Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Russia Reiterates Call on Int'l Organizations to Conduct Probe Into Bucha Events

 Moscow reiterates its call that international organizations conduct an investigation into the events in the city of Bucha and reveal the names of the victims, the time and the reasons for their deaths, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Tuesday.

"Once again, we demand that international agencies stop covering up for the Kiev regime and ensure a thorough investigation that will finally reveal the names of the victims, the time and the cause of their death, the signs of the bodies having been moved from one place to another, and the individuals responsible for this terrifying crime by the Kiev authorities," Zakharova said in a statement released by the Russian Foreign Ministry. 

Russia has sent "multiple" requests to international organizations, including to UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres and UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Tuerk, but they remained unanswered, Zakharova said, adding that this shows that the "organisers of this heinous act have things to hide."
"The propaganda-driven disinformation campaign in Bucha came as a response to our goodwill gesture to withdraw troops from the Kiev and Chernigov regions which was made in the wake of progress at the Russian-Ukrainian talks in Istanbul on March 28, 2022. Clearly, the goal of this campaign was to disrupt the dialogue between the parties and to launch a package of pre-arranged Western sanctions on Russia at the behest of London," Zakharova also said.

She added that Kiev intended to distract the international community's attention "from its own crimes and inconsistencies" of the Bucha "provocation" and to spread a "fake theory" about the civilians allegedly killed by the Russian military among the public in Western countries.

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