Sunday, August 7, 2022

Google bloquea el canal de la corporación estatal rusa Rostec en YouTube - RT

Google ha notificado a la corporación estatal rusa Rostec sobre el bloqueo de su canal en YouTube en el marco de las sanciones impuestas por Occidente, informa Tass citando el servicio de prensa de la organización.

La compañía rusa señaló que su canal sobre tecnologías, ingenieros y proyectos rusos contaba con casi 45.000 suscriptores y centenares de miles de espectadores al año, lo que sirve de ejemplo de lo "que es de verdad la democracia occidental".

"Esto no es democracia, sino una imitación de ella, donde se imponen prohibiciones, se ahoga la libertad de opinión y se cierran las bocas", comentó Rostec, agregando que había transferido de antemano todo su contenido a la plataforma rusa Rutube.

1 comment:

  1. US-based Google has notified Russia’s state hi-tech corporation Rostec about blocking of its YouTube channel citing previously imposed sanctions, the Russian company said in a statement.

    "Google notified us today about the blocking of Rostec’s YouTube channel and cited sanctions as a reason," Rostec said in its statement.

    "It was a channel about the Russian engineering, our engineers and our technical innovations. The channel had about 45,000 subscribers and hundreds of thousands viewers annually," the company stated.

    "This is an obvious example of how the Western democracy works in reality. This is not a democracy, but its imitation, when the freedom of an opinion is being strangled and mouths are being shut. There is no force and truth in such actions," the statement added.

    Russia’s hi-tech state corporation Rostec also added that it was prepared for a possible elimination of its YouTube channel and copied all of its previously published videos to Rutube channel.


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