Friday, January 2, 2015

Isoplasm and Polydrom World News in brief (January 2015 - B)

Foreign Ministers from all 28 EU member states will gather in Brussels on Jan.19 to discuss counter-terrorism methods and security, European Commission spokeswoman Natasha Bertaud told reporters in Brussels on Thursday.

Juncker said during a press conference in the Latvian capital Riga: "I know from experience that one should not react on the moment to such events given the risk of doing either too much or too little."........................The European Union plans to submit new anti-terror proposals in the coming weeks following the gun massacre at the offices of satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo in Paris, European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker has said.

(INTEL World News as comments 11/1/15 --- 20/1/15)
( INTEL World News as comments  11/1/15 --- 20/1/15)


  1. Huge crowds at Paris unity rally ...

    More than 40 world leaders joined the start of the march, linking arms in an act of solidarity.

    "Paris is the capital of the world today," French leader Francois Hollande said. "The whole country will rise up."

    The marchers hope to demonstrate unity after the attacks on satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, police officers, and a kosher supermarket...............

  2. Des dizaines de chefs d'Etat présents à la marche républicaine...

    François Hollande a accueilli dimanche à l’Élysée des dizaines de dirigeants étrangers parmi lesquels les Premiers ministres israélien et britannique Benjamin Netanyahu et David Cameron, le président palestinien Mahmoud Abbas et la chancelière allemande Angela Merkel. Peu avant dans la matinée, François Hollande recevait l'ensemble des membres de son gouvernement ainsi que les représentants de la communauté juive. Le Président français, les membres du gouvernement et les différentes personnalités politiques se sont ensuite rendus en milieu d'après-midi place Voltaire à Paris pour une marche symbolique................

  3. L'Ukraine reçoit 42 conteneurs de biens militaires du Canada ...

    L'Ukraine a reçu dimanche 42 conteneurs de biens militaires envoyés par le Canada, a annoncé à Kiev Andreï Lyssenko, porte-parole de l'opération spéciale de l'armée ukrainienne dans l'est du pays.

    "Un bateau d'aide humanitaire canadienne destinée au ministère ukrainien de la Défense est arrivé au port d'Odessa. Il s'agit de 42 conteneurs de biens militaires", a indiqué M.Lyssenko lors d'un point presse.........................

  4. More Cuban Prisoners Released After Rumors of Fidel Castro's Death...

    Cuba has freed 38 opposition activists from prison over the past two days, including a popular hip-hop artist, as part of a deal to improve relations with the United States, reports Reuters.

    The dissident Patriotic Union of Cuba (UNPACU) said 29 of its members were among those released, and that most had been warned by the communist government they would be sent back to prison if they continued their opposition activities.

    “Our freed prisoners are committed to continue fighting for the democratic Cuba which we all want,” UNPACU’s leader Jose Daniel Ferrer told Reuters...............

  5. White House to hold global security summit Feb 18: U.S. official ...

    (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama will invite allies to a Feb. 18 security summit in Washington to try and prevent violent extremism, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder said on Sunday after meeting his European counterparts in Paris.

    The gathering of justice and interior chiefs came as France mourned 17 victims of Islamist gunmen this week in the worst assault on its homeland security in decades.

    "We will bring together all of our allies to discuss ways in which we can counteract this violent extremism that exists around the world," Holder told reporters...............

  6. More than 27 Syrian people have frozen to death since 2011 March during Syria’s ongoing civil war, a Syrian human rights group said Sunday...

    According to pro-opposition Syrian Network for Human Rights, at least 27 people, including 16 children and three women have lost their lives due to the freezing weather during the conflict in the strife-ridden country since March 2011.

    Sixteen frozen Syrian bodies were found in Lebanon, Turkey and other refugee camps, and the rest of them were killed across the country following the onset of major winter storms and bad weather conditions.

    More recently, a 2.5-month-old refugee baby froze to death in a refugee camp of Lebanon....................

  7. Paris massacre possible prelude to wave of Europe-wide attacks – media citing NSA...

    The deadly events that unfolded in France over the last week may be the first in a wave of attacks to strike Europe, a German daily reports, citing NSA intercepts of communications between Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) leaders.

    Paris was marked as the first in a series of European cities to be attacked, including Rome, the report in the German tabloid Bild read. However, the article didn’t furnish details of a concrete plan to launch an attack.

    The US National Intelligence Agency (NSA) also reportedly had information that Cherif and Said Kouachi, the brothers who carried out the mass shooting at the French satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo, had contacts in the Netherlands.

    Police were said to have been put on high alert after intelligence learned that Amedy Coulibaly, the terrorist who killed a policewoman on Thursday in Paris and another four people in a kosher supermarket in Vincennes on Friday, may have activated sleeper cells which aim to attack law enforcement, CNN reported.

    In a slickly produced video released online, Coulibaly swears allegiance to “Caliph Ibrahim”, also known as Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the self-proclaimed IS leader.

    When asked by an unidentified interviewer if he had any links to Cherif and Said, Coulibaly responded:

    “The brothers of our team were split into two groups…I went out a bit against the police.”

    Despite Coulibaly’s declared allegiance to IS, Cherif had earlier claimed he was trained and financed by Al-Qaeda in Yemen.

    On Saturday, one of the Al-Qaeda leaders in Yemen, Harith al-Nadhari, posted a video online threatening France with vengeance.........................../

  8. Aus dem Zweiten Weltkrieg: Deutschland soll Athen elf Milliarden schulden ...

    476 Millionen Reichsmark gewährte die griechische Zentralbank 1942 der Deutschen Reichsbank offenbar, um die Besatzungskosten zu decken. Fordert Athen das Geld nun zurück?

    Deutschland soll Griechenland einem vertraulichen Bericht des griechischen Rechnungshofs zufolge elf Milliarden Euro aus einer Zwangsanleihe aus dem Zweiten Weltkrieg schulden. Dies berichtete die Athener Sonntagszeitung "To Vima" unter Berufung den Bericht, der letzte Woche der griechischen Regierung vorgelegt wurde.

    Der mit der Anleihe verbundene Zwangskredit in Höhe von ursprünglich 476 Millionen Reichsmark war 1942 der Deutschen Reichsbank von der griechischen Zentralbank gewährt worden, um die Besatzungskosten zu decken. Die griechische Regierung hatte im Frühjahr eine Sonderkommission gebildet, die mögliche Forderungen aus dem Zweiten Weltkrieg konkretisieren sollte.

  9. Both brothers who carried out the attack against satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo travelled to Yemen via Oman in 2011 and had weapons training in the deserts of Marib, where al Qaeda has a presence, two senior Yemeni sources said on Sunday...

    This is the first confirmation by Yemeni officials that both Cherif and Said Kouachi, who carried out one of the bloodiest Islamist attacks on the West in years, had visited Yemen where al Qaeda's deadliest franchise, AQAP, is based. U.S., European and Yemeni sources had previously confirmed a visit by Said Kouachi......

  10. Grecia podría exigir a Alemania la deuda de la Segunda Guerra Mundial ....

    La comisión de expertos, designada por el Ministerio de Finanzas de Grecia, presentó un informe que indica que Alemania tiene una deuda de 11.000 millones de euros ante Grecia desde la Segunda Guerra Mundial, según la revista alemana 'Der Spiegel'.

    Cuando Grecia fue ocupada por las tropas nazis, las autoridades alemanas recurrieron a un préstamo forzoso de 1,5 billones de dracmas griegos para la propia Alemania y la Italia fascista. El país tenía que comenzar a devolver la deuda después de la guerra, pero sus resultados impidieron que Hitler y Mussolini cumplieran con sus obligaciones.

    Los expertos destacan que el préstamo forzoso debe considerarse independientemente de los requisitos para el pago de las reparaciones de guerra. Según las estimaciones más conservadoras del país heleno, Alemania debe a Grecia más de 100.000 millones de euros en compensación por los daños sufridos durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial.

    No obstante, los historiadores y economistas opinan que mientras que el pago de las reparaciones es una cuestión muy controvertida, el pago del préstamo forzoso es una demanda legítima, escribió el semanario alemán.

  11. Mehr als 300 Bergarbeiter haben am Sonntag im umkämpften Osten der Ukraine mehrere Stunden lang unter Tage festgesessen...

    Nach dem Einschlag eines Geschoßes in einem regionalen Umspannwerk sei am Nachmittag in der Kohlemine der Strom ausgefallen, sagte ein Gewerkschaftssprecher der Nachrichtenagentur AFP.

    Einige Stunden später sei die Stromversorgung wieder hergestellt worden und die Rettungsaktion für die 331 Kumpel sei angelaufen. "Bisher wurden mehr als 150 von ihnen gerettet", sagte der Gewerkschafter...............

  12. World moving toward new era of terrorism: Finnish PM ...

    Finnish Prime Minister Alexander Stubb warned that the world is heading toward a new era of terrorism, reported the Finnish daily Helsingin Sanomat on Sunday.

    At the invitation of French President Francois Hollande, Stubb traveled to Paris on Sunday to attend a solidarity march to mourn for the victims of the terrorist attack in Paris. More than 40 world leaders took part in the march.

    Stubb told a press conference held by the Embassy of Finland in Paris that the world is moving towards a new era of terrorism, which has been seen particularly in the rise of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), a jihadist organization.

    He said that those individual acts of violence, such as the attack in Paris, are difficult to prevent................

  13. Mossad e Cia avvertono papa Francesco: "Il Vaticano è il prossimo obiettivo dell'Isis" ...

    La Santa Sede, e lo stesso papa Francesco, sono da tempo un possibile obiettivo dei terroristi. Nei giorni scorsi Mossad e Cia avrebbero inviato informative all'intelligence italiana. E l'Nsa avverte: "Commandos terroristici sono diretti in Europa camuffati come rifugiati"............

  14. French President Francois Hollande is due to chair a crisis meeting with cabinet ministers on national security after last week's deadly attacks....

    The meeting comes amid questions over how militants known to the authorities were able to launch the raids in Paris.

    The assault on the offices of satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo and separate attacks on police officers and a kosher supermarket killed 17 people.

    More than 1.5m people marched in the capital on Sunday in a show of unity.

    The French government said the rally turnout was the highest on record.

    About 40 world leaders joined the start of the Paris march, linking arms in an act of solidarity................

  15. L'Europe est fatiguée de voir l'Ukraine quémander constamment et espérer obtenir une aide européenne gratuite, a estimé le président de la commission des affaires internationales de la Douma, Alexeï Pouchkov, dans une interview publiée lundi par le journal Izvestia...

    "Parallèlement, des voix en Europe s'élèvent de plus en plus fort pour affirmer que l'Ukraine est un partenaire économique sans perspective. L'Europe est de plus en plus fatiguée de l'Ukraine, pays qui demande toujours de l'argent, ne réalise jamais d'approches raisonnables envers quoi que ce soit et compte obtenir une aide européenne gratuite", a indiqué le parlementaire.

    L'Ukraine se trouve à présent au bord d'un défaut de paiement. Les autorités espèrent sauver l'économie du pays à l'aide d'emprunts extérieurs, notamment de la part du Fonds monétaire international (FMI). Kiev en a reçu la première tranche de 3,2 milliards de dollars en mai, la deuxième – de 1,4 milliard de dollars – début septembre. En tout, le FMI a approuvé l'octroi à l'Ukraine de 17 milliards de dollars à la stabilisation du budget dans le contexte d'une crise économique et politique.

  16. Russian Central Bank Spent $76.1 Billion Defending Ruble in 2014 ...

    The Russian Central Bank's net currency interventions in 2014 amounted to $76.13 billion and 5.41 billion euros, Interfax news agency reported Monday, citing Central Bank Data.

    Interventions in the month of December amounted to $11.9 billion. The bank intervened heavily last year as the ruble slumped because of international tensions over the Ukraine crisis and plummeting prices for oil, Russia's main export.

  17. China bristles at Japan's defense minister remarks ...

    (Reuters) - China criticized Japan's newly appointed defense minister for the first time on Monday, saying it was "firmly opposed" to his comments that Beijing has repeatedly engaged in "dangerous actions" in the East China Sea.

    Although both countries reached an agreement late last year to reset ties, the comments by China's defense ministry underscore the fragile state of relations between China and Japan............

  18. Poland evacuates over 180 ethnic Poles from Ukraine's embattled east...

    The Polish Foreign Ministry finishes the first stage of evacuation of ethnic Poles from Ukraine’s embattled Donbass, in which 162 people have already been moved to Ukraine’s north-eastern city of Kharkiv and 20 more are due to arrive shortly.

    According to Deputy Foreign Minister Conrad Pavlik, several people refused to be evacuated at the last moment. Others will be brought to Poland within the next few days, he said.

    According to the Polish Foreign Ministry, about 4,000 ethnic Poles lived in eastern Ukraine before the start of a conflict. Most have left the region by now, and about 200 are staying in the zone of a military operation at the moment. They will be getting money from the Polish Foreign Ministry.

    For those who have opted to leave for Poland, language and professional courses will be organized.

  19. "Angela Merkel está impotente ante la situación de Grecia" ...

    La canciller de Alemania, Angela Merkel, no puede influir de ninguna manera en la situación de Grecia, afirma el diario 'Die Welt'. "La canciller ya no tiene tanta influencia", escriben los periodistas alemanes.

    El editor de Política de 'Die Welt', Robin Alexander, cree que Merkel está dispuesta a comenzar de nuevo a chantajear a los griegos, igual como hizo en 2011, y seguirá desempeñando el papel de estricto supervisor europeo a pesar de que "en realidad ya carece de este poder".

    El periodista cita un par de razones. En primer lugar, argumenta que actualmente es el presidente del Banco Central Europeo, Mario Draghi, quien decide quién recibe dinero y quién no. En segundo lugar, según el punto de vista de Alexander, en el momento actual Merkel podría enfrentarse a una fuerte oposición interna, ya que algunos partidos alemanes apoyan la salida del euro no solo de Grecia, sino también de la propia Alemania....................

  20. Toutes les écoles juives du pays protégées dès ce lundi après les attentats ...

    Le ministre de l'Intérieur, Bernard Cazeneuve, fait savoir que les 717 écoles juives de France seront protégées depuis aujourd'hui par 4 700 policiers et gendarmes..............

  21. L’Europe condamne l’attentat de Paris mais reste silencieuse sur la tragédie d’Odessa...

    Alexeï Pouchkov, président du Comité des relations internationales de la Douma, a condamné la position des pays européens solidaires avec les victimes de l’attentat de Paris mais silencieux au sujet de la tragédie d’Odessa, peut-on lire dans son blog sur Twitter.

    L’action organisée le 2 mai dernier à Odessa par les militants d’Antimaïdan avait tourné en tragédie suite à l’intervention des radicaux de " secteur droit ". Ils ont mis le feu au bâtiment de la Maison des syndicats où se sont réfugiés plusieurs dizaines de militants. Le bilan officiel se monte à 48 morts et plus de 200 blessés. Les autorités de Kiev enquêtent toujours sur ces événements................

  22. Studie: Russlands Verluste durch Sanktionen steigen 2015 rasant an ...

    Russland hat 2014 durch die Wirtschaftssanktionen des Westens rund 0,2 Prozent seines Bruttoinlandsprodukts (BIP) verloren, heißt es in einer Studie des Instituts für strategische Analyse der Wirtschaftsprüfungs- und Steuerberatungsgesellschaft FBK Grant Thornton. In diesem Jahr dürfte der Schaden höher ausfallen.

    Im Jahr 2014 haben die Sanktionen Russland 0,2 Prozent des BIP oder 121,4 Milliarden Rubel (etwa 1,8 Milliarden Euro nach dem aktuellen Kurs) gekostet, so die Studie. Bis Mitte 2015 würde der Gesamtschaden auf 1,2 Prozent des BIP (949,4 Milliarden Rubel) wachsen..............

    1. Les sanctions antirusses n’ont aucun sens (Berlusconi) ...

      Les sanctions antirusses n’ont pas de sens, sont inutiles et pernicieuses pour l’économie italienne, a déclaré l’ex-premier ministre italien et leader du parti Forza Italia Silvio Berlusconi.

      "Les sanctions sont inutiles, elles sont en plus néfastes pour la politique extérieure et pernicieuses pour l’économie italienne. J’espère que le gouvernement italien prendra l’initiative de modifier la politique européenne", a indiqué Berlusconi dans une interview au journal Il Messaggero publiée lundi................

    2. Russia’s Finance Ministry proposes 10% budget cuts, except defense spending ...

      Russia’s Finance Ministry has proposed cutting 2015 budget expenditures by 10%, except ‘protected’ spending items, Finance Minister Anton Siluanov said on Wednesday.

      “Although we introduced restrictions on expenditures for next year, this year we’ll propose to the State Duma [the lower house of Russia’s parliament] to cut all expenditures by 10%, except defense spending, on which a decision was made,” Siluanov told the Gaidar economic forum in Moscow.

      The finance minister said, however, even this reduction “is not enough.”................

  23. Kriterien für Ende der Russland-Sanktionen kein Diskussionsthema für Moskau ...

    Russland will laut Außenminister Sergej Lawrow nicht darüber diskutieren, unter welchen Voraussetzungen die westlichen Strafmaßnahmen gegen Russland zurückgenommen werden könnten.

    „Die Sanktionsspirale, die weiter gedreht wird, haben nicht wir ins Leben gerufen“, sagte Lawrow am Montag, nach seinem Gespräch mit dem lettischen Außenminister Edgar Rinkevics in Moskau.

    „Wir haben bereits mehrmals Andeutungen – freilich nicht seitens unserer lettischen Kollegen — gehört: Lasst uns die Kriterien abstimmen, die ihr erfüllen müsst, und wir schaffen dann die Sanktionen ab.“ Moskau wolle aber nichts abstimmen.

    Es handle sich dabei um „absolut illegitime und kontraproduktive“ Strafmaßnahmen, unter denen alle leiden – darunter auch Russland, betonte Lawrow.............

  24. Britain will intensify efforts to stop cross-border arms smuggling after last week's deadly attacks by Islamist militants in Paris and update its security protocols to deal with such incidents, Prime Minister David Cameron's office said on Monday...

    Cameron held a meeting on Monday morning to review the Paris attacks to assess the risks of something similar happening in Britain at which the police and other agencies agreed to update their training exercises for such incidents.

    “They also discussed the risk posed by firearms, agreeing ... that we should step up our efforts with other countries to crackdown on the illegal smuggling of weapons across borders,” a spokesman for Cameron said...........

  25. Erdoğan meets Abbas with military dress show ...

    Actors dressed in the military costumes of 16 states founded throughout history by Turks staged a dress show as Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas met with his counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in Ankara................

  26. Los militares ucranianos han cerrado el acceso a los territorios bajo control de los independentistas a través de dos corredores de transporte, declaró este lunes el portavoz del Consejo de Seguridad Nacional y Defensa (CSND) de Ucrania, Andréi Lisenko...

    "El mando de la operación antiterrorista ha tomado la decisión de suspender temporalmente el paso de gente y de tráfico en los corredores Donetsk — Kurájovo (al oeste de la provincia de Donetsk) y Donetsk — Mariúpol", dijo.

    Precisó que la medida se debe a los ataques contra las posiciones del Ejército en la zona del aeropuerto de Donetsk y las localidades de Peski y Máryinka, situada al oeste de la ciudad ucraniana.

    Un corresponsal de RIA Novosti informó que en la salida oeste de Donetsk se formó un atasco de varias decenas de coches.............

  27. The United States should have sent a higher profile leader to take part in the march in Paris on Sunday to honor victims of the Islamist militant attacks there, the White House said on Monday...

    "I think it's fair to say that we should have sent someone with a higher profile to be there," White House spokesman Josh Earnest told reporters, adding President Barack Obama would have liked to have attended

  28. Venezuela's Maduro Securing Financing From Qatari Banks ...

    Venezuela is securing financing from Qatari banks, President Nicolas Maduro said from Doha on Monday, as he seeks to boost his country's coffers amid falling oil prices and a recession.

    "We're firming up a financial alliance with important banks in Qatar, that are giving us sufficient oxygen to cover the fall in oil revenue," Maduro said without providing details.

    "We're raising financing for several billion dollars, not only for 2015, but also for 2016," he added in comments to journalists..................

  29. L'Opep ne peut plus "protéger" le prix du baril, selon les Emirats ...

    L'Opep ne peut plus "protéger" le prix du baril de pétrole, en dégringolade depuis juin, a constaté mardi le ministre de l'Energie des Emirats arabes unis, Suhaïl Mazroui.

    S'adressant à un forum sur l'industrie pétrolière à Abou Dhabi, le ministre a également estimé nécessaire que la production de pétrole de schiste, qui pousse les prix du brut à la baisse, soit maîtrisée.

    "On ne peut plus continuer à protéger un certain (niveau des prix)", a déclaré le ministre en parlant de l'Organisation des pays exportateurs de pétrole (Opep) dont font partie les Emirats arabes unis.

    "Nous avons connu une surproduction, venant essentiellement du pétrole de schiste, et cela doit être corrigé", a-t-il ajouté...................

  30. Mistral: Moscou demande à Paris une explication officielle ...

    La Russie a officiellement envoyé à la France une demande d'explication écrite concernant le refus de lui livrer les navires de classe Mistral, a annoncé mardi à RIA Novosti un représentant haut placé du Service fédéral russe pour la coopération militaire et technique (FSVTS).

    "Le FSTVS a envoyé à la Direction générale de l'armement une demande d'explication concernant ce problème", a indiqué le responsable.

    Selon lui, la Russie ne peut pas se satisfaire de déclarations verbales d'hommes politiques.

    "Pour décider de la suite, saisir un tribunal ou donner du temps à la France, la Russie doit disposer d'une explication écrite concernant la situation", a indiqué l'interlocuteur de l'agence................

    1. Francia declina dar explicaciones a Rusia sobre el rechazo de la entrega de los Mistral ...

      El Ministerio de Defensa de Francia por el momento rechaza comentar la solicitud de Rusia para que aclare oficialmente el motivo de no entregar los portahelicópteros Mistral, declaró a RIA Novosti una fuente del ministerio francés.

      "Por el momento no divulgaremos ninguna información en torno a (este tema), probablemente después emitiremos una declaración", dijo un representante del Ministerio de Defensa..................

  31. Der ukrainische Präsident Pjotr Poroschenko schätzt die Finanzhilfe, die die Ukraine in diesem und im nächsten Jahr brauchen wird, auf 13 bis 15 Milliarden US-Dollar...

    „Die Summe wird zwar bei Konsultationen mit dem IWF festgelegt, ich kann aber sagen, dass diese Summe insgesamt, einschließlich der Hilfe des IWF, der Weltbank sowie einzelner Länder wie Kanada, Japan, die USA und die EU, bei 13 bis 15 Milliarden Dollar liegen muss“, sagte er in einem Interview für den Sender France24................

  32. Napolitano si dimette, l'Europarlamento lo applaude ...

    Ieri il primo ministro italiano Matteo Renzi, nell’ intervento conclusivo del semestre italiano di presidenza UE all’Europarlamento ha detto che il presidente della Repubblica Giorgio Napolitano nelle prossime ore rassegnerà le dimissioni. Queste parole di Renzi sono state accolte da un lungo applauso da parte degli europarlamentari.

    L’ ottantanovenne Napolitano aveva anticipato le sue dimissioni già a dicembre. Il parlamento italiano verrà convocato in seduta riunita entro 15 giorni dalle dimissioni per eleggere il nuovo presidente della Repubblica.
    Per saperne di più:

    1. Italian president Napolitano to step down in hours: PM Renzi ...

      (Reuters) - Italian President Giorgio Napolitano will step down in hours, Prime Minister Matteo Renzi said on Tuesday, opening up a delicate political process to name a new head of state.

      The 89-year-old Napolitano, who reluctantly agreed to a second term in 2013 after a deadlocked election threatened to leave Italy politically adrift, said last month he would resign soon because of age-related ailments.

      "I would like us to salute Napolitano, a committed Europeanist who in these hours will leave his post ... having confronted difficulties in Italy with intelligence and wisdom," Renzi said in a speech to the European Parliament to mark the close of the EU semester..................

    2. Italian President to Resign, Posing Risks for Renzi ...

      Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi announced the imminent retirement on Tuesday of President Giorgio Napolitano, setting up a risky search to replace the former Communist stalwart who extended his term to guide Italy through political turmoil.

      The 89-year-old Napolitano, who agreed to a second term in 2013 after a deadlocked election left the country in a crisis, had let it be known he would leave after Italy's six-month presidency of the European Union, which ends on Tuesday.

      The Italian president plays little part in day-to-day politics, but has the powers to choose a prime minister and dissolve parliament, which became crucial in the past few years when a divided parliament struggled to agree on a government...............

    3. Italian President Napolitano Resigns ...

      talian President Giorgio Napolitano has resigned, Italy’s RaiNews24 television reported Wednesday.

      Napolitano, 89, was to serve his term as president until 2020.............

  33. North Korea leader accepts invitation to attend Russia's Victory Day celebrations — media ...

    North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has accepted an invitation to visit Moscow to attend a May ceremony marking the 70th anniversary of the Soviet victory over Nazi Germany in World War Two, South Korea's Yonhap news agency reported on Tuesday.

    “North Korea is seeking to deepen both diplomatic and economic ties with Russia at a time when its political relationship with China remains chilly,” the agency said...............

    1. Russian Embassy Not Confirming Kim Jong Un's Visit to Moscow on Victory Day ...

      he Russian embassy in Pyongyang could not confirm to RIA Novosti on Tuesday if North Korean leader Kim Jong Un would visit Russia to take part in the celebrations of the 70th anniversary of the Soviet victory in the Great Patriotic War.

      "The embassy does not have any supporting information on the issue," the source at the embassy said via telephone..............

  34. Griechisches Schuldenkonzept: Der Freundeskreis der Gelddrucker ...

    Die Europäische Zentralbank soll einen Großteil der Schulden des Kontinents übernehmen: Für diesen Vorschlag wirbt das griechische Linksbündnis Syriza jetzt auch in Deutschland. Das Konzept ist umstritten, doch es hat prominente Unterstützer.................

  35. Funerals held for Paris terror attack victims ...

    Funeral ceremonies have been taking place for seven of the victims who were killed in last week's terror attacks in Paris.

    At a ceremony in Paris, President Francois Hollande honoured three police officers shot dead in last weeks's Islamist attacks.

    Elsewhere, the bodies of four Jews killed in the attack on a kosher supermarket have been buried in Jerusalem..................

  36. U.S. toughens its fight with China for Pakistan ...

    The main intrigue of U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry’s two-day visit to Pakistan is that its aim differs from what was declared before his arrival. Washington is afraid of losing its competition with China for the influence on Pakistan which has recently weakened. Pakistan on its part is not very interested in rolling to the side of China at the expense of American financial aid..............Read more:

  37. Japan and China have reached consensus on an early launch of a maritime and air crisis management mechanism for the disputed Senkaku Islands, also known as the Diaoyu, Japanese Defense Minister Gen Nakatani said Tuesday...

    "We have agreed to work toward making the mechanism operational at an early date," Nakatani was quoted as saying by Kyodo News...........

  38. Ukraine to mobilize women if necessary (General Staff senior official) ....

    Both men and women liable for military service may be drafted into army during a mobilization campaign in Ukraine, first deputy chief of the main department for defense and mobilization planning at Ukrainian General Staff Major General Vladimir Talalay told a news conference on Tuesday.

    “According to the legislation, men liable for military service aged from 25 to 60 years and women liable for military duty aged from 25 to 50 years may be recruited in the army,” Talalay said, adding that women will be drafted in the military forces “if necessary.”.......

  39. Taiwan slammed a unilateral move by China to open four new flight routes over the Taiwan Strait as "unacceptable" on Tuesday (Jan 13), saying it risked allowing planes to fly too close to aircraft on existing routes...

    China on Monday announced it would start flying four new routes from coastal Zhejiang province and the cities of Fuzhou and Xiamen in Fujian province over the Taiwan Strait.

    While China had consulted with Taiwan over one of the new routes, M503 - without reaching an agreement - it had not discussed the other three flight routes W121, W122 and W123, due to start operations from Mar 5.

    "They unilaterally announced the new routes before reaching an agreement with us," Taiwan's Civil Aeronautics Administration said in a statement. "The measures are unacceptable to us. We demand the mainland side continue consulting with us", it said, adding that the move breached the Convention on International Civil Aviation..............

  40. Russia's ruble continued to fall on Tuesday, dropping to 66.20 to the dollar and 77.92 to the euro in the evening...

    At the end of December, it looked like the ruble might stabilize at about 55 to the dollar, but in early January the price of oil continued its rapid fall, taking the ruble down with it.

    Russia's central bank reported on Tuesday that, as of Jan.12, the bank has sold $1.32 billion on the domestic currency market at the request of the Russian Finance Miniistry. Earlier on Tuesday, the bank released figures showing that in 2014, it had sold $76.1 billion on the foreign exchange market in the interest of stabilizing the currency.

  41. Charlie Hebdo's new caricature 'unjustifiably provocative': Egypt's Dar Al-Ifta ...

    Charlie Hebdo’s decision to renew the publication of caricatures of Prophet Mohamed is "an act unjustifiably provocative to the feelings of a billion and a half Muslims worldwide who love and respect the Prophet,” Egypt's Dar Al-Ifta warned in a statement on Tuesday.

    The new issue of Charlie Hebdo will cause a "new wave of anger" in France and the West in general, the statement said, adding that it "will not serve the dialogue between civilisations which Muslims seek."...............

  42. European, US banks to face $70bn bill for ‘misbehavior’ – Morgan Stanley...

    Morgan Stanley researchers have found that together European and US banks will have to find $70 billion by the end of 2016, most of it for litigation related to mis-selling of US mortgages and foreign exchange trading.

    Among European lenders, British banks Barclays and the Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) are expected to be among the hardest hit, explains Reuters referring to the Morgan Stanley report.

    European banks have already coughed up $104 billion over the past five years, much of it in compensation and fines for bad practice, including the mis-selling of insurance in the UK, and the mis-selling of mortgages and the manipulation of benchmark interest rates in the US................/

  43. Tensions boil over in Venezuela in president's absence...

    A high-profile Venezuelan opposition leader is calling for protests while President Nicolas Maduro travels abroad seeking help for the financially struggling country.

    Tensions have escalated in recent days as the socialist administration has deployed troops and implemented a rationing system to control lines for groceries.

    Henrique Capriles, who nearly defeated Maduro in the 2013 presidential election, said Monday that it was time for public demonstrations.

    "We are in a state of emergency," he said. "This is the time to mobilize in the streets."................

  44. China arrests 10 Turks who may have helped terror suspects: Global Times ...

    (Reuters) - Police in Shanghai have arrested 10 Turkish nationals suspected of supplying fake passports to ethnic Uighurs from China's far-western region of Xinjiang who were described as terror suspects by state media.

    Hundreds of people have been killed in resource-rich Xinjiang, strategically located on the borders of central Asia, in violence in the past two years between the Muslim Uighur people who call the region home and ethnic majority Han Chinese.

    Another 11 people, including nine Xinjiang "terror suspects", were also detained in November while trying to leave China after paying 60,000 yuan ($9,700) for altered Turkish passports, the state-run Global Times newspaper reported.................

  45. Iran to build two more nuclear plants: Rouhani ...

    Iran's President Hassan Rouhani said the country would build two more nuclear plants in the southern city of Bushehr in line with the peaceful use of nuclear energy.

    The president made the remarks on Tuesday while visiting the Bushehr Nuclear Power Plant, Press TV reported.

    "The Bushehr Nuclear Power Plant is different from the power plants of other countries since this power plant is the symbol of a nation's resistance," he said.

    "The construction of this power plant and making it operational showed the world that should a nation have a will to attain a goal, it would take steps in that direction, stand up for its rights and attain its goal."

    The Iranian chief executive said the plant is an example that shows Iran "is only after peaceful use of nuclear energy and electricity production.............

  46. Rajoy llega a Atenas para apoyar a Samarás en vísperas de las elecciones anticipadas ...

    El presidente del Gobierno de España, Mariano Rajoy, ha realizado un viaje sorpresa a Atenas para reunirse con el primer ministro conservador griego, Antonis Samarás, que participará en las elecciones el 25 de enero. Aunque la visita se produce unos días antes de las elecciones anticipadas en Grecia, el Gobierno español subraya que la visita de Rajoy no tiene carácter electoral....................

    1. Rajoy aduce la estabilidad en su visita a Grecia para hacer frente a Podemos y Syriza...

      El presidente español, Mariano Rajoy, se reunió hoy en Grecia con el primer ministro griego, Antonis Samarás, para mostrarle su apoyo de cara a las elecciones legislativas que se celebran el próximo 25 de enero.

      Rajoy apostó por la "estabilidad" tanto en España como en Grecia en la rueda de prensa ofrecida junto al primer ministro griego tras la reunión celebrada en Atenas.

      Ambos dirigentes rechazaron hablar directamente sobre Syriza o Podemos, las formaciones progresistas que los sondeos dan como ganadoras en Grecia y en España respectivamente, pero se refirieron de forma indirecta a ambos partidos en varias ocasiones.

      "Necesitamos estabilidad, no inestabilidad; certidumbre y confianza, no incertidumbre y desconfianza", señaló Rajoy.

      "Prometer cosas imposibles es algo que no tiene sentido y genera una enorme frustración", aseguró el líder español al ser preguntado sobre Podemos y Syriza.

      El presidente español se mostró convencido de la permanencia de Grecia en el euro.

      "Nuestro futuro común se encuentra en Europa", enfatizó Rajoy, que insistió en los datos que indican "una recuperación económica" en ambos países..................

  47. EU lawyer approves ECB bond-buying programme ...

    A top European Union lawyer has said that the European Central Bank's planned bond-buying programme is legal.

    Advocate General Cruz Villalon said the ECB's Outright Monetary Transactions (OMT) programme is compatible, in principle, with EU law.

    But he said that if the programme is implemented, its compatibility will depend on certain conditions being met.

    The bond-buying is aimed at avoiding a break-up of the euro, but has faced a legal challenge from Germany.

    Announced in 2012, the OMT plan has never been put into practice, although it has helped restore confidence in eurozone markets.

    However, with the eurozone facing the threat of deflation and recession, there is increasing pressure on the ECB to start a separate programme of quantitative easing (QE), which would involve starting a bond-buying operation similar to OMT.................

    1. La BCE avait le droit de prendre des mesures inédites pour sauver l'euro ...

      Les États membres de la zone euro ont poussé un petit ouf de soulagement ce mercredi matin. Oui, la Banque centrale européenne (BCE) avait bien le droit de prendre des mesures inédites pour sauver la monnaie unique en pleine crise grecque. C'est la Cour constitutionnelle allemande qui se demandait si tout cela était bien légal. Si la justice remettait ces mesures en cause, il y aurait eu de quoi faire trembler la zone euro puisque, de l'avis général, c'est l'annonce de ces mesures qui a calmé les marchés...............

  48. UN needs $2.9bn to support Syria refugees in Jordan ...

    UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) António Guterres said Wednesday that his agency needed $2.9 billion this year to support Syrian refugees and their host communities in Jordan.

    The announcement came during a press conference held by Guterres in Amman, during which he presented a new UNHCR study that provides a grim outlook on the humanitarian conditions faced by Syrian refugees.

    The study, based on data from home visits to around 150,000 Syrian refugees living outside refugee camps in Jordan in 2014, warned that a growing number of refugees were sliding into abject poverty.

    According to the report's findings, two thirds of Syrian refugees in Jordan now live below the absolute poverty line ($96 per person per month), while one in six Syrian refugee households lives in abject poverty.

    "Unless the international community increases its support for refugees, families will opt for ever more drastic coping strategies," Guterres said........................

  49. OSCE confirms formation of joint working group to investigate Donbas bus attack ...

    Donetsk, Janu. 14 – The deputy chief of the special monitoring mission of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE SMM) in eastern Ukraine, Alexander Hug, has confirmed the creation of a joint body that will investigate the shelling of a passenger bus near Volnovakha.

  50. Washington y la OTAN quieren "terminar cuanto antes" con la resistencia en Ucrania ...

    Kiev, junto a la OTAN y EE.UU., está decidido a acabar cuanto antes con la resistencia en el este de Ucrania, asegura Higinio Polo, escritor y profesor de historia contemporánea, basándose en los últimos acontecimientos en la zona del conflicto.

    "El papel de EE.UU. y de la OTAN en la evolución de los últimos acontecimientos en Ucrania es determinante" asegura Polo.

    "De hecho, todo apunta a que Washington y Bruselas, el cuartel general de la OTAN, han decidido terminar cuanto antes con la situación de guerra civil abierta en el este del país por la vía de lanzar una gran operación militar, que es lo que en estos momentos deben estar preparando en Kiev", agrega el historiador.................

  51. Moscou met en garde Kiev contre toute tentative de reprendre le scénario militaire ...

    Moscou met en garde Kiev contre toute tentative de reprendre le scénario militaire du règlement du conflit dans l'est de l'Ukraine, a indiqué mercredi le chef de la diplomatie russe Sergueï Lavrov.

    "Nous mettons en garde nos collègues ukrainiens contre les tentatives de revenir à des scénarios militaires. Seul un dialogue direct, uniquement des moyens pacifiques peuvent permettre de régler ce conflit. Il y a une plateforme pour cela que sont notamment les accords de Minsk qui doivent être appliqués honnêtement et intégralement", a déclaré le ministre lors d'une conférence de presse à l'issue de négociations avec son homologue burundais Laurent Kavakuré, en visite à Moscou............Lire la suite:

  52. Kiew dementiert Meldungen über Abzug seiner Truppen vom Donezker Flughafen ...

    Die Militärführung in Kiew hat Meldungen über den Abzug ihrer Truppen vom Donezker Flughafen im Osten der Ukraine dementiert. Zuvor hatte Denis Puschilin, bevollmächtigter Vertreter der selbsternannten Republik Donezk im Osten der Ukraine zu den Minsker Verhandlungen, mitgeteilt, dass die ukrainische Armee vom Flughafen abzieht.

    „Nach Beendigung dieser Operation der Ukrainer werden wir die Kontrolle über den Flughafen übernehmen“, sagte Puschilin am Mittwoch in einem Live-Interview für den TV-Sender Rossija 24.............

  53. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has accused Russia of continued military support for separatists in eastern Ukraine, despite a cease-fire accord agreed last September....

    The NATO chief claimed on Wednesday that Russia had provided air defenses, artillery and several other types of military equipment.

    Stoltenberg told journalists at a press conference in Berlin: "In general, we see that Russia is continuing to support the separatists. Equipment and forces are at the border.

    "There have also been some movements in the Ukraine where Russia has supported the separatists and there are also Russian soldiers inside eastern Ukraine. But I am not able to give you specific numbers."

    Stoltenberg called on Moscow to respect the Minsk cease-fire deal agreed last September and use all of its influence on separatists to make them implement the ceasefire.

    Earlier in the day, Stoltenberg met German Chancellor Angela Merkel at the Prime Ministry and discussed developments in Ukraine...................

  54. US Weapons Discovered in Airport Occupied by Ukrainian Military...

    Eastern Ukrainian independence forces have found US-made weapons left behind after the Ukrainian military pulled out of an airport they previously occupied in Donetsk, the leader of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) said Thursday.

    “We found American-produced weaponry. … So, what do you think when you find an M-16 at the airport?” Alexander Zakharchenko said during a press conference in the republic’s capital of Donetsk.

    Kiev began a military operation to suppress the independence supporters of southeastern Ukraine in mid-April 2014. On September 5, Kiev forces and the independence fighters of Donetsk and Luhansk reached a ceasefire agreement during a Contact Group meeting in Minsk, Belarus. However, both sides have since accused each other of repeatedly violating the truce........................

  55. Obama et Cameron promettent de maintenir la pression sur la Russie à cause de la situation en Ukraine ...

    Dans une tribune à quatre mains publiée jeudi par le Times de Londres le premier ministre britannique David Cameron et le président des Etats-Unis Barack Obama ont annoncé leur intention de maintenir la pression sur la Russie en vue de l'obliger à changer sa position sur le problème ukrainien.

    Ils ont notamment déclaré que « la communauté internationale ne resterait pas sans réaction tandis que la Russie tente de destabiliser l'Ukraine ».

    Entre-temps, le ministre russe des Affaires étrangères Sergueï Lavrov avait appelé précédemment les représentants des pays de l'UE à résoudre les problèmes entre la Russie et l'Europe apparus à cause de l'Ukraine. Le ministre a noté que la Russie gardait sa volonté de développer la coopération mutuellement avantageuse avec l'Union européenne.
    Lire la suite:

  56. Les ventes d’anxiolytiques en hausse depuis les attentats à Paris ...

    Les événements passés à Paris la semaine dernière ont entraîné une hausse de près de 20 % des ventes d’anxiolytiques et d’hypnotiques en France. Pour Le Figaro, la société Celtipharm a chiffré cette augmentation en se basant sur la vente en temps réel de 4 800 pharmacies représentatives. A Vincennes et dans certains quartiers parisiens, cette hausse a été bien plus importante.

    L’article souligne également que les réactions liées à l’attentat de Charlie Hebdo, aux deux prises d’otages ainsi que la marche républicaine qui a rassemblé près de 4 millions de personnes sont « un beau message délivré à nos enfants » mais sans oublier qu’il faut leur expliquer la situation...................

  57. European parliament urges European Council to impose new sanctions on Russia ...

    The European Parliament has urged the European Council to take further restrictive measures against Russia, if no progress is made in the Ukrainian crisis settlement. European lawmakers recommended sanctions should be spread on energy sector and Russian capabilities to carry out international financial transactions should be restricted, the European Parliament said in a resolution on the situation in Ukraine adopted at its session on Thursday.

  58. US-Cuba travel and trade: New rules start on Friday ...

    New travel and trade rules between the US and Cuba are to take effect on Friday, US officials say.

    Measures include allowing US citizens to use credit cards in Cuba and for US businesses to export some technologies.

    Americans will be able to take home up to $100 (£66) in alcohol and tobacco from Cuba. Correspondents say it means the US ban on Cuban cigars is over..............

  59. The Obama administration is putting a large dent in the U.S. embargo against Cuba as of Friday, significantly loosening restrictions on American trade and investment...

    The new rules also open up the communist island to greater American travel and allow U.S. citizens to start bringing home small amounts of Cuban cigars after more than a half-century ban.

    Thursday's announcement of new Treasury and Commerce Department regulations are the next step in President Barack Obama's ambitious goal of re-establishing diplomatic relations with the government of Cuban President Raul Castro, Fidel's younger brother. They come three days after U.S. officials confirmed the release of 53 political prisoners Cuba had promised to free..............Read more:

  60. Donezk schickt Kohle als "humanitäre Hilfe" in die Ukraine ...

    Die Führung der „Volksrepublik Donezk” hat laut Premier Alexander Sachartschenko am Donnerstag 300 Tonnen Kohle mit fünf Waggons in die Ukraine als humanitäre Hilfe geschickt.

    „Kohle haben wir genug. Wir kontrollieren den Gütertransport über unser Territorium und sind imstande, eine reibungslose Versorgung der Ukraine mit Kohle zu sichern“, sagte Sachartschenko. „Wollt ihr kaufen? Bitte sehr.“

    Zuvor hatte der Chef der selbsterklärten Republik Donezk gesagt, trotz der militärischen Konfrontation kaufe die Ukraine die Donezker Kohle „auf jede mögliche Weise“................

  61. U.N. envoy: ISIS ‘only 20 miles away from Aleppo’ ...

    The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) is “only 20 miles away” from Syria’s second biggest city of Aleppo, the U.N. peace envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura said on Thursday.

    “I am just determined to raise the fact that Aleppo cannot be abandoned,” De Mistura said, vowing to press on with efforts for a truce in between government and opposition forces in the city.

    “We are engaged in intense discussions with the government... and the opposition regarding the freeze,” he said.

    De Mistura, a Swedish-Italian diplomat appointed as U.N. envoy on Syria in July, said Aleppo was a “symbolic microcosm of all of Syria.”..............

  62. Pope Francis says there are limits to freedom of expression, especially when it insults or ridicules someone's faith...

    Francis spoke on Thursday about the Paris attacks while en route to the Philippines. He defended freedom of expression as not only a fundamental human right but a duty to speak one's mind for the sake of the common good...............

  63. Iran to consider further uranium enrichment if more sanctions imposed: speaker ...

    Iran wound consider enriching its uranium to "any level it wishes" in case the West imposes further sanctions on Tehran over its nuclear program, a parliament speaker said on Thursday.

    The Western countries are not after resolving the longstanding dispute over Tehran's nuclear program, and the Islamic republic keeps a close watch on their behavior, the speaker, Ali Larijani, was quoted as saying by Press TV.

    "Some lawmakers are pursuing a motion based on which Iran would enrich uranium to any level it wishes if the West moves to impose new sanctions against the Islamic republic," Larijani said.

    He urged the West to seize the opportunity created by the ongoing nuclear negotiations and help close Iran's nuclear dossier.

    On Wednesday, a Foreign Ministry spokeswoman said that any possible sanctions against Iran will jeopardize the nuclear talks between the Islamic republic and the world powers.

    Iran's economy is under pressure due to Western sanctions. The United States and its Western allies suspect that Iran's disputed nuclear program might have weapon-grade dimensions, while the Islamic republic has denied the allegations.

  64. Ukraine: MEPs condemn terrorist acts and say sanctions against Russia must stay ...

    EU sanctions against Russia should stay in place until it changes its aggressive policy in Ukraine, respects the ceasefire, withdraws its troops and stops supporting separatists, says Parliament in a resolution voted on Thursday. MEPs condemn “acts of terrorism” in Ukraine. urge the EU to come up with a plan to counter the Russian "information war" and help Ukraine to carry out reforms, cope with its humanitarian and health emergency and enhance its defence capabilities.

    MEPs strongly condemn Russia's "aggressive and expansionist policy" and "the acts of terrorism and criminal behaviour committed by the separatists and other irregular forces in Eastern Ukraine". They urge the EU Council at its March 2015 meeting to maintain current EU sanctions against Russia and approve “benchmarks” for lifting them. These should include respecting the ceasefire, unconditional withdrawal of Russian troops and illegal armed groups, exchanging all prisoners and restoring Ukraine’s control over its whole territory, including Crimea.In the event of further Russian actions destabilising Ukraine, the Council should broaden the range of sanctions to include the nuclear sector and international financial transactions.

    Political and diplomatic channels towards Russia must nonetheless stay open, adds the text........................

  65. Ukraine warns of Russian military build-up as new violence rocks east ...

    Ukraine on Thursday renewed accusations of a Russian military build up on its border and approved fresh troop mobilisations as a wave of violence threatened all-out conflict in the country's war-torn east.

    A national day of mourning was held for 13 people killed on Tuesday when a rocket exploded near a commuter bus travelling towards the Ukrainian city of Donetsk, the worst loss of civilian life since a September truce that only partially halted the violence.

    An upsurge in fighting has rocked eastern Ukraine in recent days, with a planned peace summit between President Petro Poroshenko and the leaders of Russia, Germany and France having been postponed.

    Heavy artillery and shelling shook the area around the airport in the rebel bastion of Donetsk, while pro-Kremlin insurgents had earlier been accused of unleashing a massive rocket assault...............

  66. Ukrainian military retain control over new terminal at Donetsk airport ...

    The new terminal building at Donetsk airport remains under control of the Ukrainian military, the press center for the anti-terrorist operation in east Ukraine said on Jan. 15 evening.

  67. Ukraine rüstet auf und warnt vor "kontinentalem Krieg" ...

    In drei Phasen sollen in diesem Jahr zehntausende Reservisten mobilisiert werden. "Wir sind bereit", kontern die Separatisten.

    15.01.2015 | 17:20 | (

    Angesichts der wiederaufflammenden Kämpfe in der Ostukraine hat das Parlament in Kiew eine weitere Truppenmobilisierung beschlossen. In drei Phasen sollen 2015 zehntausende Reservisten mobilisiert werden, wie aus dem Gesetzestext vom Donnerstag hervorgeht...........

  68. The World Bank recommends Russia to follow the Greek scenario of overcoming the crisis...

    The key goal of the Russian government is to guarantee macroeconomic stability, including stability in the financial sector, WB lead economist for Russia Birgit Hansl told TASS on Thursday.

    The economist mentioned Greece as an instance. “The times of crisis are always good enough for implementing structural reforms. They make governments think hard how to strengthen and restructure the economy. Many countries used the previous experience of the global financial crisis as an opportunity for structural reforms,” Hansl said. So, for example, Greece had to decide on a salary cut in the public sector on the back of social protests.............

  69. Statement by High Representative/Vice-President Federica Mogherini on the announced executions in Indonesia ...

    "The announced execution of six death row inmates in Indonesia, including a Dutch citizen, for drug offences is deeply regrettable. This would be the second round of executions since November 2013.

    The EU is opposed to capital punishment in all cases and without exception, and has consistently called for its universal abolition.

    The death penalty is a cruel and inhumane punishment, which fails to act as a deterrent and represents an unacceptable denial of human dignity and integrity. The European Union calls on the Indonesian authorities to stop all pending executions and consider establishing a moratorium on the use of death penalty as a first step towards definitive abolition."

  70. Combats acharnés à l'aéroport de Donetsk, dans l'est de l'Ukraine ...

    Des tirs nourris d'artillerie et de chars ont atteint jeudi l'aéroport de Donetsk, qui, bien que presque rasé, est devenu l'épicentre du regain des combats entre l'armée ukrainienne et les séparatistes prorusses dans l'est de l'Ukraine.

    Des représentants de l'OSCE (Organisation pour la sécurité et la coopération en Europe) ont tenté à deux reprises jeudi de se rendre sur place, mais y ont finalement renoncé face à l'intensité des bombardements.

    L'escalade dans les violences qui a débuté il y a presque une semaine se poursuit dans le bassin houiller du Donbass. Si l'ensemble de la ligne de front paraît s'être réveillée, le coeur en est le bastion rebelle de Donetsk et son aéroport, que se disputent depuis mai les belligérants.

    Les journalistes de l'AFP présents de part et d'autre de la ligne de front y ont constaté des tirs intenses et continus tout au long de la journée.

    L'enjeu de ces bombardements est notamment le contrôle du plus récent des deux terminaux de l'aéroport, partiellement aux mains des Ukrainiens.................

  71. Two killed, one arrested in Belgian anti-terrorist raid ...

    At least two suspects were killed and a third arrested during an anti-terrorist raid in the eastern Belgian city of Verviers on Thursday, a federal prosecutor has confirmed.

    Speaking at an emergency press conference following the raid, Prosecutor Eric Van der Sypt said that the suspects were on the verge of committing a major terrorist attack and that they had opened fire on police.

    “The suspects immediately and for several minutes opened fire with military weaponry and handguns on the special units of the federal police before they were neutralised,” he said.

    Van der Sypt added that anti-terrorist raids were underway in the Brussels region as well as Verviers.

    He also announced that the country’s terror alert level had been raised to its second highest level.

    The raid was part of a broader investigation into extremists returning from Syria.

    (FRANCE 24 with AP, REUTERS)

  72. Gazprom: Russland wird für Europa bestimmtes Gas nach China umleiten ...

    Über die sogenannte westliche Route wird Erdgas nach China von Feldern gepumpt, deren Kapazitäten derzeit für die Gasversorgung Europas genutzt werden. Das erklärte der Sprecher des russischen Gaskonzerns Gazprom, Sergej Kuprijanow, am Donnerstag in Moskau.

    Ein Vertrag über Gaslieferungen an China über die westliche Route sei in Vorbereitung, sagte Kuprijanow in einem Interview für den Radiosender Kommersant FM. Er nahm Stellung zu der Frage, was Gazprom-Chef Alexej Miller meinte, als er am Vortag Europa gedrängt hatte, so schnell wie möglich über den Bau des europäischen Teils der neuen Gasleitung Türkischer Strom zu entscheiden....................

  73. Al menos tres muertos a raíz de una operación antiterrorista en Bélgica ...

    Al menos tres personas murieron durante una operación antiterrorista en la ciudad belga de Verviers, informaron este jueves los medios locales.

    Se escucharon explosiones y disparos, informó el periódico Le Soir, al indicar que varias personas fueron detenidas.

    El incidente ocurrió durante una redada contra un grupo que estaba a punto de lanzar "ataques terroristas a gran escala", dijo un fiscal federal, citado por Reuters.......................

  74. OSCE representatives come under fire near Mariupol, south-east Ukraine ...

    Representatives of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) came under fire near Mariupol, deputy head of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine Alexander Hug said Thursday.

    "An incident with our patrol has been registered. Our patrol came under direct fire which was delivered from yet unidentified positions," he said responding to a reporter's question about whether the mission notes violations of the ceasefire.

    "No-one was hurt, the car was not damaged either," Hug added..............

  75. North Korea calls U.S.-South Korea exercises 'open challenge' ...

    Joint military exercises by South Korea and the United States this week are "an open challenge" to North Korea's demand to ease tension on the divided peninsula, a Pyongyang envoy said on Thursday.

    So Se Pyong, ambassador of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) to the United Nations in Geneva, also warned that a continued stand-off with the United States and South Korea could lead to confrontation, a "second Korean war".

    North Korea said on Saturday it was willing to suspend nuclear tests if the United States agreed to call off annual military drills held jointly with South Korea, but Washington rejected the proposal as a veiled threat............

  76. Krise in der Ukraine: Separatisten erobern Flughafen von Donezk ...

    In der Ukraine rückt der Frieden in weite Ferne. Die Separatisten sollen den Flughafen von Donezk erobert haben. Die Kämpfe toben weiter. Derweil verurteilt das EU-Parlament Russland.

    Die prorussischen Aufständischen in der Ostukraine haben nach eigenen Angaben den Flughafen der Stadt Donezk vollständig unter ihre Kontrolle gebracht. Die Offensive werde nach dem Erfolg weitergehen, sagte Separatistenführer Alexander Sachartschenko. Ziel sei es, noch weiteres Territorium zu erobern, das im vergangenen Jahr an die Regierungstruppen gefallen sei. Der Flughafen wird seit Mai umkämpft.................

  77. The Lithuanian Defense Ministry will send out a “war manual” to libraries and elsewhere in the country, it was revealed Thursday...

    The move comes amid concerns of a Russian invasion in Ukraine, which keep growing after last month’s Russian military drill in the enclave of Kaliningrad that featured 9,000 soldiers and more than 55 naval vessels.

    According to the manual, citizens would be asked to "keep a sound mind, don't panic and don't lose clear thinking." Also, it explained "gunshots just outside your window are not the end of the world."

    The manual encouraged Lithuanians to resist foreign occupation with demonstrations and strikes, "or at least by doing your job worse than usual."

    "The examples of Georgia and Ukraine, which both lost a part of their territory, show us that we cannot rule out a similar kind of situation here, and that we should be ready," Defense Minister Juozas Olekas told Reuters Thursday.................

  78. Belgium Verviers plot 'aimed to kill police' ...

    A suspected jihadist group targeted in a major anti-terror raid on Thursday had been planning to kill policemen in the street and at police stations, Belgian prosecutors say.

    The planned attacks were imminent, they said, adding that two suspects shot dead in Verviers during the raids were still being identified.

    Searches were also carried out overnight in the Brussels area.

    Thirteen suspects had been arrested, while two were arrested in France.

    Guns, munitions and explosives, as well as police uniforms and a large amount of money, were seized during the raids, prosecution spokesman Thierry Werts told reporters..................

  79. Belgium on increased alert after anti-terror raids ...

    Belgian authorities have raised the threat level to its second highest after two suspected Islamist militants were shot dead in a police raid in the town of Verviers in the southeast of the country.

    Police have said the men had returned from Syria and were planning a terror attack on a grand scale on Belgian soil..................

  80. Israël: l'ONU demande de verser l'argent de leurs taxes aux Palestiniens ...

    L'ONU a demandé jeudi à Israël de reprendre "immédiatement" le versement de taxes collectées pour le compte de l'Autorité palestinienne, qu'Israël avait suspendu en représailles à l'adhésion des Palestiniens à la Cour pénale internationale (CPI)...................

  81. Le Pentagone enverra 400 militaires pour former les rebelles syriens ...

    Le ministère américain de la Défense enverra plus de 400 militaires pour former les rebelles syriens qui combattent les forces fidèles au président Bachar el-Assad, annonce vendredi le portail d'informations Defense One.

    "Début mars, 400 militaires et des centaines de membres du personnel auxiliaire seront déployés dans quatre camps d'entraînement situés dans trois pays dans le cadre du projet longtemps attendu d'assistance aux forces rebelles, visant à stabiliser la situation en Syrie", indique le portail.

    Il s'agit de camps d'entraînement déployés en Turquie, au Qatar et en Arabie saoudite. Selon l'administration, ces pays ont donné leur aval. La formation d'un combattant devra durer de six à huit semaines.

    Le Pentagone n'a pas, pour le moment, annoncé le nombre de militaires américains qui seront impliqués dans la mission...................

    1. The United States will send 400 troops to train moderate Syrian rebels this spring...

      Pentagon spokesman Major James Brindle confirmed the planned deployment early Friday morning. The US plan was first reported by Defense One Thursday.

      Last month, President Barack Obama signed into law a massive defense policy bill that endorsed his plan to fight Islamic State militants, including air strikes and training Iraqis and moderate Syrian rebels. The law authorized the training and equipping of moderate Syrian rebels battling the extremists for two years, and provided $5 billion to train Iraqis battling the militants who brutally rule large sections of the two countries. .............

    2. Syrian state news agency attacks U.S. plan to train rebels ...

      The Syrian state news agency on Friday attacked U.S. military plans to train and equip Syrian rebels, saying they amounted to support for terrorists.

      The plan is part of the U.S. strategy to roll back the Islamic State group that has seized much of eastern and northern Syria. Senior U.S. officials met Syrian opposition and civil society leaders in Istanbul this week to discuss the program.

      A Pentagon spokesman told Reuters on Thursday the U.S. military is planning to deploy more than 400 troops to help train the Syrian rebels. "Washington continues supporting terrorism in Syria and announces its intention to send 400 soldiers to train the terrorists," the state news agency SANA said............

  82. Volkswehr will Kontrolle über Flughafen Donezk übernommen haben ...

    Bei Gefechten um den Flughafen Donezk sind nach Angaben der Donezker Volkswehr mindestens zehn ukrainische Militärs getötet worden. Im Terminalgebäude seien die angekohlten Leichen von weiteren sechs Soldaten entdeckt worden, hieß es am Freitag aus dem Volkswehrstab.

    Wie das Verteidigungsministerium der „Donezker Volksrepublik“ ebenfalls am Freitag bekanntgab, hat die Volkswehr die Kontrolle über den Flughafen übernommen. Dennoch würden sich noch etwa ein Dutzend ukrainische Militärs, die inzwischen das Feuer eingestellt haben, in den Trümmern des neuen Terminalgebäudes aufhalten, hieß es.

    Alexander Sachartschenko, Oberhaupt der selbsterklärten „Donezker Volksrepublik“, hatte am Donnerstag mitgeteilt, dass die ukrainischen Militärs dabei seien, den Flughafen zu räumen, der bald unter Kontrolle der Volkswehr gebracht werde.....................

  83. Putin reúne al Consejo de Seguridad para abordar la escalada de tensión en Donbás ...

    El presidente de Rusia, Vladímir Putin, ha mantenido este viernes una reunión con los miembros del Consejo de Seguridad ruso para discutir la escalada de la tensión en el sureste ucraniano, informó el portavoz del Kremlin, Dmitri Peskov.

    Según Peskov, durante el encuentro también se abordó la situación "en los mercados energéticos y su impacto en las economías rusa y mundial"................

  84. Porochenko : l'armée déploie des unités supplémentaires dans le Donbass ...

    Le président d'Ukraine Piotr Porochenko a déclaré au cours d'une rencontre avec les chefs des groupes parlementaires que l'Ukraine effectuait un redéploiement des troupes et introduisait des unités supplémentaires dans les points les plus dangereux du Donbass.

    Selon lui, ces quatre derniers mois l'armée a été notablement renforcée, communique le service de presse du président à l'issue de la rencontre.

    Malgré la trêve, les combats se sont sensiblement intensifiés dans le Donbass après les fêtes du Nouvel an et de Noël.
    Lire la suite:

    1. Il presidente dell'Ucraina Poroshenko ha dichiarato in un incontro con i capigruppo delle forze politiche rappresentate nel Parlamento che Kiev sta riposizionando le truppe nel Donbass e nella zone più calde della regione verranno inviate unità militari supplementari....

      Secondo Poroshenko, negli ultimi 4 mesi l'esercito ucraino è stato notevolmente rafforzato, riporta l'ufficio stampa del presidente dopo l'incontro.

      Nel Donbass, nonostante la tregua, si sono intensificate notevolmente le azioni militari dopo le vacanze di Natale e Capodanno.
      Per saperne di più:

  85. De nombreux sites d’information français inaccessibles pendant près d’une heure...

    Plusieurs sites d’informations ne fonctionnaient plus ce vendredi matin. Les sites de 20 Minutes, Slate, Mediapart, France Info, Marianne, L’Express, L’Opinion ou encore Le Parisien ont été touchés pendant une heure.

    Ils sont tous hébergés chez Oxalide – le plus gros hébergeur de sites français – qui n’a pas communiqué la nature de l’incident. Tous les sites du groupe Roulerta ont également été touchés. En Belgique, Le Vif ne répondait plus..................

  86. Au lieu d'aider concrètement l'Ukraine et de discuter des voies à emprunter pour désamorcer la crise ukrainienne qui menace l'Europe, les pays européens préfèrent d'alimenter le "brouhaha informationnel", a estimé vendredi le président de la Douma Sergueï Narychkine...

    "Quant à nos collègues européens, tout indique que l'octroi d'une assistance concrète à l'Ukraine ne constitue pas à leurs yeux une tâche prioritaire, et au lieu de se pencher sur cette menace de portée européenne, ils préfèrent alimenter le brouhaha informationnel, qui manque manifestement d'informations véridiques et impartiales", a déclaré le chef de la chambre basse du parlement russe lors d'une réunion du groupe de travail sur l'analyse juridique des procédures législatives et des lois adoptées en Ukraine.

  87. Police: Paris hostage-taker surrenders ...

    An armed man who held two hostages in a post office outside Paris on Friday has surrendered and has been arrested, police said.

    “There was no assault, the man gave himself up,” a police source said, adding that the hostages were “shocked but not injured,” Agence France-Presse reported..................

  88. Saudi Arabia is erecting a 600-mile-long barrier along its border with Iraq; the Kingdom hopes the combined fence and ditch will protect it from an invasion at the hands of the Islamic State...

    The Saudi Kingdom hopes a planned 600-mile-long wall separating it from Iraq will protect it from ongoing turmoil triggered by the Islamic State's advance in the region.

    "Like the Great Wall of China, built in 220-206 BC, Saudi Arabia's wall is meant to contain foreign invaders, and a similar, if less costly, barrier in under construction along Saudi Arabia's 1,000-mile southern border with Yemen," United Press International reported..................

  89. Russia could soon run multiple Ukraine-sized operations: U.S. general ...

    (Reuters) - Russia is working to develop within a few years the capability to threaten several neighbors at once on the scale of its present operation in Ukraine, a senior American general said.

    Lieutenant-General Ben Hodges, commander of U.S. Army forces in Europe, told Reuters an attack on another neighbor does not seem like an immediate threat because Moscow appears to have its hands full in Ukraine for now.

    But that could change within a few years, when upgrades sought by President Vladimir Putin would give Russia the ability to carry out up to three such operations at the same time, without a mobilization that would give the West time to respond................

  90. Fierce fighting in east Ukraine has killed at least 11 people over the past 24 hours, officials said on Friday, as government forces and pro-Russian rebels battled for control of an airport...

    A military spokesman reported six soldiers killed and 18 others wounded over the past day, adding that a civilian was left dead in a rebel strike on a checkpoint near Fashchivka in the Lugansk region.

    City officials in hard-hit Donetsk earlier said four civilians died after shelling sparked a fire at a warehouse there..................

  91. Dois bancos gregos recorrem a assistência do banco central ...

    Dois dos quatro principais bancos gregos recorreram ao mecanismo de assistência de liquidez do banco central grego para acederem a cerca de cinco mil milhões de euros, noticia, esta sexta-feira, a imprensa de Atenas.

    O banco central da Grécia não confirma as notícias mas alguns responsáveis pela instituição admitiram aos jornalistas, sob anonimato, que nos próximos dias outros bancos vão recorrer ao mesmo mecanismo.

    O banco central grego tem juros mais altos do que os do Banco Central Europeu (BCE) e, por isso, as instituições financeiras só recorrem ao mecanismo de assistência nacional quando já não têm garantias de que a instituição europeia está disposta a conceder o financiamento.

    No passado mês de dezembro, os depósitos nos bancos da Grécia registaram uma redução de três mil milhões de euros, o que segundo o banco central do país ficou a dever-se ao pagamento de impostos por parte dos contribuintes, cujos prazos terminavam no final do ano, e ao aumento do consumo típico do período do Natal.

    Mesmo assim, o fenómeno considerado extraordinário ainda não foi devidamente clarificado.

    A redução de depósitos desde o início de 2015 até ao momento não provocou problemas de liquidez ao sistema bancário da Grécia, segundo analistas contactados pela EFE...................

    1. Sale la preoccupazione in vista delle elezioni politiche del prossimo 25 gennaio in Grecia....

      Due banche hanno chiesto alla banca Centrale di Atene riserve di contante di emergenza...

      E' corsa ai bancomat e agli sportelli delle banche greche, con la cifra record di quasi 3 miliardi di euro ritirati dai cittadini greci in questi ultimi mesi, al ritmo di oltre cinquecento milioni al mese. Due istituti di credito ellenici, Alphabank ed Eurobank hanno infatti richiesto una linea di liquidità di urgenza alla Banca Centrale nei giorni scorsi. Il problema della liquidità bancaria va ad aggravare una situazione già critica, dopo la diffusione del dato sulla raccolta fiscale a livello statale e locale che a dicembre e nella prima decade di gennaio ha visto un crollo del 70%, secondo fonti del ministero del Tesoro. I greci, secondo molti analisti europei starebbero tendenzialmente aspettando l'esito delle elezioni politiche per conoscere se nel loro futuro ci sarà ancora l'euro...........Per saperne di più:

  92. Israel denounced Friday the International Criminal Court's "scandalous" decision to launch a preliminary probe into possible war crimes committed against Palestinians by Israeli forces...

    The sole purpose of the preliminary examination is to "try to harm Israel's right to defend itself from terror," Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman said in a statement.

    He said the decision was "solely motivated by political anti-Israel considerations," adding that he would recommend against cooperating with the probe.

    1. El primer ministro israelí, Benjamín Netanyahu, se ha mostrado indignado por la decisión de la fiscal de la Corte Penal Internacional (CPI), Fatou Bensouda, de "abrir un examen preliminar" de posibles crímenes cometidos en Palestina...

      En un comunicado, Netanyahu ha afirmado que "es absolutamente escandaloso que justo días después de que unos terroristas asesinaran judíos en Francia, la fiscal general (de la CPI) inicie una investigación contra el Estado de los judíos".

      "Y solo porque defendemos a nuestros ciudadanos de Hamás, una organización terrorista aliada de la Autoridad Palestina", ha subrayado el jefe del Gobierno israelí................

    2. Ya'alon: ICC should probe Palestinian terror groups, not Israel ...

      Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon on Saturday evening condemned the International Criminal Court's decision to launch an initial inquiry into possible war crimes allegedly committed by Israel during Operation Protective Edge. ..........

  93. A powerful explosion shook the centre of Odessa on Friday evening, a local newspaper (Dumskaya) reported...

    The blast occurred outside the Diamantbank subsidiary on Nechipurenko lane. The shock wave damaged the bank’s fasade and knocked the windows out.

    Odessa saw a series of powerful explosions late in December last year and early in January this year. Some bombs exploded outside the buildings of organizations that are helping participants in the security operation in Ukraine’s Donbas region...............

  94. Europe is on high alert following anti-terror raids and arrests of suspected Islamist militants....

    More than 20 people have been arrested in Belgium, France and Germany and Belgian has joined France in deploying troops alongside police.

    Security has been tightened in several countries after last week's attacks in Paris left 17 people dead.

    There are increased concerns about the return of young Europeans who have gone to fight with Middle East militants.........

  95. Moody’s downgrades Russia’s govt bond rating to Baa3 ...

    Moody's Investors Service has downgraded Russia's government bond rating to Baa3/Prime 3 (P-3) from Baa2/Prime 2 (P-2), Moody’s said. The rating was also placed on review for further downgrade.

    The ratings agency said the key drivers behind the downgrade are: “Moody's expectation that the substantial oil price and exchange rate shock will further undermine the country's already subdued growth prospects over the medium term; Moody's nearer-term concerns over the negative impact on the government's financial strength of the erosion in official foreign exchange buffers and fiscal revenues.”

    It also said that “in the review for further downgrade, Moody's will assess the resiliency of the government's balance sheet, in particular its foreign currency reserves cushion, to both the rating agency's baseline forecast for oil prices and to the risk of a further decline in oil prices at a time when international market access is restricted for Russian borrowers due to sanctions.”....................

  96. Japan marks 20th anniversary of killer quake in Kobe...

    Japan on Saturday (Jan 17) marked the 20th anniversary of the Kobe earthquake that killed more than 6,400 people with renewed calls for the quake-prone nation to stay vigilant against the next 'Big One'.

    More than 14,000 people gathered to commemorate the victims in the western port city of Kobe, where a 7.2-magnitude quake hit at 5.46am on Jan 17, 1995. The quake, which killed 6,434 people, levelled much of the city and sparked a major review of quake preparedness in the island-nation that suffers about one fifth of the world's most powerful tremors.

    The warning was brought into reality four years ago when a 9.0 magnitude quake struck in March 2011, triggering a huge tsunami that smashed into the country's northeast coast, killing around 18,000 people and creating the world's worst nuclear emergency in a generation. Kobe survivors and family members of victims gathered before dawn to lay bouquets and light thousands of candles in a park used as an evacuation centre after the 1995 jolt.....................

  97. Iran Sanctions Bill Moves Forward As Obama Threatens Veto ...

    The US Congress is pushing forward with a bill aiming to impose tougher sanctions on Iran if nuclear talks break down by a July deadline, despite a veto threat from US President Barack Obama.

    According to a draft of the bill posted on Senator Mark Kirk's website, the United States could introduce additional restrictive measures against Iran, accused by the West of developing nuclear weapons under the guise of a peaceful program, by further targeting the country's energy sector and expanding sanctions on Iranian officials and agencies................

  98. Fitch Downgrades Greece’s Currency Rating Outlook to Negative ...

    Fitch has changed the long-term foreign and local currency forecast for Greece from stable to negative, ahead of early parliamentary elections scheduled to take place in the country later this month, the international rating agency has announced in a press release.

    "The current period of political uncertainty has increased the risks to Greece's creditworthiness as official financing, and any potential reopening of market access, could be delayed for some months," Fitch said in a statement, released Friday............

  99. L'Union européenne étudie la possibilité de décréter un embargo pétrolier contre la Libye pour obtenir un cessez-le-feu entre les belligérants et les contraindre à régler la crise politique qui bouleverse ce pays depuis la chute du colonel Mouammar Kadhafi, a annoncé vendredi l'agence Reuters, citant un document de l'UE....

    Selon ce document, en cas de guerre civile d'envergure en Libye, l'Union européenne pourrait geler les avoirs de ce pays nord-africain dans des banques étrangères.

    La Libye traverse une crise profonde depuis le renversement et l'assassinat de son dirigeant Mouammar Kadhafi en 2011. Un conflit violent oppose les forces modérées soutenues par l'armée aux partis islamistes radicaux appuyés par d'anciens rebelles.
    Lire la suite:

  100. The Palestinian Islamist group Hamas said on Saturday it welcomed a decision by the International Criminal Court to launch an inquiry into possible war crimes in the Palestinian territories...

    ICC prosecutors said on Friday the preliminary examination would scrutinize "in full independence and impartiality" crimes that may have occurred since June 13 last year, opening a path to possible charges against Israelis or Palestinians.

    The court's decision came after Western-backed Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, a rival to Hamas, requested ICC membership, against strong opposition from Israel and the United States..................

  101. One of the brothers who launched a deadly attack against French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo has been buried in an unmarked grave...

    Said Kouachi was buried secretly late on Friday in the eastern city of Reims, where he had lived before the attack.

    The mayor of Reims said he had opposed the burial, fearing a grave could become a shrine, but had been forced to accept it by law................

  102. Greek authorities are hunting for a man wanted in connection with the foiled plot to attack Belgian police, Belgian media reported on Saturday...

    Belgium's state broadcaster said authorities were seeking a Brussels man of Moroccan origin who was hiding in Greece.

    Greek police said international security coordinators had passed on the names of several people in connection with the plot in Belgium to check if they were in Greece or had passed through the country.

    1. Quatre hommes ont été arrêtés en Grèce dans le cadre de l’enquête sur la cellule djihadiste de Verviers...

      Le « cerveau » de la cellule terroriste à l’origine des projets d’attentats en Belgique vivrait actuellement en Grèce.

      Au moins quatre hommes ont été arrêtés samedi à Athènes dans le cadre de l’enquête sur la cellule djihadiste démantelée cette semaine en Belgique alors qu’elle était sur le point de commettre des attentats, a-t-on appris de source policière.

      Les services de la police antiterroriste cherchent à vérifier si, comme ils le supposent, figurent bien parmi eux Abdelhamid Abaaoud, un Belge d’origine marocaine identifié par les médias belges comme le cerveau présumé des attentats déjoués jeudi, qui auraient été commandités depuis la Grèce.

      Les arrestations se sont déroulées en milieu de journée dans un quartier central d’Athènes, à Pangrati, a-t-on ajouté de source policière sans préciser depuis combien de temps et de quelle façon les suspects avaient été localisés. Des téléphones portables ont été saisis......................

    2. Greek police detain 4 alleged terrorists, including suspected Belgian ringleader...

      Widening a European counterterrorism dragnet, Greek authorities on Saturday detained four terrorism suspects including a man believed to be the ringleader of a Belgian jihadi cell.

      A Greek police official said the four were arrested separately in Athens and included a man who matches the description of Abdelhamid Abaaoud -- who Belgian authorities suspect was behind a jihadi cell that was dismantled in Belgium on Thursday.

      Authorities in Belgium were going over photos, fingerprints and DNA material sent from Greek police to try to verify whether the person was Abaaoud, said Greek and Belgian officials, speaking only on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of an ongoing investigation.............

  103. Channel tunnel reopens after closure due to lorry fire ...

    Eurotunnel services have resumed following a lorry fire that left thousands of passengers stranded on both sides of the Channel.

    All passenger services and the Eurotunnel Le Shuttle car service were halted after the vehicle caught fire at the French end of the underground railway’s south tunnel on Saturday.

    Large queues built up at St Pancras station, Eurostar’s London terminus, as services were cancelled following the fire, and similar scenes were reported in Paris, with many holidaymakers forced to look for alternative transport or hotels.

    A Eurotunnel spokesman said on Twitter: “Service resuming from the UK at 02.45 UK Time and from France at 04.30 CET.”

    Empty trains were sent through the tunnel to ensure it was clear and customers were being offered transfers to ferries until the service recommenced, the spokesman added...............

  104. ECB poised to pull QE trigger on deflation ...

    The stage is set this week for the European Central Bank to unleash its biggest weapon yet in the battle against deflation in the eurozone, analysts said.

    Financial markets and ECB watchers are betting that central bank chief Mario Draghi will unveil a programme of sovereign bond purchases known as quantitative easing (QE) at the first policy meeting of this year on Thursday (Jan 22).

    With area-wide inflation turning negative in December - consumer prices fell by 0.2 per cent across the single currency region - the alarm bells have been ringing, and Draghi and other top ECB officials have been busy priming the markets for action. Draghi said the bank had few other options at its disposal to counter the risk of deflation, a dangerous downward spiral of falling prices.

    And ECB executive board member Benoit Coeure said in multiple interviews that the central bank's governing council would debate the size of such a programme this week...............

  105. Brazil, Netherlands recall Indonesia ambassadors after executions...

    Brazil and the Netherlands recalled their ambassadors in Indonesia after the Southeast Asian nation ignored their pleas for clemency and executed six prisoners for drug offences on Sunday, the first executions under President Joko Widodo.

    The five foreigners and one Indonesian were killed by firing squad shortly after midnight, the Attorney General's Office said. The foreigners were from Nigeria, Malawi, Vietnam, the Netherlands and Brazil...............

  106. 'Israel strike' kills Hezbollah men in Syria's Golan Heights ...

    An Israeli air strike has killed several Hezbollah fighters in the Syrian sector of the Golan Heights, the Lebanese militant movement says.

    Hezbollah's al-Manar television said the fighters were killed in Quneitra province "during a field reconnaissance mission". It did not give details.

    Israel said it would not comment.............

  107. ‘Outdated’ UK laws hamper counter-terrorism ...

    Britain’s ability to prevent terrorist attacks is hampered by outdated laws that are “no longer fit for purpose,” a former MI5 chief said in an interview published on Sunday, as the government considers new powers to monitor the Internet.

    Jonathan Evans, director-general of MI5 from 2007 to 2013, said laws should allow the intelligence services to properly monitor possible threats to national security.

    Islamist gunmen killed 17 people in Paris earlier this month, pushing enhanced anti-terrorism laws up Britain’s political agenda. Britain is on its second-highest threat level, meaning an attack is considered highly likely.

    “The legal powers under which the police and security agencies access communications for intelligence or evidential purposes have become outdated; they were not designed for the current digital world,” Evans wrote in the Sunday Telegraph newspaper.........

  108. An Argentine federal prosecutor who accused President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner last week of a cover-up has been found dead at his home in the capital, Buenos Aires...

    Alberto Nisman was investigating the 1994 bombing of a Jewish centre in Buenos Aires in which 85 people died.

    On Wednesday, he accused the president of involvement in a plot to cover up Iran's alleged role in the bombing.

    The president's spokesman dismissed the allegations as "ridiculous".

    Mr Nisman, 51, was found dead by his mother in the bathroom of his home..............

  109. Terror attacks top of agenda at EU leaders meeting ...

    EU foreign ministers are to meet in Brussels today to discuss counter-terrorism issues and relations with Russia.

    The meeting, the first of EU foreign ministers in 2015, will be attended by Minister for Foreign Affairs Charlie Flanagan.

    Referencing recent terrorist attacks in France and Nigeria, Mr Flanagan said strong partnership between EU member states, third world countries and the Middle East was needed.

    He also said that "terrorism does not respect borders"...............

  110. 72% des Belges sont favorables à la présence de militaires en rue ...

    Les Belges adhèrent massivement aux mesures de sécurité renforcées du gouvernement Michel. C’est l’un des grands enseignements de notre sondage réalisé par l’institut Ipsos en collaboration avec RTL-TVI, Het Laatste Nieuws et VTM.

    Bruxellois, Wallons et flamands ont en effet été questionnés sur quelques-unes des mesures prises officiellement vendredi par le gouvernement. Même si le sondage a été effectué avant la grande opération antiterroriste de jeudi soir, qui a fait deux morts à Verviers.

    L’enquête indique donc que les personnes interrogées sont massivement (88 %) en faveur de poursuites judiciaires contre les djihadistes de retour en Belgique. Les sondés demandent tout aussi massivement (89 %) des lois spéciales contre le terrorisme. Ils trouvent également souhaitable (à 86 %) que les djihadistes qui reviennent en Belgique se voient privés de leur nationalité............

  111. The European Union foreign policy chief says the bloc is launching an appeal against last month's EU court ruling that ordered the Palestinian group Hamas removed from its terror list for technical reasons...

    Federica Mogherini said Monday the council of ministers will challenge some of the court's finding and consider future action to avoid similar annulments.

    Hamas was put on the EU terrorist list as part of broader measures to fight terrorism in the wake of the Sept. 11 attacks and its funds were frozen. Hamas has long contested the classification.

    An EU high court on Dec. 17 said the reason for listing it was based too much on media and Internet reports, and not enough on acts examined by competent authorities.

  112. Ukraine: un hôpital touché par un tir de roquettes dans le centre de Donetsk ...

    Un hôpital a été touché lundi à la mi-journée par un tir de roquettes dans le centre-ville de Donetsk, dans l'Est séparatiste de l'Ukraine, ont constaté des journalistes de l'AFP sur place.

    Ce bombardement a fait six blessés, parmi lesquels un médecin et cinq patients, selon le ministère des situations d'urgence de la "république" séparatiste de Donetsk.

  113. Borrowers all over southern Europe who took Swiss franc loans are now facing bankruptcy, as interest rates on the Alpine currency soar...

    At least 19 borrowers have committed suicide in the Balkans due to inability to pay, according to Kemal Durakovic, president of the Association of Foreign Loan Borrowers.

    Some bankrupt borrowers are threatening hunger strikes if the authorities do not take action.

    Durakovic told the Anadolu Agency that there are 9,802 borrowers in Bosnia and Herzegovina, out of which 6,100 are in the Federation and 3,702 in the Republika Srpska.

    He noted that the new situation affected about 50,000 Bosnians.

    But the jump in Swiss franc interest rates has affected hundreds of households across Europe, according to borrower associations.

    The number in France is relatively low, with only 5,000 loans outstanding, but is much larger in Hungary, Ukraine, Bosnia and Herzegovnia, Croatia, Cyprus, Serbia, the U.K. and Iceland............................

  114. It is inconvenient for Europe to show truth about south-east Ukraine, Russia ForMin says ...

    It is inconvenient for Europe to show all the truth about the tragedy in south-eastern Ukraine. That is why criticizing Kiev’s policy is not standing high with Western media, the Russian Foreign Ministry said on Monday, commenting on the Euronews TV channel’s coverage of the latest events in south-eastern Ukraine.

    “Despite certain attempts by Euronews to make its reports more or less balanced, it is regretful that the coverage of the latest events in Ukraine, where the Kiev authorities have resumed a full-scale military operation against the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics in violation of all the ceasefire agreements, especially the September (2014) Minsk Protocol and the Memorandum, has been rather lopsided,” the Russian Foreign Ministry went on to say.........................

  115. European shares hit 7-year high as Italian banks rally ...

    European shares hit a seven-year high today as Italian banks rallied, boosted by the prospect of a significant corporate governance revamp, and Swiss shares clawed back some of last week's sharp losses.

    Broader market sentiment has been supported by expectations the European Central Bank will unveil plans to buy sovereign bonds at the end of a policy meeting on Thursday in a bid to boost inflation expectations in the region...............

  116. Podemos se distancia de Syriza a menos de una semana de las elecciones griegas ...

    La formación progresista española, Podemos, marcó este lunes distancia con la coalición griega Syriza, con la que mantenía estrechos vínculos, a menos de una semana de las elecciones en Grecia.

    Syriza, la formación que lidera Alexis Tsipras, se sitúa según las encuestas en puertas de la mayoría absoluta.

    En una rueda de prensa en Madrid, la secretaria de Análisis Político y Social de Podemos, Carolina Bescansa, estimó que "sería una inferencia no legítima creer que lo que ocurra en Grecia será lo que ocurra en España".

    "Hay una similitud entre las dificultades de Grecia y España, pero también mucha diferencia de partida entre ambos países" señaló la dirigente para insistir en que "Grecia no es España", una frase muy compartida entre los dirigentes políticos españoles en vísperas de los comicios griegos, especialmente por el presidente conservador Mariano Rajoy...................

  117. Les pays de l’Union européenne ont convenu de la nécessité de poursuivre la politique de sanctions à l'encontre de la Russie, a annoncé lundi le chef de la diplomatie polonaise Grzegorz Schetyna, cité par EUObserver...

    "Nous avons été unanimes à décider de ne pas changer de politique à l'égard de la Russie", a déclaré le ministre à l'issue de quatre heures de discussion au sein du Conseil de l’Union européenne.

    La chef de la diplomatie européenne Federica Mogherini a déclaré auparavant que les ministres des Affaires étrangères des pays de l'UE n'adopteraient pas de décisions sur les sanctions contre la Russie, mais poursuivraient la discussion déjà engagée et prépareraient des décisions pour les futures rencontres européennes..................

  118. Donezk unter massivem Feuer ukrainischer Militärs ...

    Die ukrainischen Militärkräfte haben am Montag das Territorium der „Volksrepublik Donezk“ (DVR) 37 Mal unter Beschuss genommen, wie die Donezker Nachrichtenagentur unter Berufung auf das Verteidigungsministerium der selbsterklärten Republik meldet.

    Es seien dabei vier Menschen getötet und 20 weitere verletzt worden, heißt es.

    Kiew hatte am Sonntag den Beschuss von Donezk verstärkt und offiziell bekanntgegeben, dass die Militärkräfte im Flughafen der Stadt eine massive Sonderoperation durchführen. Bei den schweren Kämpfen wurden Wohnhäuser, Versorgungsleitungen und Infrastrukturobjekte beschädigt......................

  119. Donbass : 30 tués dans les raids des avions de Kiev sur Gorlovka ...

    30 habitants civils, des enfants compris, ont été tués dans des raids menés par des avions de l'armée ukrainienne contre les quartiers résidentiels de Gorlovka dans le Donbass, a communiqué lundi aux journalistes le chef adjoint de l'état-major de la République populaire autoproclamée de Donetsk Edouard Bassourine.

    Il a précisé que les bombes avaient été larguées par des Soukhoï Su-24 d'une altitude de 5 000 mètres environ. « Cela veut dire qu'ils n'ont visé aucune cible militaire. Ils larguaient tout simplement les bombes sur la ville », a-t-il noté.
    Lire la suite:

  120. Kiev wants to invite NATO experts to train Ukrainians mobilized into army ...

    Ukraine wants to invite American NATO experts to teach an art of war to mobilized Ukrainians, Yuriy Chizhmar who is in charge of military and patriotic work at the Society of Assistance to the Defense of Ukraine told a news conference in Kiev on Monday.

    “We are taking an active part in negotiations to attract NATO experts from the United States,” he said.

    At the same time, NATO has already launched some military training programs in Ukraine. “We are training about 100 people at our weekly course of intensive NATO training. They acquire military professions of a machine gunner, a submachine-gunner, and so on,” Chizhmar said.

    A Ukrainian delegation will take part in meetings of the NATO military committee on January 20-22. The sides will also discuss prospects of military cooperation in the Ukraine-NATO format.................

  121. Egyptian jihadists claimed Monday to have bombed a pipeline in the Sinai that carries gas to Jordan, saying it was targeted over Amman's role in the US-led war on the Islamic State group...

    Ansar Beit al-Maqdis, Egypt's deadliest militant group which has pledged allegiance to IS, tweeted unverified pictures of the claimed attack, without saying when it was carried out...............

  122. Political earthquakes could be in store for Europe in 2015, according to research by the Economist Intelligence Unit for the BBC's Democracy Day...

    It says the rising appeal of populist parties could see some winning elections and mainstream parties forced into previously unthinkable alliances.

    Europe's "crisis of democracy" is a gap between elites and voters, EIU says...........

  123. «Le chômage va continuer d’augmenter», avertit l’Organisation internationale du travail ...

    Huit millions de chômeurs supplémentaires en 2015

    En 2019, plus de 212 millions de personnes seront privées d’emploi, en hausse par rapport aux 201 millions actuellement recensés, selon le rapport annuel de l’OIT. « Plus de 61 millions d’emplois ont été perdus depuis le début de la crise mondiale en 2008. Nos projections montrent que le chômage continuera de s’aggraver jusqu’à la fin de la décennie. La crise de l’emploi est loin d’être terminée », a déclaré lundi à Genève le directeur général de l’OIT Guy Ryder...............

  124. The International Monetary Fund on Tuesday (Jan 20) sharply cut its 2015-2016 world growth forecast of only six months ago, saying lower oil prices did not offset pervasive weaknesses around the globe...

    The IMF said poorer prospects in China, Russia, the euro area and Japan will hold world growth to just 3.5 per cent this year and 3.7 per cent in 2016. That was 0.3 percentage points lower than in its previous World Economic Outlook in October, and underscored the steady deterioration of the economic picture for many countries, due to sluggish investment, slowing trade and falling commodity prices.

    While the United States will remain the one bright spot among major economies, Europe will continue to struggle with disinflation, and China's growth, hit by slower export growth and a real estate slump, will drag to its slowest pace in a quarter-century. The IMF forecast that the United States, the world's largest economy, will expand by 3.6 per cent this year, up a half-percentage point from the previous outlook.................

  125. IWF senkt Aussichten für Weltwirtschaft ...

    Die Weltwirtschaft wird in diesem Jahr langsamer als erwartet wachsen. Der Internationale Währungsfonds (IWF) schraubte seine bisherige Prognose für das globale Wachstum um 0,3 Punkte auf 3,5 Prozent nach unten.

    Grund dafür seien etwa schwächere Aussichten in China, Russland, Japan und im Euro-Raum, hieß es bei der Vorstellung des Berichts in Peking. Vorteile durch fallende Ölpreise würden durch ungünstige andere Faktoren wie schwächere Investitionen wegen geringerer Wachstumserwartungen zunichte gemacht. Stagnation und niedrige Inflation geben nach wie vor ein Grund zur Sorge in Japan und der Euro-Zone, hieß es von den Ökonomen.

    Als einziges großes Industrieland wurde die Wachstumsvorhersage für die USA wegen der starken heimischen Nachfrage für 2015 um 0,5 Punkte auf 3,6 Prozent nach oben korrigiert..................

  126. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has condemned an apparent threat by the Islamic State group to kill two Japanese hostages...

    A video purportedly from the group shows a militant threatening to kill two hostages unless a ransom is paid.

    In the video, which has not been independently verified, the man also criticises Japan for pledging aid to countries fighting Islamic State (IS).

    Mr Abe said the threat was unacceptable and vowed to save the hostages.

    He added that their lives were his "top priority" and that Japan would not give in to terrorism.

    Japan's foreign ministry said it was working to verify the video......................

  127. The European Union on Monday called for an anti-terror alliance with Arab countries to boost cooperation and information-sharing in the wake of a string of deadly attacks and arrests across Europe...

    Foreign ministers meeting in the shadow of Paris’s Islamist attacks and a wave of arrests across Europe agreed on the need to work with Arab nations, and Turkey in particular, to counter the growing threat.

    EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini said after the meeting in Brussels that "probably for the first time there was real deep awareness of the need to work together."

    "We are looking at specific projects to launch in the coming weeks with some specific countries to increase the level of co-operation on counter-terrorism, and I would name Turkey, Egypt, Yemen, Algeria and the Gulf countries," she said.....................

  128. Le Donbass et Kiev prêts à combattre jusqu'au bout ...

    Le président ukrainien Piotr Porochenko a enfin répondu aux appels de son homologue russe Vladimir Poutine, qui voulait obtenir le cessez-le-feu et le retrait des armes lourdes de la zone du conflit, écrit mardi le quotidien Nezavissimaïa gazeta.

    Kiev s'est déclaré prêt à le faire dès le 19 janvier mais les combats dans le Donbass n'ont pas cessé.

    Lundi, les forces ukrainiennes et les insurgés ont poursuivi leurs échanges de tirs et les bombardements près des banlieues de Donetsk, de Gorlovka, de Debaltsev et d'autres villes situées sur la ligne de démarcation entre les deux camps. La situation à Donetsk est actuellement très difficile, alors qu'Alexandre Zakhartchenko, chef de la République populaire de Donetsk, évoquait hier des frappes aériennes sur Gorlovka dimanche: "Un représentant du centre de coordination était sous ces tirs. Des bombes explosaient même près de la mission de l'OSCE à Donetsk". Kiev nie pourtant ces raids aériens...................

  129. EU drängt Russland zur Aufhebung des Lebensmittelembargos ...

    Die EU-Kommission hat der russischen Agraraufsichtsbehörde Rosselchosnadsor vorgeschlagen, im Falle der Aufhebung des Lebensmittelembargos wieder Kartoffeln und Fleischdelikatessen nach Russland zu liefern, schreibt die Zeitung „Nowyje Iswestija“ am Dienstag..............

  130. Kiev guarda silencio sobre la situación en el aeropuerto de Donetsk ...

    El Ejército de Ucrania optó por no ofrecer información sobre lo que está ocurriendo en estos momentos en el aeropuerto de Donetsk, escenario de los combates más intensos en el este de Ucrania, anunció este martes el portavoz de la operación en Donbás, Leonid Matiujin.

    "La información sobre lo que está ocurriendo (en el aeropuerto) no se va a hacer pública por el momento", dijo Matiujin, sin explicar las causas de esta decisión. El funcionario se limitó a afirmar que las tropas ucranianas mantienen el control del recinto.

    Las fuerzas ucranianas informaron el lunes del derrumbe del forjado de la nueva terminal del aeropuerto, lo que causó varios heridos entre los militares. El aeropuerto de Donetsk es un punto estratégico por el que las fuerzas de Kiev y las milicias pelean desde hace meses.................

  131. Poroshenko says Ukraine will need no Russian gas in 2 years ...

    Ukraine will need no Russia gas in a span of two years, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko said on Monday

    “I am fully convinced that in two years we do not need gas from Russia,” Ukraine’s news agency Ukrinform quoted him as saying at the Institute of Europe at the University of Zurich. In his words, it would be a major factor of Ukraine’s energy security.......

  132. Japan PM Demands Islamic State Release Hostages ...

    Japan’s government is vowing not to give in to terrorism after Islamic State militants released a videotaped threat to kill two Japanese citizens held hostage.

    A man clad in black and speaking with a British accent said, in a video posted online Tuesday, that unless $200 million is paid to his group, two Japanese men will be executed.

    The knife-wielding man is seen standing in between the two Japanese, who are clad in orange jumpsuits and are kneeling on the desert ground. The man said unless Japan pays the money within 72 hours, “this knife will become your nightmare.”

    Just hours after the video’s release, Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe, on a visit to the Middle East, was defiant, issuing a “strong demand” for the release of the Japanese men.

    Speaking to reporters in Jerusalem, Abe said the demand to pay ransom in exchange for the lives of the hostages is unforgivable. The prime minister added that Japan will not give in to terrorism...............

  133. Guilty of Ukraine war crimes to face justice at international courts — Russia’s IC...

    Those guilty of killing civilians in Ukraine’s south-east are to face trials at international courts, Russia’s Investigative Committee spokesman Vladimir Markin said on Tuesday.

    Russia cannot remain indifferent while observing the crimes which have been committed in Ukraine under the cover of the so-called anti-terrorist operation launched in April, Markin said in an interview with the Sobesednik newspaper.

    Markin stressed that under the Russian Criminal Code, foreign nationals and non-citizens who do not live in Russia and committed crimes outside the country are to be liable to criminal proceedings if these crimes are aimed against the interests of the country or its citizens....................

  134. French police detain five Chechens suspected of plotting attack ...

    French police have detained five Chechens in southern France on suspicion of preparing an attack on French soil, police and prosecutors said Tuesday.

    Police said four of the suspects had been detained in the city of Montpellier on Monday, while the fifth had been arrested in the nearby town of Beziers.

    The prosecutor said certain "products" had been recovered during their searches, but declined to give further details. According to the regional Midi Libre newspaper, police had uncovered a cache of explosives.

    France is on high alert following three days of attacks by jihadists earlier this month in Paris that left 17 dead.............

  135. USA-Russie: pas de coopération sans respect des normes internationales (Tefft)...

    Les Etats-Unis préféreraient coopérer avec la Russie pour régler différents problèmes du monde, mais à condition que Moscou respecte les principes internationaux, a déclaré mardi l'ambassadeur américain en Russie John Tefft................

  136. Das russische Verteidigungsministerium hat die von Kiew verbreiteten Informationen über eine Verlegung russischer Militärs in die Ukraine als „puren Unsinn“ zurückgewiesen....

    Wie der amtliche Sprecher des russischen Verteidigungsministeriums, Generalmajor Igor Konaschenkow, am Dienstag in Moskau sagte, spotten die besagten Berichte jeder Kritik.

    Der Rat für nationale Sicherheit und Verteidigung (SNBO) der Ukraine hatte am Montag mitgeteilt, dass zwei “taktische Bataillonsgruppen“ der russischen Streitkräfte die russisch-ukrainische Grenze überschritten hätten.

    „Die am Montag von Kiew verbreiteten Äußerungen, laut denen Einheiten der russischen Streitkräfte über die russisch-ukrainische Grenze verlegt worden seien, spotten jeder Kritik. Das ist purer Unsinn“, so Konaschenkow.

    1. Le ministère russe de la Défense a qualifié mardi d'absurde la déclaration de Kiev sur l'envoi de militaires russes en Ukraine...

      "Les déclarations faites lundi par Kiev et portant sur le passage par des unités militaires russes par la frontière ukraino-russe sont absolument absurdes", a déclaré mardi le porte-parole du ministère Igor Konachenkov.

      Le Conseil de sécurité nationale et de défense d'Ukraine (SNBO) a déclaré lundi que "deux bataillons tactiques" russes avaient franchi la frontière ukrainienne.
      Lire la suite:

  137. Ukraine Issues ‘In Absentia’ Arrest Warrant for Ex-president ...

    At the request of the office of Ukraine’s Prosecutor General, a Kyiv court issued an ‘in absentia’ arrest warrant for former president Viktor Yanukovych.

    The move is a procedural requirement needed for requesting Yanukovych's extradition from Russia, the Prosecutor General’s office said in a statement released Tuesday..................

  138. Russia might deliver a long-overdue S-300 air defence missile system to Iran, honouring a contract that was cancelled in 2010 following strong pressure from the West, Iranian and Russian media said on Jan. 20...

    Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu is visiting Tehran and signed an agreement with Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Hossein Dehqan to boost cooperation, Iran's Fars semi-official news agency said.

    Fars said the two countries would resolve problems with the delivery of the advanced missile system, while Russia's RIA state news confirmed the issue was once again under discussion.

    "A step was taken in the direction of cooperation on the economy and arms technology, at least for such defensive systems such as the S-300 and S-400. Probably we will deliver them," RIA quoted Colonel General Leonid Ivashov as saying.

    Ivashov is the former head of the defence minister's department of international cooperation.

    No further details were immediately available.................

  139. Grèce: l'extrême droite française espère une victoire de la gauche radicale Syriza ...

    La présidente du Front national, le parti français d'extrême droite qui est l'un des plus puissants de cette mouvance en Europe, a dit mardi espérer une "victoire de Syriza", le parti de la gauche radicale hellénique, aux élections législatives du 25 janvier en Grèce.

    "Je suis complètement cohérente", a déclaré Marine Le Pen, le chef de file du FN, au quotidien Le Monde. Soutenir Syriza "ne fait pas de moi une militante d'extrême gauche", a-t-elle affirmé. "Nous ne sommes pas d'accord avec tout leur programme, notamment sur le plan de l'immigration. Mais nous nous réjouirons de leur victoire", a-t-elle ajouté.

    Selon Marine Le Pen, "il y a une fracture en Europe qui passe par la reprise en main des peuples contre le totalitarisme de l'Union européenne et de ses complices, les marchés financiers"...............

  140. China on Tuesday said it welcomed the dialogue between the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) and the United States on Monday in Singapore, calling for an early resumption of the six-party talks on the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula...

    Launched in 2003, the six-party talks involves China, the DPRK, the United States, the ROK, Japan and Russia.

    China supports the DPRK and the United States in bettering bilateral ties, said Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying at a daily press briefing.

    "We welcome increased mutual understanding and trust through dialogue and contact, which jointly work for the stability of the Korean Peninsula and forge ahead the process of the denuclearization," said Hua.

    China hopes relevant dialogue and contacts will create conditions for the early resumption of the six-party talks, she added................


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