Thursday, January 1, 2015

Isotop and Introspect Global News in brief (January 2015 - A)

Obwohl die bindenden Entscheidungen im Europäischen Rat einstimmig getroffen werden, habe er "über Jahre erlebt, dass Regierungschefs zu Hause so taten, als wären sie nicht dabei gewesen", monierte Barroso. Besonders Frankreich habe zwar häufig Entscheidungen auf EU-Ebene mitgetragen, aber im eigenen Land so getan, als hätte eine fremde Macht die Änderungen zu verantworten...........................Ex-Kommissionschef Barroso wirft EU-Regierungschefs Desinteresse vor
(Global INTEL Breaking News as comments )
(Global INTEL Flash News as comments )


  1. North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has offered to hold talks at the highest level with South Korea....

    President Kim was giving his new year message broadcast on state television.

    He said if Pyongyang's conditions were met, he would even be prepared to hold a summit meeting with South Korean President Park Geun-hye.

    South Korea said the move was "meaningful", and talks should include "practical and frank discussions on all issues of mutual concern".

    "Our government hopes for dialogue between the South and North Korean authorities in the near future without limits on format," said Unification Minister Ryoo Kihl-jae, quoted by the South's Yonhap news agency.

    On Monday, Mr Ryoo had called for dialogue to resume on issues including reunions for families separated by the Korean War, adding that he hoped North Korea would respond positively.

    He offered to meet in Seoul, Pyongyang or any other South or North Korean city agreed with North Korean officials.
    'Tense mood'

    In his address, Mr Kim said the "tragic" division of Korea could no longer be tolerable and acceptable.

    "Depending on the mood and circumstances, there is no reason not to hold a high-level summit," he said.

    But later in his speech, Mr Kim condemned joint US-South Korean defence drills for deepening tensions on the peninsula...................

  2. Paris attend un "cessez-le-feu respecté" pour livrer ses navires à la Russie....

    La France attend "un cessez-le-feu respecté" et "une feuille de route politique" en Ukraine pour livrer les navires de guerre Mistral vendus à la Russie, même si "des efforts" dans le bon sens sont enregistrés dans la région, selon le ministre français de la Défense........

  3. At least 36 people have been killed and dozens injured after a stampede broke out during New Year's celebrations in the Chinese city of Shanghai, state-run media has said...

    Citing Sina News, CCTV America said the the cause of the stampede on the Bund, the financial hub of Shanghai's popular waterfront area, was still unclear.

    At least 48 people were also injured, reports said................

  4. Earthquake M 4.5 - 30 km SW of Zákynthos - local time: 08:16 ...
    Magnitude M 4.5
    Region IONIAN SEA
    Date time 2015-01-02 06:16:31.9 UTC
    Location 37.62 N ; 20.63 E
    Depth 2 km
    275 km W of Athens, Greece / pop: 729,137 / local time: 08:16:31.9 2015-01-02
    119 km SW of Pátra, Greece / pop: 163,360 / local time: 08:16:31.9 2015-01-02
    30 km SW of Zákynthos, Greece / pop: 11,541 / local time: 08:16:31.9 2015-01-02
    21 km SW of Mouzaki, Greece / pop: 1,545 / local time: 08:16:31.9 2015-01-02

  5. Un navire avec 450 clandestins à bord dérive près des côtes italiennes ...

    (Belga) Un navire marchand transportant 450 immigrés clandestins et abandonné par son équipage dérivait dans la nuit de jeudi à vendredi près des côtes italiennes, en panne de machines, a annoncé l'armée de l'air italienne.

    Un hélicoptère a été envoyé pour hélitreuiller des hommes sur le navire afin qu'ils tentent d'en prendre le contrôle, a déclaré l'armée de l'air. Vers minuit, le bateau se trouvait à 65 kilomètres au large du cap de Leuca, à la pointe sud-est de l'Italie, dans une mer agitée, a-t-elle indiqué. "En raison des conditions météorologiques difficiles, le navire ne peut être abordé que par la voie des airs", précise le communiqué.................

  6. There has been outrage in India after police in Prime Minister Narendra Modi's home state of Gujarat conducted mock security drills using fake "militants" dressed as Muslims...

    A video of a drill in Surat district showed police restraining men wearing long tunics and white skullcaps.

    Another video shot in the Narmada district had the "militants" shouting "Islam Zindabad (Long live Islam)".

    Muslim leaders have called the videos "atrocious and highly condemnable".

    Critics say the videos stereotype Muslims, who make up nearly 14% of the country's 1.2 billion population.

    After the videos were shown on Indian TV channels, Gujarat Chief Minister Anandiben Patel admitted that the exercise was "a mistake".

    "It's wrong to link religion with terrorism. The issue has been resolved and the matter should be put to rest now. The mistake has been rectified," the chief minister said..................

  7. Un bateau pakistanais, poursuivi par la marine indienne, se fait exploser ...

    L'équipage d'un bateau de pêche pakistanais a fait sauter et couler son embarcation après avoir essayé d'échapper à la marine indienne lors d'une course poursuite en mer, ont annoncé vendredi les autorités indiennes. Les quatre membres du bateau provenant des environs de Karachi, la grande cité portuaire pakistanaise, ont probablement été tués dans cet incident survenu dans la nuit du 31 décembre au 1er janvier.

    Une opération terroriste?
    Selon le parti nationaliste hindou BJP du Premier ministre indien Narendra Modi, il s'agit d'une "possible opération terroriste". "Il s'agit possiblement d'une nouvelle tentative de faire passer des terroristes en territoire indien", a déclaré le porte-parole du BJP, GVL Narasimha Rao, sur la chaîne d'information NDTV..............

  8. „Gefährliche Destabilisierung“.... Ifo-Chef Sinn warnt vor Kollaps Russlands ...

    Hans-Werner Sinn warnt vor einem Zusammenbruch der russischen Wirtschaft. Der Chef des Ifo-Instituts sieht die schwache Wirtschaft als Bedrohung für die russische Gesellschaft – und auch für die deutsche Industrie.

    Der Chef des Münchner Ifo-Instituts, Hans-Werner Sinn, hat vor einem Zusammenbruch der russischen Wirtschaft gewarnt. Die Devisenreserven reichten gerade noch, um den Schuldendienst für zwei Jahre zu leisten und von Exportüberschüssen könne wegen des sinkenden Ölpreises nicht mehr die Rede sein, schrieb Sinn in einem am Samstag veröffentlichten Gastbeitrag für die „Wirtschaftswoche“.

    Um nicht neue Schulden aufbauen zu müssen, sei Russland zu einer dramatischen Verringerung der Importe gezwungen. Das setze die russische Bevölkerung einem hohen Leidensdruck aus. Dadurch drohe „eine gefährliche Destabilisierung der russischen Gesellschaft“. „Auch ein völliger Kollaps der Wirtschaft ist mittlerweile nicht mehr auszuschließen.“ Dieser hätte nicht nur Folgen für in Russland stärker engagierte Banken Frankreichs und Österreichs, er würde auch die deutsche Industrie empfindlich treffen................

  9. Lebanon imposes visas on Syrians for first time ...

    Lebanon is to impose visa restrictions on Syrians for the first time after being overwhelmed by an influx of more than 1.1 million refugees, according to documents published online.

    The new regulations, posted on the website of the General Security agency, come into effect on January 5 and lay out eight new visa categories, including for tourism and medical treatment.

    The requirement appeared to be the first time Lebanon has demanded that Syrians apply for visas.

    Citizens of both countries have for decades been able to travel freely across their shared border.........

  10. Iran dementiert: Keine Einigung mit USA über Atomtransport nach Russland ...

    Das Außenministerium in Teheran hat Medienberichte über eine angeblich vereinbarte Entsendung von atomwaffenfähigem Material nach Russland als falsch zurückgewiesen.

    Die Nachrichtenagentur AP hatte unter Berufung auf Diplomatenkreise gemeldet, dass der Iran und die USA sich vorläufig darauf geeinigt hätten, bedeutende Teile des atomwaffenfähigen Materials aus dem Iran nach Russland zu bringen. Nach Angaben der Zeitung New York Times könnte der Iran im Fall einer Einigung mit Sechsergruppe einen Teil seiner Uran-Vorräte zur Verarbeitung nach Russland schicken.............

  11. El presidente checo califica al primer ministro de Ucrania de 'ministro de la guerra' ...

    El presidente checo, Milos Zeman, denominó al primer ministro ucraniano, Arseni Yatseniuk, "ministro de la guerra" por rechazar la vía pacífica a la hora de solucionar la crisis en el país.

    El presidente checo, Milos Zeman, denominó al primer ministro ucraniano, Arseni Yatseniuk, "ministro de la guerra" por rechazar la vía pacífica a la hora de solucionar la crisis en el país.

    "Varias declaraciones de Yatseniuk hacen pensar en que es más bien ministro de la guerra, porque no busca una solución pacífica al conflicto como lo aconseja la Comisión Europea sino que quiere resolverlo a la fuerza", dijo Zeman en una entrevista al periódico checo Pravo.................

  12. The U.S. embassy in Indonesia issued a security alert on Saturday for its citizens in the country's second biggest city Surabaya...

    "The U.S. Embassy has been made aware of a potential threat against U.S.-associated hotels and banks in Surabaya, Indonesia," the embassy said in a statement on its website.

    "The U.S. Embassy recommends heightened vigilance and awareness of one's surroundings when visiting such facilities," it said. The statement gave no further details.............

  13. Human traffickers challenge Europe ...

    Human traffickers are using a new tactic to combat a change in Italy’s approach to dealing with asylum-seekers, leaving a new wave of refugees, mainly from Syria, abandoned in ships steaming toward shore.

    For the second time in a week, authorities in Italy are rescuing illegal migrants from a ship near its coast. This time, the ship carries about 450 people, believed to be mostly from Syria. On Wednesday, twice as many, also believed to be mostly Syrians, had to be rescued from a ship near another Italian port.

    In both cases, all the crew members had fled, leaving the ships on auto-pilot heading toward shore...................

  14. Campagna elettorale in Grecia, si avvantaggiano i comunisti ...

    La campagna elettorale in vista delle elezioni anticipate che in Grecia si terranno il 25 gennaio sarà drammatica, mentre il periodo difficile per il paese potrebbe durare fino a due anni. Ne è convinto l’osservatore politico Pericle Gryspos che per molti anni ha lavorato per la radio-televisione statale ERT.

    Nell’intervista rilasciata all’agenzia russa RIA Novosti, Gryspos ha ammesso che la campagna elettorale potrebbe essere la più dura dal 1974, anno in cui nel paese è tornata la democrazia dopo la caduta dei militari. Secondo il giornalista, ciò è dovuto al fatto che per la prima volta nella storia dell’Unione Europea al potere potrebbe venire un partito con idee comuniste.
    Per saperne di più:

  15. Police in Italy believe traffickers made some $3m (£1.9m; €2.5m) from 359 illegal migrants found abandoned on a cargo ship in the Mediterranean...

    The Ezadeen was towed into the Italian port of Corigliano Calabro after being found by coast guards on Friday.

    Most of those aboard appear to be Syrians, in the second such case involving a freighter this week.

    Both ships reportedly started in Turkey, in a change from the Libyan route usually favoured by gangs.

    The police chief of Cosenza province, Luigi Liguori, said each migrant had paid between $4,000 and $8,000 to board the ship.

    Officers say that the smugglers wore hoods and locked the migrants in the ship's hold before apparently abandoning ship on a lifeboat.............

  16. Flüchtlinge zahlten Tausende Dollar für die Überfahrt...

    Zwischen 4.000 und 8.000 Dollar sollen die Schlepper für den Transport verlangt haben. Sie waren maskiert, bevor sie die Brücke der "Ezadeen" verließen.

    Die Flüchtlinge, die auf dem führungslosen Frachter Ezadeen das Mittelmeer überquerten, haben bis zu 8.000 Dollar für ihre Überfahrt gezahlt. Das sagte der Präfekt des süditalienischen Cosenza, Gianfranco Tomao. Er berief sich dabei auf die Aussagen der 360 Flüchtlinge, die das Schiff im Hafen von Corgliano verließen. Sie hätten ihren Schleusern 4.000 bis 8.000 Dollar gegeben, sagte Tomao. Den Berichten zufolge waren die aus Syrien stammenden Flüchtlinge über den Libanon in die Türkei geflogen, wo sie an Bord der Ezadeen gingen................

  17. Référendum sur une sortie de l'UE: le plus tôt sera le mieux, dit Cameron ...

    David Cameron a souligné dimanche que le plus tôt sera le mieux pour tenir un référendum sur le maintien de la Grande-Bretagne dans l'Union européenne, qu'il a promis d'organiser d'ici à 2017 s'il est réélu en mai.

    "Le référendum doit avoir lieu avant fin 2017. Je serais ravi si nous pouvions le faire plus tôt. Plus je peux avancer vite sur mon engagement d'une renégociation (des termes de l'appartenance à l'UE) et d'un référendum, mieux ce sera", a-t-il déclaré à la BBC.

    David Cameron a promis de longue date la tenue d'ici à 2017 d'un référendum sur le maintien de son pays dans une Union européenne réformée au préalable, si son parti conservateur remporte les législatives de mai.

    S'il n'obtient pas satisfaction sur les réformes, il a répété dimanche qu'il "n'exclut rien", menaçant de faire campagne pour une sortie de l'UE......................

  18. Des tirs d'artillerie sont entendus dans plusieurs quartiers de Donetsk (est de l'Ukraine), rapporte dimanche soir l'administration locale...

    Auparavant, un porte-parole des brigades indépendantistes du Donbass a fait savoir à RIA Novosti que les forces gouvernementales avaient pilonné un quartier de Donetsk, faisant un mort parmi les civils.

    D'après le vice-chef d'état-major des insurgés Edouard Bassourine, la situation reste tendue dans la ville, bien qu'aucune information sur d'éventuelles victimes des tirs ne soit disponible pour le moment..............

  19. Vaclav Klaus: Destabilisierung Russlands schadet dem Westen ...

    Vaclav Klaus hat den Westen vor einer Destabilisierung Russlands gewarnt. Die jetzige Krise sieht der tschechische Ex-Präsident als den größten geopolitischen Umbruch seit 25 Jahren und als einen Rückfall in den Kalten Krieg an.

    „Der Westen und Amerika, aber auch einige unsere „Revolutionäre“ sind dumm, wenn sie denken, dass es in unserem Interesse ist, Russland zu destabilisieren und dort Chaos zu stiften“, sagte Klaus dem Fernsehsender Prima. „Es reicht, dass die Ukraine destabilisiert worden ist.“

    Die Ukraine bezeichnete Klaus als eines der am wenigsten erfolgreichen postkommunistischen Länder: Der ukrainische Staat funktioniere nicht, das Bruttoinlandsprodukt pro Kopf sei noch immer auf dem Stand, auf dem es vor 25 Jahren gewesen sei, das Land sei ethnisch gespalten................

  20. German vice-chancellor warns West against toughening anti-Russian sanctions...

    German Vice-Chancellor, Economic Affairs and Energy Minister Sigmar Gabriel has warned the West against toughening sanctions against Russia and causing the country to become economically weaker.

    “Those who want it provoke an even more dangerous situation for all of us in Europe,” Gabriel said in an interview with the Bild am Sonntag newspaper. “Those who are seeking to even more destabilize Russia from the economic and political point of view are pursuing quite different goals.”

    He said there are forces in Europe and the United States who “would like to floor their superpower rival.”

    This can’t be in the interests of Germany and Europe, Gabriel said.............

  21. Brésil: une sécheresse historique affecte la récolte de café cette année...

    Une sécheresse historique a affecté la récolte de café du Brésil cette année et va également avoir des conséquences pour la production de 2015 du pays, premier producteur et exportateur mondial de la petite graine noire.

    Le géant sud-américain, d’où provient un tiers du café mondial, a cueilli 45,3 millions de sacs de café de 60 kg en 2014, soit 7,7% de moins que l’an dernier, a indiqué mardi le ministère de l’agriculture. En ne prenant en compte que l’arabica, la chute dépasse les 15%, avec une production de 32,3 millions de sacs.

    "Cette récolte avait tout pour être record car beaucoup de plantations étaient neuves et les caféiculteurs avaient investi pour augmenter la productivité. Fin 2013 on imaginait une production de 60 à 65 millions de sacs !", se souvient Gil Barabach, consultant pour le cabinet Safras e Mercado.

    Mais le climat a assombri les perspectives dès les premières semaines de 2014. Une sécheresse historique a frappé le sud et le centre-sud du Brésil, principales régions caféières du pays, et s’est prolongée jusqu’en novembre.

    "Notre pluviométrie habituelle est de 1600 mm ou 1800 mm par an. En 2014, nous n’atteignons pas les 900 mm", décrit Paulo Sergio Elias, porte-parole de la coopérative Cooparaiso, qui, forte de ses 3.000 caféiculteurs, tire un million de sacs d’arabica par an de plantations du Minas Gerais, la principale région productrice du pays..............

  22. First Palestinian ICC case to include Gaza war...

    The “crimes” Israel committed in the most recent Gaza war will be part of the first case the Palestinians plan on referring to the International Criminal Court, a Ramallah-based rights group said.

    The case will be based on Israeli actions in the Occupied West Bank and the Gaza Strip from June 13, 2014, director of the Ramallah-based rights group Al-Haq Shawan Jabarin told Agence France-Presse.

    Chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erakat confirmed Gaza would be one of the cases referred to the court, but also said there would be a file put together on Israeli settlement building on land seized during the 1967 Six-Day War.

    “The main files will be the aggression against Gaza and the settlement file, since this is a continuous crime,” Erakat said on Sunday........

  23. The German government has dismissed a report by Der Spiegel magazine Berlin’s stance on the issue of Greece leaving the euro area has changed...

    “There has been no policy change,” deputy government spokesman Georg Streiter said on Sunday.

    Earlier in the day he voiced the hope Greece would go ahead with an austerity and reform policy even if the chief opposition party - Coalition of the Radical Left Forces (SYRZA) - emerged the winner in the forthcoming January 25 elections.

    “Greece complied with its obligations in the past. The German government proceeds from the understanding that it will observe them further on,” Streiter said.........

  24. Face à l'afflux de réfugiés, le Liban impose des visas aux Syriens ...

    Pour la première fois, le Liban durcit les conditions d'entrée sur son territoire pour les ressortissants syriens, en imposant des visas à la frontière. La mesure, qui entre en vigueur lundi, vise à limiter l'afflux de réfugiés.

    Beyrouth impose désormais des visas aux citoyens syriens pour la première fois dans l'histoire des deux pays voisins. L'objectif : réguler l'afflux de réfugiés au Liban, qui en accueille déjà plus d'un million, selon les autorités libanaises.

    À compter du lundi 5 janvier, le Liban exige donc des Syriens se présentant à la frontière de spécifier le but de leur venue et la durée de leur séjour au Pays du Cèdre, a déclaré samedi le général Abbas Ibrahim, chef de l'appareil de la sûreté générale.................

  25. Hollande: Putin will Ost-Ukraine nicht annektieren ...

    Der russische Präsident Wladimir Putin strebt nach Angaben des französischen Staatschefs François Hollande keine Annexion der abtrünnigen Gebiete im Osten der Ukraine an, will jedoch einen Beitritt der Ukraine zur Nato verhindern.

    „Putin will den Osten der Ukraine nicht annektieren“, sagte Hollande dem Radiosender France inter. „Er (Putin) will, dass die Ukraine nicht ins Lager der Nato wechselt.“

    Im selben Interview rief Hollande Russland auf, die territoriale Souveränität der Ukraine zu respektieren und mit der „Unterstützung der Separatisten“ aufzuhören. Der französische Präsident sprach sich für eine Aufhebung der Russland-Sanktionen aus, sobald es in der Ukraine-Krise einen Fortschritt gebe................

  26. Lever les sanctions antirusses en cas de progrès en Ukraine (Paris)...

    Les sanctions décrétées par l'Occident contre Moscou doivent être levées en cas de progrès dans le règlement de la crise en Ukraine, a indiqué lundi le président français François Hollande en direct sur France Inter.

    Selon lui, si la Russie s'enfonce dans une crise, cela ne sera pas nécessairement bien pour l'Europe. En cas d'apaisement des tensions en Ukraine, l'Occident doit lever ses sanctions contre Moscou, estime le chef de l'Etat français.............Lire la suite:

  27. China has protested to the United States after Taiwan's de facto embassy in Washington hoisted a Taiwanese flag on New Year's Day, calling on the United States to respect the "One China" policy, the foreign ministry said on Monday...

    Taiwan's China Post newspaper reported on Saturday that it was the first time the Taiwanese flag was raised in the United States in 36 years since the United States switched recognition from Taiwan to Beijing in 1979............

  28. Syria's Western-backed political opposition group, the National Coalition for Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces, has elected a new presidential committee and a president widely seen as not tied to any of the body's international sponsors...

    Despite having tenuous links with fighters on the ground and seen as out of touch with ordinary Syrians, the National Coalition remains one of the main parties in international discussions to find solutions to the almost four-year civil war.................

  29. The euro slumped to a nine-year low on Monday as investors bet that the prospect of inflation across the region turning negative and mounting political uncertainty in Greece will force the European Central Bank to unleash quantitative easing...

    European shares were volatile, initially falling sharply before rebounding into positive territory within an hour of the open as investors digested the implications of the weak euro and yet another hefty slide in oil to a 5-1/2 year low.

    The euro fell to $1.18605 in early Asian trading on Monday, its weakest level since March 2006. In early European trade it was at $1.1964, down 0.3 percent from late U.S. trade on Friday.

    Investors betting that the ECB will take the plunge and open up a bond-buying programme like the U.S., UK and Japanese central banks have done were emboldened by an interview ECB president Mario Draghi gave to German financial daily Handelsblatt on Friday.

    He said the risk of the central bank not fulfilling its mandate of preserving price stability was higher now than half a year ago...................

  30. Worries over Greece's future in the euro zone kept shares under pressure today, even as fresh multi-year lows for the euro and crude oil gave a boost to travel and consumer-goods stocks...

    The pan-European FTSEurofirst 300 index was down 0.1 percent, with benchmark indexes in London and Frankfurt also in negative territory. The Paris CAC 40 stayed flat.

    Political uncertainty in Greece was firmly in the spotlight ahead of elections later this month, as German Vice-Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel said the German government wanted Greece to stay in the euro zone.

    The Athens ATG index fell 2 percent, with lenders Bank of Piraeus and Alpha Bank down 3.1 to 3.6 percent.

    The January 25 election in Greece could vault the left-wing Syriza party into power, raising the risk of a sovereign default and severe losses for the European Central Bank on any Greek bonds it holds........................

  31. Wall Street Journal: Ende der Eurozone nah wie noch nie zuvor ...

    Der Ukraine-Konflikt und der Sanktionskrieg mit Russland sind nicht die einzigen Ursachen, warum die Eurozone im vergangenen Jahr mit ihrer Schuldenkrise trotz Prognosen nicht fertig werden konnte, berichtet The Wall Street Journal.

    Nach der Einschätzung der Zeitung ist die Eurozone jetzt so nah an einem Zerfall wie noch nie zuvor..............

  32. Comienza en Berlín reunión sobre Ucrania entre los representantes de Exteriores ...

    En Berlín comenzó una reunión entre los representantes de Exteriores de los países del formato de Normandía (Alemania, Francia, Rusia, Ucrania), informaron a RIA Nóvosti fuentes diplomáticas.

    El encuentro se celebra en el Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores de Alemania a puerta cerrada. La información sobre el comienzo de las consultas en el formato de Normandía la confirmó el portavoz del Consejo de Seguridad Nacional y Defensa de Ucrania (CSND), Andréi Lisenko.Según dichas fuentes, la parte ucraniana viene representada por el director del Departamento para la Política y las Comunicaciones de Exteriores de Ucrania, Alexéi Makéev.............

  33. Espagne: les USA veulent rendre permanente leur présence militaire ...

    Les Etats-Unis veulent amender leur accord de coopération militaire avec l'Espagne de manière à augmenter leurs effectifs déployés sur la base aérienne de Moron de la Frontera, en Andalousie, et à obtenir l'autorisation d'utiliser cette base en permanence afin de "réagir aux crises en Afrique".

    Washington souhaite renégocier son accord avec Madrid signé en 1988 en vue de "faire de Moron de la Frontera une base permanente", rapporte lundi le quotidien El Pais...................

  34. China responds to Japanese leaders' new year remarks ...

    China on Monday responded to Japanese Emperor Akihito and Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's new year remarks by urging the country to remain consistent in its words and actions, and to have a correct understanding about its history of aggression.

    "We have taken note of Japanese leaders' relevant remarks. Only by honestly facing up to history can Japan have a future," said Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying at a press briefing.

    In his "New Year Thoughts" released on Jan. 1, Japanese Emperor Akihito said Japan should learn from history in 2015, which marks the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II.

    "It is most important for us to take this opportunity to study and learn from the history of this war ... as we consider the future direction of our country," said the emperor.

    Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said he will express Japan's remorse for the war, as well as communicate on its postwar history as a pacifist nation and how it will contribute to the Asia-Pacific region and the world.

    "We hope Japan will be consistent in its words and actions, have a correct understanding and attitude towards its history of aggression, and abide by its statements and promises regarding history," Hua said.

    She called on Japan to learn lessons from history and stick to a peaceful development road, and to play a constructive role in regional peace, stability and development.

  35. US-led warplanes target jihadist oil pipeline in Syria ...

    US and coalition aircraft on Sunday targeted a crude oil pipeline and collection depots in Syria held by Islamic State jihadists, the American military said, in the latest bid to undercut the group's oil smuggling.

    Allied fighter jets and bombers carried out 14 air raids near the eastern city of Dayr-az-Zawr since Sunday morning, including six strikes on five crude oil collection points, a pipeline, armored vehicles and a shipping container, the US military said in a statement.................

  36. EU won’t comment on President Hollande's support for easing sanctions on Russia ...

    Brussels -- The European External Action Service will keep in close contact with EU member states which are to participate in the "Normandy format" summit in Astana over Ukraine, EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini's spokeswoman, Catherine Ray, said at a briefing on Jan. 5.

  37. Le chef de l'opposition syrienne rejette le dialogue voulu par Moscou ...

    Le nouveau président de la Coalition nationale de l'opposition syrienne, Khaled Khoja, a exclu lundi la participation de cette formation-clé à un dialogue avec Damas, que la Russie veut relancer pour mettre fin au conflit en Syrie.

    La Coalition, basée à Istanbul et considérée par la communauté internationale comme la principale force d'opposition syrienne, a élu lundi à sa tête M. Khoja, soutenu par les laïcs et les islamistes modérés au sein de l'organisation.

    "Le dialogue avec le régime souhaité par Moscou est hors de question", a-t-il déclaré devant la presse à Istanbul. "Nous ne pouvons-nous assoir à la même table que le régime (...) à moins que cela ne soit dans le cadre de négociations visant à parvenir à une transition pacifique et la formation d'un organe transitoire ayant les pleins pouvoirs", a-t-il affirmé.

    La Coalition a, par deux fois, participé à des négociations, stériles, avec le régime de Damas.......................

  38. Syria complains to U.N.: McCain, others illegally entered country...

    (Reuters) - Syria has complained to the United Nations that U.S. Republican Senator John McCain, former French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner and former U.S. diplomat Peter Galbraith entered the country without visas in violation of its sovereignty.

    Syria's U.N. ambassador, Bashar Ja'afari, called on U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and the 15-member Security Council to pressure governments to take "the necessary measures against their nationals who enter Syrian territory illegally."

    "Such actions are a blatant violation of Syria's sovereignty and of the resolutions of the Security Council concerning Syria," Ja'afari wrote in a letter dated Dec. 30 and seen by Reuters on Monday....................

  39. Turkey determined on EU accession despite Europeans’ mistaken approach, minister says...

    The European Union “mistakenly approaches Turkey based on prejudices” but Ankara is continuing its integration with European institutions with determination, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu has said.

    “We see the mistaken approach of our European friends to Turkey based on prejudices, which leads to unfair practices. While we reject these narrow-minded approaches, we are working on steps that will help us to regain excitement for EU membership,” Çavuşoğlu said on Jan. 5......................

  40. A Turkish army officer, who was abducted on Jan. 1 while on duty along the Turkish-Syrian border, has been brought back to Turkey, Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said Monday....

    Davutoglu made the announcement via his official Twitter account in Turkish and said the sergeant was brought back thanks to the "successful operation of The National Intelligence Organization."

    The top intelligence service of Turkey is also known as the MIT.

    In a televised address on the state broadcaster TRT, Deputy Prime Minister Bulent Arinc named the recovered Turkish army officer as Ozgur Ors and said he was now safe inside Turkish borders.........................

  41. US Coast Guard Reports Surge of Cuban Immigrants ...

    The U.S. Coast Guard says the the number of Cubans picked up at sea trying to reach the United States has surged since President Barack Obama announced plans to restore diplomatic relations with Havana.

    Coast Guard officials say vessels picked up 121 Cuban migrants at sea last week and returned them to the island...............

  42. Il existe une procédure pour sortir de l'UE mais pas de la zone euro ...

    Depuis quelques jours, on croirait avoir fait un bon de cinq ans en arrière, au début de la crise grecque, quand certains se demandaient si Athènes finalement ne ferait pas mieux de sortir de la zone euro. Aujourd'hui, c'est un peu le même scénario qui se reproduit : un candidat aux élections grecques ose dire qu'il faudrait renégocier la dette grecque voire le plan d'aide européen à la Grèce.

    ......On imagine bien que des juristes pourront décortiquer cela pour savoir si cet article veut dire que l'euro en tant que tel est irrévocable ou pas. Mais ce qui est clair, c'est que le traité de Lisbonne prévoit une procédure, très longue mais elle existe, pour sortir de l'Union européenne, donc des 28, mais aucune procédure pour sortir de l'euro, des 19 donc puisque depuis le 1er janvier, la Lituanie a rejoint la zone euro. Il faudrait donc d'abord sortir de l'Union européenne pour être automatiquement exclu de la zone euro.

    S'il n'existe aucune procédure pour sortir de la zone euro une fois qu'on en fait partie, il n'en existe pas non plus dans l'autre sens : aucun texte ne prévoit que la zone euro puisse se débarrasser d'un de ses membres. Bien sûr, si les États de la zone euro décidaient de ne plus aider la Grèce, Athènes aurait de la peine à trouver de l'argent frais sur les marchés à des taux raisonnables................

  43. U.S. oil prices slip below $50 a barrel ...

    U.S. oil prices Monday slipped below $50 a barrel for the first time in more than five years as the surging dollar and news of additional supplies extended a six-month rout.

    U.S. benchmark West Texas Intermediate for February delivery, in free fall since June, ended at $50.04 a barrel, down $2.65 or 5 percent. The contract got as low as $49.95 a barrel earlier in the session, its lowest level since May 1, 2009.

    European benchmark Brent oil for February delivery fell $3.31 to $53.11 a barrel in London..............

  44. La montée de Syriza, problème ou opportunité pour l'Union européenne? ...

    Des élections législatives anticipées se profilent en Grèce avec, largement en tête des intentions de vote, le parti de gauche radicale Syriza. La montée de ce parti inquiète visiblement à la fois la Commission européenne et la chancelière allemande Angela Merkel. Alors, ces partis comme Syriza en Grèce ou Podemos en Espagne sont-ils un problème ou bien une opportunité pour l'Union européenne?.............

  45. Malfunction in Booster Causes Suspension of Dragon Spacecraft Launch: NASA ...

    The launch of the Dragon spacecraft carrying supplies to the International Space Station (ISS) has been postponed due to a malfunction in its carrier booster, the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) said on Tuesday.

    "At 1:21 before launch [scheduled for 11:18 GMT], a thrust vector control actuator for the Falcon 9's 2nd stage failed to perform as expected," the agency said.

    NASA added that the spacecraft's launch has been rescheduled for 10:09 GMT Friday, January 9. The spacecraft was to deliver 1.6 metric tons of cargo, including provisions, equipment for scientific experiments and clothing for the crew...............

  46. Hollande claims leadership among countries seeking detente with Russia - Pushkov ...

    French President Francois Hollande by his statement about the possible lifting of Western sanctions on Russia has claimed leadership among the countries seeing detente in relations with Russia, a senior Russian lawmaker said on Tuesday. “His words may mean the revision by at least some of the EU states of their stance on the current Ukrainian crisis and the country’s prospects,” said Aleksei Pushkov, head of the international affairs committee at the State Duma lower house of parliament............

  47. Oil drilling in the occupied Golan Heights will begin soon as Israel sees the area as an integral part of its nation and Syria has no room to object, experts believe...

    In September 2014, Afek Oil and Gas, a subsidiary of the U.S.-based Genie Energy, won the Israeli government's approval for oil drilling on 153 square miles of the Golan Heights.

    The area, once Syrian territory, was occupied by Israel during the 1967 war and annexed in 1981.

    Oil drilling will being in two weeks as necessary equipment has arrived at the Golan Heights, the official Syrian news agency reported on Jan. 1, 2015.

    The move sparked criticism of Israel as the annexation of Golan Heights into Israeli territory is not internationally recognized.

    UN Security Council Resolution 242, adopted following the 1967 war, establishes principles for setting Israeli borders and withdrawal from territories conquered in 1967, including the Golan Heights..................

  48. Iceland Withdrawal of EU Application in Breach of Referendum Promise ...

    By withdrawing Iceland’s application to join the EU, the country’s ruling Independence Party will break its promise to ask the nation whether it wants to join in a referendum, a member of the Icelandic parliament from the Social Democratic Alliance told Sputnik news agency Tuesday.

    “I think that would be a break of earlier promises made by four ministers from the Independence party that promised before the elections in 2013 that no further moves would be decided without a referendum where people should decide whether the application should continue,” Ossur Skarphedinsson, who was Iceland’s foreign minister at the time the application was submitted in 2009, told Sputnik.............

  49. Alemania plantea una salida 'temporal' de Grecia del euro ...

    El presidente del Instituto de Investigación Económica de Munich (Ifo), Hans-Werner Sinn, ha reclamado la celebración de una conferencia internacional sobre la deuda griega para preparar una "salida temporal" de Grecia de la zona euro, lo que conllevaría una quita de la deuda del país.

    "Grecia tiene que volver a recuperarse económicamente y ser competitiva. Esto requiere una devaluación de su moneda, y por lo tanto una salida temporal del euro, lo que a su vez provocaría una quita. Todo esto debe decidirse de forma unida y coordinada a nivel internacional", afirmó Sinn.......................

  50. Il presidente della commissione Esteri della Duma Alexey Pushkov ritiene che l'uscita della Grecia dall'eurozona sarebbe il colpo più duro accusato dall'Unione Europea nel corso della sua storia...

    "Qualunque cosa dicano a Berlino, un'uscita della Grecia dall'eurozona diventerebbe il colpo più duro per l'Unione Europea nel corso della sua storia. Oggi la Grecia è fondamentale per il futuro dell'Unione Europea", - ha scritto Pushkov nel suo microblog su Twitter.

    In precedenza era stato riferito che le autorità tedesche erano pronte ad un'eventuale uscita della Grecia dall'eurozona. Il cancelliere tedesco Angela Merkel e il ministro delle finanze Wolfgang Schaeuble, nonostante le proprie posizioni esternate in precedenza, avevano definito l'uscita della Grecia dall'euro accettabile.
    Per saperne di più:

  51. Des prisonniers politiques libérés à Cuba à la demande des États-Unis ...

    Le département d'État américain a annoncé mardi que Cuba avait libéré certains prisonniers politiques issus d'une liste de 53 noms soumise par Washington à La Havane. Le nombre exact de prisonniers libérés n'a pas été précisé.

    Cuba a libéré des prisonniers politiques comme le souhaitaient les États-Unis, dans le cadre de l'amorce d'un rapprochement diplomatique entre les deux pays, a indiqué, mardi 6 janvier, le département d'État américain.

    "Ils ont d'ores et déjà libéré certains des prisonniers", a déclaré la porte-parole de la diplomatie américaine Jennifer Psaki, sans dire combien de personnes étaient concernées, et en précisant que ces détenus figuraient sur une liste de 53 noms que Washington avait soumise à La Havane. "Nous voudrions évidemment que cela soit terminé bientôt", a insisté la responsable...............

  52. The refusal of Ukraine’s Right Sector, a radical organization, to be subordinated to the Ukrainian defence ministry “mirrors the situation in the country - absolute anarchy,” a Russian lawmaker said on Tuesday....

    “The country has elected its president, it has a new parliament, but armed people who obey no one go on roaming Kiev,” Frants Klintsevich, first deputy leader of the United Russian faction and a member of the defence committee of the Russian State Duma lower parliament house, told journalists. “In other words, it is absolute anarchy. If you, I mean the Ukrainian authorities, want to be reckoned with in the world, please establish order in Kiev firt.”

    Earlier, adviser to the Ukrainian president Yuri Boiko told the television Channel 5 that Right Sector brigades had refused to be subordinated to the defence ministry. “I personally offered a scheme of complete legalization to the Right Sector. Thus, there were a variety of options that provided for contract service. They turned it down,” he said.

  53. Shell agrees $84m deal over Niger Delta oil spill ...

    Oil giant Royal Dutch Shell has agreed to a $84m (£55m) settlement with residents of the Bodo community in the Niger Delta for two oil spills.

    Lawyers for 15,600 Nigerian fishermen say their clients will receive $3,300 each for losses caused by the spills.

    The remaining $30m will be left for the community, which law firm Leigh Day says was "devastated by the two massive oil spills in 2008 and 2009".

    They say they affected thousands of hectares of mangrove in south Nigeria.........

  54. Grèce: Schulz critique "les spéculations irresponsables" de Berlin ...

    (Belga) Le président du Parlement européen, Martin Schulz, accuse mercredi dans la presse allemande la chancelière Angela Merkel de "spéculations irresponsables" concernant une éventuelle sortie de la Grèce de la zone euro en cas de victoire électorale de la gauche radicale à Athènes fin janvier.

    "Les débats et les spéculations irresponsables sur des scenarii de 'Grexit' (sortie de la Grèce de la monnaie commune européenne, ndlr) n'aident pas vraiment", a souligné le social-démocrate allemand dans le quotidien Die Welt. "Il doit être clair pour tous: il n'est pas question d'une sortie de l'euro.................

  55. Human Rights Watch calls on Merkel to press Kiev to protect civilians in Ukraine ...

    The international human rights organization Human Rights Watch has called on German Chancellor Angel Merkel to press Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseny Yatsenyk to ensure that Ukrainian forces take all feasible precautions to minimize harm to civilians, Deutsche Welle said on Tuesday.

    The call came ahead of Merkel’s meeting with the Ukrainian prime minister due to be held in Berlin on January 8..............

  56. Syria used chlorine gas in attacks, say chemical weapons experts..

    OPCW says 26 people heard ‘whistling’ sound of falling bombs containing toxic chemicals during last year’s attacks.

    Chemical weapons investigators concluded “with a high degree of confidence” that chlorine gas was used as a weapon against three Syrian villages last year, affecting between 350 and 500 people and killing 13, according to a report obtained Tuesday by The Associated Press.

    The third report by a fact-finding mission from the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons didn’t apportion blame but said 32 of the 37 people interviewed “saw or heard the sound of a helicopter over the village at the time of the attack with barrel bombs containing toxic chemicals”...............

  57. UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon posted a statement to the UN's treaty website Tuesday night announcing that Palestine will join the International Criminal Court (ICC) on April 1, Ma'ariv reported Tuesday night...

    This move will enable the Palestinians to file war-crimes against Israel, the report said.

  58. Deflation hits eurozone as energy prices fall ...

    Inflation in the eurozone has turned negative, official figures have shown, with prices in December 0.2% lower than the same month a year earlier.

    The tip into deflation adds pressure on the European Central Bank (ECB) to take further action to stimulate the bloc's economy.

    The bank's inflation target is below but close to 2%.

    The fall was driven mainly by lower energy costs due to the plunging price of oil.

    Energy prices in December were 6.3% lower than a year earlier. If energy prices are excluded, December's inflation rate for the eurozone was 0.6%, the same as in November.

    Prices for food, alcohol and tobacco were estimated to be unchanged from a year earlier, after rising 0.5% in November.

    Prices for services, which had held steady in November, are estimated to have risen 1.2% compared with December 2013.

    It is the first time the eurozone has experienced deflation since the depths of the financial crisis in 2009..................

  59. Le coût des catastrophes naturelles a reculé en 2014 ...

    Les catastrophes naturelles en 2014 ont coûté nettement moins de vies humaines et causé moins de dégâts matériels que celles de 2013, selon une étude publiée mercredi par Munich Re .

    Le géant allemand de la réassurance, dont l’étude annuelle fait référence en la matière, estime à 110 milliards de dollars (93 milliards d’euros) les coûts cumulés des catastrophes de l’an dernier, moins que l’année précédente (140 milliards de dollars) et que la moyenne des dix et même des 30 dernières années.

    Mi-décembre, une étude du groupe suisse de réassurance Swiss RE évaluait les pertes économiques liées aux désastres et catastrophes naturelles à 113 milliards de dollars sur l’année , soit 16% pa rapport à 2013................En savoir plus sur

  60. The price for Brent oil dropped lower than 50% at the London oil exchange - to $49.98 a barrel by 10:50 Moscow time, the lowest since 2009...

    A barrel has lost 2.15% ($1.12) of its cost this Wednesday.

  61. Snow has fallen across parts of the Middle East as part of a strong winter storm moving through the region...

    Snow accumulated in the Golan Heights and northern Israel on Wednesday morning, as well as the mountains of Lebanon. Schools across Jerusalem closed ahead of a forecast warning of 10 inches (25 centimeters) of snowfall.

    Many worried about the storm in Lebanon's Bekaa Valley, where hundreds of thousands of refugees from Syria's civil war live, many in tents......................

    1. Winter storm brings misery to Middle East refugees ...

      A fierce winter storm has brought freezing temperatures to the Middle East, raising worries about the plight of the millions of refugees there.

      Snow has fallen in the mountains around Lebanon's Bekaa Valley, where hundreds of thousands of displaced Syrians live.

      With icy winds blowing there have been attempts to anchor tents more securely, and prepare for flooding.

      The UN is also "extremely concerned" about the situation in Jordan, where it is distributing extra blankets.

      More than 7.6 million people have been displaced inside Syria since the uprising began in 2011, while more than 3.3 million have fled abroad...................

  62. Hollande condemns 'terrorist' attack on French magazine HQ ...

    At least 12 people, including two policemen, have been killed in a shooting at the Paris offices of French satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo.

    Another 20 people were injured in the attack, including four or five critically.

    Police union official Rocco Contento described the scene inside the offices as "carnage"...........

    1. Vigipirate : le niveau maximum, «alerte attentat », activé ...

      Le niveau « alerte attentat » de Vigipirate a été instauré ce mercredi dans la région parisienne à la suite de la fusillade contre Charlie Hebdo . Il s’agit du niveau le plus élevé du dispositif antiterroriste français. Il s’applique quand des projets d’actions terroristes ont été détectés par les services de renseignement, ou quand un acte terroriste a été commis sur le territoire français.

      Des mesures exceptionnelles et temporaires , drastiques, sont alors instaurées comme interdire les grands rassemblements, le stationnement près des écoles, systématiser les contrôles et patrouilles dans ou aux abords des zones sensibles. Des cellules de crise sont mises en place, des unités d’intervention et les services spécialisés sont en alerte. Toutes les mesures applicables au niveau plus simple de « vigilance » restent bien sûr activées, notamment l’interdiction du stationnement près de certains édifices publics qui pourraient constituer une cible de choix pour des attentats ou encore le contrôle des bagages dans les aéroports.......En savoir plus sur

    2. Charlie Hebdo: le monde musulman condamne l'attaque "avec force" ...

      Après l'attaque terroriste contre la rédaction de Charlie Hebdo qui a coûté la vie à au moins douze personnes à Paris, les réactions internationales se multiplient. Alors que les Etats-Unis proposent à la France de collaborer, la Grande-Bretagne et la Russie ont dénoncé le terrorisme avec force. La Turquie, l'Egypte, les pays de la Ligue arabe et la prestigieuse université sunnite Al-Azhar du Caire ont tous condamné l'attentat avec fermeté..................

    3. Italy anti-terrorist committee meeting after Paris attack ...

      Italy called a meeting of its "anti-terrorism" committee Wednesday to examine possible threats following an attack on the offices of French satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo that killed 12 people.

      The Strategic Anti-terrorism Analysis Committee, "made up of experts in anti-terrorism from the police force and intelligence services, will closely examine the terrorist threat in light of the grave attack," the interior ministry said in a statement.

      Interior Minister Angelino Alfano called the meeting after two or three heavily armed gunmen stormed the offices of the Charlie Hebdo weekly, the focus of several attacks since publishing cartoons of the prophet Mohammed in the mid-2000s.

  63. Euro, Öl und Griechen-Bonds im freien Fall: Finanzmärkte spielen verrückt ...

    Euro, Öl und griechische Anleihen befinden sich im freien Fall - während die Preise in der Eurozone nun tatsächlich sinken und die Schweizer Notenbank mit Milliardenbeträgen den Franken manipuliert. Ein Überblick über die jüngsten Extreme an den Märkten.
    Euro fällt auf Neunjahrestief

    Der Euro ist in der Nacht auf 1,1843 US-Dollar gefallen - und damit auf den tiefsten Stand seit Februar 2006. Der Kursrutsch spiegelt die schwache Wirtschaftsentwicklung im Euroraum, während die Konjunktur in Amerika so gut läuft wie seit Jahren nicht mehr. Allerdings: In der Langfristperspektive relativiert sich die aktuelle Euro-Baisse. Denn die Gemeinschaftswährung steht momentan in etwa wieder da, wo sie bei ihrer Gründung 1999 auch stand..................

  64. Greece ready to say goodbye to euro?...

    Greece and the troika (the International Monetary Fund, the EU, and the European Central Bank) are in a dangerous game of chicken. The Greeks have been threatened with a "Cyprus-Style prolonged bank holiday" if they "vote wrong." But they have been bullied for too long and are saying "no more."

    A return to the polls was triggered in December, when the Parliament rejected Prime Minister Antonis Samaras' pro-austerity candidate for president. In a general election, now set for January 25th, the EU-skeptic, anti-austerity, leftist Syriza party is likely to prevail. Syriza captured a 3% lead in the polls following mass public discontent over the harsh austerity measures Athens was forced to accept in return for a €240 billion bailout.

    Austerity has plunged the economy into conditions worse than in the Great Depression. As Professor Bill Black observes, the question is not why the Greek people are rising up to reject the barbarous measures but what took them so long...................

  65. Ukraine-Krise: EU bereitet neue Finanzspritze vor ...

    Die pleitebedrohte Ukraine will von der EU weitere zwei Milliarden Euro an Finanzhilfen. Bislang gaben sich Staats- und Regierungschefs eher zurückhaltend. Laut einem Bericht könnte es nun eine Einigung geben.

    Die Europäische Union bereitet nach Informationen der Deutschen Presse-Agentur neue Finanzhilfen für die Ukraine vor. Die EU-Kommission wolle an diesem Donnerstag am Rande einer Reise von Kommissionspräsident Jean-Claude Juncker nach Lettland entsprechende Ankündigungen machen, hieß es am Mittwoch aus EU-Kreisen. Details wurden zunächst nicht bekannt. Die Ukraine steht wegen des Bürgerkriegs zwischen Regierungstruppen und prorussischen Separatisten im Osten des Landes am Rande eines Staatsbankrotts....................

  66. Spain has raised the perceived security threat level after the attack on French magazine Charlie Hebdo earlier on Wednesday, Interior Minister Jorge Fernandez Diaz told a news conference...

    Fernandez Diaz said the measure was temporary and no additional threat was posed to Spain directly.

  67. Police hunt brothers in Paris attack, third man hands himself in ...

    The youngest of three French nationals being sought by police for a suspected Islamist militant attack that killed 12 people in the capital on Wednesday turned himself into police, an official at the Paris prosecutor's office has confirmed.

    The hooded attackers stormed the Paris offices of Charlie Hebdo, a weekly magazine known for lampooning Islam and other religions, in the most deadly militant attack on French soil in decades.

    French police are still involved in a huge manhunt for two of the attackers who escaped by car after shooting dead some of France's top cartoonists as well as two police officers.

    Police issued a document to forces across the region saying the men were being sought for murder in relation to the Charlie Hebdo attack.

    The document, reviewed by a Reuters correspondent, named them as Said Kouachi, born in 1980, Cherif Kouachi, born in 1982, both from Paris, and Hamyd Mourad, born in 1996.................

  68. One man sought in the deadly shooting at a French satirical paper has turned himself in, and police hunted Thursday for two heavily armed men with possible links to al Qaeda in the military-style, methodical killing of 12 people at the office of a satirical newspaper that caricatured the Prophet Muhammad...

    President Francois Hollande, visiting the scene of France's deadliest such attack in more than half a century, called the assault on the weekly newspaper Charlie Hebdo "an act of exceptional barbarism."..............Read more:

  69. Cameron, Merkel discuss EU reform in London ...

    British Prime Minister David Cameron and visiting German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Wednesday discussed the European Union (EU)'s reform prospects and Britain's relationship with the bloc in London.

    At a press conference following their talks, Cameron reiterated that the EU should be reformed and a reformed EU would be in the interests of both Britain and Europe.

    Referring to Britain's membership in the EU, Merkel urged: "We would very much like to have the UK in a strong and successful Europe."

    Cameron has promised to offer an "in or out" referendum on Britain's EU membership before the end of 2017 if his Conservative Party wins next year's general elections..........

  70. Un homme porteur d'un gilet pare-balles et d'un fusil mitrailleur a tiré jeudi matin près de Paris, deux policiers municipaux « sont à terre », a-t-on appris de source policière...

    Un suspect a été interpellé peu après les coups de feu survenus à Montrouge, dans la banlieue parisienne, a-t-on indiqué de mêmes sources.

    Le ministre de l'Intérieur Bernard Cazeneuve devait se rendre sur les lieux de la fusillade, intervenue au lendemain de l'attaque contre l'hebdomadaire Charlie Hebdo qui a fait 12 morts.
    Lire la suite:

  71. Russian aid convoy for Donbas crosses state border, heads for Donetsk, Lugansk ...

    The Russian Emergencies Ministry convoys with relief aid have crossed the state border and are heading for Ukraine’s Donetsk, Lugansk, Oleg Voronov, deputy head of the national crisis management centre, told TASS on Thursday.

    “The customs clearance procedures are finalised, and over 60 trucks head for Donetsk, and other trucks - for Lugansk,” he said. About 700 tonnes of cargo will be delivered both to Donetsk and to Lugansk.

    Earlier on Thursday, the convoy split into two parts. The relief cargo includes Christmas gifts for children consisting of toys and sweets as well as foods including canned meat, fish and milk; baby food and seven types of grits, including buckwheat, barley groats, barley, wheat farina, rice as well as macaroni products, confectionaries, essentials and medical supplies.................

  72. A policewoman who was shot by a gunman wearing a bullet-proof vest just outside Paris has died and a second victim is in serious condition, police said Jan. 8....

    The man escaped after the attack on Jan. 8 morning, which comes just a day after a deadly Islamist assault on satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo left 12 dead, although no link has yet been established between the two incidents.

    Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve rushed to the scene at Malakoff just south of city, denying information given earlier by a source close to the case, who said the suspect had been detained.

    Cazeneuve had also said just the policewoman was fighting for her life.........

  73. Ukraine, Germany agree on 500 million euro loan guarantees ...

    The Ukrainian and German governments signed a joint statement over provision of 500 million euro loan guarantees in Berlin on Jan. 7.

  74. The two main suspects in the Islamist attack on Charlie Hebdo magazine in Paris are said to have robbed a service station in the north of France...

    Anti-terrorism police have converged on an area near Villers-Cotterets where the gunmen were reported by French media to have stolen food and petrol.

    France has observed a minute's silence for the 12 people killed at the office of the satirical magazine.

    Earlier, a gunman shot dead a policewoman south of Paris and fled.............

  75. China will invest within a decade into Latin American countries about $250 billion, China’s President Xi Jinping said at the opening of the first ministerial meeting at the forum of China and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) on Thursday...

    China’s economy within the coming ten years will keep “high and medium growth rates thus offering many opportunities worldwide, including countries of Latin America and the Caribbean,” he said, adding Beijing welcomes active participation of various companies in cooperation projects with CELAC countries..............

  76. La Commission européenne a débloqué 1,8 milliard d'euros d'aide supplémentaire pour l'Ukraine, a annoncé jeudi le président de la Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker...

    "La Commission vient de décider de prolonger son soutien financier" à l'Ukraine pour un "montant supplémentaire de 1,8 milliard d'euros", a déclaré M. Juncker lors d'une conférence de presse à Riga, en affirmant que la "solidarité avec l'Ukraine n'est pas un vain mot", rapporte l'AFP.
    Lire la suite:

  77. China Woos Latin America with Promises of Investments ...

    Chinese President Xi Jinping has pledged to increase cooperation with Latin America and the Caribbean as he opened a forum in Beijing with leaders from the region.

    The meeting between Xi and leaders of some 30 Community of Latin American and Caribbean States comes as China pushes for more influence in what has traditionally been Washington's backyard.

    Xi said two-way trade between China and Latin America was expected to rise to $500 billion in 10 years.

    China has particularly strong ties with several Latin American nations that have clashed diplomatically with the U.S., especially Venezuela.

    On Wednesday, Xi met with Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, who said he received pledges of $20 billion in Chinese investment in his country's beleaguered economy.

  78. North Korea ready for seven-day nuclear war with South Korea ...

    North Korean leader Kim Jong-un approved the plan of the asymmetric seven-day war with South Korea. To capture the neighboring state, the North Korean Army will need only seven days - the time period that would be enough not to give the United States an opportunity to get involved in the conflict.

    Kim Jong-un ordered military commanders to create plans of operations for their units and conduct exercises. The authorities of the DPRK declared the year 2015 as "the year of the great war for reunification."

    The strategy approved by Kim Jong-un in 2012 envisages an asymmetrical war with the use of nuclear weapons.

    Earlier, it was reported that Kim wrote a letter to the widow of former South Korean President Lee Hee-ho. In the letter, the leader of North Korea set out a hope for the two republics to unite.

    At the same time, the South Korean authorities develop a response plan should the North decide to invade.

  79. Facing shrinking budgets, Pentagon moves to cut European bases ...

    Facing tight budgets and a shrinking military, the Pentagon said on Thursday it was ending operations at an air base in Britain and handing it and 14 other sites in Europe back to their home governments in a move projected to save $500 million annually.

    The Pentagon said it would divest RAF Mildenhall northeast of London, home to tanker, reconnaissance and special operations aircraft, and withdraw 3,200 military personnel and their families over the next several years.............

  80. The European Union plans to submit new anti-terror proposals in the coming weeks following the gun massacre at the offices of satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo in Paris, European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker has said...

    Foreign Ministers from all 28 EU member states will gather in Brussels on Jan.19 to discuss counter-terrorism methods and security, European Commission spokeswoman Natasha Bertaud told reporters in Brussels on Thursday.

    Juncker said during a press conference in the Latvian capital Riga: "I know from experience that one should not react on the moment to such events given the risk of doing either too much or too little."

    The plans include ways for the EU bloc to provide its member states with support and security include the creation of a legal framework to widen cooperation and exchanges of information within the Schengen area...................

  81. Marine Le Pen calls to reintroduce death penalty ...

    Following the terrorist attack against the headquarters of Charlie Hebdo magazine yesterday, the far-right National Front (FN) leader, Marine Le Pen, has reiterated her plea to call for a referendum to reintroduce the death penalty in France if she is elected president in 2017.

    “I personally believe that the death penalty should exist in our legal arsenal,” Le pen said in a TV interview with channel France 2.

    “I would offer French citizens the possibility to express themselves on the topic through a referendum,” she added.

    Death penalty was officially abolished in France in 1981.

  82. La seguridad en los puntos de entrada al Reino Unido ha sido reforzada al tiempo que el nivel de alerta terrorista se mantiene en la posición "severa" introducida el pasado agosto....

    La decisión de extremar la vigilancia y controles en puertos y aeródromos de la isla se tomó durante la reunión del gabinete de emergencia Cobra, que ha presidido la ministra del Interior, Theresa May, en la mañana del jueves.

    La titular del Home Office se reunió con los altos responsables de las agencias de Inteligencia y Seguridad del Reino Unido para revisar la situación horas después de los dos ataques presuntamente islamistas, con catorce personas asesinadas en París...................

  83. US Senate Energy Committee Passes Keystone XL Bill...

    US Senate Energy Committee has passed the bill that approves building Keystone XL oil pipeline project, Chairman of the Committee Lisa Murkowski said at the hearing Thursday.

    "The bill is reported. I thank members for that," Murkowski said.

    The Committee voted 13 to 9. The House of Representatives is going to consider the Keystone pipeline approval bill Friday, which will allow the Senate to discuss it next week....................

  84. EU Leaders Assess Security Following Paris Attack ...

    In the wake of the massacre Wednesday in Paris, European security officials are re-visiting their plans for countering what they see as a growing jihadist threat and what to do with young disaffected Muslim men either returning from combat in the Middle East or radicalized via the Internet by militant groups fighting there..............

  85. UK: Qaeda in Syria planning mass attacks on West ...

    Al-Qaeda militants in Syria are plotting attacks to inflict mass casualties in the West, possibly against transport systems or “iconic targets,” the head of Britain’s MI5 Security Service said on Thursday.

    Speaking after gunmen killed 12 people in an assault on a French satirical newspaper, MI5 boss Andrew Parker warned a strike on the United Kingdom was highly likely.

    “A group of core al-Qaeda terrorists in Syria is planning mass casualty attacks against the West,” Director General Parker said in a rare public speech at MI5 headquarters in London. His last public speech was in October 2013................

  86. Britain has taken "precautionary" steps to increase security at the French-British border following the deadly attack on the Paris office of French magazine Charlie Hebdo, British Home Secretary Theresa May said Thursday...

    Twelve people were murdered and 11 others injured when masked gunmen stormed the offices of the French satirical magazine in Paris on Wednesday.

    Britain's international terrorism threat level remains at "severe," the second highest of all five possible threat levels, meaning that a terrorist attack is "highly likely" and the public should remain vigilant, May said in a statement................

  87. Ping signals from the black box data recorders of crashed AirAsia Flight QZ8501 were detected on Friday (Jan 9), a senior Indonesian search official told AFP...

    "A ship detected the pings. The divers are trying to reach it," said S.B Supriyadi, who is stationed at the search headquarters of Pangkalan Bun.

    "The location of the ping is reported to be near where the tail was found," he added.

  88. French police have surrounded a building in a northern town where two Islamists suspected of the Charlie Hebdo massacre have taken a hostage...

    Holed up in a small printing business in Dammartin-en-Goele, 35km (22 miles) from Paris, the gunmen reportedly said they were prepared to die.

    Shots were fired during a high-speed car chase earlier on Friday, the third day of the manhunt for the attackers................

  89. Charlie Hebdo: les deux suspects encerclés par les forces de l'ordre ...

    Les forces de l'ordre françaises ont échangé des coups de feu vendredi matin et se sont lancés dans une course-poursuite au nord-est de la région parisienne avec deux les principaux suspects de l'attentat contre le magazine Charlie Hebdo. Actuellement les suspects se sont retranchés dans une petite entreprise de Seine-et-Marne. Les forces de l'ordre françaises tentent actuellement de négocier avec les deux hommes qui seraient lourdement armés et qui détiennent au moins un otage................

  90. France/prise d'otages: la police engage des négociations avec les terroristes ...

    Les agents du Groupe d'intervention de la Gendarmerie nationale (GIGN) ont engagé des négociations avec deux preneurs d'otages, en Seine-et-Marne, rapportent vendredi les médias français.

    La police a confirmé qu'il s'agissait des frères Saïd et Chérif Kouachi soupçonnés de l'attentat contre Charlie Hebdo, ajoutant que le nombre des personnes prises en otages était inconnu pour le moment................

  91. French terror suspects want to be ‘martyrs’ ...

    An official in the French town where two terror suspects are holed up with a hostage near a school tells The Associated Press that phone contact has been established with the men.

    A lawmaker inside the command post tells French television the men “want to die as martyrs.”

    Audrey Taupenas, spokeswoman for Dammartin-en-Goele, says officials established phone contact with the suspects in order to negotiate the safe evacuation of a school near the printing plant where the men are cornered. She says the suspects agreed.

    Yves Albarello, a lawmaker who said he was inside the command post, said the two brothers told i-Tele on Friday they “want to die as martyrs.”.................

  92. Charlie Hebdo hunt: Double hostage crisis in France ...

    A gunman has seized hostages at a kosher supermarket in Paris as police have cornered the two Charlie Hebdo massacre suspects further north.

    A police officer told the BBC that two people were killed after a gunman believed to be the killer of a policewoman in Montrouge entered the supermarket near Porte de Vincennes.

    Armed police have flooded the area..............

  93. Prise d’otages dans une épicerie juive porte de Vincennes ...

    Une prise d'otages est en cours, vendredi, dans une épicerie juive porte de Vincennes, où une personne est sérieusement blessée et cinq personnes retenues, selon la police. Le preneur d'otages serait lié aux tueurs de "Charlie Hebdo".

    Une fusillade a éclaté, vendredi 9 janvier, à la mi-journée, faisant au moins un blessé sérieux dans une épicerie juive, cours de Vincennes, à Paris, où au moins cinq personnes sont retenues en otage actuellement, a-t-on appris de source proche du dossier.

    Une autre source avait fait état de deux morts, mais le ministre de l’Intérieur, Bernard Cazeneuve, a démenti cette information. Selon la police, une personne victime d’un ou plusieurs coups de feu est sérieusement blessée...................

  94. Paris: au moins 2 morts dans la prise d'otages de l'épicerie casher...

    Au moins deux personnes ont été tuées dans une fusillade qui a éclaté vendredi porte de Vincennes, à Paris, suivie d'une prise d'otages dans une épicerie casher, rapportent les médias français en référence à une source proche du dossier.

    Le feu aurait été ouvert par le même malfaiteur qui avait tiré, la veille au sud de Paris, sur une policière et un agent de voirie. La policière blessée est décédée.............

  95. Los medios de comunicación locales a internacionales fueron citados por el Gobierno de Cuba a una rueda de prensa, la cual se realizará durante este viernes...

    La convocatoria está marcada por la serie de rumores sobre el real estado de salud del exlíder cubano Fidel Castro, quien completó un año sin realizar apariciones públicas.

    En paralelo, desde Venezuela se indicó que un importante número de militares cubanos -presentes en el país sudamericano- volvieron a la isla.................

  96. Cuba on Friday denied reports it had summoned foreign media to a press conference amid reports that 88-year-old Fidel Castro's health is deteriorating....

    Such press conferences are always convened by emails or cell phone text messages and none have been sent, said an official at the International Press Centre, the Foreign Ministry section that deals with foreign media.

    News outlets in Miami, a stronghold of anti-Castro sentiment in the huge Cuban immigrant community, had reported that a news briefing had been called for Friday.

    They hinted it was because the leader of Cuba's revolution and former long time president had suffered a downturn in his health.

    AFP did not receive any notice of a press briefing from the state-run media centre.

    Rumors that Castro's health is deteriorating are being fuelled by the fact that he has not been seen in public over the past year, although in recent months he has received visiting dignitaries at his home in Havana.

    Castro so far has not commented publicly about last month's bombshell news that communist run Cuba and the United States plan to restore diplomatic relations, ending decades of enmity.

    Castro stepped aside from the presidency in 2006 and was replaced by his brother Raul.

  97. Le procureur a confirmé la présence, ce vendredi soir, d'un homme armé dans une bijouterie de Montpellier retenant deux otages...

    Peu après 16h, la police a été alertée de la présence d'au moins un homme armé dans une bijouterie de la rue de l'Argenterie. Quelques instants plus tard, le procureur a précisé qu'il y avait deux otages. Le quartier a été bouclé et un périmètre de sécurité a été installé.

    Selon Midi Libre, il s'agirait bien de deux malfaiteurs, et ils seraient cernés par la police. Il ne semble pas qu'il y ait des blessés, ni que des coups de feu aient été tirés..............

  98. Russia has asked Berlin to clarify Germany’s official position on a bizarre statement made by Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseny Yatsenyuk, who told a German TV channel the USSR had invaded Germany and Ukraine at the end of World War II and Moscow would not be allowed to rewrite history...

    “We sent a note to the German Foreign Minister with a request to formulate Germany’s official position on the extremist statement made by Prime Minister Yatsenyuk, who overtly falsified history,” Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Vladimir Titov told reporters.

    1. German government has refused to comment on Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseny Yatsenyuk's allegations regarding the “assault of Soviet troops on Ukraine and Germany” in 1941....

      “The federal government does not comment on the statements made by Prime Minister Yatsenyuk,” a spokesman for the cabinet of ministers said.

      Along with it, he recalled that Berlin “does not call into question in any way Germany’s responsibility for the deaths of Soviet citizens during World War II.”

      On Thursday, Yatsenyuk made a bizarre claim in an interview with the German TV channel ARD, saying the USSR attacked Ukraine and Germany in 1941.....................

  99. Un responsable religieux d’Al-Qaïda dans la péninsule arabique (Aqpa), dont se réclament les frères Kouachi, auteurs de l’attentat contre Charlie Hebdo, a menacé la France de nouvelles attaques dans une vidéo diffusée vendredi, a révélé un centre de surveillance américain des sites islamistes....

    Dans ce message, Harith al-Nadhari, une autorité en matière de charia, la loi islamique, au sein d’Aqpa, s’adresse aux Français en ces termes : « vous ne serez pas en sécurité tant que vous combattrez Allah, Son messager et les croyants », selon une retranscription fournie par SITE.

    Le dignitaire n’a toutefois pas revendiqué au nom de l’organisation les attaques survenues à Paris......................

  100. EU-Kommission diskutiert über Schuldenschnitt für Griechenland...

    In Brüssel wächst einem Bericht zufolge die Bereitschaft zu einem Schuldenerlass für Griechenland. Die Beamten seien sich aber noch über den Zeitpunkt uneinig.

    In der EU-Kommission wächst einem Pressebericht zufolge die Unterstützung für einen Schuldenerlass für Griechenland. "Ein Schuldenschnitt in Griechenland ist unausweichlich, weil das Land sonst mit seiner Schuldenlast nicht fertig wird", zitierte die Zeitung Die Welt hochrangige EU-Kreise. Die Auffassungen über den Zeitpunkt des Schuldenschnitts gingen allerdings in Brüssel auseinander. Teilweise werde dieser schon in diesem Jahr als notwendig erachtet.

    Zugleich gebe es aber auch die Einschätzung, dass dieser Schritt erst in ein paar Jahren kommen werde. Es dürfe keine Gefahr bestehen, dass auch andere Länder auf einen Schuldenerlassen spekulierten. Die Größenordnung für den Schuldenschnitt sei auf "ein Drittel bis die Hälfte der Staatsschulden" beziffert worden...................

  101. Die US-Ratingagentur Fitch hat die Kreditwürdigkeit Russlands von der Note BBB auf BBB- herabgestuft. Eine weitere Herabstufung ist möglich, den Ausblick bewertete sie als negativ...

    "Der Ausblick hat sich seit Mitte 2014 deutlich verschlechtert", teilte Fitch in Paris mit. Gründe seien der Absturz des Rubelkurses und der schwache Ölpreis bei einem gleichzeitigen Zinsanstieg.................

  102. A whole range of parameters which are the conditions of granting Russian bonded loan to Ukraine, are being violated, a source in the Russian government said Saturday...

    "The situation that is emerging in the economy and finances of Ukraine suggests that a number of parameters, which are the conditions of granting Ukraine a Russian bonded loan are violated," the source said.

    He also added that under these circumstances "it is likely that Russia will have to demand from Ukraine in the near future early repayment of the $3 billion debt."

  103. Un cargo privé américain Dragon décolle vers l'ISS ...

    Le lanceur Falcon 9 avec un cargo spatial privé Dragon a décollé samedi, à 09h47 UTC, vers la Station spatiale internationale (ISS) depuis la base aérienne américaine de cap Canaveral, en Floride, a rapporté l'agence spatiale américaine NASA.

    Le cargo, qui s'arrimera à l'ISS le 12 janvier, transporte environ 1,6 tonne de fret dont l'instrument CATS (Cloud-Aerosol Transport System) destiné à caractériser et mesurer la distribution mondiale des nuages et des minuscules particules qui composent la brume, la poussière, les polluants atmosphériques et la fumée et influent sur le climat.

    Initialement programmé pour décembre, le tir du Dragon a été reporté à deux reprises en raison de problèmes techniques.

    Le cargo Dragon restera en orbite près d'un mois avant de rentrer sur Terre.................

  104. Al Qaida droht Frankreich weitere Terroranschläge an ...

    Das Terrornetzwerk Al Qaida hat Frankreich mit weiteren Anschlägen gedroht. Das meldete die Nachrichtenagentur AFP am Samstag unter Berufung auf eine Erklärung des in Jemen aktiven Al-Qaida-Ablegers.

    Bei den jüngsten Anschlägen in Frankreich wurden 16 Menschen getötet. Zwölf Mitarbeiter der Wochenschrift „Charlie Hebdo“ in Paris wurden am Mittwoch in der Redaktion kaltblutig erschossen. Am Freitag nahm ein Terrorist mehrere Geiseln in einem Supermarkt der französischen Hauptstadt...................

  105. U.S. sources say federal investigators and prosecutors are recommending felony criminal charges against former CIA Director David Petraeus for allegedly disclosing classified information to his former mistress...

    The recommendation, reported Friday by The New York Times, came more than two years after Petraeus, a retired four-star army general, quit the top intelligence post as news circulated of his extramarital affair.

    U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder will ultimately decide whether to seek an indictment.................

  106. Russia likely to demand early repayment of Ukraine's $3 billion debt: RIA Novosti ...

    (Reuters) - It is "highly likely" that Russia will demand early repayment of $3 billion in debt owed by Ukraine, Russia's RIA Novosti agency reported on Saturday, citing an anonymous government source.

    The source told the agency that Ukraine was in violation of a "whole series" of conditions for Russia's loan.

    "In these circumstances it is highly likely that Russia will be forced in the near future to demand from Ukraine the early repayment of the $3 billion debt," the source was quoted as saying.

    The comments appear to contradict remarks in November by President Vladimir Putin, who told German media that Russia did not intend to demand early repayment of Ukraine's debt as this would cause a financial collapse.

    The finance ministry did not answer calls for comment on Saturday...............

  107. French Government meet over Paris attacks ...

    French ministers have held an emergency meeting to discuss the terror attacks in Paris over the past three days.

    17 people lost their lives in the attacks which began last Wednesday when 12 people were murdered at the offices of the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo.

    Tomorrow up to one million people are expected to take to the streets of Paris to attend a a National Unity Rally along with European and world leaders, including Taoiseach Enda Kenny.

    Meanwhile French police forces remain on high alert as they hunt for any accomplices of the gunmen behind the terror attacks...................

  108. A Parigi è stato evacuato l'hotel “Sequoia Lodge”, situato sul territorio di Disneyland, a seguito delle minacce ricevute riguardanti l'esplosione dell'albergo, riferiscono i media locali...

    Dalla finestra della sua stanza nell'hotel, una donna gridava di essere Hayat Boumeddiene, la fidanzata di Amedi Coulibaly che nella giornata di ieri aveva preso degli ostaggi in un supermercato di Parigi supermercato, e minacciava di far saltare in aria l'albergo. In seguito la donna è stata arrestata dalla polizia......

    1. En medio de una psicosis generalizada evacuaron Disney París por una falsa alarma...

      En uno de los hoteles (Sequoia Lodge) del complejo, una joven comenzó a advertir a los gritos que iba a volar el edificio y aseguró ser Hayat Boumeddienne, pareja de uno de los atacantes abatidos ayer y prófuga de la justicia.

      Luego de evacuar el sitio, la policía detuvo sin inconvenientes a una mujer que se encontraba de vacaciones y reconoció que se trataba de una broma..............

  109. Libya's Factions Agree to New Talks in Geneva Next Week ...

    Libya's factions have agreed to a new round of U.N.-backed negotiations to attempt to end the conflict destabilizing the North African country three years after its civil war ousted Moammar Gadhafi.

    The meeting, announced after United Nations envoy Bernardino Leon met with rival parties in Libya, will take place next week at the United Nations office at Geneva, the United Nations mission said in a statement on Saturday.

    Since the overthrow of Gadhafi, the major oil producer has slipped deeper into division, with two rival governments and two parliaments, each backed by competing groups of heavily armed former rebel fighters................

  110. North Korea has told the United States that it's willing to impose a temporary moratorium on nuclear tests if Washington scraps planned military drills with South Korea this year, the North's official news agency said Saturday...

    The reported proposal comes at a time of tensions between North Korea and the US over a Sony movie depicting an assassination attempt on North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.................

    1. US Slams North Korean Offer to Suspend Nuke Tests as 'Implicit Threat'...

      The United States on Saturday criticized a proposal by North Korea to suspend further nuclear tests if Washington agrees to call off joint military exercises with South Korea as "an implicit threat".

      Pyongyang was "inappropriately" linking routine US-South Korean military drills to the possibility of a nuclear test, according to Jen Psaki, State Department spokeswoman.

      "A new nuclear test would be a clear violation of North Korea’s obligations under multiple UN Security Council resolutions," Psaki told journalists as quoted by AFP.

      North Korea’s proposal was conveyed to the US government through a "relevant channel" on Friday, the North Korean KCNA news agency said..................

  111. Former intel officer warns of jihadist sleeper cells in Turkey ...

    A former top official of Turkish intelligence has warned that jihadists are "highly likely" to activate their sleeper cells in Turkey in the face of the recent developments in the region.

    "There are sleeper cells [of the jihadists in Turkey]. Particularly following the latest developments in Syria and Iraq, these elements that engaged in regional conflicts are highly likely to be used in Turkey, too. Security forces and politicians should consider the issue carefully," daily Cumhuriyet quoted Cevat Öneş as saying in an interview on Jan. 10............................

  112. Suicide bombing by young girl in NE Nigeria, 10 dead: Red Cross, vigilante...

    At least 10 people were killed on Saturday when a young girl, thought to be aged about 10, blew herself up at a crowded market in the northeast Nigerian city of Maiduguri, the Red Cross and vigilantes said.

    Civilian vigilante Ashiru Mustapha said the powerful explosion rocked the market at about 12:40 pm (1140 GMT) when it was packed with traders and shoppers, adding that the girl "was about 10 years old".

    A Red Cross official, who declined to give his name, said: "We have so far evacuated 10 bodies to the mortuary at the (Borno) State Specialist Hospital."

    1. Orrore in Nigeria, l’ultima strage di Boko Haram con la bambina imbottita di esplosivo al mercato ...

      La piccola di 10 anni si è fatta saltare in aria a Maiduguri, nel nordest del Paese: 19 morti.

      Una bambina di circa 10 anni si è fatta saltare in aria in un affollato mercato di Maiduguri, nel nord-est della Nigeria. Il bilancio provvisorio dell’attentato suicida è di almeno 19 morti e 18 feriti. A dare notizia dell’attacco la Croce Rossa e fonti della sicurezza riprese dall’informazione locale. Finora non c’è stata rivendicazione ma le autorità locali ritengono che si tratti dell’ennesimo attacco compiuto dagli integralisti islamici dell’organizzazione jihadista Boko Haram ..............

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