “Il Parlamento non avrà problemi ad eleggere un sostituto”
Il motociclista lascerà il Colle in tutta probabilità il 14 gennaio, per consegnare la lettera di dimissioni prima a Laura Boldrini che dovrà convocare di lì a due settimane la seduta congiunta di Camera e Senato per l’elezione del successore di Napolitano, e poi a Pietro Grasso che da quel momento esatto eserciterà le funzioni di reggenza. Quel giorno, Giorgio Napolitano lascerà il Colle. Quasi in sordina, senza scossoni istituzionali, ma dopo aver percorso un iter che è stato attentamente studiato, e vagliato in ogni dettaglio. Dopo, soprattutto, aver comunicato al mondo che Napolitano considera l’Italia avviata in mani sicure, quelle di Matteo Renzi al quale «non c’era alternativa» e che sta compiendo «uno sforzo coraggioso su mali antichi». Ieri Giorgio Napolitano ha definito le proprie dimissioni come «imminenti», nell’ultimo discorso pronunciato al Quirinale. Aveva di fronte a sé, per quelli che sono i tradizionali auguri di buone feste, tutti gli ambasciatori delle legazioni straniere presenti in Italia. Ed era come se volesse dire: guardate, questo Paese ne ha fatta di strada, merita la fiducia del mondo.................http://www.lastampa.it/2014/12/19/italia/politica/napolitano-conferma-dimissioni-imminenti-5NCk6VO97NeTjrSJx7QdGI/pagina.html
Five more Ukrainian soldiers killed despite truce: Kiev military ...
ReplyDelete(Reuters) - Kiev's military said on Friday five Ukrainian soldiers had been killed and seven wounded in attacks by pro-Russian separatists in the past 24 hours, a larger than normal death toll compared with recent weeks.
A September ceasefire has been repeatedly flouted by both sides, but shelling lessened significantly in December, fuelling hopes of de-escalation of the conflict which has killed over 4,700 people since April.
"For now there's only firing from firearms, they are not using tanks or artillery. We cannot say that the situation has escalated," military spokesman Andriy Lysenko said in a televised briefing.
(Reporting by Pavel Polityuk; Writing by Alessandra Prentice; Editing by Dominic Evans).............http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/12/19/us-ukraine-crisis-military-idUSKBN0JX11B20141219?feedType=RSS&feedName=worldNews
Putin reiterates tough stance against western pressure ...
ReplyDeletePresident Vladimir Putin reiterated on Thursday that Russia will not bow to external political pressure and will stay firm to protect the national interests.
Meanwhile, he urged the country to restructure its economy, as Russia is currently experiencing an economic slowdown and a rapid depreciation of the country's currency ruble partially due to high economic reliance on energy exports.
"The Berlin wall never really came down," Putin said at his 10th annual year-end press conference, adding the West has been erecting new barriers in the way of equitable ties with Russia.
"They think they have won, they consider themselves to be an empire and that others are vassals who must be oppressed," said the president.................http://www.china.org.cn/world/2014-12/19/content_34358229.htm
China lodges protest after Obama approves Taiwan frigate sale ...
ReplyDeleteChina said on Friday it had lodged a protest with the United States after President Barack Obama signed into law legislation authorizing the sale of up to four Perry-class guided missile frigates to Taiwan.
Foreign ministry spokesman Qin Gang said the Taiwan issue was one of China's core interests and remained the most important and most sensitive issue in Sino-U.S. ties.
"China firmly opposes the arms sale to Taiwan by the U.S. This position is resolute, clear and consistent," Qin told a daily news briefing...............http://www.todayonline.com/world/china-lodges-protest-after-obama-approves-taiwan-frigate-sale
Russland in der Krise: Moskaus Ärger mit den Nachbarn ...
ReplyDeleteNicht nur mit dem Westen, sondern auch mit seinen Verbündeten hat Russland Schwierigkeiten. Moskau will, dass Weißrussland und Kasachstan die antiwestlichen Sanktionen mittragen. Doch die weigern sich.
Vordergründig wird die von Russlands Präsident Wladimir Putin vorangetriebene „eurasische Integration“ Anfang kommenden Jahres einen Schritt vorankommen. Dann tritt der Vertrag über die Gründung der Eurasischen Wirtschaftsunion in Kraft, den die Staatschefs Russlands, Kasachstans und Weißrusslands Ende Mai in Astana unterzeichnet haben. Auch Armenien wird dann Mitglied, so haben es die Partner im Oktober beschlossen....................http://www.faz.net/frankfurter-allgemeine-zeitung/waldimir-putin-will-dass-verbuendete-russland-saktionen-mittragen-13329757.html
Jazenjuk vergleicht Putin mit einem Drogensüchtigen ....
ReplyDeleteDer ukrainische Premier hat klare Wote: Wladimir Putin sei "abhängig von immer neuen Annexionen."
Der ukrainische Premier Arseni Jazenjuk hat Russlands Präsidenten Wladimir Putin mit einem Drogensüchtigen verglichen. Seine aggressive Politik mache Putin "zu einem Drogensüchtigen", sagte Jazenjuk in einem am Freitag im Voraus veröffentlichten Interview des Magazins Der Spiegel. "Sein Überleben ist abhängig von weiteren Landnahmen auf fremdem Staatsgebiet. Er braucht immer neue Annexionen."
Der Applaus, den Putin durch den Anschluss der Krim daheim erhalten habe, werde nicht ewig anhalten, da es der russischen Bevölkerung durch die Sanktionen des Westens zunehmend schlechter gehe. "Um seine Popularität zu bewahren, muss Putin weitere internationale Verbrechen begehen", sagte Jazenjuk...............http://kurier.at/politik/ausland/jazenjuk-vergleicht-putin-mit-einem-drogensuechtigen/103.629.313
Steinmeier warnt vor Folgen der Sanktionen...
ReplyDeleteDer Außenminister befürchtet innenpolitisches Chaos in Russland infolge der Strafmaßnahmen. Die Krise dürfe nicht außer Kontrolle geraten – im Interesse Europas.
Außenminister Frank-Walter Steinmeier hat vor den Folgen der EU-Sanktionen gegen Russland gewarnt. Auf die Frage, ob er besorgt sei, dass Russland destabilisiert werde, wenn Europa die Sanktionen nicht lockere, sagte er dem Nachrichtenmagazin Der Spiegel: "Die Sorge habe ich." Wer Russland wirtschaftlich in die Knie zwingen wolle, irre gewaltig, wenn er glaube, dass das zu mehr Sicherheit in Europa führen würde. "Ich kann davor nur warnen", sagte der SPD-Politiker.
Zugleich sprach er sich gegen eine Verschärfung der Sanktionen aus. Russland zahle jetzt den Preis für den Vertrauensverlust wegen der Ukraine-Krise. Zusammen mit dem dramatischen Rubelverfall und den steil fallenden Energiepreisen sei das eine handfeste Wirtschafts- und Finanzkrise, die sicher auch innenpolitische Wirkung entfalten werde. "Es kann nicht in unserem Interesse sein, dass diese völlig außer Kontrolle gerät", sagte Steinmeier................http://www.zeit.de/politik/ausland/2014-12/ukraine-steinmeier-russland
Sécurité en Europe: Moscou salue les propos de Steinmeier ...
DeleteMoscou salue la déclaration du ministre allemand des Affaires étrangères Frank-Walter Steinmeier selon laquelle la sécurité en Europe est inconcevable sans la Russie, a indiqué samedi le porte-parole de la diplomatie russe Alexandre Loukachevitch dans un communiqué.
"Nous nous félicitons de la déclaration du ministre allemand des Affaires étrangères Frank-Walter Steinmeier selon laquelle il est impossible d'assurer la sécurité en Europe sans la Russie et à plus forte raison, contre elle. Nous voudrions que les autres pays occidentaux prennent conscience que la coopération avec notre pays n'a pas d'alternative", lit-on dans le communiqué mis en ligne sur le site de la diplomatie russe..................http://fr.ria.ru/world/20141220/203273509.html
Ruf nach Euro-Austritt„Deutsche werden Zeche für Griechenland zahlen“
ReplyDeleteDass die Große Koalition neue Griechen-Hilfen durchwinkt, ist für den CDU-Politiker Willsch und die AfD nicht nachvollziehbar. Das Land sollte besser den Euro verlassen. Dafür plädiert auch der DZ-Bank-Chefökonom.
Der hessische CDU-Bundestagsabgeordnete Klaus-Peter Willsch hat mit scharfer Kritik auf die jüngsten Griechenland-Beschlüsse der Großen Koalition reagiert. Kritisch sieht Willsch vor allem, dass die Abgeordneten am Donnerstag eine anschließende vorsorgliche Kreditlinie billigten, die dem schuldengeplagten Land bei der geplanten Rückkehr an den Kapitalmarkt Rückendeckung geben soll.....................http://www.handelsblatt.com/politik/deutschland/ruf-nach-euro-austritt-deutsche-werden-zeche-fuer-griechenland-zahlen/11144568.html
Turkey has issued an arrest warrant for U.S.-based Muslim cleric Fethullah Gulen, who President Tayyip Erdogan accuses of seeking to overthrow him, state broadcaster TRT Haber reported on Friday...
ReplyDeleteGulen, who has lived in self-imposed exile in Pennsylvania since 1999, has been in open conflict with Erdogan since a corruption probe targeting the then-prime minister's inner circle a year ago. Erdogan blamed the investigation on Gulen, but the cleric denied involvement.
HR/VP Mogherini visits Iraq ...
"HR/VP Federica Mogherini will travel to Baghdad on 22 December where she will be meeting the President of the Republic Fuad Masoum, Prime Minister Haider Al-Abadi and Foreign Minister Ibrahim al Jaafari. She will also meet with the Speaker of the Council of Representative's (CoR) Ibrahim Al Jabouri.
The HR/VP will send a message of solidarity and confirm the EU readiness to deepen the relationship with Iraq. HR/VP Mogherini will also travel to Erbil on 23 December where she will discuss the major challenges facing the Kurdistan region and its people with President of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq Massoud Barzani and Prime-Minister of the Kurdistan Regional Government Nechirvan Barzani, both with regard to the fight against ISIL / Da'esh and in confronting the humanitarian disaster that ISIL has created. The EU has provided EUR 20 million in humanitarian aid and is already implementing development projects in Iraq. It stands ready to provide further political, humanitarian and development support to Iraq in its fight against violent extremism.
Before leaving, HRVP will visit a Christian refugees' centre where she will meet with families and children hosted by this centre."
Catalans opposed to independence for their region now outnumber those in favour, the first such result ever recorded by the nationalist regional government, a poll indicated on Friday...
ReplyDeleteIt was the first time since Catalonia's regional leaders started polling people in 2011 on whether they want to break away from Spain that the official survey showed a swing against independence.
It was the also first survey by the leaders of the northeastern region since they defied the Spanish government by holding a symbolic vote on independence on November 9.
Of the Catalans questioned, 45.3 percent said they would vote against breaking away from Spain while 44.5 said they would vote in favour of such a move....................http://english.ahram.org.eg/News/118361.aspx
El 'no' ganaría al 'sí' a la independencia y hay empate técnico entre CiU-ERC ...
DeleteEl director del CEO, Jordi Argelaguet, ha presentado hoy en rueda de prensa los resultados de la encuesta sobre el contexto político en Cataluña de 2014 realizada este diciembre.
Según la última encuesta del Centro de Estudios de Opinión de la Generalitat, un 45,3% de los catalanes se muestra contrario a que Cataluña se convierta en un Estado independiente, frente a un 44,5% que se manifiesta a favor..............http://www.elmundo.es/cataluna/2014/12/19/549409ee22601d034a8b4575.html
Paura e scosse di terremoto a Firenze, scuole evacuate, gente in strada ...
ReplyDeleteUna scossa dopo l'altra, fino a contarne 120 di cui circa la metà di magnitudo superiore a 2. Così Firenze scopre all'improvviso la paura del terremoto. Gente in strada, edifici pubblici e scuole evacuate, centralini presi d'assalto. A Palazzo Vecchio il sindaco Dario Nardella riunisce alle 13 l'unità di crisi e dispone per sicurezza la chiusura dei musei civici per alcune ore, fuori centinaia di turisti. Anche il Mibact attiva l'unità di crisi per la tutela patrimonio artistico e culturale e in collaborazione con i vigili del fuoco raccoglie dati sulla situazione. I musei sono regolarmente aperti.
Nel Chianti prima e poi anche a Firenze, Fiesole e Prato molte scuole vengono chiuse e gli studenti mandati a casa per lo sciame sismico che continua. "I bambini sono nei cortili delle scuole come da procedura. Si valuta il rientro caso per caso", scrive su Twitter la vicesindaca Cristina Giachi. Molti genitori vengono chiamati dalle scuole per andare a riprendere i bambini a scuola. Per il personale di Palazzo Vecchio arriva l'invito a lasciare le sedi in via precauzionale, visto che non c'è la possibilità di controllare la staticità immediatamente e ovunque: "Nessun ordine ma consiglio", spiegano dal Comune mentre le scosse si susseguono. Quella che mette più paura arriva a 4,1 di magnitudo, alle 11.36 della mattina. Prima c'era stata un'altra scossa di 3,9 alle ore 10.39 e ancora a breve distanza un'altra di magnitudo 3. Alle 13.09 un'altra botta: stavolta di magnitudo 3,2..................http://firenze.repubblica.it/cronaca/2014/12/19/news/scossa_di_terremoto_nel_chianti-103266322/?rss
North Korea had nothing to do with a devastating cyber attack against Sony Pictures , a North Korean UN diplomat said on Friday after the US government blamed Pyongyang for the incident....
ReplyDelete"DPRK (North Korea) is not part of this," a North Korean diplomat told Reuters on condition of anonymity. He declined to comment further.
The FBI issued a statement on Friday saying North Korea was responsible for the cyberattack.
China, responding to Sony hack, says does not support 'cyber illegalities'...
ReplyDeleteChina, in response to allegations by a US official over the cyberattack against Sony Pictures, said on Friday it does not support illegal cyber action committed within its borders.
Representatives for the Chinese Embassy in Washington, in a statement to Reuters, also urged the United States to share evidence in the hacking case against the major Hollywood studio.
US authorities have found a possible Chinese link to the cyberattack, a US official said earlier on Friday. The FBI on Friday also formally announced that North Korea was behind the strike.
Ukraine - Washington interdit tout commerce avec la Crimée ...
ReplyDelete(Belga) Les Etats-Unis ont interdit à leur tour tous les échanges commerciaux avec la Crimée pour protester contre l'annexion de cette péninsule ukrainienne par Moscou au printemps dernier, a annoncé vendredi le président Barack Obama.
Le décret présidentiel interdit tout échange de "biens, de technologies et de services" en direction ou en provenance de cette région, a indiqué M. Obama au lendemain de sanctions similaires prises par l'Union européenne................http://www.rtl.be/info/monde/europe/ukraine-washington-interdit-tout-commerce-avec-la-crimee-685821.aspx
Poroshenko urges IMF to consider increasing financial aid for Ukraine ...
ReplyDeleteUkrainian President Petro Poroshenko has held a telephone conversation with Christine Lagarde, Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF). They discussed the Ukrainian economic situation, as well as the fulfilment of the obligations by the sides within the IMF programme, the Ukrainian presidential press service said on Saturday.
“Petro Poroshenko assured Christine Lagarde that Ukraine is consistently fulfilling its obligations to the IMF. The Ukrainian president urged the IMF to consider increasing financial aid for Ukraine,” the press service said...........http://itar-tass.com/en/world/768259
Migrant workers leave Russia due to weakening ruble ...
ReplyDeletePresident of the Federation of Migrants of Russia, Mohammed Amin, said that migrant workers leave Russia on a massive scale. Migrants leave Russia and go back home because of the weakening Russian ruble. Another reason that makes migrant workers leave Russia is the inaction of the new law that requires them to pass a test for the knowledge of the Russian language, for which they will have to pay.
Not less than a quarter of all migrants are planning to leave Russia in early 2015 to look for earnings in other countries, Interfax reports. According to Amin, the share of illegal migrants in Russia will grow................http://english.pravda.ru/news/russia/19-12-2014/129344-migrant_workers_russia-0/#.VJUTgcw7I
Neue Eskalation ..... Israel fliegt wieder Luftangriffe auf Hamas ...
ReplyDeleteEin Raketenbeschuss aus dem Gazastreifen hat den Konflikt im Nahen Osten neu entfacht: Als Reaktion bombardierte Israels Armee erstmals seit dem Krieg im Sommer wieder eine Stellung der Hamas. Augenzeugen sprechen von mehreren Explosionen.
Erstmals seit Ende des Gaza-Kriegs hat die israelische Luftwaffe wieder einen Angriff auf das palästinensische Küstengebiet geflogen. Ziel sei eine Stellung von Hamas-Kämpfern in der Region Chan Junis im Süden des Gazastreifens gewesen, teilte die israelische Armee in der Nacht auf Samstag mit. Nach palästinensischen Angaben wurde niemand bei dem Luftangriff verletzt...................http://www.faz.net/aktuell/politik/ausland/naher-osten/neue-eskalation-israel-fliegt-wieder-luftangriffe-auf-hamas-13332559.html
US-Denkfabrik: USA organisierten Umsturz in Kiew als Reaktion auf Russlands Syrien-Politik...
ReplyDeleteDer US-Thinktank Stratfor sieht die USA hinter dem Februar-Umsturz in Kiew. Mit dem Machtwechsel in der Ukraine habe Amerika auf das russische Engagement in Syrien reagiert, sagte Stratfor-Chef George Friedman. Die private Denkfabrik Stratfor wird wegen ihrer nachrichtendienstlichen Aktivitäten oft als Schatten-CIA bezeichnet.
Für Russland seien die Ereignisse von Anfang 2014 in der Ukraine ein von den USA organisierter Staatsstreich, sagte Friedman der russischen Tageszeitung Kommersant. „Und in der Tat war das der unverhüllteste Staatsstreich in der Geschichte.“ Nach den Beweggründen Amerikas gefragt, verwies Friedman auf die gewachsene Aktivität Russland im Nahen Osten, einer für die USA sehr wichtigen Region. „Insbesondere in Syrien haben die Russen gezeigt, dass sie die Prozesse im Nahen Osten beeinflussen können (…) Die USA werteten dies als einen Versuch, ihnen zu Schaden. In diesem Zusammenhang sind die Ereignisse in der Ukraine zu betrachten.“
Während Washington dabei war, den Aufstieg der potentiellen Regionalmächte Iran und Irak zu verhindern, „mischten sich die Russen in die Prozesse in Syrien ein“, führte Stratfor-Chef aus. „In Washington entstand daraufhin der Eindruck, dass die Russen die ohnehin instabile Position der USA in der für sie extrem wichtigen Region des Nahen Ostens ins Schwanken bringen wollten.“ „Diese Einmischung brachte viele in Washington zu dem Schluss, dass die Russen ein Problem seien... Man hat beschlossen, sie auf ein anderes Problem in einer anderen Region abzulenken“, so Friedman weiter....................http://de.ria.ru/politics/20141219/270245142.html
Chinese President Xi Jinping warned Hong Kong and Macau on Saturday to remember they are part of "one China", as pro-democracy campaigners in both semi-autonomous territories call for free leadership elections...
ReplyDeleteSecurity has been tight during Xi's two-day visit to Macau to mark the 15th anniversary of the gambling hub's handover from Portugal, just days after police cleared the last remaining protest sites in neighbouring Hong Kong.
Reporters on the airport tarmac waiting for Xi's arrival in Macau on Friday were not allowed to hold umbrellas — the symbol of Hong Kong's pro-democracy movement — and were handed raincoats instead.....................http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/world/china/Xi-warns-Hong-Kong-and-Macau-in-one-China-message/articleshow/45583717.cms
A earthquake with an intensity of 4 on the Japanese scale of 7 rattled the Hamadori area of eastern Fukushima Prefecture at 6:31 p.m. Saturday, the Meteorological Agency said.....
ReplyDeleteThe quake measured 3 in the northern, middle and southern parts of Miyagi Prefecture, the Nakadori district of Fukushima Prefecture, and northern Ibaraki Prefecture, the agency said on its website.
No tsunami warning was issued by the agency.
Magnitude Mw 5.9
Date time 2014-12-20 09:30:01.0 UTC
Location 37.45 N ; 141.41 E
Depth 60 km
Distances 102 km SE of Sendai-shi, Japan / pop: 1,037,562 / local time: 18:30:01.0 2014-12-20
90 km E of Fukushima-shi, Japan / pop: 294,237 / local time: 18:30:01.0 2014-12-20
36 km E of Namie, Japan / pop: 21,866 / local time: 18:30:01.0 2014-12-20
Japon : la région de Fukushima a nouveau touchée par un tremblement de terre ...
DeleteUn nouveau tremblement de terre a touché la région de Fukushima ce samedi aux alentours de 18h30. D'une magnitude de 5,8 (mais certaines sources évoquent une force plus violente) sur l'échelle de Richter, son épicentre aurait été localisé au large des côtes de la région ou se situe la centrale nucléaire accidentée de Fukushima, à une profondeur de 4.000 mètres, selon l'agence météorologique japonaise..
Sur l'échelle de Shindo, généralement utilisée au Japon, ce séisme a été mesuré à une intensité de 4 (sur un total de 7). Ce qui correspond à un tremblement de terre jugé comme "modéré"...............En savoir plus sur http://www.lesechos.fr/monde/asie-pacifique/0204031390495-japon-la-region-de-fukushima-a-nouveau-touchee-par-un-tremblement-de-terre-1076988.php?xtor=RSS37&fHZ23R7Zw2oFXHtI.99
A 5.9 magnitude earthquake hit Japan's Honshu island on Saturday, the U.S. Geological Survey said, shaking Fukushima where crippled nuclear power plants are located, but local media said there was no tsunami warning...
DeleteUSGS said the quake's epicenter was located 42 miles (68 km) east-northeast of Iwaki on Honshu. It was measured at a depth of 22.9 miles (37 km).
A spokesman for Tokyo Electric Power, which owns the nuclear plants, said no irregularities have been found at its Fukushkma Daiichi or Daini plants.
The national broadcaster NHK said there was no tsunami warning, and there were no immediate reports of casualties or serious damage................http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/12/20/us-earthquake-japan-idUSKBN0JY07020141220?feedType=RSS&feedName=worldNews
All spent fuel removed from reactor 4 pool at Fukushima No. 1, Tepco says ...
ReplyDeleteTepco said Saturday it has finished removing all fuel rods from the spent-fuel pool in the shattered reactor 4 building at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant, in a rare piece of positive news from the decommissioning process.
A total of 1,535 fuel rod assemblies, comprising 1,331 deemed at risk and 204 that were unused, have been transferred to other buildings following a yearlong process by Tokyo Electric Power Co., the beleaguered operator of the wrecked plant.
According to Tepco, this will reduce the risk of the spent fuel rods being exposed in the event of a new earthquake or a major accident...............http://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2014/12/20/national/all-spent-fuel-removed-from-reactor-4-pool-at-fukushima-no-1-tepco-says/#.VJWg_cw7I
"Le conflit dans l'est coûte à l'Ukraine 4,5 millions d'euros par jour" ...
ReplyDelete(Belga) Le conflit dans l'est séparatiste prorusse coûte à l'Ukraine 100 millions de hryvnias (4,6 millions d'euros) par jour, a déclaré samedi le président ukrainien Petro Porochenko devant le Conseil de sécurité nationale et de défense.
Il a également annoncé que le pays, qui souffre d'une grave crise économique, allait consacrer 5% de son budget à la défense en 2015 contre moins de 1% cette année et qu'il y aurait l'an prochain une série de mobilisations partielles. "L'opération dans l'est de l'Ukraine coûte 100 millions de hryvnias par jour", a déclaré le président ukrainien, en ouvrant le Conseil de sécurité nationale et de défense à Kiev consacré à l'approvisionnement de l'armée dans la zone de conflit................http://www.rtbf.be/info/monde/detail_le-conflit-dans-l-est-coute-a-l-ukraine-4-5-millions-d-euros-par-jour?id=8616286
Cuba prête à dialoguer avec les USA, mais ne renoncera pas à ses idées (Castro) ...
ReplyDeleteTout en acceptant d'engager un dialogue avec les Etats-Unis, Cuba a fait savoir qu'elle ne renoncerait pas aux idées qu'elle a défendues pendant 50 ans, a déclaré samedi le dirigeant cubain Raul Castro.
"Cuba ne renoncera pas aux idées pour lesquelles elle a lutté pendant 50 ans et pour lesquelles du sang a été versé. Cuba est un pays souverain, et son peuple a emprunté la voie du socialisme et défini librement son système politique ", a indiqué le frère du Commandante.................http://fr.ria.ru/world/20141220/203275617.html
Cuba says U.S. must respect its communist system ...
Delete(Reuters) - President Raul Castro demanded on Saturday that the United States respect Cuba's communist rule as the two countries work to restore diplomatic ties, and warned that Cuban-American exiles might try to sabotage the rapprochement.
U.S. President Barack Obama this week reset Washington's Cold War-era policy on Cuba and the two countries swapped prisoners in a historic deal after 18 months of secret talks.
Cubans have treated the end of open U.S. hostility as a triumph, especially the release of three Cuban intelligence agents who served long U.S. prison terms for spying on Cuban exile groups in Florida.........http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/12/20/us-cuba-usa-idUSKBN0JY0GV20141220?feedType=RSS&feedName=worldNews