Saturday, November 22, 2014

International Highlights in brief (November 2014 - D)

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko claimed his country was "prepared for total war" as fighting continued Sunday, (16/11/14), around the rebel stronghold of Donetsk.

After a week in which Kiev said several unmarked armoured convoys of troops crossed the Russian border to reinforce rebels in the east, Poroshenko toughened his rhetoric, telling the German daily Bild: "I am not afraid of a war with Russian troops."......................Ukraine 'ready for total war' says Poroshenko


  1. US threatens Russia with further sanctions ...

    The United States and its partners may toughen sanctions against Russia if Moscow fails to change its policy towards Ukraine, the US Department of State has said.

    “We have a broad understanding and a similar point of view with our European partners with respect to the steps Russia needs to take and the ways in which the costs to Russia should increase if they fail to abide by the agreements,” spokesman Jeff Rathke said at a press briefing on Friday.

    Washington remains “in contact with the European partners” and continues discussions on the issue.

    Rathke insisted however that “there’s no military resolution to the crisis in eastern Ukraine.”.................

  2. US, EU ‘Actively Discussing’ Further Sanctions Against Russia: State Dept....

    Washington and its allies remain in contact on further restrictive measures they want to impose on Russia, the US State Department has announced.

    “We will increase the costs to Russia if it doesn’t take steps on its own,” Jeff Rathke, a spokesperson for the US State Department said at a press briefing Friday, adding that the United States is “actively discussing” the matter with its “European and international partners”.

    “We have a broad understanding and similar point of view with our European partners with respect to steps Russia needs to take, and the ways in which the costs to Russia should increase if they fail to abide by the agreements,” Rathke stressed, adding that the United States and the European Union “remain on the same page” on the issue.

    Rathke emphasized that the United States will continue to sanction Russia unless it changes its position with regard to Ukraine.

    “There is a continuing ratcheting of the pressure, and raising of the costs,” Rathke said, adding that “that’s going to continue” until Russia changes course.................

  3. Portugals Ex-Premier festgenommen ...

    Der ehemalige portugiesische Ministerpräsident Jose Socrates ist im Zuge von Ermittlungen wegen Steuerhinterziehung festgenommen worden. Das berichtete das portugiesische Fernsehen unter Berufung auf die Staatsanwaltschaft in Lissabon. Die Ermittler hätten Socrates am Flughafen festgenommen.

    Laut Staatsanwaltschaft sei er einer von vier Verdächtigen. Die anderen drei seien bereits in Gewahrsam. Socrates soll noch heute dem Untersuchungsrichter vorgeführt werden. Bei den Ermittlungen geht es den Angaben zufolge um Steuerhinterziehung, Geldwäsche und Korruption. Die Behörde teilte außerdem mit, dass mehr als 60 Beamte von Justiz, Zoll und Polizei Durchsuchungen an mehreren Orten vorgenommen hätten...............

    1. Portugal: l'ancien Premier ministre arrêté dans une enquête pour fraude fiscale ...

      L'ancien Premier ministre socialiste José Socrates a été arrêté vendredi dans le cadre d'une enquête pour fraude fiscale, blanchiment d'argent et corruption, a annoncé le parquet général.

      M. Socrates fait partie d'un groupe de quatre personnes interpellées au cours des derniers jours, dont trois ont été présentées au juge vendredi, indique le ministère public dans un communiqué. Des perquisitions ont été menées dans plusieurs endroits non précisés par plus de 60 fonctionnaires de la justice, des douanes et de la police, selon le communiqué...................

  4. Islamic State (IS) fighters attacked a government complex in the heart of Ramadi on Friday, local officials said, part of an apparently coordinated assault to seize full control of the provincial capital west of Baghdad....

    Gunmen fired from rooftops at the buildings, which house the Anbar governorate building and police headquarters, while security forces and tribal fighters tried to halt militants.

    Mosques broadcast appeals for reinforcements to prevent the Sunni militants taking full control of Ramadi, which would be a major setback for government forces after they broke an IS siege of Iraq's biggest oil refinery this week.

    Most of Ramadi, about 90 kilometers west of Baghdad, and the surrounding Sunni Muslim province of Anbar is already held by IS. It also seized much of northern Iraq from the Shiite-led government in June, plunging Iraq into its worst security crisis since the overthrow of Saddam Hussein in 2003.

  5. A congressional Republican leader said Friday that his party will not stand idle against President Barack Obama’s executive action on immigration policy....

    "President Obama has turned a deaf ear to the people that he was elected and we were elected to serve," said House Speaker John Boehner during as press conference. "In the days ahead, the people’s House will rise to this challenge."

    In a prime time televised address Thursday night, Obama said that he would take executive actions on U.S. imigration policy to protect from deportation five million undocumented immigrants living in the county.

    Under the president’s plan, those who entered the country without proper documentation but have lived in the U.S. for at least five years, and whose children are either U.S. citizens or lawful residents, can apply to stay in the U.S. "without fear of deportation." That will require applicants to register, pass a background check, and pay their "fair share of taxes."..................

    1. Obama to press ahead on immigration, amid Republican anger ...

      US President Barack Obama has said he will press for further immigration reform, after Republicans condemned his use of executive powers on the issue.

      Mr Obama said he had no choice but to act, accusing the Republicans of blocking a bill in Congress, and vowed to make permanent reform a reality.

      The current move means that more than four million illegal immigrants will be allowed to apply for work permits.

      Republicans say it will encourage more people to arrive unlawfully............

  6. Mexican president hails Obama's immigration reform ...

    Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto hailed US President Barack Obama's sweeping steps on immigration, saying they were "most important measures taken in several decades" and would allow families to stay together.

    Obama's plan, unveiled on Thursday, eases the threat of deportation for some 4.7 million immigrants, many of them Mexican, who are in the United States without legal documents.

    "I want to publicly recognize the President of the United States for yesterday's announcement," Pena Nieto told a conference in Mexico. "These measures bring relief to principally Mexican immigrants."

    "Those who will benefit will be migrants of Mexican origin who have been living in the United States for years ... This is an act of justice which recognizes the great contribution of millions of Mexicans to the development of our neighbor.".............

  7. El Pentágono pide a Pekín que detenga la construcción de aeródromos en el mar de China...

    Un representante de Pentágono declaró el viernes que China probablemente planea construir un aeródromo en una isla artificial en el mar de China Meridional, zona de conflictos territoriales entre Pekín y sus vecinos.

    El enorme proyecto de China para construir una isla artificial en torno al arrecife Fiery Cross, que forma parte de las islas Spratly, es el primero capaz de albergar una pista aérea, asegura el teniente coronel Jeffrey Pool, citado por la agencia France Press.

    “Hacemos un llamado a que China detenga este proyecto y participe en las iniciativas diplomáticas dirigidas a que todas las partes se abstengan de realizar actividades similares”, agregó Pool................

  8. Mistral russes : Moscou maintient la pression et menace Paris d’une procédure judiciaire ...

    A une semaine de la fin du délai supposé décidé par Moscou, l’ambassadeur de Russie à l’Otan évoque à son tour une procédure judiciaire. Les médias russes affirment que le Mistral quittera la France le 28 novembre prochain.

    « Si le contrat n’est pas rempli, la France fera face à des conséquences politiques graves et à la perspective d’une procédure judiciaire, car il s’agit d’investissements importants engagés dans ce projet », a souligné en fin de semaine l’ambassadeur de Russie auprès de l’Otan, Alexandre Grouchko, à propos de la livraison des porte-hélicoptères Mistral.

    Et d’ajouter que, « à en juger d’après ce que nous lisons dans la presse (…) nous pouvons supposer que la France subit une pression sans précédent en la matière. Mais les contrats doivent être honorés. C’est la réputation de la France en tant que partenaire fiable et acteur international qui est en jeu ».............En savoir plus sur

  9. Lawrow: Kein „business as usual“ mehr mit Europa möglich ...

    Russland hat zwar nicht vor, auf die Zusammenarbeit mit der EU zu verzichten, eine Rückkehr zu den früheren Beziehungen wird es aber nach Ansicht von Außenminister Sergej Lawrow nicht mehr geben.

    „Die EU gehört zu unseren größten Partnern“, sagte Lawrow am Samstag in einer Sitzung des Rates für Außen- und Verteidigungspolitik in Moskau. „Niemand hat vor, sich ins Bein zu schießen und auf die Zusammenarbeit mit Europa zu verzichten. Zugleich sehen alle ein, dass es kein business as usual mehr geben wird.“ .............

  10. МИД РФ: позиция Киева в ООН по резолюции о героизации нацизма удручает ..

    Позиция Украины при голосовании в ООН по резолюции о борьбе с героизацией нацизма вызывает удручение и настороженность российских властей, сообщает в субботу департамент информации и печати МИД РФ.

    Как следует из сообщения, против проекта резолюции, поддержанного 21 ноября 2014 года большинством государств-членов ООН, проголосовали США, Канада и Украина, а делегации стран-членов ЕС при голосовании воздержались........РИА Новости

  11. Military Response to Korean Peninsula Disproportionate to Threat...

    The military response of the United States and their allies in response to situation in Korean peninsula are disproportionate to the level of war threat in the region, Russian Foreign Ministry’s Ambassador at large Grigory Logvinov said on Saturday.

    “It is necessary to start action on reducing degree of military tension in the region. This problem is very serious. We think that measures of a military nature taken in the framework of military alliance of the United States, South Korea and Japan are openly disproportionate to the nature of war threat. It causes concern in Russia and in China,” he said during Moscow Non-proliferation Conference 2014.............

  12. Ukraine, US, Canada do not back Russia-initiated UN resolution on heroization of Nazism ...

    The third committee of the UN General Assembly on Friday adopted a resolution urging countries to adopt more efficient measures to struggle against the heroization of Nazism and other forms of racial discrimination, xenophobia and intolerance.

    A total of 115 out of 193 UN member-states voted in favor of the document, initiated by Russia. Three countries opposed the document - Canada, the United States and Ukraine. Another 55 delegations, including from the European Union countries, abstained.

    The resolution expresses concerns over the spread across the world of various extremist political parties, movements and groups, including neo-Nazis as well as racist extremist movements and ideologies...........Read more:

  13. Lavrov révèle l'objectif poursuivi par les sanctions contre la Russie ...

    Les pays occidentaux ne cachent pas que l’objectif de leurs sanctions contre la Russie consiste dans un changement de régime, a déclaré le ministre russe des Affaires étrangères, Sergueï Lavrov, devant le Conseil de la politique étrangère et de défense.

    « Selon les déclarations faites publiquement, les sanctions devraient être faites de telle sorte qu’elles détruisent l'économie et provoquent les protestations de la population », a-t-il dit.

    Selon M. Lavrov, le sujet de l'isolement de la Russie même ne mérite pas d’une discussion. « Certes, notre économie subit des dommages à la suite des sanctions, mais seulement au prix d'un dommage à l'économie de ces pays qui les ont introduites », a ajouté le diplomate russe.
    Lire la suite:

  14. Lavrov: lo scopo dell’Occidente è il cambiamento del regime in Russia ...

    I Paesi occidentali non nascondono che l’obiettivo delle sanzioni introdotte contro la Russia è un cambiamento di regime, ha dichiarato il ministro degli Esteri Sergej Lavrov, parlando al Consiglio sulla politica estera e di difesa.

    "Si dichiara pubblicamente che le sanzioni devono essere tali che distruggano l'economia e provochino proteste", ha detto il diplomatico........Per saperne di più:

    1. Ukraine crisis: Lavrov warns over Russia 'regime change' goal ...

      Western sanctions against Russia over its role in Ukraine are aimed at forcing regime change in Moscow, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov says.

      Speaking to foreign policy advisers in Moscow, Mr Lavrov referred to calls for sanctions "that will destroy the economy and cause public protests".

      On Thursday, President Vladimir Putin said Moscow must guard against a "colour revolution".........

  15. Leading countries of the world should agree on approaches to the international relations on the basis of mutual dependence, Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told a meeting of council on foreign and defence policies on Saturday...

    “It is necessary to have leading countries sit by the table and agree on how basic, legal interests of all major players may be reflected in a new editions - I am not sure now it will be called, but the work should be based on the UN Charter - of how to implement reasonable self-limitations, how to manage risks, especially in the context of democratic international relations,” he said.

  16. Angriff auf Google: EU-Parlament will Internetgiganten zerschlagen ...

    Dominierende Marktstellungen bei Internetkonzernen sind Europa ein Dorn im Auge. Nun fordert das EU-Parlament, Suchmaschinen von anderen Bereichen zu trennen. Der Vorstoß richtet sich gegen Google.

    Das Europäische Parlament erwägt einen Antrag zur Aufspaltung von Internet-Giganten wie Google. Das geht aus einem Entwurf des Antrags hervor. Demnach sollen bei entsprechenden Konzernen die Suchmaschinen von anderen Bereichen getrennt werden. In dem Entwurf wird die EU-Kommission zur Prüfung einer solchen Entflechtung aufgerufen, um dominierenden Marktstellungen einen Riegel vorzuschieben...........................

  17. Chine : le Sichuan à nouveau touché par un tremblement de terre ...

    Le Sichuan, au sud-ouest de la Chine a été secoué ce samedi par un tremblement de terre d’une magnitude d’au moins 5,8. Une première victime serait à déplorer. Les premières images diffusées semblent montrer une situation calme.

    Un séisme de magnitude 6.3 a secoué samedi la province du Sichuan, dans le sud-ouest de la Chine, rapporte l'Institut de surveillance géologique américain (USGS). L'épicentre du tremblement de terre était situé à une centaine de kilomètres à l'ouest de la ville de Leshan, à une profondeur d'environ 10 km, précise l'USGS.

    Les informations diffusées par la suite faisait état d’une magnitude moindre, de l’ordre de 5,8.................En savoir plus sur

    1. 5.8 magnitude quake hits China's Sichuan province: USGS ...

      A 5.8 magnitude earthquake struck China's southwestern province of Sichuan on Saturday (Nov 22), the US Geological Survey said.

      The quake struck 39 kilometres northwest of the city of Kangding in the mountainous west of the province at 4:55pm (4.55pm Singapore time) at a depth of nine kilometres, the USGS said. There were no immediate reports of casualties or damage.

      China Earthquake Networks Center measured the quake at 6.3, according to the state-run Xinhua news agency.

      China is prone to deadly earthquakes. In May 2008, a 7.9 magnitude quake rocked Sichuan, killing more than 80,000 people and flattening swathes of the province.

  18. Japon: séisme de magnitude 6,8 dans la préfecture de Nagano ...

    Un fort séisme de magnitude 6,8 s'est produit samedi soir au Japon, dans la préfecture de Nagano (centre-nord), secouant violemment un large périmètre pendant plus de dix secondes, selon l'agence de météo nationale et des témoignages cités par les médias.

    Le tremblement de terre s'est produit vers 22H08 locales (14H08 HB) avec une profondeur de seulement 10 kilomètres, provoquant des coupures d'électricité et l'interruption d'une partie du trafic ferroviaire, mais n'engendrant pas de risque de tsunami, selon les mêmes sources.

    Le système d'alerte précoce a prévenu les médias, organismes publics, entreprises et les particuliers équipés d'un téléphone mobile compatible quelques secondes avant que les secousses ne soient ressenties.

    Certaines personnes ont indiqué que des objets étaient tombés, mais dans l'immédiat aucun dégât important ni blessé n'a été rapporté................

    1. 2 morts, des dizaines de blessés lors de séismes en Chine et au Japon ...

      Un fort séisme de magnitude 6,8 s'est produit samedi soir au Japon, dans la préfecture de Nagano (centre-nord), secouant violemment un large périmètre pendant plus de dix secondes, selon l'agence de météo nationale et des témoignages cités par les médias. Un séisme de magnitude 5,9 a secoué samedi l'ouest montagneux de la province du Sichuan, dans le sud-ouest de la Chine, selon l'Institut américain de géophysique (USGS), les autorités chinoises faisant état de deux morts et de 60 blessés.

      En Chine

      Environ 55.000 personnes ont été touchées par le tremblement de terre, selon l'agence de presse Xinhua, qui cite le département régional des affaires civiles. Le séisme s'est produit à neuf kilomètres de profondeur, à 39 km de la ville de Kangding, dans l'ouest de la province, peu avant 17h00 (09h00 GMT).

      Le centre chinois de surveillance des séismes faisait quant à lui état d'une magnitude de 6,3, selon l'agence Chine nouvelle. La Chine utilise une autre échelle de magnitude que les Etats-Unis..................

  19. U.S. Vice President Joe Biden said Saturday that Turkey was the only country expected to grow in the next decade in Europe....

    Biden praised Turkey as a regional energy hub in a speech at the closing session of the sixth Atlantic Council Energy and Economic Summit in Istanbul.

    The summit has brought together world leaders to debate critical global energy and geopolitical issues.

    Referring to Turkey's potential growth in the energy sector and the global economy, the U.S. vice president said: "Turkey is the only country expected to show growth in the next decade in Europe."

    He also addressed Russia and its alleged use of energy as a weapon to keep Europe in a stranglehold.

    He said energy meant security in Europe and Russia was deliberately using energy as a weapon.

    "Russian aggression in Ukraine shows there are multiple dimensions to Europe's security; one is hard military power, second is the use of energy as a weapon undermining the security of nations," Biden said.

    He alleged Russia was using new weapons...............

  20. Earthquake M5.5 - 4km ENE of Tifesti, Romania ...local time: 21:14 ...

    Magnitude mb 5.5
    Region ROMANIA
    Date time 2014-11-22 19:14:16.8 UTC
    Location 45.89 N ; 27.15 E
    Depth 40 km
    181 km SW of Chişinău, Moldova / pop: 635,994 / local time: 21:14:16.8 2014-11-22
    21 km N of Focşani, Romania / pop: 105,112 / local time: 21:14:16.8 2014-11-22
    5 km E of Panciu, Romania / pop: 8,810 / local time: 21:14:16.8 2014-11-22
    Nearby Cities

    4km (2mi) ENE of Tifesti, Romania
    6km (4mi) WSW of Marasheshty, Romania
    18km (11mi) N of Focsani, Romania
    21km (13mi) W of Tecuci, Romania
    179km (111mi) NNE of Bucharest, Romania

  21. U.S. and Turkey discuss transition away from Assad in Syria ...

    (Reuters) - U.S. Vice President Joe Biden said he and Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan he had discussed a transition of power in Syria away from President Bashar al-Assad during a four-hour meeting in Istanbul on Saturday.

    Turkey has been a reluctant partner in the U.S.-led coalition against Islamic State (IS) insurgents in Syria and Iraq, pushing for a more comprehensive strategy that includes Assad's removal from power.

    "On Syria, we discussed ... not only to deny ISIL a safe haven and roll back and defeat them, but also strengthen the Syrian opposition and ensure a transition away from the Assad regime," Biden told a joint news conference with Erdogan...................

  22. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry spoke by phone with Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu about the talks on Iran’s nuclear programme that are underway in Vienna, a source from the U.S. delegation said on Saturday....

    The source said that Kerry continued intensive consultations of the U.S. delegation with Western partners on the would-be deal between Iran and the six world powers (P5+1).

    Earlier in the day, Kerry spoke by phone with his counterparts from Turkey and Canada.

  23. US and Turkey discuss possible regime change in Syria ...

    U.S. Vice President Joe Biden said he and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan discussed a Syrian transition of power away from the Bashar al-Assad regime during a four-hour meeting in Istanbul on Nov. 22.

    Turkey has been pushing for a more comprehensive strategy in the U.S.-led fight against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) in Syria and Iraq that includes Assad's removal from power.

    "On Syria, we discussed ... not only to deny ISIL a safe haven and roll back and defeat them, but also strengthen the Syrian opposition and ensure a transition away from the Assad regime," Biden told a joint news conference with Erdoğan.

    Biden said the U.S. needs Turkey in its fight against ISIL.

    "We are attempting to both stem the flow of foreign fighters to battlefields in Iraqi and Syria and dry their funding. We thank Turkey for their leadership in that regard," Biden said.....................

  24. Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said that Turkey urges to reach peace over Cyprus' natural resources issue....

    ANKARA, November 22 (Sputnik) – Turkey urges to reach peace over Cyprus' natural resources issue without delay, Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu has said.

    "Everyone will gain in Cyprus if both sides [Greek side and Turkish side] accept that natural sources around the island belong to all sides. Peace should be achieved without delay," Davutoglu was quoted as saying by Hurriyet Daily News on Saturday at the closing session of the sixth Atlantic Council Energy and Economic Summit in Istanbul.

    He added that energy is of great value to Turkey and that it should be used to improve the well-being of humanity rather than as a means to spark a conflict..............

  25. Statement by High Representative/Vice-President Federica Mogherini on the UN resolution Moratorium on the use of death penalty ...

    The adoption, in the UNGA 3rd Committee yesterday, of the resolution "Moratorium on the use of death penalty" is a landmark step. The record number of 114 votes in favour confirms the steadfast abolitionist trend worldwide and is an encouragement to continue with our efforts to wipe out this inhumane punishment.

    I hope that this strong positive result will be confirmed and even improved in December's General Assembly vote, and I call on all states who have not yet done so, to join this big group of supporters........................

  26. Ukraine enters winter heating season without sufficient coal stocks - media ...

    Ukrainian thermal power industry enters winter heating season without required coal stocks which had dwindled by around 15% at thermal power stations by early November, newspaper ZN.UA said on Saturday citing experts.

    In particular, stocks of anthracites and semi-anthracites, also called as energy coals, which are used at half of 14 major Ukrainian thermal power stations “have dropped by one fourth making slightly more than one third of million tonnes that are much lower than required amounts,” the edition said...............

  27. Alerte aux inondations dans l'Etat de New York: 600 000 personnes concernées ...

    Des secteurs de l'Etat de New York (nord-est des Etats-Unis), où des chutes de neige record ont fait au moins 14 morts, ont été placés samedi en état d'alerte aux inondations en raison du redoux attendu, ont annoncé les services de météorologie.

    L'ouest de l'Etat, dans la région de Buffalo, était jusque-là placé en état de vigilance aux inondations. En cas d'alerte, il est demandé aux habitants de prendre des précautions, notamment en nettoyant les égouts devant chez eux et en retirant les objets de valeur des caves. Un niveau supérieur d'alerte peut être déclenché en cas d'inondations imminentes ou en cours. Plus de 600 000 personnes vivent dans les secteurs concernés, où des milliers d'entre elles, en particulier dans les villes au sud de Buffalo, ont été coincées dans leurs maisons pendant près d'une semaine.

    Vendredi, le responsable du comté d'Erié, Mark Poloncarz, avait estimé que les inondations pourraient commencer dimanche et pourraient atteindre rapidement par endroits des hauteurs de 1,50 m à 1,80 m.

  28. More and more British citizens are joining other Westerners battling jihadists in Syria and Iraq, Britain’s Independent newspaper reported over the weekend...

    James Hughes, former British infantryman who fought in Afghanistan, is understood to be in northern Syria backing Kurds in their fight against militants belonging to the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), the daily said.

    Information gleaned from Hughes’ Facebook profile shows that he left the British army this year after five-year service.

    Hughes, who is now a de facto “mercenary,” is fighting on the behalf of the Kurdish People’s Protection Units, the YPG. He is not alone as his compatriot Jamie Read, whose Facebook page shows that he trained with the French army, is fighting alongside his friend.
    American recruiter

    According to the paper, the Britons appear to have been recruited by Jordan Matson, an American who in October was revealed to have joined Kurdish forces in their fight against ISIS.................

  29. DPRK says not to tolerate human rights "racket"...

    The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) on Sunday reiterated that the country's army and people will not tolerate the US-led human rights racket.

    The human rights resolution, drafted by the European Union and Japan, is a "shameless, politically-motivated farce," the National Defense Commission said in a statement.

    The Third Committee of the 69th United Nations General Assembly on Tuesday passed a resolution that recommends the Security Council refer the DPRK to the International Criminal Court for crimes against humanity.

    "Our army and our people categorically deny and reject the resolution," which was worked out by the "US-led undesirable hostile forces," it said.

    The commission warned that the military will take the "toughest measure" to shatter the human rights campaign targeted at Pyongyang, pinpointed that the United States, Japan and South Korea are its major targets.............

  30. Iraqi Army Advances towards Heet ...

    The Iraqi army, backed by popular volunteers as well as tribal forces, regained control over the two villages of al-Mahbobeya and al-Hitan and advanced in the county of Heet western Ramadi, amid fierce clashes with ISIL terrorists who suffered heavy losses during the battles.

  31. Nucléaire: l’Iran envisage de prolonger les négociations d’un an ...

    L'Iran envisage de prolonger les négociations nucléaires pendant six à douze mois, aux conditions précises de l'accord intérimaire de Genève de novembre 2013, en cas d'absence d'accord politique d'ici dimanche soir, a déclaré à l'AFP une source iranienne à Vienne.

    "Nous sommes toujours concentrés pour parvenir à un accord politique d'ici ce soir (dimanche, ndlr), ce qui permettra de travailler sur les détails et les annexes, mais si cet après-midi ou ce soir on n'y arrive pas, la solution est qu'on réfléchisse à une extension de l'accord intérimaire de Genève. Cela peut être pour une durée de six mois ou d'un an", a déclaré ce diplomate..................

  32. Putin says has no plans to be president for life as this is “detrimental” for country ...

    Vladimir Putin said in an interview with Andrei Vandenko, the author of the TASS project Top Officials, he is not planning to remain Russia’s president for life as this is detrimental for the country, but has not ruled out that he could run for the post in 2018.

    Answering a question whether the president’s chair is forever with him, Putin said: “No.” “This is not good and detrimental for the country and I do not need it as well,” he explained.

    “You see I am in such position that there is nothing secret…” the president said.

    According to him, the case is not that he is tired. “I proceed from the present-day realities and mid-term perspectives. There is no sense for me…” he explained.

    “I know that I have sincerely served and keep serving, and I do everything possible to realize myself in this. But I repeat that clutching at something is counterproductive, detrimental and in no way interesting,” the president said.

    Putin noted that the Constitution allows re-election. “Yes, there is a possibility of my nomination for a new term,” he said. “Yes it [Constitution] indeed allows but it does not mean that I will make such decision,” Putin stressed..............

  33. At least 60 Germans have died fighting alongside militants from the jihadist group "Islamic State" (IS) with at least nine being killed in suicide attacks, Germany's domestic intelligence chief Hans-Georg Maassen said in an interview published Sunday....

    Maassen told the weekly Bild am Sonntag that some 550 radical German Islamists had gone to conflict regions in Syria and Iraq to help IS in an offensive that has seen the group capture large amounts of territory in both countries in recent months.

    German authorities were increasingly concerned about the high figure, which had gone up more rapidly in the past six weeks, he said, calling it "a sad success for Islamist propaganda."

    'A certain danger'

    Maassen said that some 180 German jihadists were thought to have returned home, creating a dangerous potential for attacks within Germany itself. Authorities were deliberating on measures to monitor their activities, he said, but admitted that intelligence services did not have the capacity to watch over all of them all of the time...............

  34. Le chef de la diplomatie allemande contre l'adhésion de Kiev à l'UE et à l'Otan ...

    Le ministre allemand des Affaires étrangères Frank-Walter Steinmeier s'est prononcé contre l'adhésion de l'Ukraine au sein de l'Otan et de l'Union européenne.

    "A mon avis, des relations de partenatiat sont possibles entre l'Ukraine et l'Otan, mais pas l'adhésion", a déclaré le chef de la diplomatie allemande dans une interview accordée au journal Spiegel.

    Dans le même temps, M.Steinmeier a qualifié d'"irréalsite" le scénario prévoyant l'entrée de Kiev à l'UE à long terme, car la modernisation économique et politique de l'Ukraine constitue selon lui "un projet pour plusieurs générations".............

  35. DPR to Lay Claims Over Whole Donetsk Region's Territory: Deputy PM ...

    The Donetsk People's Republic should be within the borders of the former Donetsk Region, DPR deputy prime minister said, pointing out that the issue should be addressed "at the negotiating table, without any weapons in hands."

    DONETSK, November 23 (Sputnik) — The self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) is going to lay territorial claims over the entire territory of Ukraine's Donetsk Region, should the talks with Kiev occur, DPR Deputy Prime Minister Denis Pushilin said Sunday.

    "We will insist on a full territorial integrity of the republic. It is within the borders of the former Donetsk Region," Pushilin told reporters, pointing out that the issue should be addressed "at the negotiating table, without any weapons in hands."..................

  36. Ukraine Marks Anniversary of Deadly 1930s Famine ...

    During a weekend commemoration for millions who died of starvation in Ukraine in the early 1930s, President Petro Poroshenko lashed out at Soviet-era totalitarianism for causing the deaths and accused today’s Russian-backed rebels in the east of using similar tactics.

    Soviet leaders refused to acknowledge the famine of 1932 and 1933. They also confiscated grain supplies and prevented travel to find food, leading to what some call a Soviet-engineered "genocide."

    The tragedy known as Holodomor never would have happened if Ukraine had been an independent, democratic country, Poroshenko said Saturday................

  37. Suicide blast kills dozens in Afghanistan...

    Officials say bomber targeted volleyball tournament match attended by large crowd in province bordering Pakistan.

    A suicide bomber has killed dozens of people in an attack on a volleyball match in Afghanistan's east, officials say.

    Mokhis Afghan, spokesman for the governor of Paktika province, bordering Pakistan, said the attack happened late on Sunday afternoon during an inter-district tournament match attended by a large crowd in the Yahyakhail district.

    Officials said at least 49 people were dead and about dozens more were wounded in the attack, adding that most casualties were civilian..............

  38. Sissi prêt à envoyer des forces pour aider un Etat palestinien ...

    Le président égyptien Abdel Fattah al-Sissi s'est déclaré prêt à envoyer ultérieurement des forces dans un futur Etat palestinien pour l'aider à se stabiliser, en accord avec « Israël » et l'Autorité palestinienne, dans une interview au Corriere della Sera.

    Le chef de l'Etat, qui entame lundi une tournée en Italie et en France, et rencontrera le pape François, a donné dimanche sa première interview à un journal occidental, dans lequel il revient en détail notamment sur le conflit israélo-palestinien et la Libye.

    "Nous sommes prêts à envoyer des forces militaires à l'intérieur d'un Etat palestinien. Nous aiderions la police locale et rassurerions les Israéliens par notre rôle de garant. Pas pour toujours, bien sûr. Pour le temps nécessaire à rétablir la confiance. Mais d'abord doit exister un Etat palestinien où envoyer des troupes", souligne le président du plus grand pays arabe.

    Il rappelle qu'il "faudra du temps pour rétablir la confiance, mais n'est-ce pas ce qui est arrivé avec Israël après que nous ayons fait la paix" (en allusion aux accords de Camp David en 1979).

    De cette proposition d'envoi de forces, "j'ai parlé longuement avec le Premier ministre Benjamin Netanyahu" et aussi "avec Abou Mazen", le président de l'Autorité palestinienne Mahmoud Abbas, a-t-il assuré.

    Evoquant le takfirisme qui croît notamment dans le Sinaï, il affirme que Daech est "seulement une des faces d'une même médaille" d'un terrorisme "qui a tant de visages". Il appelle les Européens à "la sécurité commune, la lutte commune contre le terrorisme". "Si ce n'est pas commun, cela ne fonctionnera pas. J'en parlerai aussi avec le pape, en particulier en ce qui concerne la sécurité des minorités religieuses, chrétiens en tête", ajoute-t-il............

  39. Emprunt russe du FN : « aucune obligation » en retour assure Marine Le Pen ...

    Le FN a contracté fin septembre un prêt de 9 millions d’euros auprès de la banque russe First Cezch Russian Bank.

    La présidente du Front National, Marine Le Pen, a déclaré dimanche ne se sentir « aucune obligation » envers la banque russe à qui son parti a emprunté 9 millions d’euros, ajoutant que cet emprunt était « absolument légal ». « Tout est absolument légal dans cet emprunt, j’aurais préféré emprunter à une banque française, je ne le peux pas parce qu’on m’interdit de le faire, ça pose un vrai problème démocratique, mais je ne me sens aucune obligation à l’égard de la banque qui m’a prêté cet argent », a dit Mme Le Pen dans l’émission « C Politique » sur France 5 ............

  40. Russia launched a new flight featuring Soyuz TMA-15M spacecraft with a three-member international crew aboard to the International Space Station (ISS) at 00:01 a.m. Moscow time (2100 GMT) Monday....

    "The launch of the Soyuz-FG carrier rocket with the Soyuz TMA- 15M spaceship was carried out in a regular regime at the Baikonur space center in Kazakhstan," Tass news agency quoted a spokesman for the Russian federal aerospace department as saying.

    Aboard the manned spacecraft Soyuz TMA-13M this time were Russian cosmonaut Anton Shkaplerov, Terry Virts from the NASA, the space agency of United States, as well as European Space Agency ( ESA) astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti, along with a 20-kilogram space coffee maker.

    The manned spacecraft will dock with the ISS at 5:50 a.m. Moscow time Monday. The three cosmonauts will stay at the ISS for 169 days, executing tasks including carrying out legions of scientific experiments.

    Currently working at the ISS are Russian cosmonauts Alexander Samokutyayev and Yelena Serova, and NASA spaceman Barry Wilmore.

  41. La nave tripulada Soyuz atraca en la estación espacial ...

    La nave Soyuz TMA-15M con tres cosmonautas a bordo, lanzada hoy desde el cosmódromo Baikonur en Kazajistán, atracó en modo automático en la Estación Espacial Internacional (EEI) tras un vuelo de seis horas, informó una fuente de la agencia espacial rusa, Roscosmos.

    "La nave se enganchó al segmento ruso de la EEI en régimen automático", precisó..............

    1. Soyuz TMA-15M spacecraft, launched from Baikonur Cosmodrome has docked automatically with the Russian segment of the ISS...

      BAIKONUR (Kazakhstan), November 24 (Sputnik) – Soyuz TMA-15M spacecraft that was launched from Baikonur Cosmodrome some six hours ago has docked automatically with the International Space Station (ISS), a Roscosmos representative told RIA Novosti.

      "The interference of the crew in the Kurs [docking] system, luckily, was not required. The spacecraft docked with the Russian segment of the ISS automatically," the Russian Federal Space Agency representative said.

      Late Sunday, the Soyuz TMA-15M was launched from Baikonur Cosmodrome's Site 31. The three crew members aboard the spacecraft included NASA's Terry Virts, Roscosmos' Anton Shkaplerov and European Space Agency's Samantha Cristoforetti..................

  42. US-Truppen bleiben auch 2015 in Polen und Baltikum wegen „russischer Aggression“...

    Die in Polen und den baltischen Staaten stationierten US-Soldaten werden dort auch 2015 wegen der „russischen Aggression“ bleiben, wie der Kommandeur der US-Armee in Europa, Generalleutnant Frederick Hodges, in Vilnius, der Hauptstadt von Litauen, sagte.

    „US-Streitkräfte werden in Litauen, Estland, Lettland und Polen bleiben, solange es erforderlich ist, die russische Aggression zu zügeln“, zitiert France-Presse den Generalleutnant.

    Hodges zufolge „versucht heute Russland, seine Nachbarn mit Militärübungen und häufigeren Verletzungen des Luftraumes einzuschüchtern“.

    „Die Disziplin und die Einheit der Nationen sind zum gegebenen Zeitpunkt äußerst wichtig, damit ein kleiner Zwischenfall nicht zu etwas führt, was nicht geschehen sollte“, so der Kommandeur der US-Armee in Europa...............

  43. Palestina aplaza una resolución que exige poner fecha al final de la ocupación israelí ...

    El ministro de Exteriores palestino, Riad Malki, ha declarado a la agencia palestina Maan que la Autoridad Nacional Palestina (ANP) ha decidido retrasar la presentación de una resolución al Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU para que se establezca una fecha final de la ocupación israelí de los territorios palestinos.

    La presentación tenía que llevarse a cabo a final de noviembre, pero los líderes palestinos han decidido posponerla tras haber recibido presiones y amenazas de Estados Unidos, que alertaron de que podían sancionar a los palestinos................

  44. Russia puts losses at up to $140 billion from Western sanctions, oil price fall: minister ...

    (Reuters) - Russia is suffering losses at a rate of about $40 billion per year because of Western sanctions and $90-100 billion from the drop in the oil price, Finance Minister Anton Siluanov said on Monday.........

  45. Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi's center-left Democratic Party (PD) won regional elections in Calabria and Emilia Romagna on Sunday but an exceptionally low turnout suggested growing disillusion among many voters....

    Renzi, who has chalked up two other regional election successes since taking office in February and won a record victory in European elections in May, claimed another win, but he acknowledged that large numbers of voters had stayed away.

    "The turnout was bad, the results were good. A clear 2-0. 4 regions out of 4 taken from the center right in 9 months," he said in a tweet on Monday.

    However, after years of economic crisis that has created hardship among a growing number of Italians, there were clear warning signs for Renzi, who is facing increased pressure to push through potentially unpopular economic reforms.................

    1. Italie: la gauche remporte des élections régionales, abstention record ...

      La gauche italienne a remporté les élections qui se sont tenues dimanche dans deux régions, en Emilie-Romagne et en Calabre, un scrutin marqué par une abstention record et une baisse notable du Mouvement 5 étoiles (M5S) de Beppe Grillo. En Emilie-Romagne, une région traditionnellement acquise à la gauche, le taux de participation a chuté à 37,67%, tandis qu'en Calabre il a été à peine supérieur, 44,1%.

      Le Parti démocrate (PD) du chef du gouvernement Matteo Renzi garde l'Emilie-Romagne où son candidat prend 49,6% des voix contre 29,7% au candidat de centre droit présenté par la Ligue du Nord. Le PD prend à la droite la Calabre où son candidat remporte environ 61,4% des voix contre 23,7% à son adversaire de centre droit. "Mauvaise affluence, bon résultat: deux à zéro. Quatre régions reprises à la droite en neuf mois. La Ligue détruit Forza Italia et Grillo. Le PD au-dessus de 40%", a résumé Matteo Renzi dans un tweet pendant la nuit.

      Même s'il n'est pas possible de tirer des conclusions d'un un scrutin aussi limité, la forte baisse du mouvement contestataire M5S de Beppe Grillo est notable.................

  46. Nach Biden-Besuch: Türkei will aktiver gegen IS vorgehen ...

    Die Türkei will sich aktiver am Kampf gegen die Terrorgruppe Islamischer Staat (IS) beteiligen, schreibt die Zeitung "Kommersant" am Montag.

    Während seines dreitägigen Istanbul-Besuchs traf sich US-Vizepräsident Joe Biden mit Präsident Recep Tayyip Erdogan und Premier Ahmet Davutoglu und nahm an einer Gesprächsrunde der Denkfabrik Atlantic Council über Energiesicherheit teil.

    Im Mittelpunkt der Gespräche stand vor allem die Lage in Syrien, wo Washington und seine Verbündeten gegen die IS-Radikalen kämpfen. Formell gehört die Türkei seit Anfang Oktober zur Anti-IS-Koalition. Allerdings haben die Türken bislang kaum Taten gezeigt...........

  47. China defies U.S. call to stop island project in South China Sea ...

    (Reuters) - China on Monday hit back at "irresponsible remarks" from the United States which has called on Beijing to stop a land reclamation project in the disputed South China Sea that could be large enough to accommodate an airstrip.

    China lays claim to almost all of the entire South China Sea, believed to be rich with minerals and oil-and-gas deposits and one of Asia's biggest possible flashpoints. Brunei, Malaysia, the Philippines, Vietnam and Taiwan also have claims.

    The comments by China's foreign ministry signal that Beijing would firmly reject proposals by any country to freeze any activity that may raise tension...............

  48. Donetsk republic official supports idea of making Donetsk airport demilitarized zone ...

    Kiev authorities will have to account for its actions if they refuse to make the Donetsk airport and the near-by town of Schastye a demilitarized zone, parliament speaker of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) Andrey Purgin told TASS Monday.

    The idea was put forward by self-proclaimed republic's parliament vice-speaker Denis Pushilin.

  49. Etats-Unis: le secrétaire à la Défense Chuck Hagel va démissionner ...

    Le secrétaire américain à la Défense Chuck Hagel va annoncer sa démission lundi matin à la Maison Blanche lors d'une intervention commune avec le président Barack Obama, a indiqué un responsable de la Maison Blanche.

    Cette démission serait en partie liée à des différends sur la stratégie à adopter contre le groupe Etat islamique (EI) en Irak et en Syrie, avance le New York Times. "Un successeur sera nommé rapidement", a ajouté le responsable de la Maison Blanche sous couvert d'anonymat, précisant que M. Hagel, 68 ans, seul républicain du cabinet Obama, resterait à son poste jusqu'à ce que son remplaçant soit confirmé par le Sénat..............

  50. U.S. bombings driving anti-Assad rebels into alliance with ISIS, report says ...

    Rebels fighting President Bashar Assad's regime in Syria are being driven into alliances with the Islamic State group, The Guardian reported on Sunday, based on a series of interviews.

    While fighters from the Free Syrian Army are joining the group, also known as ISIS or ISIL, civilian support in the terror group has also swelled.

    "All the locals here wonder why the U.S. coalition never came to rescue them from Assad’s machine guns, but run to fight ISIS when it took a few pieces of land," an FSA commander named Abu Zeid was quoted as saying...............

  51. Bolivia's President Evo Morales pushes overdue meeting as Peru cuts Bolivia from Atlantic-Pacific rail route....

    Bolivia’s president demanded face-to-face talks Sunday with his Peruvian counterpart after Peru changed the route of a $10 billion transcontinental railroad, local media reported.

    Peruvian President Ollanta announced last Wednesday the 2,175-mile (3,500 km) project linking the Atlantic and Pacific oceans would bypass Bolivia for “reasons of national interest.”

    Seen as critical in easing the landlocked country’s dependence on Chilean ports, Bolivia had understood as recent as July’s BRICS summit that the railroad would pass through the northern city of Cobija, connecting the respective Brazilian and Peruvian ports of Santos and Ilo.

    “There’s still a bilateral meeting pending with Peru,” Bolivia’s President Evo Morales told state radio station Patria Nueva. “It would be important to develop this issue [the inter-oceanic train].”

    Discussions set to take place nine months ago on the train have not yet materialized.

    Bolivia could build the route “cheaper and shorter,” the socialist leader added.

    Morales suggested possible “dirty play” by Peru last month after the publication of initial plans skirted Bolivian territory.

    Humala’s comments to members of the foreign press last week confirmed the re-routing, marking another hit to diplomatic relations after Peru vowed to remain neutral in a bitter dispute between Chile and Bolivia over its right to the sea...............

  52. Las empresas españolas ganan un 62% más pero los salarios solo suben el 0,6% ...

    Los beneficios netos de las empresas no financieras españolas aumentaron un 62,4% desde enero hasta septiembre de 2014, en comparación con los mismos meses en 2013.

    Sin embargo, los salarios reflejados en los convenios colectivos firmados hasta octubre, solo subieron un 0,57%.

    Así consta en los datos publicados hoy por la Central de Balances del Banco de España y por el Ministerio de Empleo, que muestra como la mejoría económica de las empresas no se ve reflejada en la plantilla de trabajadores............

  53. Portugal ex-PM Jose Socrates to be held amid corruption probe ...

    Portugal's former centre-left prime minister, Jose Socrates, has been remanded in custody on preliminary charges of corruption and tax fraud.

    Mr Socrates, 57, was detained on his return from Paris on Friday and has already spent three nights in jail.

    The judge delivered the decision after investigators looked into suspicious money transfers and banking operations.

    Mr Socrates, who denies any wrongdoing, is being investigated alongside his driver, a close friend, and a lawyer.

    The former prime minister was in office from 2005 to 2011. His lawyer, Joao Araujo, told reporters on Monday that his client would appeal against the decision.............

  54. Reconnaissance de la Palestine: le Parlement Européen reporte son vote ...

    Les eurodéputés se sont prononcés pour ce report lundi à Strasbourg, en ouverture d'une semaine par ailleurs très riche en actualité politique. A la demande du parti populaire européen (PPE), une courte majorité a approuvé un renvoi en décembre............

  55. Ukraine to hold referendum on joining NATO ..

    President Petro Poroshenko said here Monday a referendum will be held to decide whether or not Ukraine should join the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

    "Only the people of Ukraine will decide whether to join NATO or not during a referendum," Poroshenko said at a joint press conference with Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaite.

    Ukrainian authorities have been working out certain criteria, which the country should meet within the coming years to obtain NATO membership, Poroshenko said, who nevertheless insisted that the attempt to join the alliance now "will bring more harm than advantages."................

  56. The US State Department said Monday night in reaction to the Jewish state bill that: "We would expect it to continue Israel's commitment to democratic principles."...

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Monday that he would continue to advance the "Jewish state bill" while maintaining the rights of all Israel's citizens.

    The vote has caused a crisis within Netanyahu's coalition, with Finance Minister Yair Lapid and Justice Minister Tzipi Livni vowing not to vote in favor of the bill despite the cabinet's approval of the measure on Sunday............

  57. Ferguson decision: Verdict sparks night of violence ...

    The St Louis suburb of Ferguson has seen rioting and looting after a jury decision not to bring charges over the killing of Michael Brown.

    A local police chief said the violence was "probably much worse than the worst night we ever had in August" after the black teenager was killed.

    St Louis county police chief Jon Belmar said he had heard 150 shots fired by crowds.

    Mr Brown was shot by a white police officer on 9 August, sparking protests.

    Many in the African American community had called for police officer Darren Wilson to be charged with murder..................

  58. Remarks by the President After Announcement of the Decision by the Grand Jury in Ferguson, Missouri (The White House) ...

    THE PRESIDENT: As you know, a few moments ago, the grand jury deliberating the death of Michael Brown issued its decision. It’s an outcome that, either way, was going to be subject of intense disagreement not only in Ferguson, but across America. So I want to just say a few words suggesting how we might move forward.

    First and foremost, we are a nation built on the rule of law. And so we need to accept that this decision was the grand jury’s to make. There are Americans who agree with it, and there are Americans who are deeply disappointed, even angry. It’s an understandable reaction. But I join Michael’s parents in asking anyone who protests this decision to do so peacefully. Let me repeat Michael’s father’s words: “Hurting others or destroying property is not the answer. No matter what the grand jury decides, I do not want my son’s death to be in vain. I want it to lead to incredible change, positive change, change that makes the St. Louis region better for everyone.” Michael Brown’s parents have lost more than anyone. We should be honoring their wishes...........

  59. Summit of Failure: How the EU Lost Russia over Ukraine ...

    One year ago, negotations over a Ukraine association agreement with the European Union collapsed. The result has been a standoff with Russia and war in the Donbass. It was an historical failure, and one that German Chancellor Angela Merkel contributed to.

    Only six meters separated German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych as they sat across from each other in the festively adorned knight's hall of the former Palace of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania. In truth, though, they were worlds apart.

    Yanukovych had just spoken. In meandering sentences, he tried to explain why the European Union's Eastern Partnership Summit in Vilnius was more useful than it might have appeared at that moment, why it made sense to continue negotiating and how he would remain engaged in efforts towards a common future, just as he had previously been. "We need several billion euros in aid very quickly," Yanukovych said.

    Then the chancellor wanted to have her say. Merkel peered into the circle of the 28 leaders of EU member states who had gathered in Vilnius that evening. What followed was a sentence dripping with disapproval and cool sarcasm aimed directly at the Ukrainian president. "I feel like I'm at a wedding where the groom has suddenly issued new, last minute stipulations."................

  60. L'Europe impuissante face au retour des jihadistes ...

    Hans-Georg Maassen, chef de l'Office fédéral allemand de protection de la Constitution, a annoncé à ses compatriotes la mort de 60 citoyens allemands qui combattaient en Irak et en Syrie du côté de l’État islamique (EI) et d'autres organisations extrémistes, écrit mardi 25 novembre le quotidien Novye Izvestia.

    Au total, selon les spécialistes allemands, plus de 500 citoyens du pays ont rejoint le jihad au Moyen-Orient. Certains d'entre eux (environ 200) sont déjà revenus en Allemagne et représentent une sérieuse menace à la sécurité nationale. Des citoyens d'autres pays européens ayant combattu sous le drapeau noir du jihad reviennent également chez eux.

    L'Europe ne doit donc pas seulement faire face à la crise économique. Des "jihadistes européens" – des musulmans extrémistes détenant un passeport de l'UE partis au Moyen-Orient "combattre les infidèles" et "construire un califat contemporain" – commencent à revenir d'Irak et de Syrie...............

  61. Statement by High Representative/Vice-President Federica Mogherini on the signature of a “Treaty on Alliance and Strategic Partnership" between the Russian Federation and Georgia's breakaway region of Abkhazia ...

    "The Russian Federation’s signature today of a so-called “Treaty on Alliance and Strategic Partnership” with Georgia's breakaway region of Abkhazia is detrimental to ongoing efforts to stabilise the security situation in the region.

    Just like earlier agreements signed between the Russian Federation and Abkhazia, this violates Georgia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, contradicts principles of international law and the international commitments of the Russian Federation, including the 12 August 2008 Agreement and its Implementing Measures of 8 September 2008.

    The EU reiterates its firm support for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Georgia within its internationally recognised borders."

  62. Etat palestinien: Israël accuse l'Europe de soutenir les extrémistes ...

    L'ambassadeur israélien à l'Onu Ron Prosor a accusé d'hypocrisie les pays européens soutenant la création d'un Etat palestinien, rapporte mardi le correspondant de RIA Novosti à New York.

    "Vous tendez la main aux extrémistes et aux fanatiques (…). Plusieurs éléments témoignent de l'hypocrisie de la communauté internationale. Les Européens se déclarent partisans de la liberté et de l'égalité, mais cela ne correspond en rien à la réalité", a lancé le diplomate hébreu.

    Selon M.Prosor, en ce qui concerne les problèmes sécuritaires, "Israël ne peut compter sur personne, et surtout pas sur l'Europe"...............

  63. Three Chinese patrol vessels enter zone of disputed Senkaku Islands in East China Sea ...
    China’s three patrol vessels have entered the waters of the disputed Senkaku Islands in the East China Sea, which Japan considers as its territorial waters, the country’s coast guards said on Tuesday.

    The vessels were seen in the area at around 10:00 a.m. local time (0100 GMT) to the north-west of the Kubadzima Island. The Japanese border guards told China to “immediately leave Japan’s territorial waters” but took no active steps.

    Tensions over the group of uninhabited islands increased in September 2012 after Tokyo announced plans to buy them from private owners. After that move, mass anti-Japanese protests hit China.................

  64. Police reported Tuesday the detention of 29 persons around the St. Louis suburb of Ferguson, as protests erupted in the city over a grand jury's decision not to indict Darren Wilson, a white off-duty police officer who fatally shot Michael Brown, an unarmed African-American teenager in August....

    At least 29 arrests have been made so far around Ferguson and some 150 gunshots were fired by crowds, St. Louis County Police Chief Jon Belmar said early Tuesday.

    "We have no loss of life, but I am disappointed the evening turned out this way," he told reporters.....................

  65. Pope Francis complains of 'haggard' Europe in Strasbourg ...

    Pope Francis has warned that the world sees Europe as "somewhat elderly and haggard", during a speech to the European Parliament in Strasbourg.

    The Pope said the continent felt "less and less a protagonist", in a world that regarded it with mistrust.

    He also called for a "united response" to the arrival of boatloads of poor and desperate migrants in Europe.

    Pope Francis's whistle-stop visit to Strasbourg has disgruntled some, who have accused him of neglecting Europe.

    Many of Strasbourg's Catholics are upset that he will not meet them or visit the city's cathedral...............

  66. Iranian Leader: Western Powers Failed to Bring Iran to its Knees ...

    Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei says the United States and "European colonialist powers" failed in their efforts to bring Iran "to its knees" during negotiations on the country's nuclear program.

    The comments posted on his website Tuesday are his first since negotiators from Iran and a group of world powers agreed to extend talks on Iran's nuclear program through the middle of next year.

    The extension came after the two sides failed to reach an agreement by the end of Monday to ensure Iran's nuclear program in peaceful in exchange for easing sanctions that have hurt the country's economy.................

  67. Ukraine: les rebelles demandent l'envoi de casques bleus ...

    Les autorités séparatistes prorusses de l'Est de l'Ukraine ont demandé mardi à l'Onu l'envoi de casques bleus, notamment russes, dans cette zone afin d'y empêcher une "catastrophe humanitaire".

    "Nous exigeons une réunion extraordinaire du Conseil de sécurité de l'Onu afin d'examiner la question de l'envoi d'un contingent de maintien de la paix avec participation de représentants russes", a déclaré dans un communiqué le "parlement" de la République autoproclamée de Donetsk, bastion rebelle dans l'Est.

    "Nous appelons la communauté internationale et la Fédération russe à arrêter la catastrophe humanitaire et le génocide social déclenchés par les actes du gouvernement ukrainien", poursuit le communiqué.................

  68. European Union Extends Sanctions Relief for Iran: EU Council ...

    The European Union has extended the suspension of certain sanctions against Iran over its nuclear program until June 2015, the Council of the European Union said Tuesday.

    "The Council has extended until 30 June 2015 the suspension of EU restrictive measures specified in the Joint Plan of Action agreed by E3/EU+3 [group of six world powers also known as P5+1] and Iran on 24 November 2013," the Council of the EU said in a press release published on its official website.

    Under the sanction relief, the Islamic republic could continue some international oil trade, which is the pillar of the country's economy.....................

  69. IS, militant groups received $120 mn in ransoms: UN ...

    The Sunni radical group Islamic State (IS) and other terrorist groups operating in Syria and Iraq have received as much as $120 million in ransoms since 2004, a UN expert said.

    Kidnapping for ransom by IS and other terrorist groups continues to grow and they have received an estimated $120 million in ransoms between 2004 and 2012, Yotsna Lalji, a UN expert monitoring sanctions against Al Qaeda, warned in a meeting of the UN Security Council's counter-terrorism committee, Press TV reported Tuesday.......Read more:

  70. Merkel says sanctions against Russia still necessary ...

    German Chancellor Angela Merkel said Tuesday economic sanctions against Russia for Moscow’s position on Ukrainian developments are still necessary.

    “They (sanctions) are inevitable while Russia makes no or few efforts to overcome the crisis,” Merkel said at a congress of European Family Business in Berlin.

    She admitted that the sanctions negatively affect the European, including German, economy..........................

  71. NYT editorial slams Jewish 'nation-state' bill ...

    New York Times editorial deplores cabinet approval of the bill, claiming the law will have no useful effect.

    The New York Times slammed Israel's Jewish nation-state bill in an editorial published on Monday, saying it "would seriously antagonize an already seething Arab minority and erode Israel’s standing among democratic nations."

    The controversial bill, which would enshrine Israel's definition as "the nation-state of Jewish people" in law was approved by Prime Minister Netanyahu's Cabinet on Sunday, and will move to a vote in the Knesset plenum.

    "In this time of high tensions and violence between Jews and Arabs, incited by competing claims to the sacred site in the heart of Jerusalem — called the Temple Mount by Jews and Noble Sanctuary by Muslims — any measure that claims a pre-eminent status for Jews can only add fuel to the fire," the editorial said...............

  72. EU budget: Parliament urges EU member states to pay up and do a deal ...

    MEPs were disappointed that no deal had been struck with the Council on topping up the EU’s 2014 budget and a new budget for 2015, they said in a debate on Tuesday. They urged EU member states to muster the political will to tackle the ever-growing pile of unpaid bills for 2014. Talks will resume after a new draft budget is presented on 28 November.

    ˮWe cannot understand how the Council can have spent so much more time on dealing with its own problem [i.e. redistributing member states’ GNI-based contributions] than on delivering a budget for the EU as a wholeˮ, said 2014 budget rapporteur Gérard Deprez (ALDE, BE), reiterating that ˮWe have an obligation to agree on a good budget for 2014 and 2015".

    MEPs again insisted on the need to establish clearly the amount of bills remaining unpaid at the end of 2014 before moving on to discuss the budget for 2015...............

  73. La mayoría absoluta del conservador Partido Popular (PP) en el Congreso de los Diputados impidió hoy cambiar la reforma del artículo 135 de la Constitución que, desde 2011, prioriza el pago de la deuda y fija un techo de gasto público....

    La iniciativa fue llevada al Parlamento por la Izquierda Plural y se sumaron los socialistas del PSOE que hace dos años rubricaron esta modificación de la ley cuando el socialista José Luis Rodriguez Zapatero era presidente del Gobierno.

    Ahora, el nuevo líder del PSOE Pedro Sánchez reconoce el "error" y llamó a los socialistas a apoyar una proposición que quiere blindar la Sanidad y la Educación frente al pago de la deuda.

    El Portavoz del PSOE, Antonio Pradas, denunció que la conocida como "reforma exprés" le "ha servido al PP para llevar a cabo sus recortes, por una pura opción ideológica".

    El parlamentario recordó que en 2011 "vivíamos una situación de extrema gravedad por la crisis financiera en el mundo, con una prima de riesgo de 400 puntos y en la Unión Europea se aprobó una pacto de estabilidad y el Gobierno aceptó para hacer frente a la dudas sobre la economía española".

    Entonces fue útil, pero según el socialista, "lo que ha venido después es que le ha servido al (presidente) Rajoy para llevar a cabo los recortes y provocar sacrificios en los españoles. El PP nos ha llevado a una crisis social con recortes en sanidad, educación y asuntos sociales"..................

  74. Ukraine reports new arrivals of Russian supplies for eastern rebels ,,,

    (Reuters) - Ukraine leveled fresh charges on Tuesday that Russia was sending support to pro-Russian separatists in the east, saying that five columns of heavy equipment were seen crossing onto Ukrainian territory on Monday.

    The latest accusations come amid a standstill in diplomatic efforts to end the six-month conflict in the east in which the United Nations says more than 4,300 people have been killed.

    Separately, the Kiev military said one soldier was killed and five others injured in the past 24 hours as a fragile ceasefire declared on Sept. 5 continued to come under pressure.

    "The Russian side is continuing to provide the terrorist organizations of the Donetsk and Luhansk people's republics with heavy armaments," said a foreign ministry spokesman.......................

    1. La défense de la Crimée sera renforcée par 14 avions de chasse ...

      14 avions de chasse arrivent mercredi sur l'aérodrome militaire de Belbek en Crimée, a annoncé le porte-parole de la Flotte de la mer Noire Viatcheslav Troukhatchev.

      10 Soukhoï Su-27SM et 4 Soukhoï Su-30 (tous les avions de génération 4+) arrivent à Belbek. Quatre d'entre eux sont tout neufs, a précisé le capitaine Troukhatchev.

      L'aérodrome de Belbek qui sous le pouvoir ukrainien était à double usage, sera modernisé et préparé pour accueillir les avions modernes qui seront mis en dotation dans les forces aériennes de Russie.
      Lire la suite:

  75. The head of the regional government of Catalonia, Artur Mas, said Tuesday he wants to hold early elections in the wealthy Spanish region which would be centred on independence....

    The election, which would involve a joint list of candidates of all parties in favour of a Catalan state, is the "only" way to allow Catalans to voice their opinion following a symbolic independence referendum held on November 9 which was opposed by the central government, he added.

    Read more:

  76. Hundreds of additional National Guard troops rolled into Ferguson on Tuesday, a day after protesters looted businesses and set fire to buildings in a night of rage against a grand jury's decision not to indict the white police officer who killed Michael Brown...

    Meanwhile, officer Darren Wilson broke his long public silence, insisting on national television that he could not have done anything differently in the confrontation with Brown.

    In the aftermath of Monday's violence, Missouri governor Jay Nixon more than tripled the number of Guard soldiers sent to the St. Louis suburb, ordering the initial force of 700 to be increased to 2,200 in hopes that their presence would help local law enforcement keep order in the St. Louis suburb..............Read more:

  77. Argentina president, back after sick leave, vows to fight hedge funds ...

    (Reuters) - Argentina's President Cristina Fernandez returned to the public stage in fighting form on Tuesday after a 3-week break due to an infection, declaring in a speech to businessmen she would not be held ransom by hedge funds suing the country.

    The 61-year-old, two-term president who has had various health problems in recent years was discharged from hospital on Nov. 9 after treatment for bacterial infection of the colon and ordered by her doctors to rest.

    But in her 40-minute speech to the Argentine Chamber of Construction, she appeared every bit her usual fiery self, attacking the hedge funds that purchased Argentine debt for cents on the dollar after its devastating 2002 default and are now suing it for full repayment.................

    1. After a month of absence from government activity due to a medical condition, President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner resumed public duties with an address to the Argentine Construction Chamber convention at the Sheraton Hotel, Buenos Aires City...

      In her first speech in 26 days, the head of state reviewed her government’s achievements and remarked the measures taken in social inclusion and public spending. Later she addressed the vulture funds.

      “No vulture or troublemaker will extort this President”, Fernández de Kirchner affirmed, in a clear reference to the holdouts and judge Thomas Griesa, the US Magistrate in charge of the case whose ruling forced the country into a technical default.

      “The [debt] business is not letting a country grow but to indebt itself. I think it is very important to achieve an agreement but under a legal form and without blackmail,” she added......................

  78. US Provides Only Non-Lethal Aid to Ukraine: Defense Department ...

    "Nothing has changed about the non-lethal assistance that we continue to flow to Ukrainian armed forces and security forces," Kirby told reporters Monday.

    When asked to confirm that the US Department of Defense has made no decision on providing lethal aid to Ukraine, Kirby replied that the United States "continue[s] to focus on non-lethal assistance to Ukraine".

    Last Friday, US Senator John McCain told Sputnik that the newly-elected US Congress will pass resolutions and apply pressure on US President Barack Obama to provide Ukraine with lethal military assistance..................

  79. Powerful Photos Show The Nationwide Response To Michael Brown Won't End Any Time Soon...

    On the night after an announcement of a St. Louis County grand jury decision to not indict Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson for the killing of Michael Brown, protesters around the U.S. continued to assemble and raise their voices as they demanded justice for Brown's death on Tuesday evening.

    In New York City, groups swarmed major streets and bridges, including the Lincoln Tunnel, the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Drive, Manhattan Bridge and Brooklyn Bridge. A march paused on Wall Street to observe a moment of silence, then sang "We Shall Overcome." After a crowd refused orders to disperse from Times Square, police moved in and made several arrests, the New York Times reported.

    Marches in Washington D.C. prompted warnings of street closures from police and groups of protesters shouted "Shut it down!" in front of government buildings. Videos posted to social media showed what appeared to be an American flag set ablaze. HuffPost's Diane Jeanty saw protesters enter an area Wal-Mart, chanting, "We are better than this."

    In Baltimore, protesters blocked streets and staged a "die-in'' by laying down in front of police headquarters. A march resulted in the entrance to a major interstate being shut down, the Baltimore Sun reported...................

  80. Catalogne: Mas prêt à organiser des élections pour se séparer de l'Espagne...

    Le président catalan Artur Mas s'est prononcé mardi en faveur d'élections régionales anticipées portant uniquement sur la volonté ou non des Catalans d'obtenir l'indépendance, en vue d'achever avant fin 2016 un processus menant la puissante région à se séparer de l'Espagne.

    Le nationaliste conservateur Artur Mas, qui ne prononçait jamais ouvertement le mot "indépendance" il y a encore deux ans, a présenté un plan en six étapes lors d'une conférence devant 3000 personnes..................

  81. Deux agents du FBI touchés par des tirs, la colère monte à Ferguson ...

    Deux agents du FBI ont été touchés par des tirs près de Ferguson, ce mercredi. De New York à Los Angeles, des milliers de personnes ont manifesté mardi pour la deuxième soirée consécutive aux Etats-Unis, après la décision de ne pas poursuivre un policier blanc ayant tué un jeune Noir à Ferguson. Le policier auteur des faits a pour sa part déclaré sur la chaîne ABC qu'il avait "bonne conscience" et qu'il aurait agi de la même manière avec un jeune Blanc.

    Deux agents du FBI ont été la cible de tirs ce mercredi dans la banlieue de Ferguson, déclare la chaîne américaine NBC. D'après la police, ils seraient blessés mais pas grièvement.

    Il s'agit du dernier évènement en date qui témoigne des violences suscitées par la décision lundi soir d'un jury populaire de Ferguson (Missouri, centre) de ne pas poursuivre le policier ayant tué Michael Brown, 18 ans, en août dernier.

    Plusieurs personnes ont été arrêtées à New York, où des centaines de manifestants s'étaient à nouveau rassemblés à Union Square et Times Square, scandant "pas de justice, pas de paix".....................

  82. Food standards officers are pushing for tighter rules in the regional Customs Union to block banned European products reaching Russia through neighbour-states and side-stepping Moscow's embargo on imports from the West....

    Tougher laws are needed to stop Western suppliers flouting Russia’s ban by illicitly reexporting European fruit and vegetables through Russia's partners in the three-nation customs union with Belarus and Kazakhstan, they say.

    Changes should center on rules of transit, Sergey Dankvert, head of Russia's veterinary and phytosanitary service Rosselkhoznadzor, told TASS after meeting Sergey Sidorsky, Agriculture and Industry Minister for the Eurasian Economic Commission, the customs union's supranational regulatory body.................

  83. An estimated 12.2 million Syrians need assistance because of increasing violence and deteriorating conditions in the country, up from 10.8 million in July, the UN humanitarian chief said Tuesday...

    But Valerie Amos told the UN Security Council that the delivery of aid from Turkey and Jordan to rebel-held areas in Syria without government approval has "made a difference." She urged the council to extend the authorization for cross-border aid which expires on January 9.

    Amos painted a grim picture of the worsening situation in Syria: a 40 percent contraction in the economy since 2011, three-quarters of the population living in poverty, a 50 percent drop in school attendance, and 7.6 million people displaced inside the country and 3.2 million who have fled to other countries — the largest displacement in any conflict. (AP) ..................

  84. Taxation: Commission refers Spain to the Court of Justice of the European Union for discriminatory tax treatment applied to investments in certain foreign bonds...

    Brussels, 26 November 2014
    The European Commission has decided to refer Spain to the Court of Justice of the European Union to ensure that the Spanish legislation, the Inheritance and Gift Tax legislation of the Territorio Histórico de Bizkaia, complies with EU law.

    Under the provisions of the Inheritance and Gift Tax legislation of the Territorios Históricos de Alava y Bizkaia, public debt issued by the local administrations (la Comunidad Autónoma del País Vasco, the Diputaciones Forales or the Entidades Locales Territoriales de los tres Territorios Históricos) benefits from a preferential inheritance tax treatment compared to that applied to other similar titles issued in other EU/EEA States. This difference in tax treatment discriminates against investments in public debt issued by other EU Member States or EEA States..................

  85. NATO is not considering establishing a "no-fly zone" in northern Syria, something Turkey has been calling for to alleviate security and humanitarian pressures on its southeastern borders, one of the alliance's top generals has told Reuters...

    Turkey has NATO's second largest military and is host for Land Command (LANDCOM), which is charged with improving the effectiveness and response time of the alliance's land forces.

    Although Turkey has made no formal request to NATO for help in establishing a no-fly zone, it has repeatedly said that willing nations should put one in place to create safe areas in Syria, allowing some of an estimated 1.6 million Syrian refugees to be repatriated.

    "A no-fly zone is a resource intensive undertaking," Lieutenant General John Nicholson, the new head of LANDCOM, told Reuters in an interview at his headquarters in the Turkish coastal city of Izmir...................

  86. A peace settlement in Cyprus is not possible unless Greek Cypriots cut a deal on natural gas exploration with the Turkish-backed breakaway state in the north of the island, the chief Turkish Cypriot negotiator said on Tuesday....

    Natural gas offshore in Cyprus, which has been partitioned since 1974, was first discovered in 2011. Greek Cypriots, who represent Cyprus’s internationally recognised government, have since licensed exploration sites to Italy’s ENI, France’s Total and U.S. Noble Energy in an offshore area south of the eastern Mediterranean island.

    A Turkish company sent a research vessel into the same area last month, prompting Greek Cypriots to suspend peace talks with Turkish Cypriots, saying the move was provocative and designed to undermine their own exploration efforts.

    But in an interview in London, Ergun Olgun, the Turkish Cypriot negotiator, said such exploration would continue and even accelerate if Greek Cypriots pressed ahead with their plans to allow multinationals to exploit the area.

    And that, he said, would prevent a peace deal..............- See more at:

  87. Poutine : la Russie ne se laissera pas entraîner dans des intrigues géopolitiques ...

    La Russie ne menace personne et ne se laissera entraîner par personne dans des intrigues géopolitiques, a déclaré le président de Russie Vladimir Poutine lors d'une réunion consacrée au développement des forces armées.

    Il a souligné a nécessité d'assurer une protection garantie de la souveraineté et de l'intégrité de la Russie et de ses alliés. Le président a accordé une attention particulière à la nécessité d'adopter une approche d'ensemble et de conjuguer les efforts de tous les organes du pouvoir d'Etat dans l'accomplissement des tâches relatives à la défense du pays.
    Lire la suite:

  88. Powerful earthquake hits off northern Indonesia ...

    A powerful earthquake struck off the coast of northern Indonesia late Wednesday, but officials said a tsunami was unlikely.

    There were no immediate reports of injuries or serious damage.

    The US Geological Survey said the magnitude-7.0 quake hit about 150 kilometers (93 miles) northwest of Kota Ternate and was centered 65 kilometers (40 miles) below the seabed. The US National Tsunami Warning Center said, based on historical records, the quake was not sufficient to trigger a tsunami.

    Indonesia is prone to earthquakes due to its location on the Pacific "Ring of Fire," an arc of volcanoes and fault lines in the Pacific Basin. In 2004, a massive earthquake off Sumatra triggered a tsunami that killed 230,000 people in a dozen countries.

    1. Earthquake M 6.8 - MOLUCCA SEA - 2014-11-26 14:33:45 UTC ....local time: 23:33 ...

      Magnitude Mw 6.8
      Region MOLUCCA SEA
      Date time 2014-11-26 14:33:45.7 UTC
      Location 1.95 N ; 126.57 E
      Depth 46 km
      576 km S of Davao, Philippines / pop: 1,212,504 / local time: 22:33:45.7 2014-11-26
      199 km E of Manado, Indonesia / pop: 451,893 / local time: 22:33:45.7 2014-11-26
      157 km NW of Ternate / pop: 101,731 / local time: 23:33:00.0 2014-11-26

  89. Russia: Ferguson violence shows 'systematic defects' in U.S. democracy ...

    The violent crackdown on protesters in Ferguson, Missouri, shows systemic defects in U.S. democracy, the Russian Foreign Ministry said Wednesday.

    The criticism was leveled as relations between Moscow and Washington have plummeted to post-Cold War lows over the crisis in Ukraine.

    "The massive outbreak of popular furor and law enforcement agencies' disproportionate reaction to it confirm again that this is not an isolated incident but a systemic defect of U.S. democracy," ministry spokesman Alexander Lukashevich said.

    He added that blacks remain deprived in the United States and are regularly subjected to violence and persecution by law enforcement agencies.

    "We will naturally continue to carefully follow events in Ferguson and other U.S. cities and will remind the US that it needs to rigorously carry out its obligations to meet democratic standards and citizens' rights," Lukashevich said..............

  90. Attack on OSCE Monitors in Eastern Ukraine ...

    Jen Psaki
    Department Spokesperson
    Washington, DC
    November 26, 2014
    "The United States condemns the reported attack on an OSCE Special Monitoring Mission (SMM) team traveling between Kirove and Shumy in eastern Ukraine on November 26. The SMM reported that a rocket-propelled grenade and multiple rounds of 23mm anti-aircraft ammunition were fired from a location to the southeast toward the OSCE team. These shots appear to have been fired from separatist-controlled territory. Any attacks on, or threats to, OSCE monitors or equipment are unacceptable. We call on all parties to refrain from any actions that endanger the safety of the OSCE mission in Ukraine. The United States thanks the members of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission for their bravery and service. We again call on Russia and the Russia-backed separatists to provide OSCE monitors with full access to carry out their mandate to report on the security and human rights situation throughout Ukraine, facilitate dialogue, and monitor the implementation of the Minsk agreements, including along the international border."

    1. OSCE observers came under fire in eastern Ukraine, according to a reported placed on the OSCE website. ...

      No casualties have been reported during the incident, the Special Monitoring Mission said.

      “At approximately 12:00hrs on 26 November, an SMM patrol of three monitors - escorted by Ukrainian military personnel - was travelling between two Ukrainian military checkpoints (CP) - less than 2km apart - between the towns of Kirove (55km North-East of Donetsk) and Shumy (50km North-East of Donetsk),” the report said.

      “When they reached the CP near Shumy at 12.10hrs, one of the SMM monitors exited the SMM armoured vehicle.”

      “Almost immediately, a rocket-propelled grenade (RPG) was fired - from a location to the South-East - impacting approximately 150 metres from the SMM vehicle. In the space of two seconds, multiple rounds of 23mm anti-aircraft ammunition were fired, impacting two to three metres from the SMM vehicle,” the report said...................

    2. OSZE-Beobachter in Ostukraine beschossen Panzerfaust schlug neben einem OSZE-Konvoi ein - Oligarch Firtasch erhielt Milliarden-Subvention aus Moskau.....

      OSZE-Mitarbeiter sind im Osten der Ukraine erneut unter Beschuss geraten. Verletzt worden sei niemand, teilte die Organisation für Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in Europa mit. Das Fahrzeug der drei Beobachter sei am Mittwoch rund 50 Kilometer nordöstlich der Stadt Donezk unterwegs gewesen. Sie seien von ukrainischen Militärangehörigen begleitet worden.

      Als die Gruppe einen Kontrollposten der ukrainischen Armee nahe der Stadt Sumy erreichte, sei einer der OSZE-Beobachter aus dem gepanzerten Fahrzeug gestiegen. Unmittelbar danach sei eine Panzerfaust abgefeuert worden. Das Geschoss schlug demnach etwa 150 Meter entfernt vom OSZE-Fahrzeug ein. Mehrere Luftabwehrgeschosse hätten kurz darauf das Fahrzeug um zwei bis drei Meter verfehlt. Der Mitarbeiter sei sofort wieder eingestiegen, die Gruppe sei sicher zu ihrer Basis zurückgekehrt, hieß es.................

    3. I militari ucraini ostacolano il lavoro dell'OSCE ...

      Vitaly Churkin, Il rappresentante permanente della Russia alle Nazioni Unite, ha detto che l'esercito ucraino ostacola il lavoro dell'OSCE. In particolare, viene regolarmente ostacolato il movimento degli osservatori, vengono fermati e perquisiti i dipendenti e le loro auto e di recente è stato anche aperto il fuoco su di loro.

      "Questo è assolutamente inaccettabile" ha detto Churkin, parlando ad una riunione del Consiglio di sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite. Come ha detto il diplomatico, la situazione nelle regioni di Donetsk e Lugansk rimane estremamente tesa. Le forze di sicurezza ucraine hanno continuato a bombardare le zone residenziali e vi sono decine di vittime tra i civili.
      Per saperne di più:

  91. Europe has been swept lately by a wave of support for Palestinian statehood, as peace process remains deadlocked....

    European Parliament MEPs discussed on Wednesday the impact recognizing an independent state of Palestine would have on the Israel-Palestine peace process, as well as the wider region.

    There was due to be a debate and vote on the same matter on Thursday Nov. 27, but there were disagreements over the wording of the motion.

    This means that MEPs will vote on a resolution on the matter -- proposed by the left-wing European United Left and Socialists and Democrats parliamentary groups -- during the Dec. 18 plenary, according to a European Parliament press release.

    The motion is expected to eventually pass, despite Israeli efforts.

    "We are the leading trade partner for Israel, and we are the leading donor for the Palestinian Authority. We can be the leading political player in the region to facilitate a dialogue that has to be a directly between the Israelis and the Palestinians," EU High Representative Federica Mogherini said at the opening of debate...............

  92. US Rejects Saudi-Jordanian Offers to Provide Iraq with Arms against ISIL ...

    As Saudi Arabia and Jordan realized the threat which takfiri terrorism poses and presented their offers to provide the Iraqi army with warplanes and weaponry in its fight against ISIL, well informed sources told Al-Manar that the US rejected those offers, revealing its intention to keep the terrorist group a "scarecrow" that enables its administration to carry out all the set plots against all the regional countries.

  93. México investiga nuevo caso de secuestro masivo de estudiantes en Guerrero ...

    El gobierno de México investiga un nuevo caso de secuestro masivo de decenas de estudiantes, denunciado por una madre bajo condición de anonimato a la televisión francesa, dijo el miércoles el secretario de Gobernación (Interior), Ángel Osorio.

    "Se está investigando", dijo el encargado del gabinete político federal, con el fin de verificar la versión difundida por el canal de televisión France 24, con base en una denuncia de desaparición de 31 estudiantes de secundaria en el municipio de Cocula, estado de Guerrero.

    En una grabación con el rostro de la testigo bajo reserva, el canal francés divulgó el testimonio de una mujer adulta, quien dijo que el 7 de julio su hija y otros 30 jóvenes fueron secuestrados y desaparecidos.................

    1. 11 beheaded bodies found in troubled Mexican state ...

      Authorities found 11 burned and beheaded bodies Thursday on a road in Mexico's troubled southern state of Guerrero, officials said.

      The corpses were found near the town of Chilapa following reports of a shootout, in the latest carnage to hit the state where 43 students were apparently slaughtered in September.

      "In addition to being executed, the 11 people were decapitated and subsequently some were burned," said a state government official who requested anonymity.

      A note was left near the bodies with a message addressed to the criminal group "Los Ardillos" (The Squirrels), with the words "here's your trash," the official said.

      A state police officer said the bodies had high-caliber bullet wounds. The victims appeared to be in their 20s.

      The massacre came as President Enrique Pena Nieto prepared to unveil a new security strategy amid angry protests over the case of the 43 college students................

  94. Alle Boeing-Bruchteile werden Ende kommender Woche in Niederlande abtransportiert ...

    Alle geborgenen Bruchteile der im Osten der Ukraine abgestürzten malaysischen Boeing 777 werden aus Charkow in die Niederlande, die eine Ermittlung durchführen, gegen Ende der kommenden Woche abtransportiert.

    Das teilte Hans van de Ven, Chef einer zuständigen operativen Gruppe, in einer Beratung bei der Charkower Gebietsadministration mit.

    Geplant ist, im Weiteren die Bruchteile zusammenzulegen, um die Ursache seines Absturzes zu ermitteln.

    Van de Ven wies darauf hin, das polnische und deutsche Eisenbahnunternehmen kein Interesse für den Transport von Wrackteilen zeigten. Deshalb wurde beschlossen, sie mit Lastkraftwagen zu transportieren.

    Experten gelang es, insgesamt 650 Kubikmeter Bruchteile zu bergen. Nach einer Schätzung von Fachkräften werden 16 Lastkraftwagen für ihren Transport in die Niederlande erforderlich sein.

  95. La Nouvelle-Zélande impose des sanctions contre les banques russes (médias) ...

    Les banques néo-zélandaises ont fermé les comptes correspondants de plusieurs banques russes visées par les sanctions occidentales sur fond de crise ukrainienne, rapporte jeudi le quotidien Kommersant.

    Selon une source proche de la situation, auparavant, des mesures identiques avaient été adoptées par les institutions financières australiennes.

    "Nos banques sont désormais obligées de chercher des intermédiaires pour réaliser des transactions avec les monnaies de ces pays", a expliqué l'interlocuteur du journal................

  96. U.S. ‘horrified’ by Syrian regime raids ...

    The United States said Wednesday it was “horrified” by Syrian regime air strikes in the stronghold Raqqaa that killed at least 95 people, slamming the government for its “continued slaughter,” Agence France-Presse reported.

    The U.S. State Department condemned the strikes, and said the regime had no value for human life.

    “We are horrified by the reports that [President Bashar al-] Assad regime’s airstrikes yesterday in Raqa, Syria killed dozens of civilians and demolished residential areas,” State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said in a statement.

    “The Assad regime’s continued slaughter of Syrian civilians further exposes its callous disregard for human life.” ...............

  97. Grève nationale en Grèce ...

    Une grève générale et des mobilisations contre la politique de rigueur, les licenciements et le projet de budget 2015 auront lieu aujourd'hui à Grèce.

    La grève sera soutenue par les principaux syndicats grecs du public et du privé. Jeudi des établissements et hôpitaux seront fermés. Le trafic sera limité sur les lignes de bus, de trolleys et de tramways. Le personnel du métro se met également en grève. La compagnie aérienne Aegean Airlines a déjà annulé 97 vols intérieurs et 65 vols internationaux et Olympic Air a annoncé l'annulation de 34 vols.
    Lire la suite:

    1. La Grèce en grève générale contre la politique de rigueur ...

      La Grèce, pratiquement privée de transports, tournait jeudi au ralenti en raison d'une grève générale de 24 heures contre les politiques de rigueur.

      A l'origine du mouvement, les centrales GSEE du privé et Adedy du secteur public dénoncent "les mesures gouvernementales qui entretiennent le Moyen-âge social, le chômage à un niveau de cauchemar, les politiques qui font des travailleurs la variable d'ajustement de la crise et des déficits".

      Les contrôleurs aériens se sont ralliés à la grève entraînant la suppression des vols au départ et à destination d'Athènes et tous les bateaux étaient à quai du fait de l'arrêt de travail des dockers.

      La grève devait aussi affecter écoles, hôpitaux, banques et grandes entreprises publiques tandis qu'une série de syndicats, dont ceux des employés du commerce et de l'hôtellerie, ont appelé leurs adhérents à suivre le mot d'ordre..............

  98. Suicide bomber hits foreign convoy in Afghan capital, casualties unclear ...

    (Reuters) - A suicide bomber on a motorcycle attacked a convoy of foreign troops in the east of the Afghan capital, Kabul, on Thursday, police and a government official said, but there was no immediate indication of the extent of any casualties.

    General Ayoub Salangi, the deputy interior minister, confirmed the bomber was riding a motorcycle after he had earlier indicated it had been a suicide car bomb attack.

    The bombing is the latest in a wave of attacks to hit Kabul as the majority of foreign combat troops withdraw from Afghanistan by the end of the year after 13 years of war against the Islamist Taliban and their allies.

  99. Kreml-Sprecher Dmitri Peskow hat ukrainische Medienberichte zurückgewiesen, laut denen Russlands Präsident Wladimir Putin dem ukrainischen Staatschef Pjotr Poroschenko am Telefon gedroht haben soll...

    Putin und Poroschenko haben in einem Telefongespräch am Mittwochabend die Lage in der südöstlichen Ukraine erörtert, teilte Peskow am Donnerstag mit. Das Telefonat sei auf Wunsch der ukrainischen Seite zustande gekommen. Meldungen ukrainischer Medien über angeblich ausgesprochene Drohungen wies Peskow als „unwahr und erfunden“ zurück. Ukrainische Medien hatten am Donnerstagmorgen berichtet, dass Putin im Gespräch mit Poroschenko ein Ultimatum gestellt und Drohungen geäußert habe...................

  100. Defensa de Rusia afirma que EEUU empujó a Ucrania al abismo de la guerra civil ...

    Estados Unidos, al apoyar el Maidán y el golpe de Estado en Ucrania, empujó el país eslavo al abismo de la guerra civil, considera el viceministro ruso de Defensa, Anatoli Antónov.

    “Las tropas de EEUU y la OTAN se acercan cada vez más a las fronteras de Rusia y Washington intensifica su actividad en el antiguo espacio soviético, siendo el último ejemplo la forma en la que Ucrania fue empujada al abismo con el apoyo (de EEUU) al Maidán y el golpe de Estado anticonstitucional”, dijo.

    Recordó que, como resultado, estalló “una guerra civil” en Ucrania que se ha cobrado la vida de miles de personas.

    Antónov destacó que Rusia está dispuesta a contribuir al arreglo pacífico del conflicto ucraniano, que es posible solo a través del dialogo nacional con participación de todas las regiones y fuerzas políticas de Ucrania....................

  101. Le Parlement européen lors de sa session plénière à Strasbourg a voté contre une question de confiance à la Commission européenne, présidée par Jean-Claude Juncker. Cette résolution a été soutenue par les 101 députés, 461 personnes étaient contre...

    La question de confiance à la CE a été soumise au vote à l'initiative d’«eurosceptiques » et de parlementaires en dehors des factions qui les ont joints en raison du scandale de fraude fiscale au Luxembourg.
    Lire la suite:

  102. Britain's main political parties struck what they said was a historic deal to grant Scotland tax-raising powers and greater autonomy to try to satisfy disappointed separatists who lost an independence vote two months ago...

    The deal, which was unveiled on Thursday but will not be implemented until after a UK-wide parliamentary election next year, amounts to the biggest transfer of powers to Scotland from the United Kingdom since 1999, when a Scots parliament was set up.

    Britain's three main political parties promised to grant Scotland more powers in a last-ditch attempt to shore up support for the union days before a referendum in September in which Scots ultimately spurned independence...............

    1. Proposals to devolve more powers to Scotland following September's independence referendum in which voters rejected breaking away from the UK fall "far short of the rhetoric" by anti-Scottish independence campaign, Scotland's Deputy First Minister John Swinney said Thursday...

      "The proposals clearly do not reflect the full wishes of the people of Scotland, and also fall far short of the rhetoric from the No campaign during the referendum," Swinney said in a statement issued Thursday......................

  103. Ukraine : Arseni Iatseniouk reconduit au poste de Premier ministre ...

    Le nouveau Parlement ukrainien a reconduit jeudi à son poste le Premier ministre pro-occidental Arseni Iatseniouk, apprécié par les bailleurs de fonds occidentaux alors que le pays est frappé par une grave crise économique.

    Une vaste majorité de 341 députés contre un minimum requis de 226 ont voté en faveur de cette décision, adoptée quelques heures après l'ouverture de la première session de la nouvelle législature ukrainienne élue aux législatives de fin octobre...............

  104. Griesa ratificó su fallo contra bonistas europeos...

    El juez les negó a un pedido y los pagos a esos inversores seguirán bloqueados. Se espera una opinión de una corte inglesa.

    El juez Thomas Griesa falló ayer en contra de bonistas europeos que habían pedido ser eximidos de su fallo para poder cobrar sus vencimientos.

    El fallo en cuestión es el magistrado impide a la Argentina de pagarles a los tenedores de bonos que ingresaron en los canjes de 2005 y 2010, incluidos los euro bondholders, si no se les paga al mismo tiempo a los fondos buitres.

    En un breve escrito, Griesa dijo que “la Corte decidió no satisfacer el pedido” de los eurobond holders explicando “que hacerlo sería comenzar a hacer importantes excepciones al fallo de base, que fue emitido por la Corte y reafirmado por la Corte de Apelaciones del Segundo Circuito”.............

  105. Brent price falls below $75 per barrel ahead of oil cartel’s decision ...

    The price of Brent crude oil has fallen below $75 per barrel for the first time since September 2010, the ICE data suggested on Thursday.

    Market players are waiting for a decision by the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) on output quotas.

    The Brent price has fallen by more than 30% since June this year.

    1. Saudis block OPEC output cut, oil price sinks further ...

      Saudi Arabia set the stage for more blood-letting on oil markets after blocking on Thursday calls from poorer members of the OPEC oil exporter group for output cuts to arrest a slide in crude prices.

      Benchmark Brent oil fell more than $4 to $73.50 a barrel on fears that the global oversupply will build up in coming months as Saudi Arabia kept silent about what would prompt it to consider production cuts.

      With an OPEC statement making no mention of any extraordinary meeting or a need for members to stop overproducing, Thursday's decision represents a major shift in the group's policies away from its usual drive to defend prices.

      The outcome effectively means a battle for market share between OPEC and non-OPEC countries as a boom in U.S. shale oil production and weaker economic growth in China and Europe have already sent crude prices down about a third since June.

      "It was a great decision," Saudi Oil Minister Ali al-Naimi said as he emerged smiling after around five hours of talks.

      Asked whether OPEC had decided not to cut production and to roll over existing output policies, he replied: "That is right".

      Venezuelan Foreign Minister Rafael Ramirez left the meeting visibly angry and declined to comment on the outcome....................,-oil-price-sinks-furt.aspx

    2. Oil prices plunge after Opec meeting ...

      The price of oil slumped after the Opec oil producers' cartel decided not to cut output at its meeting in Vienna.

      Opec's secretary general Abdallah Salem el-Badri said they would not try to shore up prices by reducing production.

      "There's a price decline. That does not mean that we should really rush and do something," he said.

      Following the announcement Brent crude fell below $72 a barrel, hitting lows previously seen in August 2010.

      The 12 Opec members decided to maintain production at 30 million barrels per day as first agreed in December 2011.

      "We don't want to panic. I mean it," said Mr el-Badri. "We want to see the market, how the market behaves, because the decline of the price does not reflect a fundamental change.".............

    3. Pétrole: l'Arabie saoudite ne joue pas contre la Russie (Rosneft) ...

      L'Arabie saoudite ne cherche pas à nuire à la Russie sur le marché mondial du pétrole, a déclaré jeudi le PDG du groupe pétrolier russe Rosneft, Igor Setchine.

      "L'Arabie saoudite n'entreprend rien contre la Russie", a indiqué M.Setchine dans une interview à l'édition allemande Die Presse.

      Selon des experts, l'Arabie saoudite, en grande partie responsable de l'excès de pétrole sur les marchés, s'oppose à la réduction des quotas de production pour affaiblir les positions de la Russie et coordonner ses actions avec la politique des Etats-Unis....................

    4. Venezuela’s president claims to fight for restoring fair oil price ...

      Venezuela will keep fighting for restoring a fair oil price, President Nicolas Maduro said at the country’s Air Force military parade on Thursday.

      “We have failed to do it so far,” Maduro said. “But we will get our own way and will keep on fighting for the oil price to go up to a fair level of $100 per barrel.”

      In recent days Maduro has reiterated that the prices on the world market would reach the amount of $100 as only it could ensure stability in the oil sector and guarantee a flow of investments.

      In the past week, Venezuelan oil average price plunged below $70 per barrel, first for the past four years.

      Currently, Venezuela extracts three million barrels of crude oil per day, according to official data, with 2.5 million exported (mainly to the United States and China) ranking the country fifth among the world’s oil exporters. Besides, the South American country has the highest proven oil reserves, estimated at nearly 300 billion barrels. Most of oil reserves in the country’s Orinoko Belt is heavy and ultraheavy.

    5. Collapse in Oil Prices Cause Record Ruble Fall ..

      Collapsing oil prices have prompted the ruble to drop to a record low on Friday of almost 50 to the dollar, while the currencies of other oil-producing nations also plummeted.

      According to data from Bloomberg, at Friday’s open, the dollar was priced at 49.18 rubles, and rose a further 1.99% on Friday morning to 49.55. Given its current trend, the ruble is heading for its biggest monthly loss since 2009, on the back of falling oil prices.

      HSBC strategist Murat Toprak told Reuters, "The ruble has overshot — but if the oil price keeps going lower like that, this momentum may continue.".............

  106. EU adds 13 Ukrainian separatists, five organizations to sanctions list ...

    European Union governments agreed on Thursday to add 13 Ukrainian separatists and five organizations to the bloc's sanctions list, diplomats said.

    The names of the new people and entities to be targeted with asset freezes and travel bans because of their role in the Ukraine crisis are expected to be published in the EU's Official Journal on Saturday, the diplomats said. REUTERS

  107. EU supports Decentralisation and Regional Policy reforms in Ukraine with €55 millions ...

    Commissioner for European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations, Johannes Hahn, and Valery Pyatnitsky, Acting Minister of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine, signed today a Financing Agreement to launch a new programme "Support to Ukraine's Regional Policy". The programme will support Ukraine's Decentralisation and Regional Policy reforms with 55 million euros. The EU funds will support the implementation of the State Regional Development Strategy 2020, which was approved by the Government of Ukraine on 6th August this year.

    Commissioner Hahn pointed out: “By good chance, my first financing agreement with Ukraine is on a subject very close to my heart. As a former Commissioner for EU Regional Policy, I know how crucial this area is to the competitiveness and prosperity of any country. With this agreement, the EU commits to support Ukraine's Decentralisation and Regional Policy reforms. The EU funds will support all three objectives of the Ukrainian State Regional Development Strategy 2020, namely competitiveness of regions; territorial socio-economic cohesion and effective State Governance of Regional Development." Support to Ukraine's Regional Policy will result in improved Regional Policy legislation, the provision of stable and predictable financing for regions and municipalities, a strengthened financial autonomy of local authorities, higher competitiveness of regions and improved territorial socio-economic cohesion. The funds will be paid in four tranches to the Ukrainian State Budget between 2015-2018.


    Regional Development has been a priority in EU-Ukraine cooperation in the past six years. The EU has been supporting Regional Policy in Ukraine with various programmes and projects, the Support to Ukraine's Regional Policy being the most recent one, to be delivered through Budget Support, Technical Assistance and Twinning with Member States administrations...................

  108. Ukraine : un projet de loi sur l'annulation du statut spécial du Donbass soumis au parlement ...

    Le député du Front populaire Alexandre Tourtchinov a soumis à la Rada d'Ukraine un projet de loi sur l'annulation du statut spécial de certains territoires dans les régions de Donetsk et de Lougansk, communique jeudi le site de la Rada.

    Il notamment déposé le « projet de loi supprimant la loi de l'Ukraine « Sur un régime spécial d'autogestion dans certains territoires des régions de Donetsk et de Lougansk » en date du 16 septembre 2014 ».
    Lire la suite:

  109. Medwedew und Jazenjuk erörtern Probleme der ökonomischen Kooperation ...

    Die Regierungschefs Russlands und der Ukraine, Dmitri Medwedew und Arseni Jazenjuk, haben Probleme der Zusammenarbeit beider Länder im Bereich Wirtschaft und Finanzen erörtert. Das teilte das russische Kabinett am Donnerstag nach dem Telefongespräch beider Politiker mit.

    Details der Unterredung lagen zunächst nicht vor.................

  110. La probable invitación de ministros extranjeros al Gabinete ucraniano muestra que Ucrania es un Estado fallido, declaró el jefe de la Comisión para Asuntos Extranjeros del Parlamento de Rusia, Alexéi Pushkov...

    "(El presidente ucraniano Petró) Poroshenko reconoció que Ucrania es un Estado fallido que necesita extranjeros en su Gobierno; tampoco podrá sin (el vicepresidente de EEUU Joe) Biden", escribió Pushkov en su cuenta de Twitter.

    Previamente, el presidente de Ucrania, Petró Poroshenko, declaró que enmendará la ley para que los extranjeros puedan ocupar altos cargos. En particular, estimó que un extranjero, no relacionado con las élites políticas del país, podría ser el jefe de la Oficina Nacional para la Lucha contra la Corrupción.............

  111. Argentina charges HSBC with aiding tax evasion via Swiss accounts ...

    (Reuters) - Argentina has charged HSBC with aiding more than 4,000 citizens to evade taxes by stashing their money in secret Swiss bank accounts, the country's AFIP tax authority said on Thursday.

    AFIP said it received the information on the secret accounts from France, which last week placed HSBC's Swiss private banking arm under formal investigation for possibly aiding tax evasion.

    "We denounce the existence of an illegal platform created by three banking entities (of HSBC) that are operating in Argentina," Ricardo Echegaray, the head of Argentina's AFIP tax agency, told a news conference.

    "Its managers have intervened actively with the sole aim of helping Argentine citizens avoid paying their taxes."

    A company spokesman had no immediate comment..........

  112. Britain’s continued membership of the European Union is contingent upon it being allowed to stop migrants from the bloc tapping into its relatively generous welfare system, Prime Minister David Cameron will warn on Friday...

    In a speech designed to breathe new life into his campaign to be re-elected in May next year, Cameron will say he wants EU migrants in work to have to wait four years before they can access welfare benefits and for unemployed EU migrants not to be eligible for any help from the British state at all.

    With polls showing immigration is voters’ top concern, Cameron is under pressure to take a tougher line on the issue. Many of his Conservative lawmakers fear the rise in popularity of the anti-EU UK Independence Party, which this month won its second seat in parliament, threatens their re-election chances.

    The speech is likely to upset EU partners such as Poland which has suggested such measures would be discriminatory. But Cameron will not call the EU’s freedom of movement rules into question as some EU leaders had feared and will not advocate migrant quotas or an “emergency brake” on inflows.
    - See more at:

  113. Russia Opens Criminal Case Into Shelling of Hospital, Buildings in Donetsk ...

    The Russian Investigative Committee has opened a criminal case into the shelling of a hospital and residential buildings in Donetsk, the committee spokesperson Vladimir Markin said Thursday.

    “The Russian Investigative Committee has opened a criminal case into the shelling of a hospital and two residential buildings in Donetsk which led to the death of a local woman and a child, born in 2002,” Markin said.

    The spokesperson said that, according to the committee, unidentified individuals from the Ukrainian Armed Forces and National Guard shelled the area “aiming to destroy a Russian-speaking ethnic group living on the territory of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic.”.................

  114. French lawmakers debate recognition of Palestine as a state ...

    French lawmakers will debate a proposal on Friday to recognise Palestine as a state in a move aimed at pushing for "a definitive resolution of the conflict". The non-binding motion is expected to pass a lower house vote December 2.

    French officials have said that extending state recognition to the Palestinian territories could help promote peace between the Palestinians and Israel. The text "invites the French government to use the recognition of the state of Palestine as an instrument to gain a definitive resolution of the conflict".

    The symbolic motion is expected to pass comfortably on December 2 when the lower house of parliament votes on the text proposed by the ruling Socialists.

    The vote comes soon after similar resolutions approved by British lawmakers on October 13 and Spanish MPs on November 18, and the formal recognition of Palestine by Sweden on October 30...........

  115. Crise ukrainienne: Moscou demande aux Balkans des explications sur la hausse de leurs exportations...

    Moscou a demandé à des pays des Balkans des explications sur la hausse soudaine de leurs exportations vers la Russie, notamment à la Bosnie dont les livraisons de pommes ont explosé, redoutant un contournement de son embargo frappant des produits agricoles européens dans le contexte de la crise ukrainienne.

    Les exportations de la Bosnie - la cible principale de ces mises en garde - vers la Russie ont triplé en 2014.

    De janvier à septembre 2014, ce pays a exporté sur le marché russe 3.123 tonnes de fruits et de légumes, contre 1.014 tonnes durant la même période en 2013, selon des chiffres fournis par les autorités russes............

  116. Les sanctions sont illégitimes et menacent la stabilité internationale (Poutine) ...

    Les sanctions unilatérales adoptées par l'Occident contre la Russie sont illégitimes et constituent une menace pour la stabilité internationale, a déclaré vendredi le président russe Vladimir Poutine dans une interview accordée à l'agence Anadolu à la veille de sa visite en Turquie prévue le 1er décembre.

    "Les mesures restrictives unilatérales adoptées par les Etats-Unis, l'UE, le Japon, l'Australie et un certain nombre d'autres Etats à l'encontre de notre pays sont illégitimes. Une telle pression cause non seulement un préjudice économique direct, mais menace également la stabilité internationale", a indiqué le chef de l'Etat russe.............

  117. Donetsk: les insurgés repoussent une attaque contre l'aéroport ...

    Les brigades populaires du Donbass (est de l'Ukraine) ont repoussé une attaque de blindés ukrainiens contre l'aéroport de Donetsk, a annoncé à RIA Novosti une source au sein de l'état-major des insurgés.

    "Hier, les militaires ont lancé une attaque contre l'aéroport (…). Ils ont par erreur tiré des obus incendiaires sur le nouveau terminal, contrôlé par leurs propres unités. Un incendie s'est déclaré sur place", a indiqué l'interlocuteur de l'agence.

    Les insurgés ont repoussé l'attaque, mettant hors de combat deux blindés de l'armée. Aucune information concernant d'éventuelles pertes parmi les militaires n'est disponible pour le moment...............

  118. El embajador de Rusia ante la OSCE dice que Rusia no permitirá bloqueo militar de Donbás ...

    Rusia no permitirá un bloqueo militar de Donbás, declaró este viernes el embajador de Rusia ante la OSCE, Andréi Kelin.

    "No podemos admitir que se repita un bloqueo militar contra los habitantes de Donbás", dijo al intervenir en una reunión del Consejo Permanente de la OSCE.

    Recordó que de hecho Kiev ya ha anunciado un bloqueo económico, al suspender pagos a los ocupados en empresas públicas, confiscar pensiones y subvenciones para los veteranos de guerra y discapacitados.

    "Es un robo", subrayó Kelin.

    Según el diplomático, Kiev prohibió suministros de medicamentos al territorio de Donbás y ahora no deja entrar camiones con mercancías.

    También señaló que las instituciones estatales están cerradas............

  119. U.N. declares state of emergency in Gaza after floods ...

    A United Nations agency declared a state of “emergency” in Gaza City on Thursday, after two days of heavy rains and flooding in the war-ravaged Palestinian enclave.

    “Hundreds of residents in the flooded areas around Sheikh Radwan storm water lagoon have evacuated their homes,” the U.N. agency for Palestinian refugees said, referring to a northern district.

    Some 100,000 Palestinians throughout Gaza remain homeless three months after a ceasefire ended a bloody 50-day war between Israel and Hamas militants, with reconstruction yet to begin.

    While no casualties have been reported from the flooding, UNRWA said it was supplying “emergency fuel to municipalities, water, sanitation and health facilities.”

    Robert Turner, its director of operations in Gaza, said the agency was “very concerned about such severe storms this early in the season and on the back of unprecedented damage and destruction” from the war..............

  120. Les tentatives de parler avec Moscou la langue d’ultimatums sont inutiles et inacceptables (Poutine) ...

    La Russie répondra aux sanctions, en tenant compte de ses droits et obligations internationaux. Les tentatives de faire pression sur Moscou par des mesures restrictives sont sans perspectives, a déclaré Vladimir Poutine dans une interview accordée à l’agence turque Anadolu à la veille de sa visite à Ankara prévue pour le 1 décembre.

    Le président russe a souligné que les sanctions unilatérales, imposées contre la Russie par les États-Unis, l'UE, le Japon, l'Australie et par plusieurs d’autres pays, étaient illégitimes.

    Selon Poutine, cette pression entraîne non seulement le préjudice économique direct, mais menace aussi la stabilité internationale.
    Lire la suite:

  121. Putin: i gruppi radicali sostenuti dai Paesi occidentali sono la principale minaccia per la Siria ...

    Le attività di ISIS e di altri gruppi radicali, che in precedenza godevano del sostegno di diversi Paesi occidentali, sono la principale minaccia per la Siria e la regione, ha dichiarato Vladimir Putin durante un'intervista con l'agenzia di stampa turca Anadolu.

    Ha promesso di sostenere i governi di Siria e Iraq nella lotta contro i fondamentalisti, sottolineando come la lotta contro il terrorismo sia una priorità della comunità internazionale.Ha osservato che gli sforzi per contenere questa minaccia devono coordinarsi sulla base delle decisioni del Consiglio di Sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite, del rigoroso rispetto del diritto internazionale, dei principi di sovranità nazionale e della non interferenza negli affari interni dei Paesi.
    Per saperne di più:

  122. Syriens Informationsminister: USA nötigen Welt zum Ignorieren der IS-Verbrechen ...

    Das US-Außenministerium versucht mit seinen Erklärungen, die syrische Regierung zu verleumden und die Welt zum Ignorieren der Verbrechen der terroristischen Gruppierung Islamischer Staat (IS) zu zwingen, wie der syrische Informationsminister Omran al-Soubi sagte.

    Am Donnerstag hatte die US-Außenamtssprecherin Jen Psaki erklärt, dass die USA über die Nachrichten über Bombardierungen der Stadt Rakka durch die syrische Luftwaffe, bei denen nach Angaben von syrischen Oppositionellen fast 100 zivile Einwohner getötet wurden, erschüttert sind.

    „Die Erklärung des US-Außenministeriums setzt sich absichtlich darüber hinweg, was die terroristische Organisation IS tut - Entführungen, Morde, Gewalt und Zerstörungen – und versucht, die Welt zum Ignorieren der IS-Verbrechen zu nötigen“, zitiert die nationale Agentur SANA den Minister..............Weiterlesen:

  123. Des navires de guerre russes sont en manoeuvres dans la Manche ...

    Un détachement de navires de guerre russes est arrivé vendredi dans la Manche où il effectue des exercices militaires, a indiqué la Flotte du Nord de la Marine russe cité par l'agence Ria Novosti.

    "Un détachement de navires et de bateaux de la Flotte du Nord mené par le navire spécialisé dans la lutte anti-sous-marine Severomorsk est passé par la partie la moins large de la Manche, dans le Pas de Calais et est entré dans la baie de Seine", a indiqué le service de presse de la Flotte du Nord citée par Ria Novosti.

    Selon le ministère russe de la Défense, le détachement, mené par le destroyer Severomorsk, a quitté le 20 novembre son port d'attache près de Mourmansk, dans la mer de Barents.

  124. UK’s Cameron to restrict welfare benefits for immigrants ...

    Prime Minister David Cameron on Friday promised tough curbs on welfare for EU migrants to counter a surge in arrivals and warned European leaders that blocking them could put Britain's EU membership in doubt.

    He said the package of reforms would require changes to European Union treaties but said he was "confident" he could deliver a deal.

    Immigration to Britain has increased sharply in the past decade and Cameron is under intense pressure to address voters' concerns ahead of the May 2015 general election.

    His Conservative party is losing support to the UK Independence Party (UKIP), which advocates leaving the EU altogether as the only way to curb EU migration................

    1. Cameron propone retirar subsidios a extranjeros como estrategia para frenar la inmigración ...

      El primer ministro británico, David Cameron, ha expuesto este viernes los términos de una potencial negociación con la Unión Europea, que apunta al recorte de subsidios a los extranjeros como una vía "justa y controlada" de reducir la llegada a Reino Unido de trabajadores comunitarios.

      Los últimos datos oficiales sitúan la inmigración neta general en 260.000 individuos, muy por encima del objetivo máximo de 100.000 prometido por Cameron al formar el Gobierno de coalición con los liberales-demócratas en 2010...............

  125. Kriegsschiff für Russland: Diebstahl auf Mistral entdeckt ...

    An Bord der „Wladiwostok“, eines Hubschrauberträgers des Typs Mistral, den Frankreich für Russland gebaut, jedoch noch immer nicht ausgeliefert hat, ist ein größerer Diebstahl entdeckt worden.

    Wie die Zeitung „Le Point“ am Freitag berichtet, sind Computer-Festplatten aber auch High-Tech-Ausrüstung verschwunden, die von der Firma Thales installiert worden waren. Der Diebstahl auf dem Schiff im Hafen Saint-Nazaire wurde am 25. November entdeckt. Die Kriminalpolizei von Rennes, die zu dem Vorfall ermittelt, hat keine Spuren eines Einbruchs gefunden. Auch gebe es keine Hinweise darauf, dass die unmittelbare Umgebung des Schiffes verwickelt sein könnte. Die Russen seien außer Verdacht, zitierte die Zeitung einen nicht näher bezeichneten Sprecher im französischen Verteidigungsministerium............

    1. Во Франции с построенного для России "Мистраля" похищено электронное оборудование ...

      Оборудование, похищенное с построенного для России вертолетоносца "Севастополь", не содержит секретных сведений. Это подтвердил корр. ТАСС в пятницу официальный представитель судостроительной корпорации-разработчика DCNS Эмманюэль Годез.

      "Речь идет о вертолетоносце "Севастополь". С него действительно, как сообщают сейчас СМИ, было похищено электронное оборудование. Могу подтвердить, что оно не содержало каких-либо секретных данных, либо сведений служебного характера", - сказал представитель корпорации. Он отказался сообщить, какое именно оборудование было украдено.

      Официальный представитель компании STX, выступающей при постройке "Мистраля" подрядчиком DCNS, Дельфин Гледель также подтвердила корр. ТАСС, что оборудование было похищено с вертолетоносца "Севастополь". Именно STX ведет все работы на верфях.
      "Могу подтвердить, что факт хищения действительно имел место, однако в украденном электронном оборудовании не содержалось секретных данных", - сказала Гледель..............

  126. Canarias advierte que las prospecciones pueden provocar el auge soberanista ...

    El presidente de Canarias, Paulino Rivero, advertió hoy al mandatario español Mariano Rajoy que las prospecciones petrolíferas que Repsol está realizando en la región, están provocando un auge soberanista porque en las islas se sienten "como una colonia".

    El 75% de la población está en contra de estas prospecciones impulsadas por el Gobierno central. "Se está generando un sentimiento de autoestima muy importante", aseguró hoy el presidente autonómico durante un desayuno informativo.

    Rivero no quiso comparar Canarias con Cataluña, pero aseguró que los canarios, aunque son "pacíficos y sensatos", no toleran "los abusos" ni que les traten "como a una colonia"...............

  127. Luhansk militia discover bodies of Ukrainian soldiers ...

    Luhansk militia forces found remains of Ukrainian servicemen, who were killed in July in the village of Zelenopolye, the Luhansk region, reports NTV.

    The press service of the Luhansk People's Republic said that there were the bodies of two soldiers found. The bodies will be exhumed to be delivered to relatives, if possible, Interfax reports.

    It goes about the soldiers of the 24th Lviv Mechanized Brigade that suffered heavy losses on the night of July 11, according to the militia. More than 30 Ukrainian soldiers were killed in the fighting near the village of Zelenopolye.

    It was one of the largest combat losses of the Ukrainian army during the war in the Donbass. After the fighting, Poroshenko threatened to kill "tens and hundreds" of militia fighters. The commander of the destroyed brigade was fired.

  128. We understand your burden, Putin tells Turkey over Iraq and Syria conflicts ...

    Moscow is aware of the pressure on Turkey stemming from violence in Iraq and Syria, Russian President Vladimir Putin has said ahead of his Dec. 1 visit to Turkey.

    “We are fully aware of the burden imposed on Turkey by the ongoing violent conflict ravaging your neighbors,” Putin said in an interview with Turkish state-run Anadolu Agency.

    The president, whose country’s relations with the West have been strained in their worst standoff since the Cold War due to the crisis in Ukraine, accused "terrorist organizations and Western countries" for the escalation of tension in the region.

    “What is more, the main risk of further aggravation of the situation both in this country and in neighboring states stems from the activities of the so-called Islamic State and other radical groups that were once actively employed by some Western countries, which flirted with them and encouraged them,” Putin said...........

  129. Tusk bezeichnet Russland als „strategisches Problem“...

    Der designierte EU-Ratspräsident Donald Tusk hat Russland als „strategisches Problem“ bezeichnet. „Für Putin und Russland ist die EU derzeit ein Problem. Aber wir müssen eingestehen, dass Russland nicht unser strategischer Partner, sondern unser strategisches Problem ist“, sagte Tusk am Freitag in einem Interview für die „Financial Times“.

    „Nach Bukarest (NATO-Gipfel 2008) hatte ich keinen Zweifel mehr daran, dass das geopolitische Spiel zwischen Europa und Russland, zwischen Russland und Polen sich um die Ukraine drehen wird“, sagte Polens Ex-Regierungschef..................

  130. Malaysia excluded from MH17 probe – for 'not pointing fingers at Russia'? ...

    The country that owned the shot down MH17 jet, which was carrying a number of Malaysian citizens and was flown by a Malaysian crew, has been excluded from the criminal investigation due to its political neutrality, the nation's media reported.

    Malaysia has been left out of the Joint Investigation Team (JIT), which has been tasked with learning more about the details of the tragedy which took place over Ukraine in July. This is despite the Dutch prime minister stating the importance of Malaysia's cooperation during a visit to the country this month. The JIT includes the Netherlands, Belgium, Ukraine, and Australia............./

  131. The Price of Hope: Traffickers Profit as Asylum Seekers Head for Europe ...

    More than 150,000 refugees have landed this year on the Italian coastline, most of them hoping to continue north. As the EU struggles to find an answer, human traffickers are raking in billions.

    Behind the La Grotta bar, Italy comes to an end. But a narrow road continues onward across the border into France, hugging a cliff above the sea. It is a bottleneck for illegal immigrants and traffickers.

    Hidden behind agave bushes, three young men from Mali are crouching on the steep slope, staring at the border. Just a few meters away, a group of Syrian refugees are camped out in front of La Grotta, like pilgrims searching for a hostel: men carrying backpacks, women wearing headscarves and a little boy................

  132. 4 Ukrainian soldiers put to trial for refusal to take part military operation in southeast ...

    The Military Prosecutor’s Office of the Central Region of Ukraine said on Friday it sent to court the bills of indictment against four servicemen who refused to participate in Kiev’s security operation in the southeast of the country.

    “Indictments against four servicemen who are suspected of committing a crime under Article 402, part 2 of the Ukrainian Criminal Code (disobedience by a group that is punishable by imprisonment for 3 to 7 years),” the office said.

    The soldiers have been placed under arrest by court decision.

  133. At least 120 people were killed and 270 others wounded on Friday when two suicide bombers blew themselves up and gunmen opened fire during weekly prayers at the mosque of one of Nigeria's top Islamic leaders....

    The attack at the Grand Mosque in Kano, the biggest city in the mainly Muslim north of the country, came just as Friday prayers had started.

    The mosque is attached to the palace of the Emir of Kano Muhammad Sanusi II, Nigeria's second most senior Muslim cleric, who last week urged civilians to take up arms against Boko Haram...................

  134. China to receive Russian S-400 systems in exchange for political support ...

    Last week, Chinese officials supported the position of Russia on both the Crimea and the Ukrainian conflict. Soon afterwards, it was reported that Russia sold S-400 air defense systems to the Celestial Empire. The contract was evaluated at $3 billion. Is there a connection between these events? China can wait, but it can not wait now.

    "We are opposed to any nation gaining independence through a referendum. As for the Crimea, there are peculiarities to it. We know the history of the affiliation of the Crimea well," acting director of the Department for European and Central Asian Affairs of China's Foreign Affairs Ministry, Gui Congyou said, as quoted by the South China newspaper. Deputy Head of the Department of CPC Central Committee on International Relations, Zhou Li said: "Russia and China face various challenges. But I can say with certainty that soon we will face even greater challenges. We have to fight together, protecting the interests of our countries. The main thing is not to let the Americans drive a wedge between our countries," said the official...............

  135. Seattle protesters enter shopping malls, chaining doors shut at one ...

    Protesters angered by a grand jury's decision not to indict a white police officer for killing an unarmed black teenager in Ferguson, Missouri, entered a pair of shopping malls in downtown Seattle on Friday and disrupted a tree-lighting ceremony.

    More than 120 people were marching when a group broke off, went through Pacific Place mall and chained shut two doors, Seattle Police Department spokesman Patrick Michaud said.

    Seattle police later said on Twitter that a total of five people were arrested in the protests..........

  136. China denied reports that the nation was planning on building an overseas base in Walvis Bay, Namibia, the country's only deep-water port...

    Geng Yansheng, spokesman of the Ministry of Defense, told a Thursday press briefing that the ministry have carried out investigations. "We found that this report cited an unofficial commentary published on the Internet about two years ago. The report exaggerated and distorted the content of the commentary. Therefore, the report is utterly groundless," Geng said.

    Geng added that there are currently no Chinese military bases overseas.

  137. Rajoy enfrenta a Artur Mas al espejo de sus actos ...

    Mariano Rajoy viaja hoy a Cataluña por primera vez tras el desafío del 9-N para encontrarse exclusivamente con los suyos. El presidente no mantendrá contacto con ningún representante de la Generalitat. Su actividad será de partido y tendrá como objetivo insuflar ánimos al alicaído PP catalán, que ve cómo su sello desciende imparable en las encuestas.

    El presidente quiere hacer valer su política de sostén económico a Cataluña, su voluntad de defender el orden constitucional e incluso la contención y la proporcionalidad con la que cree haber dado respuesta al pulso del 9-N. Nadie espera de él fórmulas novedosas ni que abra la puerta a la posibilidad de entablar un diálogo que amenace con superar, aunque sólo sea un milímetro, las líneas rojas que marca la ley. ...........

  138. Al menos 10 heridos y 28 detenidos tras nuevos choques en Hong Kong ...

    Al menos 10 personas, ocho de ellas policías, resultaron heridas y 28 fueron detenidas tras nuevos enfrentamientos entre manifestantes y agentes ocurridos la madrugada de este sábado en Hong Kong.

    Según la emisora local RTHK, los choques se produjeron después de que los manifestantes, del movimiento Occupy Central, realizaran un nuevo intento de hacerse con el control del barrio de Mongkok, en la península de Kowloon, en el que la policía desalojó recientemente una acampada.

    Las fuerzas del orden emplearon porras de goma y gases lacrimógenos para dispersar a la multitud violenta.

    En la zona de los disturbios se ha reforzado la presencia policial. Los agentes advierten a la población local contra participar en "reuniones o manifestaciones ilegales".............

  139. Influenza, caos sul vaccino: altre morti sospette ...

    Cresce l'allerta: segnalati altri 8 decessi sospetti. Bloccati due lotti di Fluad in attesa delle verifiche. Appello ai pazienti: "È solo una misura cautelativa"...

    Una vittima dopo l'altra. E l'allerta al vaccino antinfluenzale Fluad cresce. Ci sarebbero, infatti, altre otto vittime, oltre alle tre segnalate ieri.

    È infatti deceduto un ottantenne di Prato che, secondo quanto riporta La Nazione di Firenze, sarebbe morto dopo aver assunto il vaccino mercoledì scorso.

    La stessa sorte è toccata a un 92enne di Martano (Lecce) a settantadue ore dal vaccino. A Roma sono state segnalate le morti di un’anziana donna di 92 anni e di un uomo di 77 anni, mentre altre persone sarebbero decedute a Parma e Como, per un totale di 11 morti sospette dopo l’uso del vaccino. Le persone avevano ricevuto il vaccino non solo dai lotti bloccati, ma anche da altri...................

  140. Ukraine has banned four Russian companies from flying to the cities of Kharkov and Dnepropetrovsk in eastern Ukraine until further notice, Ukraine’s State Aviation Service said in a telegram...

    Aeroflot, Transaero, UTair and UTair-Ukraine are forbidden to fly to Kharkov as of November 29 and to Dnepropetrovsk as of December 1 this year. Ukrainian airline Dniproavia has also been forbidden to fly to Dnepropetrovsk.

    Several days ago, Aeroflot’s press service said it was resuming flights to Kharkov and Dnepropetrovsk.

    Aeroflot had received permission from Ukraine’s aviation authorities to fly to Dnepropetrovsk and Kharkov when the winter season starts on October 26 and had included those flights into its schedule.

    Later, Denis Antonyuk, the head of Ukraine’s State Aviation Service, told TASS that Ukraine was banning Aeroflot’s flights to the two cities as of December 1.
    Read more:

  141. Le ministre allemand des Affaires étrangères a exhorté l'Europe à ne pas exagérer ..

    Les avions russes volent dans l'espace aérien international, et peuvent le faire en conformité avec le droit international. C’est ce qu'a déclaré le ministre allemand des Affaires étrangères Frank-Walter Steinmeier dans une interview accordée au journal allemand Bild.

    Steinmeier a également rappelé qu’«en tous les temps, quel que soit le conflit ukrainien, les navires russes étaient dans les eaux internationales, y compris en traversant la Manche ».

    Un détachement de navires et de navires de soutien russes, dirigés par le grand navire anti-sous-marins Severomorsk, a traversé vendredi la zone aquatique du détroit du Pas-de-Calais et se rendit à la baie de la Seine pour attendre que la tempête s’arrête.
    Lire la suite:

  142. Former leader of Portugal's Social Democrat party (PSD) Duarte Lima was sentenced to 10 years in prison on Friday for alleged fraud and money-laundering....

    Judge Filipa Valentim said Lima had recurred to "inexplicable victimization" and relied on his son to commit the criminal offences.

    The former MP and lawyer said before the sentencing that he expected to be acquitted.

    He said the allegations are "brutal" and "unjust," claiming he had nothing to do with problems related to bank BPN.

    The PSD's leader and Prime Minister Pedro Passos Coelho has not yet commented on Lima's sentence.

  143. 15 killed, 14 injured in Xinjiang terrorist attack ...

    Fifteen people, including 11 mobsters, were killed and 14 people were injured in a terrorist attack in Shache County on Friday afternoon in northwest China's Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, local authorities announced in a statement on Saturday...........

  144. Ostukraine: Armee und Volksmilizen liefern sich Artillerieduell ...

    Die ukrainische Armee und die Volksmilizen der selbst ernannten Republik Donezk haben am Samstag ihr Artillerieduell wiederaufgenommen. Wie ein RIA-Novosti-Korrespondent aus Donezk meldete, wird im Raum des internationalen Flughafens der einstigen Millionenstadt geschossen.

    Angaben über Tote und/oder Verletzte lagen zunächst nicht vor. Zuvor hatte die Stadtverwaltung mitgeteilt, dass die Lage in der Stadt weitgehend ruhig war..............

  145. Islamic State group attacking Kobane from Turkey ...

    A Kurdish official and activists say extremists from the Islamic State group have launched an attack on the Syrian border town of Kobane from Turkey — a first in the ongoing siege.

    Nawaf Khalil, a spokesman for Syria's powerful Kurdish Democratic Union Party, says Islamic State group militants in Turkey attacked the border crossing point that links the country to Kobani.

    The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights and Khalil said the offensive began with an armored vehicle suicide attack on the border crossing.

    There was no immediate comment from Ankara.

    The Islamic State group began its Kobane offensive in mid-September. The town later became the focus of airstrikes by the U.S.-led coalition against the militants.

    The Observatory said the latest fighting has killed eight Kurdish fighters and 17 jihadis.
    AFP -

  146. La Syrie ne tolérera pas une violation de ses frontières par la Turquie (Damas) ...

    La Syrie ne tolérera pas une violation de ses frontières terrestres par Ankara, car cette démarche pourrait provoquer une division du pays en cantons, a indiqué samedi le ministre syrien des Affaires étrangères Walid Mouallem dans une interview à la chaîne de télévision RT.

    Selon le ministre, la violation de l'espace aérien syrien par les membres de la coalition internationale est un problème moins grave qu'une violation possible des frontières terrestres du pays.

    "Il s'agit d'une question très délicate. Notre espace aérien est actuellement violé, mais on pourra y remédier à l'avenir. Ce qui est beaucoup plus grave, c'est une violation possible de nos frontières terrestres par la Turquie via les prétendues zones tampons. Cela signifie une division de la Syrie en cantons. Nous ne le tolérerons jamais", a indiqué Walid Mouallem...............

  147. L'ex primo ministro italiano Silvio Berlusconi ha proposto di introdurre una valuta nazionale che potrà essere utilizzata parallelamente all'euro....

    Berlusconi ha sostenuto questa idea motivandola con la necessità di "riportare un po' di sovranità monetaria" nel Paese. "La seconda moneta può essere stampata e immessa nel mercato, il quale determinerà il suo tasso di cambio nei confronti dell'euro," - ha chiarito.

    L'idea di abbandonare la moneta unica europea è diventata popolare in alcuni ambienti socio-politici in Italia a seguito del perdurare di una profonda crisi economica nel Paese.
    Per saperne di più:

  148. Russia Tests New Sub-Launched Missile ...

    Russia has successfully tested a new submarine-launched intercontinental missile designed to carry nuclear warheads.

    The Defense Ministry in Moscow said the Bulava missile was launched Friday from a nuclear submarine cruising below the surface of the Barents Sea in the arctic.

    The ministry said the missile's test payload reached its destination on the Kamchatka Peninsula in the Russian Far East. The Bulava rocket is said to have a range of 8,000 kilometers and can carry up to 10 nuclear warheads.

    The Bulava ("mace") missile has been in development since 2009. Many earlier tests ended in failure, but the missile was declared operational last month, and is considered a key part of Russia's "triad" of nuclear deterrents - weapons launched from land, sea or air.

  149. El presidente del Gobierno, Mariano Rajoy, ha acusado este mediodía en Barcelona a Artur Mas de pilotar el proceso soberanista como una huida hacia delante en busca únicamente de su "supervivencia política"...

    En su primer viaje a Cataluña tras las votaciones del 9-N, Rajoy, que clausuraba una convención municipal del PP, ha criticado con dureza la nueva hoja de ruta que el presidente de la Generalitat presentó el martes en Barcelona ante 2.000 personas y que propone alcanzar la independencia en 18 meses. "Elecciones plebiscitarias en 2015, otra Constitución ilegal y otro referéndum también ilegal. Y otras elecciones en el 16. Son 18 meses de viaje a ninguna parte a los casi 50 meses que le han precedido desde que Mas llego al poder. Nunca un gobernante había pedido tanto el tiempo y provocado tanta inestabilidad”, ha recalcado el presidente.................

  150. 'Storm is coming!' Hundreds demand independence at Scottish Parliament (VIDEO) ...

    Hundreds of people have gathered near the Scottish Parliament at Holyrood with St. Andrew's Cross flags, music and speeches in a celebration of Scottish nationhood, amid continued demands for independence as St. Andrew's Day celebrations got underway.

    Poetry recitals, speeches and songs were on the agenda, as people wrapped themselves in flags and “Yes”-related paraphernalia. Even the blue Estelada could be seen among the crowds to show a degree of solidarity between various independence movements in Europe. .................../

    1. Hundreds Gather Near Scottish Parliament, Demand Independence: Reports ...

      Hundreds of people have gathered near the Scottish parliament on Saturday, demanding country’s independence, RT TV channel reported.

      Scots were carrying St.Andrew’s Cross flags, sending a clear message to London that their campaign for independence is still strong.

      “This is just not good enough for Scotland anymore. Scotland is now at the stage where we’ve had enough of being ruled, we’re getting nothing, we’re putting everything and getting nothing back, and it’s time for Scotland to become an independent country,” one of the activists told RT.............

  151. Sarkozy elected leader of France’s conservative UMP party ...

    Returning from the political wilderness, former French President Nicolas Sarkozy has taken a big step toward a possible re-election bid by winning the leadership of the conservative party.

    Sarkozy had been widely expected to win the Union for a Popular Movement leadership in the vote by party members Saturday. The 59-year-old Gaullist collected 64.5 percent of the vote to defeat former government ministers Bruno Le Maire and Herve Mariton - a margin that some analysts said was below expectations.

    Still, the victory advances Sarkozy’s hopes of running in the 2017 presidential race, and cements his return to the political scene after all but disappearing following his loss to Socialist Francois Hollande in the presidential election over two years ago.............

  152. Miles de personas toman las calles de España para pedir “pan, trabajo y techo” ...

    Miles de personas salieron hoy a las calles españolas en las llamadas "Marchas por la Dignidad", convocadas en todo el Estado, bajo el lema de "pan, trabajo y techo" para todos y todas.

    Las seis peticiones básicas de los cientos de organizaciones convocantes era "el impago de la deuda ilegítima, la existencia de un empleo digno y con derechos, una renta básica, el derecho a una vivienda, servicios públicos y universales y la ruptura del Tratado de Libre Comercio entre la Unión Europea y Estados Unidos (TTIP)".

    La manifestación de Madrid fue una de las más multitudinarias de todo el país. Miles de personas recorrieron de Atocha hasta la Puerta del Sol al grito de "le llaman democracia y no lo es", "fuera políticos corruptos" y "que viva la lucha de la clase obrera"...............

  153. Hundreds of demonstrators converged in front of the Prime Minister’s Residence in Jerusalem Saturday night to protest the proposed "Jewish state bill." ...

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s controversial proposed legislation, which would legally define Israel as the nation-state of the Jews, has been met with vehement opposition not only by the Arab world and Israelis alike, but by members of his own coalition.

  154. One anti-Mubarak protester killed after clashes ...

    Clashes between Egyptian police and protesters in central Cairo on Saturday killed one person after a court dropped a murder case against ousted strongman Hosni Mubarak, Agence France-Presse reported a security official as saying.

    The dead man had been shot, either with live ammunition or birdshot. “He had been wounded in the clashes,” a health ministry official told AFP.............

  155. El jefe de la Comisión para Asuntos Internacionales de la Cámara Baja del Parlamento ruso, Alexéi Pushkov, opina que la hipotética incorporación de Ucrania pondrá en peligro la propia existencia de la Unión Europea...

    “El papa (Francisco) ha hecho una valoración sombría de la Unión Europea. Si Bruselas pretende acabar del todo con la UE, la mejor manera será aceptar a Ucrania”, escribió Pushkov en su cuenta de Twitter...............

  156. Voters in Switzerland have decisively rejected a proposal to cut net immigration to no more than 0.2% of the population, partial results suggest...

    Data from a majority of the country's 26 cantons show about 74% voting no in Sunday's referendum.

    Supporters of the measure argued that it would have reduced pressure on the country's resources. Opponents said it would have been bad for the economy.

    Around a quarter of Switzerland's eight million people are foreigners.

    The measure would have required the government to reduce immigration from about 80,000 to 16,000 people a year...........

    1. Schweizer stimmen gegen Einschränkung der Immigration ...

      Die Einwohner der Schweiz stimmen beim Referendum gegen eine Einschränkung der Immigration. Davon zeugen vorläufige Resultate der Stimmenzählung. Gegen die Einschränkung haben sich rund 74 Prozent der Bürger, die sich am Referendum beteiligt haben, ausgesprochen.

      Gleichzeitig wird die Initiative hinsichtlich des Goldvorrats verworfen, welche die Verwahrung des gesamten Goldvorrats des Landes nur auf dessen Territorium und ein Verbot dessen Verkaufs vorsah.

      Auch haben die Teilnehmer am Referendum (mit 60 Prozent) die Initiative abgelehnt, steuerliche Privilegien für reiche Ausländer abzuschaffen, die in der Schweiz nicht arbeiten, sondern nur wohnen.

  157. Jérusalem: colère après une attaque raciste contre une école bilingue arabe-hébreu ...

    Dans la cour du seul établissement bilingue arabe-hébreu de Jérusalem, parents d'élèves israéliens et palestiniens partagent choc et colère après un incendie et des tags anti-Arabes contre leur école, rare lieu de coexistence dans la Ville sainte.

    Samedi soir, des inconnus ont rassemblé des livres et des cahiers dans une salle de classe avant d'y mettre le feu. Puis ils ont recouvert les murs de slogans racistes.

    Dimanche, aux "Mort aux Arabes" et "Stop à l'assimilation" tagués en lettres hébraïques en noir, l'école publique Max Rayne a répondu par de larges banderoles en arabe et en hébreu proclamant: "Non à la haine et au racisme, oui à la coexistence et au vivre-ensemble".....................

  158. New Laws Passed to Combat Extremism, Separatism in Xinjiang China ...

    The standing committee of Xinjiang China’s regional parliament has passed a series of laws aimed at combatting separatism and religious extremism in the country’s Uyghur-minority inhabited western province, Reuters has reported.

    18 new laws clarify the nature of extremist religious activities, and include regulations on activities or propaganda aimed at promoting religious extremism, inciting ethnic hatred or undermining national unity, the China Daily explained.

    The regulations, set to come into force January 1, 2015, will prohibit the use of internet, mobile phones and other digital communications technology to spread religious or separatist propaganda, Reuters noted. Fines ranging from 5,000-30,000 yuan (about $815-$4,885) will be handed out to those who break the law, with the possible confiscation of equipment also stipulated in the law. The legislation prohibits logos on clothing that might be linked to religious extremism, but the China Daily has said that what this may amount to in practice remains unclear............

  159. Griechenland soll ein neues Hilfspaket bekommen

    Die Griechen haben davon geträumt, schon bald den Euro-Rettungsschirm verlassen zu können. Doch die Investoren versetzte das in Panik. Nun soll Athen ein weiteres drittes Hilfspaket bekommen.

    Antonis Samaras hatte einen großen Traum. Noch vor wenigen Wochen hoffte Griechenlands Regierungschef, aus dem verhassten Hilfsprogramm der EU-Partner aussteigen zu können. Doch die Investoren zeigten, was sie davon halten: nichts. Griechenlands Zinskosten schossen die Höhe, die griechische Börse stürzte ab. Seitdem werden in Athen andere Töne angeschlagen. "Wir brauchen eine sanfte Landung", sagt der griechische Vize-Außenminister Dimitris Kourkoulas.

    Und diese "sanfte Landung" soll Athen nun bekommen. Nach Informationen der "Welt" haben sich die EU-Mitgliedsstaaten bei einem Treffen in der vergangenen Woche darauf verständigt, Griechenland ein neues, zehn Milliarden Euro schweres Hilfsprogramm in Form sogenannter "vorbeugender Finanzhilfen" zur Verfügung zu stellen.

    Damit könnte Griechenland auch im neuen Jahr auf ein Sicherheitspolster zurückgreifen, falls die Märkte dem Land nur zu extrem hohen Zinsen Geld leihen wollen. Im Gegenzug wollen die Geldgeber Athen unter Kontrolle halten..............

    1. Rettungsschirm ESM: Griechenland bekommt neue Milliarden-Hilfe

      Die Mitgliedstaaten der Eurozone haben sich nach SPIEGEL-Informationen auf ein drittes Hilfspaket für Griechenland geeinigt. Brüssel will Athen demnach zehn Milliarden Euro aus dem Rettungsschirm ESM zur Verfügung stellen.

      Spitzenbeamte aus den Mitgliedstaaten der Eurozone haben sich nach Informationen des SPIEGEL Ende vergangener Woche bei einem Treffen in Brüssel weitgehend auf ein drittes Hilfsprogramm für Griechenland geeinigt. Nach den Überlegungen soll die griechische Regierung im Rahmen sogenannter vorbeugender Finanzhilfen rund zehn Milliarden Euro vom europäischen Rettungsschirm ESM zur Verfügung gestellt bekommen.

      Dafür muss der ESM kein zusätzliches Geld mobilisieren. Vielmehr sollen Mittel in gleicher Höhe aus dem zweiten Rettungspaket umgewidmet werden. Sie waren für die Bankenrekapitalisierung vorgesehen, wurden aber nicht gebraucht...............

  160. Statement by the Spokesperson on the release of Brigadier General Alzate and two other persons detained by the FARC ...

    "The release by the FARC of Brigadier General Alzate and of two other detainees is a welcome development and should allow for the early resumption of the negotiations between the Government of Colombia and the FARC in Havana.

    The EU has supported the Havana negotiations throughout. They are a unique opportunity to put an end to decades of armed conflict that have caused countless victims and widespread suffering, and to build a peaceful and inclusive Colombia. The partial agreements reached on the peace agenda and the steps already taken as part of the discussions on victims-related issues bear witness to the important progress already achieved in the negotiations.

    We encourage the two sides to make use of this fresh start in the negotiations to redouble their efforts and address remaining issues in a spirit of compromise, so that an overall agreement can be reached without delay. Kidnappings and other forms of unprovoked violence have no place in this process, and we call for the release of all remaining hostages held by the FARC.

    The EU is ready to help make this process a success."

  161. Iran has criticized decision of OPEC not to decrease oil production, claiming it would inevitably hit all oil producers, but abstained from protesting...

    "I don't think that this decision is beneficial to all OPEC member countries because some countries in OPEC were against this decision; however, because of the unity and solidarity of OPEC, we decided not to protest this decision," said Iranian oil minister Bijan Zanganeh, as quoted by Shana, an Iranian media source.

    Iran insists that the swift drop in oil prices was caused by the Persian Gulf exporters' deliberate policies, which are aimed at undermining Tehran's economy.
    Read more:

  162. Ukraine accused Moscow on Sunday of again using alleged aid shipments to send weapons and ammunition to the separatist rebels as a Russian convoy entered its eastern region without permission...

    Russian media reported that the convoy was delivering food and building materials to residents of rebel-held Donetsk.

    Armed guards watched as the trucks, sent from the Rostov region of Russia, were unloaded in a rebel-held warehouse in the Makiivka suburb of Donetsk.

    Ukrainian military spokesman Andriy Lysenko said in a televised briefing, "The lion's share of humanitarian supplies find their way to the rebels partly in the form of food, but mostly it is ammunition, equipment and other things for combat operations."...............

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