Sunday, November 1, 2015

Deceptoris eletos news (December 2015)

Turkish jets on Saturday launched bombing raids against Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) targets in Syria, the day before Turks are due to vote in a parliamentary election, a senior government official said.

American jets were standing by to assist and all aircraft involved in the operations returned safely, the official told Reuters. Ground forces were not involved........Turkey vowed to take a more active role in combating ISIL


(DecEL  News as comments )
 (DecKrat  News as comments )


  1. Turkey calls for military talks with Russia...

    Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu called on Tuesday for the opening of communication channels between Turkey and Russia to prevent incidents like the downing of a Russian warplane by Turkish jets along the Syrian border last week.

    Russian President Vladimir Putin and Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan did not meet at Monday's summit in Paris which Erdogan had described as an opportunity to mend shattered ties between the two countries.

    "Our call to Russia again is to open military communication channels to prevent similar incidents happening. Let's keep diplomatic channels open," Davutoglu told a news conference before departing on an official visit to northern Cyprus.

    "We must sit down and talk at the table instead of making unfounded allegations," he added.

    Putin, who has signed a decree imposing economic sanctions on Turkey over the incident, said on Monday Turkey shot down the Russian jet because it wanted to protect supplies of oil from ISIS militants. Erdogan has called claims that Turkey buys oil from ISIS "slander".

    Davutoglu said Turkey will continue in its efforts to expel ISIS militants from the area on the Syrian side of the border between the two countries. by Reuters

  2. Turkish Stream and Akkuyu nuclear power plant not in list of Russian sanctions...

    Turkish Stream pipeline and Akkuyu nuclear power plant projects are not in the list of Russian sanctions against Turkey.

    The decree of the Russian Government on special economic measures against Turkey released on Tuesday does not contain any information about measures in energy sphere.

    Russia’s nuclear power giant Rosatom refrained from any comments on project’s prospects.

    Turkish Stream and Akkuyu nuclear power plant construction may be frozen or abandoned within the framework of restrictive measures against Turkey, Russian Minister of Economic Development Alexey Ulyukayev said earlier.

    1. Russia may freeze work on the Turkish Stream gas pipeline project as part of a row with Ankara over the shooting down of a Russian air force jet, two sources in Russian gas giant Gazprom told Reuters...

      The Kremlin has imposed sanctions on Turkey in retaliation for the Turkish air force shooting down the Russian jet on Nov. 24, but so far the measures have not affected the energy exports to Turkey that are the core of their economic relationship.

      "We're expecting that the head of state, in all likelihood, could declare a freezing of Turkish Stream, or at least that some kind of timeout should be announced," said one Gazprom source, who spoke on condition of anonymity.

      A second source in Gazprom, who also did not want to be identified, said: "We're still hoping that Turkish Stream will be pushed back by a few years, rather than completely canceled." by Reuters

  3. Netanyahu publicly admits to Israeli military operations in Syria...

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu publicly confirmed on Tuesday that Israel operates in Syria. "We're operating in Syria from time to time in order to stop the country from becoming a front against Israel," he said at the Galilee Conference in Acre, according to Israeli news site Ynet News.

    "We're operating against another terror front that Iran is trying to build in the Golan, and in order to thwart the transfer of particularly deadly weapons from Syria to Lebanon. We will continue doing this," the prime minister continued.

    Netanyahu's statement today marks the first time that an Israeli official has confirmed that the Israeli military has been operating in Syria.

    Since the beginning of the bloody civil war in 2011, Israel is reported to have attacked Syrian military bases on a number of occasions, including raids reportedly targeting Iranian rockets bound for Lebanon's Hezbollah.

    Media outlets linked to Syrian opposition groups as recently as November 11th reported Israeli jets striking targets near the Damascus airport.........

  4. Mindestens ein Toter nach Explosion in Istanbul....

    Die Ursache für die Detonation im Bezirk Bayrampasa, bei der es angeblich ein Todesopfer und mehrere Verletzte gegeben hat, war zunächst unklar. Der türkische Sender NTV berichtet allerdings von einer möglichen Bombe, die bei einer Überführung nahe der Metro-Stadtion Bayrampasa explodiert sei.

    Die Detonation war in vielen Teilen Istanbuls zu hören, berichteten türkische Medien. Der Metro-Verkehr auf der betroffenen Strecke wurde eingestellt. Zahlreiche Ambulanzen fuhren zum Ort der Explosion, der großräumig abgeriegelt wurde. Ein Gemeindevertreter hatte zuvor erklärt, die Explosion sei möglicherweise durch einen schadhaften Transformator ausgelöst worden..........

  5. The United States is deploying a specialized expeditionary targeting force to help Iraq put additional pressure on Islamic State and be positioned to conduct unilateral operations into Syria, U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter said on Tuesday...

    "These special operators will over time be able to conduct raids, free hostages, gather intelligence, and capture ISIL leaders," Carter told the House Armed Services Committee in prepared remarks, using an acronym for Islamic State.

  6. Washington intensifie son déploiement de forces spéciales en Syrie et en Irak...

    (Belga) Washington est "prêt à renforcer" la cinquantaine de soldats des forces spéciales envoyés dans le nord de la Syrie, et déploie une unité de forces spéciales en Irak pour des raids contre le groupe Etat islamique, a indiqué mardi le secrétaire à la Défense Ashton Carter.

    En Syrie, "là où nous trouverons de nouvelles opportunités de développer" le groupe des forces spéciales déjà sur place, "nous serons prêts à le renforcer", a déclaré M. Carter devant la commission des forces armées de la Chambre des repré

  7. Die US-geführte Koalition hat nach Angaben der Behörden von Aleppo Trinkwasser-Versorgungsanlagen in dieser syrischen Großstadt beschädigt. Als Folge werden Hunderttausende Menschen nur eingeschränkt mit Trinkwasser versorgt...

    Die Wasserversorgungsanlage sei am Donnerstag vergangener Woche angegriffen worden und musste den Betrieb einstellen, teilte Mustafa Malchis von Aleppos Stadtverwaltung am Dienstag mit. Nach seinen Worten funktioniert die Anlage wegen der Schäden nur teilweise.

    In der vergangenen Woche hatte bereits das UN-Kinderhilfswerk UNICEF von einem Bombenangriff auf die Wasserleitung und Kläranlage von Aleppo berichtet. Die Leitung, die 3,5 Millionen Menschen mit Trinkwasser versorgt hatte, sei beschädigt worden, teilte die UNICEF-Vertreterin in Syrien Hanna Singer laut Reuters mit. Betroffen seien etwa 1,4 Millionen Menschen.

  8. Nato will die Türkei militärisch unterstützen...

    In der Krise zwischen der Türkei und Russland will die Nato die Südflanke des Bündnisses stärken. Zugleich sollen die Gesprächskanäle nach Moskau offen bleiben.

    Eine Woche nach dem Abschuss des russischen Kampfflugzeugs, das sich offenbar 17 Sekunden lang im türkischen Luftraum aufhielt, haben die Nato-Außenminister über einen verbesserten Schutz des südöstlichen Bündnispartners gesprochen. Es ging darum, nicht zuletzt vor dem Hintergrund der beunruhigenden Entwicklung jenseits der türkischen Grenzen, die Verteidigungsfähigkeit des Landes zu stärken. Nato-Generalsekretär Jens Stoltenberg widersprach jedoch energisch dem Eindruck, dies stehe in Verbindung mit dem Abschuss. „Es geht um etwas, das nicht im Zusammenhang mit dem Zwischenfall in der vergangenen Woche steht, sondern um etwas, das seit Jahren geschieht“, sagte Stoltenberg...................

  9. Столтенберг: НАТО пригласила Черногорию в альянс...

    НАТО пригласила Черногорию начать переговоры о вступлении в альянс. Об этом заявил генсек НАТО Йенс Столтенберг.
    "Историческое решение"

    "НАТО приняла историческое решение о начале переговоров о вступлении Черногории, - сказал он. - Мы приглашаем к участию в заседании министра иностранных дел и министра обороны Черногории".

    "Это только начало пути. Черногории предстоит продолжить процесс интенсивных реформ, в том числе по борьбе с коррупцией и по укреплению общественной поддержки в стране процесса вступления в НАТО", - отметил он.

    "Этот день стал историческим для Черногории и для всех Западных Балкан. Мы подтверждаем нашу безграничную поддержку продолжению процесса реформ и укрепления непоколебимой поддержки в обществе процесса вступления в НАТО. В мае следующего года мы будем отмечать 10-летие независимости, и я приглашаю всех отпраздновать это событие с нами. Пусть это будет началом прекрасного союза", - сказал в свою очередь министр иностранных дел и евроинтеграции Черногории Игорь Лукшич................

  10. Greece under EU pressure on Schengen future...

    Greece has admitted it has come under intense pressure over migration, but denies any official attempt has been made to suspend it from the Schengen passport-free zone.

    Migration minister Ioannis Mouzalas was reacting to reports of an EU ultimatum to improve migrant conditions.

    More than 740,000 people have arrived on the shores of Greece this year.

    A top EU official has warned that children are dying on Greek beaches because of a lack of medical help.

    There is also anger that Greece has been slow to let in EU experts and improve its registration of refugees.

    The influx of migrants across countries with few border restrictions has alarmed European leaders and raised doubts about the very future of the 1985 Schengen accord.

    According to the FT, Greece has been repeatedly warned this week that it could be suspended from the 26-member zone if it fails to take action before an EU leaders' summit in mid-December.........

  11. Une fusillade est en cours à San Bernardino en Californie, à une heure à l'est de Los Angeles. Un tweet des pompiers de la ville évoquent pour l'instant un bilan d'au moins 20 victimes...

    Un à trois tireurs sont activement recherchés par la police, a-t-elle annoncé sur le même réseau social.

    "Les pompiers de San Bernardino interviennent à la suite d'informations selon lesquelles il y aurait eu 20 victimes lors d'une fusillade", selon ce message posté sur Twitter par le compte des pompiers de la ville.

    Les autorités n'ont pas précisé si des morts se trouvaient parmi les victimes.

    Le président Barack Obama a été informé de la situation et a demandé à être tenu au courant des développements, a indiqué un responsable de la Maison

  12. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov It will be sad to hear nothing new at a meeting with the Turkish foreign minister in Belgrade, said Wednesday...

    "As regards a possible meeting with the Turkish foreign minister, in response to strong requests of the Turkish side, we are ready to envision such a meeting," Lavrov said.

    "We want to understand what our Turkish partners who are insistently seeking a meeting can say in addition to what they have already said publicly," he said.

    "It will be sad if we hear nothing new," Lavrov said. "But in any case, we would like to pose a few questions to the Turkish side as well, including on the attempt to distort the contents of my phone conversation with the Turkish foreign minister on November 25."

    "In particular, the leaks in Turkish newspapers claim that during the conversation he proposed creating a hotline between the military departments of the Russian Federation and Turkey, and we stepped aside. It’s untrue, because such a line was created at the earliest stage of the Russian Aerospace Forces’ operation on a Russian initiative. But the Turkish side has not used the line a single time," he said.

    "The leaks also claimed that during the November 25 phone conversation, Minister [Mevlut] Cavusoglu suggested establishing a coalition between the Russian Federation and Turkey to fight the Islamic State [terrorist group], and we did not display enthusiasm. It’s also untrue," Lavrov said.

    "It’s President [Vladimir] Putin who speaking at the UN General Assembly proposed creating a united front against terrorism," he said.

    1. Turkey, Russia ministers set for first meet since plane downed..

      The top diplomats of Turkey and Russia were set to meet for the first time since Ankara shot down one of Moscow's warplanes as dozens of foreign ministers gathered in Belgrade on Thursday.

      US Secretary of State John Kerry was also in the Serbian capital for the annual ministerial council of the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), which he was due to address early Thursday.

      The council was expected to focus on the crisis in Ukraine, along with migration, terrorism and other shared challenges, "as well as ways to rebuild consensus on European security as a common project", an OSCE statement said.

      Kerry was scheduled to meet Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on Thursday, but it was not clear when Lavrov would talk to his Turkey counterpart Mevlut Cavusoglu during the two-day gathering in Belgrade.

      The meeting would mark the two countries' first high-level face-to-face talks since the downing of the Russian plane on November 24 along Turkey's border with Syria, which has badly strained relations between Ankara and Moscow..........AFP.......

  13. Turkey will regret "more than once" about its shooting down of a Russian bomber jet near the Syrian-Turkish border, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Dec. 3, accusing Ankara of "aiding of terrorists."...

    In a reference clearly aimed at the West, Putin said in his annual state of the nation address that countries "should not apply double standards on terror" or use terrorist groups for their own needs.

  14. Decenas de Yars y Topol toman posiciones entre el Volga y el Amur....

    Las Fuerzas de Misiles Estratégicos de Rusia (RVSN) han desplegado decenas de sistemas Topol, Topol-M y Yars en un vasto territorio entre la provincia de Ivánovo, en el centro de la Rusia europea, y el sur de Siberia, escribe este viernes Rossiyskaya Gazeta.

    Los sistemas abandonan sus bases y toman posiciones tras recorrer decenas o cientos de kilómetros por rutas secretas, que evitan las carreteras convencionales, señala el rotativo.

    En sus desplazamientos, estas potentes armas utilizan camuflaje especial para evitar ser detectadas por los satélites espías de la OTAN.

    Así, nubes de un gas especial las hacen prácticamente invisibles desde el aire, y una vez en el destino, entran en acción los dispositivos de lucha radioelectrónica.

    Los Yars y Topol también son acompañados por vehículos Taifún M dotados con drones, que se encargan de impedir eventuales acciones subversivas.

    El despliegue cubre un enorme territorio; solo a la división de Téikovo, en la provincia de Ivánovo, le corresponde una zona equivalente a varios países europeos.........Lea más en

  15. Bisher begründete die Türkei den Abschuss des russischen Kampfjets immer mit der Verletzung ihres Luftraums. Doch plötzlich präsentiert der türkische Premier Ahmed Davutoglu noch einen Grund...

    Die Türkei hat ein weiteres Motiv für den Abschuss des russischen Kampfjets vor anderthalb Wochen zur Sprache gebracht. Ministerpräsident Ahmet Davutoglu erklärte in der aserbaidschanischen Hauptstadt Baku, die Türkei könne es einem Flugzeug "moralisch" nicht erlauben, in türkisches Gebiet einzudringen, bevor es turkmenische Gegenden in Syrien bombardieren würde. Er bestand aber erneut darauf, die Türkei habe nicht gewusst, welche Nationalität das Flugzeug gehabt

  16. Russian warplanes destroy 12 fuel pump stations in Syria in a week — Defense Ministry...

    Russian warplanes have destroyed 12 fuel pump stations, 8 oil fields and oil and gas facilities; as well as more than 170 extremist-owned tanker trucks in a week, Russian Defense Ministry Spokesperson Igor Konashenkov said on Friday.

    "Twelve fuel pump stations, 8 oil fields and oil and gas facilities as well as more than 170 tanker trucks have been destroyed (in Syria) over the past week," Konashenkov said.........

  17. Israel, Greece coordinated exercises against S-300 missile system: report...

    Israel has been discreetly training and testing maneuvers designed to defeat missile systems Russia has deployed in the Middle East, military and diplomatic sources said.

    According to the sources, a Russian S-300 anti-aircraft system sold to Cyprus and currently located on the Greek island of Crete was activated for use in the exercises jointly carried out by the Greek and Israeli air forces in April-May this year, Reuters reported.

    The exercises were used to test how the S-300 system locks onto targets, gather data on its tracking radar and to see if the system could be blinded or tricked.

    One source said that "part of the maneuvers involved pitting Israeli jets against Greek anti-aircraft systems." Two additional sources confirmed the use of the S-300 system in the tests.

    Both the Greek and Israeli militaries declined to comment on the use of the S-300 system during drills held in the Eastern Mediterranean last April-May or similar exercises in 2012 and 2010, said Reuters............

    1. Grecia refuta noticia sobre ejercicios de lucha contra el S-300 ruso...

      El Estado Mayor de la Fuerza Aérea de Grecia ha refutado la publicación de Reuters, en que se afirmó que Grecia permitió a Israel durante unos ejercicios conjuntos testar el sistema ruso S-300.

      Grecia es el único país de la OTAN que tiene en sus arsenales el sistema de defensa antiaérea S-300.

      Según Reuters, Israel estudió los métodos de lucha contra este sistema ruso, capaz de limitar las posibilidades de Tel Aviv de asestar golpes aéreos en Irak y Siria, durante unos ejercicios llevados a cabo junto con Grecia en abril y mayo de 2015.

      El portavoz del Estado Mayor de la Fuerza Aérea griega, Ioannis Tsitumis, al comentarlo dijo que "son absolutamente infundadas" las publicaciones de unos medios electrónicos que alegan la noticia de Reuters sobre los supuestos ejercicios de lucha contra el sistema de defensa antiaérea S-300.

      "El Estado Mayor de la Fuerza Aérea declara que jamás ha efectuado ejercicios semejantes con tercera parte alguna, la aviación militar nunca revela información confidencial", afirmó.

      Los sistemas de defensa antiaérea S-300 tienen la reputación de ser unos de los más poderosos del mundo...........

  18. Türkische Militärs haben an dem Hügel Tal Ziyab Befestigungsanlagen gebaut, um Deckung für die Tankwagen-Konvois mit syrischem Öl zu sichern, die von IS-Kämpfern über die Grenze geschmuggelt werden, wie Lifenews am Freitag berichtet...

    Am 26. November drangen laut Lifenews mehrere türkische Verbände auf syrisches Territorium vor besetzten und den 50 Meter hohen Hügel. Die Infanteristen wurden beim Überqueren der Grenze von Baggern begleitet. Auf der gewünschten Höhe angelangt, machten sie sich an die Errichtung von Befestigungen. Zwei Tage später trafen vor Ort drei Panzer, zwei Schützenpanzer und mehrere gepanzerte Geländewagen ein.

    Damit hat die Türkei offensichtlich vor, nicht nur das Territorium, auf dem Kurden leben, in zwei Teile zu trennen, sondern auch den Ölschmuggel aus Rakka zu sichern, den die IS-Kämpfer betreiben................

  19. Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon has criticized the US for its lack of involvement in the Middle East and said that America "can't sit on the fence with regard to the Middle East and ISIS."...

    "It should lead and be more involved," Ya'alon said during a talk at the Saban Forum in Washington D.C. Friday.

    The defense minister said that when it comes to Syria, Sunnis and Kurds can provide the "boots on the ground" but that they need to be “orchestrated and led.”

    "Western troops in the Middle East should be the last resort. You should empower local forces to fight," Ya'alon said.

    US puts on hold request for bigger Turkish air role in Syria

    Ya'alon's comments came as Reuters reported that the US has quietly put on hold a long-standing request for Turkey to play a more active role in the air war against Islamic State.

    The move is intended to allow just enough time for heightened Turkey-Russia tensions to ease after Turkey shot down a Russian fighter jet last week, US officials told Reuters.............

  20. U.S. delays request for bigger Turkish air role against Islamic State until tensions with Russia ease...

    Since Turkey shot down a Russian fighter jet on Nov. 24, the United States has quietly put on hold a long-standing request for its NATO ally to play a more active role in the U.S.-led air war against the Islamic State group.

    The move, disclosed to Reuters by a U.S. official, is aimed at allowing time for Turkish-Russian tensions to ease. Turkey has not flown any coalition air missions in Syria against Islamic State since the incident, two U.S. officials said.

    The pause is the latest complication over Turkey’s role, testing the patience of U.S. war planners, who want a more assertive Turkish contribution — particularly in securing a section of border with Syria that is seen as a crucial supply route for the Islamic by Reuters

  21. French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said he no longer believes that Bashar al-Assad's departure is necessary before any political transition in Syria, in an interview published Saturday...

    "A united Syria implies a political transition. That does not mean that Bashar al-Assad must leave even before the transition, but there must be assurances for the future," he told the French regional newspaper Le Progres.

  22. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Saturday that Ankara could find alternatives to Russian oil and gas, as bilateral tensions escalated over the downing of a Russian warplane...

    "It is possible to find different suppliers," Erdogan said in a televised speech, referring to Qatar and Azerbaijan.

    The shooting down by Turkish fighter jets of a Russian warplane on the Syrian border on November 24 has plunged relations between Moscow and Ankara into their biggest crisis since the Cold War.

    The Turkish strongman said Russia had made "no sign" that the crisis would affect their energy partnership, but he implied that Ankara was seeking new suppliers.......

  23. L'Allemagne envoie une frégate pour assister la France dans la lutte contre l'EI ...

    Dimanche marque le coup d'envoi de la participation allemande aux opérations militaires contre l'État islamique. Une frégate avec 230 soldats a rejoint une base française en méditerranée.

    Le bateau est arrivé à minuit dans la nuit de samedi à dimanche et accompagnera le porte-avions français Charles de Gaulle le long du canal de Suez et jusqu'à la mer d'Arabie, selon un porte-parole militaire. De là, la France compte mener des frappes aériennes contre l'État islamique qui revendique les attentats de Paris du 13 novembre dernier.

    La frégate allemande porte le nom d'Augsburg et avait été impliquée dans l'opération Sophia qui se battait contre le trafic d'êtres humains en Méditerranée. L'Allemagne engagera maximum 1200 soldats dans la lutte contre l'EI.

  24. WikiLeaks: Erdogan plante schon im Oktober Attacke auf russisches Kampfflugzeug...

    Das für seine Enthüllungen bekannte Webportal WikiLeaks hat unter Berufung auf einen Insider berichtet, dass die türkischen Behörden schon im Oktober eine Attacke auf russische Kampfflugzeuge geplant haben sollen.

    Die von WikiLeaks veröffentlichte Information stammt von einer unter dem Pseudonym Fuat Avni bekannten einflussreichen Person in den Führungskreisen der Türkei.

    „Am 10. Oktober, sechs Wochen vor dem Abschuss des russischen Kampfjets, hatte eine türkische Quelle bei Twitter von einem künftigen Plan (des türkischen Präsidenten Tayyip – Anm. d. Red.) Erdogan zum Abschuss eines Flugzeuges berichtet“, heißt es in einer Twitter-Mitteilung bei WikiLeaks..............

  25. Turkish Foreign Ministry spokesman Tanju Bilgiç said on Sunday that statements by Iranian officials and reports from official news agencies using inflammatory language against Turkey and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan have shocked Turkey....

    Bilgiç criticized recent statements made by the Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman and other officials accusing Turkey of facilitating the sale of oil for the terrorist Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL).

    Bilgiç also criticized some Iranian officials who acted as if there had been no phone conversation between President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and his Iranian counterpart, Hassan Rouhani, for manipulating what was actually talked about as being "unethical" and showing an effort to deceive Iranian people.

    Bilgiç said Turkey denies the allegations accusing it of aiding terrorism, saying those countries that helped the Syrian regime against the people have contributed to the conflict...............

  26. US coalition airstrike targets Syrian army for first time, killing 4 soldiers ...

    Four Syrian soldiers were killed on Sunday when US-led coalition airplanes struck positions of government troops, pan-Arab al-Mayadeen TV reported on Monday.

    The was the first time for the US-led coalition to target Syrian government forces since it started air operations in Syria over a year ago, with fighting Islamic State (IS) as its stated aim.

    The airstrike occurred in the Ayash area in Syria's eastern province of Deir al-Zourm, al-Mayadeen said.

    Syrian officials have repeatedly questioned the intention and the seriousness of the US-led coalition in the war on terror, especially after the recent involvement of French and British warplanes in the coalition.

  27. Russia Loses Advanced Military Satellite After Launch ...

    Russian officials say they have lost contact with a newly developed military satellite that failed to separate from its booster rocket after being launched.

    Russian media quote officials from Russia's Air Force as saying on December 7 that "the considered lost."

    A Soyuz-2.1B rocket carrying the satellite blasted off from the Plesetsk cosmodrome on December 5.

    The lost satellite, called Kanopus-ST, was meant to be used for both civilian and military purposes.

    The satellite, which took a decade to develop, had been designed to scan the Earth's oceans and weather systems from space.

    One of its military purposes was to spot and track submarines.

    The U.S. Space Surveillance Network -- a Pentagon program which detects, tracks, and catalogs artificial objects orbiting Earth -- says the satellite is expected to disintegrate on December 8 when the booster rocket is due to reenter the Earth's atmosphere over Siberia.

  28. Irak pide ayuda a Alemania en la lucha contra el Daesh...

    El primer ministro de Irak, Haider al Abadi, ha pedido al Gobierno alemán entrenar a los militares iraquíes que luchan contra el Daesh (autodenominado Estado Islámico), informaron los medios.

    "El terrorismo amenaza no solo a Irak, sino también a toda Europa", dijo Al Abadi durante su encuentro con el titular de Exteriores alemán, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, de visita en Bagdad.

    Steinmeier llegó a la capital iraquí este lunes por sorpresa y sin anuncio previo por motivos de seguridad.

    Actualmente los militares alemanes instruyen solo a los combatientes kurdos en el norte de Irak que combaten a los extremistas que controlan territorios en Irak y Siria.

    El ministro alemán comentó haber escuchado "atentamente" la solicitud de la parte iraquí y mencionó los planes de Alemania para ayudar a Irak en la construcción de cinco hospitales de campaña en los territorios liberados..........

  29. The Egyptian military says it's destroyed 20 recently discovered underground tunnels along the border with the Gaza Strip...

    The army says the tunnels were found and destroyed in November. The announcement came on its official Facebook page on Monday. There were no further details.

    Israel and Egypt have maintained a blockade of the Palestinian coastal territory since the Islamic militant group Hamas seized Gaza in 2007. For years, Egypt tolerated a smuggling industry that allowed hundreds of tunnels to bring in goods like cigarettes and spare parts, as well as weapons, into the strip.

    After a major attack last year, the military began clearing a buffer zone along the border in an attempt to stamp out the cross-border network of tunnels that Hamas considers a lifeline.

  30. Yemen’s president told the United Nations that he has asked the Saudi-led coalition to begin a 7-day ceasefire on Dec. 15 to coincide with U.N.-sponsored peace talks aimed at ending months of fighting...

    “I have notified the leadership of the Coalition of our intention to cease fire for a period of seven days, starting December 15 until December 21,” President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi said in a letter on Monday to U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.

    “This will coincide with the starting of consultations and will automatically be renewed upon commitment by the Houthis,” he

  31. Russian submarine equipped with cruise missiles off Syria coast: Ifax...

    A Russian submarine equipped with cruise missiles has entered the eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea and is near the coast of Syria, Interfax news agency quoted a source as saying on Tuesday.

    The submarine is equipped with missiles similar to those used by the warships of Russia's Caspian flotilla to strike Islamic State targets, the source was quoted as saying.

  32. U.S. agrees spy plane deployment in Singapore amid China tensions...

    The United States has agreed with Singapore on a first deployment of the U.S. P8 Poseidon spy plane in Singapore this month, in a fresh response to China over its pursuit of territorial claims in the South China Sea.

    China, which is at odds with Washington over the South China Sea, said on Tuesday the move was aimed at militarizing the

  33. The South Korean navy fired warning shots Tuesday at a Chinese patrol boat that crossed the disputed maritime border between South and North Korea, military officials in Seoul said...

    A statement from Korea's Joint Chiefs of Staff said the action was taken after the initially unidentified vessel encroached on South Korean territorial waters. The defense ministry said the vessel was initially assumed to be North Korean.

    The Chinese foreign ministry made no immediate comment on Tuesday.

    1. China seeks South Korean safety guarantees after warning shots fired at ship...

      China said on Wednesday it had asked South Korea to ensure the safety of Chinese ships after South Korea's navy fired warning shots at a Chinese vessel which crossed into waters disputed by North and South Korea.

      The South Korean navy told Yonhap news agency it had fired 10 warning shots at a Chinese boat which it said crossed the Northern Limit Line - a disputed inter-Korean maritime border on the west coast.

      The ship was initially thought to be North Korean, but was later identified as Chinese, according to Yonhap.

      "We are concerned about the relevant situation," Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying told a daily news briefing.

      The Chinese embassy in South Korea has asked for a clarification of what happened, she said, adding that it had not heard of any damage or injuries.

      "We will continue to pay close attention to how the situation develops and keep in communication with South Korea, asking they ensure the safety of Chinese personnel and ships," Hua said, without giving other details..........

  34. Syrian rebels have begun evacuating the last district they hold in the city of Homs under a ceasefire deal reached with the government, monitoring groups and activists said...

    The deal means the entire city returns to government control.

    Those leaving are due to go to areas of Idlib province still in rebel hands.

    Homs, in central Syria, was once dubbed the "capital of the revolution" and saw some of the first protests against President Bashar al-Assad, in 2011.

    Buses arrived on Wednesday to transport fighters and their families out of the Homs suburb of al-Wair, activist network the Local Co-ordination Committees said....BBC

  35. A 23-year-old man from the eastern French city of Strasbourg has been identified as the third bomber involved in the attacks at Paris's Bataclan music hall, police sources said this morning...

    Foued Mohamed Aggad went to Syria with his brother and a group of friends at the end of 2013, according to a source close to the investigation.

    Most of the others were arrested in spring last year upon their return to France but Aggad stayed on in Syria, the source said.

    Mohammed Aggad's older brother Karim, who also visited Syria, is in jail in France..........

  36. SU-24 abattu par la Turquie: la Russie va déchiffrer une boîte noire ...

    La Russie a récupéré une boîte noire du bombardier SU-24 abattu par la Turquie à la frontière syrienne en novembre, et va la déchiffrer avec des spécialistes étrangers, a déclaré mardi le président Vladimir Poutine.

    "Je vous demande de ne pas l'ouvrir pour l'instant", a déclaré Vladimir Poutine au ministre de la Défense Sergueï Choïgou lors de la présentation de la boîte noire, selon les agences russes, lui demandant de ne l'ouvrir "qu'en présence d'experts étrangers".

    M. Choïgou a déclaré que le territoire sur lequel était tombé le bombardier russe avait été "libéré" par les forces spéciales syriennes, ce qui leur a permis de découvrir la boîte noire dans une zone jusque-là tenue par les rebelles.

    Le président Poutine a déclaré qu'une analyse de la boîte noire permettrait de déterminer la trajectoire et les paramètres de la position du bombardier au moment où il été abattu par les forces aériennes

  37. Turkish Army hits PKK targets in northern Iraq amid tensions with Baghdad...

    The Turkish Armed Forces staged a cross-border aerial campaign in northern Iraq to hit outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) targets in the Kandil Mountains amid tensions with the central government in Baghdad over Turkey’s deployment of troops near Mosul.

    According to a statement by the Turkish General Staff, 10 F-16 fighter jets launched an attack between 10 p.m. and 10:50 p.m. on Dec. 8.

    “PKK targets in the Kandil, Hakurk, Zap and Avaşîn-Basyan regions in northern Iraq were destroyed in an aerial campaign,” the statement

  38. The Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said that those who link the ouster of the Syrian president Bashar Assad with fighting terrorism contribute to preserving the adequate conditions of ISIL extension...

    "Although the Western powers are no longer demanding the immediate departure of President Assad, but they consider that setting a timetable for the Syrian leader's ouster as a must," Lavrov noted.

  39. Azerbaijani Tanks Shell Positions In Nagorno-Karabakh...

    Azerbaijani tanks shelled positions in the Nagorno-Karabakh region for the first time in 21 years, the Defense Ministry for the breakaway region said on December 9.

    "For the first time since the cease-fire [in 1994], Azerbaijan has used tanks on the Karabakh front line," killing one soldier identified as Garik Avanesian, the ministry said.

    "Some 1,500 shots were fired from tanks and grenade-launchers," it said.

    Azerbaijan said Armenia had acted first, firing mortar rounds at settlements in Azerbaijan.

    "The regime in Armenia bears responsibility for all of this," Azerbaijan's Defense Ministry said.

    Azerbaijan's ministry warned it would launch retaliatory strikes on "enemy" army positions in Nagorno-Karabakh.........

  40. North Korea Leader Hints at Hydrogen Bomb Capability...

    North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un has hinted that his nuclear-armed state has developed a hydrogen bomb, a move that would signal a major step forward in its nuclear weapons capabilities.

    During a recent inspection tour of a historical military site, Kim mentioned that North Korea was already a "powerful nuclear weapons state ready to detonate self-reliant A-bomb and H-bomb to reliably defend its sovereignty", the North's official KCNA news agency said Thursday.

    North Korea has already tested three atom bombs, which rely on nuclear fission.

    A hydrogen, or thermonuclear device, uses fusion in a chain reaction that results in a far more powerful explosion.........AFP

  41. The Geneva authority Thursday raised the level of security alert and were looking for suspects in connection with investigations into the Nov. 13 Paris attacks, according to Swiss media reports.

  42. ISIS destroys bridge as Iraqi forces close in on Ramadi...

    Iraqi officials say ISIS militants have destroyed a lock on the Euphrates River that served as a bridge in Ramadi as government forces close in on the militant-held city west of Baghdad.

    Iraqi Maj Gen. Ismail al-Mahlawi, the head of military operations in the western Anbar province, said Wednesday that the lock was the last remaining bridge from the city center to the northwest. He says its destruction leaves some 300 ISIS fighters trapped in the center of the city, which the militants seized in May.

    Iraqi forces backed by U.S.-led airstrikes pushed into Ramadi earlier this week, capturing a military complex north of the city and a neighborhood on its outskirts.
    AP -

  43. Georgia says a Russian military helicopter has violated its airspace...

    The Defense Ministry said on December 10 that a Russian Mi-8 helicopter crossed "the occupation line" near Georgia's breakaway region of South Ossetia the day before and flew back several minutes later.

    The ministry called the incident "provocative in nature and posing a threat to the security and stability in the region."

    There was no immediate comment from Moscow.

    "The occupation line" is how Georgian officials call the country's administrative boundary with South Ossetia and its other breakaway region -- Abkhazia.

    Russia has recognized the two separatist regions' independence following a five-day war with Georgia in August 2008, and has kept troops there since then.

    1. The Russian Defense Ministry has denied the Georgian Defense Ministry’s allegations that a Russian combat helicopter had violated the Georgian airspace....

      "Russian combat helicopters have made no flights over the territory adjacent to the Georgian border over the past 24 hours. It is not surprising that the accusations, which representatives of the Georgian Defense Ministry have made over the past day, did not point, even approximately, to a place where the Georgian airspace had been violated," Russian Defense Ministry Spokesperson Major General Igor Konashenkov said on Thursday....


  44. The European Commission says it has begun legal action against Greece, Croatia and Italy for failing to correctly register migrants...

    It says the three failed to implement the Eurodac Regulation, which involves fingerprinting asylum seekers and registering the data within 72 hours.

    The commission said it warned about the shortfalls two months ago.

    It has also launched an infringement case against Hungary over its asylum legislation.....BBC

  45. North, South Korea Optimistic as Talks Begin...

    North and South Korea have held high-level talks for the first time in nearly two years, with both sides expressing a desire to improve long-strained ties.

    The vice ministerial-level meeting was held Friday at the Kaesong industrial complex, just north of the tense demilitarized zone separating the two countries.

    South Korean Vice Unification Minister Hwang Boo-gi and his North Korean counterpart, Jon Jong Su, struck an optimistic tone as they shook hands at the beginning of the dialogue.

    "When we make the first step, it is important to keep walking straight. Let's make the right step on the first road, so that we can open a path to reunification," Hwang said.........

  46. Islamic State truck bombs kill up to 60 people in Syrian town: Kurds...

    A triple truck bomb attack claimed by Islamic State in northeastern Syria killed at least 50 people and wounded 80 others, a spokesman for the Kurdish militia that controls the area said on Friday.

    The town in the northeastern province of Hasaka is controlled by the Kurdish YPG militia, which has been battling Islamic State with the support of U.S.-led air strikes.

    Kurdish fighters have advanced against the militants in the last few weeks in Hasaka, notably taking over the town of al Houl backed up by a U.S.-backed rebel alliance that includes the YPG.

    The three blasts, carried out by at least two suicide bombers, struck outside a hospital, at a marketplace and in a residential area in the town of Tel Tamer late on Thursday, the YPG's Redur Xelil said via an internet messaging service......

  47. Taliban militants have attacked a foreign guesthouse in Kabul's embassy district, causing several casualties...

    Initial reports suggest the Spanish embassy was under attack, but Spain's prime minister denied this.

    The Taliban say their fighters detonated a car bomb in the Sherpur area and were currently inside a building there.

    It is the latest in a series of audacious raids by Taliban fighters on high-profile targets in Afghanistan.

    Casualties have been brought in to a nearby hospital, and eyewitnesses say a gun battle is still under way.........BBC

  48. Explosion et coups de feu entendus à proximité de l’ambassade d'Espagne à Kaboul...

    Une explosion sans doute provoquée par une voiture piégée puis des coups de feu ont été entendus vendredi à Kaboul, dans le quartier des ambassades. Mariano Rajoy a assuré que l'ambassade d'Espagne n'était pas la cible de l'attaque.

    À Kaboul, le quartier de Sheerpor, où se trouvent plusieurs ambassades, a été secoué vendredi 11 décembre par une explosion, sans doute provoquée par une voiture piégée, selon le ministère de l’Intérieur afghan, suivie d’une fusillade. D'après la police afghane, trois insurgés au moins sont impliqués dans cette attaque. La chaîne de télévision afghane 1TV Kaboul a pu se procurer des images de l'

  49. Syrie: 15 morts dans un attentat à la voiture piégée à Homs ...

    Quinze civils ont été tués samedi dans un attentat à la voiture piégée dans un quartier prorégime à Homs, dans le centre de la Syrie, a indiqué le gouverneur de la province de Homs.

    "Le bilan de l'attentat dans le quartier de Zahra à Homs s'élève à 15 tués et au moins 64 blessés parmi les civils", a affirmé à l'AFP Talal Barazi, tandis qu'une source médicale à Homs a avancé le nombre de 15 tués et de 100 blessés.

  50. Moscou critique la réunion de Ryad, "tentative" de monopolisation de l'opposition syrienne...

    (Belga) Le ministère russe des Affaires étrangères a critiqué samedi la réunion des principaux groupes de l'opposition syrienne à Ryad, en y voyant une tentative de ses participants de monopoliser "le droit de parler au nom de toute l'opposition syrienne".

    "Malgré les efforts de nos collègues saoudiens, la réunion à Ryad était loin de représenter l'opposition syrienne", a affirmé le ministère dans un communiqué, en précisant notamment qu'"une grande partie des opposants (...) avaient décidé de boycotter cette réunion parce qu'ils ne voulaient pas se mettre à la même table avec des extrémistes et des terroristes". "Nous ne pouvons pas accepter la tentative de ce groupe réuni à Ryad de s'approprier le droit de parler au nom de toute l'opposition syrienne", a souligné le ministè

  51. Turkish army bans staff from taking holidays in Russia...

    The General Staff has prohibited Turkish military personnel from going to Russia on vacation as a precautionary measure, given the diplomatic crisis between the countries, Turkish media reports said on Sunday.

    Two Turkish F-16s downed the Russian Su-24 near the border with Syria, claiming that it had violated Turkish airspace. Russia denied the claims of airspace violation and said the jet was in Syrian airspace the entire time.

    After the incident, Russia established a sanctions package that included banning some Turkish food imports. The country's leadership also called on Russians not to visit Turkey in retaliation for the incident. Russia expects an apology from Turkey; however, Turkey refuses to give one and says that it has the right to protect its airspace.

  52. France's far-right National Front (FN) failed to win a single region in elections on Sunday despite record results in the first round, early estimates showed, as voters flocked to traditional parties to keep it out of power...

    The leader of the anti-immigration FN, Marine Le Pen, lost out to the centre-right alliance in her northern region after the ruling Socialists pulled out of the race ahead of the second round.

  53. A Russian Black Sea corvette and a coast guard boat have forced a commercial vessel under a Turkish flag to change course after it got in the way of a Crimean energy firm's boats towing oil rigs, the company said on Monday...

    The firm, Chernomorneftegaz, said the rigs were delivered into safety. by Reuters

  54. Some of the Turkish troops that were stationed in northern Iraq have left their camp near the Islamic State-controlled city of Mosul, state media reported...

    "Some of the Turkish troops stationed in [the] Bashiqa [camp] have transited to the north as part of a new arrangement," Turkey's state-run Anatolia news agency said.

    The Turkish prime minister's office had announced on December 11 that it would "reorganize" its military personnel at the Bashiqa camp.

    The reports did not say if the troops were going back to Turkey or would be sent elsewhere in Iraq..............

  55. Jusqu'ici implanté sur les côtes libyennes, le groupe État islamique progresse "vers l'intérieur" de la Libye, s'est inquiété, lundi, le ministre français de la Défense, Jean-Yves Le Drian...

    L'organisation de l'État islamique (EI) avance "vers l'intérieur" des terres libyennes, s'est inquiété, lundi 14 décembre, le ministre français de la Défense. S'exprimant à la radio RTL, Jean-Yves Le Drian a ajouté que les jihadistes, déjà implantés sur la côtes, avaient pour but l'accès à des puits de pétrole.

    "Ils sont à Syrte. Ils étendent leur territoire sur 250 kilomètres linéaires de côte, mais ils commencent à pénétrer vers l'intérieur et à avoir [une] tentation d'accès à des puits de pétrole et des réserves de pétrole", a-t-il affirmé à RTL.

    L'EI compte 2 000 à 3 000 combattants en Libye, dont 1 500 à Syrte, la ville natale du défunt dictateur Mouammar Kadhafi à 450 km à l'est de Tripoli. Parmi eux figurent des nationaux partis combattre en Syrie et de retour dans leur pays, mais aussi des étrangers venus notamment de Tunisie, du Soudan ou du Yemen, selon une estimation de l'ONU............

  56. États-Unis : toutes les écoles publiques de Los Angeles fermées après des menaces...

    L'ensemble des écoles publiques de Los Angeles ont été fermées mardi en raison de menaces sur plusieurs établissement scolaires, a indiqué la police. La fermeture concerne environ 640 000 élèves de la maternelle au secondaire.

    Toutes les écoles publiques de Los Angeles ont été fermées mardi 15 décembre. La police et Ramon Cortines, le recteur du secteur, ont indiqué avoir reçu des menaces sérieuses qui impliquaient la fermeture des établissements scolaires publics. Cette fermeture concerne environ 640 000 écoliers, de la maternelle au secondaire.

    "Ce matin juste après 5 h j'ai reçu un appel" du responsable de la police en charge des écoles "et il a parlé d'une menace visant non seulement une seule école mais plusieurs" à Los Angeles, a ainsi déclaré Ramon Cortines lors d'une conférence de presse.
    Avec AFP

  57. Gobierno de Colombia y las FARC oficializan histórico acuerdo sobre víctimas...

    El Gobierno de Colombia y la guerrilla de las FARC oficializaron este martes un histórico acuerdo referido a las víctimas del conflicto, que incluye un "sistema integral de justicia, verdad, reparación y no repetición".

    El sistema también implica "el reconocimiento de la responsabilidad de todos los que participaron en forma directa o indirecta del conflicto, y se vieron involucrados en violaciones a los derechos humanos", señala un comunicado conjunto leído en una ceremonia esta mañana en La Habana.

    El acuerdo también incluye un apartado referido a amnistías e indultos, en el que se establece que, a la finalización de las hostilidades, el "Estado colombiano puede otorgar la amnistía más amplia posible"..........

  58. Putin signs law allowing Russia to overturn rulings of international rights courts...

    President Vladimir Putin has signed a law allowing Russia's Constitutional Court to decide whether or not to implement rulings of international human rights courts.

    The law, published on Tuesday on the government website, enables the Russian court to overturn decisions of the Strasbourg-based European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) if it deems them unconstitutional.

    Human Rights Watch has said the law is designed to thwart the ability of victims of human rights violations in Russia to find justice through international bodies.

    The law comes after the ECHR ruled in 2014 that Russia must pay a 1.9 billion euro ($2.09 billion) award to shareholders of the defunct Yukos oil company, a verdict that added to financial pressure on Moscow as it struggles with shrinking revenues due to tumbling oil prices and Western

  59. Syrie: Moscou et Washington annoncent une réunion cruciale New York ...

    Moscou et Washington ont annoncé mardi une réunion internationale cruciale sur la Syrie vendredi à New York, à l'issue de longues discussions au Kremlin entre le secrétaire d'Etat américain John Kerry et le président russe Vladimir Poutine.

    M. Kerry et Poutine se sont entretenus pendant plus de trois heures, après une réunion de la même durée entre le chef de la diplomatie russe Sergueï Lavrov et son homologue américain venu présenter ses propositions.

    Les deux grandes puissances, qui pilotent la relance du processus diplomatique sur la Syrie, cherchaient à rapprocher leurs positions parfois antagoniques et M. Lavrov a annoncé "une nouvelle réunion au niveau ministériel du groupe international" sur la Syrie le 18 décembre à New

  60. Moskau: Abschuss von Su-24 mit Tragödie südkoreanischer Boeing nicht vergleichbar...

    Laut Moskau sollte der Abschuss des russischen Su-24-Bombers durch die Türkei nicht mit dem der südkoreanischen Boeing über der UdSSR verglichen werden, sagte die russische Außenamtssprecherin Maria Sacharowa am Mittwoch.

    „Mitteilungen einiger türkischer Medien, in denen Journalisten diese Situation, diese Tragödie mit dem nicht weniger schlimmen Vorfall vergleichen, der sich vor Dutzenden Jahren ereignet hatte, als eine südkoreanische Boeing über der UdSSR abgeschossen wurde, haben tatschlich Befremden hervorgerufen.“

    Ferner erinnerte Sacharowa daran, dass die südkoreanische Maschine ohne Positionsfeuer geflogen und sich lange Zeit über der UdSSR aufgehalten habe, ohne sich dabei mit Bodendiensten in Verbindung zu setzen. Die in die Luft gestiegenen russischen Kampfjets hätten jedoch versucht, die Boeing zur Landung auf naheliegenden Flugplätzen zu bewegen.....

  61. Italy's Renzi Says Russian Sanctions To Be Reviewed Next Year ...

    Italy says that European and other Western countries are likely to review their economic sanctions against Russia next year.

    Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi said on December 16 that he would not prevent a further six-month extension of EU sanctions against Russia, due to expire on January 31.

    The extension is expected to be approved by EU member countries later this week after opening discussion on them on December 17.

    But Renzi added that he believes the sanctions will be reviewed or revised "in the coming months."

    Italy has major trade ties with Russia and its economy has been severely damaged by the sanctions imposed on Moscow because of its annexation of Ukraine's Crimean Peninsula and its support for separatists fighting in eastern Ukraine...........

  62. Western media uses Russian footage to illustrate US military success in Syria...

    Western media outlets have used the Russian Defense Ministry shots in a footage describing the US military success in fighting militants in Syria, Russian Defense Ministry Spokesman Igor Konashenkov said on Wednesday.

    "The last time it happened was quite recently when the Euronews TV channel reported about the alleged US military successes in fighting the ISIS [the former name for the Islamic State terrorist group, which is banned in Russia] with a commentary from a representative of the United States Army Central Command. The video shots (which were run by Euronews) showed the launch of Russian cruise missiles by Tu-160 strategic bombers," Konashenkov explained.

    "Instead of talking about ‘the surgical accuracy of strikes’ we suggest our critics from the anti-IS coalition show at least half of the number of videos — about their own air strikes against the IS — which we have demonstrated to the world over the past three months since the start of our military operation in Syria," Konashenkov added............

  63. Der russische Präsident Wladimir Putin hat einen Erlass unterzeichnet, der die Vertragsgültigkeit des Freihandelsabkommens zwischen Russland und der Ukraine ab dem 1. Januar 2016 beendet...

    „Auf Grund von außerordentlichen Bedingungen, die die Interessen und die wirtschaftliche Sicherheit Russlands betreffen und dringende Maßnahmen erfordern“, heißt es im Text des Erlasses zu den Gründen für die Einstellung des zollfreien Handels mit der Ukraine.

    Ebenfalls am 1. Januar tritt das Freihandelsabkommen zwischen der EU und der Ukraine in Kraft, jedoch ohne die von Russland geforderten Änderungen, hatte eine Woche zuvor der Vizepräsident der Europäischen Kommission, Andrus Ansip, nach Abschluss der am 1. Dezember zu Ende gegangenen Verhandlungen Russland-EU-Ukraine geäußert....

  64. EU leaders to discuss refugees and Brexit...

    European leaders are gathering in Brussels later today for an end of year summit which will be dominated by Europe's response to the Paris terror attacks, the refugee crisis, and the British referendum on EU membership.

    British Prime Minister David Cameron has accepted that negotiations on four key areas of reform that he is demanding will not be completed during the two-day summit due to strong resistance to some of his demands in a number of member states.

    Britain will hold an in-out referendum on EU membership before the end of 2017................

  65. Putin: Mit S-400-Einsatz in Syrien keine Luftraumverstöße durch Türkei mehr...

    Mit der Stationierung von Fla-Raketensystemen S-400 durch Russland wird die Türkei nicht mehr straflos den Luftraum Syriens verletzen können wie bisher, sagte Präsident Wladimir Putin am Donnerstag in seiner Jahrespressekonferenz.

    „Sie (die türkischen Behörden) hatten wohl damit gerechnet, dass wir von dort fliehen würden! Nein. Russland ist anders. Wir haben unsere Präsenz in Syrien aufgestockt und die zahlenmäßige Größe der Fliegerkräfte erhöht. Es hatte dort keine russischen Fla-Systeme gegeben – heute sind dort S-400-Systeme im Einsatz. Wenn türkische Flugzeuge dort früher geflogen waren und den Luftraum Syriens ständig verletzt hatten, sollen sie es jetzt mal wieder versuchen“, so Putin.

    Nach dem Abschuss des russischen Su-24-Frontbombers von einem türkischen F-16-Kampfjet an der syrisch-türkischen Grenze hat Russland modernste Fla-Raketensysteme S-400 nach Syrien verlegt sowie den Raketenkreuzer „Moskwa“ und U-Boot „Rostow na Donu“ vor Syriens Küste geschickt.

  66. El presidente de Turquía, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, acusó de alta traición a Eren Erdem, diputado del Partido Republicano del Pueblo, quien hizo pública la noticia de que su país suministraba armas químicas a Siria...

    "En el círculo de traidores se encuentran además aquellos que en una entrevista a un canal estatal extranjero acusan a su propio Estado de vender armamento químico", dijo Erdogan durante un discurso pronunciado este jueves.

    Erdem aseguró en una entrevista al canal ruso RT que miembros de Al Qaeda recibieron en 2013 materiales químicos, en particular gas sarín, provenientes de Turquía, y que las autoridades de este último país estaban al tanto de la venta.

    Esas sustancias tóxicas pudieron ser utilizadas durante un ataque químico que tuvo lugar en Damasco.

    Actualmente el Fiscal General de Ankara ha abierto un expediente penal contra el parlamentario opositor por traición a su país.

  67. Argentine: forte dévaluation du peso après la levée du contrôle des changes...

    Le peso argentin s'est effondré face au dollar jeudi, premier jour de la levée du contrôle des changes, décision du nouveau gouvernement du libéral Mauricio Macri pour relancer une économie en perte de vitesse.

    Cette dévaluation-choc de la monnaie argentine, surévaluée depuis des années, survient quelques heures après la fin des restrictions sur les changes, mises en place en 2011 pour empêcher une fuite de devises.

    Après de longues années d'administration de la monnaie durant les années Kirchner, la Banque centrale a décidé de laisser flotter le

  68. Kurdish forces backed by coalition air strikes have repulsed the most serious attack by Islamic State group in Iraq in five months, US officials say...

    IS militants mounted a co-ordinated assault on several locations near the northern city of Mosul on Wednesday.

    About 180 IS fighters were killed in the strikes that continued until Thursday morning, the US officials said.

    Mosul has been under the control of IS since last year.......

  69. Canadian Special Operations Forces assisted Kurdish soldiers in a prolonged battle against ISIS militants in northern Iraq, returning fire from the ground as two CF-18s dropped bombs...

    Canadian Armed Forces Maj.-Gen. Charles Lamarre told reporters in Ottawa Thursday about what he called “the largest event that the Canadian Armed Forces training up north have been involved in.”

    The 17-hour offensive east of Mosul began around 4 p.m. local time on Wednesday, and involved suicide bombs, ground troops and artillery...................

  70. Two ballistic missiles were fired at Saudi Arabia from the territory of Yemen, local media reported Friday, citing the Arab coalition...

    MOSCOW (Sputnik) — According to Al Arabiya, one missile was intercepted in Yemeni airspace, while the other landed in the desert east of the Saudi Arabian city of Najran.

    1. Yemeni troops loyal to President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi gained control of an important northwestern city on Friday, residents and tribal sources said, as a supposed ceasefire appeared close to collapse...

      The one-week truce was declared to aid the chances of success of peace talks that were expected to resume in Switzerland on Friday, in an effort to end the civil war that erupted in Yemen last year.

      Al-Hazm, capital of the northwestern al-Jawf province, had been under the control of the dominant Iranian-allied Houthi group until the pro-Hadi forces captured it after two days of fighting.

      The sources said the Hadi loyalist troops had also gained control of al-Labnat military base near al-Hazm, which had been under the control of the Houthi militia and their allies, fighters loyal to former President Ali Abdallah Saleh.............

  71. Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk says his country won't repay a $3 billion debt Eurobond owed to Russia by this weekend...

    Yatsenyuk announced at a televised government session December 18 a "moratorium" on any debt repayments to Russia. He did not indicate when Ukraine would be ready to repay the debt.

    That effectively means that Ukraine is defaulting on the debt. Moscow has previously said it will take Ukraine to court if it failed to pay on time.

    The Eurobond matures on December 20, but Ukraine has a 10-day grace period before it will be considered officially to be in default.

    Yatseniuk also said Ukraine would cancel payments on $507 million of Ukrainian commercial debt held by Russian banks.........

    1. Mit Moratorium oder ohne: Moskau bekommt sein Geld zurück – Kiew droht Default...

      Der Vorsitzende des Staatsduma-Ausschusses für Wirtschaftspolitik, Anatoli Aksakow, hat das ukrainische Moratorium gegen die Begleichung der Schulden gegenüber Russland als rechtswidrige Entscheidung bezeichnet, die das internationale Recht bricht.

      „Sollte die russische Regierung eine Klage gegen die Ukraine beim internationalen Gerichtshof einreichen, wird sie diesen Prozess gewinnen. Das entsprechende Urteil würde dann die Staatspleite der Ukraine bedeuten“, sagte Aksakow.

      Zuvor am Freitag hatte die Regierung in Kiew ein Moratorium gegen die Begleichung der Schulden beschlossen. Das Moratorium gilt für die Schuldentilgung zu Eurobonds für 3,075 Milliarden US-Dollar sowie für Schulden der Unternehmen „Yushnoye“ und „Ukravtodor“ gegenüber russischen Banken. Der Rückzahlungstermin für die ukrainischen Eurobonds für drei Milliarden Dollar ist der 20. Dezember...........

  72. Près de 30 soldats irakiens ont trouvé la mort dans une attaque des forces armées aériennes américaines de la ville d'An-Namija, dans la province de Falloujah, selon le gouvernement irakien...

    "30 soldats irakiens de la 55ème brigade de l'armée irakienne sont morts et 20 sont blessés suite à une attaque de l'aviation américaine de la ville de d'An-Namija, dans la province de Falloujah, rapporte l'agence Sputnik se référant au communiqué du parlementaire irakien Hakim Az-Zamli.

    D'après M. Az-Zamli, il a demandé "au premier ministre de mener immédiatement une enquête sur l'attaque de la 55ème brigade". Le parlementaire souligne que cette brigade a auparavant ont enregistré d'importants succès dans la lutte contre le groupe terroriste Daech dans cette région.........

    1. The Pentagon denied claims that Iraqi soldiers were killed as a result of the US airstrikes.

      Claims of a US airstrike killing more than 30 Iraqi soldiers are not accurate, US Defense Department spokesman Maj. Roger Cabiness told Sputnik on Friday.

      “This is not true,” Cabiness said when asked to confirm reports of the incident.

      At least 30 Iraqi soldiers were killed and 20 others injured in US air strike, Hakim al-Zamili, the head of Iraqi parliament's Security and Defense Committee said earlier.

  73. Ethiopie: 75 personnes tuées par la police lors de manifestations ...

    Au moins 75 personnes ont été tuées ces dernières semaines par les forces de sécurité éthiopiennes qui ont ouvert le feu contre des manifestations dans la région Oromia, a accusé samedi l'organisation de défense des droits de l'Homme Human Rights Watch (HRW).

    "La police et les forces armées ont tiré sur les manifestations, tuant au moins 75 manifestants et en blessant de nombreux autres, selon des militants", a annoncé HRW dans un communiqué.

    Le gouvernement éthiopien n'a pas immédiatement réagi, mais son bilan officiel était jusque-là de cinq morts. Le porte-parole du gouvernement, Getachew Reda, a affirmé que des "manifestations pacifiques" avaient dégénéré en violences et accusé les manifestants de "terroriser les civils".

    Les manifestations, dans la région de l'Oromia qui entoure Addis Abeba, avaient commencé le mois dernier pour protester contre un projet d'agrandissement programmé de la capitale qui a suscité des craintes d'expropriation de terres dans des zones traditionnellement occupées par le peuple

  74. Survol d'un B-52 US en mer de Chine: Pékin dénonce une provocation..

    Le ministère chinois de la Défense a dénoncé samedi "une grave provocation militaire" après le survol la semaine dernière par un bombardier américain B-52 d'îlots artificiels de mer de Chine méridionale revendiqués par Pékin et au coeur de vifs différends avec ses voisins, rapporte l'AFP.

    "Le 10 décembre au matin, deux bombardiers américains B-52 sont entrés sans autorisation dans l'espace aérien des îles chinoises Nansha et des eaux territoriales adjacentes", a indiqué le ministère dans une déclaration sur son site, se référant au nom en mandarin des îles Spratleys.

    "Ce comportement (représente) une grave provocation militaire, qui complique la situation générale en mer de Chine méridionale" et qui contribue "à la militarisation de la région", a accusé le ministère chinois de la Défense........

    1. U.S. studying Chinese complaint that B-52 flew near man-made island...

      The Pentagon said on Friday it was looking at Chinese complaints that a B-52 bomber recently flew near a Chinese artificial island in the South China Sea, a sensitive issue because the two powers disagree over Beijing's territorial claims in the region.

      Navy Commander Bill Urban, a Pentagon spokesman, said the United States regularly conducts B-52 training missions throughout the region but there was no plan for the B-52 to fly within 12 nautical miles of any artificial island.

      "This was not a Freedom of Navigation operation," said Urban, referring to regular U.S. Navy missions conducted to challenge what the United States believes are excessive territorial claims made by other countries.

      "The Chinese have raised concerns with us about the flight path of a recent training mission," Urban said. "We are looking into the matter."

  75. Selon Vladimir Poutine, la flotte, l'armée et l'aviation russe utilisent les armes les plus modernes en Syrie, mais la Russie n'a pas encore utilisé tout le matériel militaire qu'elle possède...

    "Nous voyons comment nos pilotes, nos agents secrets travaillent en Syrie, de quelle manière efficace ils coordonnent leurs efforts hétérogènes entre l'armée, la flotte, l'aviation, comment ils utilisent les armes les plus modernes", a déclaré le chef de l'Etat russe.

    M.Poutine a également souligné que la Russie n'a pas encore utilisé toutes les armes qu'elle possède.

    "Nous avons des moyens supplémentaires. Nous les utiliserons si besoin", a-t-il ajouté.

    "La situation mondiale n'est pas facile. Les tensions au Proche-Orient augmentent ainsi que dans d'autres régions. Les terroristes ont déclaré la guerre à la civilisation, à toute la communauté internationale. Leurs actions menacent directement notre pays", a fait remarquer M.Poutine........

  76. Greece is set to recognize the state of Palestine in a parliamentary vote to be attended by Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas, a government source said Sunday...

    A solemn ceremony will accompany the vote on Tuesday as Greece joins dozens of other countries that accord recognition to Palestine, the source said.

    Abbas is expected in Athens on Sunday ahead of the vote and will meet President Prokopis Pavlopoulos and Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras.

    Last week, the Greek parliament's foreign affairs committee unanimously approved a motion to recognize Palestine................

  77. Das Flugzeug des syrischen Präsidenten Baschar Assad, das einen Iran-Besuch plant, soll von vier russischen Jagdflugzeugen begleitet werden, wie die Nachrichtenagentur Fars News unter Berufung auf die ibanesische Zeitung Al-Diyar meldet...

    „Das Luftwaffenkommando der US-geführten internationalen Koalition ist davor gewarnt worden, sich dem Flugzeug von Baschar Assad anzunähern, um einen Zusammenstoß zu vermeiden“, schreibt Al-Diyar. Nach ihren Angaben soll die Flugroute des syrischen Präsidenten über den Irak verlaufen.

    Wie Fars berichtet, wird der syrische Staatschef voraussichtlich Ende Dezember oder Anfang Januar Teheran besuchen. Laut SputnikNews wurde diese Information noch nicht bestätigt.

    Der Pentagon-Sprecher Peter Cook hatte Ende Oktober bekanntgegeben, dass das Memorandum zwischen Russland und den USA über Flüge in Syrien in Kraft getreten sei.

    Wie der russische Vize-Verteidigungsminister Anatoli Antonow zuvor mitgeteilt hatte, kann das russisch-amerikanische Memorandum über Flugsicherheit zum „Ausgangspunkt“ für eine mögliche Ausweitung der Zusammenarbeit zwischen den beiden Ländern werden.

  78. Dozens of people are missing after a landslide engulfed 22 buildings at an industrial park in the southern Chinese city of Shenzhen...

    About 900 people were evacuated, and four were pulled from rubble with minor or no injuries, the local government said. No fatalities have been reported.

    Shenzhen's fire brigade said it was working to free other trapped people - state media say 59 remain missing.

    Two workers' dormitories are among the affected buildings.

    State media quoted officials as saying 36 men and 23 women were missing and that "signs of life" had been detected at three separate locations.

    An area of 20,000 sq m (24,000 square yards) was covered with soil, the Public Security Bureau's firefighting bureau said.

    Ren Jiguang, the deputy chief of Shenzhen's public security bureau, told state broadcaster CCTV that most people had been moved to safety before the landslide hit.

    Some 1,500 firefighters are at the scene, the Guangming New Area Government said on its official page on the Sina Weibo micro-blogging site.

    Local media reported that the soil that came loose had been dug up in the past two years in construction work and was piled up nearby...........

  79. The conservative People's Party (PP) of Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy won Spain's general election on Sunday, preliminary results show, but it lost its absolute majority amid a surge in support for anti-establishment parties...

    With just over half of votes counted, Rajoy's party was seen winning 123 seats in the 350-strong parliament, 53 seats short of the 176 seats needed for an absolute majority.

    The opposition Socialists were expected to come second with 97 seats while newcomer parties Podemos and Ciudadanos would come third and fourth respectively.

    Anti-austerity Podemos was seen picking up 70 seats, while Ciudadanos – also an anti-establishment party but with a more liberal platform – would win 31.

    Exit polls earlier suggested that Podemos may have won a higher percentage of votes than the Socialists nationwide, but would get fewer seats due to Spain's electoral system...........

  80. Philippines vows stronger military to back South China Sea claim...

    Philippines - Philippine President Benigno Aquino vowed on Monday to leave behind a stronger and a more capable armed forces to face maritime challenges in the South China Sea when he leaves office next year.

    Aquino, ineligible to run for re-election under the constitution, promised to spend about 83.90 billion pesos ($1.77 billion) in a five-year period until 2017 to strengthen the military as China asserts its claims to most of the waters.

    The spending plan was only approved this year, meaning the bulk of that money will be spent in coming months.

    "We're planning to acquire new frigates, strategic sealift vessels, long-range patrol and close air support aircraft and other equipment," Aquino said at the 80th anniversary of the armed forces.

    He did not mention the South China Sea dispute specifically, but the equipment has been earmarked by the military to defend Philippine territorial rights...REUTERS...

  81. The European Union has extended sanctions against Russia for another six months...

    Sanctions imposed in response to Russia's interference in Ukraine were prolonged through July 31, 2016, after the deadline for EU nations to challenge the extension passed.

    The 28-member EU first imposed sanctions on July 31, 2014, after Russia seized the Crimea region from Ukraine and lent support to separatists whose war against government forces has now killed more than 9,000 people in eastern Ukraine..........

  82. Les six soldats de l'Otan tués lundi dans un attentat suicide près de Kaboul sont tous américains, a indiqué un responsable américain...

    "Six Américains ont été tués" et "deux ont été blessés", a indiqué ce responsable. L'attentat suicide à la moto piégée a eu lieu près de Bagram, la plus grande base américaine en Afghanistan. Le QG de l'Alliance atlantique avait annoncé lundi que 6 soldats de l'Otan avaient trouvé la mort dans cette attaque, sans préciser leur nationalité.

    Les talibans ont aussitôt revendiqué la paternité de l'attentat et évoqué "19 soldats américains tués".

    Les insurgés ont l'habitude de gonfler les bilans de leurs attaques contre les forces armées. A un an tout juste de la fin de la mission de combat de l'Otan en Afghanistan, les talibans ont intensifié leur insurrection lancée à la chute de leur régime en 2001 en multipliant les attaques contre leurs cibles privilégiées: les troupes de l'Otan et les forces de sécurité afghanes.

    L'attentat de lundi de l'un des attentats les plus meurtriers à viser l'Otan en Afghanistan cette année.

    Depuis fin décembre 2014 la coalition cantonne ses 13.000 soldats à une mission de formation et de conseil de l'armée afghane.

  83. Last-ditch negotiations aimed at addressing Russia's concerns about a free-trade agreement between the European Union and Ukraine ended without result December 21...

    EU Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmstroem said the landmark trade agreement will go into force as planned on January 1 after three-way talks failed to reach a breakthrough at a daylong meeting in Brussels.......

  84. Some 18,000 refugees have been deported from Germany so far this year following a rejection of their asylum applications, German media reported on Monday, citing documents from the German Interior Ministry...

    By the end of November, there have been a total of 18,363 deportations of failed asylum seekers nationwide, according to the government documents.

    This is almost twice as many as 2014, when there were 10,884 deportations during the entire year...........

  85. Russia Issues International Arrest Warrant For Khodorkovsky ...

    A Russian court has ordered the arrest of the exiled Kremlin critic and ex-tycoon Mikhail Khodorkovsky.

    A spokesman for Russia's Investigative Committee, Vladimir Markin, was quoted by Russian media on December 23 as saying the court had issued an international arrest warrant for Khodorkovsky, who spends much of his time in London.

    Earlier this month, investigators accused Khodorkovsky, who spent 10 years in jail before he was pardoned by Putin in 2013, of involvement in the 1998 killing of a Siberian mayor.

    Once Russia's richest man, Khodorkovsky has dismissed the charges. He's also accused President Vladimir Putin of flouting the Russian constitution and leading the country to ruin..........

  86. Syrian activists have accused regime forces of using a "toxic gas" during clashes in a flashpoint town southwest of Damascus, saying five men were killed...

    A local activist group in Moadamiyet al-Sham, where hundreds died in August 2013 in chemical strikes, accused President Bashar al-Assad's troops of firing a toxic chemical at the town on Tuesday.

    "The Assad regime again used chemical weapons against civilians in Moadamiyet earlier today, with regime warplanes dropping barrel bombs containing a so-far unidentified toxic gas on the south of the town," the group posted on Facebook.

    "Five people have died so far as a result with others suffering severe breathing problems," it said in a statement...........

  87. Syrie : des centaines de civils sont morts dans des raids russes, selon Amnesty...

    Dans un rapport publié mercredi, Amnesty international a accusé la Russie d’avoir provoqué la mort de centaines de civils lors de raids aériens. L’ONG estime que ces attaques peuvent constituer des crimes de guerre.

    Dans un rapport publié mercredi 23 décembre, Amnesty international accuse la Russie d’avoir tué des centaines de civils et causé des destructions massives en Syrie dans des raids contre des zones d'habitation à forte densité de population". Selon l’ONG basée à Londres, ces attaques pourraient constituer des "crimes de guerre".

    "Certaines frappes aériennes russes semblent viser directement des civils ou des biens à caractère civil, car elles touchent des zones d'habitation, où il n'y a pas de cible militaire évidente, et parfois des structures médicales, causant des morts et des blessés parmi les civils", a affirmé Philip Luther, directeur d'Amnesty pour le Moyen-Orient, dans un communiqué accompagnant le rapport. "Ces attaques peuvent constituer des crimes de guerre" a-t-il souligné.

    Amnesty accuse notamment la Russie d'avoir recours à "des bombes à sous-munitions" et des "bombes non guidées". Six raids sont principalement évoqués : ils ont touché les provinces de Homs (centre), Idleb (nord-ouest) et d'Alep (nord) entre septembre et novembre 2015, lors desquels sont morts "au moins 200 civils et une dizaine de combattants"

  88. Deutschlands „Patriot“-Einsatz in der Türkei beendet...

    Die früher an der Südgrenze der Türkei positionierten deutschen Patriot-Flugabwehrsysteme sind am 22. Dezember auf einem dänischen Schiff in die Heimat abtransportiert worden, meldet die Agentur Anadolu am Mittwoch unter Berufung auf eine Quelle im Hafen Iskenderun.

    Zuvor hatte die Bundesregierung bekannt gegeben, den „Patriot“-Einsatz in der Türkei im Jahr 2016 zu beenden.

    Sechs Patriot-Raketenabwehrstaffeln der Nato-Staaten Deutschland, Niederlande und der USA waren Anfang 2013 in der Provinz Gaziantep im Südosten der Türkei stationiert, um den Nato-Partner Türkei gegen mögliche Angriffe aus Syrien zu schützen. Des Weiteren ging es um die Deckung der dort stationierten amerikanischen Flugabwehr-Radaranlagen vor einem eventuellen Angriff von Seiten des Irans........Weiterlesen:

  89. Syria is ready to take part in peace talks in Geneva and hopes that the dialogue will help the country form a national unity government, Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Moualem said on Thursday...

    The U.N. Security Council last Friday unanimously approved a resolution endorsing an international road map for a Syrian peace process, a rare show of unity among major powers on a conflict that has claimed more than a quarter of a million lives.

    The U.N. plans to convene peace talks in Geneva towards the end of January.

    Moualem, who spoke to reporters in English, said he had told Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi that Syria was “ready to participate in the Syrian-Syrian dialogue in Geneva without any foreign interference”. He said that “our delegation will be ready as soon as we receive a list of the opposition delegation”.

    “We hope that this dialogue will be successful to help us in having a national unity government,” Moualem said.

    “This government will compose a constitutional committee to look for a new constitution with a new law of election so the parliamentary election will be held within the period of 18 months, more or less.”

  90. Foreign embassies in China issued a warning Thursday about possible threats against "Westerners" in a popular Beijing neighbourhood ahead of the Christmas holiday...

    The notice, from the US and British governments, covered the popular shopping and nightlife area of Sanlitun.

    The area has been the site of occasional violence against foreigners, including a grisly murder in August when a Chinese attacker stabbed a French man and his Chinese wife with a sword. The woman later died from her injuries.

    Mass attacks in Beijing are very rare, although in October 2013 five people were killed and dozens injured when a vehicle ploughed into crowds in Tiananmen Square, with the suspects appearing to be mostly from the restive Xinjiang region.

    Beijing described the incident as a terrorist attack.

    The US embassy's statement on its website Thursday urged citizens to be vigilant, while the British embassy made a similar warning, saying it had received information about possible threats against Westerners on or around Christmas.

    The French embassy passed on the US warning to its citizens.......

  91. U.S. officials held secret communications with members of President Bashar Assad's government to try to limit violence in Syria, and explored ways to encourage a military coup in 2011 as the civil war got under way, the Wall Street Journal reported Thursday...

    American intelligence officials identified army officers belonging to Assad's minority Alawite sect who could lead a coup, but they found few weak spots to exploit, the Journal said, citing interviews with more than two dozen people, including current and former U.S. officials.

    The moves were made as Assad's government began cracking down on protests and soldiers started leaving the army, the Journal

  92. Malaysian experts to continue Boeing crash investigation in Ukraine...

    Ukraine’s parliament has extended an agreement allowing Malaysian experts to continue investigating the Boeing crash in Donbas until August 2016. A total of 247 MPs voted in favor of the decision. The agreement was initially concluded until August 1, 2014. Malaysia’s authorities have allowed to extend it until August 18, 2016. On July 17, 2014, a Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 passenger airliner on flight MH17 from the Dutch city of Amsterdam to the Malaysian capital of Kuala Lumpur crashed in the Donetsk region in eastern Ukraine, killing all 298 people on board. Most passengers — 193 people — were Dutch nationals. The strike of a ground-to-air or air-to-air missile was named as a possible cause of the crash............

  93. Syrian FM says need to stop insurgent infiltration from Turkey and Jordan...

    Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Moualem said on Friday international efforts should focus on preventing insurgents from infiltrating from Turkey and Jordan to achieve progress towards a political settlement in Syria.

    State media, which flashed the comments Moualem made after meeting a senior Chinese official during a visit to Beijing, quoted him as saying he stressed the need to "implement UN Security Council resolutions on fighting terror".

    Moualem said on Thursday Syria was ready to take part in peace talks in Geneva and hoped that the dialogue would help it form a national unity government.

  94. Russische Bomber zerstören IS-Konvois mit Schmuggelöl...

    Die russische Luftwaffe hat in Syrien Tankwagen-Konvois der Terrororganisation Daesh (auch Islamischer Staat, IS) zerbombt. Manche Tankwagen sehen wie übliche LKWs aus, fangen jedoch nach einem Bombentreffer ungewöhnlich heftig Feuer. Nach Angaben des russischen Militärs tarnen die Terroristen einen Teil ihrer Ölwagen als übliche Trucks.....

  95. Au Yémen, les combats s'intensifient près de la capitale Sanaa...

    Les combats entre forces loyalistes et rebelles au Yémen se sont concentrés samedi dans les environs de la capitale Sanaa, neuf mois jour pour jour après l'intervention dans ce pays d'une coalition militaire arabe sous commandement saoudien.

    Une offensive des rebelles chiites Houthis pour reprendre des positions qu'ils avaient perdues au nord-est de Sanaa a été mise en échec par les forces progouvernementales, ont indiqué des sources militaires en faisant état d'au moins 20 rebelles tués.

    "Les Houthis ont lancé vendredi une offensive en direction de Jebel al-Salb, dans la région de Nahim", une zone montagneuse reconquise par les forces loyalistes, "mais ils ont été repoussés samedi matin", a déclaré à l'AFP un chef de forces

  96. Les Libyens "remercient" Obama pour la destruction de leur pays...

    Indignés, les gens accusent les Etats-Unis d'avoir apporté la mort en Libye.

    Des citoyens de Libye ont violemment critiqué le message du président américain, qui a déclaré que la révolution de 2011 les avait "délivrés de 42 années de dictature". Un grand nombre de commentaires pleins de colère à l'égard de la politique américaine en Libye ont inondé la page Facebook de l'ambassade des Etats-Unis à Tripoli.

    Les utilisateurs accusent les Etats-Unis d'avoir détruit la Libye et d'y avoir apporté mort et dévastation.

    Les citoyens indignés exigent d'"arrêter l'envoi d'agents et de criminels de guerre" dans leur pays et appellent à "cesser de détruire ce qu'il reste de celui-ci".

    Certains vont jusqu'à qualifier de "nouvelle forme de néocolonialisme" ce qui se passe en Libye.

    La plupart des commentateurs affirment que leur plus grand souhait est que les Américains quittent leur pays......

  97. Ankara wird nicht mit der Koalition Russlands, Syriens, des Iran und des Irak gegen den Daesh (auch „Islamischer Staat“) zusammenarbeiten, solange Baschar al-Assad Syriens Präsident ist. Das sagte der türkische Präsident Recep Tayyip Erdogan...

    „Syrien, der Iran, der Irak und Russland haben in Bagdad ein Verbündeten-Quartett gegründet und die Türkei gebeten, sich diesem anzuschließen. Ich habe Wladimir Putin aber gesagt, dass ich nicht neben einem Präsidenten (Assad – Anm. d. R) sitzen kann, dessen Legitimität Zweifel hervorruft“, sagte Erdogan in einem Interview für den TV-Sender Al-Arabiya.....

  98. Death Toll in US Southeast's Storms Increases to 18 ...

    The death toll in the U.S. Southeast climbed to 18 on Saturday after days of tumultuous weather — unusual warmth, tornadoes and torrential downpours — wreaked more Christmastime havoc.

    The deaths of two people in Mississippi who had been missing since Wednesday were reported Saturday, bringing that state's weather-related fatality toll to 10.

    Mississippi Emergency Management Agency spokesman Greg Flynn said 56 injuries were reported and 241 homes were destroyed or severely damaged. Severe storms were forecast Sunday night through Monday as a strong cold front pushes through, and tornadoes were possible.....AP.......

  99. More than 100,000 people have had to evacuate from their homes in the bordering areas of Paraguay, Uruguay, Brazil and Argentina due to severe flooding in the wake of heavy summer rains brought on by El Nino, authorities reported on Saturday...

    In the worse affected country, Paraguay, around 90,000 people in the area around the capital city Asuncion have been evacuated, the municipal Emergency Office said. Many are poor families living in precarious housing along the banks of the River Paraguay.

    The Paraguayan government has declared a state of emergency in Asuncion and seven regions of the country to free up funds to help those

  100. L'Alliance atlantique veut renforcer la DCA turque en déployant à la frontière avec la Syrie des avions de l'armée de l'air allemande dotés de systèmes de détection et de commandement aéroportés (AWACS)...

    L'Otan veut, dans le cadre du renforcement de la DCA turque, déployer en Turquie des avions de détection et de commandement Boeing E-3 Sentry, annonce le quotidien allemand Bild am Sonntag.

    Ce sera à la Bundeswehr de se charger de cette opération. Selon le journal, quelques jours avant Noël, le ministère de la Défense et celui des Affaires étrangères ont fait parvenir au Bundestag un courrier l'informant de l’opération à venir.

    "Il est prévu de déplacer temporairement des avions Boeing E-3 Sentry depuis la base de Geilenkirchen à l'aérodrome de Konya en Turquie", indique le document cité par le journal.......

  101. Czech President Milos Zeman says the wave of refugees that has come to Europe this year is "an organized invasion" and that young Syrians and Iraqis should be fighting against the Islamic State (IS) group...

    Zeman said in his televised Christmas message to Czechs on December 26 that he is "profoundly convinced" that the more than 1 million refugees who have fled to Europe in 2015 were organized and that it was "not a spontaneous movement of refugees."

    He added that compassion is "possible" for old, sick, and youthful refugees but not for young men who, he said, should take up arms and fight Islamic militants.

    "I wonder why these men are not taking up arms to go fight for the freedom of their countries against the Islamic State," said

    1. Pour le président tchèque, la vague migratoire est une "invasion organisée"...

      Dans son message de Noël, Milos Zeman a soumis à une critique virulente les politiques qui minimisaient les problèmes liés aux migrations illégales en Europe.

      L'actuelle vague migratoire en Europe n'est qu'une "invasion organisée", a déclaré samedi le président tchèque Milos Zeman, en s'adressant à ses concitoyens à l'occasion des fêtes de Noël.

      "J'interviens parfois en Cassandre qui met en garde contre l'entrée d'un cheval en ville (Dans la mythologie grecque, Cassandre, qui avait le don de prédire l'avenir, avertit que le cheval utilisé par les Grecs était un subterfuge qui conduirait Troie à sa perte, ndlr)…Quoi qu'il en soit, je suis profondément convaincu que nous faisons face à une invasion organisée et non à un mouvement spontané de réfugiés", a souligné M.Zeman.

      Et d'ajouter qu'une grande majorité des migrants illégaux étaient de jeunes hommes en bonne santé, et célibataires.

      "Pourquoi ces hommes ne prennent pas les armes pour aller se battre pour la liberté de leur pays, contre l'Etat islamique (EI,Daech)", s'est demandé le chef de l'Etat......

  102. Inondations dans le nord anglais: Cameron annonce des renforts militaires...

    Le Premier ministre britannique David Cameron a annoncé dimanche de nouveaux renforts militaires pour aider les populations affectées par des inondations "sans précédent" dans le nord de l'Angleterre qui ont entraîné l'évacuation de centaines de personnes.

    Ces inondations sont la conséquence de pluies diluviennes qui ont balayé la région ces derniers jours, submergeant villes et villages, et contraignant parfois les secours à se déplacer en bateaux pneumatiques dans les rues parcourues par les

  103. Unos 100 soldados turcos permanecen en Irak pese a protesta de la Liga Árabe...

    Un centenar de militares turcos permanecen en la provincia iraquí de Nínive, en el norte del país, pese a la protesta enérgica de la Liga Árabe, informa la cadena televisiva Al Sumaria.

    "Alrededor de 100 soldados turcos se encuentran en Nínive, entre ellos hay varios instructores", dijo al canal el vicepresidente del Consejo de la provincia, Nur al Din Kablan.

    El grupo, precisó, está dotado de cañones y tanques y recibe apoyo logístico. El dirigente admitió que Turquía retira lentamente sus fuerzas.......

  104. Protesters have landed on a remote Philippine island in the disputed South China Sea, officials say...

    About 50 Filipinos, mostly students, reached Pagasa in the Spratly archipelago on Saturday, saying they planned to stay for three days.

    They say they want to highlight growing Chinese encroachment in a Philippine exclusive economic zone.

    China claims almost all the South China Sea, believed to be rich in resources, dismissing rival claims by neighbours.

    Apart from the Philippines, Brunei, Malaysia, Taiwan and Vietnam all lay claim to the disputed waters.

    The group is expected to leave the island on Monday....BBC

  105. Rare Tornadoes Ran Amok in Southern U.S., More Than 40 Killed...

    Authorities said tornadoes and floods triggered by severe storms continued raging in southern U.S., killing more than 40 people. Tornadoes claimed at least 11 lives in the greater Dallas area over the weekend, and winds of up to 300 kph were recorded in the city of Garland.

    Majority of the fatalities reported were caused by accidents as the twisters blew the victims' vehicles off highways. Officials in Arkansas said a tornado hit Bearden as a fierce weather system swept into the region. In Missouri, Governor Jay Nixon declared a state of emergency due to widespread flooding. The governor's office issued a press release on Sunday stating that the weekend flooding left eight people dead and led to evacuations and dozens of water rescues. More flooding is expected as water levels in rivers continue to rise across the state.

    Earlier, Mississippi Gov. Phil Bryant declared a state of emergency for the affected areas after confirming seven fatalities from the severe weather that started moving through the state on Wednesday morning. The Mississippi Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) also confirmed at least 40 injured victims in the state.

    In Tennessee, the storms killed at least three people, including a 22-year-old man in Rhea County and a 69-year-old woman and a 70-year-old man in Perry County.

  106. Evacuation of three Syrian towns begins under rare deal...

    The evacuation of more than 450 fighters and civilians including wounded started Monday from three Syrian towns under a rare deal between the regime and rebels, a monitor said.

    In September, both sides reached an agreement for a six-month truce in Zabadani, the last rebel bastion on Syria's border with Lebanon, and in Fuaa and Kafraya, the last two government-held Shiite villages in northwestern Idlib province.

    The UN-brokered deal provided for a ceasefire to allow in humanitarian aid and then for the evacuation of wounded civilians and fighters.

    "More than 120 fighters and wounded have started to leave Zabadani" to other rebel-held areas in Syria via Lebanon and Turkey, Observatory head Rami Abdel Rahman said.......

  107. Der Euro ist zum Ladenhüter geworden. Neue EU-Staaten wollen lieber ihre eigenen Währungen behalten. Schuld daran ist auch Griechenland, so EU-Kommissionsvize Valdis Dombrovskis...

    Valdis Dombrovskis ist ein höflicher Mann. Bei der Begrüßung nimmt der frühere lettische Regierungschef eine kerzengerade Haltung ein. Die Beine streckt er dann durch und lehnt sich leicht nach vorn. Doch die freundliche Geste sollte nicht darüber hinwegtäuschen, dass Dombrovskis einen knallharten Job in der Europäischen Kommission hat. Er wacht über die Wirtschafts- und Finanzpolitik der Mitgliedstaaten. Im vergangenen Jahr verhandelte er mit der griechischen Regierung über ein neues Kreditprogramm, und dieses griechische Währungsdrama hat Spuren hinterlassen......

  108. A Venezuelan military helicopter has crashed in Colombia and the pilot and co-pilot are injured...

    The Bell helicopter belonging to Venezuela's National Guard was inspecting the border on Monday when it fell about 10 meters (yards) to the ground. It crash landed on the Colombian side of the La Guajira peninsula on South America's northernmost tip.

    It's unclear what caused the crash but Colombian Defense Minister Luis Carlos Villegas said it posed no security threat.

    Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro in August closed all major crossings along the 2,200-kilometer (1,400) mile border and deported scores of Colombians to stamp out what he considers to be large-scale smuggling. Tensions remain high between the countries.

    The two crew members were rescued by local residents and escorted to Venezuela for medical attention.

  109. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Tuesday accused the leader of the main Kurdish party Selahattin Demirtas of "treason" over his call for autonomy for the country's Kurdish minority...

    In a speech at the weekend, Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) co-chairman Demirtas said that Turkey's largest ethnic minority had to decide whether to live in autonomy or "under one man's tyranny".

    On Monday, prosecutors opened a criminal investigation against him for crimes against the constitutional order over the remarks.

    "What the co-leader has done is clearly provocation, treason," Erdogan told reporters Tuesday at Istanbul airport before leaving for Saudi Arabia.

    "This is the time when the masks have been taken off and the real faces exposed," he said.

    "How dare you talk about establishing a state in the southeast and in the east within Turkey's existing unitary structure," he said, addressing Demirtas.

    "You cannot take such a step. Neither the national will, nor our security forces, armed forces, police, village guards will allow such a thing."...........

  110. A suicide blast in Mardan, Pakistan, has left at least 21 dead and more than 20 wounded...

    The blast in the city northwest of Islamabad occurred outside the door of a government office called the National Database and Registration Authority or NADRA, which is responsible for issuing national identity cards.

    Deputy Inspector General Mardan Division Saeed Wazir told local media the attacker was on a motorbike and exploded his explosives vest when he rammed at the gate. He added that authorities have identified the remains of the bomber and an investigation is underway.

    First responders quickly cordoned off the area and moved the wounded to hospitals for treatment. Eyewitnesses reported seeing human remains strewn across the blast site. Some of the injured are in critical condition leading to fears that the death toll may rise.

    Jamaat ul Ahrar, which is part of the anti-state alliance of Islamist groups called Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), has claimed responsibility for the bombing.

    In a statement sent to VOA, the group’s spokesman said it targeted NADRA’s office because it is part of Pakistan’s anti-terrorism war.

    But the spokesman for the mainstream TTP, Mohammad Khorasani, in a separate statement to VOA, said the group had nothing to do with the Mardan bombing because "targeting civilians is not our policy."....

  111. Les déclarations du Département d'Etat américain d'après lesquelles les Etats-Unis ont apporté à la Syrie "paix et sécurité" en 2015 sont, sinon délirantes, du moins déplacées, écrit le Foreign Policy...

    Le magazine américain fait savoir que le porte-parole du Département d'Etat John Kirby a publié, sur le blog officiel DipNote, une déclaration sur le rôle des Etats-Unis dans laquelle il a exposé les réalisations majeures de 2015. Il y a été notamment mentionné que les Etats-Unis, de concert avec d'autres pays, déployaient des efforts en vue d'aider le peuple syrien et que le secrétaire d'Etat américain John Kerry avait réussi à persuader l'Onu d'engager le processus de transition politique en Syrie.

    Selon le Foreign Policy, il était tout à fait logique de mentionner dans le bilan de l'année le conflit au Proche-Orient, pourtant les mots comme "paix" et "sécurité" ne convenaient pas à la situation dans la région. L'Onu atteste qu'en quatre ans de guerre civile en Syrie environ 250.000 personnes ont été tuées, plus de 11 millions ont fui le pays et quatre Syriens sur cinq vivent actuellement dans la misère.......Lire la suite:

  112. Les États-Unis ont espionné Benjamin Netanyahu...

    Les États-Unis ont surveillé les communications du Premier ministre israélien Benjamin Netanyahu malgré leur promesse de limiter l'espionnage de leurs alliés après le scandale de la NSA, a rapporté le Wall Street Journal mardi.

    Contactée par l'AFP, la Maison Blanche n'a pas démenti l'article du Wall Street Journal, qui cite plusieurs responsables anonymes de l'administration américaine, mais a insisté sur la profondeur de ses liens avec Israël.

    "Nous ne conduisons pas d'activités de renseignement visant l'étranger sauf en cas d'intérêt spécifique et validé relatif à la sécurité nationale. Ceci s'applique aussi bien aux citoyens ordinaires qu'aux dirigeants mondiaux", a dit à l'AFP un porte-parole du Conseil de sécurité nationale de la Maison Blanche.

    "Le président Obama a dit à maintes reprises que l'engagement des Etats-Unis pour la sécurité d'Israël est sacrosaint", a-t-il poursuivi.

    L'ambassade d'Israël n'a pas voulu faire de

    1. The United States continues to spy on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s communications despite promising to curtail the hacking of its allies, The Wall Street Journal reported on Tuesday...

      Contacted by AFP, the White House did not deny the report, which cites several serving and former U.S. officials, but stressed the importance of its ongoing close ties with Israel.

      The Israeli embassy refused to comment.

      Two years ago, after rogue intelligence contractor Edward Snowden revealed the vast extent of the National Security Agency’s online surveillance, President Barack Obama promised to limit spying on U.S. allies......

  113. Lawrow: Hochmut der US-Koalition ermutigt Türkei zu frechem Vorgehen in Irak...

    Die überhebliche Einstellung der US-angeführten Koalition zu ihrer Syrien-Operation hat die Türkei motiviert, sich im Irak ähnlich frech zu verhalten, sagte der russische Außenminister Sergej Lawrow.

    Lawrow zufolge stehe die Koalition dem Irak anders als Syrien gegenüber.

    „Der Irak hat uns (die Koalition – d. Red.) kommen lassen. Wir mögen den Irak, obwohl wir auch den zu erziehen versuchen. Syrien ist, im Gegenteil, ein Diktator, seine Uhr ist abgelaufen. Das werden wir bombardieren, ohne jemanden um Erlaubnis zu fragen. In derartiger Manier reden die Türken momentan“, so Lawrow weiter.

    Würde die US-geführte Koalition nicht so eine hochmütige Einstellung gegenüber Syrien demonstrieren – nach dem Motto: „Wir wissen ganz genau, wo sich hier Terroristen verstecken und wen wir angreifen müssen. Darum brauchen wir keine Erlaubnis von der Regierung“, so Lawrow, würde sich die Türkei momentan auch nicht so „unverhohlen unverschämt gegenüber dem Irak verhalten“..........

  114. Chancellor Angela Merkel's Bavarian allies want to ban migrants from entering Germany unless they have valid identity papers, a draft document from the Christian Social Union (CSU) showed on Wednesday...

    Germany, boasting Europe's largest economy, is the target destination for many of the hundreds of thousands of refugees fleeing war and poverty in the Middle East and Africa, and Bavaria - ruled by the CSU - is the main entry point for them.

    The draft CSU document, due to be discussed at a party meeting next week, also says that the deliberate destruction of identity papers and false statements made by applicants were not only delaying the asylum process but often making it impossible.

    "Our state can no longer accept this if it wants to remain being governed by the rule of law in the long-term," it said. "Replacement papers can, after all, be procured in the safe countries neighboring us."

  115. Bruxelles: le feu d'artifice et les festivités du réveillon du Nouvel An annulés...

    (Belga) Les festivités prévues par la Ville de Bruxelles pour la soirée du réveillon du Nouvel An 2016, jeudi, n'auront pas lieu. L'annulation a été décidée mercredi soir, soit la veille de l'évènement, par le bourgmestre Yvan Mayeur, pour des raisons liées au risque d'attentat terroriste.

    Tout le programme de festivités, annoncé par la Ville le 29 décembre, est concerné. Le feu d'artifice, mais également les animations prévues sur le boulevard Anspach ainsi que la soirée avec DJ n'auront donc pas lieu. La décision a été prise sur base du dernier rapport de l'Ocam, d'un entretien direct avec le ministre de l'Intérieur Jan Jambon et de ce qui est ressorti de la réunion du Centre de crise de mercredi soir, précise Yvan

    1. В столице Бельгии из-за террористической угрозы отменены новогодние гулянья и фейерверк...

      Об этом сообщил телеканал RTBF со ссылкой на заявление бургомистра Брюсселя Ивана Майера.

      По данным телеканала, бургомистр принял такое решение после консультации с министром внутренних дел страны и ознакомления с докладом бельгийского Координационного центра анализа угроз.

      После серии терактов в Париже 13 ноября, в результате которых погибли 130 человек, бельгийские власти ввели повышенные меры безопасности по всей стране. Армия и полиция королевства провели несколько десятков антитеррористических рейдов, большинство из которых пришлось на коммуну Моленбек, где проживают преимущественно выходцы из Марокко. Около недели террористическая угроза в Брюсселе определялась властями как максимально высокая, позже они заявили о ее понижении до третьего уровня из четырех, на котором она остается и в настоящее время.

  116. Russian President Vladimir Putin has given the state intelligence service the authority to use weapons in crowds and fire at women and children under certain circumstances...

    According to an amendment published on December 30 to the law governing the FSB's use of arms, intelligence services van now use weapons in crowds "to prevent acts of terrorism, rescue hostages, or repel attacks on public buildings."

    The FSB also will have the right to shoot at women, the disabled, and minors "in case of armed resistance" and will be allowed to use nonlethal weapons against pregnant women.

    The law also allows FSB agents to enter any premises in the country and take fingerprints at border checkpoints..........


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