Monday, December 1, 2014

GEO news - Intel agencies and Polygon (December 2014 -a)

Syria rejected as "fabricated" U.S. accusations that its forces are targeting civilians with air strikes and said Washington would do better to criticize hardline Islamic State militants (ISIS) who have killed American citizens.

The U.S. State Department said on Wednesday it was "horrified" by Syrian government bombings in Raqqa province which it said had killed "dozens of civilians and demolished residential areas"............
Syria denies targeting civilians, tells U.S. to criticize militants instead



  (Global Breaking News as comments 1/12/14 --- 10/12/14)
(Global Flash News as comments 1/12/14 --- 10/12/14)


  1. Moldova election: Pro-EU parties edge pro-Russian rivals ...

    Partial results from Moldova's parliamentary elections show that pro-EU parties have a narrow lead over those backing closer ties with Russia.

    With 80% of the votes counted, the three pro-Western parties have about 44%. The opposition has 40%.

    No party appears to be able to form a government, and tough post-election bargaining is predicted.

    On the eve of the vote, one pro-Russian party was banned from Sunday's poll - a move criticised by Russia............

  2. Republik Moldau: Pro-russische Parteien vorn....

    Sozialisten und Kommunisten erzielten laut ersten Hochrechnungen jeweils über 20 Prozent der Wählerstimmen.

    Erste Hochrechnungen nach den Parlamentswahlen in der Republik Moldau am Sonntag weisen auf einen Sieg des pro-russischen Lagers hin. Die Sozialistische Partei (PSRM) erhielt 22,91 Prozent der Wählerstimmen, während die Kommunisten (PCRM) auf 19,75 Prozent kommen. Bisher sind etwa 35 Prozent der Stimmzettel ausgezählt.

    Die erst im Mai 2014 gegründete Kommunistische Reformpartei (PCR) liegt mit 5,93 Prozent der Wählerstimmen unter der Sechs-Prozent-Schwelle zum Einzug ins Parlament.................

    1. La Moldova ha votato per il vettore di sviluppo eurasiatico ...

      Domenica 30 novembre in Moldova si sono tenute le elezioni parlamentari.

      La lotta principale si è verificata tra le forze politiche che compongono l’attuale alleanza filo-europea (democratici liberali, liberali e democratici) e i partiti dell’opposizione di sinistra (comunisti e socialisti) che sostengono l'integrazione eurasiatica.

      Secondo i dati preliminari della Commissione centrale elettorale, in testa sono socialisti e comunisti.

      "I primi risultati mostrano che il popolo della Moldova sostiene il nostro corso di riavvicinamento con la Russia e l'integrazione nell'Unione doganale", ha dichiarato il presidente del "Partito Socialista" Igor Dodon.
      Per saperne di più:

  3. Parties supporting Eurasian integration leading in Moldova parliamentary elections ...

    Two parties supporting Eurasian integration are leading in Moldova’s parliamentary elections held Sunday, according to preliminary results from the Moldovan Central Election Commission (CEC).

    The Party of Socialists of the Republic of Moldova (PSRM) is gaining 23.4% with 30% of ballots counted. The Party of Communists is in second place with 20.2%.

    They are followed by parties making part of the ruling pro-European coalition - the Liberal Democratic Party (17%), the Democratic Party (16.4%), the Liberal Party (5.8%). The other parties are not passing the 6-percent electoral threshold.

  4. Entra en vigor el bloqueo económico contra las provincias ucranianas de Donetsk y Lugansk...

    En la región este de Ucrania de Donbás hoy cesan su trabajo las instituciones estatales y se suspende todo tipo de pagos, incluidas las pensiones y seguros sociales, informa este lunes el rotativo Nezavisimaya Gazeta.

    El diario recuerda que en la zona del conflicto todavía permanecen unos 5 millones de personas y entre ellas, además de las que apoyaron la autonomía de la región, hay personas discapacitadas, niños y ancianos, que no son capaces de abandonar sus hogares.

    Según el portavoz del Consejo de Seguridad Nacional y Defensa de Ucrania, Andréi Lisenko, en condiciones del bloqueo económico los residentes de esas regiones podrán cobrar pagos en territorios que están bajo el control de Kiev..............

    1. Les autorités ukrainiennes suspendent à partir d'aujourd'hui les versements des salaires, retraites et subventions destinés aux territoires contrôlés par les insurgés du Donbass....

      A partir du 1er décembre, seuls les personnes ayant quitté le territoire des « républiques populaires » de Donetsk et de Lougansk sont habilitées à percevoir leurs pensions et d'autres transferts sociaux. Kiev suspend également l'octroi de services bancaires et la communication ferroviaire avec les régions hors de son contrôle.

      Ces mesures drastiques ont été introduites en réponse à la tenue le 2 novembre dernier d'élections dans les régions insurgées, dont les résultats ne sont pas reconnus par la communauté internationale. La Russie a pour sa part indiqué « respecter » les résultats du scrutin sans toutefois les reconnaître officiellement..........Lire la suite:

  5. How the Oligarchs Ruined Greece

    Just a few years ago, Greece came perilously close to defaulting on its debts and exiting the eurozone. Today, thanks to the largest sovereign bailout in history, the country’s economy is showing new signs of life. In exchange for promises that Athens would enact aggressive austerity measures, the so-called troika -- the European Central Bank, the European Commission, and the International Monetary Fund -- provided tens of billions of dollars in emergency loans. From the perspective of many global investors and European officials, those policies have paid off. Excluding a one-off expenditure to recapitalize its banks, Greece’s budget shortfall totaled roughly two percent last year, down from nearly 16 percent in 2009. Last year, the country ran a current account surplus for the first time in over three decades. And this past April, Greece returned to the international debt markets it had been locked out of for four years, issuing $4 billion in five-year government bonds at a relatively low yield -- only 4.95 percent. (Demand exceeded $26 billion.) In August, Moody’s Investors Service upgraded the country’s credit rating by two notches........................

  6. BND-Erkenntnisse zu MH17 ..... Angst vor Enthüllungen....

    Nach Medien-Enthüllungen zur Arbeit der deutschen Geheimdienste will die Bundesregierung Strafanzeige gegen Unbekannt erstatten. Das erfuhr die Berliner Zeitung aus Koalitionskreisen. Ein Regierungssprecher bestätigte dies. „Die Bundesregierung beabsichtigt, aufgrund der jüngsten Veröffentlichungen über Erkenntnisse und Pläne des Bundesnachrichtendienstes Strafanzeige gegen Unbekannt zu stellen“, sagte er.

    Anlass sei das Bekanntwerden von BND-Erkenntnissen über die Absturzursache der Passagiermaschine MH17 im Juli über der Ostukraine sowie Veröffentlichungen zur Arbeit des Verfassungsschutzes und Details zur technischen Ausrüstung des Bundesnachrichtendienstes.

    Die Anzeige wegen „Verrats von Dienstgeheimnissen“ soll Anfang Dezember bei der Berliner Staatsanwaltschaft eingehen. Mitte November hatte sich der Geheimdienstkoordinator im Kanzleramt, Klaus-Dieter Fritsche, im Bundestag bereits beschwert, es könne nicht sein, dass immer wieder als geheim eingestufte Informationen aus dem Sicherheitsbereich nach außen gelangten. Das Magazin Der Spiegel hatte berichtet, dass die mit fast 300 Insassen abgestürzte malaysische Passagiermaschine MH17 nach BND-Erkenntnissen von prorussischen Separatisten mit einer Rakete abgeschossen worden sei. Das Blatt berief sich auf Äußerungen des BND-Präsidenten Gerhard Schindler vor Mitgliedern des Parlamentarischen Kontrollgremiums.................,1472644,29197118.html

  7. Scare At U.S. Air Base In South Korea Over Unscheduled 'Shooter Drill' ...

    A high school principal at the U.S. Osan Air Base in South Korea said Monday that officials locked down the school and base as a precaution after someone reported an unscheduled "active shooter drill."

    Morgan Nugent, principal of Osan American High School, said in a posting on the base's official Facebook site that officials "decided to error on the side of safety" and lock the school down after a teacher received what sounded like an automated call saying there was "an active shooter drill taking place." There was no such drill scheduled Monday...................

    1. Corée du Sud: la base américaine d'Osan brièvement fermée après une fausse alerte sur un tireur ...

      La base aérienne américaine d'Osan en Corée du Sud a été brièvement fermée lundi après une probable fausse alerte sur la présence d'un tireur dans un lycée situé sur le site.

      "Les vérifications des forces de sécurité sont maintenant terminées. Ni blessé ni activité suspecte n'ont été rapportés", a indiqué sur sa page Facebook officielle la 51e escadre de chasse de l'armée de l'air américaine qui est déployée sur cette base.

      "Tout le monde est sain et sauf. La fermeture (de la base) est levée", a-t-elle ajouté.

      L'escadre avait auparavant annoncé la fermeture de la base et la mise en place d'un périmètre de sécurité après avoir reçu "des informations sur un possible incident impliquant un tireur".................

    2. Donezk erlebt wieder Gefechte – auch am Flughafen ...

      Explosionen und Artilleriefeuer sind am Montagmorgen in unmittelbarer Nähe vom Zentrum der ostukrainischen Stadt Donezk zu hören. Korrespondent der RIA Novosti berichtet von neuen Zerstörungen.

      Aus der nördlichen Richtung ist Artilleriefeuer zu vernehmen, wo laut den Milizen Gefechte zwischen der Armee und der Volkswehr im Gange sind.

      Geschossen wird im Gebäude des Flughafens von Donezk und im benachbarten Dorf Peski, das teilweise von ukrainischen Truppen kontrolliert wird...............

    3. Moldavie/législatives: le Parti socialiste en tête (CEC) ...

      Au terme du décompte de 75% des scrutins, le Parti socialiste reste en tête des élections législatives qui se sont déroulées dimanche en Moldavie, avec 21,93% des votes, annonce lundi la Commission électorale centrale (CEC).

      Le Parti libéral-démocrate de Moldavie (LDPM) dirigé par l'ex-premier ministre Vlad Filat se classe deuxième avec 18,96% des scrutins, suivi par le Parti communiste de l'ex-président moldave Vladimir Voronin (18,12%).

      Le Parti démocrate de Moldavie (DPM) de l'ex-président du parlement Marian Lupu a recueilli 16,03% des voix, suivi du Parti libéral avec 8,85% des suffrages.

      Les députés sont élus pour un mandat de quatre ans. Deux forces politiques sont actuellement en lice, le bloc au pouvoir composé des libéraux-démocrates, des démocrates et des libéraux, prônant l'adhésion du pays à l'UE, et les partis d'opposition de gauche (communiste et socialiste) favorables à l'intégration eurasiatique.

  8. Europe's Russia Policy Pleases Nobody ...

    For reasons that are understandable even to an arch-realist such as myself, increasingly large numbers of Europeans — including many people in countries that have traditionally been quite sympathetic to Russian concerns — have decided that Putin's Russia is not a "partner" to be engaged with, but an adversary to be confronted, isolated and eventually defeated.

    While growing, the membership of the European Union's "hawkish" bloc is a bit of a moving target. A few years ago it would have clearly included both the Czech Republic and Slovakia, and while it would be a gross exaggeration to call either country's current government "pro-Putin" there has been a noteworthy shift away from their more confrontational past positions. Hungary, too, has seen its government soften the rhetoric it aims at Moscow.

    The core group of Russia hawks, which includes Poland, Britain, Sweden, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, has not only become increasingly outspoken about the Russian threat, but has had real success in pulling formerly reluctant countries like Germany and France closer to its preferred approach................

  9. Donald Tusk becomes the second full-time president of the European Council on Monday....

    Tusk, who was democratic Poland's longest-serving prime minister before resigning in September just short of seven years in office, will be in charge of chairing European Union's summits and brokering behind-the-scenes deals. He will be the first EU president to come from a former communist bloc state.................

  10. Vietnamese police said they had arrested a blogger for posting "bad content" about the government, as part of a long-running crackdown on online dissent in the communist country....

    Hong Le Tho, 65, was arrested in Ho Chi Minh City on Saturday for posting articles "with bad content and incorrect information that reduce trust in state agencies", the Ministry of Public Security said in a statement released late Saturday.

    Tho's blog, called "Nguoi Lot Gach" -- literally "a brick layer" -- has run for at least three years and was regularly updated in Vietnamese, English and French with his commentary on social and political issues in Vietnam.

    Many of the posts were strongly anti-China, reflecting widespread animosity among many Vietnamese, including intellectuals, for the country's northern neighbour.

    Hanoi and Beijing are locked in a long-standing territorial dispute over fishing rights and island chains in the South China Sea..................

  11. Moody’s downgraded Japan’s credit rating Monday, citing “rising uncertainty” over the country’s debt situation and Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s faltering efforts to kick-start the world’s No. 3 economy...

    The ratings agency said it cut Japan’s rating by one notch to A1 from Aa3, after the economy sank into recession during the third quarter.

    In the wake of the poor gross domestic product numbers, Abe announced that a planned sales tax hike set for next year would be delayed, as he called a snap election that he described as a referendum on his “Abenomics” growth blitz.

    Tokyo raised the sales levy in April — to 8 percent from 5 percent — for the first time in 17 years, in a bid to generate more revenue to pay down an eye-watering national debt.

    Japan has one of the heaviest debt burdens among rich nations, at more than twice the size of the economy.................

  12. Sanctions/Russie: le SG de l'Otan veut impliquer de nouveaux pays ...

    De nouveaux pays devraient rejoindre les sanctions imposées contre la Russie, a déclaré lundi aux journalistes le secrétaire général de l'Otan Jens Stoltenberg.

    "Evidemment, je voudrais voir le plus grand nombre possible de pays participer aux sanctions, car ce qui compte c'est le résultat, ce sont les conséquences en cas de violation par un pays de la législation internationale", a indiqué le responsable, commentant les relations entre la Russie et la Turquie.

    Auparavant, le ministre turc des Affaires européennes Volkan Bozkir et l'ambassadeur turc en Russie Ümit Yardim ont déclaré que la Turquie n'avait pas l'intention d'imposer de sanctions contre la Russie sur demande des Etats-Unis et de l'UE suite à la situation en Ukraine..................

    1. Stoltenberg: Russische Luftwaffe verletzt manchmal Nato-Grenzen ...

      Nato-Generalsekretär Jens Stoltenberg wirft der russischen Luftwaffe vor, bei ihren Patrouillenflügen „manchmal“ die Luftgrenzen des Bündnisses zu verletzen.

      „Wir beobachten eine wesentliche Verstärkung der Aktivität der russischen Luftstreitkräfte an den Grenzen der Nato“, sagte Stoltenberg am Montag vor Journalisten. Er gestand ein, dass die russischen Flugzeuge „gewöhnlich im internationalen Luftraum fliegen und keine internationalen Normen verletzen“. Doch manchmal seien diese Aktivitäten „sehr aggressiv“; manchmal werde dadurch der Luftraum der Nato verletzt.

      Russische Militärflugzeuge, insbesondere Langstreckenbomber, fliegen regelmäßig über neutralen Gewässern Patrouillen und Übungsflüge. Nach Angaben der Luftwaffe erfolgen alle Flüge in strikter Übereinstimmung mit den internationalen Flugregeln, ohne die Luftgrenzen anderer Staaten zu verletzen.

  13. Dos colonos judíos que admitieron haber quemado vehículos en la aldea palestina de Farata, en Cisjordania, firman un acuerdo con el fiscal por el que cumplirán 30 meses de cárcel....

    La fiscalía ha alegado que como los dos hombres, Yehuda Landsberg y Yehuda Sabir, asumieron la responsabilidad de sus acciones, se les condenará a "la pena mínima" por los delitos cometidos. Un tercer acusado, Binyamin Richter, afirmó que era inocente y su juicio continuará.

    Los tres hombres, residentes de la pequeña colonia Havat Gilad (Cisjordania) –una de las que incluso Israel considera ilegales porque son pequeños asentamientos de caravanas o casas prefabricadas que se han situado en tierra palestina sin permiso del Gobierno israelí– quemaron un camión y varios coches.......................

  14. Le groupe avancé de forces de réaction rapide que l'OTAN envisageait de créer en septembre 2014 lors du sommet au pays de Galles dans le cadre du plan d'action pour assurer la combativité de l'Alliance, sera opérationnel en 2016, a déclaré lundi le secrétaire général de l'OTAN, Jens Stoltenberg...

    Stoltenberg a indiqué que les objectifs généraux de la mission seront déterminés par les chefs des ministères de la Défense des pays membres de l'OTAN en février 2015.

    Stoltenberg a également noté qu'une augmentation significative de l'activité de l'aviation militaire russe près des frontières de l'OTAN avait été observée récemment
    Lire la suite:

  15. Japanese Reporter Faces Defamation Charges Over Story on S. Korean President ...

    In South Korea a Japanese reporter has been indicted on charges of defaming President Park Geun-hye. The case is raising concerns about free speech under harsh anti-defamation laws.

    Tatsuya Kato, the former Seoul bureau chief for the Japanese newspaper Sankei Shimbun, pleaded not guilty to the charge of defaming President Park Geun-hye.

    The charge stems from an August 3 article he wrote suggesting that President Park was absent for seven hours during the Sewol ferry disaster because she was with a man.................

  16. Erdoğan’s brand new presidential palace to be protected by commandos ...

    Turkey’s new $615 million, 1,000-room presidential palace is no trifle, so it is perhaps natural for its security to be provided by armed guards who certainly cannot be trifled with.

    The protection of the new precinct of the building, also known as “Ak Saray” (White Palace), will be assigned to a special commando unit that will be integrated with the presidential guards regiment following a new restructuration of the palace’s security, Defense Minister İsmet Yılmaz has stated.

    Commandos who receive special training for combat missions in the most difficult conditions will be tasked with guarding the presidential palace 24 hours a day. A fast intervention force will also be set up for any potential attack................

  17. Syria claims terror groups used chlorine as weapon ...

    Syria's vice foreign minister has denied that his government ever used chemical weapons or chlorine during the country's brutal civil war and warns that terror groups are using such weapons.

    The comments Monday by Faysal Mekdad to a meeting of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons underscored what could be the organization's next major challenge, even as it comes close to fully eliminating Damascus' deadly stockpile of nerve agents and poison gas.

    Mekdad said Monday that terror groups "have used chlorine gas in several of the regions of Syria and Iraq."

    The government of President Bashar Assad is widely believed to have unleashed chemical weapons during the civil war, but there are growing fears that terror groups like Islamic State also could use chlorine as a weapon.

  18. The World Food Programme (WFP) has been forced to suspend a critical food aid scheme for more than 1.7 million Syrian refugees because of a funding crisis...

    The UN agency said the programme gave refugees in Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey, Iraq and Egypt vouchers to buy food.

    Without such assistance, many families would go hungry this winter, it warned.......

  19. UK's Cameron to China: Hong Kong ban on lawmakers 'mistaken' ...

    Prime Minister David Cameron believes a Chinese decision to prevent a committee of British lawmakers visiting Hong Kong is mistaken and has only served to heighten concerns around the former British colony, his spokesman said on Monday.

    On Sunday, the chairman of parliament's foreign affairs committee said Chinese embassy officials had told him he and other British lawmakers would be refused entry to Hong Kong to undertake research related to an inquiry about progress towards democracy there.

    Cameron's spokesman sharply criticised that decision on Monday, escalating a diplomatic dispute that threatens to damage relations between London and Beijing at a time when economic and trade ties between the two are becoming closer...........

  20. Les citoyens de l’Ukraine pourront voyager dans l'UE sans visas (MAE ukrainien) ...

    Au moins d'un an plus tard, les Ukrainiens seront en mesure de voyager dans l'UE sans visas, ayant des passeports biométriques, a déclaré le vice-ministre des Affaires étrangères de l'Ukraine, Elena Zerkal.

    « Nous sommes disposés à ce que d'ici mai 2015, il y aurait une décision de l'UE sur l'octroi à l'Ukraine du statut sans visas. Nous nous attendons aussi à ce que d’ici septembre-octobre, les Ukrainiens seraient en mesure de voyager avec des passeports biométriques sans la nécessité d'obtenir un visa », a noté Zerkal.

    Le ministre adjoint des Affaires étrangères a souligné que le début de la procédure de délivrance des passeports biométriques était prévu pour le 1 janvier 2015.
    Lire la suite:

  21. Russia is unable to continue the South Stream gas pipeline project implementation in current conditions, Russian President Vladimir Putin said Monday...

    “Taking into account the European Commission’s position, which is not contributing to the realization of this project, taking into account the fact that we have only recently received permission from the respective organizations in the Netherlands… Taking into account the fact that we still have not received Bulgaria’s permission, we think that Russia is unable to continue realization of this project in such conditions,” Putin said at a press conference following talks with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

    “We cannot start the construction in the sea until we have Bulgaria’s permission to begin construction in the sea. It would be absurd to reach the Bulgarian coast and to stop then,” Russian leader added..................

    1. Russland legt South-Stream-Projekt auf Eis ...

      Russland sucht nach Wegen, seine Gasexporte nach Westeuropa an der Ukraine vorbei zu führen. Die South-Stream-Pipeline durch das Schwarze Meer war einer davon. Aber jetzt kommt es offenbar anders.

      Russland hat seine milliardenschweren Pläne für den Bau der Erdgasleitung South Stream zur Versorgung Südeuropas überraschend aufgegeben. Das Projekt sei durch die "Blockadehaltung" der EU sinnlos geworden, sagte Kremlchef Wladimir Putin am Montag in Ankara.

      "Die russischen Energieressourcen gehen dann auf andere Märkte – Europa wird solche Umfänge jedenfalls nicht bekommen. Russland kann nicht Hunderte Millionen Dollar investieren und dann an der bulgarischen Grenze steckenbleiben", fügte Putin hinzu.

      "Das war's. Das Projekt ist geschlossen", betonte auch Gazprom-Chef Alexej Miller. "Es gibt kein Zurück mehr." Als Alternative hätten Russland und die Türkei den Bau einer Offshore-Pipeline vereinbart, sagte Miller..............

  22. China on Monday explained its refusal to allow British lawmakers to visit Hong Kong and urged them not to interfere in Hong Kong's affairs.

    "The Chinese central government and the government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region have told Britain several times that they resolutely opposed the so-called delegation of the House of Commons Foreign Affairs Select Committee going to Hong Kong for a so-called investigation and asked for the visit to be canceled," said Chinese foreign ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying at a regular press briefing.

    Hua was responding to a question regarding remarks made by the chairman of the British House of Commons Foreign Affairs Select Committee who said China had acted in an overtly confrontational manner by refusing to allow them to visit the former British territory.

    Hua said if certain British lawmakers were determined to travel to Hong Kong, that would be genuinely overt confrontational move and not beneficial for Sino-British ties.

    "China has many times expressed its firm opposition to any foreign government, organization or person's interference in HK affairs, which are China's internal affairs," she added.
    [Xinhua -]

  23. Ukrainian military, LPR agree on ceasefire from Dec 5 ...

    The Ukrainian military and representatives of the self-proclaimed Lugansk People’s Republic (LPR) in the east of Ukraine have agreed to cease fire on the contact line from December 5 and on the withdrawal of heavy weapons from December 6, observers of the Organisation for Security Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) said in a regular daily report published on its website on Tuesday.

    According to the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission (SMM) representatives, the sides arrived at this decision in consultations within the framework of the operation of the Joint Centre for Control and Co-ordination [of the ceasefire regime].................

  24. The US Federal Bureau of Investigation warned US businesses that hackers have used malicious software to launch destructive attacks in the United States, following a devastating cyber attack last week at Sony Pictures Entertainment....

    The five-page, confidential "flash" warning issued to businesses late on Monday provided some technical details about the malicious software that was used in the attack, though it did not name the victim.

    An FBI spokesman declined comment when asked if the software had been used against the California-based unit of Sony Corp ............

    1. North Korea has refused to deny involvement in a cyber-attack on Sony Pictures that came ahead of the release of a film about leader Kim Jong-un...

      Sony is investigating after its computers were attacked and unreleased films made available on the internet.

      When asked if it was involved in the attack a spokesman for the North Korean government replied: "Wait and see."

      In June, North Korea complained to the United Nations and the US over the comedy film The Interview.

      In the movie, Seth Rogen and James Franco play two reporters who are granted an audience with Kim Jong-un. The CIA then enlists the pair to assassinate him.

      North Korea described the film as an act of war and an "undisguised sponsoring of terrorism", and called on the US and the UN to block it.

      California-based Sony Pictures' computer system went down last week and hackers then published a number of as-yet un-released films on online download sites.

      Among the titles is a remake of the classic film Annie, which is not due for release until 19 December.....................

  25. Accords Russie-Iran: Washington met en garde Moscou ...

    Les Etats-Unis pourraient étendre leurs sanctions visant la Russie en raison des contrats conclus entre Moscou et Téhéran, a déclaré lundi soir la porte-parole du département d'Etat américain Jen Psaki.

    "Nous sommes au courant des négociations russo-iraniennes concernant plusieurs domaines de la coopération économique. Nous continuerons à suivre l'évolution de ces discussions (…). Nous ne connaissons pas les détails de ces négociations, mais s'il y a des soupçons de violation du régime des sanctions, nous prendrons acte", a fait savoir Mme Psaki.............

  26. Die Europäische Investitionsbank (EIB) will laut Vizepräsident László Baranyay in den kommenden drei Jahren die Ukraine mit Krediten in Höhe von drei Milliarden Euro unterstützen....

    Eine Milliarde davon soll bis Ende 2014 freigegeben werden.

    Die EIB sei bereit, „in den kommenden drei Jahren in der Ukraine Projekte im Gesamtwert von etwa drei Milliarden Euro finanzieren“, teilte Baranyay am Montag bei einem Briefing mit. „Für das laufende Jahr haben wir sehr ehrgeizige Pläne: Wir wollen Abkommen im Wert von einer Milliarde Euro unterzeichnen. Diese Zusammenarbeit wird auch weiter fortgesetzt.“..............

  27. L'Italie envisage désormais de bâtir ses relations avec la Russie en privilégiant ses propres intérêts nationaux, a déclaré mardi le ministre italien des Affaires étrangères Paolo Gentiloni cité par l'agence Askanews....

    "Bien que nous soyons Européens et des alliés des Etats-Unis, nous avons notre propre vision de la géopolitique", a déclaré M. Gentiloni.

    Selon lui, les pays d'Europe se sont retrouvés dans un état d'"instabilité dangereuse" et doivent donc tenir compte en premier lieu de leurs propres intérêts, y compris en ce qui concerne le conflit en Ukraine et les relations avec Moscou.

    Le chef de la diplomatie italienne est dans le même temps persuadé que Rome et Berlin pourront contribuer substantiellement au développement du dialogue avec la Russie à condition que les accords de Minsk soient respectés.

  28. Marine Le Pen : "L'UE est une prison"...

    « Il y a quand même un certain amateurisme à n’avoir pas prévu le processus qui consisterait suivant la volonté d’un des peuples de l’Union européenne d’envisager qu’il sorte de cette Union européenne. Vous voyez bien qu’on a construit encore une fois cette Union européenne véritablement comme une prison », a déclaré Marine Le Pen dans une interview à Euronews publiée lundi.

    « L’expérimentation a consisté à nous prendre pour des cobayes, à nous imposer donc une construction européenne qui ne ressemble plus du tout à ce qu’on nous a vendu et puis nous dire après “ah oups, ah ben on n’a pas pensé comment est-ce qu’on pourrait sortir », a affirmé la présidente du Front national.

    « Les pays qui sont en dehors de l’Union européenne ils se portent très bien », a-t- elle également indiqué.
    Lire la suite:

  29. Moscovici quizzed on extra time for three EU countries to hit Eurozone targets...

    Commissioner Pierre Moscovici was asked to account for the European Commission’s decision to give France, Italy and Belgium more time to hit Eurozone budgetary targets by Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee MEPs on Tuesday. MEPs urged that budget plan deadlines should be met and that criteria for applying rules more flexibly to some EU member states than others should be clear and detailed.

    Markus Ferber (EPP, DE), Bernd Lucke (ECR, DE) and Sylvie Goulard (ALDE, FR) focused their questions on the need to strengthen and enforce the rules. Other MEPs stressed that the Commission should ensure it cannot be accused of using double standards and urged it to state clear criteria for treating selected EU countries differently.

    Mr Moscovici denied that the Commission was treating the three countries differently from other EU member states - the extra three months would merely give them time to adjust their plans, he said. In the case of France, the figures for 2014 were not clear enough for the Commission to be sure that the agreed measures had not been taken and thus impose penalties, he added.

    The three factors to be taken into account are whether a country has taken measures to remedy non-compliance with the Stability and Growth Pact, whether its structural reforms suffice, and whether these reforms actually improve its budgetary position, explained Mr Moscovici.

    Elisa Ferreira (S&D, PT), Miguel Viegas (GUE/NGL, PT) and Ernest Urtasun (Greens/EFA, ES) asked about flexibility in exceptional circumstances and whether the rules imposed are always right, especially given their negative social impact.

    Mr Moscovici replied that flexibility is possible only within the rules. Within the Commission, “we decided that there were no exceptional circumstances in the member states but I assume the final responsibility for the decisions”, he added.

    He insisted that although specific factors such as low growth and low inflation are taken into account, Eurozone countries are nonetheless expected to make structural and fiscal reform efforts....................

  30. Khodorkovsky to European Parliament: Anti-Russian Sanctions 'Huge Mistake'...

    Sanctions against Russia as a country are a “huge political mistake”, Russian opposition figure and the founder of the civil society organization “Open Russia” Mikhail Khodorkovsky told members of the European Parliament Tuesday.

    “I consider sanctions against Russia as a country to be a huge political mistake. Sanctions against the Russian economy in general seem useless to me,” Khodorkovsky said.

    According to the former energy magnate, the thought that if the lives of the Russian people get worse, they will understand what bad leaders they have chosen, is “absolutely unacceptable”.

    “It’s better not to alienate the people of Russia from Europe,” he continued................

  31. Ukrainians feel the pinch as winter closes in ...

    Every day, Yevgenia gets up before dawn to travel to the outskirts of the Ukrainian capital Kiev to sell five bottles of fresh milk from her village cows for around 66 U.S. cents a liter.

    With a third of her state pension going on the gas bill, her family would not make ends meet without the food they grow themselves on a small plot. Vegetables have been packed into jars for the cold months.

    "With our cows, chickens and our garden we'll get through the winter," said the 75-year-old retired pharmacist swaddled in a flowery wool shawl against the icy drizzle. "You should see how many jars of pickles I have this year."

    She considers herself lucky: "But what about the old folk and poorer families in the city who can't grow their own food?"

    After a year of political upheaval and a war in the east, Ukrainians are facing a winter in poverty, with prices rising sharply, the currency crumbling and a nearly bankrupt state dependent on foreign aid and in no position to offer any help.

    Inflation is due to top 25 percent this year, and the hryvnia currency has plunged by 40 percent against the dollar..................

  32. Palestine: le vote français "va éloigner" les possibilités de paix (Israël) ...

    Le vote des députés français en faveur de la reconnaissance de l'Etat palestinien "va éloigner les possibilités d'arriver à un accord" de paix, a réagi mardi dans un communiqué l'ambassade d'"Israël" en France.

    Ce vote "envoie un message erroné aux leaders et aux peuples de la région", a ajouté l'ambassade dans ce communiqué, publié peu après l'adoption à une large majorité par les députés français d'une résolution invitant leur gouvernement à reconnaître l'Etat palestinien.

    Les Palestiniens ont salué le vote des députés français en faveur de la reconnaissance de leur Etat et appelé le gouvernement à faire de même..................

  33. Kiev may cut electric power supplies to Crimea if electric power deficit grows in Ukraine, the press service of the Ukrainian Ministry of Energy and Coalmining cited Energy Minister Yuriy Prodan as saying to TASS on Tuesday...

    Currently Crimea does not get beyond 800 MW in power consumption, the energy minister said. “If they consume more, the electric power line will be disconnected,” he said.

    “If the deficit [of power consumption in Ukraine - TASS] grows, Ukraine will demand reducing power consumption in Crimea,” Prodan said.

    “If what we ask for is not fulfilled, this [second - TASS] power line will be cut as well,” the press service quoted the minister as saying.

    Presently Ukraine delivers electric power to Crimea through state-run energy company Ukrinterenergo.

  34. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Tuesday called for early elections as he fired two key ministers in his coalition government over a policy dispute...

    "I will not tolerate opposition in my government any more," Netanyahu said of the sacking of Finance Minister Yair Lapid and Justice Minister Tzipi Livni.

    "I won't accept ministers attacking the policy and head of the government from within," he said in a statement.

    Netanyahu said he would call for parliament to be dissolved "as soon as possible to go to the people and get a clear mandate to lead Israel."..................,-fires-two-minis.aspx

  35. Stephen Hawking warns artificial intelligence could end mankind ...

    Prof Stephen Hawking, one of Britain's pre-eminent scientists, has said that efforts to create thinking machines pose a threat to our very existence.

    He told the BBC:"The development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race."

    His warning came in response to a question about a revamp of the technology he uses to communicate, which involves a basic form of AI.

    But others are less gloomy about AI's prospects.

    The theoretical physicist, who has the motor neurone disease amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), is using a new system developed by Intel to speak.

    Machine learning experts from the British company Swiftkey were also involved in its creation. Their technology, already employed as a smartphone keyboard app, learns how the professor thinks and suggests the words he might want to use next.

    Prof Hawking says the primitive forms of artificial intelligence developed so far have already proved very useful, but he fears the consequences of creating something that can match or surpass humans....................

  36. Etats-Unis: panne majeure d'électricité à Detroit ...

    La ville américaine de Detroit, dans le Michigan (nord), a connu mardi une panne d'électricité majeure affectant la plupart de ses services publics, écoles, tribunaux, commissariats, feux de circulation et certains hôpitaux.

    "Tous les bâtiments publics sont privés d'électricité. On ne connaît pas la cause du problème", a indiqué par téléphone à l'AFP Scott Simons, porte-parole du fournisseur d'énergie locale DTE Energy.

    "Nous essayons de déterminer l'origine du problème" qui a commencé peu après 10H00 (15H00 GMT), a-t-il ajouté.

    Les médias locaux ont fait état de plusieurs personnes bloquées dans les ascenseurs de la mairie, qui a été évacuée, et de la suspension des procès en cours au tribunal, le Frank Murphy Hall of Justice, qui a été fermé pour la journée.

    Alors que la ville connaît déjà des températures proches de zéro le jour et négatives la nuit, 87 des 97 écoles publiques de Detroit étaient également privées d'électricité. Elles ont annoncé qu'elles renvoyaient leurs élèves chez eux à la mi-journée, demandant aux parents de venir les chercher pour les enfants ne prenant pas le bus scolaire.

    Des dizaines d'autres bâtiments ont été évacués et le "Detroit People Mover", système de trains sans conducteur, a aussi annoncé la suspension de ses opérations en raison de la panne de courant....................

  37. Earthquake M 4.5 - AEGEAN SEA - 38 km N of Mýrina - local time: 22:15 ..

    Magnitude M 4.5
    Region AEGEAN SEA
    Date time 2014-12-02 20:15:17.0 UTC
    Location 40.21 N ; 25.17 E
    Depth 10 km

    103 km S of Komotiní, Greece / pop: 45,631 / local time: 22:15:17.0 2014-12-02
    63 km W of Gökçeada, Turkey / pop: 7,822 / local time: 22:15:17.0 2014-12-02
    38 km N of Mýrina, Greece / pop: 5,406 / local time: 22:15:17.0 2014-12-02

  38. Greece Spurns Lenders' Demands for Tax Increases, Income Cuts ..

    Greece's prime minister said Tuesday that his country had rejected its international lenders' demands for tax increases and income cuts next year, arguing that such measures would be disastrous for the country in the wake of a deep economic recession.

    Budget talks with inspectors from the European Union and International Monetary Fund have dragged on for weeks without agreemen, leaving Athens short of time to wrap up its final bailout review by a Dec. 8 deadline and pave the way for an early exit from the bailout by the end of the year.

    "Greece has done a lot already," Prime Minister Antonis Samaras said during an economic conference.................

  39. NASA is ready to launch the most ambitious test flight in decades as its unmanned capsule Orion is all set for a two-orbit, 4.5-hour trip. With favorable weather forecast, NASA hopes the test flight will bring it one step closer to a Mars journey...

    The mission plans to reach an altitude of 3,600 miles from Earth, the farthest space mission since the Apollo 17 trip to the moon in 1972.

    The capsule is scheduled to be launched using a Delta IV Heavy rocket from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station's Space Launch Complex.

    "[The rocket's] in good shape and we're really excited to launch this on Thursday," Ron Fortson, ULA director of mission management said in a mission update on Tuesday. "The weather is looking pretty good," with now forecasts predicting favorable 60 percent chance of good weather.

    For Orion’s first flight, no astronauts will be aboard. The spacecraft will be loaded with 1,000 sensors to record and measure all aspects of the flight.

    NASA hopes that the maiden flight will test the capsule's sustainability to heat as well as its durability at high speeds. Around 1000 censors will collect data allowing NASA officials to see how the capsule's important systems behave....................../

  40. Air strikes carried out by the US-led collation on Islamic State (IS) have inflicted "significant" damage on the group's capabilities, US Secretary of State John Kerry says....

    Mr Kerry said the campaign against the militant group could take years, but that the coalition would remain engaged "as long as it takes".

    The US said earlier that Iran, not a coalition member, had carried out air strikes against IS in Iraq.

    However, Iran has denied this.

    The US said there had been no coordination with the Iranians on any air strikes.

    IS controls large areas of Syria and Iraq, imposing a rigid version of Sunni Islam and persecuting or killing non-believers...............

    1. US-led coalition has weakened Islamic State, Kerry says ...

      BRUSSELS: The US-led coalition has inflicted serious damage on Islamic State, carrying out around 1,000 air strikes so far in Iraq and Syria, but the fight against the militants could last years, US secretary of state John Kerry said on Wednesday.

      The United States and its allies began air strikes against Islamic State after the Sunni militants made large territorial advances last summer. The Iraqi army, Sunni tribal fighters and Kurdish forces have since recovered some ground against them.

      "Our commitment will be measured most likely in years but our efforts are already having a significant impact," Kerry said at the start of a first meeting of ministers from a coalition of more than 60 countries that Washington has assembled to destroy Islamic State, which is also known as Daesh.

      "The roughly 1,000 coalition air missions we have flown have reduced Daesh's leadership and inflicted damage on its logistical and operational capabilities." ...............

    2. "Islamischer Staat:"Koalition rechnet mit langem Kampf gegen den IS

      Geld, Waffen, Nahrungsmittel: Etwa 60 Nationen planen und koordinieren den weiteren Kampf gegen die IS-Terrormiliz. Deutschland will sein Engagement verstärken.

      US-Außenminister John Kerry hat die internationale Koalition auf einen lange andauernden Kampf gegen die Terrormiliz "Islamischer Staat" (IS) eingestimmt. Dieser werde so lange dauern, wie es notwendig sei – vermutlich Jahre, sagte Kerry im Nato-Hauptquartier in Brüssel, in dem das Treffen der Koalition stattfand. Außenminister Frank-Walter Steinmeier sagte: "Jeder weiß, dass es ein langer Weg ist."

      Erste deutliche Erfolge sieht die Koalition jedoch bereits. In einer Schlusserklärung hieß es: Der Vormarsch von IS durch Syrien und in den Irak ist dabei, gestoppt zu werden. "Truppen des Irak und der kurdischen Regionalregierung gewinnen nun mit Unterstützung von Luftangriffen der Koalition Gebiete zurück.".............

  41. Bachar al-Assad affirme que les frappes de la coalition contre l’EI sont « inefficaces » ...

    Alors que la coalition affirme que sa campagne militaire contre l’organisation Etat islamique aurait porté ses fruits, Bachar al-Assad affirme que les frappes aériennes occidentale ne sont ni « sérieuses » ni « efficaces ». « Nous n’avons constaté aucun changement » et « il n’y a pas eu de résultats réels après deux mois des campagnes menées par la coalition », estime le président syrien dans un entretien accordé à Paris-Match dont des extraits ont été publiés..

    De son côté, la soixantaine de pays membres de la coalition contre l’EI a affirmé que « L’avancée de l’EI en Irak et en Syrie est stoppée », mercredi à l’issue d’une réunion ministérielle à Bruxelles.

    « Les forces irakiennes et les forces du gouvernement régional du Kurdistan, avec le soutien des frappes aériennes de la coalition, regagnent du terrain en Irak » précise un communiqué publié par la coalition mercredi. La ville de Kobané est de son toujours assiégée par l’EI...............En savoir plus sur

  42. L'UE a tort d'espérer faire plier la Russie (Schröder) ...

    L'Union européenne a commis une grosse erreur en essayant de "contraindre la Russie à quoi que ce soit", a déclaré mercredi l'ancien chancelier allemand Gerhard Schröder dans un discours prononcé à l'Université de Regensburg, rapporte Die Welt.

    "Supposer qu'il est possible par des sanctions de contraindre la Russie à se comporter comme le veut l'Occident est pour le moins illusoire", a indiqué M.Schröder.

    Selon lui, tant que l'Occident poursuivra sa pression économique ou politique sur la Russie, une paix solide sera impossible en Europe.............

  43. Human Rights Watch denuncia violaciones de DDHH en Donbás por batallones de Kiev ...

    El director ejecutivo de la ONG Human Rights Watch (HRW), Kenneth Roth, expresó inquietud este miércoles ante las violaciones de derechos humanos en Donbás por batallones de Kiev.

    "Nos preocupan las múltiples ocasiones de violación de derechos humanos por batallones de voluntarios", dijo Roth en una rueda de prensa.

    Recomendó supeditar estos batallones al Ministerio de Defensa o al del Interior, lo que fomentaría la disciplina y el respeto hacia los Convenios de Ginebra..................

    1. Varias demandas presentadas ante distintos tribunales por violaciones de los Derechos Humanos en Ucrania han sido admitidas a trámite, comunicó hoy Konstantín Dolgov, encargado de Derechos Humanos del Ministerio ruso de Exteriores...

      "Las demandas fueron preparadas por ciudadanos de Ucrania, principalmente del sureste del país, que contaron con la ayuda de abogados locales", dijo Dolgov en una entrevista a la televisión Rossiya 24.

      Comentó que habrá más demandas y que se trata de una forma de luchar contra la impunidad.

      El apoderado no ofreció más detalles ni mencionó los órganos judiciales que admitieron las demandas................

  44. EU Official: Greece Needs Bailout Extension ...

    Greece will have to ask for an extension on its bailout program before parliaments in euro zone nations close for Christmas because a new credit line will not be ready in time, a senior euro zone official said on Wednesday.

    After two bailouts totaling 240 billion euros ($300 billion) since 2010, Greece wants to switch back to market financing from the start of next year but disagreement over Greece's funding needs next year means the euro zone cannot sign off on a back-up credit line.

    “I'm willing to work on December 24 but parliaments are not around,” the official told reporters on condition of anonymity, setting December 15 as the cut-off date for prolonging Greece's existing program into January so that lenders can make a final 1.8 billion euro payment.

    All euro zone parliaments must approve that extension...........

  45. EU concerned about European jihadists returning from Iraq, Syria ...

    The EU Counter-Terrorism Coordinator, Gilles de Kerchove, announced on Tuesday that 3,000 Europeans have left their countries to join jihadists in Syria and Iraq, expressing concern about their return to Europe.

    De Kerchove said that most of these European citizens have joined the ranks of the Islamic State (IS) and Al-Nusra Front – two militant groups that control massive territories in both countries.

    Iraqi Kurdish President Masoud Barzani told the UK newspaper The Independent in November that IS militants have reached 200,000. This estimate contradicted earlier numbers announced in a statement by CIA spokesman Ryan Trapani in September, when he said IS militants range between 20,000 and 31,500 across Syria and Iraq.

    Speaking during a press briefing in Cairo, De Kerchove stated that the pan-European organisation is concerned about those who will return to their countries, though arguing that some of them need "psychological support" and help recovering...............

  46. Transit air routes bypass Russia because of closed east Ukraine airspace ...

    The number of transit flights across Russia’s airspace decreased by 11% from April to October this year, the Russian federal air transport agency (Rosaviatsia) said in a report.

    Airliners fly over Russia on transit flights with stops at Russian airports or nonstop. There are transpolar, cross-polar, trans-Siberian, Asian and trans-eastern routes in Russia’s airspace.

    The number of transit flights began to decline in April 2014, from 2.3% to 8.5% in July and 16% in August. The decrease reached 20% in October as compared to October of 2013.

    An 11% decline was reported for seven months from April to October.............

  47. NATO is not ready to develop equality-based cooperation with Moscow in countering real security threats in the Euro-Atlantic region, the Russian Foreign Ministry said Wednesday...

    "We realize with deep regret that NATO officials remain hostages of their own politicized approaches and they are not ready to build cooperative ties with Russia based on equal rights and aimed at taking joint action against real rather than imaginary threats to security in the euro-Atlantic region," the ministry said in a statement.

    "NATO's fact sheet on the so-called controversial issues in relations with Russia is another attempt to convince the world community that only the alliance's approaches are flawless, and to justify the steps aimed at strengthening NATO military potential as well as expanding its presence near the Russian borders," the statement said.................

  48. Les USA et l'UE poursuivront leurs pressions sur Moscou (Obama) ...

    Les Etats-Unis et l'UE poursuivront leur pressions sur la Russie même si cela nuit à l'économie européenne, a déclaré mercredi à Washington le président américain Barack Obama.

    "Je ne pense pas que l'approche du président russe Vladimir Poutine à l'égard de la situation en Ukraine change avant que les hommes politiques russes ne comprennent ce qui se passe avec l'économie. Aussi poursuivrons-nous nos pressions", a indiqué M.Obama lors d'une table ronde organisée par le journal Wall Street Journal...............

  49. Les membres du Conseil de l'énergie entre l’UE et les États-Unis, dont la réunion a eu lieu ce mercredi à Bruxelles, ont déclaré qu’ils sont prêts à coordonner les régimes de sanctions envers la Russie et les républiques autoproclamées de Donetsk et de Lougansk....

    Un communiqué à l’issue de la réunion donne des détails sur cette position du Conseil.

    « En évaluant la situation actuelle, nous avons convenu de la nécessité de coordonner la mise en œuvre de nos régimes de sanctions », précise le document.
    Lire la suite:

    1. Remarks at U.S.-EU Energy Council ...

      John Kerry
      Secretary of State
      European External Action Service
      Brussels, Belgium
      December 3, 2014
      Well, thank you very much for that, Federica. I’m delighted to be here with the high representative and pleased to be in the company of Vice President Sefcovic and Commissioner Canete and Vice-Minister De Vincenti. I’m glad to be back here in this room where we’ve had a couple of meetings already. Last year we were here and we had a good session.

      I am not accompanied today by Secretary Moniz. This is not the secretary of energy. He is the acting assistant secretary of energy, and I don’t know how he got here and Moniz did not. (Laughter.) But Secretary Moniz’s flight was canceled, and so he’s gone promptly to the President and he’s asked to be secretary of transportation instead. (Laughter.) Unfortunately, he couldn’t make it, and I’m sorry for that, because as good as the assistant secretary will be, he really knows his stuff, and frankly, he’s got enormous expertise so he will be missed.

      But I’m pleased to be here with all of you, and let me begin by applauding the tremendous leadership of the EU in helping to reach a gas deal with respect to Ukraine. That is a very important deal, and it is very successful with respect to the long-term situation. It’s important. And part of our meeting today is really to talk about providing a sustainable energy plan for Europe – for actually more than Europeans – so that all of us can deal not just with issues like climate change, but the economy and the stability of the economy and the stability of the supply. And obviously, it’s not a good idea to depend anywhere in the world on one source. There are disruption and vast implications....................

  50. Ucraina: disegno di legge sul rifiuto dello status di non-allineato ...

    Il "Fronte Popolare" ha registrato nel Parlamento ucraino un disegno di legge per il rifiuto dell'Ucraina dello status di non allineato, è la dichiarazione fatta dal partito stesso.

    I deputati propongono di inserire negli atti legislativi dell’Ucraina i principi della politica estera e le priorità degli interessi nazionali dell’Ucraina. "L'Ucraina si deve sbarazzare dello status di non-allineato così che davanti al Paese appaia una chiara prospettiva di adesione alla NATO" ha detto il leader del "Fronte Popolare" Olexander Turchynov.
    Per saperne di più:

  51. China rejects Britain's "moral duty" to Hong Kong ...

    China on Wednesday rejected Britain's "moral duty" to Hong Kong, adding some British lawmakers' attempts to meddle in China's internal affairs is "not acceptable" and "doomed to fail."

    "Britain has no sovereignty over, no governance of, and no superintendence over Hong Kong since Hong Kong returned to China in 1997," Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said at a daily press briefing.

    In an emergency debate in the House of Commons on Tuesday, Members of Parliament called on the British government to condemn China for refusing a delegation from the House of Commons foreign affairs select committee to visit Hong Kong. Some MPs claimed that as a party of the 1984 Sino-British Joint Declaration, Britain still has a "moral duty" to Hong Kong................

  52. Islamic State militants have set up training camps in eastern Libya, the head of the US Africa command says....

    Gen David Rodriguez said there could be "a couple of hundred'' IS fighters undergoing training at the sites.

    He said the camps were at a very early stage, but the US was watching them "carefully to see how it develops".

    Libya has been in turmoil since Muammar Gaddafi was overthrown in 2011, with various tribes, militias and political factions fighting for power.

    Several Islamist groups are competing for power in the east of the country, with some militants recently declaring allegiance to IS.
    Syria connection

    Speaking in Washington on Wednesday, Gen Rodriguez said it was not yet clear how closely aligned the trainees were with IS.

    "It's mainly about people coming for training and logistics support right now, for training sites," he said. "Right now it's just small and very nascent and we just have to see how it goes."

    Correspondents say that in the aftermath of the revolution that ousted Gaddafi, many rebel fighters left to fight with militant groups in Syria, and some are believed to have returned home.

    The elected government has lost Libya's three main cities amid the political crisis..................

  53. Terrified survivors of a supertyphoon that killed thousands in the Philippines last year were preparing for a powerful new storm on Wednesday as authorities scrambled to find safe evacuation centers....

    Typhoon Hagupit was building strength in the Pacific Ocean as it moved toward central Philippine islands where impoverished farming and fishing communities have yet to recover from the previous devastation.

    In Tacloban, one of the cities worst hit by Typhoon Haiyan 13 months ago, residents cleared shop shelves of canned food, candles, diapers and other essentials well ahead of Hagupit’s forecast landfall on Saturday.

    “It’s not raining yet, but people are panic-buying after hearing about the typhoon warnings on television and radio,” said Helen Buena, a clerk at a small supermarket in Tacloban. “They’re taking goods by the dozen, two dozen.”

    Hundreds of thousands of people still live in vulnerable coastal areas of Tacloban and other areas that were ravaged by Haiyan, which killed or left missing more than 7,350 people...................

  54. A US space capsule that could help get humans to Mars is due to make its maiden flight later....

    Orion will be launched on a Delta rocket out of Cape Canaveral in Florida on a short journey above the Earth to test key technologies.

    The conical vessel is reminiscent of the Apollo command ships that took men to the Moon in the 1960s and 1970s, but bigger and with cutting-edge systems.

    Given that this is a first outing, there will be no people aboard.

    Nonetheless, the US space agency describes the demonstration as a major event.

    "This is huge; Thursday is a giant day for us," said Nasa administrator Charlie Bolden.

    Lift-off is scheduled to occur at 07:05 local time (12:05 GMT), depending on the weather and the technical readiness of all involved.............

  55. Vives tensions à New York: le policier blanc qui a tué un père de famille noir ne sera pas poursuivi...

    De nombreuses personnes ont été arrêtées à New York lors d'une manifestation mercredi soir, près du Rockefeller Center, contre la décision d'un grand jury de ne pas inculper un policier blanc responsable de la mort d'un père de famille noir.

    Une histoire qui en rappelle une autre aux Etats Unis. A New York, des manifestations ont éclaté hier dans plusieurs quartiers après la décision d'un grand jury de ne pas inculper un policier blanc impliqué dans la mort d'un père de famille noir. Les faits remontent au 17 juillet dernier.................

  56. Grozny: sept policiers tués par les terroristes (source) ...

    Sept policiers ont été tués et 18 autres blessés jeudi à Grozny lors d'une opération antiterroriste, a annoncé à RIA Novosti une source proche de la situation.

    "Sept membres des forces de l'ordre ont trouvé la mort et 18 autres ont été blessés. Aucune victime civile n'est à déplorer", a fait savoir l'interlocuteur de l'agence.

    Jeudi matin, un groupe d'individus armés se déplaçant dans une voiture a attaqué les policiers qui avaient tenté d'arrêter leur véhicule. Trois membres des forces de l'ordre ont été tués sur place, tandis que les assaillants se sont retranchés dans la Maison de la presse de Grozny.

    Par la suite, le dirigeant tchétchène Ramzan Kadyrov a annoncé que tous les terroristes se trouvant dans la Maison avaient été éliminés.

  57. Putin dirigirá hoy su mensaje anual a la Asamblea Federal ...

    El presidente de Rusia, Vladímir Putin, presentará este jueves su mensaje anual a la Asamblea Federal, Parlamento bicameral del país.

    En virtud de la Constitución rusa, el presidente de la nación dirige un mensaje anual a los legisladores en el que hace un balance de la situación del país y traza los principales lineamientos de la política interior y exterior.................

  58. The admittance by the Human Rights Watch non-governmental organization that forbidden weapons were used in a civil conflict in eastern Ukraine confirms the facts contained in the Russian Foreign Ministry’s White Book published on Wednesday, Konstantin Dolgov, Russian Foreign Ministry Ombudsman for Human Rights, Democracy and the Rule of Law, said....

    “It is the first time that Human Rights Watch has clearly admitted that the Ukrainian army used Grads and other banned weapons against peaceful civilians in Donbas,” Dolgov wrote in Twitter on Wednesday.

    “It confirms the facts contained in the Russian Foreign Ministry White Book on crimes in Ukraine. The human rights activists should exert pressure on the West and Kiev to make them curb those crimes,” Dolgov said.............Read more:

  59. Il n'est pas question pour la Suisse d'adhérer aux sanctions économiques imposées par l'Union européenne contre la Russie, a déclaré mercredi dans une interview à RIA Novosti l'ambassadeur de la Confédération suisse à Moscou Pierre Helg....

    "Il n'en est pas question à présent (de l'adhésion suisse aux sanctions de l'UE, ndlr). La Suisse ne peut adopter que certaines mesures restrictives pour ne pas servir à contourner les sanctions adoptées par l'UE (…). Cependant, si le Conseil de sécurité de l'Onu décrète des sanctions contre un Etat, la Suisse, devenue membre des Nations unies en 2002, adhérera à ces sanctions, comme tout autre membre de l'organisation et ce, même si Berne ne les trouve pas à son goût", a indiqué le diplomate.............Lire la suite:

  60. All’interno dell’Unione Europea non vi è alcun consenso né a favore della revoca anticipata delle sanzioni contro la Russia, né a favore della loro estensione, ha detto il rappresentante permanente della Russia presso la UE Vladimir Chizhov....

    Le norme comunitarie previste per l'imposizione di sanzioni si attuano per un periodo determinato, di solito un anno, e poi sono necessarie eventuali soluzioni speciali. Le relazioni tra la Russia e l'Occidente si sono deteriorate per la situazione in Ucraina.........Per saperne di più:

  61. China to Stop Using Organ Transplants from Executed Prisoners ...

    China, which uses capital punishment more than any other country, says it will soon stop transplanting organs from executed prisoners.
    State media on Thursday reported the controversial practice would be "comprehensively" terminated by the beginning of next month.

    China has one of the world's lowest organ donation rates and has long made up for the shortage by using organs from death row inmates................

  62. Syria chemical weapons bases' destruction to begin ....

    The destruction of 12 chemical weapons facilities in Syria is expected to start later this month.

    Syria's U.N. ambassador, Bashar Ja'afari, says the work should be complete by the end of June 2015.

    Security Council diplomats were briefed Dec. 3 on international efforts to eliminate Syria's chemical weapons program. Some of them still express concern that Syria hasn't made a full declaration of its chemical weapons capabilities................

  63. Belgium’s main political parties are reportedly working on a resolution to recognize Palestine as a state, a Belgian daily reported Wednesday....

    Le Soir reported that Belgium’s coalition government reached an agreement earlier this week. The Belgian parliament will reportedly debate a resolution on the subject as early as next week.

    However, the draft text for the planned motion to recognize Palestine as a state does not set a date. The recognition will happen when “deemed appropriate,” according to the Belgian daily.

    If the motion is adopted then Belgium will become the second EU member country after Sweden to recognize Palestine as a state................

  64. Israel: Millionen Liter Öl sickern in Naturschutzgebiet ....

    Ein Leck in einer Öl-Pipeline hat im Süden Israels nach Angaben des Umweltschutzministeriums eine der bisher schlimmsten Umweltkatastrophen des Landes zur Folge. "Millionen Liter Rohöl sind ausgelaufen", sagte Ran Lior, Sprecher des Ministeriums, am Donnerstag. Das Unglück ereignete sich demnach Mittwochnacht nahe der Stadt Eilat.

    Ein Teil des Öls sei in das Naturschutzgebiet Evrona gelangt, wo unter anderem eine seltene Palmenart wachse, sagte Lior. Es werde Monate dauern, das Gebiet zu sanieren. Die Ursache des Unglücks werde noch untersucht.

    Nach Angaben der Nachrichtenagentur Reuters sind drei Menschen in ein Krankenhaus gebracht worden, offenbar weil sie giftige Dämpfe eingeatmet hatten. Die Haupstraße nach Eilat, einem Ressort am Roten Meer, wurde unmittelbar nach dem Vorfall geschlossen.

  65. China denounces foreign influence in Hong Kong after US criticism ...

    China on Thursday (Dec 4) reiterated that foreign countries should not stoke trouble in Hong Kong after a top US official gave Washington's strongest backing yet to democracy protesters in the Chinese territory.

    "Hong Kong affairs belong to China's domestic affairs," foreign ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said at a regular briefing on Thursday, stressing that Beijing is opposed to any outside interference. "We have repeatedly expounded on our solemn position on some foreign individuals' and forces' attempts to interfere in Hong Kong's affairs or even incite or support illegal activities such as Occupy Central," she said.

    Hua spoke after Daniel Russel, the top US diplomat for Asia, called for "competitive" 2017 elections in Hong Kong in an appearance before US lawmakers on Wednesday..............

  66. Plus d'un million de signatures contre le partenariat transatlantique ...

    Le collectif "Stop TTIP", qui rassemble plus de 300 organisations dans 24 Etats membres, s'est vu refuser par la Commission le statut d'initiative citoyenne européenne. L'exécutif européen, qui a fait de ces négociations commerciales une priorité, ne soumettra donc pas de proposition législative pour soutenir cet appel. En réaction, "Stop TTIP" a saisi la Cour de justice européenne.

    La pétition, qui a rassemblé selon ses organisateurs "plus d'un million" de signatures au cours des deux derniers mois, appelle à mettre fin aux négociations pour un accord de libre-échange avec les Etats-Unis (TTIP) et à bloquer l'accord avec le Canada (CETA)..........

  67. Iranischer General nennt „Islamischen Staat“ Kreatur der CIA ...

    Die Terrormiliz „Islamischer Staat“ (IS), die einen bedeutenden Teil des irakischen Territoriums unter ihrer Kontrolle hält und jetzt auch die Sicherheit der ganzen Welt bedroht, ist laut dem stellvertretenden Stabschef der iranischen Streitkräfte, Brigadegeneral Massoud Dschazayeri, eine Kreatur der CIA.

    In einer offiziellen Erklärung von Dschazayeri, die am Donnerstag von iranischen Medien veröffentlicht wurde, heißt es unter anderem: „Während Washington erklärt, es führe einen Kampf gegen den IS, werden uns Dokumente zur Verfügung gestellt, die beweisen, dass diese Gruppierung eine Kreatur der CIA ist.“..................

    1. L'EI, produit de la CIA (militaire iranien) ...

      Le groupe terroriste Etat islamique (EI), qui contrôle à présent une bonne partie du territoire irakien et menace la sécurité du monde, a été créé par la CIA, ce qui est attesté par des documents officiels, a déclaré jeudi le chef adjoint d'état-major des forces armées de l'Iran Massoud Jazayeri.

      "Alors que Washington prétend combattre l'EI, nous recevons des documents qui prouvent que ce groupe est un +produit de la CIA+", lit-on dans la déclaration officielle du général publiée par les médias iraniens.

      Selon lui, le fait que les forces armées US aient fourni à l'EI des armes et des munitions dès le début de la formation de la coalition, dévoilait la nature mensongère des déclarations des Américains sur leur lutte contre les djihadistes...............

  68. La Russie prépare les documents pour poursuivre la France en justice ...

    Tous les documents sont préparés pour le procès avec la France qui sera lancé si Paris ne remplit pas le contrat pour le transfert de BPC Mistral à la Russie, a déclaré l’assistant du président russe, Vladimir Kojine, responsable de la coopération militaro-technique.

    Plus tôt, le vice-Premier ministre Dmitri Rogozine a qualifié d’erreur la signature du contrat pour l’achat de BPC français classe Mistral, commise par l’ancien dirigeant du ministère russe de la Défense.

    Rogozine a également noté que la Russie n'avait pas l'intention pour le moment de construire un porte-hélicoptères de ce type par ses propres moyens. Dans ce cas, Rogozine a réaffirmé que la Russie était « déjà en mesure de construire le matériel de ce type ».
    Lire la suite:

  69. Juncker: EU-Kommission und Bulgarien werden die Fragen von „South Stream“ gemeinsam lösen ...

    Die Europäische Kommission und Bulgarien beabsichtigen, gemeinsam nach Lösungen der Fragen zu suchen, die mit dem Projekt „South Stream“ zusammenhängen, erklärte der neue Vorsitzende der Europäischen Kommission, Jean-Claude Juncker.

    „Was das Projekt ‚South Stream’ anbelangt, so arbeiten die EU und Bulgarien zusammen, um die verbleibenden Fragen zu lösen. Wir müssen das tun, was für Bulgarien und Europa besser ist. Boyko (Bulgariens Premierminister Boyko Borissow) und ich werden eine Lösung gemeinsam finden. ‚South Stream’ kann gebaut werden, die Bedingungen sind seit langem klar gewesen“, sagte er.

    Seinen Worten zufolge, werde die Europäische Union alle Schritte zur Verbesserung der Beziehungen mit Russland unternehmen, doch warte man auch auf Erwiderungsschritte seitens Moskaus.

  70. Rolling Blackouts Expanded In Ukraine ...

    Ukraine officials say rolling two-hour blackouts that began in some towns Monday are being expanded.

    Ukraine Energy Minister Volodymyr Demchishin said Wednesday a technical fault forced operations at the Zaporizka nuclear plant to shut down Friday.

    Concerns were raised earlier when Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk spoke of a nuclear power plant accident, but Demchishin said none of the plant's reactors were damaged and there is no reason to be concerned about safety.............

    1. Reactor at Ukraine's largest NPP repaired after accident — television ...

      Unit 3 of the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant (NPP) is being tested after repairs, Ukraine’s Kiev-based 5 TV channel reported on Thursday citing the power plant’s employees.

      According to them, the unit is to be relaunched on Friday.

      A short circuit occurred at the plant’s voltage transformer yard on November 28, 2014, causing Unit 3 to automatically shut down.

      “Ukraine’s State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate said that no radioactive materials had been released because of the shutdown. It preliminarily estimated the event to be a level 0-rated event on the International Nuclear and Radiological Event Scale. The scale ranges from 0 to 7, with level 0 used for situations that have no safety significance,” the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) said in its statement on December 3.....................

  71. Syria's conflict will be long and difficult and its army cannot be everywhere at once, President Bashar Assad said in an interview published by a French magazine on Thursday, in which he also vowed to remain in power.

    Assad told Paris Match no one could predict when the war with insurgents seeking to oust him would end but said enemies had failed to win over the population, allowing the military to advance.

    In extracts published on Wednesday, Assad also said US-led air strikes in Syria since September were an "illegal intervention" that had made no difference in the fight against Islamic State militants who are fighting government forces.

    "The Syrian army cannot be everywhere at once. Where it is not present, terrorists take the opportunity to cross borders and infiltrate in one area or another," said in the French language magazine in comments translated by Reuters.

  72. L’Ukraine, pivot de la domination des USA sur le monde de demain ...

    Cette question, qui paraîtra d’abord plutôt saugrenue, trouve une réponse très inquiétante dans le livre que le géostratège états-unien d’origine polonaise, Zbigniew Brzezinski, a publié en 1997 : L’Amérique et le reste du monde (Bayard Éditions).

    D’une certaine façon, le titre dit tout. Après l’implosion de l’U.R.S.S., les U.S.A. ne trouveraient plus autour d’eux que des « restes » à gérer… au mieux des intérêts de l’impérialisme états-unien.

    Dans ce champ de désastre, il y a comme une clé d’or qui brille de mille feux : l’Ukraine. Elle n’est pas la seule. Mais s’il s’agit de tenir la Chine à l’écart de la réflexion stratégique, et de se pencher avec toute l’attention nécessaire sur l’avenir de la Russie, il n’y en a plus que pour l’Ukraine… Et ceci, dès 1997 : l’Ukraine et la domination U.S.................

  73. High Representative/Vice-President Federica Mogherini meets with Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov ...

    PRESS RELEASE (EC - 04.12.14)
    "High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy/Vice-President of the Commission, Federica Mogherini, met this morning Russian Minister for Foreign Affairs, Sergei Lavrov, in the margins of the OSCE Ministerial Council in Basel.

    During the meeting HRVP Mogherini and Minister Lavrov discussed crises in the joint neighbourhood, beginning with Ukraine. The HRVP underlined the necessity for all parties to implement the Minsk agreements in full and to take concrete steps to reduce tensions on the ground, in order to move towards a lasting ceasefire and to find a political solution to the crisis.

    The HRVP and Minister Lavrov agreed that the crisis in Ukraine had seriously affected and continues to affect relations between EU and Russia, one of the main topics of the meeting. The HRVP and the Russian Foreign Minister also exchanged views on the Middle East Peace Process and discussed the situation in Syria as well as the state of play in E3+3 nuclear talks with Iran."

  74. Obama administration eager to prevent new sanctions against Iran...

    After returning empty-handed from talks in Vienna with Iran on its nuclear program, the US administration will now go on the offensive in Congress to dissuade lawmakers from passing new sanctions against Tehran and prevent a collapse of the critical international negotiations.

    The talks ended last week with the US and other major powers in the so-called P5+1 group missing a deadline and managing just an extension of their discussions with Iran.

    Instead, the seven nations agreed to extend an existing interim deal for a further seven months until June 30, with the hope of drawing up a framework accord by March.

    Under the interim deal, Iran receives limited access to its frozen oil revenues in exchange for freezing its nuclear enrichment...............

  75. Aviones libios bombardean posiciones de los extremistas cerca de Trípoli ...

    La Fuerza Aérea de Libia bombardeó las posiciones de los extremistas en las proximidades del aeropuerto internacional de la capital, Trípoli, declaró el jefe del Centro del Mando Aéreo, general Sagr Al Jerushi.

    "Nuestras tropas atacaron las posiciones de grupos extremistas armados y aquellas de sus sedes que están emplazadas en las afueras del aeropuerto de Trípoli", dijo el general al precisar que la operación permitió eliminar "una parte de los equipos militares y de transporte de los extremistas".

    Previamente las autoridades libias informaron del inicio de la operación con el objetivo de "poner bajo control Trípoli y destituir del poder a los grupos paramilitares ilegales".............

  76. Kiew kauft bis Wochenende eine Milliarde Kubikmeter Gas in Russland ...

    Die Ukraine will noch in dieser Woche rund eine Milliarde Kubikmeter Gas in Russland kaufen. Das teilte der neue ukrainische Energieminister Wladimir Demtschischin am Donnerstag in Kiew mit.

    Sein Ministerium suche weiterhin nach Möglichkeit, das Land auch mit Kohle zu versorgen, sagte Demtschischin bei einem Treffen mit US-Botschafter Geoffrey Pyatt und dem Chef der EU-Repräsentanz in Kiew, Jan Tombinski..............

    1. Kiev va acheter 1 milliard de m3 de gaz à Gazprom ...

      Kiev a l'intention d'acheter à Moscou un milliard de mètres cubes de gaz naturel d’ici la fin de cette semaine, rapporte le site du ministère de l’Energie d’Ukraine.

      Cette déclaration a été faite par le ministre de l’Energie Vladimir Demtchichine lors de la rencontre avec l’Ambassadeur des Etats-Unis en Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt et le chef de la Délégation de l'UE en Ukraine Jan Tombinski.

      Auparavant, le PDG de Naftogaz Andreï Kobolev a déclaré que cet hiver l’Ukraine prévoit d'acheter à Gazprom pas plus de 5 milliards de mètres cubes de gaz .
      Lire la suite:

  77. Syrian activists say Islamic State militants have launched an overnight attack on the last major Syrian military air base in the eastern province of Deir el-Zour on Thursday, reports Associated Press...

    According to the Local Coordination Committees activist collective, which relies on a network of activists on the ground and the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, the fighting is for the airfield, which is located just outside of the city of Deir Ezzor on the Euphrates River. According to the report almost the entire surrounding province is under IS control.

    The airfield is a main military facility for the Syrian government, giving army warplanes a hub from which to attack IS-held cities and towns across much of eastern Syria. Seizing the airport would significantly reduce the army's presence in the area and provide a major morale and propaganda boost for the Islamic State, which has seen a string of setbacks in recent weeks, as reported by AP...................

  78. La prime de Van Rompuy, prétexte aux discours eurosceptiques...

    La prime de départ accordée au président sortant du Conseil de l'Union Européenne, le Belge Herman Van Rompuy, est la cible de critiques. Les eurosceptiques et les populistes de tous bords s’en donnent à cœur joie. Qu’en est-il en réalité?

    C’est le quotidien britannique, The Telegraph, qui a créé la polémique cette semaine en évoquant la prime de départ de Herman Van Rompuy. Ce journal, qui n’a jamais épargné l’ancien président du Conseil européen, a révélé un montant de 630 000 euros. Cette annonce a provoqué un salve de critique dans les rangs des eurosceptiques et au sein des populistes.

    Le Conseil européen a directement répliqué avec ses propres chiffres. Il s'agirait de 350 000 euros sur trois ans. C’est une somme importante. Mais, cela n’a rien à voir que les montants avancés par la presse britannique. Herman Van Rompuy va obtenir pendant trois ans une indemnité correspondant à la moitié de son salaire. Après cette période, il percevra une retraite...............

  79. House Republicans voted Thursday to block President Obama's immigration executive actions, though it was unclear whether the largely symbolic step would be enough to prevent a risky budget stand-off next week...

    The House voted 219-197 for the bill, by Rep. Ted Yoho, R-Fla., that declares Obama's actions "null and void and without legal effect."

    The legislation is part of a three-step plan by House GOP leaders to both address Obama's immigration maneuvers and approve a new spending bill to avert a partial government shutdown. Next week, the chamber is set to vote on a bill funding most of the government through fiscal 2015, and the Department of Homeland Security through early next year. That would tee up a new fight over funding for Obama's immigration policies when Republicans control both chambers.

    However, many conservative lawmakers want to wage that battle now, and use the looming Dec. 11 deadline -- when current government funding expires -- as leverage to defund the immigration plan.............

  80. Ukraine's military said Thursday that it was fighting more than 30,000 rebel soldiers in the east of the country - including up to 10,000 Russians and mercenaries from as far afield as Brazil...

    "Today in the territory of Donbass, there are 32,400 fighters, of which 6,000 to 10,000 are Russian armed forces.

    All the rest are mercenaries and members of the so-called ­illegal paramilitary groups," said Ukrainian military spokesman Oleksandr Rozmaznin, ­according to Interfax Ukraine.

    He said the army had also detained mercenaries from Israel, Serbia, Spain, Italy and even Brazil.

    His figures, which are the most precise issued by Ukraine to date, could not be independently verified.

    Rozmaznin claimed ­Russia is regularly rotating soldiers in and out of Ukraine ­because they "cannot stand the ­psychological pressure - they do not understand what they are fighting for.".................

  81. China's Xi Urges Faster Weapons Development ...

    Chinese President Xi Jinping has urged faster development of advanced new military equipment to help build a strong army, state media reported, as the country steps up an ambitious modernization plan that has rattled nerves across the region.

    Speaking at a two-day conference of the People's Liberation Army, Xi said military reforms should be "guided by the objective of building a strong army," the official Xinhua news agency said late Thursday.

    "Advanced weaponry is the embodiment of a modern army and a crucial support for national security and rejuvenation," it cited Xi as saying. "Equipment systems are now in a period of strategic opportunities and at a key point for rapid development."

    Xi has been pushing to strengthen the fighting ability of China's 2.3 million-strong armed forces as they project power across disputed waters in the East and South China seas..............

  82. Remembering the Legacy of President Nelson Mandela ...

    Press Statement
    John Kerry
    Secretary of State
    Washington, DC
    December 4, 2014
    "On December 5th, we mark one year since the passing of Nelson Mandela, a remarkable journey of life completed, but a legacy that still motivates all of us.

    You’d be hard pressed to find anyone who touched as many lives on a global basis as Nelson Mandela. He had a profound effect on my wife Teresa when she was a young girl in school in South Africa, and his example motivated her and her classmates to demonstrate on campus against apartheid. He helped spark and motivate my daughter Vanessa’s interest in Africa and in global health. His influence was cross-cutting and powerful.

    Teresa and I had the honor of sitting with Mandela over the Thanksgiving holidays in 2007. I was struck by his warmth, openness, and serenity. I wondered how this man rejected enmity and still managed to see so clearly the best interests of his country.

    Mandela has left South Africans -- and the world -- an incredible legacy of reconciliation, freedom, and equality. To the people of South Africa, we thank you for sharing Madiba with the rest of the world. We stand with you today in remembrance of the life of this great man who hoped to be remembered not as a saint, but as a human being, a real person who made difficult decisions – and that makes him even more relevant, not less."

  83. NY court rules chimpanzees have no human rights...

    In the first case of its kind, a New York appeals court has rejected an animal rights advocate's bid to extend "legal personhood" to chimpanzees, saying the primates are incapable of bearing the responsibilities that come with having legal rights.

    A five-judge panel of the Albany court said attorney Steven Wise had shown that Tommy, a 26-year-old chimp who lives alone in a shed in upstate New York, was an autonomous creature, but that it was not possible for him to understand the social contract that binds humans together.

    "Needless to say, unlike human beings, chimpanzees cannot bear any legal duties, submit to societal responsibilities or be held legally accountable for their actions," Presiding Justice Karen Peters wrote.

    Wise said that he would the Court of Appeals, ask New York state's top court, to hear the case...................

  84. Protests have been held for a second night over the death of a black man held in an apparent chokehold by a white New York police officer...

    Thousands of people took to the streets in New York and other US cities, disrupting traffic and holding sit-ins.

    The protests began on Wednesday, after a grand jury decided not to press charges over the death of Eric Garner.

    Civil rights activists are pinning their hopes on a federal investigation into the case.

    The US saw a wave of race-related unrest only last week over the decision not to indict another white police officer who had shot dead a young black man in Ferguson, Missouri.................

  85. Protests in New York protest for second night over police killing ...

    Thousands of people in the United States have taken part in a second night of demonstrations in New York and other cities, to protest against a State Grand Jury's decision not to prosecute a white police officer, involved in the death of an unarmed black man.

    The reaction to Wednesday's decision not to indict officer Daniel Pantaleo for his role in the videotaped confrontation that left 43-year-old Eric Garner dead echoed a wave of outrage.

    The anger was sparked nine days earlier by a similar outcome in the fatal shooting of an unarmed black teenager by a white policeman in Ferguson, Missouri.

    US Attorney General Eric Holder, who already has mounted a civil rights review of the Ferguson shooting yesterday promised a full probe of the New York case.

    Mr Pantaleo could still face disciplinary action from an internal police investigation, his lawyer said, adding that he expects that process to move quickly and that his client would be exonerated..................

  86. Chinese public has no appetite for Senkakus fight: poll ...

    A majority of Chinese citizens believe the United Nations, not the battlefield, is the proper venue for settling their country’s maritime disputes with Japan, according to a first-of-its-kind opinion poll released last week.

    The survey, as reported by the University of Western Australia’s Perth USAsia Centre, undercuts growing concern that an increasingly nationalistic Chinese public is calling for the use of intimidation, perhaps force, in the disagreement over the Senkaku Islands, known as Diaoyu in China and Tiaoyutai in Taiwan.

    Instead, the report claims that Chinese “are cautious about the prospect of military action over the islands and, in principle at least, open to the idea of a compromise.”.........

  87. Un policier tue à nouveau un homme noir non armé aux Etats-Unis ...

    Un policier blanc a tué un homme noir sans arme en Arizona, alors que des manifestations avaient lieu à New York et ailleurs aux Etats-Unis pour protester contre la mort dans des conditions similaires de deux autres afro-américains.

    La police de Phoenix a indiqué jeudi dans un communiqué qu'un homme de 34 ans noir, Rumain Brisbon, avait été interpellé alors qu'il était soupçonné de vendre de la drogue. D'après le rapport de police, il a tenté de s'échapper et a refusé d'obéir "à plusieurs ordres" du policier blanc âgé de 30 ans, dont le nom n'a pas été révélé, mais qui avait 7 ans d'expérience, est-il précisé.....................

  88. Etats-Unis-Russie: Washington prêt à coopérer pour la sécurité stratégique...

    Les Etats-Unis sont prêts à coopérer avec la Russie dans tous les domaines de la sécurité stratégique, des démarches réelles et efficaces devant être effectuées à cette fin, a déclaré jeudi soir la sous-secrétaire d'Etat américaine chargée du contrôle des armements Rose Gottemoeller.

    "Les Etats-Unis ont clairement fait savoir qu'ils étaient prêts à coopérer avec la Russie dans l'ensemble des problèmes relatifs à la stabilité stratégique et pour cela nous devons entreprendre des actions réelles et efficaces qui contribueraient à créer une ambiance plus sécuritaire. C'est logique, du moment que les Etats-Unis et la Russie détiennent jusqu'à présent plus de 90% du stock mondial d'armes nucléaires", a indiqué la sous-secrétaire................

  89. Nine people including five Indian military troopers, two policemen and two militants were feared killed as militants stormed an Indian military fortification Friday near the Line of Control (LoC) dividing Kashmir, local media said...

    The predawn attack took place near garrison town at village Mohar of Uri in frontier Baramulla district, about 95 km northwest of Srinagar city, the summer capital of Indian-controlled Kashmir.

    "Five troopers, two Indian policemen and two militants are said to have been killed so far in deadly Fidayeen (suicide) attack in Mohar village of Uri town," a local daily Rising Kashmir reported .

    However, the officials from the Indian military and police are tight-lipped over the attack and refused to divulge details.

    "We are collecting details and will share once everything is confirmed," Manoj Pandita, police spokesman, told Xinhua...................

  90. A bill that would block suspected Nazi war criminals from receiving Social Security benefits is heading to President Barack Obama for his signature...

    By voice vote late Thursday, the Senate gave final congressional approval to a measure that would shut a loophole that allowed suspected Nazis to be paid millions of dollars in benefits, clearing it for the White House. Under the bill, benefits would be terminated for Nazi suspects who have lost their American citizenship, a step called denaturalization. US law currently requires a higher threshold — a final order of deportation — before Social Security benefits can be stopped.

    The legislation was introduced after an Associated Press investigation published in October revealed that Social Security benefits have been paid to dozens of former Nazis after they were forced out of the United States.

    The House unanimously approved the bill on Tuesday on a 420-0 vote............

  91. Il primo naufragio dell'era di Triton: 17 migranti morti....

    Un gommone è naufragato nel Canale di Sicilia, a 40 miglia a Nord di Tripoli e 150 miglia a Sud di Lampedusa. I cadaveri di 18 immigrati sono stati recuperati da motovedette della Guardia costiera che, con l’intervento anche della nave "Etna" della Marina militare, hanno soccorso altri 76 profughi. È il primo naufragio da quando è iniziata l’operazione europea "Triton" ed è finita quella italiana "Mare nostrum". .............

    1. 17 dead in migrant ship off Libya ...

      Rescue crews discovered 16 bodies in a migrant boat off Libya, the first reported deaths since the European Union took over Mediterranean rescue operations, the Italian navy said on Friday.

      Another migrant died of a pulmonary embolism shortly after rescue crews reached the rubber boat Thursday, and yet another was airlifted in critical condition to a hospital on the Sicilian island of Lampedusa to be treated for hypothermia, the navy said in a statement.

      The 16 dead were believed to have suffered dehydration and hypothermia, the navy said.

      Seventy-four survivors were heading toward Port Empedocle aboard the navy ship Etna, which picked them up at sea...................

  92. Frankreichs Verteidigungsminister: Paris kann Mistral-Schiffe nie an Russland übergeben ...

    Frankreich kann laut Verteidigungsminister Jean-Yves Le Drian die Mistral-Schiffe nie an Russland übergeben, sollte sich die Situation in der Ukraine nicht ändern.

    „Derzeit übergeben wir sie nicht. Wir können sie auch niemals übergeben. Russland ist darüber auf dem Laufenden“, sagte Le Drian im TV-Sender BFMTV...............

  93. Sheikhs killed for inspiring anti-ISIS ethos in Mosul ...

    Three tribal heads, or sheikhs, from one of Iraq’s biggest clans - Al-Jubour - were killed by ISIS militants in front of a government building in the northern city of Mosul for trying to stir anti-ISIS sentiment, the country’s human rights ministry said in a statement on Friday.

    The ministry said the sheikhs were killed in front of a government building in the city, which was captured by ISIS militants in June.

    The statement also said that ISIS burned books of Islamic religious studies for high school students over the alleged blasphemous content.....................

  94. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has described as blasphemous and cynical statements by some Ukrainian parliament members about the latest terrorist attack in Grozny...

    “I saw that piece of news (quoting statements by some Verkhovna Rada members in support of the terrorist attack in Grozny and the wish to see a 'second front' opened in Russia’s Caucasus region) after I addressed the OSCE meeting,” Lavrov told a news conference on Friday. “That’s blasphemous and cynical. I believe there are even sufficient reasons for the law enforcement agencies to consider the possibility of opening a criminal case.”................

  95. La Nasa a lancé sa capsule Orion pour son premier vol d'essai ...

    Après un report de 24 heures à cause d'une anomalie technique, la Nasa a lancé vendredi sa capsule non-habitée Orion, premier vaisseau américain depuis Apollo capable d'emmener des astronautes au-delà de l'orbite terrestre et un jour vers Mars.

    La puissante fusée Delta IV à deux étages de la société United Launch Alliance (ULA) transportant la capsule de 8,6 tonnes s'est arrachée de son pas de tir de la station de l'Armée de l'air de Cap Canaveral comme prévu à 12H05 GMT (07H05 heure locale), à l'ouverture d'une fenêtre de tir de 2 heures 39 minutes.

    Après une ascension de 17 minutes, Orion se séparera du deuxième étage du lanceur pour se mettre sur une orbite elliptique. Le vaisseau effectuera deux tours de la Terre, dont le second à 5800 km d'altitude, soit près de quatorze fois la distance de la Station spatiale internationale du sol (420 km), pour un périple de 4 heures et 24 minutes qui se conclura par un amerrissage en douceur dans l'océan Pacifique, à 1000 kms des côtes mexicaines de la péninsule de Basse-Californie.................

  96. Les USA vassalisent leurs alliés (gauche française) ...

    Washington utilise l'Otan pour vassaliser ses alliés en leur imposant de se fournir auprès des industries de défense américaines, ce qui entraîne une destruction des industries nationales européennes, a annoncé le Parti de Gauche français dans un article signé Djordje Kuzmanovic et publié vendredi sur le site internet du parti.

    Suite à la pression de Washington, l'Italie acquiert des chasseurs "médiocres et coûteux" F-35 au lieu de soutenir la production européenne en achetant des avions plus performants, notamment des Rafale, indique l'auteur de l'article.

    Selon lui, les Etats membres de l'OTAN sont assujettis à la puissance hégémonique mondiale que sont les Etats-Unis....................

  97. La UE y Rusia buscan continuar la cooperación, dice Mogherini ...

    La Unión Europea y Rusia están interesadas en mantener la cooperación y evitar la confrontación, dijo este viernes la jefa de la diplomacia europea, Federica Mogherini.

    "Considero que la UE y Rusia están interesadas en encontrar y desarrollar vías de la cooperación, en vez de enfrentarse" , dijo en una rueda de prensa en Sarajevo......................

  98. The Belgian Parliament will begin discussions on recognizing Palestinian statehood next week, the state's center-right ruling coalition has agreed...

    The resolution is expected to pass with a clear majority as it is supported by ruling coalition’s parties: including the Reformist Movement (MR), Open Flemish Liberals and Democrats (Open VLD), Christian Democratic and Flemish (CD&V) and the New Flemish Alliance (NV&A), as well as being viewed positively by opposition parties.

    Veli Yuksel, from the Christian Democratic and Flemish party, told Anadolu Agency on Friday that the move in Belgium was an indication of how European public opinion was shifting towards the recognition of a Palestinian state................

  99. Etats-Unis: 3e nuit de manifestations contre les bavures policières ...

    Avec la multiplication des bavures policières à l'encontre de Noirs américains et la convocation d'un nouveau grand jury à New York, le mouvement de protestation ne faiblissait pas vendredi avec des manifestations organisées pour la troisième nuit consécutive dans les grandes villes.

    La justice new-yorkaise a annoncé vendredi la convocation d'un nouveau grand jury pour décider si le policier blanc qui a tué "par accident" Akai Gurley, un Noir de 28 ans, à Brooklyn le 20 novembre doit être poursuivi devant la justice ou non.

    Akai Gurley avait été abattu dans la cage d'escalier mal éclairée d'une HLM de Brooklyn le soir du 20 novembre par un policier débutant, Peter Liang. Le chef des forces de l'ordre new-yorkaises avait souligné dès le lendemain qu'il s'agissait d'un "coup de feu accidentel" et que la victime était totalement innocente..................

  100. La ucraniana Naftogaz dice haber adelantado a Gazprom $378 millones ...

    Ucrania giró al grupo ruso Gazprom 378 millones de dólares como adelanto por el suministro de combustible, según una nota publicada en la web de la empresa ucraniana Naftogaz.

    El comunicado precisa que "la transferencia se ha realizado el 5 de diciembre como adelanto por la entrega de mil millones de metros cúbicos".

    Rusia suspendió el suministro de gas natural a Ucrania a mediados de junio, debido a una deuda que en aquellas fechas rondaba los 4.500 millones de dólares.

    El presidente de Gazprom, Alexéi Miller, dijo a finales de octubre que Kiev debe abonar unos 760 millones de dólares para asegurar los suministros de gas en noviembre y diciembre.

    También indicó que Gazprom volvería a suministrar el combustible 48 horas después del prepago.

  101. Ukraine’s Naftogaz says it has transferred $378 mln in advance payment for Russian gas ...

    Ukraine’s Naftogaz press service said on Saturday the company has transferred $378 million to Russia’s Gazprom as advance payment for Russian gas.

    “On December 5, Naftigaz Ukrainy transferred to Gazprom 378 million U.S. dollars as advance payment for one billion cubic metres of gas,” the press service said...........Read more:

  102. Gazprom’s representative Sergey Kupriyanov confirmed on Saturday the company had received $378 million from Ukraine....

    Ukraine’s Naftogaz press service said on Saturday the company has transferred 378 million U.S. dollars to Russia’s Gazprom as advance payment for Russian gas,

    “On December 5, Naftogaz Ukrainy transferred to Gazprom 378 million U.S. dollars as advance payment for one billion cubic metres of gas,” the press service said..........

  103. Hollande and Putin to meet in Moscow over Ukrainian crisis ...

    French President Francois Hollande will make an unscheduled stop in Moscow later today to discuss the Ukraine crisis with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin, his office has said.

    The French president will stop in the Russian capital on the way back home from a visit to Kazakhstan and will likely meet Putin at an airport in Moscow, according to a statement from his office............

    1. Frankreichs Präsident Francois Hollande ist in Moskau eingetroffen. Sein Flugzeug ist auf dem hauptstädtischen Regierungsflughafen Wnukowo-2 gelandet, wie ein RIA-Novosti-Korrespondent berichtet...

      Der französische Staatschef will diesen Kurzbesuch für ein Gespräch mit dem russischen Präsidenten Wladimir Putin direkt im Flughafengebäude nutzen.

  104. Mistral: Paris doit payer la compensation et garder les navires (sénateur US) ...

    Paris doit garder les deux navires Mistral commandés par Moscou et payer la compensation, a déclaré vendredi le sénateur américain John McCain.

    "Les travaux de construction des deux navires étant achevés, les Français peuvent les utiliser eux-mêmes et payer la compensation. Ils pourraient sans doute utiliser les systèmes d'armes", a indiqué M.McCain à l'agence Rossiya Segodnya.............

  105. La Hongrie a accusé l'UE d'avoir délibérément saboté le South Stream ...

    L'UE a délibérément saboté la construction du gazoduc South Stream, a déclaré le Premier ministre hongrois Viktor Orban.

    « L'UE a travaillé sans relâche à saper ce programme », a-t-il noté.

    Plus tôt, Orban a été soumis à une critique sévère de la part des gouvernements de plusieurs pays européens à établir des partenariats avec Gazprom...............Lire la suite:

  106. La risoluzione antirussa del Congresso USA ricorda un "armadio di vecchie cose indesiderate" che dispiace buttare via, ha dichiarato il membro della commissione della Duma per gli Affari della CSI, dell'Integrazione eurasiatica e delle Relazioni con Compatrioti Vasily Lihachev...

    Secondo il diplomatico, gli Stati Uniti non sono semplicemente pronti a rinunciare alla loro vecchia retorica nei confronti della Russia. Lihachev sottolineato che ad uno Stato potente e civilizzato come la Russia la risoluzione degli Stati Uniti non può fare alcun danno.

    In precedenza la Camera dei Rappresentanti americana aveva approvato una risoluzione che condanna la politica di Mosca nei confronti dei paesi della CSI e chiede di continuare la politica di sanzioni contro la Russia.
    Per saperne di più:

  107. President Barack Obama on Saturday condemned the murder of US journalist Luke Somers who was killed in Yemen during a failed raid aimed at freeing him from his Al-Qaeda kidnappers...

    "The United States strongly condemns the barbaric murder of Luke Somers at the hands of Al-Qaeda terrorists during a rescue operation," Obama said in a statement. "I offer my deepest condolences to Luke's family and to his loved ones."

    Obama also offered support to the family of another hostage, identified as South African Pierre Korkie, who was killed alongside Somers a day before he was due to be freed after more than a year in captivity, according to a charity negotiating his release.................

    1. UK-born US journalist Luke Somers and South African teacher Pierre Korkie have been killed by al-Qaeda militants in Yemen during a failed rescue bid...

      Saturday's operation was carried out by joint US and Yemeni special forces in the southern Shabwa region.

      US President Barack Obama condemned Mr Somers's death as a "barbaric murder".

      They were being held by militants from al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), regarded by the US as one of the deadliest offshoots of al-Qaeda.

      The group is based in eastern Yemen and has built up support amid the unrest which has beset the impoverished country since the overthrow of President Ali Abdullah Saleh in 2011..................

  108. South Stream: l'Europe devra acheter du gaz russe à la frontière turque (Gazprom) ...

    L'arrêt du projet South Stream changera le mécanisme de fonctionnement du marché européen, l'Europe devra acheter du gaz russe à la frontière turque, a annoncé samedi le PDG du groupe public russe Gazprom, Alexeï Miller.

    "Nous changeons notre stratégie pour le marché européen. En fait, l'arrêt du projet South Stream nous fera renoncer à notre façon actuelle de travailler avec le marché. Nous avons jusqu'ici préféré d'acheminer du gaz jusqu'au client final en Europe", a indiqué M.Miller dans une interview à la télévision russe.

    A la question de savoir si les pays européens devraient acheter du gaz russe à la frontière entre la Grèce et la Turquie, M.Miller a répondu: "Oui, sans doute"...............

  109. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Saturday corrected press reports stating his grandiose new palace has 1,000 rooms, saying it actually boasts 1,150...

    "You don't cut corners when it comes to the prestige" of a nation, Erdogan told a business audience in Istanbul. "Let me tell you it has at least 1,150 rooms, not 1,000 as people say."

    The presidential palace, built in a suburb of the capital Ankara at a cost of around 490 million euros ($615 million), covers some 200,000 square metres (2.15 million square feet) -- more than 30 times the size of the White House and bigger even than France's majestic Palace of Versailles................,-rooms,-no.aspx

  110. The United States will delay the withdrawal of up to 1,000 troops from Afghanistan, US Defence Secretary Chuck Hagel said today, adding they may remain for the first several months of 2015...

    Hagel, officially confirming a change in the drawdown schedule, said US forces in Afghanistan could fall only to 10,800 troops at the start of next year, rather than 9,800 as originally planned.

    "But the president's authorization will not change our troops' missions, or the long-term timeline for our drawdown," Hagel said.

    The United States plans to scale back to 5,500 troops in 2016 and reduce to an embassy presence in 2017..................

  111. Remains of One of 43 Missing Mexican Students Identified ...

    A Mexican official said Saturday that forensic experts had identified at least one of the 43 missing college students among charred remains found in a garbage dump and river in Guerrero.

    The official did not give any details.

    The 43 students disappeared in September from the city of Iguala after confrontations with police that also left several others dead. Authorities believe Iguala's mayor, Jose Luis Abarca, and his wife ordered police to round up the students and turn them over to a local drug gang...................

  112. The US Vice President Joe Biden said the result of the US pressure on Iran was that Iran started showing signs of flexibility in terms of its nuclear program...

    “Result of our determination has been that the Iranians have begun to show slow flexibility on some important issues,” Biden said on Saturday addressing the annual Saban Forum in Washington.

    The US vice president added that the progress was not enough to reach a comprehensive agreement on the Iranian nuclear program, but stressed it was enough to justify the extension of talks for seven additional months..............

  113. Syrisches TV: Israelische Luftangriffe bei Damaskus Syriens Staatsfernsehen berichtete,....israelische Kampfflugzeuge hätten Gebiet nahe des Flughafens beschossen. ...

    Die israelische Luftwaffe hat Medienberichten zufolge Ziele in Syrien angegriffen. Das syrische Staatsfernsehen berichtete am Sonntag, israelische Kampfflugzeuge hätten ein Gebiet nahe des internationalen Flughafens der Hauptstadt Damaskus beschossen. Angriffe seien auch auf die Stadt Dimas nahe der Grenze zum Libanon geflogen worden. Es habe keine Opfer gegeben.

    Anrainer in Damaskus berichteten von lauten Explosionen. Ein von der Hisbollah betriebener Fernsehsender im Libanon meldete israelische Luftangriffe in der Nähe des Flughafens von Dimas.................

  114. Ost-Ukraine: OSZE registriert nicht identifizierte Militärkolonne bei Donezk ...

    Die Beobachter der Organisation für Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in Europa (OSZE) haben im ostukrainischen Gebiet Donezk, das zwischen Militär und Milizen umkämpft ist, erneut eine militärische Lkw-Kolonne ohne Kennzeichen geortet.

    Auf dem Weg von Donezk nach Schachtersk haben die Beobachter vier Konvois von jeweils 19 Militärfahrzeugen ohne Kennzeichen gesichtet, die Richtung Donezk fuhren, teilte die Special Monitoring Mission (SMM) der OSZE in ihrem Bericht vom 5. Dezember mit. Auf der Stoßstange eines der Fahrzeuge sei ein Aufkleber mit der Aufschrift „Noworossja“ („Neurussland“) erkennbar gewesen.............

  115. Informes de observadores de la ONU revelan que Israel coopera con la oposición siria ...

    Diversos informes de los observadores de la ONU en los Altos del Golán durante los últimos 18 meses revelan que existe una cooperación continuada entre Israel y sectores de la oposición siria, según el diario israelí Haaretz.

    Los informes, presentados a los 15 miembros del Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU, detallan contactos periódicos que tienen lugar en la frontera entre oficiales y soldados del Ejército israelí y figuras sirias de la oposición armada.

    La fuerza de observación de la ONU, la Fuerza de las Naciones Unidas de Observación de la Separación (FNUOS), fue establecida en 1974 como parte del acuerdo entre Israel y Siria. Según este pacto, se decretó una zona de protección de varios kilómetros de ancho.

    Unos mil observadores de la ONU supervisaron la aplicación del acuerdo hasta 2013, cuando la guerra civil siria redujo seriamente la capacidad de la fuerza para funcionar.

    Mientras que Croacia y Austria se retiraron e Irlanda, Fiji y la India accedieron a enviar tropas, el aumento de ataques contra las fuerzas de la ONU provocó que abandonaran muchas de sus posiciones en el frente, y trasladaran su central al lado israelí de la frontera.................

  116. Russia’s President Vladimir Putin had telephone conversations with Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban and Serbia’s President Tomislav Nikolic, the Kremlin reported on Sunday...

    They discussed bilateral cooperation and further work in the energy sphere after termination of the South Stream project.
    Read more:

  117. Poroschenko: Ukrainische Streitkräfte widerstehen der stärksten Armee Europas...

    Die ukrainischen Streitkräfte sind laut Präsident Pjotr Poroschenko sehr kampffähig und imstande, gegen die stärkste Armee des Kontinents zu kämpfen, berichtet das ukrainische Nachrichtenportal MIGnews.

    „Unser Heer erst im Entstehen begriffen, aber schon jetzt in der Lage, der größten Militärmacht des Kontinents zu widerstehen“, sagte Poroschenko auf dem Luftwaffenstützpunkt Tschugujew (Gebiet Charkow, Ostukraine) anlässlich des Feiertags der ukrainischen Streitkräfte. Dieser „Wiedergeburt“ der ukrainischen Armee seien „22 Jahre gezielter und unbedachter Zerstörung“ vorausgegangen, so Poroschenko. Der Staatschef würdigte die „Kampftaufe“ und „die alltäglichen Beispiele von Mut und Heldentum“ der ukrainischen Soldaten...............Weiterlesen:

  118. Philippines avoids heavy casualties as typhoon passes ..

    Typhoon Hagupit made its way slowly across the central Philippines Sunday, having knocked down power lines, trees and wooden buildings but causing few casualties, local media reported.

    The country’s disaster management agency said there had been no deaths early Sunday but Radio DZBB reported a child had died at an evacuation center in Iloilo.

    News website reported a 75-year-old woman drowned in Catarman town, Northern Samar, citing a local disaster risk officer.

    However, the typhoon, known locally as Ruby, was not as savage as last year’s Typhoon Yolanda, which left more than 6,300 dead with a further 1,000 still missing.

    Early evacuation of low-lying villages and areas prone to landslides, as well as Hagupit’s weakening strength as it reached the Philippines, kept the casualty toll to a minimum.................

  119. Escritores israelíes más famosos piden a parlamentos europeos que reconozcan a Palestina...

    Escritores israelíes de renombre como Amos Oz, David Grossman y AB Yehoshua, firmaron una carta pidiendo a los parlamentos europeos que reconozcan al Estado palestino.

    Según la organización Gush Shalom (Paz Ahora), Oz, Grossman y Yehoshua se unieron a unos 800 israelíes, entre ellos el premio Nobel Daniel Kahneman, el expresidente de la Knesset Avraham Burg y el exministro Yossi Sarid, en su petición.

    La carta se ha enviado hoy al Parlamento belga, que según medios locales es probable que voten sobre el reconocimiento del Estado palestino la semana que viene..............

  120. US meddling to blame for ‘all Arab world sufferings’ – Sudan president ...

    The bloody conflicts in Iraq, Syria and Libya are the result of the interference by the US, which wants to gain control over the rich natural resources of those countries, Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir told RT.

    “The people in Sudan believe that the since the fall of the Soviet Union [in 1991], injustice and oppression has prevailed around the globe as the US became the sole hegemon and began running things with impunity in many regions, including ours,” Bashir said.

    In his interview with RT’s Arabic Channel, the Sudanese president labeled Washington’s policies in Middle East and North Africa as “harmful and destructive.”

    “Just look at what’s now happening in Iraq and how it spread to Syria. All the suffering that is going in the Arab world is the work of the US,” he said................/

  121. Relief in Philippines as typhoon weakens, leaving just four dead ...

    (Reuters) - Hundreds of thousands of Filipinos returned on Monday to homes battered by a powerful typhoon, amid relief in a nation where thousands were killed by a super storm last year that a massive evacuation operation appeared to have minimized fatalities.

    The death toll from Typhoon Hagupit stood at four on Monday, after more than a million people took shelter in evacuation centers across the central belt of the archipelago over the weekend to escape the fury of the Category 3 storm.

    A year ago, Category 5 "super typhoon" Haiyan tore through the central Philippines leaving more than 7,000 dead or missing. This time the authorities took no chances and evacuated whole towns and villages in coastal and landslide prone areas..............

  122. South Stream to split Europe...

    Russia's decision to cancel the South Stream project triggered strong reactions in Serbia and Bulgaria. The Serbian President accused Russia of betraying common interests. And the Bulgarian Prime Minister got offended that Russian Federation set him up. Grievance is a primitive way of education. And a completely different subject needs to be chosen. Let's see what is happening behind the curtain of big time politics.

    Current situation is more than just unpleasant for Europe. It has yet again been taken hostage of the Ukrainian pipeline, and if Ukraine suddenly decides to blackmail Europeans with it (for example, blowing up the pipeline and repairing it for a long time) then they will be expecting a cold winter. And Ukraine has things to bargain for, for example, credits being just promised but not granted, or weapons................

  123. Donbass appelliert an Russland, keine Kohle an Kiew zu verkaufen ...

    Die selbsterklärten “Volksrepubliken” Donezk (DVR) und Lugansk (LVR) bitten Moskau, keine Steinkohle-Sorten, wie sie in Donbass gefördert werden und früher von Kiew aus dieser Region bezogen wurden, an die Ukraine zu liefern, wie aus einer gemeinsamen Erklärung der Vorsitzenden der Volksräte der DVR und der LVR, Andrej Purgin und Alexej Karjakin, hervorgeht.

    „Die Bergarbeiter und das ganze Volk von Donbass wenden sich an die Bergarbeiter und die Regierung Russlands. Liefert die Kohlesorten, die es in Donbass gibt und die die Ukraine vor dem Krieg bei uns gekauft hatte, nicht an die Ukraine. Es ist notwendig, Kiew zur Aufhebung der Wirtschaftsblockade (gegen Donbass) und dazu zu zwingen, von unseren Bergwerken Kohle zu kaufen und unsere Arbeit zu bezahlen. Widrigenfalls würden Hunderte Betriebe und Millionen Menschen zu Ruin und Hunger verurteilt sein“, heißt es in dem Dokument..............

  124. Österreich wird am Dienstag, den 9. Dezember, in Brüssel mit sieben weiteren Ländern und der Kommission über das weitere Vorgehen in der Frage der South-Stream-Gaspipeline beraten. Russland hatte das Projekt kürzlich für beendet erklärt....

    So hatte der russische Präsident Wladimir Putin bekanntgegeben, die Pläne für die auch von Österreich stark forcierte Erdgasleitung aufzugeben, da sich vor allem Bulgarien auf Geheiß der EU querlege. Die EU-Kommission hatte von Anfang an Bedenken gegen das Projekt geäußert, weil es den europäischen Regeln zu widersprechen drohe. So bemängelte das Gremium, dass ein Gasproduzent zugleich die Hoheit über das Netz besitzen würde.

    Das Treffen zum South-Stream-Projekt findet am Rande des Rats der EU-Energieminister statt, auf dessen Agenda sich offiziell das heiße Eisen nicht findet. Allerdings wird über die "Außenbeziehungen im Energiebereich" diskutiert, also gleichsam die Energiediplomatie der Union.............

  125. British Prime Minister David Cameron will travel to Turkey on Dec. 9 to meet President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan to discuss how to stop Britons crossing into Syria and Iraq to join Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) fighters via the Turkish border, his spokesman said...

    The visit comes after Britain said last month it was facing its greatest ever national security threat, in part because of the risk that Britons who return from fighting with ISIL could launch attacks on home soil.

    "The focus, particularly given current events in Syria and Iraq and in that region, will be CT [counter terrorism] and ISIL," Cameron's official spokesman told reporters on Dec. 8..............

    1. British Prime Minister David Cameron arrived in Ankara Tuesday evening to discuss a host of bilateral issues, including measures to stop the flow of British fighters into Syria and Iraq through Turkey’s borders...

      Cameron’s discussions in the Turkish capital are likely to focus on the fight against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant terrorist group, and actions of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

      The visit comes weeks after the British premier said Britain had to take action to deal with the threat posed by “foreign fighters planning attacks against our people ... we will continue to do everything we can to keep our country safe."

      The British government has said that up to 500 Britons have traveled abroad to participate in fighting in Syria and Iraq, and more than 200 have been arrested on their return to the U.K. on suspicion of terrorism.

      British Prime Minister's first stop will be the Prime Ministry, where he and Ahmet Davutoglu will have a bilateral meeting and then hold a press conference..................

  126. Kuwait Petroleum sees oil at $65 a barrel for next 6-7 months ...

    Oil prices are likely to remain around $65 a barrel for the next six to seven months, the head of Kuwait's state oil company said on Monday.

    "I think oil prices will remain at these levels for six to seven months, around $65 a barrel, until world economic recovery is clear or if there were any political crises or OPEC changed its production policy," Kuwait Petroleum Corporation Chief Executive Nizar al-Adsani told reporters.

    At a meeting last month, the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) decided against cutting production to support prices, a departure from its policy of adjusting output to keep crude around $100 a barrel.

    Prices have fallen more than 40 percent since June and Brent crude for January delivery hit an intraday low of $67.73 a barrel on Monday, near last week's trough of $67.53, which was its weakest since October 2009...........

    1. La Russie, le Venezuela, le Mexique et l'Arabie saoudite discuteront des prix du pétrole en 2015...

      Les représentants de la Russie, du Venezuela, du Mexique et de l'Arabie saoudite vont organiser une rencontre au premier trimestre de 2015, lors de laquelle ils se pencheront sur la question des prix du pétrole, a indiqué le ministre russe de l’Energie Alexandre Novak.

      Selon Novak, la question sur les mesures conjointes visant à soutenir le niveau des prix du pétrole reste pour l’instant fermée, du moins jusqu'à la prochaine réunion.

      La réunion précédente des représentants de l’Arabie saoudite, de la Russie, du Venezuela et du Mexique a eu lieu le 25 novembre dernier à Vienne.

      « Nous avons convenu d’organiser régulièrement ces réunions, avec une fréquence d’une fois par trimestre », a indiqué Novak.
      Lire la suite:

  127. A large blaze in downtown Los Angeles early today consumed an apartment building that was under construction and shut down two major freeways, the Los Angeles Fire Department and California Highway Patrol said...

    At 7 a.m. PST northbound lanes of the 110 freeway remained closed as well as the Temple, Broadway and Los Angeles off-ramps of the 101 freeway southbound, a spokeswoman for the highway patrol said. The 101 is a major artery that runs up and down California.

    The fire was extinguished, but firefighters were still on the scene monitoring hot spots..............

  128. Israeli parliament dissolved ahead of March election ...

    Lawmakers in the Israeli parliament on Monday voted to dissolve the assembly and confirmed March 17 as the date for a snap general election.

    At the end of a televised debate, members in the Knesset voted 93-0 in favour of a dissolution bill sponsored by opposition parties......

  129. European Commissioner for Energy Maros Sefcovic and energy ministers from Bulgaria, Hungary, Slovenia, Austria, Croatia, Italy, Greece, and Romania meet in Brussels later on Tuesday to discuss the situation around the South Stream gas pipeline project, the cancellation of which was announced by Russian President Vladimir Putin earlier this month....

    The meeting will be held on the sidelines of a scheduled session of the EU Council of Energy, Transport and Telecommunications Ministers, the last one this year. Serbia, which has not joined the EU yet, and Russia have not been invited.............

  130. Lawrow: Donezk und Lugansk zur Wiederherstellung gemeinsamen Raums mit Kiew bereit...

    Die Erklärungen von Spitzenvertretern der selbsterklärten Volksrepubliken Donezk und Lugansk zeugen laut Russlands Außenminister Sergej Lawrow von ihrer Bereitschaft, den gemeinsamen wirtschaftlichen, humanitären und politischen Raum mit Kiew wiederherzustellen.

    „Kiew erwiderte dies mit einer faktischen Blockierung der Region und hat diese unter anderem vom einheitlichen Finanzsystem des Landes abgeschnitten“, sagte Lawrow in einem Interview mit RIA Novosti.............

  131. Kiev è pronta a rispettare la "giornata del silenzio" il 9 dicembre ...

    L’Ucraina intende rispettare la "giornata del silenzio" il 9 dicembre, a prescindere dal fatto se si terrà l'incontro del gruppo di contatto trilaterale a Minsk per la soluzione della situazione nel Donbass, ha dichiarato ai giornalisti il Ministro della Difesa ucraino Stepan Poltorak.

    "L'incontro, che dovrebbe essere il 9 dicembre o in un altro giorno, non ha alcuna relazione con la" giornata del silenzio ", perché gli accordi (per quanto riguarda il giorno del silenzio) sono stati raggiunti in una sola volta. E vorrei sottolineare che le Forze Armate dell'Ucraina sono pronte al silenzio" ha detto Poltorak.
    Per saperne di più:

  132. Schuldenkrise: Welt sitzt auf einer Zehn-Billionen-Dollar-Zeitbombe ...

    Die horrenden Schulden rund um den Globus lauten großteils auf Dollar. Der wertet zurzeit rasant auf. Eine akute Gefahr für viele Staaten, die – wie Ökonomen es nennen – die "Erbsünde" begangen haben.

    Der Dollar ist stark. So stark wie seit vielen Jahren nicht mehr. Vorbei die Befürchtungen, die Leitwährung könne implodieren. Doch paradoxerweise bringt jetzt genau dieser überstarke Dollar das Weltfinanzsystem in Bedrängnis. In den Schwellenländern braut sich nach Ansicht von Experten möglicherweise eine schwere Schuldenkrise zusammen.

    Gewinnt der Greenback weiter an Stärke, könnte es in Russland, Brasilien und anderen Schwellenländern zu einer Pleitewelle kommen, die auch die Wirtschaft des Exportmeisters Deutschland in Mitleidenschaft zieht. Der Grund: Staaten, Unternehmen und private Haushalte haben sich global für die unglaubliche Summe von zehn Billionen Dollar über die Grenzen hinweg verschuldet. Ein wachsender Anteil dieser Schulden entfällt inzwischen auf die Emerging Markets.............

  133. U.S. Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel made a surprise visit to the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, on Tuesday...

    The aim of Hagel’s visit was to discuss military operations against ISIL in Iraq, a source from the Iraqi Ministry of Foreign Affairs told the Anadolu Agency.

    Hagel declared his resignation last week and Ashton Carter has been suggested as replacement for him by President Barack Obama.

    The U.S. Senate will vote on whether to choose Carter as the next secretary of defense in the coming weeks.

    1. Iraq presses Hagel for more U.S. air strikes, weapons ...

      (Reuters) - Iraq's Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi pressed outgoing U.S. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel on Tuesday for more air strikes and weaponry to accelerate what he called the "descent" of Islamic State.

      The plea underscored tension in the U.S.-Iraqi relationship, with Baghdad pushing for more aggressive assistance than Washington has provided so far, four months after President Barack Obama launched air strikes against IS in Iraq.

      The militant group was "on the descent at the moment", Abadi told Hagel as the two met at the prime minister's offices in Baghdad's fortified Green Zone. "Our forces are very much advancing on the ground. But they need more air power and more ... heavy weaponry. We need that."..............

  134. Ukraine's foreign ministry said peace talks with pro-Russian rebels involving Moscow and European envoys that Kiev had hoped to hold on Tuesday had been postponed....

    "Today, nothing will happen. Consultations are continuing," a foreign ministry spokesman told AFP.

    Kiev had hoped to hold the talks in the Belarussian capital Minsk on the same day as a ceasefire was introduced along the frontline, but rebels had earlier said they wished to postpone the talks until at least Friday.

  135. Plusieurs drones ukrainiens violant l'espace aérien de la Crimée ont été abattus depuis un mois par les systèmes de missiles sol-air russes Pantsir déployés dans la péninsule, annoncé mardi à RIA Novosti une source au sein des forces de l'ordre locales...

    "Les cibles ont été abattues par les systèmes de missiles sol-air Pantsir, dont une division est déployée près de l'isthme de Tchongar (nord de la Crimée, frontière avec l'Ukraine)", a indiqué l'interlocuteur de l'agence....................

  136. Στ. Δήμας: Ενότητα για να βγει η χώρα από την κρίση ...

    Την ανάγκη να υπάρξει ενότητα για να βγει η χώρα από την κρίση καθώς και την αισιοδοξία του ότι θα βρεθούν οι 180 βουλευτές που απαιτούνται για την εκλογή του, εξέφρασε στις πρώτες του δηλώσεις μετά την επίσημη ανακοίνωση της υποψηφιότητάς του για την προεδρία της Δημοκρατίας, ο Σταύρος Δήμας.

    Μιλώντας σε δημοσιογράφους, ο Σταύρος Δήμας ευχαρίστησε τον πρωθυπουργό Αντώνη Σαμαρά και τον αντιπρόεδρο Ευάγγελο Βενιζέλο καθώς και τις κοινοβουλευτικές ομάδες που θα τον στηρίξουν, αλλά και εκείνους που δεν θα τον ψηφίσουν, για τα καλά τους λόγια.

  137. Κινεζικό όπλο κατευθυνόμενης ενέργειας για την καταστολή ταραχών ...

    Το σύστημα WB-1, που χρησιμοποιεί κατευθυνόμενη ενέργεια για τη μη θανατηφόρα καταστολή ταραχών, παρουσίασε η China Poly Group Corporation στο πλαίσιο του Airshow China 2014.

    Όπως αναφέρεται σε σχετικό δημοσίευμα του Jane’s, το σύστημα είναι παρόμοιο στο ADS (Active Denial System) της Raytheon. Αυτό που κάνει είναι να εκπέμπει ακτίνες οι οποίες θερμαίνουν τα μόρια νερού ακριβώς κάτω από το δέρμα, προκαλώντας πόνο. Σύμφωνα με κινεζικές πηγές, το δραστικό βεληνεκές του είναι 80 μέτρα, αλλά με αυξημένη παροχή ενέργειας μπορεί να ανέλθει ακόμη και στο ένα χιλιόμετρο.

    Το αμερικανικό ADS είχε παρουσιαστεί το 2007 και αποσταλεί στο Αφγανιστάν το 2010. Αν και στρατιωτικοί διοικητές είχαν ζητήσει επανειλημμένα τη χρήση του, αυτή δεν έγινε ποτέ λόγω φόβων ότι αυτή θα αξιοποιούνταν από την εχθρική προπαγάνδα. Επίσης, το 2012 εμφανίστηκαν αναφορές περί ανάπτυξης παρεμφερούς όπλου από τη Ρωσία, σε ινστιτούτο κοντά στη Μόσχα...............

  138. Πρόσθετα μέτρα ασφαλείας πριν βγουν στο φως οι σκληρές ανακρίσεις της CIA ...

    Ενα βήμα πριν από τη δυνάμει πιο καταστροφική στιγμή στην ιστορία της βρίσκεται η CIA. Αψηφώντας τη δυσαρέσκεια των Ρεπουμπλικανών που προειδοποιούν για βίαιες αντιδράσεις σε όλο τον κόσμο, η αμερικανική Γερουσία αναμένεται να δώσει σήμερα στη δημοσιότητα έκθεση για τις μεθόδους βασανιστηρίων που χρησιμοποιήθηκαν από τη CIA μετά τις επιθέσεις της 11ής Σεπτεμβρίου του 2001.

    Εν όψει της δημοσιοποίησης της περίληψης, της οποίας οι πιο ευαίσθητες πληροφορίες λογοκρίθηκαν, έχουν ληφθεί ενισχυμένα μέτρα ασφαλείας γύρω από τις εγκαταστάσεις διπλωματικών αποστολών και από αμερικανικές στρατιωτικές βάσεις.

    Στόχος της έκθεσης είναι να ρίξει φως στο πρόγραμμα που δημιουργήθηκε κρυφά από τη CIA για την ανάκριση κρατουμένων υπόπτων για διασυνδέσεις με την Αλ Κάιντα, κυρίως με εικονικό πνιγμό ή στέρηση ύπνου........................

  139. Curiosity halla pruebas de que en Marte hubo lagos ...

    Los datos del robot Curiosity indican que el monte Sharp se formó en Marte en el lecho de un lago, informó la web de NASA.

    "Esta interpretación sugiere que anteriormente en Marte había un clima compatible con la presencia de lagos en varias áreas del Planeta Rojo", según la publicación.

    Si se confirma esta hipótesis del origen del monte Sharp, "se pondrá en duda la suposición de que las condiciones cálidas y húmedas eran inestables y se observaron sólo en algunas partes del Marte o debajo de la tierra", declaró Ashwin Vasavada, científico del Laboratorio de Propulsión a Chorro de la NASA y colaborador del proyecto................

  140. German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier said on Tuesday that the most serious military confrontation in Ukraine has been prevented...

    “I believe that we have managed to avert the most serious military confrontation in Ukraine. I hope that my forecast will be proven in the next several days or weeks,” Steinmeier, the honorary doctor of the Yekaterinburg-based Urals Federal University, said in a lecture delivered to the University students.

    The German foreign minister also spoke about Russia's relations with Germany.

    Steinmeier said the threat of a new iron curtain still remains and called for exerting a great deal of effort to prevent that scenario under the current circumstances................

  141. Capital amounting to EUR 115 B “ran away” from Greek banks between the end of 2009 and June 2012, shows a study of the Greek national bank, quoted by

    Of those around EUR 50 B returned to the local credit system and the net losses amount to EUR 56.8 B.

    According to the calculations of the central bank, EUR 24.3 B are still in Greece and are covering the expenses of households and businesses, while EUR 32.% were transferred abroad.

    In the period foreign citizens and companies withdrew from the Greek banks EUR 19 B.
    - See more at:

  142. The UN World Food Programme is restarting food aid for 1.7 million Syrian refugees in Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey, Iraq and Egypt after it received enough donations to fund the halted programme...

    The WFP said on December 1 it was suspending the aid because it had run out of money. This meant electronic vouchers allowing refugees to buy food in stores were not topped up for December, putting them at risk of hunger during the harsh winter period................

  143. LuxLeaks: nouvelles révélations visant 35 sociétés, dont Skype et Walt Disney...

    Plusieurs médias internationaux ont publié mardi soir de nouvelles révélations dans le cadre du scandale LuxLeaks sur un système massif d'optimisation fiscale permettant à des multinationales d'échapper à l'impôt au Luxembourg quand Jean-Claude Juncker était Premier ministre de ce pays.

    Ces révélations, qui visent notamment Skype et Walt Disney, interviennent à la veille de la prestation de serment officielle de M. Juncker, aujourd'hui président de la Commission européenne, et de l'ensemble du nouvel exécutif européen.

    S'appuyant sur quelque 28.000 pages de documents obtenus par le Consortium international des journalistes d'investigation (ICIJ), une quarantaine de journaux avaient révélé début novembre qu'entre 2002 et 2010, quand M. Juncker était Premier ministre, le Luxembourg avait passé des accords fiscaux avec 340 multinationales, dont Apple, Amazon, Ikea, Pepsi, Heinz, Verizon et AIG, afin de minimiser leurs impôts, privant les Etats européens de milliards d'euros de recettes fiscales...................

    1. EU-Kommissionspräsident Jean-Claude Juncker lehnt Rücktritt ab ...

      Nur ein Prozent Steuer auf Milliardengewinne? Die Luxemburg Steueraffäre weitet sich aus. Der Druck auf Ex-Premier Jean-Claude Juncker steigt. Einen Rücktritt lehnt der EU-Kommissionschef aber ab.

      Neue Enthüllungen zu zweifelhaften Steuersparmodellen erhöhen den Druck auf Luxemburg und dessen früheren Ministerpräsidenten Jean-Claude Juncker. Nach Informationen eines Journalistenkonsortiums profitierten mehr Unternehmen als bislang bekannt von lukrativen Steuervorteilen im Großherzogtum, darunter Konzerne wie Skype, Disney und die deutschen Chemiefirmen Oxea und Brenntag....................

  144. Au moins 3.419 migrants morts en Méditerranée en 2014...

    Sombre record. En 2014, au moins 3.419 migrants ont perdu la vie en tentant de traverser la Méditerranée en quête d’un avenir meilleur, a annoncé mercredi l’agence des Nations Unies en charge des réfugiés . Depuis le début de l’année, ce sont plus de 207.000 migrants qui ont tenté de traverser la Méditerranée, un chiffre presque trois fois plus élevé que le précédent record de 2011 lorsque 70.000 migrants avaient fui leur pays lors du printemps arabe.

    «Ces chiffres constituent une nouvelle étape à laquelle nous assistons cette année : nous faisons fasse à un arc de conflits et l’Europe y a été directement confrontée», a déclaré à l’AFP Adrian Edwards, le porte-parole du HCR. Avec des conflits au sud (Libye), à l’est (Ukraine) et au sud-est (Syrie/Irak), l’Europe connaît actuellement le plus grand nombre d’arrivées par la mer...............En savoir plus sur

  145. Gorbatschow: Fünf Schritte zur Deeskalation der Ukraine-Krise...

    Ex-UdSSR-Präsident Michail Gorbatschow hat fünf Schritte formuliert, die nach seiner Ansicht zu einer Deeskalation der Krise in der Ukraine führen sollen. Wie es in seinem am Mittwoch in der „Rossijskaja Gaseta“ veröffentlichten Beitrag heißt, handelt es sich dabei um unverzüglichen Waffenstillstand, Einhaltung der Minsker Vereinbarungen, Gründung eines Konsortiums zur Unterstützung der Region Donbass, Entschärfung der gegenseitigen Anschuldigungen und Wiederherstellung des Vertrauens.

    Die bisher unternommenen Bemühungen zur Regelung der Ukraine-Krise „sind der Gefahr nicht adäquat, die uns allen droht“.............

  146. EEUU gastará casi 74.000 millones de dólares en las operaciones militares en extranjero...

    EEUU gastará el año que viene 73.700 millones de dólares para llevar a cabo las operaciones militares en extranjero, según proyecto del presupuesto federal.

    La víspera este documento fue avalado por los republicanos y los demócratas en el Congreso. El Senado y la Cámara de Representantes votarán el documento el jueves.

    El Departamento de Defensa de EEUU debe recibir 490.000 millones de dólares. Además, el Pentágono obtendrá medios adicionales para realizar una serie de programas especiales, entre ellos el desarrollo de nuevas armas.

    El importe total también incluye las medidas de la lucha contra el terrorismo, 3.400 millones se destinarán para combatir el grupo yihadista Estado Islámico..............

  147. Le FMI disposé à augmenter l'aide à l'Ukraine de 15 milliards de dollars ...

    Le Fonds monétaire international (FMI) voudrait augmenter l'aide à l'Ukraine de 15 milliards de dollars. Il a déclaré aux représentants des gouvernements occidentaux que cette somme devait être versée au cours de ces prochaines semaines pour éviter un collapse financier.

    Il s'agit d'un prêt en sus de 17 milliards de dollars que le FMI a promis en avril de verser à l'Ukraine d'ici 2016.

    Le FMI a approuvé un plan d'aide de 17 milliards de dollars en vue de stabiliser le budget de l'Ukraine face à la crise économique et politique. Kiev en a reçu la première tranche de 3,2 milliards en mai et la deuxième, d'un montant de 1,4 milliard, au début de septembre.
    Lire la suite:

  148. Frühere CIA-Agenten: Bericht ist einseitig und fehlerhaft ...

    Ehemalige CIA-Agenten haben den Bericht über Folterverhöre des Geheimdienstes scharf kritisiert. Auch die Republikaner nennen ihn einseitig. UN und Menschenrechtler fordern hingegen strafrechtliche Konsequenzen.

    Frühere Agenten der CIA und deren Unterstützer haben den Senatsbericht über die Folterverhöre des amerikanischen Geheimdienstes scharf kritisiert. Der Report enthalte „Fehler“ bei Fakten und Interpretation der Arbeit der CIA und widerspreche „der Realität“, erklärte eine Gruppe früherer Agenten am Dienstag auf der Internetseite (Die CIA hat Leben gerettet). Die Seite ging als Reaktion auf den Senatsbericht online. Mit dem CIA-Programm hätten nicht nur ranghohe Anführer des Terrornetzwerks Al Qaida gefangen genommen werden können, hieß es auf der Internetseite. Es habe auch dabei geholfen, Terrorchef „Usama bin Ladin zu finden“............

  149. Turkey, UK agree to block flow of foreign fighters ...

    Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu and British counterpart David Cameron expressed their joint resolve Tuesday to further strengthen bilateral cooperation and intelligence sharing to prevent the flow of foreign fighters into Syria.

    Addressing a joint press conference in Ankara, Davutoglu clarified Turkey's policy regarding passage of militants through its borders.

    "Turkey has never and will never tolerate the transit of foreign fighters via Turkish soil or their presence in Syria," the Turkish prime minister said..................

  150. Kerry Calls for New Three-year War Powers to Fight ISIL ...

    US Secretary of State John Kerry Tuesday urged lawmakers to adopt a new legal authorization to underpin military action against ISIL militants for at least three years.

    But during a heated debate, the top U.S. diplomat came under fire from Republicans and Democrats who argued that if President Barack Obama wanted new powers to combat the militants, he should have drawn up a draft text to propose to the Senate.

    Kerry told the Senate Foreign Relations committee: "I think we all agree that this discussion must conclude with a bipartisan vote that makes clear that this is not one party's fight against ISIL (IS), but rather that it reflects our unified determination to degrade and ultimately defeat ISIL."

    "Our coalition partners need to know it. The men and women of our armed forces need to know it. And ISIL's cadres of killers, rapists, and bigots need to understand it."

    He asked the committee to help draw up a new authorization which "provides a clear signal of support for our ongoing military operations against ISIL," referring to the group by another acronym.

    Kerry also urged that the text should not limit U.S. actions geographically to just Syria and Iraq, and suggested it should be valid for three years with room for a possible extension.

  151. Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev hopes that Ukraine will pay the outstanding share of the gas debt by the end of the year....

    He is sure that a settlement can be negotiated if problems arise, but at the same time he does not rule out a litigation.

    “We have agreed that Ukraine must pay the debt. It has repaid part of it already, and it is to settle the other part by the end of the year,” he told five television channels in an interview. “I do hope they will pay.”

    Medvedev said Russia had always sought negotiated solutions with the Ukrainian partners.

    “We have been doing our utmost to conclude amicable deals with the Ukrainian counterparts,” he said.

    “Over the past years we have given Ukraine $80 billion in discounts as a gift — during the 1990s and early this century,” Medvedev said.

    He complained that quite often Kiev conducted bargaining that smacked of blackmail and gas supplies were accompanied by “plain theft from the pipelines.” As a result Russia shifted to prepayments for gas..................

  152. Juncker Commission takes oath of independence at the European Court of Justice (European Commission - Press release) ...

    President Jean-Claude Juncker and the Members of the College of Commissioners are taking their formal oath of office today in Luxembourg, at the Court of Justice of the EU. With this “solemn undertaking”, the members of the Commission are pledging to respect the Treaties and the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU, to carry out their responsibilities in complete independence and in the general interest of the Union. Commissioners will also promise not to seek or take instructions from any authorities, to refrain from engaging in actions incompatible with their duties and performance of their tasks, and to respect their obligations during and after their term of office.

    Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said today: "The oath we take today is a serious one - it is an oath of independence and of respect of our Charter of Fundamental Rights. This is a strong political commitment from the whole College to ensure that the Charter is respected and complied with in all EU policies for which the Commission is responsible. This is no trifle matter - we are nothing if not for our values."

    Since the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty, Commissioners also pledge to respect the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights as part of the oath of office.

    First Vice-President Frans Timmermans explained: "The Commission is sworn to serve the European interest, that is to make a difference for citizens. That is why we will focus on the big priorities – growth, jobs and investment. And by checking that every one of our proposals matches up to the standards of the Charter, we will carry forward the real fundamental rights culture which has developed in the EU, not to replace but to complement national systems of fundamental rights."...................

  153. House President Yiannakis Omirou has stressed that there can be no co-management, joint exploitation and sharing of any revenue from natural gas reserves with the Turkish Cypriots before the solution of the Cyprus problem...

    Speaking here Tuesday and replying to a question, Omirou said the Greek government conveyed to the Turkish officials the Republic of Cyprus` position that Turkey’s offensive actions should stop and Ankara should respect the sovereign rights of the Republic of Cyprus so that the UN-led peace talks can resume.

    He pointed out that an end to the Turkish violations of Cyprus` Exclusive Economic Zone is not enough to help resume negotiations. There should be real respect of the sovereign rights of the Republic of Cyprus, a position the government and the National Council share, he added.

    Omirou said that all the legal inhabitants of the Republic have the right to enjoy the revenue from the exploitation of hydrocarbons. However, he stressed, this cannot happen before the solution of the Cyprus problem..............- See more at:

  154. Ukraine: trêve respectée, début du retrait des armes lourdes attendu ...

    L'armée ukrainienne et les rebelles prorusses devaient entamer mercredi le retrait des armes lourdes de la ligne de front pour créer une zone tampon large de 30 km, au lendemain de l'entrée en vigueur d'une trêve qui semble tenir.

    Un silence inhabituel a régné dans la nuit et la matinée à Donetsk, fief des séparatistes prorusses, selon des journalistes de l'AFP.

    Interrogées par l'AFP, plusieurs personnes présentes dans des points chauds du front de l'Est ont confirmé que la trêve était globalement respectée....................

  155. Generalstab: Westen fälscht „Belege“ für angebliche russische Truppen in Ukraine...

    Der russische Generalstabschef Waleri Gerassimow hat „Enthüllungen“, mit denen westliche Staaten eine Präsenz russischer Truppen in der Ukraine belegen wollen, als „primitive Fälschungen“ zurückgewiesen.

    „Vor jedem internationalen Treffen auf hoher Ebene, in dem über die weitere Russland-Politik diskutiert wird, präsentieren Nato- und US-Offizielle, aber auch ihnen treue Menschenrechtler immer neue Enthüllungen“, sagte Gerassimow am Mittwoch in Moskau bei einem Treffen mit Militärattachés aus mehr als 50 Staaten. „Die primitiven grafischen Fälschungen, die im Internet und in Sozialnetzwerken veröffentlicht werden, werden als unwiderlegbare Beweise für eine aktive Teilnahme russischer Truppen am internen Bürgerkonflikt in den Gebieten Donezk und Lugansk dargestellt".

  156. China exhorta a EEUU a terminar con las torturas contra los presos ...

    Pekín exhortó este miércoles a EEUU a acabar con las torturas empleadas contra los presos, declaró el portavoz del Ministerio de Exteriores chino, Hong Lei.

    Este martes el Comité de Inteligencia del Senado estadounidense presentó más de 500 páginas de los 6.000, que componen el informe sobre la utilización de varias técnicas de torturas contra los presos, sospechosos del terrorismo, por parte de la Agencia Central de Inteligencia (CIA).

    "Siempre hemos estado contra las torturas. Consideramos que EEUU debe reexaminar y corregir sus métodos, y adaptarlos a las normas internacionales correspondientes", dijo Hong al comentar el informe................

  157. A Palestinian official in charge of the settlement portfolio was killed in a West Bank protest on Wednesday, according to Reuters news agency....

    Ziad Abu Ein died shortly after being hit and shoved by Israeli soldiers during the protest in the occupied West Bank, a Reuters photographer who witnessed the incident and a medic said.

    About 100 foreign and Palestinian activists with the Committee to Resist Settlements and the Wall, the government-run protest organisation that Abu Ein headed, were on their way to plant trees and protest near an Israeli settlement when they were stopped at an improvised checkpoint, witnesses said.

    A group of around 15 Israeli soldiers fired tear gas at the protesters and began scuffling with them....................

    1. The IDF is investigating the death of a Palestinian Authority minister who died after an altercation with Israeli security forces on Wednesday and preparing for a possible upsurge in violence in the West Bank in the aftermath of the incident...

      A senior IDF officer said the military has begun an indepth check into the circumstances of the incident, which occurred in the Emek Shilo of Samaria, an area prone to frequent clashes...................

    2. Statement by High Representative Federica Mogherini on the death of Palestinian Minister Abu Ein (EEAS -STATEMENT)...

      "I would like to express my condolences to the family of Minister Ziad Abu Ein, to the Palestinian Authority and to the Palestinian people following Minister Abu Ein's death today in the Palestinian village of Turmusaya.

      Reports of excessive use of force by Israeli Security Forces are extremely worrying: I call for an immediate, independent investigation into Minister Abu Ein's death. This is a dramatic reminder for the entire international community of the deteriorating situation on the ground.

      I expect all sides to exercise maximum restraint at this time and to avoid all actions that would further raise tensions."

    3. Statement by High Representative Federica Mogherini on the death of Palestinian Minister Abu (Ein EEAS, STATEMENT) ....

      "I would like to express my condolences to the family of Minister Ziad Abu Ein, to the Palestinian Authority and to the Palestinian people following Minister Abu Ein's death today in the Palestinian village of Turmusaya.

      Reports of excessive use of force by Israeli Security Forces are extremely worrying: I call for an immediate, independent investigation into Minister Abu Ein's death. This is a dramatic reminder for the entire international community of the deteriorating situation on the ground.

      I expect all sides to exercise maximum restraint at this time and to avoid all actions that would further raise tensions."

    4. The IDF spokesperson released a statement on Wednesday afternoon saying that Israeli pathologists from The Abu Kabir Forensics Institute in Tel Aviv would join pathologists from Jordan to investigate the cause of death of Palestinian Minister Ziad Abu Ein....

      The army said that the Jordanian pathologists were on their way to begin the investigation. It was not clear whether the probe would take place in Israel or in the West Bank. ..................

  158. Ukraine envoy rules out new round of peace talks soon ...

    (Reuters) - Fresh clashes between Ukrainian troops and separatists clouded prospects of a lasting ceasefire emerging from a "Day of Silence" in Ukraine on Wednesday as Kiev ruled out any new peace talks until the rebels had stopped firing completely.

    Despite an early report that separatist shelling had significantly reduced during a truce on Tuesday, Kiev's military said that by mid-afternoon on Wednesday a separatist sabotage group had clashed with government troops, losing men, while rebels had also carried out attacks with heavy weapons.

    Leonid Kuchma, a former president, scotched notions of a fresh meeting this week of the Contact Group comprising Russia, Ukraine and pro-Moscow separatist leaders, which in September agreed a ceasefire only for it to be immediately and then continually flouted.................

  159. A group of deputies from the Popular Front party on Wednesday submitted a bill to the Ukrainian parliament (Verkhovna Rada) on recognition of the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics (DPR and LPR) as terrorist organizations...

    The group of deputies was headed by the Popular Front’s faction leader Oleksandr Turchynov.

    The document’s text has not been published on the Ukrainian parliament’s website.

  160. 61 arrested in anti-mafia operation in Italy ...

    Italian police arrested 61 people in an anti-mafia operation in the central region of Umbria on Wednesday.

    Assets worth around 30 million euros (37 million U.S. dollars) were also seized in the operation.

    The operation targeted people allegedly belonging to the southern Calabria-based crime syndicate called 'Ndrangheta, which is currently considered the most powerful of the three major Italian mafia organizations.

    Those arrested were variously charged with mafia association, extortion, usury, bankruptcy fraud, drug trafficking, pimping, and other crimes, ANSA news agency said.

    Raids were carried out by officers of the Special Operations Group (ROS) of Italy's military police in Perugia, the regional capital of Umbria, and other smaller towns around..................

  161. Russia says small military mission in east Ukraine at Kiev's request: RIA ...

    A Russian general said on Wednesday a small Russian military mission in eastern Ukraine is there at the invitation of Kiev and is assisting the OSCE security group in efforts to secure peace, RIA news agency reported.

    General Valery Gerasimov, Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces, told a meeting with foreign diplomats in Moscow that "representatives of Russian Armed Forces" had been sent to the town of Debaltseve in east Ukraine at the request of Ukraine's Joint Staff.

    Echoing remarks by Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov last week, Gerasimov said their mission was, together with the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), to help find "a compromise decision on de-escalating tensions and withdrawing troops from the line of contact."...............

  162. Global Markets Drop on OPEC Forecast, Greek Concerns ...

    Stock markets worldwide have declined today as OPEC cut its next year’s forecast on oil demand, in part due to China’s debt turbulence, while yesterday’s ‘red scare’ in Greece caused a serious negative impact on stocks across Europe, raising volatility in stocks, and rendering investors nervous in an obvious lack of stimulus from the European Central Bank.

    Stocks in Asia-Pacific rebounded somewhat after yesterday’s shock, caused by mainland China’s announcement of its intention to divide provincial governments’ debt in two categories, the Beijing-backed bonds and the rest. Investors previously believed that all of the provincial bonds were guaranteed by the central government. Nevertheless, today Chinese stocks went up in an aftershock rebound, with Shanghai Composites adding 2.93% and Hong Kong’s Hang Seng adding 0.16%, according to Bloomberg data...................

  163. UK braced for 'weather bomb' ...

    The UK is preparing to be hit by a "weather bomb" with freezing winds of up to 130 kilometers an hour and giant waves causing disruption to travel and power supplies.

    The Met Office issued alerts on Wednesday as the deep, low-pressure system headed for the country.

    Ferry and rail journeys were cancelled in parts of Scotland due to high winds and large waves hitting the coastline while schools in the Highlands and Western Isles were shut down.

    In the Western Isles, 17,000 homes suffered a power cut as lightning struck electricity facilities early on Wednesday morning.

    Storm warnings were also issued for Thursday across Britain by weather forecasters, with travelers being warned they would face major disruption.....................

  164. Maths works against Greek premier in presidential gambit ...

    (Reuters) - The odds are stacked against Prime Minister Antonis Samaras in his gambit over electing a new Greek president, as only by persuading at least a few opposition lawmakers to rebel can he win the parliamentary vote - and avoid a likely political crisis.

    However, analysts caution that the numbers could change quickly as the conservative premier tries to win enough support for the government candidate when parliament starts a three-stage vote for the head of state on Dec. 17.............

  165. Egypt has imposed restrictions on male citizens travelling to Turkey and war-torn Libya to stop them joining 'jihadist' organizations like ISIL, a security official said Wednesday...

    Men aged between 18 and 40 years who plan to travel to the two countries need prior clearance from Egyptian immigration under the new rules which came into effect on December 3.

    "We are adopting these measures to protect our sons from joining terrorist groups abroad," the official said. "Now every man travelling to these countries must clearly state the reason to the authorities."

    Militants have stepped up attacks in Egypt, mostly in the Sinai Peninsula, since the ouster of Islamist president Mohammad Mursi last year, and officials say that many of them have fought in Syria, which borders Turkey.


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