Citing devastating attacks in the weekend that struck Turkey, Egypt and Somalia, Schulz underlined that such attacks affect Europeans as much as Africans or Americans, and they target at the innocent.
"Whether they are called Daesh or al-Shabaab or other terrorist organizations, they are fighting around the world against tolerance, against solidarity, against friendship and against humanity," the European Parliament president declared. "They want to spread fear and they want to intimidate us."
"The answer to this terrorism must be that we stick to our values," insisted Schulz, while admitting the challenge. "With every attack, with every bomb attack, it gets more and more difficult. But if we give up on the values that we stand by, then the terrorists will have won."
The final plenary session in 2016 for the European Parliament, and Schulz's last time as its president before a new leader is elected to the body on Jan. 17, 2017, will try to tackle several difficult challenges currently facing the European Union (EU).
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