Wednesday, August 5, 2015

SeptiStab global order news (September 2015)

"The United States is engaged in a very huge military buildup in Asia, including under the pretext of countering the North Korean threat but the scale of the buildup is way beyond the need and disproportionally huge," the foreign minister said.

He drew attention to the fact that the US was "also building missile defense in cooperation with Japan and South Korea, which is not helpful at all.".............US military buildup in Asia is disproportionally huge — Lavrov
(SeptiDrome  News as comments )
 (SeptiStab   News as comments )


  1. Palmyra's Temple of Bel destroyed, says UN...

    A satellite image confirms the main temple in the ancient city of Palmyra in Syria has been destroyed by Islamic State (IS) militants, the UN says.

    Syria's head of antiquities had suggested on Monday that the Temple of Bel was still standing, despite reports a massive explosion over the weekend.

    But Unosat analysts said the main structure had been reduced to rubble, as well as a line of columns beside it.

    IS captured the Unesco World Heritage site from government forces in May.

    "Unfortunately, the images we acquired do show that the main building of the temple has been destroyed," Einar Bjorgo, Unosat's manager, told the BBC early on Tuesday...............BBC

  2. Trafic de faux passeports syriens vers l'Union européenne ...

    Un trafic de faux passeports syriens s'est instauré, notamment en Turquie, pour faciliter l'entrée de migrants dans l'Union européenne, a déclaré mardi le patron de l'agence européenne de surveillance des frontières Frontex, Fabrice Leggeri.

    "Il y a des personnes qui aujourd'hui sont en Turquie, achètent des faux passeports syriens parce qu'elles ont évidemment compris qu'il y a un effet d'aubaine puisque les Syriens obtiennent le droit d'asile dans tous les Etats membres de l'Union européenne", a-t-il indiqué à la radio française Europe 1.

    "Les personnes qui utilisent les faux passeports syriens souvent s'expriment en langue arabe. Elles peuvent être originaires d'Afrique du Nord, du Proche-Orient mais elles ont plutôt un profil de migrant économique", a ajouté M. Leggeri.

    Ce trafic ne semble pas peser pour l'heure sur la sécurité dans l'UE. "Aujourd'hui on n'a pas d'élément objectif pour dire que des terroristes potentiels sont entrés en Europe comme cela", a-t-il noté, tout en appelant à rester "vigilant à toutes nos frontières"

  3. Tony Blair aurait cherché à conclure un accord pour sauver Kadhafi...

    L’ancien premier ministre britannique Tony Blair pourrait être mis en cause dans une enquête gouvernementale pour avoir tenté de sauver Mouammar Kadhafi lors la campagne militaire en Lybie.

    Une biographie de David Cameron, qui sort début septembre, affirme que Tony Blair aurait été contacté par un "individu proche de Kadhafi" en 2011 et qu'il aurait ensuite appelé le 10 Downing Street pour expliquer que le chef de l'Etat libyen voulait un "deal avec les Anglais". Le but aurait été de sauver la vie de Kadhafi, dont le régime était sur le point de tomber, rapporte The Times.

    Selon la biographie, M.Cameron n'a pas accepté cette proposition, car il ne souhaitait pas que ses actions soient interprétées comme un soutien au dirigeant libyen.

    Une révélation qui tombe mal car, comme le rappelle le journal, la commission des Affaires étrangères de la Chambre des communes enquête actuellement sur les actions politiques et militaires du Royaume-Uni en Libye...............

  4. Lavrov: Assad is legitimate leader despite West’s claims...

    The Russian top diplomat noted that Syrian President Bashar Assad is legitimate despite the claims of Western politicians, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told students and lecturers of the International State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO) on Tuesday.

    "Now they are trying like previously for eliminating Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi to give the top priority on Syria to the resignation of Bashar Assad saying he is illegitimate. But he is very legitimate," Lavrov stressed.

    "The demand for Assad’s resignation as a precondition for the struggle against terrorism is completely unrealistic and counterproductive," Lavrov said at the International State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO) in Moscow on Tuesday.

    "This demand is currently present in the position of a whole range of our partners," he added.

    "We will be able to work efficiently should this demand be lifted," Lavrov said. The initiative of Russian President Vladimir Putin is aimed at this, the minister reminded............

  5. Germany, Spain call for common EU refugee policy...

    Leaders of Germany and Spain have called for a common EU refugee policy and urged member states to agree on a fair distribution of refugees, most of whom are fleeing conflict zones in Syria and Iraq.

    “We share the same view that EU should adopt a common European asylum policy. Each member state and also the European Commission has responsibility,” German Chancellor Angela Merkel said at a joint press conference with Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy in Berlin Tuesday.

    “We agree that those refugees escaping civil war or political pressure should be distributed among European states in a fair way according to the economic strength, capacity and size of the each state,” Merkel said.

    The German and Spanish leaders met amid the biggest refugee crisis affecting Europe in decades, with thousands of asylum seekers and migrants from Middle Eastern and African countries trying to reach Western Europe.

    In July, a record 100,000 reached EU borders, and Germany alone expects 800,000 asylum applications, four times the number last year.

    “What we are facing today is the biggest challenge for Europe,” Rajoy said.

    He said that EU countries should promptly agree on a common asylum policy to share the burden and prevent further tragedies on their borders.

    Refugees and migrants crossing the Mediterranean has exceeded 300,000 in the first seven months of the year, including almost 200,000 people landing in Greece and 110,000 in Italy, according to the UN...................

  6. «Τρύπα» στα πόθεν έσχες 10 πολιτικών - Αλλοι 31 δεν δικαιολογούν την περιουσία τους ...

    Μετά τις εκλογές θα διερευνηθούν οι υποθέσεις που αφορούν τους Παύλο Χαϊκάλη και Αλέξη Μητρόπουλο, όπως αποφάσισε σήμερα ομόφωνα η Επιτροπή Πόθεν Έσχες, με το σκεπτικό, όπως δήλωσε η πρόεδρος της Επιτροπής Δέσποινα Χαραλαμπίδου, ότι δεν υπάρχουν όλα τα απαραίτητα στοιχεία και δεν θα μπορούσε να παρθεί οποιαδήποτε απόφαση.

    Ο κ. Χαϊκάλης ελέγχεται για δύο υποθέσεις του. Η πρώτη αφορά παλαιότερη καταγγελία περί χρηματισμού και χρηματιστηριακής συναλλαγής του, και η δεύτερη φερόμενη εμπλοκή του σε εταιρεία off shore στη Κύπρο, ενώ ο κ. Μητρόπουλος για φορολογικό ζήτημα.

    Σε εκκρεμότητα πάντως, μέχρι τότε, θα βρίσκονται και οι υποθέσεις 10 βουλευτών και ευρωβουλευτών που δεν υπέβαλαν, ως υπόχρεοι, δήλωση περιουσιακής κατάστασης για το οικονομικό έτος 2013 χρήσης του 2012, 49 άλλων για τους οποίους διαπιστώθηκε ότι δεν είχαν καταθέσει όλα τα απαραίτητα παραστατικά, όπως για παράδειγμα συμβόλαια, και 31 ακόμα που ελέγχονται, καθώς έχουν αρνητικό πόθεν έσχες και δεν δικαιολογούν πλήρως την περιουσιακή τους κατάσταση...............

  7. Turkey’s tarnished international reputation...

    Turkey has a serious problem with its international image. An increasing number of people around the world see the country as a breeding ground and facilitator of Islamic terrorism. They also see it as a violent place where visitors have to be ready for all eventualities. The notion that Turkish officials aided radical Islamists in Syria in one way or another has stuck and refuses to go away.

    Neither is this just an international impression. Many quarters in Turkey believe that the Justice and Development Party’s (AKP) Islam-based ideological outlook makes it lenient toward radical Islamic groups in ways that former secular governments would not have been. It is known, for example, that the AKP government hoped initially to use Jabhat al-Nusra, one such group, and opposed the designation of this group as a terrorist organization by Washington in 2012.

    Tolga Tanış reported for the Hürriyet Daily News in early January 2013 that Feridun Sinirlioğlu, the undersecretary at the Foreign Ministry – who has now been appointed foreign minister in Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu’s provisional government – argued with U.S. officials in Washington, during a visit there for talks, over the banning of the group.

    Sinirlioğlu reportedly told the U.S. side that “it was more important to focus on the ‘chaos’ that al-Assad has created instead of groups such as al-Nusra.”

    That was nearly three years ago and President Bashar al-Assad is still in place, while Ankara’s leniency toward radical Islamists in Syria has come home to roost.

    We see now that Turkey’s negative image has spread as far as Thailand, where the recent bombing at the Erawan Shrine, which killed 20 people, mostly foreign tourists, is being attributed to a Turk. Although it has yet to be confirmed, this has not prevented Thai authorities from vetting all Turks in the country. Ankara is deeply disturbed about this claim, of course, and insists the suspect is not a Turk, although it also has no confirmation about this yet...................

  8. Migrant crisis: Thousands arrive in mainland Greece...

    Thousands of migrants are arriving in mainland Greece as the government prepares for talks on tackling the huge number of people reaching its shores.

    Two ships carrying more than 4,200 people travelled to Piraeus port at night after leaving Lesbos island.

    The whole EU is struggling to deal with an unprecedented influx of migrants.

    Hundreds of people, mostly from the Middle East, remain stranded outside a railway station in Hungary after police stopped them travelling through the EU.

    The EU's border control agency, Frontex, says 23,000 migrants arrived in Greece last week alone - an increase of 50% on the previous week.

    More than 160,000 people have arrived in Greece so far this year - already surpassing last year's total.

    But in a reminder of the dangers they face, reports on Wednesday said at least 11 migrants, believed to by Syrians, were feared drowned after two boats sank as they left Turkey for the Greek island of Kos.................

  9. Masked men kidnap 16 Turkish workers in Baghdad...

    Iraqi security officials say masked men in military uniforms have kidnapped 16 Turkish workers and engineers in Baghdad.

    They say the 16 are employed by a Turkish construction company contracted to build a sports complex in the eastern Baghdad district of Sadr City.

    The officials say kidnappers stormed the construction site at dawn Wednesday, where the workers were sleeping in caravans, and took the 16 away in several SUVs. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak to the media.

    Neither the identity nor the motives of the kidnappers were immediately known.

    Turkey recently began launching airstrikes against the extremist Islamic State group in northern Iraq and allowing U.S. warplanes to use bases in southeastern Turkey to strike against the extremist group.

  10. Crise des agriculteurs: Bruxelles menacée par des tracteurs...

    Des milliers de producteurs de lait se rendront à Bruxelles afin de prendre part à la manifestation ayant pour but d’exiger une politique de prix équitables pour les produits laitiers.

    Le 7 septembre prochain, les tracteurs de milliers de producteurs de lait vont faire route vers la capitale belge. Les éleveurs exigent auprès des institutions de l’Union européenne ainsi que des autorités nationales de soutenir les exploitations agricoles se trouvant au bord de la faillite.

    Le même jour, à Bruxelles, aura lieu la réunion extraordinaire du Conseil Européen des ministres de l'Agriculture des 28 pays membres de l’UE. L’ordre du jour portera sur la situation critique dans le secteur laitier et dans la filière de l’élevage au sein de la production agro-alimentaire communautaire.

    " Des milliers de personnes sur des centaines de tracteurs se rendront à Bruxelles afin de manifester pour une politique laitière raisonnable ", a rapporté un interlocuteur proche du dossier.

    La suppression des quotas laitiers depuis le 1er avril 2015 dans toute l'Union européenne a eu pour conséquence une baisse des prix officiels d’achat de lait. Cette politique de prix s’est avérée désastreuse pour les fermiers car elle ne leur permet pas de couvrir leurs coûts de production..................

  11. US President Barack Obama has secured enough support in the US Senate to ensure that the Iran nuclear deal will go into effect...

    Democrat Barbara Mikulski of Maryland became the 34th senator to back the deal on Wednesday.

    US Congress could still oppose the deal, but Mr Obama has now enough votes to override any resolution of disapproval.

    He has said the deal cuts off "every pathway to a nuclear weapon" for Iran.

    "No deal is perfect, especially one negotiated with the Iranian regime," sad Ms Mikulski in a statement. "I have concluded that this Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action is the best option available to block Iran from having a nuclear bomb."

    Republicans have been unified in their opposition to the Iran accord, saying the deal would only "embolden" Iran.....BBC

  12. Migrants poured into Budapest's Keleti rail station on Thursday as police stopped blocking its main entrance, piling into trains despite announcements that there was no service to Western Europe...

    Hungary's railway company said it had suspended all direct trains from the Hungarian capital to western destinations "in the interests of railway transport security."

    Hundreds of migrants dashed into the station shortly after 0600 GMT as police withdrew. They boarded trains waiting at the platforms despite announcements, including in English over station loudspeakers, that the trains were not heading west.

    Some migrants could be seen getting off the domestic trains, while others remained on the carriages amid the

  13. Alaska: des navires de combat chinois aperçus dans la mer de Béring...

    La présence de cinq navires militaires chinois dans la mer de Béring près des côtes de l’Alaska a été confirmée, le 2 septembre, par le Pentagone.

    Trois navires de combat, un navire de débarquement et un de ravitaillement chinois, surveillés par les militaires américains, circulent librement pour la première fois dans ces eaux, annonce The Wall Street Journal.

    "Nous savons que cinq navires de l'Armée populaire de libération se trouvent actuellement dans la mer de Béring", dans les eaux internationales, a déclaré le commandant Bill Urban, un porte-parole du Pentagone. Les navires militaires peuvent circuler librement dans les eaux internationales, a également souligné le porte-parole.

    Il est à noter que la présence de ces bateaux chinois coïncide avec le voyage du président Obama en Alaska.

    Une conférence sur le réchauffement climatique s’est tenue en Alaska, elle fait suite à celle de Paris et a pour but de conclure un accord mondial pour tenter de limiter à 2°C la hausse de la température de notre planète. Barack Obama, qui a participé mardi à la conférence, est devenu le premier président américain a voyagé au-delà du cercle polaire arctique.

  14. Australian leader causes offense by comparing IS with Nazis...

    Australia's prime minister has angered some Jewish leaders by suggesting that the Islamic State movement was worse than Nazis during World War II.

    It is the third time this year that Prime Minister Tony Abbott has riled Jewish Australians with Nazi analogies.

    Abbott used an interview with Sydney Radio 2GB on Thursday to credit Nazis with a sense of shame for atrocities they committed.

    He said: "The Nazis did terrible evil, but they had a sufficient sense of shame to try to hide it."

    But Executive Council of Australian Jewry president Robert Goot said there was a "fundamental difference between organized acts of terrorism and a genocide systematically implemented by a state as essential policy."

    He described Abbott's comments as "injudicious and unfortunate."

  15. Russia continues military-technical cooperation with Syria — Kremlin spokesman...

    Russia continues military-technical cooperation with Syria in the routine mode, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Thursday.

    "Russia maintains [military-technical] cooperation with Syria and supports it. This is a consistent process," Peskov said answering a journalist’s question on whether the format of military-technical cooperation between the two countries has changed.

    On Wednesday, Peskov refuted media reports about possible participation of Russian Armed Forces in airstrikes against the Islamic State (IS) terrorist organization. "You should not believe these media reports," Peskov told journalists.

    Several foreign media outlets reported earlier that Russian aviation may take part in carrying out airstrikes against IS positions in Syria. Reports said equipment has already been transferred to carry out the operation................

  16. Guatemala ex-president jailed hours after resigning...

    Guatemala’s Congress swore in a new president Thursday as disgraced former leader Otto Perez was ordered detained to prevent him becoming a fugitive from justice in the Central American nation’s long-running corruption saga.

    Perez spent much of a tumultuous day at proceedings held at Guatemala’s Supreme Court, answering a raft of corruption allegations, just hours after handing in his resignation.

    His vice president Alejandro Maldonado—a 79-year-old conservative who only assumed the office in May—will serve out the rest of his former boss’s term, handing over to a new president on January 14 after scheduled elections this weekend.

    “The Guatemalan people have been at the center of great moments of change and upheaval in our institutions, mobilized by their disgust with broken systems,” said Maldonado, a lawyer and former judge on the Constitutional Court, after taking the oath of office and assuming the blue and white presidential sash.

    “The new government must emerge from the need to inspire citizens’ confidence, opening a space in public service for mature and experienced people but also young professionals and social activists.”

    Congress earlier in the day had voted unanimously to accept Perez’s resignation, which he submitted just before midnight Wednesday, after lawmakers stripped him of his presidential immunity.

    Guatemala holds national elections on Sunday to choose a new president, along with other key federal posts..................

  17. Les réfugiés syriens au Liban sont de plus en plus nombreux à quitter le pays...

    Les conditions de vie des réfugiés syriens au Liban sont de plus en plus précaires et poussent ces derniers à partir massivement vers la Turquie et l'Union européenne. Un reportage de France 24.

    Depuis deux mois, de plus en plus de réfugiés syriens quittent le Liban pour la Turquie, seul pays n'exigeant pas de visa pour les ressortissants syriens. La grande majorité de ces réfugiés tentent de rejoindre la Turquie par la mer, depuis le port de Tripoli. Chaque jour, ce sont ainsi 10 navires qui quittent le pays, portant à environ 10 000 le nombre de départs hebdomadaire.

    "Plein de gens sont déjà partis pour la Turquie à cause des conditions de vie ici, raconte Youssef, un réfugié syrien interrogé par France 24. Mes cousins partent dans 10 jours. Les gens qui habitaient là, à côté de moi, sont partis aussi."

    La raison de ces départs tient essentiellement aux conditions de vie : depuis un an, la part des réfugiés syriens au Liban vivant avec moins de trois euros par jour est passée de 50 à 70 %, selon le Haut commissariat aux réfugiés des Nations unies.

  18. NATO’s decision to create command-and-control centres in East European countries will fuel confrontation in relations with Russia, Russia’s NATO envoy Alexander Grushko said on Friday...

    "It is nakedly clear that the opening of these centers in six East European member-countries of NATO will reaffirm the alliance’s military machinery has been retooled to the task of warding off a mythical threat from the East," he said.

    That decision, which is part and parcel of NATO’s measures to strengthen the eastern flank, will be fueling the artificially created climate of confrontation in relations with Russia, he added.

    Grushko believes that "it runs counter to the genuine interests of pan-European and regional security, which can be ensured only on the equitable and collective basis."

    "Inside NATO those forces which would like to make irrversible the process of ‘getting back to the roots’, in other worlds, the task of ‘containing’ Russia, are gaining the upper hand. This is a dead end. It leads to higher tensions strictly in accordance with Cold War era templates," Grushko said.

  19. Crise des migrants - 600.000 euros de dons pour une ONG maltaise de secours en mer...

    (Belga) L'ONG Migrant Offshore Aid Station (Moas), fondée en 2013 pour secourir les migrants au large de la Libye, a annoncé vendredi avoir reçu un afflux record de 600.000 euros de dons depuis la parution il y a deux jours de la photo du petit Syrien noyé.

    "Il y a une réaction énorme. La vague d'indifférence est en train de se retirer", a déclaré à l'AFP Christian Peregrin, porte-parole de cette ONG créée à Malte par un couple catholique fortuné américano-italien, Christopher et Regina Catrambone. Plus de 10.000 donateurs se sont manifestés ces dernières 48 heures, essentiellement des Etats-Unis et du Royaume-Uni, mais aussi de Turquie, d'Allemagne ou même du Brésil. "Et cela semble s'installer dans la durée, beaucoup ont signé pour des versements mensuels", a ajouté M. Peregrin. Fondé après les exhortations du pape François contre "la globalisation de l'indifférence" lors d'un voyage en juillet 2013 sur l'île italienne de Lampedusa, le Moas a affrété à l'été 2014 le "Phoenix", un navire de 40 mètres qui a secouru 3.000 migrants en deux mois d'opérations. Reparti en mission en mai, il a cette année porté secours à plus de 8.000 personnes - des opérations qui lui reviennent à quelque 400.000 euros par mois. Peu connu du grand public, le Moas fonctionnait essentiellement grâce aux contributions de gros donateurs, particuliers ou associations, mais la publication de la photo, souvent accompagnée d'articles "Comment aider", incluant l'ONG maltaise dans leurs listes, a provoqué un afflux de dons de particuliers. (Belga)

  20. John Kerry: Οι ΗΠΑ θα μπορούσαν να κάνουν περισσότερα για την προσφυγική κρίση΄...

    Η κυβέρνηση των Ηνωμένων Πολιτειών θα μπορούσε να κάνει περισσότερα για να βοηθήσει μετανάστες από την Μέση Ανατολή και την Βόρεια Αφρική που συρρέουν στην Ευρώπη, αλλά δεν πρόκειται να δεχτεί πρόσφυγες σε μόνιμη βάση, δήλωσε σε συνέντευξη του στο αμερικάνικο μέσο ενημέρωσης Huffington Post ο υπουργός Εξωτερικών των ΗΠΑ John Kerry.

    "Μπορούμε να κάνουμε πολλά περισσότερα για να προστατέψουμε αυτούς τους ανθρώπους", δήλωσε ο Kerry.

    Παράλληλα τόνισε πως η μεταναστευτική κρίση υπογραμμίζει την ανάγκη για τις χώρες "να αντιμετωπίσουν την πηγή του προβλήματος" και να αποτρέψουν τις μαζικές εξόδους ανθρώπων από την αρχή.

    Σε ερώτηση εάν οι Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες μπορούν να βοηθήσουν με το να δεχτούν πρόσφυγες, ο αμερικανός ΥΠΕΞ απάντησε πως "δεν συζητά για την αποδοχή (μεταναστών) σε μια μόνιμη βάση", ενώ σημείωσε πως οι ΗΠΑ ήδη έχουν ανοίξει προσφυγικούς καταυλισμούς στην Ιορδανία, το Λίβανο και την Τουρκία.......ΑΠΕ ΜΠΕ

  21. Τη σύγκληση εντός Σεπτεμβρίου έκτακτης Συνόδου Κορυφής της ΕΕ για το προσφυγικό ζήτησε ο ομοσπονδιακός καγκελάριος της Αυστρίας Βέρνερ Φάιμαν, τονίζοντας ταυτόχρονα ότι το δίκαιο παροχής ασύλου απαιτεί την ανθρώπινη μεταχείριση των προσφύγων και αυτό πρέπει να ληφθεί σοβαρά υπόψη από κάθε ευρωπαϊκή χώρα...

    Ειδικά η Ουγγαρία θα πρέπει να ταχθεί υπέρ των δεσμευτικών ποσοστώσεων και υπέρ της από κοινού ευρωπαϊκής προστασίας των συνόρων, σημείωσε ο καγκελάριος μετά τη συνάντηση που είχε το μεσημέρι με τον πρεσβευτή της Ουγγαρίας στην Αυστρία Γιάνος Πέρενι.

    Ο Περένι είχε κληθεί στην καγκελαρία προκειμένου να του εκφραστεί η δυσαρέσκεια της Βιέννης για την-επικρινόμενη διεθνώς ως απαράδεκτη-στάση της δεξιάς κυβέρνησης του Ούγγρου πρωθυπουργού Βίκτορ Ορμπάν απέναντι στο δράμα που ζουν τις τελευταίες ημέρες χιλιάδες πρόσφυγες που βρίσκονται εγκλωβισμένοι στην Ουγγαρία.

    «Κάποιος που φθάνει και συναντά συρματοπλέγματα, πρέπει να έχει την ευκαιρία να αναγνωρίζεται ως αιτών άσυλο και να του δίνεται κατάλυμα και αυτό ισχύει για όλες τις ευρωπαϊκές χώρες» τόνισε ο καγκελάριος, επισημαίνοντας πως η Ουγγαρία έχει την υποχρέωση να καταγράφει τους πρόσφυγες, να τους συμπεριφέρεται ανθρώπινα και να υποστηρίζει μια δεσμευτική ποσόστωση καθώς, όπως είπε, αυτή είναι η βάση για μια ελεγχόμενη διαδικασία και για τη δίκαιη κατανομή των προσφύγων σε ολόκληρη την Ευρώπη.................

  22. 4000 auf dem Marsch von Budapest an die Grenze...

    Das Chaos um die Flüchtlinge in Ungarn dauert an. Tausende entschlosen sich zum Fußmarsch. Sie wollen über Österreich nach Deutschland.

    Töten Sie mich, aber ich werde nicht in Ungarn bleiben!" Das waren die Worte eines syrischen Vaters an die Polizei in Bicske. Treffender könnte die Atmosphäre unter den Flüchtlingen in Ungarn nicht beschrieben werden. Tausenden Flüchtlingen wird seit Montag die Ausreise nach Deutschland verwehrt. Mit jedem Wort, jeder Handlung machen sie klar, dass sie nichts mehr zu verlieren haben und zu allem bereit sind. Auch zu einem 500 Kilometer langen Fußmarsch.

    Am Freitagvormittag machten sich zunächst einige Hundert Flüchtlinge von Budapest zu Fuß auf den Weg. Die Verzweiflung nach den Tagen mit unmenschlichen Zuständen auf dem Bahnhofsvorplatz ließen viele diesem Beispiel folgen. Gegen 16 Uhr hatten bereits rund 4000 Menschen Budapest verlassen und marschierten auf der Autobahn in Richtung Österreich. Vorneweg trug ein Mann eine EU-Flagge. Schilder mit dem Bild der deutschen Kanzlerin wurden in die Luft gehalten. Tausende Syrer erblicken in Angela Merkel den rettenden Engel in ihrer Not: "Sie sagt, wir dürfen bleiben. Sie ist die Einzige, die uns versteht. "..............

  23. Hillary Clinton on Friday refused to apologize for using a private email account and server, but said she was sorry for causing confusion among the voters....

    When asked by MSNBC anchor Andrea Mitchell whether she was sorry for exclusively using her private email account and server rather than a State Department email account while helming the agency, Clinton insisted she had done nothing wrong.

    "It was allowed and it was fully above board. The people in the government knew that I was using a personal account," Clinton said.

    However, Clinton said it would have been better if she had two accounts and she took responsibility for her choice.

    "I certainly wish that I had made a different choice and I know why the American people have questions about it," she said.

    The controversy around Clinton's emailing practice burst into public view earlier August after the inspector general for the U.S. intelligence community revealed that two of the thousands of emails held by Clinton contained top-secret information.

    On Friday, Clinton again insisted that she treated classified material seriously and had never exchanged emails that were marked classified through her private email system...................

  24. Finland's prime minister, Juha Sipila, said on Saturday he would offer his own home to asylum seekers...

    The home in Kempele, northern Finland, could house asylum seekers from the start of the year, Sipila told national broadcaster YLE, while calling all Finns to show solidarity with refugees heading to Europe to flee war and poverty.

    Sipila is usually based in the capital Helsinki.

    He said an EU plan to redistribute 120,000 asylum seekers arriving in Greece, Italy and Hungary should be voluntary and hoped Finland could show an example in this regard. by Reuters

  25. Fighting between rebels and Islamic State (IS) militants around the strategic Syrian town of Marea has left 47 dead, according to activists...

    The UK-based Syria Observatory for Human Rights said that 27 IS fighters were killed, with the rest being from other anti-government groups.

    Marea lies in an area that Turkey and the US have reportedly wanted to turn into an IS-free "safe zone".

    Last month it was alleged IS had used chemical weapons in an attack on Marea.

    Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) said that on 21 August it had treated four members of a family who suffered from breathing difficulties and developed blisters after a mortar hit their home in Marea.

    The Syrian American Medical Society has also reported receiving 50 patients showing symptoms of chemical exposure.

    Local rebels say the shells were fired from an IS-held village to the east.

    Last month the US said it suspected IS of having used chemical agents in another attack on Kurdish forces in northern Syria. Reports of a sulphur mustard attack on Iraqi Kurdish Peshmerga fighters in Iraq are also being investigated.

    Also on Saturday, US Secretary of State John Kerry expressed concern to his Russian counterpart over reports of "an imminent enhanced Russian military build-up" in Syria.

    On Friday the New York Times reported that US officials believed Russia had sent a military advance team to Syria and was "taking other steps the United States fears may signal that President... Putin is planning to vastly expand his military support for [Syrian] President Bashar al-Assad".....BBC

  26. Le nouveau plan de Juncker prévoit l'accueil de 30 000 réfugiés en Allemagne ...

    Selon la clé de répartition élaborée par le président de la Commission européenne Jean-Claude Juncker, l'Allemagne devrait accueillir 31 443 demandeurs d'asile. La France (24 031) et l'Espagne (14 921) seraient également dans les gros contributeurs, écrit dimanche Welt am Sonntag. Le journal allemand se base sur des calculs que le président de la Commission présentera mercredi à Strasbourg.

    Il critique les contrôles aux frontières

    Jean-Claude Juncker doit faire ce jour-là son "discours sur l'état de l'Union" devant le Parlement européen et devrait présenter un nouveau plan pour l'asile et la migration. Dans les jours et les semaines qui suivront, les Etats membres devront élaborer des solutions concrètes pour répartir 120 000 demandeurs d'asile, afin de décharger quelque peu les pays en première ligne, comme la Grèce, l'Italie et la Hongrie.

    Dans le Bild am Sonntag, Jean-Claude Juncker critique les contrôles aux frontières organisés en raison du grand nombre de réfugiés. La crise actuelle ne doit pas être l'occasion de fouler au pied les accords de Schengen, estime le président de la Commission européenne, qui rappelle que le droit à la libre circulation est une liberté fondamentale en Europe.

  27. Réfugiés: le président tchèque soutient une pétition anti-immigration ...

    Le président tchèque Milos Zeman, en visite en Chine, s'est exprimé favorablement sur la pétition anti-immigration lancée la veille par son prédécesseur euro-sceptique Vaclav Klaus, ont rapporté dimanche les médias tchèques.

    Klaus y appelait le gouvernement à "garantir l'intangibilité de la frontière" et à "rejeter les quotas" de répartition des migrants que préconise l'UE.

    "Cette initiative comporte les mêmes idées que j'exprime depuis toujours. Je pense que je suis d'accord sur ce point avec Vaclav Klaus", a affirmé M. Zeman lors d'une conférence de presse à Pékin, au terme de sa visite en Chine.

    M. Zeman s'était déjà dit dans le passé hostile à l'idée des quotas automatiques de répartition des migrants entre les pays de l'UE.

    M. Klaus, 74 ans, chef de l'Etat en 2003-2013, avait présenté la veille sa pétition, qualifiant l'immigration de "menace fondamentale pour la stabilité de l'Europe" et avertissant des "risques et menaces découlant d'un mélange artificiel des nations, cultures et religions disparates".

    Le texte appelle notamment le gouvernement à "garantir la sécurité intérieure et l'intangibilité de la frontière du pays par tous les moyens disponibles" et à "n'accepter au niveau de l'UE aucun quota ou mesure similaire de répartition des migrants".................

  28. Austria said on Sunday it planned to end emergency measures that have allowed thousands of refugees stranded in Hungary into Austria and Germany since Saturday morning...

    Austria had suspended its random border checks after photographs of a Syrian toddler lying dead on a Turkish beach showed Europeans the horror faced by those desperate enough to travel illegally into the heart of Europe, which is deeply divided over how to

  29. Russian President Vladimir Putin will meet on Monday with his Armenian counterpart Serzh Sargsyan, who will arrive in Moscow on a working visit...

    "The agenda will include issues of closer cooperation between the two countries in the political, economic, cultural and humanitarian spheres and integration in the Eurasian space," the Kremlin press service said.

  30. Israël menace de détruire 13 000 structures palestiniennes en Cisjordanie ...

    Environ 13 000 structures palestiniennes sont sous le coup d'ordres de démolition israéliens en Cisjordanie occupée, indique l'ONU, alors que les Nations unies, l'Union européenne et de nombreuses ONG ont récemment enregistré un record du nombre de déplacés du fait de ces destructions.

    Zone C

    De 1988 à 2014, Israël a délivré plus de 14 000 ordres de démolition dans ce qui est appelé aujourd'hui la zone "C", les 60% de la Cisjordanie qui échappent totalement au contrôle des Palestiniens et sont sous contrôle administratif et militaire israélien, explique dans un rapport publié lundi le bureau pour la coordination des Affaires humanitaires de l'ONU (Ocha). Parmi eux, plus de 11 000 peuvent toujours être exécutés à tout moment.

    "Dans de nombreux cas, un même ordre peut viser plusieurs structures appartenant à une même personne: une maison, un abri pour des animaux, un abri de stockage et des installations sanitaires", détaille le rapport qui estime à "environ 13 000" le nombre de structures menacées.

    Selon l'ONU, depuis le début de l'année, au moins 356 constructions, dont 81 financées par des aides internationales, ont été détruites dans la zone "C", où les Palestiniens n'obtiennent généralement jamais de permis de construire. La raison invoquée par Israël pour mener les destructions est l'absence de ce permis..............

  31. Des soldats turcs tués dans une importante attaque du PKK....

    De nombreux soldats turcs ont été tués dimanche soir dans une attaque d'envergure revendiquée par les rebelles kurdes du Parti des travailleurs du Kurdistan (PKK), dans le sud-est de la Turquie.

    Dimanche 6 septembre, dans la soirée, de nombreux soldats turcs ont été tués dans une attaque d'envergure revendiquée par les rebelles kurdes du Parti des travailleurs du Kurdistan (PKK) dans le sud-est de la Turquie, ont rapporté les médias locaux.

    Dans une déclaration publiée sur le site Internet de sa branche armée, le PKK a affirmé avoir tué 15 soldats dans "un acte de sabotage et plusieurs attaques".

    Dans la nuit de dimanche à lundi, l'armée a indiqué dans un communiqué que le PKK avait attaqué deux véhicules militaires dans le district de Daglica, situé dans la province d'Hakkari. "Deux de nos véhicules blindés ont été gravement endommagés par des engins explosifs rudimentaires placés sur une route", explique l'armée. "Certains de nos courageux soldats ont été tués par l'explosion et d'autres ont été blessés", ajoute le communiqué sans fournir d'autres détails sur l'attaque.

    En représailles, l'armée de l'air turque a immédiatement fait décoller des avions qui sont allés frapper des positions du PKK. L'armée a annoncé que quatre avions de combat, deux F-4 et deux F-16, étaient allés frapper 13 objectifs contrôlés par le PKK dans le sud-est de la Turquie. De nombreux "terroristes" ont été tués par ces frappes aériennes, a rapporté l'agence de presse turque Anatolie, sans donner de bilan précis.............

  32. Turkey strikes PKK targets after soldiers killed in bomb attack...

    Turkish F-16 and F-14 jets struck 13 Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) targets on Monday, the army said, a day after the separatist militants detonated explosives on a road in southeast Turkey in an attack that killed Turkish soldiers.

    Kurdish rebels attacked two military vehicles in a deadly attack in southeast Turkey, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Sunday.

    “It was an attack on armoured vehicles with land mines,” Erdogan said. “The information from our chief of general staff is very saddening.”

    The military did not specify a death toll in a statement about the attack on its website, but the PKK claimed to have killed 15 Turkish soldiers.

    Erdogan said in a television interview that the two armoured military vehicles were targeted by the Kurdistan Workers’ Party near the village of Daglica in Hakkari province, bordering Iraq and Iran.

    Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu cut short a visit to the city of Konya to convene a security meeting following the attack.

    The renewed fighting between the PKK and the security forces has killed about 200 people since July, including around 70 soldiers and police officers. The fresh unrest has derailed a 2½-year-old peace process with the Kurds..............

  33. Mehr als 4.000 Kämpfer der Terrormiliz „Islamischer Staat“ (IS) werden unter dem Deckmantel von Flüchtlingen nach Europa geschleust, wie die Zeitung „Sunday Express“ unter Hinweis auf eine Quelle aus der Gruppierung mitteilt....

    Ihr zufolge war die Schleusung erfolgreich. IS-Kämpfer schließen sich den Flüchtlingen in den türkischen Häfen Izmir und Mersin an, von wo aus sie über das Mittelmeer nach Italien kommen.

    Danach erreichen die Extremisten andere europäische Länder, darunter die Schweiz und Deutschland.

    Diese Informationen bestätigten auch zwei örtliche Schmuggler. Einem Schmuggler zufolge hat er mehr als zehn Terroristen geholfen, nach Europa zu gelangen.

    Wie die Quelle der Zeitung weiter sagte, ist die Unterwanderung der Kämpfer die beginnende Rache für die Luftangriffe seitens der von den USA geleiteten internationalen Koalition.

    „Wir wollen ein Kalifat nicht nur in Syrien, sondern auch in der ganzen Welt ausrufen.“..............

  34. Yemen crisis: Qatar 'deploys 1,000 troops'...

    Qatar has reportedly deployed troops to Yemen for the first time, according to the Doha-based al-Jazeera news.

    One-thousand ground troops, supported by armoured vehicles and helicopters, are reportedly headed for the province of Marib.

    Last week, 60 soldiers from the Saudi-led coalition were killed at a base in Marib.

    The missile strike by Houthi rebels killed 45 UAE, 10 Saudi and five Bahraini soldiers.

    The troops died after an ammunition depot was hit in the town of Safir.

    Following the attack, Emirati warplanes launched airstrikes on targets across Yemen....BBC

  35. Scores of refugees broke through a police line near a refugee centre today and marched against oncoming traffic on a motorway hard shoulder headed for Budapest...

    The group of around 200 walked 15km along the M5 motorway before police negotiators persuaded them to board buses to take them back to a nearby registration camp for asylum-seekers.

    Police earlier closed a section of the motorway near Roszke in southeast Hungary close to the Serbian border after the group climbed over a barrier and onto the road, which leads to the capital.

    The migrants were part of a 1,000-strong crowd who had earlier pushed past a police line at a refugee collection point in Roszke, the first stop before people are brought to the registration camp..................

  36. Turquie: l'aviation bombarde massivement le PKK en Irak ...

    L'aviation turque a mené dans la nuit de lundi à mardi une opération d'envergure contre les positions des rebelles kurdes turcs du PKK dans le nord de l'Irak, en riposte à une attaque qui a tué 16 soldats turcs, a annoncé l'agence progouvernementale Anatolie.

    Plus de 50 chasseurs turcs ont massivement bombardé pendant six heures 20 cibles du Parti des travailleurs du Kurdistan (PKK), tuant "entre 35 et 40 terroristes", a affirmé l'agence.

  37. Flüchtlinge in ungarisches Sammellager zurückgebracht...

    Die am Montagabend aus einem ungarischen Auffanglager geflohenen Flüchtlinge sind von der Polizei in die Sammelstelle an der serbischen Grenze zurückgebracht worden. Mehrere hundert Menschen hatten am Montagabend Polizeiabsperrungen durchbrochen und sich zu Fuß auf der Autobahn M5 Richtung Budapest aufgemacht. Unterdessen warf der ungarische Verteidigungsminister das Handtuch.

    Inmitten der Flüchtlingskrise kündigte Csaba Hende am Montag überraschend seinen Rücktritt an. Der Schritt erfolgte nach einem Treffen des nationalen Sicherheitsrates, bei dem die steigende Zahl der Flüchtlinge diskutiert worden war. Ungarische Medien brachten den Rücktritt mit dem vom ungarischen Militär errichteten Grenzzaun in

  38. "Brexit": la Chambre des communes approuve la tenue d'un référendum...

    Le texte de loi ouvrant la voie à la tenue du référendum a été adopté mardi à une large majorité, 316 voix pour, alors que 53 députés ont voté contre. Le document doit maintenant être examiné par la Chambre des Lords.

    Le premier ministre britannique David Cameron, qui envisage de revoir les relations entre le Royaume-Uni et l'Union européenne avant le référendum, a laissé entendre qu'il voulait rester au sein d'une UE réformée tout en indiquant "ne rien exclure" si les négociations avec Bruxelles n'aboutissaient pas aux résultats espérés.

    David Cameron veut notamment récupérer des compétences au niveau national et se réserver la possibilité de s'exempter d'une plus grande intégration politique...........

  39. Officials deny Syria oil field captured by ISIS...

    Syrian government officials have denied that ISIS fighters captured an oil field which a monitoring group reported had been seized from government forces.

    Talal al-Barazi, governor of Homs province, was quoted by al-Watan newspaper on Tuesday as saying ISIS fighters had seized five positions in the area of the Jazal oil field on Saturday, but these had since been recovered by the Syrian army.

    A Syrian military official, speaking to Reuters, said: "They tried to take some positions but the attack failed." by Reuters

  40. Venezuela will accept 20,000 refugees from Syria, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro told a meeting of the Council of Ministers on Monday. He noted that he had given instructions to Foreign Minister Delcy Rodriguez...

    "Let 20,000 Syrians come to our Venezuelan homeland to live with us on this land of peace, the land of Bolivar, to work with us and to contribute to the development of this magical land with their work and a song of praise for the Lord," Maduro said. He added that Venezuela loved and respected the Syrian people who were suffering from a civil war going on for several years.

    According to the Telesur TV channel, the Venezuelan leader also condemned the plans of the Western countries to topple the Syrian president and noted that Bashar al-Assad had been democratically elected by the people.

  41. Ten Turkish police officers were killed in a bomb attack on a minibus in the eastern Turkish province of Igdir on Tuesday, a government official told Reuters...

    The attack came amid a surge in violence between the state and Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) militants. Turkish warplanes struck PKK targets in northern Iraq on Tuesday, two days after a militant attack killed 16 soldiers in Turkey's southeast.

  42. Ungarischer Bischof spricht von „Invasion“ muslimischer Flüchtlinge...

    Der ungarische Bischof Laszlo Kiss-Rigo sorgt mit drastischen Äußerungen für Aufsehen. Muslimische Flüchtlinge in seinem Land seien eine Bedrohung und außerdem arrogant. Franziskus habe keine Ahnung von der Situation.

    Während Papst Franziskus Europas Katholiken zu mehr Solidarität mit Flüchtlingen aufruft, sorgt einer seiner Bischöfe in Ungarn mit drastischen Äußerungen für Aufsehen. „Das sind keine Flüchtlinge. Das ist eine Invasion“, sagte Bischof László Kiss-Rigó der Washington Post. „Sie kommen her und rufen 'Allah ist groß'. Sie wollen die Kontrolle übernehmen.“

    Der Bischof aus der Grenzstadt Szeged am Dreiländereck mit Serbien und Rumänien, wo zehntausende Flüchtlinge aus Ländern wie Syrien die EU erreicht haben, stellte sich hinter Ministerpräsident Viktor Orban und dessen Hardliner-Flüchtlingspolitik. „Ich stimme voll mit ihm überein“, sagte der 60 Jahre alte Kiss-Rigó. Papst Franziskus dagegen „kenne die Situation nicht“.
    Flüchtlinge als Gefahr

    Die muslimischen Flüchtlinge seien eine Gefahr für Europas „universelle christliche Werte.“ Sie verdienten keine Unterstützung, denn sie hätten Geld. Außerdem hinterließen sie Müll und verhielten sich „arrogant und zynisch“

  43. Over 50 Turkish jets bomb PKK targets in northern Iraq: Report...

    Turkish warplanes launched a massive air operation early Tuesday against bases of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) in northern Iraq, killing between 35 and 40 rebels, the state-run Anatolia news agency said Tuesday.

    More than 50 Turkish jets were involved in the six hours of raids, killing "35 to 40 terrorists according to preliminary findings", Anatolia said. The overnight operation came after 16 Turkish soldiers were killed in the Kurdish dominated southeast of the country on Sunday in an attack blamed on the PKK.

  44. Bulgaria has denied a Russian request to use its airspace for supply flights to Syria due to serious concerns about the cargo on the planes, the Bulgarian foreign ministry's spokeswoman said on Tuesday...

    “The Bulgarian foreign ministry has refused flights over Bulgaria of Russian military transport planes en route to Syria,” the spokeswoman told Reuters. She said the decision was taken in the past few days.
    “We have enough information that makes us have serious doubts about the cargo of the planes, which is the reason for the refusal,” she added.

    The Russian foreign ministry declined immediate comment.

    Erliear, the U.S. has asked Greece to deny Russia the use of its airspace for supply flights to Syria, a Greek official said on Monday, after Washington told Moscow it was deeply concerned by reports of a Russian military buildup in Syria.

    However a Greek government spokesman said on Tuesday, that Russia plans to use an air route to the east of Greece to transport aid into Syria, meaning the use of Greek airspace for such flights is no longer an issue.

    The United States had asked Greece to deny Russia the use of Greek air space for the flights, a spokesman for the foreign ministry in Athens said on Monday.

    Russian newswire RIA Novosti earlier said Greece had refused the U.S. request, adding that Russia was seeking permission to run the flights up to September 24.

    Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Moscow would not give any official reaction until there was a decision from Athens.

    Russia, which has a naval maintenance facility in the Syrian port of Tartous, has sent regular flights to Latakia, which it has also used to bring home Russian nationals who want to leave.
    U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry told his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov on Saturday that if reports of the build-up were accurate, that could further escalate the war and risk confrontation with the U.S.-led alliance that is bombing ISIS in Syria.

    Lavrov told Kerry it was premature to talk about Russia's participation in military operations in Syria, a Russian foreign ministry spokeswoman told RIA Novosti on Monday.
    Lavrov confirmed Russia had always provided supplies of military equipment to Syria, saying Moscow "has never concealed that it delivers military equipment to official Syrian authorities with the aim of combating terrorism."

    Russia has been a vital ally of President Bashar al-Assad throughout the war that has fractured Syria into a patchwork of areas controlled by rival armed groups, including ISIS, leaving the government in control of much of the west.

    Foreign states are already deeply involved in the war that has killed a quarter of a million people. While Russia and Iran have backed Assad, rebel groups seeking to oust him have received support from governments including the U.S., Saudi Arabia and Turkey.
    The Syrian army and allied rebels have lost significant amounts of territory to insurgents this year. Assad said in July the Syrian army faced a manpower problem.

  45. Poland's president says opposes EU migrant quotas...

    Poland's president Andrzej Duda said on Tuesday he was against migrant quotas imposed on the European Union's member states.

    "In Europe the talk is all the time about fighting the results, and little on how to liquidate the reasons. Europe is in a kind of a closed circle," Duda said.

    German Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Tuesday that Europe needed to implement a joint system for dealing with asylum seekers and agree to binding quotas on how to distribute refugees across the continent.

    Polish Prime Minister Ewa Kopacz said last week that the European Union must help people who flee wars and Poland is ready to discuss its role but does not want to accept automatic quotas.

  46. L'Ukraine invite la CPI à enquêter sur les crimes de guerre dans l'est du pays...

    (Belga) L'Ukraine a donné mardi son feu vert à des enquêtes de la Cour pénale internationale (CPI) sur des crimes de guerre commis depuis février 2014 sur son territoire, notamment dans sa partie orientale où près de 8.000 personnes ont été tuées dans le conflit entre rebelles prorusses et forces gouvernementales.

    "L'Ukraine accepte la juridiction de la Cour dans le but d'identifier, de poursuivre et de juger ceux qui ont perpétrés ou se sont rendus complices d'actes (relevant de sa compétence) sur le territoire de l'Ukraine depuis le 20 février 2014", a écrit dans une lettre le ministre ukrainien des Affaires étrangères Pavlo Klimkine. Bien que l'Ukraine ne soit pas un Etat partie au Statut de Rome, le traité fondateur de la CPI, elle peut en accepter la juridiction au cas par cas. "L'Ukraine va coopérer avec la Cour pour mettre fin à l'impunité des crimes internationaux", a affirmé sur Twitter M.

  47. Venezuela extends Colombia border closure, sends 3,000 more troops...

    Venezuela has extended a partial border shutdown with Colombia and sent another 3,000 troops to the area in a crime crackdown that has sent thousands of Colombians fleeing their adopted homeland and led to accusations of rights abuses.

    The dispute has also created a diplomatic blow-up between President Nicolas Maduro's socialist government and the conservative administration of Juan Manuel Santos in Colombia.

    Critics say Maduro is creating a distraction and playing the nationalist card before a December parliamentary election in which polls show his ruling Socialist Party in

  48. Turquie : le siège du parti pro-kurde HDP attaqué à Ankara...

    Le siège du Parti démocratique des peuples, pro-kurde, a été pris pour cible par des manifestants à Ankara, mardi. Depuis l'été, la Turquie connaît une flambée de violences due aux attaques des séparatistes et à l'offensive militaire d'Erdogan.

    Des militants nationalistes ont attaqué le siège du Parti démocratique des peuples (HDP), dans la capitale turque Ankara mardi 8 septembre, a indiqué le parti pro-kurde considéré comme proche du PKK. Les manifestants ont tenté d'y mettre le feu, a affirmé le mouvement sur son compte Twitter. Trois de ses militants qui étaient prisonniers du bâtiment ont été évacués, a ajouté le HDP.

    La veille, déjà, plusieurs dizaines de succursales du HDP, membre du gouvernement de transition, avaient déjà été prises pour cible dans le pays. Des nationalistes turcs ont nourri un sentiment de défiance grandissant à l’égard de la minorité Kurde (20 % de la population) depuis la série d’attaques meurtrières attribuées aux combattants du Parti des travailleurs du Kurdistan (PKK) qui a visé des membres de l’armé

  49. Former U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney will say on Tuesday that President Barack Obama is responsible for directly equipping Iran with the capability to destroy the United States, dubbing the negotiated nuclear deal with Islamic republic as “madness,” U.S. media reported excerpts of his expected speech.

    “This agreement will give Iran the means to launch a nuclear attack on the U.S. homeland,” CNN quoted an excerpt of Cheney’s speech. The former vice president will deliver his remarks to the American Enterprise Institute on the Iran nuclear deal.

    He added: “I know of no nation in history that has agreed to guarantee that the means of its own destruction will be in the hands of another nation, particularly one that is hostile.”

    Prior to the expected speech, the White House posted Tuesday morning, a compilation of Cheney interviews on the Iraq War.

    In an op-ed recently published in the Wall Street Journal, an excerpt from Cheney’s upcoming book “Exceptional: Why the world needs a powerful America,” the former vice president compares the Iran nuclear deal to the 1938 Munich pact that led to World War II.

    “The Obama agreement will lead to a nuclear-armed Iran, a nuclear-arms race in the Middle East and, more than likely, the first use of a nuclear weapon since Hiroshima and Nagasaki,” he wrote...

  50. Les islamistes recrutent des réfugiés en Allemagne...

    Les islamistes radicaux tentent de recruter les réfugiés musulmans arrivant sur le sol allemand, rapporte le journal Die Welt.

    Selon un porte-parole des services de contre-espionnage dans le land de Rhénanie-Palatinat cité par le quotidien, les islamistes se font passer pour des militants d'organisations caritatives en vue de recruter les réfugiés au sein des salafistes.

    Les salafistes sont des adeptes d'un courant extrémiste de l'islam. Les services secrets allemands les considèrent comme un danger potentiel et surveillent leurs activités en permanence.

    Depuis le début de l’année 2015, près de 340.000 migrants sont arrivés dans l'Union européenne, soit une hausse de 175% par rapport aux chiffres enregistrés pendant la même période de l'année 2014............

  51. U.S. officials: Russia sent forces to Syria...

    Russia has sent two tank landing ships and additional aircraft to Syria in the past day or so and has deployed a small number of naval infantry forces, U.S. officials said on Wednesday, in the latest signs of a military buildup that has put Washington on edge.

    The two U.S. officials, who spoke to Reuters on condition of anonymity, said the intent of Russia's military moves in Syria remained unclear. One of the officials said initial indications suggested the focus was on preparing an airfield near the port city of Latakia, a stronghold of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.
    Lebanese sources

    Meanwhile, Lebanese sources familiar with political and military developments in Syria said on Wednesday that Russian forces have taken part in military operations in Syria, three one of them saying the Russian participation so far was in “small numbers.”

    “They have started in small numbers, but the bigger force did not yet take part,” one of the sources said. “There are numbers of Russians taking part in Syria but they did not yet join the fight against terrorism strongly.”

    Another source said: “They are taking part in military operations. It is more than an advisory role.”

  52. Clinton: I spent years urging Israel to apology to Turkey...

    U.S. presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said Wednesday that she has spent years trying to get Israeli to apologize to Turkey for a deadly attack on a aid flotilla to Gaza.

    "We lost what was not just a working relationship but a real bridge," Clinton said. "I spent, you know, literally years trying to get the Israelis to finally apologize to the Turks on the flotilla."

    She said she spoke to strategists such as Henry Kissinger to help her present a strategic argument to convince Israel that it should apologize to the Turks as soon as possible so that relations with Turkey could resume.

    Clinton's comments came during a discussion at the Brooking Institution where she responded to a question of whether the U.S. could lead a partnership between Israel and Arab states, or other U.S. allies.

    She said forming Mideast partnerships on shared interests is an opportunity, but warned it is not an easy goal to accomplish -- before providing the example of the Turkish-Israeli split on the flotilla case.

    Israeli commandos stormed the Turkish ship Mavi Marmara in 2010 while in international waters as the vessel carried humanitarian aid to Gaza. Nine Turkish citizens were killed, including a Turkish American, and many others wounded in the operation.

    The Mavi Marmara was one of six ships in the Gaza Freedom Flotilla carrying aid and construction materials to Gaza in an attempt to break a blockade of the Gaza Strip by Israel.

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu apologized to Turkey in a telephone call to then-Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, during a visit to Israel by President Barack Obama was on a visit to Israel in March 2013.....................

  53. Torrential rain stemming from Typhoon Etau that lashed the eastern seaboard of Japan before crossing central Japan and being downgraded to a tropical depression, caused floods and landslides in its wake Thursday and sparked mass-evacuations from the hardest-hit areas...

    The Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) as early as Wednesday issued an emergency alert for residents living in Tochigi Prefecture, 40 km north of Tokyo and neighboring Ibaraki Prefecture.

    The warning was for residents in the areas to be on high alert for flooding and possible landslides with the JMA having expanded its warning for more eastern areas by early Thursday morning, as a landslide destroyed a home in Kanuma city in Tochigi, with rescue workers yet to locate its female occupant.

    Next door the Kinugawa River, in Ibaraki, burst its banks at two locations, causing widespread flooding in the area, the JMA said.

    The weather agency also said that rain had reached more than 500 millimeters in some parts of Tochigi in 24 hours since its first advisory Wednesday, which is double the usual amount for this time of year. It said that it still expects precipitation of up to 200 mm in Tokyo and its suburbs, with the heavy rain expected to stretch up to the northeast through early Friday morning.

    As of 11:20 JST the JMA had in place advisories for the entire country of thunderstorms, heavy rain and high waves in coastal regions, and more serious warnings of heavy rain, floods and thunderstorms in place for regions between Kanto and Tohoku Prefectures.

    Following the emergency evacuation of around 90,000 people from their homes in Tochigi, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe deployed officials from the necessary government offices to focus on rapid disaster response and safeguarding people's lives.

  54. Russia’s Investigative Committee has opened criminal cases against Ukraine’s defense minister, chief of general staff and other high-ranking military officials into the use of prohibited warfare methods and genocide, official spokesman Vladimir Markin has said...

    A criminal case against MP Oleh Lyashko, the leader of the Radical Party, and other members of the Azov battalion has been launched into kidnapping, torture and use of banned means and methods of warfare, he said.

  55. The Israeli Air Force has carried out airstrikes against an artillery position of the Syrian Army near the town of Zabadani, around 45 km (28 miles) from Syria's capital Damascus, a military source told Sputnik on Thursday...

    "Israeli Air Force planes carried out airstrikes at an artillery position belonging to the Syrian Army," the source said. "The artillery was used to help the army repel attacks from militants in the eastern part of Zabadani."

  56. La Norvège interdit aux musulmans d'aider les réfugiés syriens...

    Selon la Direction norvégienne de l'immigration (UDI), les mosquées d’Oslo ne doivent pas offrir un toit aux réfugiés.

    Le Centre culturel islamique d'Oslo, prêt à accueillir des réfugiés arrivant en Norvège, ne peut pas se joindre à l'élan de solidarité nationale et prêter main-forte aux associations qui mettent tout en œuvre pour offrir un logement à quelque 700 migrants, essentiellement syriens.

    La cause de cette incapacité réside dans l'interdiction de la Direction norvégienne de l'immigration prévoyant que "seules des organisations neutres sont habilitées à accueillir les réfugiés", rapporte l'édition norvégienne The Local.

    "Nous aurions pu utiliser l'Armée du Salut ou l'Eglise pour cette question. Mais l'offre réelle doit être neutre", a affirmé le chef de la Direction de l'immigration, Frode Forfang..............

  57. Nach Kritik aus Europa: USA nehmen 10.000 Syrien-Flüchtlinge auf ....

    US-Präsident Obama will in Zukunft deutlich mehr Flüchtlinge aus Syrien aufnehmen: 10.000 Syrern solle in den kommenden zwölf Monaten die Einreise ermöglicht werden. Zuletzt hatten die USA nur 1500 Flüchtlinge aus Syrien aufgenommen.

    Die USA werden nach dem Willen von Präsident Barack Obama in den kommenden zwölf Monaten deutlich mehr syrische Flüchtlinge aufnehmen als bisher. "Der Präsident hat seine Mitarbeiter angewiesen, im nächsten Haushaltsjahr mindestens 10.000 Syrern die Einreise als anerkannte Flüchtlinge zu ermöglichen", sagte der Sprecher des Weißen Hauses, Josh Earnes.

    Die USA stehen international in der Kritik, weil sie im Vergleich zu den Verbündeten in Europa nur einen Bruchteil der Flüchtlinge aus dem Bürgerkriegsland aufnehmen. Im laufenden Haushaltsjahr, das Ende September zu Ende geht, erlauben die USA etwa 1500 syrischen Flüchtlinge die Einreise.
    Flüchtlinge werden vor Einreise überprüft

    Die US-Regierung begründet die vergleichsweise niedrigen Zahlen mit strengen Sicherheitskontrollen, die die Anti-Terror-Gesetze vorschreiben. Flüchtlinge aus Gebieten, in denen islamistische Terrorgruppen aktiv sind, müssen äußerst umfangreiche Überprüfungen über sich ergehen lassen, die bis zu zwei Jahre dauern können. Republikanische Kongressabgeordnete warnen davor, Extremisten könnten als Flüchtlinge getarnt ins Land gelangen.

  58. Venezuela opposition leader Leopoldo Lopez sentenced...

    Prominent Venezuelan opposition leader Leopoldo Lopez has been sentenced to 13 years and nine months in prison.

    He was found guilty of inciting violence during protests in 2014 in which 43 people - from both sides of the political divide - were killed.

    The 44-year-old had been held in a military prison since February 2014.

    While the court verdict was being awaited, fighting broke out between his supporters and pro-government activists outside the courthouse in Caracas.

    Lopez's supporters said one of their number had suffered a heart-attack during the disturbances.
    'Rights violated'

    The court ruling was revealed by Lopez's Voluntad Popular (Popular Will) political party and later confirmed by his lawyers.

    His defence team earlier said there had been serious irregularities in the trial, with the judge hearing 138 witnesses for the prosecution but only one of the 50 witnesses and pieces of evidence submitted by the defence....BBC

  59. Migrants: des pays de l'Est refusent les quotas voulus par l'UE ...

    Les pays du groupe de Visegrad - la Hongrie, la Pologne, la République tchèque et la Slovaquie - refusent les quotas de migrants que veut leur imposer l'Union européenne, a indiqué vendredi à Prague le chef de la diplomatie tchèque Lubomir Zaoralek.

    Les pays qui doivent accueillir les réfugiés "doivent avoir le contrôle sur le nombre de réfugiés qu'ils sont prêts à accepter et ensuite leur offrir (leur) soutien", a dit Lubomir Zaoralek à la presse à l'issue d'une rencontre avec ses homologues du groupe de Visegrad et le chef de la diplomatie allemande Frank-Walter Steinmeier, venu tenter de les faire changer d'avis.

    Le chef de la diplomatie allemande a pour sa part qualifié la crise migratoire de "peut-être le plus grand défi de l'histoire de l'UE", avant d'appeler à l'unité européenne pour y faire face.

    "Si nous sommes unis dans notre description de la situation (...), nous devrions être unis sur le fait qu'un tel défi n'est pas gérable par un seul pays. Nous avons besoin de solidarité européenne", a dit M. Steinmeier à la presse après une rencontre avec ses homologues hongrois, polonais, slovaque et tchèque qui ont refusé d'accepter les quotas obligatoires de migrants proposés par l'UE et soutenus par Berlin.

  60. Syrie: plus d'un demi-million de personnes prises au piège par les bombardements...

    (Belga) Le mois d'août a été l'un des plus sanglants depuis longtemps dans les zones assiégées en Syrie, déplore Médecins sans Frontières (MSF) vendredi dans un communiqué. Des hôpitaux de fortune soutenus par l'ONG ont rapporté une série d'afflux massifs de victimes durant vingt journées consécutives de bombardements intenses. Ces bombardements ont eu lieu le mois dernier sur les marchés et des bâtiments civils dans les communautés assiégées de la Ghouta orientale, près de Damas, selon

  61. UNICEF says millions more Syrians could head to Europe...

    Millions of people in Syria could become refugees and head to Europe if there is no end to the war, Peter Salama, UNICEF's regional director for the Middle East and North Africa, said on Friday.

    "There could be millions and millions more refugees leaving Syria and ultimately (going) to the European Union and beyond," he said, adding that almost 8 million people were displaced within Syria.

  62. Espagne: les indépendantistes catalans dans la rue avant un vote crucial...

    Des centaines de milliers d'indépendantistes s'apprêtaient vendredi à manifester dans Barcelone, en soutien aux listes prônant la sécession de la Catalogne aux élections régionales du 27 septembre, au grand dam du gouvernement de Mariano Rajoy.

    Un grand drapeau catalan rouge et or accroché dans le dos, Nicolas Liendo, 39 ans, a dévalé les "Ramblas" pour aller rejoindre la manifestation prévue en fin d'après-midi: "C'est avec joie que nous voulons bâtir une nouvelle république catalane, sans roi, sans pouvoir central qui nous traite comme de mauvais enfants", explique ce chef d'un restaurant de la

  63. Lavrov: la Marine russe mène des exercices réguliers au large de la Syrie...

    "Quant aux exercices menés en mer Méditerranée (au large de la côte syrienne, ndlr), je ne dispose pas d'information sur ce sujet. Mais le fait qu'ils sont régulièrement réalisés par la Marine russe, est avéré. Ils sont effectués en pleine conformité avec les normes du droit international", a déclaré le chef de la diplomatie russe.

    Afin d'éviter des "incidents involontaires" en Syrie, Sergueï Lavrov a appelé aujourd'hui les membres de la coalition internationale contre l'EI à entamer la coopération avec Damas et l'armée syrienne.

    "Aujourd'hui, mieux vaut tard que jamais, nous appelons les membres de la coalition à commencer à coopérer avec le gouvernement et l'armée syriens," a déclaré M. Lavrov, motivant cet appel par le fait que les frappes aériennes étaient insuffisantes et qu'il fallait coopérer avec les forces terrestres, dont la plus efficace est l'armée syrienne.........

  64. Scores killed in crane collapse in Mecca Grand Mosque...

    At least 65 people have been killed and 154 others injured after a crane collapsed in Mecca's Grand Mosque on Friday, Saudi Arabia's civil defence authority says.

    Al Jazeera's Hasan Patel, reporting from Mecca, said witnesses told him that a crane fell on the third floor of the Grand Mosque around 5.45pm.

    Our correspondent said the mosque was packed, even though the incident happened shortly before the 6.30pm prayer.

    "Dozens of ambulances are heading to the site. The authorities closed off the area shortly afterwards," he said.

    "This whole place is already a construction site. What made it worse is that around 5.30pm there was severe rain and it's just gushing down the road," he said.

    "I am surrounded by people who are grieving. The mood here is of sadness."

    Al Jazeera's Omar Al Saleh said bad weather was thought to be the cause of the accident................

  65. La France suspend une consule en Turquie, elle vendait des canots aux réfugiés ...

    Le chef de la diplomatie française, Laurent Fabius, a suspendu vendredi de ses fonctions une consule honoraire en Turquie, propriétaire d'un magasin de ventes d'articles maritimes et qui à ce titre vend des canots aux réfugiés.

    "Le ministre vient d'ordonner sa suspension", a indiqué le porte-parole du ministère français des Affaires étrangères, Romain Nadal, interrogé sur un reportage de la chaîne de télévision France 2 montrant cette commerçante à Bodrum dans son magasin flanqué d'un drapeau français et d'une plaque affirmant que son commerce abrite une "agence consulaire de France".

    "Sa suspension vient d'être notifiée à Françoise Olcay par la consule générale de France à Istanbul dont elle relève", a-t-il ajouté.

    Françoise Olcay a les fonctions de consul honoraire depuis octobre 2014.

    Dans le reportage de France 2, tourné en caméra cachée, elle reconnaît vendre des canots pneumatiques et des gilets de sauvetage à des migrants et réfugiés cherchant à gagner une île grecque au péril de leur vie. Elle admet aussi participer par ce biais à un trafic et assure que les autorités locales turques y participent aussi. Interrogée pour savoir pourquoi elle n'arrête pas ce commerce, elle répond que si elle arrête d'autres le poursuivront à sa

  66. French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius on Sept. 11 suspended an honorary consul in Turkey for selling boats to migrants...

    "The minister has just ordered her suspension," the foreign ministry told AFP following a television report showing the woman in her sailing goods shop in the Turkish resort town of Bodrum.

    Outside the shop hung a French flag and a plaque identifying her as an honorary consul representing France.

  67. Jeremy Corbyn has been elected new leader of Britain’s Labour Party after securing almost 60% of the first round vote at a special party convention in London...

    In a result which marks a fundamental change of direction for the party, the veteran left winger defeated rivals Andy Burnham, Yvette Cooper and Liz Kendall in the first round of counting, taking 251,417 (59.5%) of the 422,664 votes cast.

    His victory was cheered loudly by supporters at the QEII conference centre in Westminster, who had greeted him to the event by singing the Red Flag...........

  68. Le secrétaire général des Nations unies organisera une réunion spéciale sur la crise migratoire que traverse l’Europe le 30 septembre, en marge de l'Assemblée générale de l'Onu. Près de 150 chefs d'Etat et de gouvernement sont attendus à New York à cette occasion...

    Ban Ki-moon tiendra le 30 septembre à New York une réunion de haut niveau sur la migration et les réfugiés en marge de la prochaine session de l'Assemblée générale des Nations unies, a annoncé Stéphane Dujarric, porte-parole du secrétaire général de l'Onu.

    "La grande majorité des gens qui arrivent en Europe sont des réfugiés fuyant la guerre et la violence, qui ont le droit de chercher asile sans subir aucune forme de discrimination", a déclaré le secrétaire général cité par son porte-parole.

    Selon M.Dujarric, Ban Ki-moon appelle à mettre en place une politique unie afin que les réfugiés soient traités avec dignité et respect.............

  69. Führende EU-Politiker haben Griechenland vor einer Nachverhandlung des dritten Hilfspakets gewarnt....

    Athen müsse die Reformauflagen einhalten und weiter sparen – auch unter einer neuen Regierung, mahnte Eurogruppenchef Jeroen Dijsselbloem am Samstag beim EU-Finanzministertreffen in Luxemburg: „Die Arbeit muss so viel wie möglich weitergehen.“ Das gelte auch in der derzeit unklaren politischen Situation.

    Laut Medienberichten hat der griechische Ex-Premier Alexis Tsipras im Wahlkampf Nachbesserungen bei der Kreditvereinbarung mit den internationalen Geldgebern versprochen. In Griechenland stehen in einer Woche, am 20. September, vorgezogene Wahlen an. Das von der Pleite bedrohte Athen hat ein drittes Hilfsprogramm von bis zu 86 Milliarden Euro

  70. Hungary summoned the Austrian ambassador after Austria's chancellor compared its neighbor's policies on refugees to Nazi deportations in a magazine interview published Saturday...

    The summons is an escalation in a war of words between the two countries as Europe struggles to agree a common position on the flood of migrants and refugees seeking sanctuary in the continent from war and poverty in the Middle East.

    In an interview published Saturday, Austrian Chancellor Werner Faymann said Hungary's decision to tell refugees that a train they were boarding was bound for the capital Budapest when in fact it was heading to a refugee camp was reminiscent "of the darkest chapter of our continent's history."

    In a statement, Hungary's Foreign Ministry said it had summoned Austria's ambassador to appear Monday in response to the

  71. Ukrainian border guards have detained two Russian nationals near the border with Russia, the press office of Ukraine’s State Border Guard Service said on Saturday...

    "On September 12, in the morning, officers of the Lugansk border guard unit detained two violators who illegally crossed the state border into Ukraine," the press office said in a statement noting that "one of the men had a Russian passport and the other had a military ID, according to which he is a serviceman of the Russian Armed Forces."

    By the time of reporting the detained men had been taken to a border guard unit.

    The causes of the incident are being investigated.

    Earlier in the day, the Russian Defence Ministry said that Ukraine’s special services had abducted a contract soldier called Viktor Barsukov from the village of Chertkovo located in the Russian southern Rostov region................

  72. Wenn in den kommenden Tagen Millionen Pilger nach Saudi-Arabien kommen, können viele von ihnen in einer riesigen Luxus-Zeltstadt übernachten. Flüchtlinge aus Syrien können davon nur Träumen...

    Es sind 100.000 Zelte auf einer Fläche von 20 Quadratkilometern. Es sind keine normalen Zelte, sondern Hightech-Unterkünfte. Sie wurden aus Fiberglas hergestellt und mit Teflon beschichtet, um gegen Sonne und Feuer zu schützen. Jedes der 64 Quadratmeter großen Zelte verfügt über Strom und Klimaanlage. 100 Kilometer lang sind die Rohre für die Wasserversorgung der Luxuszelte. Saudi-Arabien lässt sich eben nicht lumpen, wenn es um die jährliche Hadsch-Pilgerschaft geht............

  73. Les nationalistes écossais prévoient un nouveau référendum sur l'indépendance...

    (Belga) Les nationalistes écossais vont proposer de tenir un nouveau référendum sur l'indépendance de l'Ecosse, a déclaré samedi le Premier ministre écossais Nicola Sturgeon.

    Mme Sturgeon a déclaré que sa formation pro-indépendance, le Parti national écossais (SNP), allait établir un échéancier pour l'organisation d'un référendum dans son programme, avant les élections régionales l'année prochaine. "Notre programme posera ce que nous considérons comme les circonstances et les délais dans lesquels un second référendum pourrait être approprié", a déclaré Mme Sturgeon à l'agence Press Association. Le programme doit être révélé à la conférence annuelle du SNP le mois prochain. Le parti, qui a remporté 56 des 59 sièges de députés dévolus à l'Ecosse lors des élections législatives du 7 mai dernier, avait fait campagne pour un référendum d'auto-détermination l'année dernière, lors duquel les Ecossais ont voté à 55,3% pour le maintien dans le Royaume-Uni, contre 45% pour l'indé

  74. Germany says 'significant progress' made at Ukraine meeting...

    German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier said after meeting his Russian, Ukrainian and French counterparts in Berlin on Saturday that "significant progress" had been made towards a resolution of the conflict between Kiev and Moscow.

    Steinmeier said Ukraine and Russia were close to striking an agreement on the withdrawal of weapons from the demarcation line between separatists and Ukrainian forces in eastern Ukraine and had agreed not to lay any more mines and to clear mines.

    "We all reaffirmed that the ceasefire which has been kept for two weeks now needs to be further consolidated and secured," Steinmeier said in a statement.

    In the past, Ukrainian and rebel forces have blamed each other for repeated ceasefire breaches but both sides are now broadly respecting a ceasefire that came into effect on Sept. 1, according to international monitors from the Organization for Security and Co-operation in

  75. Germany is to reintroduce some form of controls on its border with Austria to cope with the influx of migrants, German and Austrian media report...

    The scale of the measures is unclear. Trains from Austria to Germany have stopped running, an Austrian rail company spokesperson said.

    In Munich alone, more than 13,000 migrants arrived on Saturday.

    Germany's vice-chancellor said the country was "at the limit of its capabilities".

    Germany expects 800,000 migrants to arrive this year.....BBC

    1. German-Austrian railway traffic was restored Monday, a day after Germany suspended service from Austria amid a major migrant influx, the rail operator announced...

      "Train traffic between Germany and Austria has been resumed at 7:00 am [05:00 GMT]," the Austrian Federal Railways OEBB said.

      The Vienna-based railway system said its passengers must allow additional time for further checks by German authorities at the Austrian-German border.....

  76. USA: les pays européens rapatrient leurs réserves d'or confiées à la FED...

    Les banques centrales européennes retirent leur or de la Réserve fédérale des Etats-Unis (FED), dont les stocks de métaux précieux ont beaucoup diminué ces derniers temps.

    Les stocks d'or de la Réserve fédérale des Etats-Unis (FED) ont diminué jusqu'au niveau le plus bas de ces dernières décennies, les pays étrangers retirant leur or, confié autrefois à la FED. Ce processus de rapatriement est propice à l'économie mondiale, estime l'économiste américain Lew Rockwell.

    "La FED et les partisans de sa politique économique diront que l'or ne joue aucun rôle monétaire. Mais pourquoi alors tant d'or est-il stocké à la FED, encore qu'il ne s'agisse pas que de l'or appartenant à l'Amérique, mais aussi à d'autres pays? A signaler que les empires avaient l'habitude de garder chez eux l'or de leurs colonies ou des pays dépendants", a relevé le fondateur et président du Ludwig von Mises Institute.............

  77. Mexican tourists killed by Egyptian security forces...

    Security forces in Egypt have mistakenly killed 12 people, including Mexican tourists, during an anti-terror operation, the interior ministry says.

    The tourists were travelling in four vehicles that entered a restricted zone in the Wahat area of the Western Desert, a ministry statement said.

    Ten Mexicans and Egyptians were also injured and are being treated in a local hospital.

    The ministry said it had formed a team to investigate the incident.

    Mexico's President Enrique Pena Nieto condemned the incident and said he had "demanded an exhaustive investigation by the Egyptian government".

    The Mexican foreign ministry confirmed that at least two of its national had been killed and said it was working to confirm the identities of the other victims.....BBC

  78. Britain's Cameron in Lebanon to visit refugees from Syria...

    British Prime Minister David Cameron arrived in Beirut on Monday to visit refugees from the war in neighboring Syria, which has driven well over a million people into Lebanon and tens of thousands towards Europe, Lebanese media reported.

    Cameron will visit refugees and then meet with his Lebanese counterpart Tammam Salam. Lebanon, where one in every four people is a refugee, is hosting the greatest number of refugees per capita of any country in the world. It has called on other countries to share the

  79. Afghan Taliban storm Ghazni prison and free prisoners...

    Taliban militants have stormed a jail in Ghazni, central Afghanistan, killing at least four police officers and freeing about 350 prisoners.

    The deputy provincial governor of Ghazni province told the BBC the attack happened early on Monday.

    Mohammad Ali Ahmadi said the attackers were well-organised and wearing military uniforms.

    One attacker blew himself up at the prison gates, he said, allowing others to force open jail cells.

    Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid confirmed the group had carried out the attack.

    Both the Taliban and the deputy governor confirmed that three of the attackers were killed.......BBC

  80. A jailbreak by Taliban fighters in Afghanistan has freed hundreds of prisoners Monday, local officials said...

    A suicide bomber in military uniform set of his explosives at the gate of the jail in eastern Ghazni province in the early hours, paving the way for the rest of the fighters to storm the jail.

    Provincial Deputy Governor Ali Ahmadi told Anadolu Agency that all four attackers were killed, as were four policemen guarding the gates. Another seven policemen were injured during the fighting within the jail compound.

    “The attackers were in military uniform and were well equipped,” Ahmadi told Anadolu agency. “They have broken the locks and freed 355 prisoners.”

    The Afghan interior ministry also confirmed the numbers, though they were disputed by the Taliban, who claimed there had been 10 suicide bombers alongside the other fighters.

    Their spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid claimed only three attackers were killed, while the others escaped with the prisoners.

    The interior minstry said the security forces have launched an operation to find the escapees.

    A local official said on condition of anonymity that some of the most dangerous inmates -- 150 were reportedly imrpisoned as threats to national security -- were removed by the intelligence agencies before the jail break.

    In 2008 Taliban fighters freed around 1,000 inmates from a prison in southern Kandahar province by driving a truck full of explosives into the gate and killing 15 guards.

  81. One million refugees could come to Germany this year: Vice chancellor...

    Germany may take in one million refugees this year, up from the record 800,000 arrivals predicted so far, said Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel on Monday.

    "There are many signs that Germany this year will take in not 800,000 refugees, as forecast by the interior ministry, but one million," he wrote to members of his centre-left Social Democratic party.

  82. Porochenko annonce une démobilisation massive...

    "Une démobilisation massive est en cours. Je félicite les hommes qui rentrent chez eux. Je félicite ceux qui ont attendu parfois un an, parfois neuf mois le retour de leurs pères, de leurs maris, et qui les reverront enfin", a-t-il déclaré.

    Cependant, ce n'est qu'un cessez-le-feu et non pas la paix qui s'est établie dans le Donbass, a-t-il souligné.........

  83. More EU states impose border checks...

    More EU countries have said they are imposing border checks to deal with an influx of migrants.

    Austria, Slovakia and the Netherlands said they would tighten controls, hours after Germany imposed checks on its border with Austria. Hungary will bring in new border controls at midnight.

    The new measures challenge the EU's Schengen agreement on free movement.

    Meanwhile, European interior ministers are beginning emergency talks in Brussels on the migrant crisis.............BBC

  84. Désavoué par son parti, le Premier ministre australien Tony Abbott démissionne...

    Deux ans après son arrivée au pouvoir, le Premier ministre australien Tony Abbott est contraint de céder sa place suite à un vote interne du Parti conservateur, lundi. Le multimillionnaire Malcolm Turnbull, membre du Parti libéral, lui succède.

    Sous le feu des critiques en raison du ralentissement de la croissance économique, le Premier ministre australien Tony Abbott a perdu son fauteuil. Le chef du gouvernement doit céder sa place au multimillionnaire Malcolm Turnbull qui a remporté, lundi 14 septembre, un vote interne au Parti conservateur.

    Cet ancien avocat et banquier, devenu ministre des Communications, a recueilli 54 voix lors d'un vote des parlementaires du Parti libéral, membre de la coalition conservatrice au pouvoir. De son côté, Tony Abbott n’a recueilli que 44

  85. Auch Deutschland wirbt angesichts der Flüchtlingskrise und Hunderttausender Toter im syrischen Bürgerkrieg nun für Gespräche mit dem syrischen Präsidenten Baschar al-Assad, um den Krieg zu beenden...

    "Natürlich wird man auch mit Assad und seinen Leuten sprechen müssen", sagte die Sprecherin des Auswärtigen Amtes, Sawsan Chebli, am Montag in Berlin. Verhandlungen mit Assad gelten als umstritten, da seine Truppen für den Großteil der Toten in dem seit viereinhalb Jahren andauernden Konflikt verantwortlich gemacht werden. Immer mehr Staaten plädieren inzwischen jedoch für Gespräche.

    Deutschland hatte sich bei dem Thema bisher nicht festgelegt. Die Bundesregierung wiederholt allerdings bereits seit längerem nicht mehr die Forderung nach einem schnellen Abtreten Assads. Österreichs Außenminister Sebastian Kurz forderte bei seiner Iran-Reise vergangene Woche, den syrischen Machthaber in im Kampf gegen den IS

  86. François Hollande juge "nécessaires" des frappes françaises contre l'EI en Syrie...

    Le chef de l'État, François Hollande, a estimé lundi que la France devait mener des frappes aériennes en Syrie contre l'organisation de l'État islamique. Mardi dernier, une patrouille de Rafale avait effectué ses premiers vols de reconnaissance.

    Des frappes contre l'organisation de l'État islamique seront "nécessaires", a déclaré le président français François Hollande, lundi 14 septembre, lors d'une conférence de presse commune avec son homologue du Nigeria Muhammadu Buhari, à l'Élysée.

    "Nous avons annoncé des vols de reconnaissance permettant d'envisager des frappes si c'était nécessaire, et ce sera nécessaire en Syrie", a ainsi estimé le chef de l'État.

    Il avait annoncé le 7 septembre que l'aviation française effectuerait, en préalable à d'éventuelles frappes contre des positions de l'organisation de l'État islamique en Syrie, des vols de reconnaissances qui ont débuté mardi dernier.

    Jusqu'alors, la France n'avait joint ses forces aux interventions de la coalition internationale qu'en Irak, mais l'ampleur de l'exode syrien vers les pays voisins et l'Europe a incité François Hollande à modifier sa

  87. South Korea Warns North Against Rocket Launch ...

    South Korea on Tuesday warned North Korea against conducting a long-range rocket launch, a day after Pyongyang hinted it may launch a satellite during a key political anniversary next month.

    Such an act would be a "serious provocation" and a violation of United Nations Security Council Resolutions banning the North from conducting ballistic missile tests, according to South Korean presidential spokesman Kim Min-seok.

    North Korean officials on Monday vowed to move ahead with plans to launch what they say is a weather satellite into orbit. They gave no timeframe for such a launch, but there has been speculation it could happen October 10, the 70th anniversary of the North's ruling Worker's Party.

    While North Korea insists the launch has peaceful purposes, the U.S. and its ally, South Korea, along with many other nations view such moves as disguised tests of the same technology used in ballistic missiles.
    After repeated failed attempts, the North successfully placed a weather satellite into orbit in 2012 - a major technological achievement that brought another punishing round of international sanctions against the isolated, communist state...........

  88. La Corée du Nord annonce avoir relancé sa production de combustible nucléaire...

    Pyongyang a annoncé mardi le redémarrage d'un réacteur nucléaire considéré comme étant sa principale source de plutonium de qualité militaire. Si elle se confirme, cette remise en service constituerait une violation des sanctions décidées à l'ONU.

    La Corée du Nord montre ses muscles à l’approche de l’anniversaire de la fondation du Parti des travailleurs de Corée, le parti unique au pouvoir, le 10 octobre. Mardi 15 septembre, les autorités nord-coréennes ont annoncé que leur complexe nucléaire de Yongbyon était pleinement opérationnel et que la filière nucléaire travaillait pour améliorer "en qualité et en quantité" les armes atomiques de la République populaire.

    Pyongyang confirme ainsi que ce réacteur nucléaire de cinq mégawatts, considéré comme sa principale source de plutonium de qualité militaire, a repris ses opérations normales. Dans une interview à l’agence officielle de presse KCNA, le directeur de l’Institut national de l’énergie atomique précise que "si les États-Unis et d’autres forces hostiles persistent dans leur politique hostile à l’égard de la RPDC [...], la République populaire démocratique de Corée est totalement prête à leur faire face à tout moment avec des armes nucléaires".

    Washington et Séoul rappellent les sanctions de l’ONU

    L’agence KCNA a également fait état de préparatifs en cours en vue du lancement d’une fusée spatiale, un développement à même d’inquiéter notamment en Corée du Sud et au Japon, où l’on redoute les ambitions du régime de Pyongyang en matière de missiles balistiques. "Le monde observera bientôt une série de satellites monter en flèche vers le ciel aux dates et aux lieux choisis par le comité central du Parti des travailleurs", ajoute

  89. La Maison Blanche informe: Moscou s'isolera en soutenant Assad...

    Le Kremlin reste ferme concernant la Syrie: l'intervention dans les affaires intérieures du pays et l'imposition d’un scénario de développement occidental à son peuple est inadmissible.

    La Russie approfondira son isolement sur la scène internationale si elle continue d'accorder un soutien au président syrien Bachar el-Assad, a annoncé lundi le porte-parole de la Maison Blanche Josh Earnest lors d'une conférence de presse.

    Répondant à la question d'un journaliste sur l'évolution éventuelle de la situation si la Russie ne rejoint pas la coalition antiterroriste dirigée par les Etats-Unis, M.Earnest a affirmé que Moscou serait encore plus isolé au sein de la communauté internationale.

    "Cela voudrait dire qu'ils réalisent des objectifs contraires à ceux fixés par près de 60 Etats qui luttent contre l'Etat islamique (EI) dans le cadre de la coalition antiterroriste menée par les Etats-Unis", a fait savoir le porte-parole de la Maison Blanche.

    Dans le même temps, selon lui, les intérêts de la Russie ne contredisent pas totalement ceux du reste de monde.

    "La Russie a intérêt à ce que cette coalition antiterroriste réussisse. Moscou voudrait sans aucun doute voir la réalisation efficace de la stratégie de neutralisation de l'EI", a rajouté Josh Earnest, tout en soulignant qu'"il est temps que Bachar el-Assad parte".

    Le Kremlin estime pourtant qu'il est inadmissible d'imposer de l'étranger des scénarios de développement du pays au peuple syrien...........

  90. Enigme du vol MH370 - Un objet flottant signalé au large de l'île de la Réunion...

    (Belga) L'équipage d'un avion Air France a repéré un "objet flottant" proche de l'île française de la Réunion, où a été retrouvé cet été un débris d'aile du Boeing MH370 disparu en mars 2014, ont indiqué mardi la compagnie aérienne et les autorités locales.

    "L'équipage du vol AF642 Orly-La Réunion du 14 septembre, a reporté (...) conformément aux procédures en vigueur, un objet flottant en approche de la Réunion sans que la nature de cet objet ait été identifiée", selon un communiqué de la compagnie française. Le pilote "a signalé un point blanc à la surface de la mer dans le nord de La Réunion, à 35 milles nautiques", a précisé la préfecture de cette île de l'Océan Indien, située à environ 170 km de l'île Maurice. Un avion militaire de type CASA a été dépêché au dessus de la zone et un navire de commerce, qui se trouvait à proximité, s'est dérouté pour aller voir sur place. Malgré des conditions de mer favorables, ils n'ont rien repéré. "Aucun appel de détresse n'a été lancé dans le secteur au cours des dernières 24 heures", précise également la pré

  91. Hungary said authorities had ruled on 16 asylum requests under a new border regime on its southern frontier with Serbia, rejecting all 16 within a matter of hours...

    Another 32 claims were filed and were being processed according to a security advisor to Prime Minister Viktor Orban.

    He said 174 people had been caught crossing the border illegally and would face criminal prosecution..............

  92. Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said on Tuesday returning migrants to Serbia was "unacceptable" and moves to strengthen Schengen area border controls to deal with the migrant crisis creates problems for his non-EU member country...

    His Czech counterpart Lubomir Zaoralek, who met him in Prague, added that Europe needed to return to a normal situation within its internal borders as the influx of migrants seeking asylum in the EU showed little sign of abating.

  93. Δύο Τούρκοι αστυνομικοί σκοτώθηκαν και άλλοι δύο τραυματίστηκαν σήμερα όταν αντάρτες του Εργατικού Κόμματος του Κουρδιστάν (PKK) πυροδότησαν εκρηκτικά με στόχο το όχημα που επέβαιναν, ενώ κινούνταν σε μια λεωφόρο στη νοτιοανατολική Τουρκία, ανέφεραν πηγές στις τουρκικές δυνάμεις ασφαλείας...

    Σύμφωνα με τις πηγές αυτές, η επίθεση εξαπολύθηκε τις απογευματινές ώρες στην επαρχία Χακάρι, σε τμήμα του οδικού δικτύου προς την επαρχία Βαν, κοντά στα σύνορα με το Ιράν.

    Νωρίτερα σήμερα, άλλες πηγές ανέφεραν πως 13 Τούρκοι στρατιώτες τραυματίστηκαν όταν η αυτοκινητοπομπή τους δέχτηκε χτύπημα από έκρηξη βόμβας που ήταν τοποθετημένη στην άκρη του δρόμου βορειότερα, στην επαρχία Μους.

  94. Frappes aériennes en Syrie : la France choisira seule ses cibles, affirme Manuel Valls...

    Le Premier ministre Manuel Valls a défendu l'engagement français en Syrie, mardi, lors d'un débat à l'Assemblée nationale. Le chef du gouvernement exclut tout compromis ou arrangement avec le dirigeant syrien.

    Lors d’un débat à l’Assemblée nationale consacré à l’engagement militaire français en Syrie, le Premier ministre Manuel Valls a défendu le recours à des frappes aériennes contre l’organisation de l’État islamique (EI).

    Plusieurs missions de reconnaissance françaises, prélude à de futures "frappes", ont "déjà été réalisées" et "cette campagne durera le temps qu'il faudra, plusieurs semaines certainement", a déclaré le chef du gouvernement devant les députés.

    Manuel Valls a souligné que la France choisirait seule les objectifs à frapper en Syrie. "Il est hors de question que par ces frappes, nous contribuions à renforcer le régime de Bachar al-Assad". Pour Paris, il ne peut y avoir "aucun compromis, aucun arrangement" avec le dirigeant syrien qui "ne peut en aucun cas être la solution", comme le suggèrent des responsables de droite, tel l'ancien Premier ministre François

  95. Migrants face hunt for new routes as Hungary border sealed...

    Hundreds of migrants have spent the night at the closed Hungary-Serbia border, with many facing the choice of finding a new route to northern Europe.

    Serbian media said buses were now being redirected to Croatia, with migrants then planning to move on to Slovenia, Austria - and finally Germany.

    There have also been suggestions that Romania may become a new route.

    New border restrictions and a row over allocating migrants have shown bitter divisions in Europe over the crisis.

    Hundreds of stranded migrants spent the night in the open or in makeshift tents close to the Serbian border with Hungary. Some gathered wood for fires..............

  96. Première frappe aérienne australienne contre l'EI en Syrie...

    (Belga) L'aviation australienne a effectué sa première frappe contre l'organisation Etat islamique en Syrie, détruisant un transport de troupes blindé des jihadistes, a annoncé mercredi le ministre australien de la Défense Kevin Andrews.

    "Cela fait partie de l'extension logique (de l'engagement australien) dans la lutte contre Daesh, pour opérer non seulement au-dessus du nord de l'Irak mais aussi au-dessus de l'est de la Syrie afin de dégrader et de détruire les forces de Daesh", a déclaré le ministre à des journalistes, utilisant l'acronyme arabe correspondant à l'Etat islamique (EI). Lors de cette frappe qui a eu lieu il y a deux jours, un appareil F/A-18A Hornet de la Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) a détruit un transport de troupes blindé de l'EI avec un missile guidé, a indiqué M. Andrews. Les Etats-Unis, le Canada, la Turquie et des Etats du Golfe effectuent déjà des frappes aériennes contre des objectifs de l'EI en

    1. The Australian government has confirmed it has launched its first air strikes inside Syria against targets of the so-called Islamic State (IS)....

      Australia is part of an international military coalition targeting IS strongholds in Syria and Iraq.

      Three air strikes were made on Monday, destroying an IS armoured personnel carrier and a crude oil collection point, the US said in a statement

      Australia's air force has been bombing IS targets in Iraq for about 12 months.

      Former Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott last week confirmed the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) would extend its action from Iraq into Syria at the request of the US, as he also announced that Australia would accept 12,000 Syrian refugees from persecuted minorities.

      The UK, United Arab Emirates, Canada, and France were some of the other nations who took part in the most recent bombing raids, according to the statement issued by the US Central Command.

      Fifteen air strikes were carried out in Iraq, using attack, bomber, fighter, fighter-attack and remotely piloted aircraft, it said.

      Australia's Defence Minister Kevin Andrews said two RAAF hornets identified the personnel carrier, hidden in an IS compound...................

  97. 15 Tote bei Überschwemmungen in Utah...

    Während die Menschen im US-Bundesstaat Kalifornien gegen schwerste Waldbrände kämpfen, wurde die Gegend um den Nationalpark Zion im Bundesstaat Utah von einer Springflut überrascht. Mindestens 15 Menschen kamen ums Leben, darunter sechs Kinder.

    Das Ausmaß der heftigen Springflut, die bereits am Montag den US-Bundesstaat in der Gegend um den Nationalpark Zion überraschte, wird immer deutlicher. Die Behörden korrigierten die Zahl der Toten auf 15 nach oben. Unter ihnen sind sechs Kinder.

    Zwölf der Opfer gehörten zu zwei Familien, die am Montag in zwei Autos in der Kleinstadt Hildale unterwegs waren, als die Fluten die Wagen fortrissen. Drei Insassen hätten überlebt, eine Person werde noch vermisst, sagte die Sprecherin der Stadtverwaltung von Hildale, Michelle Catwin, der Nachrichtenagentur AFP...........

  98. Dozens of migrants are reported to have been walking through cornfields towards Serbia's border with Croatia, following reports that at least ten migrant buses had been rerouted to avoid Hungary....

    Serbian media said the buses, which picked up migrants crossing from Macedonia into southern Serbia and would normally take them north to the Hungarian border, had been redirected.

    Their destination was the town of Sid on Serbia's border with European Union member Croatia after Hungary effectively sealed its own border with Serbia to migrants, Serbian media added.

    A Reuters cameraman saw one bus arrive and at least 50 migrants walk through fields in the direction of Croatia.

    Croatian police have said they are registering an unspecified number of migrants entering from Serbia, who will be taken to reception centres near the capital Zagreb...........

  99. Bloqués en Serbie, les migrants cherchent de nouvelles routes ...

    Déterminés à poursuivre leur route vers l'Allemagne, des centaines de migrants bloqués en Serbie espèrent une hypothétique réouverture de la frontière hongroise. D'autres tentent de contourner la Hongrie, barricadée derrière une clôture barbelée.

    Ils sont désormais des centaines à se retrouver bloqués en Serbie. Repoussés par la Hongrie, qui a intégralement clôturé sa frontière avec la Serbie, les migrants voulant rallier le nord de l’Europe sont contraints d’envisager de nouvelles routes.

    Mercredi 16 septembre à l’aube, un premier groupe de 30 à 40 migrants, composé d’hommes, de femmes et d’enfants de tous âges, sont arrivés à Sid, près de la frontière avec la Croatie, après avoir voyagé toute la nuit en autobus depuis Presevo, une ville du sud de la Serbie proche de la frontière macédonienne.

    "Nous avons entendu dire que la Hongrie était fermée, alors la police nous a dit que nous devrions venir par ici", a déclaré, Amadou, 35 ans, qui indiquant venir de Mauritanie.

    Comme d'autres migrants arrivés en même temps que lui, Amadou n'avait auparavant jamais entendu parler de la Croatie et ne savait pas que ce pays faisait partie de l'Union européenne.

    S'ils parviennent à entrer en Croatie, les migrants devront ensuite traverser la Slové

  100. La France effectuera ses premières frappes aériennes contre l'EI en Syrie "dans les prochaines semaines", a annoncé mercredi le ministre français de la Défense, Jean-Yves Le Drian...

    Selon Jean-Yves Le Drian interrogé par la radio France Inter, les chasseurs français commenceront les frappes, "dans les prochaines semaines, dès que nous aurons des cibles bien identifiées".............

  101. Greek Farmers Begin Protest Against Austerity Reforms...

    Dozens of farmers in northern Greece began positioning their tractors on highways to protest against the austerity reforms agreed by the government in exchange for financial assistance from its creditors, local media reported Wednesday......

  102. Σε κίνδυνο βρίσκονται οι καταθέτες στις ελληνικές τράπεζες που έχουν κεφάλαιο άνω των 100.000 σύμφωνα με δημοσίευμα της Financial Times την Τετάρτη.

    Οι Financial Times τονίζουν ότι «οι αξιωματούχοι της Ευρωζώνης τρέχουν με σκοπό να προλάβουν την αναδιάρθρωση του τραπεζικού συστήματος στην Ελλάδα πριν αρχίσουν να ισχύουν νέοι κανόνες που θα μπορούσαν να εξαφανίσουν τις εταιρικές καταθέσεις, κάτι που θα είχε καταστροφικές συνέπειες για την ελληνική οικονομία»

    «Αυτή η βιασύνη οφείλεται στις πρόωρες βουλευτικές εκλογές αυτής της εβδομάδας, η οποίες, αν οι πρόσφατες δημοσκοπήσεις είναι ακριβείς, δείχνουν πως θα χρειαστούν στην συνέχεια διαπραγματεύσεις για μια κυβέρνηση συνασπισμού, κάτι που αν τραβήξει χρονικά θα θέσει σε κίνδυνο την επικείμενη λήξη της προθεσμίας για την αναδιάρθρωση του τραπεζικού συστήματος» συνεχίζει το δημοσίευμα.

    «Κατά τη διάρκεια των διαπραγματεύσεων τον Αύγουστο, ο Μάριο Ντράγκι, πρόεδρος της ΕΚΤ, επέμενε ότι οι τραπεζικές καταθέσεις δεν θα πρέπει να θιγούν. Εκείνη την εποχή, οι πιστωτές στην Ελλάδα εξέταζαν το ενδεχόμενο να αντλήσουν τα 25δις € που ενδεχομένως χρειάζονταν για να καλύψουν πλήρως τον χρηματοπιστωτικό τομέα που σχεδόν καταστράφηκε από την απόσυρση καταθέσεων και την οικονομική αναταραχή» σημειώνουν οι Financial

  103. Dozens of refugees and migrants managed to briefly break through Hungarian police lines on the Serbian border and force their way into Hungary at the flashpoint Roszke crossing...

    The crowds managed to pull down the wire meshing across two access routes to Hungarian territory, with riot police moving back slightly then firing tear gas at them.

    Three Hungarian army military vehicles mounted with guns have arrived at the scene according to an AFP reporter..............

  104. Crise des migrants - La Serbie annonce l'envoi de renforts policiers à la frontière hongroise...

    (Belga) Le gouvernement serbe a officiellement protesté mercredi contre l'usage par la Hongrie de "gaz lacrymogènes sur son territoire" contre des migrants et a annoncé l'envoi de renforts policiers à leur frontière commune.

    "J'ai décidé d'envoyer des renforts policiers" au point de passage frontalier de Horgos pour éviter de nouvelles échauffourées entre les migrants et la police hongroise, a annoncé le ministre de l'Intérieur, Nebojsa Stefanovic. La police hongroise a fait usage de gaz lacrymogènes contre des dizaines de migrants qui ont forcé des barrages à la frontière serbo-hongroise pour tenter de rentrer en Hongrie au point de passage Horgos-Roszke. Selon le gouvernement hongrois 14 policiers ont été blessés lors de ces violences. Selon la télévision nationale serbe RTS, plusieurs migrants ont été également blessé

  105. A powerful magnitude-8.3 earthquake hit off Chile's northern coast Wednesday night, causing buildings to sway in the capital of Santiago and bringing flooding from small tsunami waves in some shore towns...

    Officials reported three deaths. There were no reports of serious damage hours after the quake, but officials were still checking the region late into the night.

    Authorities had issued a tsunami alert for Chile's entire Pacific coast, and the tremor was so strong that people on the other side of the continent, in Buenos Aires, Argentina, reported feeling

  106. Alerte au tsunami au Chili après un très fort séisme...

    (Belga) Le centre du Chili a été touché mercredi soir par un séisme de très forte intensité, avec une magnitude évaluée jusqu'à 8,3, poussant les autorités à déclencher une alerte au tsunami sur les côtes du pays.

    "Pour le moment, aucun dommmage contre les personnes, aucune altération des services basiques ou des infrastructures" n'a été constaté, a assuré le Bureau national des situations d'urgence (Onemi). La magnitude, calculée dans un premier temps à 7,2 par le centre sismologique national de l'université du Chili, a ensuite été revue à la hausse par le gouvernement chilien à 8, tandis que l'Institut américain de géologie (USGS) se montrait plus alarmiste, à 8,3. Le tremblement de terre a été enregistré à 19H54 (22H54 GMT) à 36 kilomètres à l'ouest de la ville de Canela Baja, dans la région de Coquimbo (500 kilomètres au nord de Santiago) et à une profondeur de 11 kilomètres, a indiqué le centre sismologique national de l'université du Chili. La secousse est survenue en début de soirée, affectant la capitale Santiago, qui compte 6,6 millions d'habitants, et a été suivie de nombreuses répliques. Elle a été ressentie jusqu'à Buenos Aires, en Argentine, à 1.400 kilomètres de là. A Santiago, elle a provoqué un vaste mouvement de panique dans la population, des milliers d'habitants sortant dans les rues, a constaté un journaliste de l'AFP. La Marine chilienne a immédiatement lancé une alerte au tsunami pour l'ensemble des côtes du pays sud-américain. (Belga)

  107. Powerful Chile quake kills two, sparks tsunami alert....

    A massive 8.3-magnitude earthquake struck the centre of Chile on Wednesday, triggering the evacuation of coastal areas and warnings that tsunami waves could reach as far as Japan.

    At least two people were killed and 10 hurt in Chile, where thousands of terrified residents rushed out onto the streets in the capital Santiago. The quake was felt as far away as Argentina, where buildings also swayed.

    The United States Geological Survey (USGS) put the shallow offshore quake at a magnitude of 8.3 and said it hit just 228 kilometres north of Santiago, a city of 6.6 million people.

    The quake, which struck at 7.54 pm, hit at a depth of eight kilometres, USGS said. Seismologists also reported two aftershocks, both above 6.0.

    The Chilean government put the main earthquake at 8.0 on the Richter scale..........AFP

  108. The number of people crossing into Germany has risen sharply, days after the introduction of border controls, with police counting 9,100 "irregular entries" yesterday, up from about 6,000 the previous day...

    Federal police said that "almost all came from Austria", with about 2,000 arriving on trains and the rest by road or on foot, three days after Germany introduced passport checks on borders Sunday.

    Germany has also extended its controls to the border with the Czech Republic to stop human traffickers and better cope with the increased influx of asylum seekers, a federal police spokesman said.

    Police started the border controls last night on the A17 motorway connecting the east German state of Saxony with the Czech Republic, the spokesman said, adding that four traffickers had been arrested since then.

    Germany decided on Sunday to temporarily reintroduce border controls in response to the refugee crisis, with federal police focusing on the Austrian border first.

    In the Austrian city of Salzburg, police said between 200 and 300 refugees had arrived overnight by train from Vienna.

    Some of them set off on foot towards the German border a few kilometres away. At the border, police said around 200 people were already waiting to be let into Germany.

    A police spokesman said they planned to put the refugees on trains so they could be sent to other parts of Germany..............

  109. The United States has identified a small number of Russian helicopters at a Syrian airfield, U.S. officials said on Wednesday, the latest addition to what Washington believes is a significant Russian military buildup in the country....

    One of the officials said four helicopters had been identified, including helicopter gunships, although it was not clear when the Russian helicopters had arrived there. The officials spoke to Reuters on condition of anonymity.

    Reuters has previously reported on U.S. assessments that Russia has sent about 200 naval infantry forces, battle tanks, artillery and other equipment to an airfield near Latakia, a stronghold of Syrian President Bashar

    1. The Syrian military has recently started using new types of air and ground weapons supplied by Russia, a Syrian military source told Reuters on Thursday, underlining growing Russian support to Damascus that is alarming the United States....

      The source described the weapons as highly accurate and effective. The army had started using them in recent weeks having been trained in their use in Syria in recent months, the source said.

      "New weapons are being delivered, and new types of weapons. The Syrian army is being trained in the use of these weapons. In fact, the army has started using some of these (weapon) types," the source said in response to a question about Russian support.

      "The weapons are highly effective and very accurate, and hit targets precisely," the source told Reuters. "We can say they are all types of weapons - be it air or ground."

      The source declined to give further details about the

  110. The European Parliament on Thursday strongly backed plans to relocate 120,000 refugees around the EU to ease pressure on Greece, Hungary and Italy, which ministers failed to agree on earlier this week...

    Lawmakers approved an urgent motion by 372 votes to 124 with 53 abstentions. Interior ministers will meet next Tuesday to reconsider the plans for binding quotas for redistributing refugees.

  111. Nobel secretary regrets Obama peace prize...

    The decision to award the Nobel Peace Prize to US President Barack Obama in 2009 failed to live up to expectations, the committee's ex-secretary has said.

    In his memoir, Secretary of Peace, Geir Lundestad said the committee expected the prize to be a boost to Mr Obama.

    Instead, the decision was met with criticism in the US. Many argued he had not had any impact worthy of the award.

    Mr Obama himself said he was surprised and even some of his supporters thought it a mistake, Mr Lundestad said.

    The US president apparently considered not going to pick up the award in Norway's capital, Oslo, with his staff enquiring whether other winners had skipped the ceremony.

    But they found that this has happened only on rare occasions, such as when dissidents were held back by their governments.

    "In the White House they quickly realised that they needed to travel to Oslo," Mr Lundestad wrote.

    Mr Lundestad served as the committee's influential, but non-voting, secretary from 1990 to 2015.

    He has broken with the tradition of the secretive committee, whose members rarely discuss proceedings...........BBC

  112. EU's Tusk says calls EU summit on migration on Sept 23...

    European Council President Donald Tusk has summoned EU leaders to an extraordinary summit next Wednesday to discuss migration and a proposed scheme to redistribute 120,000 asylum seekers across the 28-nation bloc.

    European Union interior ministers failed on Monday to agree on a quota system designed to spread the burden of this year's huge influx of migrants into Europe, many of them fleeing conflict in Syria and Iraq.

    Tusk said in a tweet on Thursday that he had convened a summit on Wednesday Sept. 23 from 1800 CET (1200 EDT) to deal with the refugee crisis.

    Ministers are due to revisit the mandatory relocation plan at an emergency meeting on Tuesday after the European Parliament endorsed it on Thursday, with diplomats keen to avoid a new failure.......REUTERS

  113. Moscow Demands Release of Russian Oil Tanker Captured Off Libyan Coast...

    Late on Wednesday, it was reported that forces loyal to the Tripoli-based Libyan government, which is not recognized internationally, had detained 11 Russian crew members from the Mekhanik Chebotarev oil tanker, when it was allegedly en route to the northwestern Libyan port of Zuwarah.

    Moscow has called for the immediate release of the Russian oil tanker captured off the Libyan coast, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said Thursday.

    "We consider the capture of the Russian vessel and its crew illegal and demand [their] immediate and unconditional release from the authorities in Tripoli," Zakharova said...

  114. Finlande: 30 000 personnes dans la rue contre le programme d'austérité ...

    La Finlande a vécu un "vendredi noir" dans les transports et les services publics en raison d'un appel à la grève contre l'austérité, ponctuée d'une manifestation de quelque 30 000 personnes à Helsinki.

    Une foule importante pour un pays peu habitué à la grogne a bravé le vent et les orages pour se rassembler en fin de matinée sur une grande place du centre de la capitale, dans une atmosphère festive avec ballons de baudruche et musique dans les hauts-parleurs.

    "Pas question!", disaient des affiches brandies par les manifestants, dont le nombre a été estimé à 30 000 par la police et les organisateurs.

    Depuis sa prise de fonctions en mai, le Premier ministre centriste Juha Sipilä a déroulé comme promis pendant la campagne législative un douloureux programme de réductions des dépenses publiques, destiné à faire sortir le pays de trois années de ré

  115. La Hongrie a entamé la pose de barbelés à sa frontière avec la Croatie, annonce Orban...

    (Belga) Budapest a commencé à poser une clôture de barbelés à sa frontière avec la Croatie pour se protéger des milliers de migrants voulant rejoindre l'Europe de l'Ouest, a annoncé vendredi le Premier ministre hongrois, Viktor Orban.

    "Les travaux ont commencé pour une fermeture matérielle de la frontière (...) Il semble que nous ne puissions nous reposer sur personne", a déclaré M. Orban dans un entretien à la radio publique après l'afflux de milliers de migrants en Croatie voisine dont les autorités se disent débordées. La Croatie a commencé vendredi en début d'après-midi à acheminer les migrants se trouvant sur son territoire vers cette frontière. La clôture sera installée sur 41 km de terre ferme, a-t-il précisé, le reste des 330 km de la frontière entre les deux pays étant délimitée par la rivière Drave, difficile à traverser. "Six cents soldats sont déjà sur les lieux, 500 vont arriver dans la journée, et 700 de plus seront envoyés ce week-end", a-t-il détaillé. Par ailleurs, en plus des 200 policiers déjà sur place, une centaine sera envoyée en cours de journée et 500 de plus pendant le

  116. U.S. and Russian armies launch talks on Syria....

    The United States and Russian militaries renewed high-level contacts on Friday to discuss their roles in the conflict in Syria, Pentagon spokesman Peter Cook said as Secretary of State John Kerry arrived in Britain to discuss the Syrian crisis with Russia.

    Cook said U.S. Secretary of Defense Ash Carter and Russia’s Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu spoke by telephone.
    He added: “The secretary and the minister talked about areas where the United States and Russia’s perspectives overlap and areas of divergence.”

    “They agreed to further discuss mechanisms for deconfliction in Syria and the counter-ISIL campaign,” he added, referring to the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) militant group.

    In military terms, “deconfliction” means rival armies will talk to one another to avoid accidental encounters between their

  117. Members of Venezuela's national guard crossed into Colombia on Friday, firing their weapons and setting a motorcycle on fire, the Colombian army said, amid an on-going diplomatic crisis between the two countries...

    About 15 Venezuelan soldiers entered Maicao municipality in eastern La Guajira province in apparent pursuit of an individual on a motorcycle who had attempted to cross the border into Venezuela, the Colombian army said in a statement.

    Relations between the South American neighbors have been tense since Venezuela closed major border crossings in recent weeks and deported over 1,500 Colombians in what it calls a crackdown on crime.

    "The Bolivarian National Guard fired shots with long guns and carried out the pursuit in a 4x4 vehicle inside Colombian territory," the statement said, adding that the soldiers went about a kilometer (half-mile) into

  118. The African Union has suspended Burkina Faso and will impose sanctions on coup leaders if they do not restore the interim government and release its leaders, it said on Friday...

    Soldiers from the elite presidential guard (RSP) stormed into a cabinet meeting on Wednesday and abducted President Michel Kafando and Prime Minister Zida, disrupting a transition period due to end with polls next month. General Gilbert Diendere, a former spy chief, was named junta head the next day.

    The AU statement followed a meeting of the Peace and Security Council in Addis Ababa. It gave coup leaders 96 hours, or until September 22, to restore the transitional government or face travel bans and asset freezes.

    “Council decides to suspend, with immediate effect, the participation of Burkina Faso in all AU activities,” it said, adding that members of the RSP linked to the kidnappings would be held legally accountable for their actions.

    Burkina Faso, whose citizens toppled President Blaise Compaore last year as he sought to extend his 27-year rule, had been seen as a model by pro-democracy campaigners across sub-Saharan Africa.

    The coup has been condemned by the United States, former colonial power France and the United Nations.

  119. La République tchèque, opposée aux quotas migratoires contraignants, compte contester devant la justice européenne une éventuelle mise en place de cette mesure visant une répartition équitable des réfugiés, a indiqué Pavel Belobradek, vice-Premier ministre et chef du parti chrétien-démocrate...

    "Je suppose qu'il y aura une plainte devant la Cour de justice de l'Union européenne", a déclaré M. Belobradek, interrogé par le quotidien Pravo sur l'attitude du gouvernement envers une éventuelle adoption des quotas obligatoires.

    "Nous imposer quelqu'un contre notre volonté sera très compliqué. Ce sera un combat juridique au sein de l'Union", a poursuivi M. Belobradek, cité par l'AFP.

    Les pays membres de l'UE doivent se prononcer le 22 septembre sur la répartition de manière obligatoire de 120.000 réfugiés, après avoir déjà accepté la répartition de quelque 40.000 réfugiés se trouvant en Italie et en Grèce.............

  120. Bulgaria closed the border for undocumented migrants amid deteriorating crisis, Prime Minister Boyko Borissov said Saturday...

    “Bulgaria closed the border for illegal migrants. Anyone who wants to cross legally will pass, the rest – no,” Borissov said, as quoted by the Bulgarian OFFNews website............

  121. Canada to accelerate Syrian refugee applications...

    Canada’s Conservative government says it will not accept more than its previously announced commitment of 10,000 Syrian refugees but will accelerate processing their applications to issue thousands more visas before the end of this year.

    Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s government announced yesterday (Sept 20, Singapore time) that Canada will bring in these refugees by Sept 2016, 15 months ahead of schedule, by processing them without the previously required document by the UNCR to designate them as refugees.

    Canada’s government has endured criticism for taking in just 2,500 refugees since Jan 2014. More than 4 million Syrians have fled their country since the conflict began in 2011.

    The Harper government announced in January it would accept 10,000 over three years and promised in August to accept an additional 10,000 over four years.

  122. Steinmeier berät mit Kerry über Krieg in Syrien...

    John Kerry kommt am Nachmittag in Berlin an. Außenminister Steinmeier empfängt seinen US-Kollegen in der Villa Borsig, dem Gästehaus des Auswärtigen Amtes am Stadtrand.

    Im Mittelpunkt der Gespräche wird die Situation in Syrien stehen. Dabei nähern sich die USA und Russland wieder an, obwohl Russland seine militärische Präsenz auszubauen scheint. Kerry sagte gestern in London, Washington und Moskau hätten die gleichen Ziele, nämlich den "Islamischen Staat" zu zerstören. Deswegen liefen seit einiger Zeit auch wieder Gespräche zwischen den USA und Russland. Allerdings besteht Washington darauf, dass Syriens Präsident Bashar al-Assad abtreten muss, während Moskau ihn unterstützt und im Amt halten will.

    Bei den Gesprächen zwischen Kerry und Steinmeier wird auch die Situation der Flüchtlinge in Europa zur Sprache kommen. Die USA haben bisher erklärt, 10.000 Flüchtlinge aufzunehmen, Kerry deutete allerdings schon an, dass das nicht genug sei - er spricht von einer "humanitären Katastrophe in Europa".............

  123. Greece goes to the polls for third time this year...

    Greek voters go to the polls today for the third election since January.

    The snap general election was called by the outgoing prime minister Alexis Tsipras after his far-left Syriza party split in August over his decision to accept the terms of the country's third bailout.

    The last opinion polls before campaigning ended showed both Syriza and their nearest rival, the conservative New Democracy party, neck-and-neck, with neither party likely to form an overall majority.

    Mr Tsipras swept into office in January and as the first radical left government to take power since the financial crisis erupted.

    He threw down a direct challenge to the eurozone that Greece would accept no more austerity.

    But during six months of acrimonious negotiations, Mr Tsipras was effectively faced down by the weight of consensus from eurozone capitals......................

  124. Treize personnes, dont des enfants, ont été tuées et 13 autres portées disparues dimanche au large des côtes turques à la suite d'une collision entre un ferry et un bateau qui transportait des migrants vers la Grèce, a rapporté l'agence de presse Dogan citée par l'AFP...

    L'accident s'est produit au large de Canakkale, dans le nord-ouest de la Turquie, a indiqué l'agence.

    1. At least 13 migrants died off the coast of Turkey today after the inflatable dinghy carrying them to Greece collided with a ferry, Turkish media reported...

      Four children were among the victims of the accident involving a boat carrying 46 migrants from the northwestern Turkish port of Canakkale to the Greek island of Lesbos, Dogan news agency reported.

      Twenty people were rescued and 13 people were still missing, the report added.

      There was no information on the nationalities of the migrants.

      The sinking was the second Sunday in the Aegean Sea, with the Greek coastguard reporting another two dozen feared missing from a boat that got into trouble close to Lesbos......AFP

  125. Η πρώτη αξιολόγηση του νέου προγράμματος αναμένεται να καθυστερήσει κατά τουλάχιστον δυο εβδομάδες λόγω των πρόωρων εκλογών, σύμφωνα με πληροφορίες της γερμανικής οικονομικής εφημερίδας Handelsblatt...

    Η πρώτη αξιολόγηση του προγράμματος δεν θα κατατεθεί πιθανότατα στο Eurogroup της 5ης Οκτωβρίου, όπως έχει προγραμματιστεί, δήλωσαν στην εφημερίδα υψηλόβαθμοι Ευρωπαίοι διπλωμάτες. Η αξιολόγηση των διεθνών πιστωτών ενδέχεται να καθυστερήσει για δύο εβδομάδες. Σε περίπτωση που πάρει χρόνο και ο σχηματισμός κυβέρνησης, μπορεί να υπάρξει ακόμη μεγαλύτερη καθυστέρηση, ανέφεραν οι ίδιες πηγές.

    Όπως σημειώνει η εφημερίδα, από την αξιολόγηση εξαρτάται η εκταμίευση των επόμενων δόσεων. «Προηγουμένως η ελληνική κυβέρνηση θα πρέπει να έχει υλοποιήσει και άλλες μεταρρυθμίσεις. Οι λεπτομέρειες των προαπαιτούμενων δράσεων αποτελούν αντικείμενο διαπραγμάτευσης με τους δανειστές. Εξαιτίας του προεκλογικού αγώνα όμως επαφές έγιναν τελευταία μόνο σε τεχνικό επίπεδο», αναφέρει η Handelsblatt.

    Πηγή: Deutsche Welle

  126. UN aims to eradicate poverty, hunger in 15 years...

    A season of goal-setting begins this month as the United Nations launches a new 15-year plan to fight grinding world poverty, improve health and education and quell climate change.

    The Sustainable Development Goals are set for adoption by the 193 UN member states shortly after Pope Francis brings his activist message to the world body on Friday - a message sure to include calls to pull back from the abyss of a heating world and to spread global wealth among the neediest.

    More than 150 world leaders, including President Barack Obama and Chinese President Xi Jinping, are expected to speak at a three-day summit dedicated to adopting the goals. That meeting precedes the annual gathering of world leaders at the UN beginning Sept.

  127. Crise des réfugiés: une semaine cruciale commence en Europe ...

    Un sommet européen extraordinaire aura lieu mercredi. Dès mardi, une réunion est prévue au niveau des ministres. L'Union Européenne tente de trouver une réponse commune à cette crise qui divise toujours les Etats membres.

    Pendant ce temps-là, des milliers de réfugiés continuent leur chemin vers l'Europe de l'ouest. Depuis plusieurs jours, nos journalistes suivent un groupe qui remonte vers l'Allemagne, une longue marche qui les a fait passer par la Serbie, la Croatie, la Slovénie et maintenant l'Autriche.

    La tension est sensible

    Vendredi dernier, derrière des grilles, ils attendaient parfois découragés en s’interrogeant sur la suite de leur périple. A la frontière entre la Serbie et la Croatie, ces réfugiés patientaient difficilement, se demandant pourquoi on ne les laissait pas passer. Où étaient les bus promis ? Quand arriverait le train pour Zagreb ?

    La tension était sensible. Une police dépassée par l’événement surveillait cette foule de toutes origines. En deux jours, elle a franchi trois frontières : celles de la Croatie, de la Slovénie et de l’Autriche. Ici, en bord d’autoroute, où la police a installé un camp de transit, la police et l’armée surveillent de loin des adultes qui se reposent dans des tentes et des enfants qui jouent à la

  128. Goods from Ukraine blocked from going through border checkpoints to Crimea...

    Trucks are not allowed through from Ukraine to Crimea at all three checkpoints, the Federal Security Service’s Crimea border department told TASS on Monday.

    "Trucks are not going through from Ukraine at the moment. People and passenger transport goes through in the routine mode. Russian checkpoints are ready to accept both people and cargoes in the routine mode," the department’s press service said...........

    1. Ukraine’s ‘food blockade’ of Crimea may be in place for 6 months — Ukrainian lawmaker...

      The so-called civil blockade of Crimea, when trucks with cargoes are not let to cross from Ukraine into Russia’s Crimea, may take "various formats" and be rather lengthy, a Ukrainian lawmaker said on Monday.

      "Organizers of this action offer various formats for it, including in terms of duration. It can be a week’s format, a month’s format, a format for six months or even longer," Refat Chubarov, a member of the Ukrainian Verkhovna Rada (parliament) and the leader of Crimean Tatars in Ukraine, told the ICTV television channel............

  129. US mulls abstention on Cuba embargo vote at UN...

    For the first time, the United States may be willing to accept a United Nations condemnation of the U.S. trade embargo against Cuba without a fight, The Associated Press has learned.

    U.S. officials tell the AP that the Obama administration is weighing abstaining from the annual U.N. General Assembly vote on a Cuban-backed resolution demanding that the embargo be lifted. The vote could come next month.

    No decision has yet been made, said four administration officials who weren't authorized to speak publicly on sensitive internal deliberations and demanded anonymity. But merely considering an abstention is unprecedented. Following through on the idea would send shock waves through both the United Nations and Congress.

    It is unheard of for a U.N. member state not to oppose resolutions critical of its own laws..........AP

  130. Gaza rocket targets southern Israel: spokesman...

    A rocket fired from the Gaza Strip between Sunday night and Monday morning struck southern Israel but did not cause any casualties or damage, an army spokesman said.

    The rocket exploded in a field, and marked the third such attack from the Gaza Strip, controlled by the Islamist movement Hamas, since Friday.

    In response to the two previous rockets, both on Friday, Israel launched air raids against a base of the Ezzedine al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas, in northern Gaza. Neither the rockets nor the air raids caused any casualties.

    No group immediately claimed responsiblity for the rocket fire.

  131. Espagne: les séparatistes catalans en tête des derniers sondages...

    (Belga) Les listes indépendantistes obtiendraient la majorité absolue des sièges lors des élections régionales de dimanche en Catalogne (nord-est de l'Espagne), selon deux sondages parus lundi, les derniers autorisés avant le scrutin.

    La coalition "Ensemble pour le Oui" -formée par le parti CDC du chef de l'exécutif catalan Artur Mas, ERC (gauche républicaine) et des associations indépendantistes- et la CUP (Candidature d'unité populaire, extrême gauche indépendantiste), pourraient obtenir ensemble 74 à 75 sièges et 47,8% des suffrages, selon un sondage de l'institut Sigma Dos pour le quotidien El Mundo. Un autre sondage commandé par la radio privée Cadena Ser donne les séparatistes gagnants avec 70 à 77 sièges, toujours sans la majorité de voix (48,2%). Pour atteindre la majorité absolue au Parlement régional, 68 sièges sont requis - un résultat suffisant, selon Artur Mas, pour enclencher un processus de sécession de la Catalogne d'ici à 2017. Il veut donc aller de l'avant, même sans avoir une majorité de voix. (Belga)

  132. Russia has started flying surveillance missions with drone aircraft in Syria, two U.S. officials said Monday, in what appeared to be Moscow's first military air operations in Syria since staging a rapid buildup at an airfield there...

    The U.S. officials, who spoke to Reuters on condition of anonymity, could not say how many drone aircraft were involved in the surveillance missions. The Pentagon declined to comment.

  133. President Nicolas Maduro of Venezuela and his Colombian counterpart, Juan Manuel Santos, have agreed to gradually reopen their common border....

    Venezuela closed the border a month ago and launched a major anti-smuggling operation.

    Mr Maduro says smuggling has led to shortages in parts of Venezuela.

    Meeting in Ecuador, the two presidents also said they would return ambassadors to each other's capitals immediately.

    Some 20,000 Colombians have left Venezuela since the crisis began.

    More than 1,500 of them were evicted due to alleged connections with criminal gangs operating in the area.

    Most of the others fled in fear, many carrying their personal belongings over the border rivers.

    "Common sense, dialogue and peace between our peoples and our countries have triumphed today," said Mr Maduro after the talks in Quito.

    For his part, Mr Santos said Venezuela "should have respected the rights of Colombians" who had to leave the country and return over the border.

    The Colombian leader added: "I agree that criminal organizations working in the border area is a big problem, but the best way to deal with it is by working together."....BBC

    1. Santos y Maduro acuerdan tras la crisis y reponen a sus embajadores...

      Los presidentes colombiano, Juan Manuel Santos, y venezolano, Nicolás Maduro, acordaron hoy en una extensa reunión en Quito el retorno de sus respectivos embajadores y la apertura de una investigación sobre la situación en la frontera común, cerrada desde hace más de un mes por decisión de Venezuela.

      También decidieron tratar con sus equipos ministeriales "los temas sensibles" relativos a la crisis fronteriza que han mantenido, lo que harán a partir de una primera reunión que se celebrará este miércoles en Caracas.

      La declaración, leída por el presidente de Ecuador, Rafael Correa, incluye también otros puntos, como "la progresiva normalización de la frontera", la "coexistencia de los modelos económicos, políticos y sociales de cada país" y "un llamado al espíritu de hermandad y la unidad, propiciando un clima de mutuo respeto y convivencia", además de "continuar trabajando con el acompañamiento de Ecuador y Uruguay".

      Tanto Santos como Maduro se mostraron satisfechos con el resultado de la reunión, en la que, según indicó el colombiano, se acordó investigar "algunos incidentes en la frontera de violación del espacio aéreo" colombiano, así como trabajar conjuntamente en la lucha contra las bandas criminales, el narcotráfico y el contrabando...............

  134. Colombia and Venezuela have agreed to immediately return their ambassadors, who had been recalled earlier over an impasse caused by border tensions, to the both countries’ diplomatic missions, the Ecuadorian president and a mediator in the bilateral talks said Monday...

    "The presidents of Venezuela and Colombia agreed to immediately return ambassadors," NTN24 TV channel quoted Rafael Correa as saying after the negotiations on the issue in the capital of Ecuador, Quito.

    Earlier in the day, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro arrived in Quito for a meeting with his Colombian counterpart Juan Manuel Santos.

    The two sides have also reportedly agreed to conduct an investigation into the situation on the border and hold meetings at the ministerial level for the settlement of existing border disputes. The first ministerial meeting will take place on September 23 in the capital of Venezuela, Caracas.

  135. Biden says "no rush" in decision on presidency bid...

    Just three weeks before the first Democratic primary debate, US Vice President Joe Biden said on Monday he would not "rush" in his decision to run for presidency in 2016.

    In an interview with US news organization America Media aired on Monday, Biden said the impact of a presidential campaign on his family played a decisive role in his decision.

    "Your whole family is engaged, so for us, it's a family decision," said Biden. "I just have to be comfortable that this will be good for the family."

    "It's not like I can rush it (the decision)," he added.

    Biden's freshest flirtation with a White House run first surfaced on Aug. 1 after a New York Times column claimed that Biden's associates had already started to contact Democratic leaders and donors who have so far not endorsed Hillary Clinton or who have become increasingly concerned about odds of a successful run by Clinton.

    However, Biden recently on several occasions spoke up his concerns of how a presidency bid would impact the family which were still grieving Biden's son Beau Biden's death and questioned whether the family would have the "the emotional energy to run."

    Despite his overt indecision, The Wall Street Journal last week cited Biden's aides as saying that Biden was more likely than not to run.................

  136. Palestinian dies, another shot with tensions high in West Bank ...

    A Palestinian died during an Israeli army operation in the southern West Bank before dawn on Sept. 22 as he handled a makeshift explosive, while troops shot a woman who allegedly tried to stab a soldier.

    Both incidents occurred in the Hebron area with tensions running high ahead of the Yom Kippur and Eid al-Adha holidays and after three days of clashes rocked Jerusalem's Al-Aqsa mosque compound last week.

    An Israeli army spokeswoman said the Palestinian man was killed by an explosive device he intended to toss at a military vehicle. Residents provided a similar account.

    Palestinian security officials however said he was shot dead by Israeli troops in the village of Dura near Hebron. They named him as Dia al-Talahmeh, 21.

    The army spokeswoman said a patrol had been deployed to clear stones blocking a road outside Hebron.

    "The soldiers heard an explosion and during a search of the sector they found the body of a Palestinian killed by the explosive device he intended to throw at one of our vehicles," she said.

    Separately on Sept. 22 morning, Israeli troops shot and wounded a Palestinian woman at a checkpoint near the centre of Hebron, witnesses said. The Israeli military said she had attempted to stab a

  137. Roughly 70 U.S.-trained and equipped rebels have returned to Syria to take up the fight against Daesh, Central Command said Monday....

    The New Syrian Forces “will fight alongside vetted opposition forces and employ their training and equipment acquired through the T&E program to enhance the efforts of these larger units already in the fight against ISIL,” the U.S.'s Middle East command said in a statement, referring to the train and equip program.

    While the rebels do not operate under the U.S.-led coalition’s command and control structure, the coalition “will continue to support and enable them as part of the ongoing campaign to degrade and ultimately defeat ISIL”.

    The UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported Sunday that 75 fighters re-entered Syria through the Bab al-Salamah border crossing using 12 all-terrain vehicles with mounted machine guns.

    A previous deployment of 54 U.S.-trained rebels met significant battlefield setbacks, and a leading U.S. general recently acknowledged that only “4 or 5” remained in the fight................

  138. U.N. envoy Bernardino Leon told Libya's warring parties Tuesday there would be no more negotiations on a U.N. peace plan and it was time for them to take it or leave it...

    As talks in the Moroccan seaside resort of Skhirat broke up for the Muslim Eid al-Adha holiday that runs from Wednesday until Sunday, Leon told delegates from Libya's rival parliaments that when they returned he expected a straight yes or no answer.

    Libya has had two parliaments and two governments since August last year when militia seized the capital Tripoli prompting the government recognize by most of the international community to take refuge in the remote east.

    Leon has been trying for months to come up with a compromise between the conflicting claims of the two administrations that will allow the formation of a united government to tackle the rise of jihadi groups and people smuggling across the Mediterranean to

  139. France will not demand Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's departure as a precondition for peace talks, Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius told Le Figaro in an interview...

    "If we require, even before negotiations start, that Assad step down, we won't get far," Fabius was quoted as saying in a preview of the French daily's Tuesday edition.

    The comments represent a softening of France's position towards Assad, whose four-year war against rebel groups and Islamic State fighters has claimed more than 200,000 lives.

    The United States and Britain have already made similar shifts to their stances on Syria, as Russia bolsters its support for Assad with a military buildup in the country. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said on Saturday that the timing of Assad's exit following a peace deal would be negotiable.

    France believes a diplomatic resolution would require the establishment of a government of national unity including elements of Assad's administration "to avoid the kind of collapse seen in Iraq", Fabius also said in the interview.

  140. The distribution of the 120,000 refugees in the European Union will be decided voluntarily depending on each country and there will be no imposed quotas, a European diplomatic source said Tuesday...

    “There will not be any obligatory quotas. It’s expected that the distribution will be made voluntarily,” the diplomatic source told RIA Novosti.

    The source added that Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Romania have insisted on this

  141. Zwei Tage nach ihrer Wahlniederlage bei der vorgezogenen Parlamentswahl am Sonntag in Griechenland will die konservative griechische Partei Nea Dimokratia (ND) die Neuwahl ihres Vorsitzenden in die Wege leiten.....

    Dies teilte die Partei am Dienstag mit. Wie die Deutsche Presse-Agentur aus Kreisen der ND erfuhr, soll der neue Parteichef durch eine Urwahl aller Mitglieder bestimmt werden.

    Am Dienstag war unklar, ob der bisherige Chef Evangelos Meimarakis kandidieren wird. Es gab widersprüchliche Informationen dazu. Die Wahl soll im Oktober stattfinden. Bisher haben sich mehrere Kandidaten gemeldet oder ihr Interesse an die Presse durchsickern lassen, darunter die ehemalige Außenministerin Dora

  142. The role of President Bashar Assad should be part of any initiative on resolving the Syrian crisis, Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian has said....

    "In any initiative, the political approach and the fight against terrorism will be carried out in parallel," he said. "Bashar Assad in any initiative will be part of resolving the crisis."

  143. Army source: Syria received new Russian jets ...

    Damascus has received new warplanes and reconnaissance aircraft from Moscow to fight against the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) group, a Syrian military source told AFP on Tuesday.

    “Our air force has taken delivery of at least five fighter planes from Moscow as well as reconnaissance aircraft which allow us to identify targets with great accuracy,” the senior official told AFP on condition of anonymity.

    The source said the aircraft had arrived on Friday at a military base in Latakia province, the traditional heartland of President Bashar al-Assad’s regime.

    Moscow has also delivered other “sophisticated military equipment to fight ISIS,” the official

  144. The head of NATO pledged to help Ukraine defend itself against pro-Russian separatists on Tuesday but disappointed some in Kyiv who seek supplies of defensive weaponry that the West fears would threaten a fragile cease-fire with the rebels...

    In an opulent gilded state room in the presidential palace, Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg told Ukraine's National Security Council it had no closer partner than the U.S.-led military alliance and he signed agreements to modernize the armed forces.

    "NATO does not provide or supply weapons," Stoltenberg told Reuters before the meeting with President Petro Poroshenko and security chiefs, where he stressed the symbolic nature of his first visit to Ukraine as head of NATO, 18 months after Russia seized Ukraine's Crimean peninsula............Reuters

  145. New satellite photos appear to show Russian forces developing two additional military bases in Syria, the Wall Street Journal reported Tuesday...

    The newspaper, which said it viewed the satellite imagery from defense intelligence provider IHS Jane's, said the previously undisclosed expansion was located near Syria's Mediterranean coast.

    Reuters has not confirmed the content of this story....Reuters

  146. EU nations will give an additional €1 billion to UN agencies dealing with the refugee crisis, according to a draft statement from today’s emergency summit...

    In his invitation letter to the summit, EU President Donald Tusk said the issue "could not wait" and appealed to countries to make pledges immediately.

    "The World Food Programme needed money to provide food to 11 million people in Syria and in the region. The WFP has already substantially cut food support to refugees," Mr Tusk wrote.......

  147. Egypt frees Al-Jazeera journalists following presidential pardon...

    Al-Jazeera journalists Mohamed Fahmy and Baher Mohamed were on Wednesday released from prison following Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi’s pardon of 100 prisoners.

    "I'm feeling ecstatic knowing that I don't have to worry about lawyers, police officers following me all over the place and knowing that I'm going to share my apartment tonight with my beloved wife," Canadian journalist Fahmy told AFP after he and his Egyptian colleague Mohamed were released.

    The two were dropped off by authorities in the upmarket Cairo suburb of Maadi, not far from their former prison.

    "We're very, very happy. But we're a bit surprised about how it was done," Mohamed said, as the pair waited to be reunited with their families.

    Wednesday’s pardons come a day before Sisi is heading to New York for the 70th session of the UN General

  148. France hopes to sell two helicopter-carrying amphibious assault ships of the Mistral class to Egypt for €950 million, Reuters said quoting a source at the French Defense Ministry....

    At the same time French Defense Ministry officials avoid commenting on progress in the talks with Egypt or disclosing the likely value of the contract..........

  149. Colombia's president and the leader of the Farc rebel group have announced a deal on setting up special courts to try crimes committed during more than five decades of conflict...

    They also announced the creation of a truth commission and an amnesty law.

    President Juan Manuel Santos and Rodrigo Londono, known as Timoleon Jimenez or Timochenko, met in Havana.

    The agreement is seen as a major breakthrough after nearly three years of peace talks hosted by Cuba.

    "The time for peace has arrived," said Mr Santos.

    The Colombian leader said he had agreed with Timochenko that a final peace accord would be signed within six months.

    "On 23 March 2016 we will be bidding farewell to the longest-running conflict of the Americas," he said.

    Under the deal signed on Wednesday combatants will be covered by an amnesty law, except those who have committed war crimes and human-rights violations.

    Negotiators from the government and the Farc, Colombia's largest rebel group, have already reached agreement on land reform, political participation and illegal drugs.

  150. EU leaders pledged at least 1 billion euros ($1.1 billion) for Syrian refugees in the Middle East and closer cooperation to stem migrant flows into Europe at a summit described as less tense than feared after weeks of feuding...

    Chairman Donald Tusk said the meeting, which ended early on Thursday after seven hours of talks in Brussels, was “really excellent, for sure much better than we expected”.

    He heard “very substantial and energetic” exchanges between the Austrian and Hungarian leaders, whose common border was among those disrupted by chaotic crowds of migrants this summer, but not the mutual recrimination that has threatened to tear apart the bloc’s cherished passport-free Schengen zone.

    “Today’s meeting and this atmosphere are a very positive sign,” said European Council President Tusk, a former prime minister of Poland. “It’s quite a symbolic moment for me as it’s clear we have stopped this risky blame game.” German Chancellor Angela Merkel, criticised by some eastern neighbours for what they saw as actions that have fuelled the influx of people trying to reach Germany, voiced satisfaction: “We know that the problem is not solved with the decision taken. But we have taken one of many necessary steps. I got the feeling that we want to tackle this task together.”

  151. Deadly blast hits Yemen mosque at start of Muslim holiday...

    At least one blast tore through a mosque in Yemen's rebel-held capital Sanaa Thursday, witnesses said, targeting Shiite worshippers during prayers at the start of the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha and leaving at least 25 dead.

    The attack happened in the Balili mosque near a police academy in Sanaa, which is controlled by the Houthi Shiite rebels, according to witnesses. Some reports said there had been two explosions, both by suicide bombers.

    At least 25 people were killed, medics told the AFP news agency, with dozens more wounded.

    There was no immediate claim of responsibility, but the Yemeni capital has been shaken by a string of bombings of Shiite mosques in recent months claimed by the Islamic State jihadist

  152. Vingt-neuf personnes ont été tuées et des dizaines d'autres blessées dans un attentat contre une mosquée de Sanaa où des fidèles chiites étaient réunis pour la prière de l'Aïd al-Adha...

    L'attentat, commis à l'aide d'une charge explosive selon une source de sécurité, a visé la mosquée Balili près de l'académie de police, fréquentée par des partisans des rebelles chiites Houthis, qui contrôlent la capitale yéménite depuis un an, rapporte l'AFP..............

  153. Abbas says agreement between Russia and US will help resolve Syria issue....

    Russia as a great power should play its role in resolving the crisis in Syria, but a political settlement requires agreement between Moscow and Washington, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said on Thursday.

    "There is an acute need for Russia as a great power to play a positive role in resolving the Syrian conflict. Russia is ready for that," Abbas told Rossiya-24 television news channel.

    "If an agreement between the US and Russia is reached regarding the principle for a political resolution of the crisis existing in the region, then we can start moving towards improvement of the situation," he added.........

  154. The Chinese government announced on Thursday that China and the US have signed annexes to two agreements on major military operations and naval and air encounters to enhance strategic mutual trust, a move analysts said would strengthen Sino-US ties...

    They signed the annexes on "notification of a military crisis" and "encounters in the air" to two "mutual trust mechanisms," a reporting system on major military operations and a safe conduct code on naval and air encounters, said Wu Qian, a Defense Ministry spokesperson, at a monthly press briefing on Thursday.

    Wu provided no further details.

    "The move marks new progress in the building of the 'two mutual trust mechanisms,'" said Wu Qian at a monthly press briefing.

    "The initiatives can help enhance strategic mutual trust, prevent misunderstanding, misjudgment and maritime and air accidents," Wu said, adding that it also helps promote Sino-US relations....................

  155. US is wrong, PYD is terrorist, says Turkish President Erdoğan...

    Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has reacted to a recent statement by a U.S. official who said Washington does not consider the Peoples’ Protection Units (YPG), the armed wing of the Syrian Democratic Union Party (PYD), a terrorist organization.

    “The U.S. is not paying a price in this matter today, it is us who pay the bill and know what the PYD and the YPG are doing,” Erdoğan said after performing his Eid al-Adha prayer early on Sept. 24 in Istanbul.

    Turkish officials have repeatedly raised concerns about the YPG’s ties to the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), but also said the group was not a target unless it targets Turkey.

    “Thus I think they will re-evaluate this wrong view. We see DAESH as a terrorist organization, along with the PYD, similar organizations and the PKK,” he said. DAESH is the Arabic acronym for the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL)

  156. Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko signed a new military doctrine on Thursday naming Russia as the main military threat to Ukraine, according to a statement on the presidential website....

    Ukraine and NATO accuse Russia of providing pro-Russian separatists with arms and troops in support of a rebellion in which nearly 8,000 have been killed since it broke out in eastern regions in the spring of 2014, after the fall of Kiev's pro-Moscow president to a popular uprising.

    According to the statement, "Ukraine is currently facing an acute military threat – Russian armed aggression, which includes temporary occupation of Crimea and aggression in certain areas of Donetsk and Luhansk regions."

    "The doctrine also stipulates scenarios that can endanger (the) military security of Ukraine. The main scenario is full-scale armed aggression of Russia against Ukraine with decisive military-political goals," it

  157. Ukraine crisis: Rebels order UN agencies to leave...

    The UN humanitarian aid chief has expressed alarm after UN agencies were ordered out of rebel-held parts of the Luhansk region in eastern Ukraine.

    Stephen O'Brien said the agencies had been told to leave by Friday, and several international non-governmental organisations (NGO) by Saturday.

    The Luhansk separatists had earlier banned 10 international humanitarian agencies citing "violations"......BBC

  158. Les Etats-Unis pourraient maintenir 10.000 militaires en Afghanistan...

    Le général John Campbell, aux commandes de la Force internationale d'assistance (ISAF) à la sécurité en Afghanistan, a adressé aux représentants du Pentagone et de l'Otan des recommandations sur l'assistance militaire des USA en Afghanistan, rapporte The Wall Street Journal.

    Ces recommandations contiennent plusieurs scénarios possibles du déroulement des événements ainsi que des risques éventuels liés à ce processus, soit: le maintien de la présence des USA en Afghanistan avec un effectif militaire de 10.000 soldats, de 8.000 ou de 5.000 combattants. Une autre variante prévoit la présence de plusieurs centaines de soldats américains en sol afghan d'ici la fin 2016...............

  159. The United States is open to cooperation with Russia on Ukraine and Syria, Deputy national security adviser Ben Rhodes told reporters on a conference call on Thursday...

    Commenting to reporters on President Barack Obama’s forthcoming participation in the UN General Assembly session, Rhodes said the United States is open to cooperation with Russia on such important issues as Ukraine and Syria. He said the US president was looking forward to discussing these issues with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly in New York. Rhodes confirmed that the meeting of the two countries’ leaders will be held on Monday, September 28.

    According to him, it would be irresponsible not to hold a meeting with the Russian leader, given multiple international crises. "President Obama was urged to have this meeting with president Putin by some of our closest European allies," Rhodes said. "We will be measuring the outcome of this meeting not only by the nature of their discussions but by what follows.".............

  160. Migrants: la France n'accueillera "pas plus de 30.000 réfugiés"...

    Selon le premier ministre français Manuel Valls, il faut "s'attaquer à la source au problème", car il est impossible d'accueillir tous les migrants sur le sol européen.

    La France n'accueillerait "pas plus de 30.000" demandeurs d'asile dans le cadre du plan européen de relocalisation des réfugiés, a annoncé le chef du gouvernement sur les ondes de la chaîne de télévision France 2..............

  161. Britain has said Russia's military build-up in Syria reinforces President Bashar Assad and increases Moscow's "moral responsibility in the crimes committed by the regime"....

    "Russia's military build-up complicates the situation," Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond told the French daily Le Monde in an interview after talks with his French and German counterparts in Paris on Thursday night.

    "Assad must go, he can't be part of Syria's future," Hammond added, according to Le Monde's French translation. "If we reach a deal on a transition authority and Assad is part of it, then it will be necessary to talk with him in his capacity as an actor in this process."

  162. Saudi Arabia on Friday suggested pilgrims ignoring crowd control rules bore some blame for a crush that killed over 700 people at the haj pilgrimage in the annual event's worst disaster for 25 years....

    The kingdom's regional rival Iran expressed outrage at the deaths of 131 of its nationals at the world's largest annual gathering of people, and politicians in Tehran suggested Riyadh was incapable of managing the event.

    Hundreds of demonstrators protested in the Iranian capital, chanting "Death to the Saudi dynasty".

  163. Le chef du Hezbollah chiite libanais Hassan Nasrallah a confirmé vendredi la conclusion d'une trêve de six mois dans trois localités de Syrie, la ville rebelle de Zabadani, proche du Liban, et deux villages chiites du nord-ouest syrien, conclue sous l'égide de l'ONU et grâce à une médiation iranienne...

    La trêve comprend "l'évacuation des combattants et des blessés de la ville de Zabadani vers la province d'Idleb (...) en échange de l'évacuation de 10 000 civils des villages de Foua et Kafraya (...) vers des zones contrôlées par le régime syrien", a indiqué Hassan Nasrallah lors d'une interview à Al-Manar, la chaîne du mouvement chiite libanais.

  164. U.S. President Barack Obama announced on Friday that he and Chinese President Xi Jinping had reached a “common understanding” on steps to curb cyber spying and agreed that neither government would conduct economic espionage in cyberspace...

    The two leaders also unveiled a deal to build on a landmark emissions agreement struck last year, outlining new steps they will take to deliver on pledges they made then to slash their greenhouse gas emissions.

    Speaking after White House talks during Xi’s first U.S. state visit, Obama quickly homed in on the thorniest dispute between the world’s two biggest economies - growing U.S. complaints about Chinese hacking of government and corporate databases.

    “I raised, once again, our rising concerns about growing cyber threats to American companies and American citizens. I indicated that it has to stop,” Obama told reporters at a joint news conference, with Xi standing at his side. “Today I can announce that our two countries reached a common undersanding on the way forward.”.............REUTERS

  165. Syrie: 15 avions-cargos russes ont atterri à Lattaquié...

    (Belga) Au moins 15 avions-cargos russes transportant "des équipements et du personnel" ont atterri au cours des deux dernières semaines sur une base militaire dans l'ouest de la Syrie en guerre, a affirmé samedi à l'AFP une source militaire.

    "Depuis deux semaines et jusqu'à samedi matin, un avion-cargo russe atterrit chaque matin sur la base militaire de Hmeimim" située dans la province de Lattaquié, un des principaux fiefs du régime du président syrien Bachar al-Assad, a indiqué cette source sous couvert de l'

  166. Russia, the European Union and Ukraine on Friday initialed an agreement that is expected to maintain the supplies of Russian gas to Ukraine throughout the winter period, but at the same time said that the arrangement document was a preliminary one and will be signed during next week....

    Regular trilateral consultations by Russia, the European Union and Ukraine over gas supplies to Ukraine and transit to Europe got underway in May 2014 after Russia canceled its discount off the price of gas for Ukraine. And last summer Gazprom started providing gas on the condition of prepayment.

    Ukraine insists on extra binding gas supply agreements, while Russia argues that Ukraine is obliged to comply with the terms of the open-ended contract and to maintain the transit of gas to the EU, while the EU must provide financial guarantees the supplies to Ukraine will be paid for. The European Commission is primarily interested in the uninterrupted flow of gas through Ukraine to Europe............

  167. His Holiness the Dalai Lama Cancels October U.S. Visit ...

    His Holiness the Dalai Lama is in the United States for a medical check-up. The doctors have advised His Holiness to rest for the next several weeks. As a result, His Holiness’ planned October U.S. visit has been cancelled. We deeply regret the inconvenience caused by this decision and apologize to all the people who have worked so hard in organizing the visit as well as to the public. We thank you for your support and understanding.
    The Office of His Holiness the Dalai Lama
    Dated: September 25, 2015

  168. Die Bundesregierung hat einen Medienbericht zurückgewiesen, wonach syrische Flüchtlinge ohne Umweg über einen Asylantrag direkt eine Aufenthaltserlaubnis bekommen sollen....

    "Das trifft nicht zu", erklärten ein Sprecher des Innenministeriums und das Bundespresseamt am Samstag gleichlautend auf Anfrage. Sie wiesen damit einen Bericht des Magazins "Der Spiegel" zurück. Das Blatt berichtet ohne Angabe von Quellen, das Bundeskanzleramt plane, Flüchtlinge aus dem Bürgerkriegsland aus dem Asylverfahren herauszunehmen. Sie sollten stattdessen direkt eine vorläufige Aufenthaltserlaubnis für drei Jahre erhalten. So solle das für Asylanträge zuständige Bundesamt für Migration entlastet werden.

    Syrische Flüchtlinge erhalten in aller Regel in Deutschland Schutz gemäß der Genfer Flüchtlingskonvention und damit eine Aufenthaltserlaubnis für drei Jahre. Sie durchlaufen bereits seit November vorigen Jahres ein beschleunigtes Asylverfahren, in dem sie ihre Fluchtgründe nur noch schriftlich darlegen müssen. Nur in bestimmen Fällen hört ein Beamter, der über den Asylantrag entscheidet, den Asylsuchenden noch persönlich an. In den ersten acht Monaten dieses Jahres gab es rund 55.600 Asylanträge von Syrern - so viele wie aus keinem anderen

  169. La chancelière allemande Angela Merkel a joint sa voix à celles des dirigeants du Brésil, de l'Inde et du Japon samedi pour demander que ces pays entrent dans un Conseil de sécurité de l'ONU élargi et repensé....

    Angela Merkel a estimé en marge du sommet de l'ONU sur le développement qu'un Conseil de sécurité avec davantage de membres permanents serait mieux à-même de gérer les grandes crises internationales.

    Le Conseil de sécurité ne compte actuellement que cinq membres permanents avec un droit de veto, Etats-Unis, Russie, Chine, France et Royaume-Uni, ainsi que 10 pays membres non-permanents qui changent régulièrement.

    Des "candidats légitimes"

    A ce titre, Mme Merkel a estimé que les pays du "G4" sont des "candidats légitimes" pour entrer de manière permanente au Conseil. Les quatre pays appuient les uns les autres leurs candidatures respectives.

    "Un Conseil de sécurité plus efficace et représentatif est plus que jamais nécessaire pour régler les crises et les conflits globaux qui sont apparus ces dernières années", ont demandé les quatre pays dans un communiqué

    1. G-4 chiefs push tangible reform in U.N. Security Council...

      Prime Minister Shinzo Abe agreed with the leaders of Brazil, Germany and India on Saturday to jointly seek tangible results from their effort to reform the U.N. Security Council by the next U.N. General Assembly session.

      Emphasizing that the so-called group of four nations are “legitimate candidates for permanent membership” in an expanded and reformed Security Council, the leaders “expressed determination to redouble their efforts toward securing concrete outcomes in the 70th session of the General Assembly,” they said in a joint statement to wrap up the first G-4 summit in 11 years, held in New York the same day. The 70th session runs through next September.

      “A more representative, legitimate and effective Security Council is needed more than ever to address the global conflicts and crises, which had spiraled in recent years,” they said, stressing that the ongoing reform process “should be conducted, given its urgency, in a fixed time frame.”

      Abe told his G-4 counterparts — Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi — that an overwhelming majority of U.N. member states, including developing countries such as those in Africa and the (14-member) Caribbean Community, should unite to promote Security Council reform in the year that marks the 70th anniversary of the establishment of the United

    2. Renoncer au droit de veto? Insensé, selon Moscou...

      La proposition française visant à renoncer au droit de veto n'a aucune chance d'être approuvée. Il est peu probable que Washington soutienne une telle initiative, estime Moscou.

      Selon l'ambassadeur russe auprès des Nations unies, Vitali Tchourkine, aucun membre permanent du Conseil de sécurité de l'Onu ne votera pour une initiative qui viserait à supprimer le droit de veto.

      "Peut-être que 60 pays soutiennent cette initiative, mais je suis absolument sûr que les Américains, ainsi que les Chinois, n'y adhéreront pas", a déclaré l'ambassadeur russe auprès de l'Onu, en ajoutant que la proposition française pourrait être soutenue seulement par le Royaume-Uni.

      "Je suis convaincu que si les Américains rejoignent cette initiative, le Congrès décréterait l'impeachment (destitution, ndlr) des personnes affichant une attitude aussi irresponsable à l'égard d'un instrument aussi crucial de la politique et de la diplomatie américaine que le droit de veto," a-t-il ajouté.

      En outre, selon le représentant permanent de la Russie à l'Onu, l'application de cette initiative impliquerait d'amender de la Charte de l'Onu.

      "Pour supprimer le droit de veto il est nécessaire de modifier la Charte des Nations unies. Or, le droit de veto, c'est ce qui nous oblige à rechercher chaque jour un compromis sur les documents élaborés au Conseil de sécurité", a déclaré Vitali Tchourkine aux journalistes.

      Intervenant en 2013 devant l'Assemblée générale des Nations unies, le président français François Hollande a invité les cinq membres permanents du Conseil de sécurité à renoncer collectivement à leur droit de veto en cas de crimes de masse.

      Lors d'une réunion informelle en marge du débat général de l'Assemblée générale de l'Onu, les pays membres du Conseil de sécurité discuteront de la limitation volontaire de l'utilisation du droit de veto......

    3. Xi Jinping skirts G4 nations’ demand for UNSC expansion....

      Skirting the demand of G4 countries, including India, to speed up reforms in the UN security council by expanding its permanent members, Chinese President Xi Jinping on Sunday called for global efforts to defend authority and role of the UN.

      On the 70th anniversary of the founding of the UN, the international community should reaffirm the commitment to multilateralism, defend principles and purposes of the UN Charter, safeguard authority and role of the UN, Xi said in his meeting with UN secretary general Ban Ki-moon on the sidelines UN general assembly.

      The member states demonstrated their support and expectations for the UN to play a bigger role in world affairs with their leaders gathering in New York, Xi noted.

      He urged the global institution and its security council to draw useful experiences from how the Iran nuclear issue was

  170. France says Syria's Assad has no role in country's future...

    France said on Saturday that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad cannot play any role in a future political transition and that he hoped Russia would clarify its military intentions in Syria in the coming days.

    "(Assad) is responsible for the current chaos. If we were to say to the Syrians that the future lies with Assad, then we will expose ourselves to failure," French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius told a news conference.

    Fabius also said France would push in the coming days for a relaunch of the Middle East peace process between Israel and the Palestinians, warning that the status quo could benefit Islamic State

  171. Premières frappes aériennes françaises en Syrie ...

    La France a mené ses premières "frappes" contre le groupe Etat islamique (EI) en Syrie, au nom de sa "sécurité nationale" et après deux semaines de vols de reconnaissance au-dessus du territoire syrien.

    La France "a frappé en Syrie", a annoncé dimanche la présidence française dans un communiqué. "Nous l'avons fait sur la base de renseignements collectés au cours des opérations aériennes engagées depuis plus de deux semaines". Le communiqué ne précise ni l'objectif ni la localisation de ces frappes françaises, les premières en Syrie.

    Elles ont été faites "dans le respect de notre autonomie d'action, en coordination avec nos partenaires de la région", selon l'Elysée, qui souligne qu'elles confirment la détermination à "lutter contre le menace terroriste que constitue Daech" (acronyme arabe de l'EI). "Nous frapperons à chaque fois que notre sécurité nationale sera en jeu", a ajouté la présidence.

    Un changement de cap pour la coalition internationale ?

    Jusqu'alors, la France s'était interdit d'intervenir militairement en Syrie, craignant que cela ne serve les intérêts du président syrien Bachar al-Assad dont Paris réclame le départ, le jugeant principal responsable de la guerre dans son pays.

    Mais "la donne a changé et nous ne pouvons plus nous permettre de laisser la Syrie, principal repaire de Daech, demeurer un angle mort de notre politique au Levant", avait argumenté mi-septembre le ministre français de la Défense, Jean-Yves Le Drian, pour justifier ce changement stratégique.............

    1. France launches air strikes in Syria....

      France has carried out its first air strikes against Islamic State militants in Syria.

      French planes destroyed a training camp in the eastern town of Deir al-Zour, President Francois Hollande said.

      A US-led coalition has been carrying out air strikes against IS in Syria and Iraq for more than a year.

      Speaking in New York, Mr Hollande said a political solution was needed to end the Syrian crisis, but President Bashar al-Assad could not be part of it.

      France, like the UK, has previously confined its air strikes against the Islamic State group to Iraqi airspace.

      The UK announced earlier this month it had carried out a drone strike against two British citizens in Syria but has yet to fly manned operations in Syrian airspace.

      France had previously maintained that international law prevented it from attacking targets in Syria - Paris was adamant that it would do nothing to help, even indirectly, the Assad government, says the BBC's Hugh Schofield in Paris.

      But the French government has now accepted that getting rid of Mr Assad is no longer the priority and the fight against IS trumps everything else, our correspondent says...............

    2. Hollande juge "nécessaires" des frappes françaises contre l'EI...

      "Nous avons annoncé des vols de reconnaissance permettant d'envisager des frappes si c'était nécessaire, et ce sera nécessaire en Syrie", a déclaré François Hollande lundi.

      Lors d'une conférence de presse commune avec son homologue du Nigeria Muhammadu Buhari lundi soir, François Hollande a estimé que la France devra mener des frappes aériennes contre le groupe Etat islamique en Syrie.

      Il y a une semaine, le chef de l'Etat avait ordonné à l'armée française de mener des opérations aériennes de renseignement au-dessus de la Syrie comme elle le fait depuis un an en Irak. "Selon les informations que nous recueillerons (...), nous serons prêts à faire des frappes" contre l'EI, avait-il ajouté.

      Les premiers vols de reconnaissance ont eu lieu le mardi 8 septembre au lendemain de la décision présentée par François Hollande, d'étendre le champ des opérations aériennes françaises de l'Irak à la Syrie. Mercredi 9 septembre un nouveau vol était mené par un avion de patrouille Atlantique 2 de la marine..........En savoir plus sur

  172. Migrants: 17 morts dans un naufrage au large de la Turquie ...

    17 Syriens, dont une femme et cinq enfants, se sont noyés dimanche lorsque leur embarcation a fait naufrage dans les eaux de la Turquie alors qu'ils tentaient de rejoindre la Grèce, a rapporté une agence de presse turque.

    Les gardes-côtes turcs ont récupéré les corps à bord d'un canot en bois qui avait quitté la station balnéaire turque de Bodrum pour gagner l'île grecque de Leros, selon l'agence Dogan.

  173. Cameron: Assad könnte Teil der Regelung in Syrien sein...

    Der britische Premierminister David Cameron hält eine Teilnahme von Präsident Baschar al-Assad an der Beilegung des Konfliktes in Syrien nicht mehr für unmöglich.

    Großbritannien könnte eine Teilnahme Assads an der Regelung akzeptieren, sagte Cameron auf dem Weg zur 70. UN-Vollversammlung in New York nach Angaben des Senders Sky News. Doch im Endergebnis solle der syrische Präsident vor Gericht gestellt

  174. Catalonia Voting for Possible Separation From Spain ...

    Catalonia is voting Sunday in a poll that could determine whether the region breaks away from Spain.

    Separatist parties are expected to win the majority of seats in the parliamentary elections, according to public opinion polls.

    Separatist leaders have vowed, if their parties are victorious, they will place Catalonia and its main city of Barcelona on the road to independence from Spain and make Catalonia a new nation by 2017.

    The region of 7.5 million people formally declared itself a nation in 2006, but the Constitutional Court later overruled that declaration.

    Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy said Spain's constitution prevents autonomous regions like Catalonia from declaring independence................

  175. Kerry, Lavrov discussed possible 'transition' in Syria - US official...

    U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on Sunday discussed Russia's military involvement in Syria, as well as ways to "de-conflict" and the possibility of a political transition for the war-ravaged country.

    "It was a very thorough exchange of views on both the military and the political implications of Russia's increased engagement in Syria," a senior U.S. official told reporters on condition of anonymity, adding that the meeting was to prepare for talks between the U.S. and Russian presidents on Monday.

    "They discussed the need not simply to de-conflict but, if possible, to get back to the conversation about a way forward on a political transition," the official added. "They did discuss various ways to look at that."

    De-conflict is a diplomatic term for avoiding unintended incidents or accidents between different military forces operating in the same theatre.

  176. Iraq has said its military officials are engaged in intelligence and security cooperation in Baghdad with Russia, Iran and Syria to counter the threat from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) militant group, a pact that could raise concerns in Washington...

    A statement from the Iraqi military's joint operations command on Sept. 26 said the cooperation had come "with increased Russian concern about the presence of thousands of terrorists from Russia undertaking criminal acts with Daesh (ISIL)."

    The move could give Moscow more sway in the Middle East. It has stepped up its military involvement in Syria in recent weeks while pressing for Damascus to be included in international efforts to fight ISIL, a demand Washington rejects.

    Russia's engagement in Iraq could mean increased competition for Washington from a Cold War rival as long-time enemy Iran increases its influence through Shi'ite militia allies just four years after the withdrawal of U.S. troops..........Reuters

  177. Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said Sunday he saw a widespread acceptance among major powers that Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad should stay in office....

    "I think today everyone has accepted that President Assad must remain so that we can combat the terrorists," Rouhani told CNN.

    Iran and Russia are the key allies of Assad, who has faced Western demands that he step down amid a war that has killed more than 240,000 people and caused four million to flee.

    But the United States has been hitting Islamic State extremists opposed to Assad, with France on Sunday launching its first strike.

    "In Syria, when our first objective is to drive out terrorists and combatting terrorists to defeat them, we have no solution other than to strengthen the central authority and the central government of that country as a central seat of power," said Rouhani, who is visiting New York for the UN General Assembly............AFP

  178. Ein Jahr nach den Protesten in Hongkong .... Das Ende der Regenschirme ...

    Am 28. September 2014 begannen in Hongkong die Regenschirm-Proteste. Die Demonstranten forderten mehr Demokratie. Ein Jahr danach fehlen die Regenschirme auf den Straßen. Und Peking mischt sich immer stärker in Hongkonger Angelegenheiten ein.

    Hongkong im Herbst 2014. Konflikt liegt in der Luft. Schüler und Studenten verlangen Demokratie für die chinesische Sonderverwaltungszone. Seit Monaten hat sich Druck aufgebaut. Verschiedene Protestgruppen haben sich formiert. Die prominenteste - Occupy Central - will das Finanzviertel der Stadt lahmlegen. Mit ein paar Tausend Straßenbesetzern rechnen die Organisatoren. Doch dann werden es sehr viel mehr.

    Bis zu 100.000 überwiegend junge Hongkonger strömen Ende September auf die Straßen der Stadt, blockieren wichtige Verkehrsachsen. Ihr Symbol wird der Regenschirm, mit dem sie sich vor dem Pfefferspray der Polizei schützen.................

  179. At least 22 people, largely militants, were killed after Taliban fighters attacked Kunduz city, the capital of Afghanistan's northern Kunduz province early Monday, in an effort to seize the city's control, authorities said...

    The attacks occurred at dawn after hundreds of Taliban militants stormed from the west, north and east of the city, 250 km north of Afghan capital of Kabul, sparking heavy clashes.

    "Two killed and nearly 40 wounded were admitted to hospitals in Kunduz city following the fighting in Kunduz city this morning. Most of the injured were civilians, who received shrapnel and bullet wounds," Dr. Sahhid Mukhtar, director of the provincial health department, told Xinhua.

    The number of casualties may rise as several wounded remained in critical condition, he added...............

    1. Taliban 'seize half' of Afghanistan's Kunduz city...

      Hundreds of Taliban fighters have stormed the strategic northern Afghan city of Kunduz, seizing control of half of it, police say.

      Militants have occupied some government buildings, including a prison, and heavy fighting is continuing.

      Witnesses report the Taliban flag has been raised in the city centre.

      If the city falls, it would be the first provincial capital to be taken by the Taliban since they lost power following the US-led invasion in 2001.

      Kunduz is strategically important and acts as a transport hub for the north of the country.

      It also has symbolic significance for the Taliban as it was their former northern stronghold before their government was overthrown 14 years ago.

      The government admitted that it had lost control of parts of the city. It said at least 25 militants and two Afghan policemen had been killed and that reinforcements had been sent to the city.

      Kunduz police spokesman Sayed Sarwar Husaini told the BBC's Mahfouz Zubaide that militants had captured the jail in Kunduz and freed about 500 prisoners, including members of the Taliban.

      Many government officials are trying to flee via the city's heavily fortified airport............

  180. Russia, US agree to continue talks between foreign, defense ministers — Lavrov...

    Russian President Vladimir Putin and his US counterpart Barack Obama at talks on Monday reached no accord on any "specific steps," but agreed to continue cooperation and talks between the foreign and defense ministers of the two countries, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has said.

    "This was a very constructive discussion, we failed to agree on any specific steps, but we agreed to continue cooperation and the talks between the foreign and defence ministers to achieve our common goal," Lavrov said in an interview with RT.

    Putin said that the 90-minute meeting with Obama on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly on Monday was frank and showed that the two sides can work together on common problems..........

  181. Officials from several countries have said that more than 1,000 people died in last week's stampede near Mecca during the annual Hajj pilgrimage...

    The last figure given by the Saudi authorities was 769.

    However, a Nigerian official told the BBC that more than 1,000 bodies had been taken from the disaster site to morgues in the city of Jeddah.

    Indian, Pakistani and Indonesian officials have also been quoted as saying they think more than 1,000 died............BBC

  182. Burkina Faso's army has blocked roads around the presidential guard's camp in the capital, a day after it said the guard is refusing to disarm following a failed coup...

    Journalist Emilie Iob, reporting for VOA in Ouagadougou, says she witnessed soldiers erecting barricades Tuesday on several streets leading to the camp, and turning cars and pedestrians away.

    She says there was no gunfire and residents of the capital remain calm.

    Burkina Faso's transitional government officially disbanded the guard, known as the RSP, on Friday...........

    1. Heavy weapons fire was heard on Tuesday afternoon at the barracks of an elite army unit that staged a short-lived coup in Burkina Faso, an AFP journalist said...

      Dust was rising into the sky above the Naaba Koom II barracks in the capital Ouagadougou next to the presidential palace, the journalist said.

    2. Burkina Faso : l'armée donne l'assaut contre la caserne des ex-putschistes...

      L'armée burkinabè est entrée mardi soir dans la caserne où étaient retranchés les derniers soldats rebelles. L'ancien chef putschiste Gilbert Diendéré assure que l'assaut est terminé et qu'il se tient à la disposition de la justice.

      L'assaut de l'armée burkinabè contre une caserne où les hommes de l’ex-chef putschiste étaient retranchés est "terminé", a annoncé Gilbert Diendéré. "L'assaut est terminé sur le camp de Naaba Koom II", qui jouxte le Palais présidentiel de Ouagadougou, a déclaré le général, joint au téléphone mardi 29 septembre. "Je ne suis plus au camp [...] je me mettrais à la disposition de la justice de mon pays", a-t-il ajouté. Selon l'état-major de l'armée burkinabè en revanche, l'assaut est "bien avancé" mais n'est pas "terminé".

      Plus tôt dans la journée, l’auteur du coup d'État avorté avait appelé la poignée d’irréductibles putschistes à se rendre. "Je demande aux éléments du RSP (l'ex-Régiment de sécurité présidentielle), de déposer les armes pour éviter un bain de sang", a déclaré le général Diendéré sur une radio burkinabè

  183. The death toll from a suspected air strike on a wedding party in Yemen on Monday has risen to at least 131, the United Nations and local medics say...

    Missiles reportedly hit two tents in a village near the Red Sea port of Mocha, where a man linked to the Houthi rebel movement was celebrating his marriage.

    But the Saudi-led coalition that has been bombing the rebels for six months denied responsibility for the attack.

    The UN condemned "the disregard shown by all sides for human life" in Yemen.

    Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon stressed that there was no military solution to the conflict and its continuation would only bring more human suffering and destruction.

    Some 5,000 people, including 2,355 civilians, have been killed in air strikes and fighting on the ground since 26 March, when Houthi fighters and allied army units forced Yemen's internationally-recognised president to flee the country.

  184. The Yemeni army and the Popular Committees announced on Tuesday their control over the Saudi military post of Ka'b al-Jaberi and the town of Mohannad in the border area of Jizan, leaving several Saudi soldiers killed and wounded...

    In a similar development, a spokesman for the Saudi Interior Ministry announced that a member of the Ministry was killed by a mortar shell fired from northern Yemen on the border between the two countries.

    The spokesman said in a statement carried by the Saudi Press Agency that

    "Military shells fired from the Yemeni territory killed Ali Bin Fahad Abu Mahasen, a member of the mujahideen administration branch in Jizan region."

    Saudi Arabia has been striking Yemen for 188 days now to restore power to fugitive president Abed Rabbu Mansour Hadi, a close ally of Riyadh. The Saudi-led aggression has so far killed at least 6,230 Yemenis, including hundreds of women and children.

    Despite Riyadh’s claims that it is bombing the positions of the Ansarullah fighters, Saudi warplanes are flattening residential areas and civilian infrastructures.

  185. El presidente de Ucrania, Petró Poroshenko, no considera que en su país tenga lugar una guerra civil, según afirmó este martes en su discurso en la Asamblea General de la ONU....

    "No es un guerra civil ni un conflicto interno, los territorios de Ucrania, ocupados por Rusia en Crimea y en la región de Donbás, representan casi 44.000 kilómetros cuadrados", indicó el mandatario, agregando que "millones de ucranianos viven bajo una ocupación".

    Según Poroshenko, "Moscú ha comenzado un nuevo juego descabellado, esta vez en la región ucraniana de Donbás".

    "No hay duda de que se trata de una guerra agresiva en contra de mi país, en contra de Ucrania", precisó.

    Antiguo socio estratégico

    Poroshenko llamó nuevamente a Rusia "país agresor" e indicó que se trata de un "ex socio estratégico" para Kiev............

  186. Ukraine leader mocks Russia's call for anti-terrorism coalition...

    Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko on Tuesday derided Russia's call for the creation of an international antiterrorism coalition, saying the Russians inspire terrorism on their own doorstep and back bellicose puppet governments.

    Russian President Putin on Monday called for the creation of a broad international coalition to fight Islamic State and other militant extremist groups.

    Poroshenko used his speech at the annual gathering of world leaders for the United Nations General Assembly to blast Russia and suggest its call for global action against terrorist threats was


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