Thursday, March 19, 2015

MartyroElxis El Etos Times News (March 2015 - C)

Doubts over Greece’s future membership of the euro are straining its historic kinship with Cyprus, as Nicosia distances itself from Athens to try to secure its foothold in the currency bloc.

Cyprus wants to reverse a perception that the two countries are inextricably linked, worried that it could be dragged down with Greece, should Athens’ finances collapse and force the Greeks to abandon the euro........................Cyprus seeks distance from Greek euro drama
(Elxis-News as comments 21/3/15 --- 31/3/15)
 ( PN- News as comments  21/3/15 --- 31/3/15)


  1. China, Japan and South Korea set for renewed talks...

    The foreign ministers of China, Japan and South Korea are meeting later for their first talks in three years.

    The meeting in Seoul is likely to focus on ways to ease regional tensions over territorial and diplomatic disputes.

    The three states have strong economic ties but relations still suffer from unresolved issues dating back to Japan's actions in World War Two.

    A Chinese foreign ministry spokesman said he hoped the ministers would be able to "look forward into the future".

    The three men - Japan's Fumio Kishida, China's Wang Yi and South Korea's Yun Byung-se - are meeting in South Korea's capital later on Saturday.

    Foreign ministers from the three countries last met in April 2012, for their sixth annual trilateral meeting.

    It was cancelled the following year after Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe angered China and South Korea by visiting a shrine that honours Japan's war dead, including a number of senior war criminals.

    Japan colonised the Korean peninsula and occupied parts of China during World War Two and both countries have accused Tokyo of failing to adequately atone for its aggression.

    US watching closely...............

  2. ISIS group claims deadly twin blasts in Yemeni capital...

    At least 142 people were killed when four suicide bombers blew themselves up in two mosques in the Yemeni capital Sanaa during Friday prayers in an attack claimed by the Islamic State group, AFP reported.

    Both mosques are known to be used mainly by supporters of the Shiite Muslim Houthi group which has seized control of the government.

    The Islamic State group, an al Qaeda offshoot of Sunni extremists, claimed responsibility for the attacks in an online statement, Reuters and AFP reported. A White House spokesman said that the US could not confirm the claim.

    Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula on Friday denied any involvement in the attacks and confirmed in a statement that, per the orders of al Qaeda leader Sheik Ayman El Dawahiri, they avoided targeting mosques or public markets in order to spare innocent Muslim lives..................

  3. Petraeus: Iran, not ISIS, is main threat to Iraq....

    Former CIA Director Gen. David Petraeus, who commanded U.S. forces during the 2007-2008 surge in the Iraq war, has said that Iran and the Shiite militias it backs pose “the foremost” strategic threat to Iraq, superseding the threat posed by the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria terror group.

    “I would argue that the foremost threat to Iraq’s long-term stability and the broader regional equilibrium is not the Islamic State; rather, it is Shiite militias, many backed by — and some guided by — Iran,” Petraeus told the Washington Post during a recent visit to northern Iraq.....................

  4. Tikrit Operation Stalled by Mass Casualties, War Crimes Allegations...

    Three weeks after it started, the Iraqi government operation to retake the city of Tikrit from the self-proclaimed Islamic State has stalled, while the government and militias remain divided after suffering greater casualties than anticipated.

    A two-day pause supposedly intended to give the Iraqi government time to bring up reinforcements has stretched into a week. At least 1,000 militiamen died in the early days of fighting, according to some reports, roughly 5% of the 20,000 men in the militias.

    An anonymous witness in a government hospital at the nearby city of Samarra told McClatchy DC that at least 100 dead or wounded pro-government fighters had been brought in over the last four days and that “bodies are everywhere” at the facility....................Read more:

  5. Millionengehalt für Deutsche-Bank-Spitze...

    Die Deutsche Bank/Chefs Anshu Jain und Jürgen Fitschen erhalten für das abgelaufene Jahr jeweils rund 6,7 Mio. Euro.

    Der Gewinnsprung der Deutschen Bank 2014 zahlt sich auch für die Führungsspitze aus: Die Co-Chefs Anshu Jain und Jürgen Fitschen kassieren für das abgelaufene Jahr jeweils rund 6,7 Mio. Euro. Das geht aus dem Geschäftsbericht des Frankfurter Dax-Konzerns hervor, den die Bank überraschend bereits am Freitagabend veröffentlichte.

    Für 2013 - das erste volle Geschäftsjahr an der Konzernspitze - waren Jain und Fitschen mit je rund 7,5 Mio. Euro noch etwas höher entlohnt worden. Geplant war die Vorlage des Berichts ursprünglich erst für den nächsten Dienstag (24. März)..............

  6. Up to 100 people have been killed and injured in two explosions in the city of Al Hasakah in north-eastern Syria, the UN press service said on a statement on Friday...

    The terrorist attacks were presumably staged by the Islamic State (IS) group. According to the UN statement, the attacks took place on March 20 during the celebration of Nowruz - the Muslim New Year.

    The first reports indicated that as a result of two explosions up to 100 people, including women and children, have been killed and injured. These horrific attacks have taken place during the holiday during which the Kurdish communities gather together, sharing the hopes associated with the New Year, the statement says.

    According to the UN press service, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon condemned the attacks, as well as took note of reports indicating the involvement of IS in them. The sordid aims of this terrorist organisation include efforts to incite sectarian and ethnic strife among various Syrian communities. This cannot be allowed, the UN Secretary-General’s secretariat said.

  7. Negotiators suspend Iran nuclear talks....Session in Swiss city interrupted to enable Iranian delegation to attend funeral of their president's mother...

    The US and Iran have suspended nuclear negotiations ahead of schedule, setting up new talks next week for a deal providing long-term assurance to the world that Iran cannot develop nuclear weapons.

    The session in the Swiss city of Lausanne was interrupted on Friday - its sixth day - to enable members of the Iranian delegation to attend the funeral of their president's mother.

    Those departing included Mohammad Javad Zarif, Iran's foreign minister; John Kerry, US secretary of state; and Hossein Fereydoon, a brother of Iranian President Hassan Rouhani.

    The sides were close to an agreement, a senior Russian official said on Friday, when the talks between John Kerry, US secretary of state, and the Iranian delegation were suspended....................

  8. Declassified CIA report refutes US rationale for Iraq war...

    Among the U.S. arguments for invading Iraq was to topple a regime that developed weapons of mass destruction and that Iraq harbored terrorists, but a newly-surfaced intelligence report shows the rationale lacked certainty.

    A declassified CIA document obtained by, shows the intelligence community lacked "specific information on many key aspects of Iraq's WMD programs."

    That was contrary to what Bush administration officials said during the campaign to "sell the war to the American public," the website said. "Those officials, citing the same classified document, asserted with no uncertainty that Iraq was actively pursuing nuclear weapons, concealing a vast chemical and biological weapons arsenal, and posing an immediate and grave threat to U.S. national security."

    The report led Congress to pass a resolution sanctioning cross-border operations in Iraq, which began March 20, 2003, for the stated purpose of removing the regime of Saddam Hussein, "disarming" Iraq of its weapons of mass destruction and "freeing" the Iraqi people.

    The National Intelligence Estimate report said the CIA concluded Iraq "probably has renovated" a facility to produce biological weapons, but "but we are unable to determine whether BW agent research or production has resumed."

    In remarks in Cincinnati on Oct. 7, 2002, then-President George W. Bush said Iraq "possesses and produces chemical and biological weapons. It is seeking nuclear weapons."

    But the report found "Saddam does not yet have nuclear weapons or sufficient material to make any."

    The report also shows that the CIA believed reports of Iraq's support for al-Qaeda came "from sources of varying reliability."

    "The presence of al-Qa'ida militants in Iraq poses many questions. We do not know to what extent Baghdad may be actively complicit in this use of its territory for safe haven and transit," read the document.

    The Bush administration, however, frequently asserted with certainty that the Saddam Hussein's regime helped Osama bin Laden's followers develop chemical weapons...............

  9. 'Mass grave' discovered in Nigerian town recaptured from Boko Haram...

    Soldiers from Niger and Chad who liberated the Nigerian town of Damasak from Boko Haram militants have discovered the bodies of at least 70 people.

    In what appeared to be an execution site for the Islamist group, the bodies were strewn beneath the concrete bridge on one of the main roads leading out of the town. At least one had its head completely severed.

    The bodies were partially mummified by the dry desert air, suggesting that the killings had taken place some time ago...................

  10. Casques bleus pour l'Ukraine: Moscou rejette cette initiative...

    La Russie ne votera même pas au Conseil de sécurité de l'Onu pour l'envoi de casques bleus en Ukraine, selon le ministre russe des Affaires étrangères Sergueï Lavrov.

    ....."Il n'existe tout simplement d'autres opérations de maintien de la paix. Il y a, effectivement, des opérations de contrainte à la paix, mais il est peu probable que Kiev demande lui-même une telle opération, vu l'absurdité d'une telle demande adressée au Conseil de sécurité de l'Onu. Nul n'approuvera une nouvelle tentative de reprise des hostilités, bien qu'à mon avis, le +parti de la guerre+ et ses partenaires étrangers y poussent les autorités de Kiev", a estimé M.Lavrov.

    Kiev a demandera à l'Onu et à l'Union européenne de déployer une opération de maintien de la paix et de la sécurité dans les régions de Lougansk et de Donetsk afin d'assurer la mise en œuvre effective des accords de Minsk...........

  11. Moscow will abstain from voting in the UN Security Council on the deployment of UN peacekeepers to Ukraine, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said...

    On Tuesday, the Ukrainian parliament (Verkhovna Rada) approved Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko's proposal to appeal to the UN Security Council and the Council of the European Union for an international operation to maintain peace and security in Ukraine, where Kiev launched a military operation against independence supporters in April, 2014.

    "We will not even vote," Lavrov said on Saturday, in an interview broadcast on Russia's Rossiya-1 television channel.............

  12. Iran's President Hassan Rouhani said on Saturday recent progress in the nuclear negotiations between Tehran and world powers could lead to a final agreement and all remaining issues could be overcome, state media reported....

    "In this round of talks, shared points of view emerged in some of the areas where there had been a difference of opinion, which can be a foundation for a final agreement," Rouhani was quoted as saying by state news agency IRNA.

    "I believe it is possible to reach an agreement and there is nothing that cannot be resolved," IRNA reported him as saying after he visited a rehabilitation center for wounded military veterans.

  13. Rouhani: Treat Iran with 'Respect' Instead of 'Threats and Sanctions' ...

    Iranian President Hassan Rouhani on Saturday held out the possibility of an agreement in the country's negotiations with world powers about it nuclear capabilities. While acknowledging differences still remain, Rohani said "there is nothing than cannot be resolved."

    "Shared points of view emerged in some of the areas where there had been a difference of opinion," the president was quoted as saying by IRNA, the state news agency, a day after nuclear talks between Iran and world powers, including the U.S., broke off, allowing the Iranian delegation to return home following the death of the president's mother.

    Earlier Saturday, President Rouhani speaking to the country in a taped, televised address to commemorate Nowruz, the Persian New Year, said that foreign powers have learned that the best way to deal with Iran is with "respect" instead of "threats and sanctions.".............

  14. The next round of nuclear talks with Iran is scheduled to start on March 26, Russia's foreign ministry said on Saturday...

    Iran and six major world powers -- the United States, France, Germany, Britain, Russia and China -- are hoping to strike a framework accord with Iran by the end of the month, with a final deal at the end of June.

  15. Nazi Extortion: Study Sheds New Light on Forced Greek Loans...

    Loukas Zisis, the deputy mayor of Distomo, a village nestled in the hills about a two hour drive from Athens, says he thinks about the Germans every day. On June 10, 1944, the Germans massacred 218 people in Distomo, including dozens of children. Zisis, who is just 48 years old, wasn't yet born at the time of the attack.

    "We can't forget the Germans," Zisis says. They came to Distomo 71 years ago with their guns. "Today they are exerting power over our village with their banks and policies," he adds. He's standing in the wind on a rocky ledge, a small man in a leather jacket, and looking out over the town. Two-thousand people live here.

    The massacre, which continues to shape the place today, was one of the most brutal crimes committed by the Nazis in Greece, with the carnage lasting several hours. For decades, a trial over the massacre wound its way through the courts at all levels in Greece and Germany. Greece's highest court, the Areopag, ruled in 2000 that Germany must pay damages to Distomo's bereaved.

    "But we are still waiting," says Zisis. "There has been no compensation."................

  16. DPR defence ministry reports 34 episodes of shelling by Kiev troops...

    Thirty-four episodes of shelling by Kiev troops at militia positions and settlements of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) have been fixed over the past 24 hours, republic’s defence ministry reports.

    There have been no early reports about casualties among the population, but destruction in the private sector has been reported, the Donetsk News Agency quotes the ministry as saying.

    "The enemy attacked both positions of militias and residential areas," the ministry reported, adding that the cities of Gorlovka, Donetsk and Lozovoye were also shelled..............

  17. «Η Ρωσία δεν θα επιτρέψει να ξαναγραφτούν οι συμφωνίες του Μινσκ»...

    Η Μόσχα δεν θα επιτρέψει σε κανέναν να ξαναγράψει τις συμφωνίες του Μινσκ της 12ης Φεβρουαρίου για την ουκρανική συμφιλίωση, οι οποίες υπεγράφηκαν μετά από ώρες συνομιλιών μεταξύ των ηγετών της Ρωσίας, της Γερμανίας, της Γαλλίας και της Ουκρανίας, προειδοποίησε ο Ρώσος υπουργός Εξωτερικών Σεργκέι Λαβρόφ σε συνέντευξη στο τηλεοπτικό κανάλι Rossiya 1. Παράλληλα υπογράμμισε ότι δεν υπάρχουν «τρελοί στην Ε.Ε» που θα στείλουν ειρηνευτική δύναμη στην Ουκρανία.

    «Τίποτα δεν θα ξαναγραφτεί. Οι συμφωνίες του Μινσκ είναι το αποτέλεσμα της 17ωρων συνομιλιών. Τα έγγραφα υπογράφηκαν από εκπροσώπους του Κιέβου, του Λουγκάνσκ και του Ντονιέτσκ με τη συμμετοχή της Ρωσίας και του ΟΑΣΕ (Οργανισμός για την Ασφάλεια και τη Συνεργασία στην Ευρώπη). Έχουν εγκριθεί ομόφωνα από το Συμβούλιο Ασφαλείας του ΟΗΕ», δήλωσε ο Λαβρόφ το Σάββατο.

    Ο Ρώσος υπουργός Εξωτερικών πρόσθεσε ότι ήταν δυνατό ότι οι συμφωνίες του Μινσκ να επιτρέπουν ελαφρά διαφορετικές ερμηνείες ορισμένων σημείων «αλλά όχι στην έκταση που φαίνεται στις αποφάσεις της ουκρανικής βουλής»..................

  18. US Evacuates Troops from South Yemen Base ...

    US military personnel stationed at Al-Anad airbase in southern Yemen have been evacuated over security concerns, a Yemeni military source said on Saturday amid fighting involving Al-Qaeda militants nearby.

    The troops left late Friday for an "unknown destination", the military source at the Yemeni base in Lahj province told AFP.

    1. The United States is evacuating its remaining 100 special operations forces from Yemen amid the deteriorating security situation in the country, local sources have told Al Jazeera...

      The troops, who conducted counterterrorism operations against al-Qaeda and its affiliated groups, were leaving the al-Anad airbase in Lahj province on Saturday citing security concerns.

      The personnel, who worked in coordination with the Yemeni government in controlling drone operations, were the last US forces stationed in the country.

      Al Jazeera contacted the US military for further comment but officials have so far declined to comment............

  19. The US defence department says it is investigating an online threat allegedly made by Islamic State (IS) to about 100 of its military personnel....

    A list of names and addresses was posted on a website linked to the group alongside a call for them to be killed.

    The group said it obtained the information by hacking servers and databases but US officials said most of the data was in the public domain.

    A US security source told the BBC that those on the list were being contacted.

    The group, which called itself the Islamic State Hacking Division, said the personnel named had participated in US missions against IS.

    It urged its supporters in the US to "take the final step" and "deal with" those named.

    A US defence official, speaking on condition of anonymity, told US media: "I can't confirm the validity of the information, but we are looking into it."

    A spokesman for the US Navy's law enforcement agency told the BBC that the personnel would be advised to check their online footprint and adjust their privacy settings.............

  20. Obama says it is now 'hard to find a path' on Israeli-Palestinian peace...

    (Reuters) - In a fresh rebuke to Benjamin Netanyahu, President Barack Obama said the Israeli leader's pre-election disavowal of a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict makes it "hard to find a path" toward serious negotiations to resolve the issue.

    In an interview with the Huffington Post, Obama also scolded Netanyahu over his remarks about Arab Israelis voting, making clear that the deep rift in relations between Israel and the United States, its most important ally, is not ending anytime soon.

    In the interview, conducted on Friday and published on Saturday, Obama described his Thursday phone call with Netanyahu, two days after the Israeli leader was re-elected.

    "I did indicate to him that we continue to believe that a two-state solution is the only way for the long-term security of Israel, if it wants to stay both a Jewish state and democratic," Obama said, in his first public comments on the issue.............

  21. Foreign Ministers of Britain, France, Germany, the United States and the European Union (EU) met in London on Saturday to review progress in the nuclear talks with Iran...

    The meeting, held after intense nuclear talks with Iran in Switzerland, was attended by British Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius, German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier, and the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs Federica Mogherini.

    "We agreed that substantial progress had been made in key areas although there are still important issues on which no agreement has yet been possible," the leaders said in a joint statement after the meeting.

    Urging Iran "to take difficult decisions," the leaders said: "We reaffirmed that we are all equally committed to finding a solution that ensures that Iran's nuclear program remains exclusively peaceful in line with its stated commitment."

    "Any solution must be comprehensive, durable and verifiable. None of our countries can subscribe to a deal that does not meet these terms," the statement added.......

  22. The UN Security Council is due to convene on Sunday an emergency meeting on the deterioration of the crisis in Yemen, torn by a struggle between the government and the Shiite Houthi rebels who have toppled it, the press service of the organization has said...

    The meeting is scheduled at 3 p.m. New York time (1900 GMT).

    A diplomatic source told TASS the meeting is called by Jordan, a non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council, at the request of Yemen’s President Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi.

    "During the meeting, a statement of the Council’s chair will be adopted," the source said.

    The Council members will also hold a meeting behind the closed doors.

    Since August 2014, Yemen has been hit by a severe political and security crisis. In late January, the armed groups of Ansar Allah forced the president and the government to announce resignation.

    The rebels later took control of the country’s capital and several northern provinces. They also announced the adoption of the so-called constitutional declaration.........

  23. Sarkozy party leads in French local elections - exit poll...

    Former president Nicolas Sarkozy's conservative UMP party and their allies lead in the first round of French local elections, according to a TV exit poll, denying Marine Le Pen's far-right National Front (FN) first place.

    If confirmed the result would be a setback for Ms Le Pen, who had hoped her anti-immigrant, anti-euro party would emerge top in the first round, boosting her ambitions to win presidential elections set for 2017.

    The UMP and its partners together secured 29.2% of the vote nationally, ahead of the anti-immigrant, anti-euro FN on 26.3%.

    As expected, President Francois Hollande's ruling Socialists came third in the mid-term election with just 21.4% of the vote..............

  24. Syrie: l'équipage d'un hélicoptère de l'armée capturé, un tué...

    Des rebelles islamistes ont capturé dimanche cinq membres de l'équipage d'un hélicoptère militaire du régime syrien dans le nord-ouest du pays, rapporte l'Observatoire syrien des droits de l'Homme (OSDH), précisant que l'un d'eux a été exécuté par la suite..........

  25. Islamist rebels in Syria captured four crew members Sunday when a regime helicopter crashed in the northwest province of Idlib, a monitor said, while a fifth serviceman was killed...

    “A regime helicopter was forced to land in the region of Jabal al-Zawiya in the northwest, which is a bastion of (Al-Qaeda’s Syrian affiliate) Al-Nusra Front,” Rami Abdel Rahman, head of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, told AFP.

    “Four of the crew were captured and a fifth man was killed by armed men in a neighboring village,” he said.

    Pictures provided by the Observatory showed groups of men gathering around a damaged helicopter lying on its side on a rocky hilltop...............

  26. World Water Day 2015: UN calls for global unity in pursuit of better water access for all....

    As the perils of climate change increasingly threaten the planet, the international community must unite in “a spirit of urgent cooperation” to address the many water-related challenges facing humanity, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon declared today.

    In his message marking the 2015 edition of World Water Day, observed annually on 22 March, the Secretary-General warned that access to safe drinking water and sanitation was among “the most urgent issues” affecting populations across the globe.

    “The onset of climate change, growing demand on finite water resources from agriculture, industry and cities, and increasing pollution in many areas are hastening a water crisis that can only be addressed by cross-sectoral, holistic planning and policies – internationally, regionally and globally,” Mr. Ban affirmed.

    Despite progress under the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), some 750 million people, or more than 1 in 10 of the world's population, remain without access to an improved water supply, the UN has reported................

  27. Russia threatens to aim nuclear missiles at Denmark ships if it joins NATO shield...

    Russia threatened to aim nuclear missiles at Danish warships if Denmark joins NATO's missile defense system, in comments Copenhagen called unacceptable and NATO said would not contribute to peace.

    Denmark said in August it would contribute radar capacity on some of its warships to the missile shield, which the Western alliance says is designed to protect members from missile launches from countries like Iran.

    Moscow opposes the system, arguing that it could reduce the effectiveness of its own nuclear arsenal, leading to a new Cold War-style arms race.

    In an interview in the newspaper Jyllands-Posten, the Russian ambassador to Denmark, Mikhail Vanin, said he did not think Danes fully understood the consequences of joining the program.

    "If that happens, Danish warships will be targets for Russian nuclear missiles," Vanin told the newspaper................

  28. Erdogan at odds with government over Kurdish peace process...

    An unprecedented rift emerged Sunday between Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and the government over the handling of the peace process to end the decades-long armed struggle by Kurdish militants.

    A senior minister told Erdogan to stop interfering and making "emotional" statements but the president snapped back that he had no intention of staying out of politics.

    In remarks published in pro-Erdogan newspapers Sunday, the president said a meeting between the government and pro-Kurdish lawmakers three weeks ago to announce a call for disarmament was "not appropriate".

    The dispute is the most significant yet since Erdogan took the presidency in August 2014 after over a decade as premier, although analysts have noted increasing tensions between himself and hand-picked Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu.

    "His (Erdogan's) statements like 'I did not like that' or 'I'm not happy about that' are emotional and are his own views," said Deputy Prime Minister Bulent Arinc.

    "The peace process is being carried out by the government and the government is responsible for this question," said Arinc, the official cabinet spokesman...........

  29. Upper house of Russian parliament to discuss Crimea’s integration into legal system...

    The Federation Council will discuss the process of Crimea’s integration into Russia’s legal system as part of Days of Crimea that start Monday in the upper house of Russia’s parliament.

    According to Federation Council Speaker Valentina Matviyenko, after reunification of Crimea with Russia, legislators "had to create a new legislative framework for a very short period." She said nine federal constitutional laws and 50 federal laws have been adopted over the past year; 156 laws have been adopted by Crimea’s legislative assembly and 124 by the legislative assembly of Sevastopol.

    Issues of further economic and social development of Crimean regions will be discussed at meetings of relevant committees with participation of representatives of Crimea’s state power bodies.

    In particular, the meeting of the Federation Council’s committee on budget and financial markets will consider problems of citizens of Crimea and Sevastopol on compensation of deposits set up in Ukrainian banks and on repayment of loans received in Ukraine’s lending institutions..........

    1. Russia has more right to Crimea than Britain to Falkands, says Russian MP.......Head of the Duma’s foreign affairs committee, Alexei Pushkov, responds to British foreign secretary’s attack on Crimea’s annexation...

      Russia has more claim to Crimea than Britain has to the Falkland Islands, a senior Russian lawmaker insisted Sunday as London again denounced Moscow’s “illegal annexation” of the peninsula.

      “Attention London: Crimea has far more reason to be in Russia than the Falklands have to be part of Great Britain,” said Alexei Pushkov, head of the Russian parliament’s foreign affairs committee on Twitter.

      The outspoken MP was responding to British Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond who had earlier Sunday condemned Russia’s “flagrant breach of Ukrainian and international law” in seizing Crimea a year ago.

      “The annexation of Crimea was illegal and illegitimate in March 2014, and remains illegal and illegitimate in March 2015. Russia must return Crimea to Ukraine,” Hammond said in a statement.

      Argentina claims the Falkland Islands, which lie 500 kilometres (310 miles) off its coast in the South Atlantic – some 14,000 kilometres from London..................

  30. Russia's massive military maneuvers signal strong message to West...

    As a round of large-scale combat readiness drills wrapped up Saturday, Russia has sent a strong and clear message to the West that the military confrontation is not a good option for regional peace and differences should be resolved peacefully.

    Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered Monday to start a six-day snap inspection of combat readiness across the country's military districts, in a bid to evaluate the armed forces' capabilities and ensure Russia's military security.

    The maneuvers have drawn widespread attention amid increasing NATO military actions near Russian borders.

    After the drills finished, Russian Deputy Defense Minister Anatoly Antonov stressed that Moscow is not seeking confrontation with anyone............

  31. Greek PM to meet Merkel over euro concerns...

    Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras is to meet German Chancellor Angela Merkel later today amid mounting concern that Athens is running out of money.

    The two countries have been at odds over Greece's efforts to renegotiate the terms of its international bailout.

    Mr Tsipras had warned Mrs Merkel that Greece could not meet imminent debt payments without new aid.

    But the Chancellor said on Friday there would be no new money without reforms.

    She acknowledged last week that she and Mr Tsipras would talk "and perhaps also argue", but said it would not be a defining moment in the standoff between Athens and its eurozone creditors over the terms of its €240 billion bailout deals.

    Mr Tsipras told Greek newspaper Kathimerini that he saw the talks, which will include a joint news conference at 5.15pm (Irish time), as "a meeting that will not be 'under pressure' from negotiations".

  32. Grèce: désamorcer les tensions? Merkel reçoit Tsipras ce lundi...

    Angela Merkel reçoit lundi Alexis Tsipras à Berlin pour tenter de désamorcer les vives tensions entre une Grèce surendettée, qui veut en finir avec l'austérité, et une Allemagne tenante d'une ligne dure parmi les créanciers européens.

    La chancelière, qui a déjà rencontré son homologue en fin de semaine lors d'un mini-sommet à Bruxelles, a affirmé "se réjouir de sa visite" et dit souhaiter poursuivre leurs échanges "avec l'idée que les divergences d'opinion peuvent se muer en convergence".

    De son côté, Alexis Tsipras se dit heureux d'une "rencontre qui ne se fera pas sous la pression d'une quelconque négociation". "C'est important car nous pourrons ainsi discuter de sujets qui mettent à mal l'Europe, ainsi que de l'amélioration des relations entre nos deux pays", a-t-il affirmé dimanche au quotidien grec Kathimerini............

  33. Israeli premier’s pre-election comments may cost Israel the U.S. shield to a certain extent, but the White House is not expected to abandon its key ally at international platforms like the UN, experts say...

    Three days before Israeli elections last week, Benjamin Netanyahu asserted that he would not allow the creation of a Palestinian state if he won. The White House in turn had said the U.S. administration would reassess its support to Israel at the UN and international forums because of Netanyahu's remarks.

    The Israeli premier, however, later backtracked on his comments in an interview with a U.S. national news outlet and said he still wanted "a sustainable, peaceful two-state solution."

    President Barack Obama's displeasure though didn't simmer down after the Israeli leader's apparent retreat. "We take him at his word when he said that it (creation of a Palestinian state) wouldn't happen during his prime minister ship, and so that's why we've got to evaluate what other options are available," Obama told the Huffington Post Saturday...............

  34. Tunisian PM fires police chiefs over Bardo museum attack,,,

    Tunisian Prime Minister Habib Essid has sacked the Tunis police chief and several others in the wake of a deadly museum attack last week that left 20 foreign tourists dead, his office announced Monday.

    Essid fired six police chiefs in total, including those in charge of tourist security and an intelligence brigade, in the wake of the attack on the capital's Bardo museum.

    "He visited [the area around the museum] last night and saw several deficiencies," Essid's communications director, Mofdi Mssedi, told AFP. "So he has decided to fire a number of officials, including the Tunis police chief and the police chief for the Bardo [area]."

    It was the worst attack in more than a decade in Tunisia, testing the North African country’s nascent democracy four years after the revolt that overthrew autocrat Zine El-Abidine Ben Ali..........

  35. ECB's Coeure says expects changes to Greek aid program...

    Greece's financial aid program is set to be changed to accommodate its new government, a senior European Central Bank official said on Monday, noting that the bank stood ready to support the country.

    "There is a clear willingness and good faith on all sides to step up the efforts and deliver within this framework ... taken in the Eurogroup," ECB executive board member Benoit Coeure said at a news conference in Montenegro, referring to an agreement with euro zone member states in February.

    "The three institutions, including the ECB, are committed to support this as much as we can."

    "It is understood that the program will be amended to reflect the new priorities of the Greek government ... to make sure than any change of the program reaches an equivalent outcome in terms of ... fiscal sustainability," he said. "That's what will be discussed in the next days."

    (This story corrects to "sustainability" from "stability" in paragraph 4)

  36. Armed volunteer battalions are pulling in to Kiev, the Vesti newspaper reported on Monday...

    "Yesterday, soldiers of a number of battalions were pulled out from the front and are heading for Kiev with arms. There is no information about the purpose of this move," Vesti said, adding that it might be linked "with the situation around [Dnipropetrovsk Region governor Igor] Kolomoisky."...........

    1. Ukraine: Porochenko envoie des troupes contre le gouverneur de Dniepropetrovsk...

      Le président ukrainien Piotr Porochenko a dépêché deux bataillons de la Garde nationale pour maintenir l'ordre public à Dniepropetrovsk, fief du milliardaire Igor Kolomoïski.

      Deux bataillons de la Garde nationale ont été envoyés à Dniepropetrovsk sur l'ordre du président ukrainien Piotr Porochenko pour maintenir l'ordre public dans cette ville gouvernée par le milliardaire Igor Kolomoïski, a annoncé lundi la Garde nationale sur son compte Twitter.............

  37. Merkel – "Kann keine Liquidität in Aussicht stellen"...

    Bundeskanzlerin Merkel empfängt den griechischen Premier Tsipras in Berlin. Bei dem Treffen geht es um die Schuldenkrise in Griechenland. Athen könnte schon im April das Geld ausgehen......

  38. Jordan says it will help train Syrian rebels as part of its fight against the extremist ISIS, which controls parts of neighboring Syria and Iraq...

    The training is part of a regional effort also involving Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar as hosts of training sites. The U.S. Congress has passed legislation providing $500 million for training about 5,000 rebels over the next year.

    Jordanian government spokesman Mohammad al-Momani said Monday that Jordan will train Syrians to "defeat the terrorism that has been killing their sons and daughters."

    He would not say if training has already begun or where it would take place.

    Jordan is part of a U.S.-led military coalition against ISIS. It stepped up its involvement after the extremists burned a captured Jordanian fighter pilot.

  39. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu apologised publicly on Monday for saying Arab Israelis were voting in "droves" in election day comments that drew condemnation, including from the United States...

    "I know that my statements last week offended some Israeli citizens and members of the Arab Israeli community. That was never my intention. I apologise for that," he said during a meeting with Arab Israelis that was broadcast by television channels.

    Netanyahu made a last-minute call to his supporters to vote last Tuesday in an attempt to counter a high turnout among Arab Israelis.

    "The rule of the rightwing is in danger. Arab voters posted are going to the polls in droves!" he said in a video on Facebook.

    "Go to the polling stations! Vote Likud!"

    US President Barack Obama, commenting on Netanyahu's surprise election victory, said: "That kind of rhetoric was contrary to what is the best of Israel's traditions."

  40. Washington appelle Netanyahu à arrêter "l'occupation" vieille de 50 ans...

    La Maison Blanche a appelé lundi à mettre fin à une "occupation qui dure depuis près de 50 ans", martelant son attachement à une solution à deux Etats, israélien et palestinien, et dénonçant une nouvelle fois les propos du Premier ministre Benjamin Netanyahu sur le sujet.....

  41. Britain to bolster Falklands defences, reports say, due to 'increased threat'...

    Defence secretary expected to announce strengthening of military garrison on islands after Argentina said to have struck arms deal with Russia,

    Britain’s military garrison on the Falkland Islands could be bolstered to deter an increased risk of invasion, according to reports.

    The defence secretary, Michael Fallon, would announce reinforcements of troops and equipment in response to a defence ministry review that suggested an attack on the south Atlantic archipelago was more likely, the Sun said.

    A Whitehall source told the Sun: “The defence secretary’s decision reflects operational judgments and the increased nature of the threat.

    “We want the people of the Falklands to know they are uppermost in our thinking.”

    According to the Sun 1,200 troops are stationed on the islands along with a small fleet of Sea King helicopters and RAF Typhoon jets..............

    1. Britain plans to “beef up” its defenses of the disputed Falkland Islands to ensure they are properly protected, Defense Secretary Michael Fallon said on Tuesday, in comments likely to irk Argentina which still lays claim to the archipelago...

      Tensions over the Falklands still crackle more than 30 years after Argentine forces seized them and Britain sent a task force to retake them in a brief war which saw more than 600 Argentine and 255 British servicemen killed.

      “I'm going to be announcing to parliament later today how we are going to beef up the defenses there,” Fallon told Sky news...............

    2. Falkland Islands will always be defended by UK, says David Cameron...

      PM responds to growing unease over Argentina’s reported acquisition of military planes, as defence secretary pledges helicopters to island force.

      David Cameron has said that Britain will always defend the Falkland Islands, amid growing concern of an increased threat from Argentina.

      As the prime minister made his assurance, Michael Fallon, the defence secretary, announced thattwo Chinook helicopters are to be deployed in the middle of next year, which would be mount a “swift and decisive response” to any “emerging incidents”.

      In a statement to the House of Commons, Fallon said the UK military presence in the Falklands was “broadly proportionate” and at the level required.

      But amid reports that Argentina was planning to lease 12 long-range bombers from Russia, he said the government would be installing an enhanced communications system at the military headquarters at Mount Pleasant, as well as putting in place plans to replace the Rapier air defence missiles when they go out of service at the end of the decade...............

  42. The United States expects the next Israeli government to end nearly 50 years of occupation and clear the way for a Palestinian state, White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough has said...

    In a speech to J Street, an Israel advocacy group, McDonough vowed to safeguard Israel and criticised Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's abandonment of a Palestinian state in the run-up to his re-election on March 17...............

  43. Les députés américains pressent Obama d'envoyer des armes létales en Ukraine...

    La Chambre des représentants américaine a voté lundi une résolution en faveur de l'envoi d'armes létales à Kiev. Depuis plusieurs semaines, des voix outre-Atlantique s'élèvent contre la frilosité du président Obama à équiper l'armée ukrainienne.

    Il est temps d'arrêter de considérer la crise en Ukraine comme un "conflit lointain", a lancé le démocrate américain Eliot Engel, principal défenseur d’une résolution exhortant le président des États-Unis Barack Obama à fournir à Kiev des armes létales. Lundi 23 mars, la Chambre des représentants a massivement voté en faveur de ce texte prévoyant d'envoyer du matériel militaire lourd pour aider l'Ukraine à se défendre contre "l'agression" russe.

    Depuis plusieurs semaines, les États-Unis s'interrogent sur une possible livraison d’armes à Kiev. Barack Obama semble réticent à livrer des équipements lourds. Injecter encore davantage d'armes dans le pays est-il un moyen pertinent de mettre fin à la crise ukrainienne ? Ne serait-ce pas participer à une escalade de violence ?...............

  44. Ein Flugzeug des Typs Airbus A320 ist in Südfrankreich abgestürzt. Laut vorläufigen Informationen handelt es sich um ein Flugzeug der Germanwings. Die Maschine soll im Gebiet Alpes-de-Haute-Provence abgestürzt sein....

    Ein Flugzeug des Typs Airbus A320 ist in Südfrankreich abgestürzt. Laut vorläufigen Informationen handelt es sich um ein Flugzeug der Germanwings. Die Maschine soll im Gebiet Alpes-de-Haute-Provence abgestürzt sein.

    An Bord sollen sich 142 Passagiere und sechs Besatzungsmitglieder befunden haben.

    Nach Berichten örtlicher Medien sei Maschine von Düsseldorf auf dem Weg nach Barcelona gewesen..............

  45. Iraq request for U.S.-led Tikrit air strikes 'imminent': diplomat...

    (Reuters) - Iraq's request to the U.S.-led coalition for air strikes in the campaign to retake Tikrit from Islamic State insurgents is "imminent", a senior diplomat from a Western nation that is part of the coalition told Reuters on Tuesday.

    If the coalition accepts the request, it would see by far the biggest collaboration so far against the militants by Iraqi forces, the Iranian-backed paramilitaries and their Iranian advisers on the ground, and the United States and its allies.

    There was no immediate confirmation from the Iraq government about the request, which the diplomat said would be positively received. "Once that's happened (that) we have gotten the request, we will do whatever we are asked to do," the diplomat said, speaking on condition of anonymity.................

  46. US must return its foreign deployed non-strategic nuclear weapons home, Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Alexander Lukashevich said Tuesday...

    The spokesman said US Department of State spokesperson Jen Psaki "openly distorts facts, claiming that the US nuclear weapons in Europe are under US constant control and are never transferred to other countries."

    Lukashevich commented on Psaki’s recent statement that the deployment of US nuclear armaments on the territory of its European NATO allies and the joint measures with NATO non-nuclear member states to practise the skills of their use corresponded to the Treaty on the Nuclear Weapons Non-Proliferation......................

  47. US lethal weapons supplies to Ukraine may kill Minsk accords — Russian OSCE envoy Kelin...

    The US lethal weapons’ supplies to Ukraine may prove fatal for the Minsk agreements, Russia’s permanent representative to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Andrey Kelin told TASS on Tuesday.

    "This will be the second step following the first one taken by the Verkhovna Rada [Ukraine’s parliament] to destroy the Minsk agreements. It may prove fatal for the Minsk agreements as such," Kelin said.

    The Russian diplomat also said that the US Congress Tuesday’s resolution calling on President Barack Obama to start the supplies of weapons to Kiev is only a recommendation and is not binding. "They are trying all the time to intimidate us by saying that the decision has not been taken yet, but it may be taken," Kelin said.....................

  48. Greece-EU deal possible this week...

    Greece and the European Union could reach a deal as early as this week to allow the release of badly needed aid funds for Athens, European Parliament President Martin Schulz said Tuesday.

    “In my opinion, by the end of the week we will reach a new understanding that will be enough to unblock the most urgent funds,” Schulz said in an interview published in Italy’s La Repubblica newspaper.

    Greece is desperately seeking the last tranche of a 240-billion-euro ($255-billion) EU-IMF bailout, amounting to about 7 billion euros but Brussels is refusing until it first approves Athens’s new package of reforms to its crisis-ridden economy.

    A Greek government spokesman said Athens would submit a new list of reforms “by Monday at the latest” to its creditors..............

  49. Les chances de voir la Grèce quitter la zone euro sont évaluées à 50/50, a annoncé mardi le financier américain George Soros dans une interview à la chaîne de télévision Bloomberg...

    Selon lui, les résultats obtenus sont décidément négatifs, car le remède utilisé pour guérir l'économique grecque a été mal choisi.

    "Il est impossible de gagner à ce jeu", affirme le financier. Selon lui, un grand désordre est la meilleure chose qui puisse arriver.

    M. Soros estime également que les négociations entre Athènes et Bruxelles sur le dégel de l'aide financière à la Grèce risquent d'échouer............

  50. Estados Unidos levantó las restricciones para una serie de compañías, barcos e individuos en el marco de la normalización de las relaciones con Cuba, informó el Departamento del Tesoro norteamericano...

    Así, las sanciones se anulan para 6 personas, 14 barcos y 29 compañías, mayoritariamente comerciales y turísticas.

    La mayoría de empresas y barcos tienen sede en Panamá, y las personas, excepto un ciudadano checo, son panameñas.

    El Departamento del Tesoro no dio comentario alguno sobre la medida.

    En diciembre pasado el presidente de EEUU, Barack Obama, anunció su intención de normalizar las relaciones con Cuba y reconoció que el embargo impuesto hace más de 50 años contra la isla caribeña no dio resultados.

  51. Jordan and Russia on Tuesday signed an intergovernmental agreement on cooperation in the construction of a nuclear power plant in Jordan....

    According to a TASS correspondent, the document was signed by chief of Russia’s state-run corporation Rosatom Sergey Kiriyenko and Jordan Atomic Energy Commission Chariman Khaled Toukan.

    "I would like to stress that Rosatom and the entire Russian nuclear sector take Jordan’s invitation to build its first nuclear plant as big trust," Kiriyenko said. He pledged that the Russian side would use "its entire experience to build the most state-of-the-art and safest nuclear plant."

    Apart from that, according to Kiriyenko, Rosatom undertook to attract joint financing for the project...................

  52. Governo grego quer 1,2 mil milhões de euros que devolveu "indevidamente",,,

    O Governo grego quer recuperar 1,2 mil milhões de euros que considera ter devolvido indevidamente ao Fundo Europeu de Estabilização Financeira e o presidente do Eurogrupo pediu às entidades envolvidas para analisarem rapidamente o pedido.

    O novo Governo grego, que tomou posse no final de janeiro, devolveu ao Fundo Europeu de Estabilização Financeira (FEEF) no fim de fevereiro 10,9 mil milhões de euros destinados à recapitalização dos bancos gregos que não tinham sido utilizados.

    O FEEF canalizou 48,2 mil milhões de euros para o Fundo Helénico de Estabilização Financeira destinados à recapitalização da banca. Os bancos gregos utilizaram 37,3 mil milhões e foram depois devolvidos 10,9 mil milhões.

    Mas, segundo fonte próxima do dossiê citada pela AFP, aparentemente 1,2 mil milhões desse montante eram provenientes das próprias reservas de tesouraria do fundo helénico e não do pacote de ajuda europeia.................

  53. El presidente de Ucrania, Petró Poroshenko, firmó la destitución de Ígor Kolomoiski de su puesto de gobernador regional de Dnepropetrovsk durante una reunión con el oligarca ucraniano, según un comunicado publicado este miércoles en el sitio web oficial del mandatario...

    "Debemos asegurar la paz, estabilidad y tranquilidad. La región de Dnepropetrovsk debe seguir siendo el bastión de Ucrania en el este y defender la paz de los ciudadanos", dijo Poroshenko................

  54. Syrian forces down Turkish drone near Aleppo...

    Syrian forces have downed a reconnaissance drone to the north of Aleppo, Al-Watan daily said on Tuesday.

    The drone was spotted and downed in Duwayr al-Zaytun, an officer told Al-Watan.

    The examination of the aerial vehicle showed that the drone belonged to the Turkish Armed Forces and was used for collecting information on Syrian government forces positions.

    On March 17, Syrian forces destroyed a US drone which violated the air space of the country and flew to the north of the sea port of Latakia.

  55. Japón presenta Izumo, el mayor portahelicópteros de su fuerza marítima ...

    El lunes pasado fue presentado en la ciudad de Yokohama el mayor destructor portahelicópteros de la Fuerza Marítima de Japón. Está previsto que en el futuro, junto a otros tres buques similares, Izumo se convierta en la base principal de la fuerza marítima nipona.

    Las autoridades japonesas presentaron este lunes el destructor portahelicópteros Izumo, informa 'China Times'. El evento, celebrado en el astillero de IHI Marine, situado en Isogo (Yokohama), contó con la asistencia de unos 3.600 invitados...............

  56. The far-right Azov battalion, whose symbol resembles a black swastika on a yellow background, is preparing to defend the port city of Mariupol in southeastern Ukraine against a widely expected attack by pro-Russian separatists...

    The 1,000 strong ultra-nationalist militia has a reputation as a fierce pro-government fighting force in the almost year-old conflict with the Russia-backed rebels in east Ukraine, and is disdainful of peace efforts.

    But the radical views of the commanders of a group affiliated to Ukraine's national guard which works alongside the army, and the use of symbols echoing Nazi emblems have caused alarm in the West and Russia, and could return to haunt Kiev's pro-Western leadership when fighting eventually ends..........

  57. Poroshenko signs law to increase Ukrainian army strength to 250,000 servicemen...

    Ukraine’s President Petro Poroshenko has signed a law to boost the Ukrainian army’s numerical strength to 250,000 servicemen, the press office of the Verkhovna Rada (the country’s parliament) reported on Wednesday.

    The Ukrainian parliament passed the law with 270 votes on March 5 "to legally regulate the numerical strength of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and ensure the timely deployment of a grouping of troops (forces) to contain and repel an armed aggression and eliminate (localize, neutralize) an armed conflict."

    The Ukrainian army had a numerical strength of about 168,000 as of early 2014, including about 125,000 servicemen, and stood at 232,000 at the end of last year, according to media reports................

  58. Le secrétaire général de l'Otan a refusé de commenter la décision du président Barack Obama de ne pas le rencontrer lors de sa visite à Washington...

    Le secrétaire général de l'Otan Jens Stoltenberg s'est abstenu de commenter l'information selon laquelle le président américain Barack Obama a refusé de le rencontrer.

    "J'ai déjà rencontré le président Obama et je le rencontrerai de nouveau. Nos équipes entretiennent des contacts étroits afin de trouver un moment mutuellement acceptable pour notre prochaine rencontre", a déclaré M. Stoltenberg lors d'une conférence de presse à Washington..............Lire la suite:

  59. US-led coalition warplanes have launched their first airstrikes against Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) targets in Tikrit, in a boost to Iraqi forces fighting alongside Iran-backed militia on the ground....

    A US defence official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said on Wednesday that American warplanes and aircraft from allied nations were striking up to a dozen targets in the northern Iraqi city, the Reuters news agency reported.

    A second US official stressed that Washington in no way would coordinate with the Iranian-backed militia or seek to empower them in Iraq, even if those fighters might share the same narrow tactical objective as Iraqi forces in Tikrit................

  60. Klitschko: Ukraine braucht Waffen für den „Kampf um die europäische Zukunft“...

    Der Kiewer Bürgermeister Vitali Klitschko hat in einem Interview für die „Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung“ den Westen erneut dazu aufgerufen, die Ukraine mit Waffen und Geld zu unterstützen, damit die Ukraine um „ihre europäische Zukunft“ weiter kämpfen könne.

    „Mein Land ist heutzutage ein Vorposten, der die Aggression Russlands im Herzen Europas zurückhält. Wenn die Ukraine diesen Kampf um ihre europäische Zukunft verliert, dann verliert ganz Europa“, erklärte der Politiker...............

  61. Amnesty International says Palestinian armed groups committed war crimes by firing rockets and other crudely built, indiscriminate projectiles into Israel during last year's conflict in the Gaza Strip....

    The Palestinian groups "displayed a flagrant disregard for international humanitarian law and for the consequences of their violations on civilians in both Israel and the Gaza Strip," Amnesty said in a report Thursday.

    At least six civilians, including a four-year-old boy, were killed by the Palestinian rockets and mortars, which were launched by militant Islamist groups including Hamas and the al-Qassam Brigades..............

    1. Palestinian rockets killed Gaza civilians during war: Amnesty...

      In a damning report released March 26, Amnesty International said Palestinian rocket fire during the 2014 summer war in Gaza had killed more civilians inside the Gaza Strip than inside Israel.

      Such deadly attacks on civilians were against international law and constituted "a war crime," it said.

      It urged Palestinian armed groups to end all direct attacks on Israeli civilians and ensure everything was done to also protect Palestinian civilians inside Gaza from the effects of those attacks.................

  62. Russia may amend its fundamental documents, following the results of an analysis of the US national security strategy, Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Thursday....

    "No doubt, all the threats to Russia’s national security will be considered and studied," the spokesman said. "If necessary, amendments will be made to fundamental documents," Peskov said.

    Russia’s Security Council said on Wednesday it had analyzed the US national security strategy to find it had a clearly anti-Russian bias and was developing Russia’s negative image as compared with the previous version adopted in 2010.

    "It stresses the need to contain ‘Russia’s aggression,’ first of all, in relation to Ukraine," the Russian National Security Council said.

    "It notes that the US will keep vigilant over Russia’s strategic capabilities, and also help allies and partners counter Russian politics. A special emphasis is made on US continued interaction with European allies with the aim of Russia’s political and economic isolation ‘for its interference in Ukraine’s affairs.’"

    Russia’s Security Council also noted that "improved ‘color revolution’ technologies will become increasingly wide-spread to remove political regimes undesirable for the US with a high probability of their use against Russia.’"

  63. La Russie donnera une réponse adéquate au système de frappe planétaire rapide (PGS) en cours de conception en Occident, a indiqué le président Vladimir Poutine...

    L'Occident développe de nouveaux systèmes de frappe planétaire rapide (Prompt Global Strike, PGS), mais la Russie saura donner une "réponse adéquate" à toutes les menaces pour sa sécurité nationale, a déclaré jeudi le président russe Vladimir Poutine lors d'une réunion des responsables du Service fédéral de sécurité (FSB)..........

  64. El Ejército iraquí empieza el asalto a la ciudad de Tikrit, controlada por los yihadistas del Estado Islámico (EI), comunicó el periódico on-line Iraqi News...

    Se informó que las tribus locales y los voluntarios apoyan a los militares que atacan la ciudad desde tres direcciones.

    Por ahora no se dieron a conocer los detalles de la operación ni hay una confirmación oficial................

  65. The European Central Bank has increased the emergency funds available to Greek lenders by $1.1 billion, in an attempt to keep Greece in the eurozone. But, euroarea officials have told Greece they have zero trust in its ability to deliver effective policy....

    The European Central Bank on Wednesday increased the amount of money Greek banks can borrow under its emergency lending program to $77.8 billion, Bloomberg reported. The increase is the biggest this month since lenders lost access to normal ECB funding lines in February. The EU is currently holding back crucial financial aid as the European Commission has made $2 billion of unused funds available to Greece to help the country avert a cash crunch................../

  66. Latvia’s non-citizens ask Russian parliament for help...

    The head of Latvian non-citizens' public organization, the Parliament of Unrepresented, Alexander Gaponenko, said on Thursday he has asked Russia’s lower house of parliament to provide the organization with judicial support.

    "We need help in the fight in judicial authorities. We can make noise and shout, but we need judicial assistance," Gaponenko told a roundtable at the State Duma on the problem of non-citizens in Latvia and Estonia.

    "We would accept your help with pleasure," Gaponenko told the head of the State Duma foreign affairs committee, Alexey Pushkov.

    The Parliament of Unrepresented was established in Latvia by a human rights movement, the Congress of non-citizens, following the 2013 elections as a body representing the interests of mostly Russian-speaking population in the judicial, political and economic spheres of the republic.................

  67. Argentine court dismisses Cristina Fernandez case...

    An Argentine appeals court has upheld a decision to dismiss a controversial case against President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner.

    She had been accused of covering up the alleged involvement of senior Iranian officials in a 1994 bomb attack against a Jewish centre in Buenos Aires.

    Two out of three judges voted to reject an appeal by prosecutors, saying that no crime had been committed.

    Ms Fernandez has always denied the allegations.

    The original decision to throw out the case against Ms Fernandez was made by Federal Judge Daniel Rafecas in late February.
    'No evidence'

    He made his conclusions after examining a 350-page report that had been prepared by special prosecutor Alberto Nisman before his unexplained death in January.

    On Thursday, the justice ministry said in a statement: "The federal appeals chamber ratifies the decision by Judge Daniel Rafecas to reject prosecutor Nisman's accusation."

    The court of appeals agreed with Judge Rafecas' conclusion that there was no evidence pointing to Ms Fernandez..........

  68. NATO Chief Backs Slower US Exit From Afghanistan ...

    NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg has applauded the U.S. decision to slow down its military withdrawal from Afghanistan, while rejecting the notion that ties between the alliance and Washington have become strained.

    “I welcome the flexibility which is now shown by the United States and President [Barack] Obama,” Stoltenberg told VOA during an exclusive interview Thursday in Washington. “That just once again confirms and shows the strong commitment the United States and NATO have when it comes to supporting the Afghans.”..........

  69. Donbass: le ministre Avakov regrette de ne pas avoir fait exploser les protestataires...

    Il fallait faire sauter les bâtiments administatifs pris par les protestataires dans le sud-est de l'Ukraine suite à la chute du président Ianoukovitch, estime le ministre ukrainien de l'Intérieur.

    Kiev aurait fait mieux s'il avait "fait exploser" l'administration de la région de Donetsk et le siège du Service de sécurité à Lougansk occupés par les protestataires au début du conflit dans le Donbass, estime le ministre ukrainien de l'Intérieur Arsen Avakov.

    "Je dirai une chose dangereuse pour moi, compte tenu du fait que la Fédération de Russie a déjà émis un avis de recherche à mon encontre, mais il fallait exploser l'administration de Donetsk à l'époque. Une cinquantaine de terroristes auraient été tués, mais on aurait évité 5.000 morts dans la région", a déclaré M.Avakov dans une interview accordée à la chaîne de télévision 1+1.

    "Même chose pour le Service de sécurité à Lougansk, mais est-ce qu'à l'époque nous y étions prêts?", a-t-il poursuivi...................

  70. Ein Jahr Russland-Beitritt: US-Senator schlägt neues Referendum für Krim vor...

    Ein Jahr nach der Wiedervereinigung der Krim mit Russland schlägt US-Senator Dana Rohrabacher vor, die Bewohner der Schwarzmeerhalbinsel noch einmal darüber abstimmen zu lassen. Ein neues Referendum solle, so Rohrabacher, unter OSZE-Kontrolle stattfinden und sein Ergebnis solle international anerkannt werden.

    Auf der Krim sollten neue Wahlen stattfinden, die OSZE solle die Willenserklärung der Krimer überwachen, sagte der Senator auf einem russisch-amerikanischen Forum in Washington. Ein neuer Urnengang würde die Probleme zwischen dem Westen und Russland, die der Krim-Beitritt ausgelöst hat, beseitigen.

    OSZE-Generalsekretär Lamberto Zannier hatte zuvor bestätigt, dass die Organisation eine Einladung zum Krim-Referendum im März 2014 erhalten, jedoch diese abgelehnt habe...............

  71. Greek government denies finance minister Varoufakis to resign...

    (Reuters) - Greece's outspoken Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis is not planning to resign, two Greek government officials said on Friday, denying a report in Germany's Bild newspaper.

    "None of this is true, it's far from reality," one of the officials told Reuters.

    Bild's online version on Friday cited a Greek government source as saying it was only a matter of time before Varoufakis resigned, adding that such a decision had already been made.

    A prominent figure in the Greek government who made a habit of being interviewed frequently and making a media splash with sharp-tongued attacks against austerity, Varoufakis has kept a markedly lower profile in recent days........

  72. Nigeria recaptures Boko Haram 'HQ' Gwoza...

    Nigeria's military on Friday announced that troops had retaken the town of Gwoza from Boko Haram, from which the group declared their caliphate last year.

    "Troops this morning captured Gwoza destroying the headquarters of the Terrorists self-styled Caliphate," Defence Headquarters in Abuja said on Twitter.

    "Several terrorists died while many are captured. Mopping up of entire Gwoza and her suburbs is ongoing," it added in a separate message...............

  73. ONU : Fabius appelle à une action concertée pour le retour des chrétiens d’Orient ...

    Le ministre français des Affaires étrangères Laurent Fabius a appelé vendredi la communauté internationale à tout mettre en œuvre pour que les chrétiens d'Orient puissent regagner leur terres, lors d'un discours au siège de l'ONU.

    Une "entreprise barbare d'éradication ethnique et religieuse". C’est en ces termes que le ministre français des Affaires étrangères Laurent Fabius a qualifié, vendredi 27 mars au siège de l’ONU, la persécution des chrétiens d’Orient..............

  74. Ukraine straying away from European values despite its integration slogans — expert...

    Ukraine is straying further and further from the European values its current authorities used as a slogan in their push for power, a Ukrainian political analyst said on Friday.

    "The tasks set by ‘Maidan’ (Kiev’s central Independence Square, the symbol of grass-roots protests — TASS) are not fulfilled, moreover, we are straying away from them in an opposite direction," Mikhail Pogrebinsky, the director of the Kiev-based Center for Political Stdies and Conflictology, a think tank, told a news conference. "I think the previous regime (of former President Viktor Yanukovych) could have done much more in terms of European integration than (current Prime Minister Arseniy) Yatsenyuk and (President Petro) Poroshenko altogether."...............

  75. Saudi Arabia vows to do 'everything' to protect Aden...

    The spokesman for the Arab coalition bombing Houthi targets in Yemen has said the kingdom and its allies will do whatever it takes to stop Yemen's second largest city from falling to the Shia rebels.

    Brigadier General Ahmed Asiri, the spokesman of Operation Decisive Storm, said in Riyadh on Friday that the coalition's "main objective [is] to protect the government in Aden".

    The coastal city is the last base of President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi after his elected government was forced out of the capital, Sanaa................

  76. In an effort to capture corrupt officials that have fled the country, the Chinese government has unveiled an initiative they're calling "Sky Net" to better coordinate manhunts and recover illicit assets...

    Apparently, the name is not a reference to the ill-fated computer system of the Terminator movies which brought about a nuclear holocaust, but instead comes from an old Chinese proverb, that "the guilty can never escape the net of heaven's justice," according to the state-run Xinhua news agency...............Read more:

  77. Yemen's former president Ali Abdullah Saleh, who is close to Shiite Huthi rebels in the country, called Friday for a ceasefire and the resumption of UN-brokered dialogue between warring parties...

    In a statement, Saleh urged a "simultaneous" halt in military operations in Yemen by a Saudi-led Arab coalition and by the rebels, and for dialogue to take place in the United Arab Emirates.

  78. L’agence Fitch a abaissé vendredi la note de la dette grecque de deux crans, à « CCC », évoquant les discussions entre Athènes et ses créanciers internationaux sur le versement d’une tranche d’aide...

    « Le manque d’accès au marché, les incertitudes sur un déblocage rapide (de l’aide internationale) et la tension dans le secteur bancaire grec ont mis une pression extrême sur le financement de l’Etat grec », assure l’agence dans un communiqué.

    Sous perfusion internationale depuis 2010, Athènes négocie avec ses créanciers pour obtenir une partie des 7,2 milliards d’euros que doit lui verser l’Union européenne, avant que les caisses de l’Etat ne se vident totalement. Un accord doit être trouvé la semaine prochaine.
    « CCC », catégorie très risquée

    Selon Fitch, le gouvernent grec, dirigé par le parti anti-austérité Syriza, « survivra à cette crise de liquidités » sans faire défaut sur une partie de sa dette détenue par ses bailleurs de fonds publics (UE, BCE, FMI). Mais les risques restent « élevés », assure l’agence. A « CCC », la note de la dette grecque s’enfonce d’ailleurs dans la catégorie des obligations jugées très risquées pour les créanciers.

    Athènes croule sous une dette dépassant les 175 % de son produit intérieur brut (PIB).

    1. Fitch senkt Rating für Griechenland...

      Inzwischen reichte die Regierung von Ministerpräsident Tsipras die lang erwartete Reformliste ein. Am Wochenende soll in Brüssel weiter verhandelt werden...........

  79. Amerikaner retten saudische Piloten vor Küste des Jemen....

    Vor der Küste des Jemen hat die amerikanische Armee zwei saudische Kampfpiloten aus dem Meer gerettet. Unterdessen setzen die Saudis ihre Angriffe auf die Houthis fort. Die Arabische Liga diskutiert am Wochenende über den Einsatz von Bodentruppen................

    1. A warplane of the Saudi-led coalition striking Yemen’s Houthi rebels was downed in Al Hatarish area near country's capital Sanaa, local source told Sputnik Saturday...

      Earlier in the day, Yemeni media reported that country’s air defense forces had hit a coalition jet.

      According to the source, the pilot of the jet is “alive and was placed under arrest.”................

    2. The US military rescued two Saudi pilots who ejected from their F-15 fighter jet over the Gulf of Aden, a US defense official said on Friday. He said the two were rescued in international waters by a helicopter from Djibouti after Saudi Arabia requested assistance

  80. Russia to apply for China-led infrastructure bank AIIB – Deputy PM...

    Russia decided to apply to join the China-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), the country’s Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov said on Saturday.

    “I would like to inform you about the decision to participate in the AIIB,” which was made by Russian President Vladimir Putin, Shuvalov said at the Boao Forum for Asia.

    Shuvalov added that Russia welcomes China’s Silk Road Economic Belt initiative and is happy about stepping up cooperation.

    "We are delighted to be able to step up cooperation in the format of the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) and China...the free movement of goods and capital within the EEU brings economies of Europe and Asia closer. This is intertwined with the Silk Road Economic Belt initiative, launched by the Chinese leadership," he said................./

  81. The UN Security Council extended UN arms embargo in Libya until April 2016, but called on Libya Sanctions Committee in a separate resolution to consider possible exemptions to the existing ban....

    In February, Libya urged the UN Security Council to lift the ban imposed back in 2011 in order to be able to deal with Islamic State insurgency which is advancing in the country.................

  82. Philippines dismisses China concerns over South China Sea military repairs...

    (Reuters) - The Philippines dismissed concerns by China over its plan to repair military facilities in South China Sea, a foreign ministry spokesman said on Saturday, insisting Manila has sovereign rights over territories in the disputed areas.

    The possible repair "is no way comparable to China's massive reclamation activities, which not only violate international law...but also unnecessarily raise regional tensions", spokesman Charles Jose said in a statement.

    "China's recent statement expressing concern over what the Philippines plan to do should not distract us from the real issues in the South China Sea, which are China's illegitimate 'nine-dash line' claim," Jose said.

    Maritime lawyers note Beijing routinely outlines the scope of its claims with reference to the so-called nine-dashed line that takes in about 90 percent of the 3.5 million square kilometers South China Sea on Chinese maps.................

  83. Warships move into key strait as airstrikes widen in Yemen...

    Saudi and Egyptian warships deployed on Friday to the Bab al-Mandab strait off Yemen to secure the strategic sea passage, Egyptian military officials said, as a Saudi-led coalition widened its strikes on the second day of an air campaign against Shia rebels and their allies, aiming to pave the way for possible ground operations.

    A top priority after the air campaign has weakened the rebels is for coalition troops --likely Egyptians -to move into the southern port city of Aden, a main stronghold of supporters of President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi, who was forced to leave the country as the rebels moved on the city , Yemeni and Egyptian military officials said. Hadi arrived in Egypt on Friday , where Arab leaders will meet to discuss the crisis...............

  84. Poroschenko: EU-Ukraine-Gipfel am 27. April .....Juncker sagt unterdessen für Montag geplanten Besuch in Kiew krankheitsbedingt ab....

    Der ukrainische Präsident Petro Poroschenko hat für den 27. April ein Gipfeltreffen mit ranghohen Vertretern der Europäischen Union angekündigt. Den Termin habe er in einem Telefonat mit EU-Kommissionspräsident Jean-Claude Juncker festgelegt, teilte Poroschenko am Samstag mit. Juncker sagte seinerseits eine für Montag geplante Reise nach Kiew krankheitsbedingt ab.

    Als Grund nannte ein Sprecher Nierensteine. Auch die EU-Außenbeauftragte Federica Mogherini, die Juncker begleiten sollte, wird demnach nicht in die ukrainische Hauptstadt reisen..............

  85. Former German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder has criticized the Angela Merkel Government’s policy regarding Russia in the situation over Ukraine...

    Schroeder said the West made a mistake when it started attempts to isolate Russia on the international arena. "It is during a crisis that dialogue should be maintained," he said.

    The ex-chancellor also told Der Spiegel weekly news magazine that Berlin should have prevented the European Commission from "holding talks on Ukraine’s association with the EU solely with Kiev without involvement of Moscow."

    Anti-Russian sanctions

    Russian officials and companies came under the first batch of Western sanctions, including visa bans and asset freezes, after Russia incorporated Crimea in mid-March 2014 after the February 2014 coup in Ukraine...............

  86. Arab operation hit Yemen base holding long-range missiles - Yemeni official ...

    A Saudi-led military operation has targeted a base where Iranian-backed Houthi fighters had set up long-range missiles and pointed them towards the southern Yemeni city of Aden and neighouring countries, a Yemeni official said on Saturday.

    The official told Reuters that Yemeni authorities had received information that Iranian experts had brought in parts for the missiles at the base, located south of Sanaa.

    Iran denies allegations made by some Yemeni and Western officials that it is providing money and training to the Shi'ite Muslim Houthis, whose rapid territorial advances triggered an Arab military campaign against them.............

  87. A spokesman for a Saudi-led anti -Houthi coalition said Saturday that the Shiite group no longer had fighter jets or communication centers as coalition warplanes pounded their targets in various areas acrossYemen...

    "Houthis no longer have fighter jets or communication centers," Saudi commander Ahmed al-Asiri said.

    "Saturday's attacks in Yemen targeted command centers, arms depots and Houthi hideouts," al-Asiri said..............

  88. Chili: séisme de magnitude 6, au moins 10 morts dans des inondations...

    Un séisme de magnitude 6 a frappé samedi la ville de Calama, dans le nord du Chili frappé par ailleurs par des inondations, sans provoquer de dégâts ni de victimes selon les premiers rapports officiels.

    Le tremblement de terre a été ressenti à 13h36 locales (17h36 HB), avec son épicentre à 43 kilomètres au nord-est de la ville de Calama, située elle à 1 600 kilomètres au nord de Santiago, selon le Centre sismologique national (CNS) de l'université du Chili.

    Le Bureau national des urgences (Onemi) a quant à lui précisé qu'aucun dégât ni victime n'avait été signalé à la suite de ce séisme. Dans cette même région, à plusieurs centaines de kilomètres plus au sud, des inondations ont provoqué au moins 10 morts et 19 disparus dans la région d'Atacama, qui comprend le désert le plus aride du monde.

    Des pluies exceptionnelles ont provoqué des avalanches de boue inondant des villages entiers. Les intempéries ont également causé la mort de 25 personnes en Equateur.

  89. Inondations au Chili: dix morts, 19 disparus et un paysage de "désolation"...

    (Belga) Dix personnes sont mortes et dix-neuf ont disparu dans les inondations qui ont frappé la région chilienne d'Atacama, qui compte le désert le plus aride de la planète, a déclaré samedi la présidente chilienne Michelle Bachelet, évoquant un spectacle de "désolation".

    "Au fur et à mesure que nous arrivons à accéder en divers endroits, ce chiffre va encore évoluer", a averti Mme Bachelet après avoir présidé à Santiago une réunion d'urgence...............

  90. The lights went out in countries across the world on Saturday to mark Earth Hour, a campaign to raise awareness about climate change...

    In Jordan, about 200 people attended an event in Amman. This year's theme was "#YourPower," aimed at promoting sustainable, renewable and local energy alternatives.

    "Maybe as individuals it doesn't do much, but together all of these will benefit the Earth and make it better," said student Hana Abul Al-Wafa............

  91. Libya tells Arab summit arms embargo must be lifted to fight IS...

    (Reuters) - Libya told an Arab summit on Saturday that a U.N. arms embargo on the country must be lifted to help prevent the advance of Islamic State militants.

    "I say to those who oppose or delay the arming of the Libyan army that you are giving an opportunity to Daesh terrorists to flourish in Libya and to spread beyond it," said Aqila Saleh, president of Libya's internationally-recognized parliament, using a derogatory Arabic term for Islamic State.

    "And the neighboring countries will be the first affected."

    Saleh was speaking to a meeting of leaders of Arab League member states in the Egyptian city of Sharm El-Sheikh. The summit is expected to agree on the formation of a unified Arab military force to counter growing regional security threats..............

  92. Iran, world powers explore nuclear compromises as Israel hopes for failure...

    Iran and six major powers were exploring possible compromises to break an impasse in nuclear negotiations on Sunday, but officials cautioned they were unable to move on several sticking points.

    The news came as Israel said the details of a possible agreement emerging from talks in Lausanne, Switzerland were worse than it feared.

    In a significant development in talks aimed at securing a preliminary nuclear deal, several officials told Reuters Tehran had indicated a willingness to accept fewer than 6,000 nuclear centrifuges and to send most of its enriched uranium stockpiles for storage in Russia.

    Western powers, on the other hand, were considering the idea of allowing Iran to conduct limited, closely-monitored enrichment-related work for medical purposes at an underground facility called Fordow, the officials added on condition of anonymity.

    Iran had originally insisted on keeping in operation the nearly 10,000 centrifuges it currently uses, but said in November that Washington indicated it could accept around 6,000. Iranian officials say they had been pushing for 6,500-7,000.

    The officials said all parts of an emerging nuclear deal were interrelated...............

  93. Saudi Arabia's Foreign Minister Saud al-Faisal on Sunday called on Russian President Vladimir Putin – a key ally of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad – to follow through with his own letter to Arab leaders in which he welcomed a swift settlement for the Syrian crisis....

    "The Russian President speaks about Syria's atrocities as though [Moscow] was not an essential factor behind their occurrence," al-Faisal said.

    "[Moscow] supplies the Syrian regime with strategic weapons it uses in fighting its own people in violation of Russian laws which ban the sale of arms to countries that use them for offense rather than defense," he added following the Arab summit, which was held for two days in the Egyptian resort city of Sharm el-Sheikh.

    He said the Syrian regime had lost legitimacy.

    In a letter to the Arab summit, Putin said he backed peaceful settlements for conflicts in Middle East countries, including Syria.

    "We consider the soonest possible settlement of the crisis situations in Syria, Libya, and Yemen on the basis of the principles of international law, by means of broad dialogue and search for national accord to be rather important," Putin said in the letter, which was read out during the summit by Arab League chief Nabil al-Arabi................

  94. Political solution will come after military operation achieve goals: Yemen FM...

    AO: For how long will Yemeni President Abd-Rabbo Hadi stay in Riyadh? And does he have a political plan?

    RY: There is no talk of a political plan for now. We have started a military operation, and all issues are postponed until the operation achieves its objectives.

    AO: Is there a time limit for the operation?

    RY: It will not stop unless the goals are accomplished. We hope this will happen within a short time span.

    AO: Do you think ground troops will be required?

    RY: It is very possible to start an operation with troops but this is something to be determined by the facts on the ground....................

  95. Tsunami warning issued for parts of Pacific after strong temblor near Papua New Guinea...

    A powerful earthquake struck near the South Pacific nation of Papua New Guinea on Monday, prompting officials to warn that hazardous tsunami waves could affect some coastlines in the Pacific.

    The magnitude-7.7 earthquake struck Monday at a depth of 65 km (40 miles), about 50 km (30 miles) southeast of the town of Kokopo in northeastern Papua New Guinea, the U.S. Geological Survey said.

    The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said hazardous tsunami were possible for coasts located within 1,000 km (620 miles) of Kokopo. That includes Papua New Guinea and the nearby Solomon Islands.

    The tsunami warning center said waves reaching 1 to 3 meters (3 to 10 feet) were possible for Papua New Guinea’s coastlines.....................

  96. Issues concerning sanctions against Iran are still unresolved and remain the obstacle in the way to an agreement at the talks between Tehran and P5+1 negotiators on the Iranian nuclear program, a diplomatic source in Iran’s delegation told TASS...

    "Some members of the Iran Six propose absolutely unrealistic variants, which are unacceptable to us," the source said. "We are trying to bring our positions closer on this aspect."

    According to the diplomat, the issue of sanctions remains to be the key problem "dragging out the process."................

  97. Israel ex-PM Olmert found guilty in corruption retrial....

    Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has been found guilty of fraud and breach of trust after a retrial.

    He had been acquitted in 2012 of taking envelopes stuffed with money from a US-based supporter.

    However, a retrial was ordered after the emergence of recordings in which he referred to receiving the money.

    Olmert, who served as Israeli PM from 2006 to 2009, is currently appealing a conviction for bribery in 2014 for which he was sentenced to six years.

    His lawyers say they are considering appealing the latest conviction.

  98. Ein "Big Bang" hätte Griechenland gutgetan...

    Seit fünf Jahren wird Griechenland gerettet – mit viel Mühe, viel Geld und sehr wenigen Erfolgen. Was ist schiefgelaufen zwischen Athen, Brüssel und Berlin? Eine Rekonstruktion in sieben Schritten...................

  99. Abbas slammed for urging Arab intervention in Gaza...

    Palestinian factions Hamas and Islamic Jihad have launched a scathing attack on Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas for urging an Arab intervention in the Gaza Strip akin to the Saudi-led assault on Yemen.

    The two movements organized a march on Sunday night that kicked off in the Jabalia refugee camp in northern Gaza to denounce Abbas' remarks.

    The Palestinian leader's comments came during the 26th round of the Arab Summit, which concluded Sunday in Egypt's Red Sea resort town of Sharm el-Sheikh.

    Abbas also warned of attempts to establish a separate state in the Gaza Strip through a long-term truce between Hamas and Israel...............

  100. Iran's foreign ministry summoned Turkey's charge d'affaires on Sunday after Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan accused Iran of trying to dominate the Middle East, Iranian media reported....

    "We are summoning the Turkish charge d'affaires... to register Iran's objection to Erdogan's comments and to seek a clear response," spokeswoman Marzieh Afkham was quoted as saying by the semi-official Fars new agency...............

  101. Un nouveau Maїdan risque de se produire en Ukraine, estime le député de la Rada suprême et chef de file du groupe ultranationaliste Pravy Sektor (Secteur droit) Dmitri Iaroch...

    "En Ukraine, tout est possible, et surtout le Maїdan. Les gens gardent leur dignité, et lorsqu'ils ils sont poussés à bout, ils descendent dans les rues", a indiqué M.Iaroch dans une interview au site ukrainien Obozrevatel (Observateur).

    Selon lui, un nouveau Maїdan pourrait s'avérer "encore plus sanglant" que les événements de l'hiver 2013-2014, qui ont débouché sur la chute du président Viktor Ianoukovitch...........

  102. A series of strong earthquakes struck off the neighboring South Pacific Ocean states of Samoa and Tonga on Monday, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) said, just hours after a major tremor rattled Papua New Guinea to the west....

    A number of 6.8 magnitude quakes struck southwest of the Samoan capital Apia, in waters between the two island states of Tonga and Samoa.

    Residents in Samoa told Reuters there were no reports of damage and the Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre said there was no tsunami threat.

    The quakes came just hours after a major 7.5 quake struck of the coast of Papua New Guinea coast, near the town of Rabaul, in the country's northeast.

    A tsunami warning was issued soon after the PNG quake, though the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said no destructive, Pacific-wide tsunami was expected. The warning was later canceled...............

  103. Der Grexit rückt näher...

    Der griechische Ministerpräsident Alexis Tsipras hat immer versprochen, alle Verpflichtungen gegenüber den Gläubigern zu erfüllen. Doch der Markt sieht das anders – und stuft die Grexit-Wahrscheinlichkeit nun höher ein...............

  104. The Kurdistan Regional Government is ready to support Iraqi troops in their Mosul operation when required, KRG's President Masoud Barzani has said...

    Barzani's comments came on Monday after U.S.-led coalition forces began supporting Iraqi troops against Daesh in Tikrit, following a request from Iraqi PM Haidar al-Abadi.

    The operation is seen as a step towards seizing Mosul, Daesh’s largest stronghold in Iraq.

    Barzani said during a meeting with Luxembourg’s Foreign Minister Jean Asselborn on Monday: "When the Iraqi government is ready, we can help also. We are waiting on the Iraqi troops.

    "Daesh is a threat for everyone, but military techniques are not enough to fight against terrorism - the organization's financial and logistic sources should also be eradicated."...............

  105. NSA shooting: At least two injured after gate incident...

    Local media are reporting that shots have been fired at the headquarters of the National Security Agency outside of Washington.

    Live aerial footage showed two vehicles - one of which was a police vehicle - with extensive damage near an security gate.

    NBC4 has a photo of a uniformed man being put into an ambulance.

    Around 40,000 people work at the facility which is located in Fort Meade, Maryland.........

  106. Iran nuclear talks hit hurdle ahead of deadline...

    Iranian officials changed their position on a key tenet of a proposed nuclear deal on Sunday, saying that they are no longer willing to send their enriched nuclear stockpiles to Russia for storage.

    Iran’s apparent U-turn came just two days ahead of a deadline to reach an agreement over its controversial nuclear programme, raising fears that negotiations could still fall apart.

    Iran had previously indicated that it was willing to cut the number of centrifuges it uses to fewer than 6,000 and send most of its enriched uranium stockpiles for storage in Russia, according to several officials.

    But Iran’s senior negotiatior Abbas Araqchi told reporters on Sunday that dispatching stockpiles abroad “was not on Iran’s agenda”.........

  107. Spiegel: la Grèce compte solliciter une aide économique russe...

    L'UE est préoccupée par les tentatives de rapprochement entre Athènes et Moscou.

    Les hommes politiques grecs ont l'intention de demander une aide économique à la Russie, rapporte lundi le magazine allemand Spiegel.

    "La Grèce mène une lutte désespérée pour empêcher la faillite du pays. Les discussions avec ses créanciers actuels étant au point mort, Athènes cherche à s'assurer d'un soutien de Moscou, ce qui suscite la méfiance de Bruxelles et de Berlin", écrit le quotidien..................

  108. One person was killed and another injured Monday when a car with two people inside tried to ram security gates near the U.S. National Security Agency outside Washington....

    Video from news helicopters shows two damaged sports utility vehicles at the scene - including one with NSA police markings.

    The FBI told the VOA it does not believe the incident is "related to terrorism."................

  109. In Iraq, UN chief pledges support as Government tackles ongoing threat from ISIL...

    Despite recent military gains against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), “vast challenges” remain ahead as the Government of Iraq fights to consolidate its territorial integrity against the terrorist threat, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said today during an unannounced visit to Baghdad.

    “We will continue to do all we can to assist the people and Government of Iraq to end this crisis so that they may focus their energy and resources on building a more peaceful, stable, democratic and prosperous future for all Iraqis,” Mr. Ban told reporters in the Iraqi capital.

    The Secretary-General warned that the people of Iraq had suffered “unconscionable levels of casualties” as a result of ISIL’s advance across the country which, he added, had caused the displacement of over 2.5 million people and the destruction of Iraq’s cultural heritage...............

  110. Syrian military source alleges Turkish role in Idlib offensive...

    A Syrian military source accused Turkey on Monday of helping Islamist rebels to stage an assault on Idlib, a provincial capital which fighters seized at the weekend.

    The source declined to comment on the situation in Idlib, citing security considerations, but a monitoring group has confirmed the al- Qaida-linked Nusra Front and allies now control Idlib and said the Syrian air force bombed the city on Monday..........

  111. US welcomes AIIB, infrastructure plans ...

    A senior US official reiterated on Monday that Washington is looking forward to cooperating with the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), after dozens of countries, including US allies, voiced their willingness to join the China-led organization.

    US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew made the remarks during his talks with Chinese Premier Li Keqiang in Beijing on Monday, adding that the US welcomes and supports proposals that are helpful to infrastructure construction, reported the Xinhua News Agency.

    The cooperation can be carried out through the China-US Strategic and Economic Dialogue (SED), the World Bank and the AIIB, and any other mechanism acceptable to the two countries, Chinese Vice Minister of Finance Zhu Guangyao quoted Lew as saying..............

  112. Dozens killed by 'air strike' near refugee camp...

    At least 45 people have been killed in an explosion near a refugee camp in northwest Yemen, aid workers say.

    Yemen's Foreign Minister Riyadh Yaseen denied Saudi air strikes were to blame for the blast at the al-Mazrak camp.

    The camp has been housing Yemenis displaced by the conflict between the Houthis and the central government since 2009.

    Saudi Arabia began targeting Shia Houthi rebels last week in support of Yemen's embattled president.............

    1. Le conflit s'aggrave au Yémen: au moins 45 civils tués dans un raid...

      Au moins 45 civils ont été tués dans un raid aérien sur un camp de déplacés lundi au Yémen, au cinquième jour de la campagne militaire arabe menée par l'Arabie saoudite contre des rebelles chiites soutenus par l'Iran.

      Le camp d'Al-Mazrak, qui abrite des Yéménites déplacés par le conflit dans le nord-ouest du Yémen, a été touché lors d'un raid qui a tué 45 personnes et blessé 65 autres, selon un bilan provisoire de l'Organisation internationale pour les migrations (OIM), qui travaille dans ce camp.

      Ce bilan est le plus lourd, pour les pertes civiles, depuis le début jeudi dernier de l'intervention au Yémen d'une coalition de neuf pays arabes, menée par Ryad............

    2. Air strike kills at least 40 at Yemen camp for displaced....

      (Reuters) - An air strike killed at least 40 people at a camp for displaced people in north Yemen on Monday, humanitarian workers said, in an attack which apparently targeted a nearby base for Houthi fighters battling President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi.

      Yemen's state news agency Saba, which is under the control of the Houthis, said the camp at Haradh was hit by Saudi planes. It said the dead included women and children, and showed the bodies of five children laid out on a blood-streaked floor..............

    3. 40 Tote bei Luftangriff auf Flüchtlingslager im Jemen...

      Bei einem Luftangriff auf ein Flüchtlingslager im Bürgerkriegsland Jemen sind Dutzende Menschen getötet worden. Die Internationale Organisation für Migration (IOM) sprach von 40 Toten und etwa 200 Verletzten.

      Sanaa - Die jemenitische Nachrichtenseite meldete, Flugzeuge der von Saudi-Arabien geführten Koalition hätten das Lager im Nordwesten des Landes bombardiert. Zunächst war von 45 Toten gesprochen worden............

  113. Iran would not necessarily have to ship its stockpile of highly enriched uranium abroad under a nuclear pact with major powers, US State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf said on Monday...

    "You don't have to ship it out of the country to get to a year breakout time," she said in a conference call, referring to the goal of stretching the amount of time it would take Iran to acquire enough fissile material to make one atomic bomb.

    "You can have some other dispositions for it that get us where we need to be in terms of our bottom line," Harf said.

  114. Egypt and Saudi Arabia are cooperating militarily to thwart a power grab in Yemen by Shiite rebels, but the agreement on how to deal with the region's complex and intertwined conflicts may stop there....

    The two countries' diverging interests were evident at the Arab summit over the weekend, particularly over the crises in Syria and Libya...

    In Syria's civil war, Saudi Arabia has staunchly stuck by its demands for President Bashar Assad's removal. In a speech to the summit in the Egyptian resort of Sharm el-Sheikh, Saudi King Salman railed against "those with blood on their hands" and said he cannot be any part of a resolution to the war, now in its fifth year...............

  115. Japan extends sanctions on North Korea by two years...

    (Reuters) - Japan has decided to extend sanctions on North Korea in response to Pyongyang's delay in reporting on its investigation into the abductions of Japanese citizens decades ago, the top government spokesman said on Tuesday.

    Japan will extend a trade embargo on North Korea and a ban on North Korean ships entering Japanese ports, except if there are humanitarian reasons, by two years.

    Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga told a news conference that Japan will continue to urge Pyongyang to report on its probe into the abduction issue swiftly and make the utmost effort to return all the abductees.

  116. Canadian Parliament backs air strikes on Islamic State in Syria...

    Canadian legislators on Monday voted to back the government's plans to bomb Islamic State positions in Syria, a move that opposition parties say threatens to drag Canada into a long war.

    The House of Commons approved the plan 142-129. The result was never in doubt, since the ruling Conservatives have a majority in the chamber.............

  117. Iran atomic talks reach deadline day...

    Talks to reach a preliminary agreement on Iran's nuclear programme are entering their final day.

    Foreign ministers from six world powers and their Iranian counterpart have been negotiating in Switzerland ahead of a self-imposed deadline.

    US Secretary of State John Kerry said talks on Monday had produced "some light" but "tricky issues" remained.

    Ministers want to restrict Iran's nuclear programme in exchange for relief from crippling sanctions.
    'More light'

    Iran insists its nuclear programme is for peaceful purposes, but world powers are worried about the country developing nuclear weapons.

    They want to keep Iran at least one year away from being able to produce enough fuel for a single weapon.............

  118. Die USA müssen laut US-General Wesley Clark, ehemaliger Oberbefehlshaber der Nato in Europa, militärische Hilfe für die Ukraine vorbereiten, sie aber noch nicht abschicken, sondern nur Russland auf eine solche Möglichkeit hinweisen...

    „Wir müssen Hilfe, darunter militärische, vorbereiten und sie zum Versand vorbereiten und damit (dem russischen Präsidenten Wladimir) Putin folgendes zu verstehen geben: ‚Falls Sie wieder eine Offensive gegen die Ukraine beginnen, werden wir diese Hilfe sofort nach Kiew schicken“, sagte Clark am Montag in Washington vor dem Atlantikrat.

    Dem General ist dabei ein bezeichnender Versprecher unterlaufen. Anfangs sagte er, die Militärhilfe für die Ukraine sei bereits organisiert, dann korrigierte er sich selbst: Die Hilfe sei durch den US-Kongress gebilligt worden................

  119. Iran Denies Sending Arms to Rebels in Yemen ...

    Iran's foreign ministry said Tuesday the government had sent aid to Yemen but denied shipping weapons to the country where a Saudi-led coalition is conducting airstrikes to try to stop Iranian-backed rebels.

    The state-run IRNA news agency quoted foreign ministry spokeswoman Marziyeh Afkham as saying allegations of arms shipments to the Houthis were "complete fabrications." Afkham said non-military flights had carried in the aid and medicine........

  120. Iran insists US should guarantee lifting unilateral sanctions — source...

    Iran insists at talks in Lausanne on obtaining guarantees from the US that it will lift unilateral sanctions in parallel with the cancellation of UN Security Council sanctions after a comprehensive agreement on settling Iran’s nuclear problem is reached, a diplomatic source taking part in negotiations has told TASS.

    According to the source, the night bilateral consultations on Iran’s nuclear program didn't result in a breakthrough, and the sanctions remain the key problem..............

  121. Kuwait emir pledges US$500 million for Syrian humanitarian crisis...

    Kuwait will donate US$500 million (339 million pounds) towards easing Syria's humanitarian crisis, its leader told an international summit in the Kuwaiti capital on Tuesday.

    "I am pleased to announce the pledge by the state of Kuwait of US$500 million from the government and private sectors to support the humanitarian situation for the brotherly Syrian people," Emir Sheikh Sabah al-Ahmed al-Sabah said in a speech broadcast live on state television.

    The United Nations, which is holding the summit, says aid is needed to help 18 million people both in Syria and scattered through the region, as well as the countries and communities struggling to host them.

    Some 200,000 people have died and nearly half the Syrian population has been displaced by the conflict that began with anti-government protests in 2011 and spiralled into full-scale civil war. The number of people needing humanitarian aid has increased by 2.9 million in just 10 months.............

  122. The New Zealand government has reached an agreement with Iraq to give New Zealand troops the right to defend themselves during deployment there, Defence Minister Gerry Brownlee said Tuesday...

    The agreement opens the way for New Zealand to send up to 143 personnel to Iraq to help train Iraqi troops in the fight against Islamic State insurgents..............

  123. The United States pledged $507 million towards addressing the humanitarian crisis in Syria, US ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power told an international summit in Kuwait on Tuesday...

    Saudi Arabia said it was providing an additional $60 million. Earlier, summit host Kuwait pledged $500 million towards a UN-backed humanitarian appeal.

  124. The International Criminal Court (ICC) has commenced a preliminary investigation into Israel's crimes and settlement activities in the Palestinian territories, a senior Palestinian official said Monday...

    Chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat said Monday that The Hague-based court also started investigating "war crimes" committed by Israel during the latest offensive on the Gaza Strip.

    "In international legal terms, Palestine is a country under occupation," Erekat told The Anadolu Agency in an exclusive interview.

    "This occupied country is composed of East Jerusalem, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip," he said.

    According to Erekat, Palestine can join up to 523 organizations and international treaties and protocols.

    "We have the right to practice our rights," he said.............

  125. Iraqi forces have retaken the Salaheddin provincial government headquarters in Tikrit from ISIS, a significant advance in the battle to recapture the city, officials said Tuesday...

    "Iraqi forces cleared the government complex in Tikrit," an army major general said, speaking on condition of anonymity.

  126. Dossier grec: Athènes espère un accord avec les créanciers cette semaine...

    Le ministre grec adjoint des Finances Dimitris Mardas s'est dit mardi optimiste sur un accord avec les créanciers, UE et FMI, "mercredi ou jeudi", concernant les réformes que son pays doit réaliser pour bénéficier des prêts internationaux.

    "Nous allons vers un accord avec les partenaires demain (mercredi) ou après-demain (jeudi)", a indiqué le ministre lors d'un entretien à la télévision Skai.............

  127. A US-led program to boost the military capabilities of moderate Syrian opposition forces in their fight against the Islamic State could start in May, Turkish Defense Minister Ismet Yilmaz said on Tuesday...

    Yilmaz, cited by the Anadolu news agency, referred to the program, which is expected to take place in Turkey, Jordan, Qatar and Saudi Arabia.

    The program that plans to train about 5,000 Syrian fighters annually was supposed to start in March, weeks after Washington had signed a deal with Ankara. However, on Friday, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said that the program was delayed by Washington..............

  128. Yemen FM calls for Arab ground intervention...

    Yemen’s foreign minister called on Tuesday for Arab ground intervention against the Houthis “as soon as possible.”

    Asked in interview by Al Arabiya News Channel’s sister channel Al Hadath whether he sought Arab ground intervention, Riad Yassin said: “Yes, we are asking for that, and soon as possible, in order to save our infrastructure and save Yemenis under siege in many cities."

    Yassin also revealed that Yemeni President Abdrabbu Mansour Hadi will be officially asking to join the Gulf Cooperation Council within the coming days.

    Yassin added that the war that has plagued Yemen is the doing of the Houthi rebels.............

  129. Greece, lenders, fail to unlock aid so far - officials...

    (Reuters) - Greece and its EU/IMF lenders failed to reach an initial deal to unlock aid after the creditors dismissed a package of reforms from Athens as ideas rather than a concrete plan, officials said on Tuesday.

    Athens faces the prospect of running out of money in three weeks unless it can convince lenders to dole out more financial help.

    Athens put a brave face on the failure to reach an agreement with the "Brussels Group" of representatives from the EU and the IMF, saying it remained intent on striking a deal on the basis of its long-held demand that the measures it is asked to implement do not hurt economic growth. Lenders will intensify efforts to collect data in Athens, it said.

    One source close to the talks said the halt in negotiations was not a sign of a rupture but an indication of slow-moving progress in the discussions..................

  130. Irakische Regierung meldet Einnahme von Tikrit...

    Der irakischen Armee ist ein wichtiger Schritt im Kampf gegen die Terrormiliz gelungen. Nach wochenlangen Kämpfen konnten die Soldaten die strategisch wichtige Stadt vom IS zurückerobern..................

    1. US-led coalition says IS still holds parts of Iraq's Tikrit...

  131. Cost no barrier to Saudi Arabia's Yemen intervention...

    Despite a record budget deficit caused by low oil prices, Saudi Arabia can easily afford its military intervention in Yemen and cost is unlikely to limit the duration or scale of its operations, military analysts believe.

    The world's biggest oil exporter is acting while it faces the heaviest pressure on its state finances for more than a decade. Because of the oil price plunge since last year, the government has projected a deficit of $38.7 billion for 2015, and it has started drawing down the country's foreign reserves to cover the gap............

  132. Griechenlands wundersame Wege aus der Insolvenz..

    Griechenland findet wieder keine Reform-Einigung mit den Kreditgebern. Wieder wird es knapp. Aber bisher hat die Regierung noch immer irgendwo einen Geldtopf gefunden...........

  133. Πεσκόφ: Δεν κουραζόμαστε να επαναλαμβάνουμε πως δεν υπάρχουν ρωσικά στρατεύματα στην Ουκρανία...

    Την έντονη αντίδραση της Μόσχας και την διάψευση κάθε ισχυρισμού περί ρωσικής στρατιωτικής παρουσίας σε ουκρανικό έδαφος επανέλαβε για άλλη μια φορά ο εκπρόσωπος του Κρεμλίνου Ντμίτρι Πεσκόφ.
    Σε συζήτηση στρογγυλής τραπέζης με δημοσιογράφους, που διοργάνωσε το ειδησεογραφικό πρακτορείο TASS, αφιερωμένη στα 15 χρόνια δυναμικής παρουσίας του Βλαντίμιρ Πούτιν στην εξουσία, ο Πεσκόφ απάντησε σε ερώτηση ουκρανού δημοσιογράφου:«Είμαστε απολύτως καθαροί και αυτό το θέμα δεν αποτελεί ταμπού- Μιλάμε συνεχώς ανοιχτά και διαψεύδουμε κάθε δημοσίευμα στα ΜΜΕ: Δεν υπάρχει στρατιωτική παρουσία των Ρωσικών Ενόπλων Δυνάμεων στην Ουκρανία και αυτό το αποδεικνύουν και οι εκθέσεις των διεθνών παρατηρητών που επιτηρούν στην περιοχή».

  134. The leader of the government in Tripoli, Omar al-Hassi, was sacked Tuesday by the parliament in the Libyan capital, which is under the control of an Islamist-backed militia, a lawmaker said....

    "The head of the government was dismissed by the parliament in a vote on Tuesday that was backed by the rest of the ministers," the lawmaker told AFP.

    Libya has had two governments and parliaments since Tripoli was seized in August 2014 by the Fajr Libya militia coalition and the internationally recognised government fled to the country's far east................AFP.............

  135. Turkish special forces enter courthouse as prosecutor held at gunpoint...

    A far-left Turkish group took an Istanbul prosecutor hostage today and threatened to kill him, prompting special forces to enter the courthouse and police to evacuate the building.

    The Revolutionary People's Liberation Party-Front (DHKP-C) published a picture of the prosecutor with a gun to his head and said it would kill him at 1236 GMT, three hours after gunmen stormed his office, unless its demands were met.

    Istanbul police chief Selami Altinok said negotiators were talking to the two hostage-takers after the deadline passed. Turkish television stations meanwhile cut their live broadcasts, some citing a reporting ban.

    "We are trying to bring the incident to an end without anyone getting hurt. Negotiators are talking to the assailants," Altinok told reporters.

    The prosecutor, Mehmet Selim Kiraz, is leading an investigation into the death last March of 15-year-old Berkin Elvan, who died after nine months in a coma from a head wound sustained in anti-government protests.............

  136. US, Cuba hold first formal talks on human rights...

    The United States and Cuba met on Tuesday to discuss how they intend to treat future dialogue on the thorny issue of human rights as the countries move towards restoring diplomatic ties.

    While no major announcements are expected from the meeting, it was the first formal dialogue tackling human rights between the countries since U.S. President Barack Obama and Cuban President Raul Castro announced on Dec. 17 they were seeking to restore diplomatic ties.

    The U.S. delegation was led by Tom Malinowski, the State Department's assistant secretary for human rights and democracy. Pedro Luis Pedroso, deputy director of multilateral affairs and law at the ministry of foreign affairs, led the Cuban side.

    "This preliminary meeting reflects our continued focus on human rights and democratic principles in Cuba," a State Department official said, speaking on condition of anonymity. "Human rights are a priority."............

  137. Iran nuclear talks: Ministers to issue 'general statement'...

    Nuclear talks between six world powers and Iran could go on past a midnight (22:00 GMT) deadline, US officials say.

    Representatives are reportedly preparing to issue a general statement focusing on points of agreement, which would be enough to allow for a new phase of talks on a comprehensive deal.

    But there is no sign that the most contentious issues have been resolved.

    The world powers want to restrict Iran's nuclear programme in return for relief from crippling sanctions.

    The so-called P5+1 - the US, UK, France, China and Russia plus Germany - are seeking to ensure Iran could not assemble a nuclear weapon in less than a year.............

  138. The U.S. Treasury Department on Tuesday imposed sanctions on a Syrian official and three front companies it said were helping the Syrian government, which has been engaged in a bloody civil war....

    The department targeted Batoul Rida, an official of the Central Bank of Syria, and one Syria-based company and two companies in Lebanon for working with the Syrian weapons agency, the Scientific Studies and Research Center, which Treasury said had connections to Syria's chemical weapons program.

    “We are determined to use our financial tools to raise the costs to the Syrian government of its illicit activities,” said Adam Szubin, acting undersecretary for terrorism and financial intelligence..............

  139. Prosecutor injured, two captors killed in Istanbul hostage shootout...

    A Turkish prosecutor was critically injured and two of his captors were killed on Tuesday, after security forces stormed the courthouse where a far-left group had taken the prosecutor hostage, Istanbul's police chief said.

    The prosecutor was undergoing surgery and fighting for his life, according to Selami Altinok.

    "Because of gunshots heard from inside the prosecutor's office, our security forces carried out an operation," Altinok said.


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