Monday, December 1, 2014

GEO xronos news in brief (December 2014 - C)

Torture can be a “useful” tool in certain cases French far-right leader Marine le Pen said on Wednesday, before later backtracking and stating that her words had been “misinterpreted”.

Speaking early Wednesday on BFMTV in an interview discussing the revelations that the CIA used brutal interrogation methods, Le Pen said she “did not condemn” the use of torture when questioning terror suspects.

“Of course [torture] can be used,” she said. “It’s been used throughout history.”.....................French far-right leader Le Pen 'defends' use of torture.

  (Global INTEL Breaking News as comments 21/12/14 --- 31/12/14)
(Global INTEL Flash News as comments  21/12/14 --- 31/12/14)


  1. A gunman has shot dead two police officers sitting inside a patrol car in New York before killing himself...

    The head of the New York police said the men had been "targeted for their uniform".

    The gunman ran into a nearby subway station where he then shot himself, officials say.

    Earlier, the attacker shot and injured his ex-girlfriend and had posted anti-police messages on social media...................

  2. The United States has asked China to help block cyber-attacks from North Korea as it weighs a response to the crippling hack of Sony Pictures, a US official said Saturday (Dec 20)....

    "We have discussed this issue with the Chinese to share information, express our concerns about this attack and to ask for their cooperation," a senior US administration official told AFP.

    The US blames the isolated state for the hacking that prompted the cancellation of the Christmas Day release of The Interview, a madcap romp about a CIA plot to kill leader Kim Jong-Un that infuriated the North.................

  3. The Italian Senate on Friday passed the 2015 budget law, paving the way for the final approval in the lower house...

    The 2015 draft budget originally provided 18 billion euros ($22 billion) in tax cuts, mainly to businesses and low-income households, plus a series of measures aimed at boosting the recession-hit Italian economy.

    The budget law also comprised spending cuts worth 15 billion euros (18.5 billion dollars), which would have reduced Italy's structural deficit by 0.1 percent of its economy instead of the 0.5 percent suggested by the European Union (EU).

    Since the text was slightly modified by the Senate, however, it would need to go back to the lower house for the final green light by the end of the year.

  4. Syrian conflict causes businesses boom in Turkey ...

    "We are struggling to put bread on the table. We put Turkish and Arabic signs in our workplace. I'm happy that I am able to continue my business here” says 32-year-old Mamun Fakri from Idlib, Syria.

    For the past two years, Fakri has been running his business inTurkey's southern city of Mersin nearly 300 kilometres from Syrian border. He is one of the more than 300 Syrians who own their businesses in the Mediterranean port city where the number of Syrian-owned business increased from 33 in 2011.

    More than twenty-six percent of the new companies started up in Turkey by foreigners in the first 11 months of this year were set up by Syrians or partnered by Syrians, according to data from the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey.

    According to the data, of the more than 53,329 new companies or associations started up in Turkey within first eleven months of this year, 4,249 foreign-partnered.

    - Some 1,122 -- over 26 percent of total -- of foreign-partnered companies were founded directly by Syrians or as partners with local businessmen.

    Out of the total number of foreign-funded companies in November, 118 were funded from Syria, 36 were Iranian-funded, and 23 were financed from Iraq.

    Germans followed their Syrian counterparts, investing in 281 newly-established companies in Turkey, while Iraq-based firms ranked third with 248 start-up investments...................

  5. La caída del rublo y la crisis de la economía rusa afectan a las compañías alemanas que operan en Rusia, opina el director de relaciones exteriores de la Asociación de las Cámaras de Comercio e Industria de Alemania (DIHK), Volker Treier...

    "La crisis en la economía rusa frena cada vez más la actividad de las compañías alemanas que hacen negocios en Rusia", dijo el ejecutivo a Bild am Sonntag al agregar que la depreciación del rublo es lo que más afecta a las empresas alemanas.

    Según Treier, una de cada tres compañías alemanas que operan en Rusia tendrán que despedir a empleados, mientras "un 36% de las empresas planean cancelar proyectos" en el país eslavo..................

  6. A court in Cairo has sentenced an Egyptian to 10 years in jail and two Mossad officers to life in prison on charges of spying for Israel, a judicial source said late on Saturday...

    Egyptian Mohamed Ali Abdelbaky Hassanin was convicted of spying for Israeli spy agency Mossad during 2011 and through 2013, as well as passing to the two Mossad officers military secrets and information about traffic in the Suez Canal, a strategic global trade route between Asia and Europe.

    Hassanin, accused of accepting a large amount of money for spying, was also found guilty of carrying out espionage for Lebanon's Hezbollah group and the Syrian army.

    The two Israeli officers, Benjamin Shaul and David Meir, were convicted in absentia.

    Israel signed a peace treaty with Egypt since 1979.

    In October 2011, Egypt freed a US-Israeli dual national, Ilan Grapel, under a prisoner swap deal that saw Israel free 25 Egyptian prisoners, after he was arrested in Cairo and accused of working for Israel's Mossad and sowing sectarian strife in Egypt, allegations he denied.

  7. More than 250 minor tremors have rattled the Florence region over the past three days, sparking alarm in Italy over the safety of Michelangelo's "David" statue...

    According to the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology, the two strongest shocks in the Chianti region between Florence and Siena on Friday (Dec 19) measured 3.8. and 4.1 on the Richter scale, though many others recorded early Saturday reached three to 3.5. No one was hurt in the quakes, and fire fighters reported only minor structural damage near the epicentre about 30 kilometres (18.6 miles) south of Florence.

    Still, media reports said some 200 residents of the area preferred sleeping in campers, cars or tents in neighbouring areas Friday night rather than shaking at home.

    The multitude of shocks has raised concerns for Florence's invaluable architectural and cultural patrimony.................

  8. Ukraine: un nouveau convoi humanitaire russe arrive à Donetsk ...

    Un convoi humanitaire du ministère russe des Situations d'urgence (MSU) est arrivé dans la ville ukrainienne de Donetsk (sud-est), a annoncé aux journalistes dimanche un porte-parole ministériel.

    "Plus de 90 véhicules transportant des produits alimentaires, des matériaux de construction et des médicaments sont arrivés à Donetsk", a fait savoir le porte-parole.

    Il s'agit du 10ème convoi d'assistance humanitaire russe envoyé dans la région du Donbass. Depuis le 11 août, la Russie a dépêché plus de 12.000 tonnes d'aide humanitaire aux habitants de l'est de l'Ukraine, théâtre d'un conflit meurtrier entre forces gouvernementales et brigades indépendantistes.

  9. Russland gründet Regierungskommission für Ostukraine ....

    Die russische Unterstützung in Luhansk und Donezk wird institutionalisiert. Ein eigenes Gremium soll künftig die Hilfe in den Separatistenregionen koordinieren.

    Angesichts der "kritischen humanitären Lage" wird sich in Russland künftig eine offizielle Kommission um die Separatistenregionen Donezk und Luhansk kümmern. Laut der von Regierungschef Dmitri Medwedew beschlossenen Verordnung, sollen Vertreter verschiedener Ministerien den Wiederaufbau in den Kriegsgebieten koordinieren. In einer Mitteilung des russischen Kabinetts hieß es, die Kommission werde ihre Maßnahmen mit der ukrainischen Regierung abstimmen.

    Zuvor wurde bekannt gegeben, dass der nächste Hilfskonvoi auf dem Weg in die Krisenregion sei. Der mittlerweile zehnte Konvoi habe 1.400 Tonnen Baumaterialien, Nahrungsmittel und Medikamente geladen. Seit dem ersten Konvoi am 11. August wären damit fast 12.000 Tonnen Hilfsgüter geliefert worden, berichtet die russische Nachrichtenseite Ria.................

  10. Iraqi Kurdish leader Masoud Barzani hailed victories over the ISIS jihadist group during a visit on Sunday to Mount Sinjar, which had been besieged by the militants for months...

    Thousands of the autonomous Kurdish region’s peshmerga fighters launched a major operation on Wednesday backed by U.S.-led air strikes which broke the second IS siege of Mount Sinjar this year.

    The operation threatens the links between the city of Mosul, the main ISIS stronghold in Iraq, and territory the militant group controls in neighbouring Syria.

    “During the past 48 hours, the peshmerga opened two main routes to Mount Sinjar,” Barzani said, adding that “we did not expect to achieve all these victories.”................

  11. Ex-Kommissionschef Barroso wirft EU-Regierungschefs Desinteresse vor ...

    Erst mitentscheiden, dann so tun, als wäre man nicht dabei gewesen: Barroso tadelt Staatschefs von EU-Ländern, sie übernähmen keine Verantwortung für EU-Beschlüsse.

    Der frühere Chef der Europäischen Kommission, José Manuel Barroso, hat deutliche Kritik an einigen Staats- und Regierungschefs von EU-Ländern geübt. Sie würden in ihren Heimatländern eigene EU-Entscheidungen nicht mittragen und seien häufig an den Sitzungen nicht interessiert, sagte Barroso der Tageszeitung Die Welt für deren Montagsausgabe.

    Obwohl die bindenden Entscheidungen im Europäischen Rat einstimmig getroffen werden, habe er "über Jahre erlebt, dass Regierungschefs zu Hause so taten, als wären sie nicht dabei gewesen", monierte Barroso. Besonders Frankreich habe zwar häufig Entscheidungen auf EU-Ebene mitgetragen, aber im eigenen Land so getan, als hätte eine fremde Macht die Änderungen zu verantworten.

    Der Portugiese warnte vor diesem Verhalten und forderte die Regierungschefs auf, Entscheidungen auch im eigenen Land zu vertreten. "Es ist eine Frage politischer Verantwortung. Wir können nicht hinnehmen, dass Regierungen systematisch Entscheidungen verleugnen, die sie selbst getroffen haben." Dies sei "intellektuell und politisch unehrlich."................

  12. Samaras bietet vorgezogene Wahlen an...

    In Athen liegen wegen der Wahl des neuen Staatspräsidenten die Nerven blank. Nun bietet Ministerpräsident Samaras überraschend eine Regierungsumbildung und vorzeitige Wahlen Ende 2015 an. Ihm bleibt nichts anderes übrig.

    Im Ringen um die Wahl eines neuen Präsidenten umwirbt die griechische Regierung unabhängige Abgeordnete mit einer Regierungsbeteiligung und bietet unerwartet vorgezogene Parlamentswahlen an. Ministerpräsident Antonis Samaras rief die Abgeordneten am Sonntag in einer nicht angekündigten Fernsehansprache auf, seinem Präsidentschaftskandidaten Stavros Dimas im zweiten Wahlgang ihre Stimme zu geben. Griechenland stehe in der Pflicht, im kommenden Jahr die Verhandlungen mit seinen internationalen Geldgebern abzuschließen. „Dann können wir wirtschaftlich und politisch geschützt einen passenden Zeitrahmen für Parlamentswahlen sogar schon Ende 2015 finden.“ Falls die Abgeordneten Dimas zum Staatsoberhaupt wählen, wäre er bereit, seine Regierungskoalition auszuweiten..............

  13. Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu on Sunday accused the European Union of starting a "dirty campaign" against Turkey by criticizing the arrests of opponents of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan...

    Turkey's already stalled membership bid to join the EU has suffered a further blow amid the row with the 28-nation bloc over last weekend's raids on journalists, scriptwriters and police.

    Speaking at a congress of his ruling party in Ankara, Davutoglu lashed out at the EU for rushing to issue a statement criticizing the raids last Sunday.

    "The EU even made its statement on a holiday. With this statement, they started a dirty campaign concerning our government," he told the congress.

    "With this dirty campaign, they are waging a defamation campaign against our government and our country," he added.............

  14. Ya'alon: Herzog and Livni would turn West Bank into 'Hamastan' ...

    Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon on Sunday blasted opposition leader Isaac Herzog and former Justice Minister Tzipi Livni, saying the West Bank would have turned into a "Hamastan" if the two had been running Israel over the last few years.............

    1. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu chided Hatnua leader Tzipi Livni for claiming earlier this week that the Western Wall will remain forever in Israel's hands, hinting that under her plans Jews will need Armored Personnel Carriers to reach the site...

      Speaking at the International Bible Contest for Adults in Jerusalem, Netanyahu said that the spirit of the Maccabees is what brought the Jews back to Israel, allowed them to build and defend the land, and “gives us great strength to stand up against all challenges and rebuff all pressure.”

      Netanyahu alluded to Livni and Labor Party head Isaac Herzog – who both went to the Wall on Sunday and vowed that it will remain under Israeli sovereignty forever – saying that they are willing to to give the Palestinians a capital in Jerusalem. “I have heard someone say the Wall will stay in our hands,” he said. “I want to ask you, how exactly will the Wall remain in our hands, as an enclave inside Palestinian territory?”.............

  15. CIA testet Europas Grenzen ...

    Den geheimen Aktionen des US-Auslandnachrichtendienstes CIA und den Reisen seiner Undercover-Agenten drohen in Europa kaum Gefahren, entdeckt zu werden. Zu diesem Ergebnis kommt ein entsprechendes internes CIA-Dokument aus dem Jahr 2012, das Wikileaks veröffentlicht hat und das zuvor von NDR und "Süddeutscher Zeitung" eingesehen werden konnte.

    Fokus nicht auf Spionageabwehr

    Demnach stellten die Grenzkontrollen im Schengen-Raum nur eine "minimale" Bedrohung für die Geheimdienstler dar. Die Gefahr sei gering, dass ihre Identität und ihre Mission enttarnt werde. Denn der europäische Fokus liege auf "illegaler Immigration und Kriminalität", nicht auf Spionageabwehr.

    "Checkpoint", eine CIA-Einheit, die Informationen sammelt, um die geheimen Missionen von Agenten und deren wahre Identitäten zu schützen, wurde damit beauftragt, die Gefahren bei Grenzübertritten von Geheimdienstlern in Europa zu beurteilen. Der US-Nachrichtendienst ließ überprüfen, ob durch die Intensivierung der Kontrollen an den europäischen Außengrenzen und der verstärkten, grenzüberschreitenden Zusammenarbeit im Schengen-Raum die Identitäten seiner Mitarbeiter gefährdet seien.............

    1. WikiLeaks Releases Classified CIA Agents Tips on Infiltrating EU, Schengen ....

      The US Central Intelligence Agency has issued advice for its agents on how to infiltrate international passport control systems, including in the European Union and the Schengen area, according to two previously undisclosed documents published by WikiLeaks on Sunday.

      “The European Union’s Schengen biometric-based border-management systems pose a minimal identity threat to US operational travellers because their primary focus is illegal immigration and criminal activities, not counter-intelligence,” reads one of the documents, dated January 2012.

      The CIA advice booklet, entitled “Schengen Overview”, gives detailed information on customs procedures in Europe and threats they pose to agents using false documents. While biometric systems are currently not used for people with US documents, this could possibly change in 2015, increasing the “identity threat level”, according to the CIA.

      The second document, dated September 21, 2011, gives advice on how to pass airports screenings across the world...................

    2. The U.S. Central Intelligence Agency guides its people how to enter and exit Israel through Ben-Gurion International Airport without blowing their cover during security checks, according to a secret document revealed by WikiLeaks Sunday night...

      The CIA document provides further evidence that Israel serves as a target for operations by the spy agency.

      The document, titled "CIA Assessment on Surviving Secondary Screening at Airports While Maintaining Cover" and dated September 2011, contains a long list of guidelines for operatives using false identities.

      According to the document, it is based on original intelligence reports, opinions and testimonies of CIA operatives collected through May 2010.

      "Secondary screening – a potentially lengthy and detailed look by airport officials at passengers not passing initial scrutiny – can significantly stress the identities of operational travelers," reads the introduction.............

  16. President Barack Obama hit back at foreign policy critics in an interview aired Sunday, brushing off claims he had been naively outmaneuvered by Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin over the Ukraine crisis...

    Speaking on CNN, Obama bluntly dismissed the notion that Putin was "the chess master and outmaneuvering the West and outmaneuvering Mr Obama and this and that and the other."

    Instead, Putin's policies and the stringent economic sanctions they had prompted against Russia by the West had led to a "huge economic contraction" Obama said.

    "Right now, he's presiding over the collapse of his currency, a major financial crisis and a huge economic contraction," Obama told CNN's "State of the Union" program.

    "That doesn't sound like somebody who has rolled me or the United States of America."........

  17. A driver shouting the Islamic phrase "God is great" in Arabic has run down pedestrians in Dijon, France, injuring 11, two seriously, French media say...

    He was arrested after targeting pedestrians in five different parts of the city in the space of half an hour.

    He is said to be "apparently imbalanced" and to have spent time in a psychiatric hospital.

    French police shot dead a man on Saturday after he attacked them with a knife, also shouting "God is great".

    The lives of the two people seriously injured in Dijon are not said to be in danger.

    Witnesses told police the driver, aged around 40, had also said he was "acting for the children of Palestine", an unnamed source close to the investigation told AFP news agency.................

  18. The End of Tolerance? Anti-Muslim Movement Rattles Germany...

    Disenchanted German citizens and right-wing extremists are joining forces to form a protest movement to fight what they see as the Islamization of the West. Is this the end of the long-praised tolerance of postwar Germany?...............

  19. Poroshenko Thanks US for Sanctions Against Crimea: White House...

    Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko thanked the United States for its recent restriction of investment and trade with Crimea, the White House said early Monday.

    “President Poroshenko thanked the United States for enacting additional restrictions on trade and investment with entities in Crimea, and for the President's signing of the Ukraine Freedom Support Act of 2014,” the White House said in a readout of Poroshenko’s phone conversation with US Vice President Joe Biden............

  20. La Bolsa rusa abrió este lunes con una subida del 6,5% de su principal índice de referencia, RTS, que alcanzó 817,75 puntos....

    La Bolsa rusa abrió este lunes con una subida del 6,5% de su principal índice de referencia, RTS, que alcanzó 817,75 puntos.

    También registró una subida otro índice bursátil, el MICEX, que creció en 0,7% hasta 1432,28 puntos.

    La moneda rusa se fortaleció esta mañana y ahora se valora en 56,1 rublos por dólar y 68,8 rublos por euro....................

  21. A senior Chinese leader will visit Vietnam this month, China's state media said on Monday, amid tension between the neighbors over competing claims in the South China Sea...

    Yu Zhengsheng, who heads a largely ceremonial advisory body to China's parliament but is ranked fourth in the Communist Party leadership, will be going at the invitation of Vietnam's Communist Party, the official Xinhua news agency said.

    It provided no other details...............

  22. Coming winter is a weapon of war in east Ukraine ....

    A deteriorating humanitarian situation amid the hardship of an approaching winter in east Ukraine is giving the Ukrainian national government an opening to turn the local population against Russian-backed separatists.

    The government of Ukraine is restoring pensions, salaries and other government services in areas it recaptured from separatists last summer, while cutting off regions still under separatist control, Col. Oleksiy Nozdrachov, Ukraine's chief of military and civilian cooperation in the Donbass region, told USA TODAY.

    The result of that hardball tactic: a rise in suffering in separatist-held areas that has turned people against the rebels, as the national government had hoped. Nozdrachov said during a visit to Washington that there have been protests against rebel leaders in a number of cities, and separatist militias were expelled from at least one village.....................

    1. Red Cross: 'Winter Is Coming' to East Ukraine ...

      "Winter is coming." The words of doom from the hit TV series "Game of Thrones" spell as much danger for war-torn eastern Ukraine as they do for the fictional land of Westeros, according to a senior official at the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC).

      People in Ukraine's Donetsk and Luhansk regions lack the basic necessities to get them through the cold season, said Pascal Cuttat, a Swiss national who heads the ICRC regional delegation in Moscow.

      "They lack the basic necessities — tap water, power, heating, hygiene items," he told The Moscow Times in an exclusive interview.

      The ICRC, along with the local Red Cross branches, has helped 10,000 people in the area and 40,000 displaced in Crimea. Another 13,000 displaced in southern Russia and Belarus will receive ICRC assistance in the near future, Cuttat said..................

  23. Russia may send the 11th humanitarian convoy to eastern Ukraine in early January, Russian Emergencies Minister Vladimir Puchkov told TASS on Monday....

    “We are planning to work, and if needed, additional humanitarian cargos will be sent to Donbas. Most likely, this will happen in the beginning of January 2015,” Puchkov said.

    The minister explained that the convoy is being formed based on the citizens’ needs and in the framework of international agreements............

  24. Le FMI en partie responsable de l’épidémie d’Ebola ?...

    Selon une étude britannique, les politiques de rigueur budgétaire imposées par le Fonds monétaire international (FMI) ont affaibli les systèmes de santé de la Sierra Leone, du Liberia et de la Guinée, durement frappés par le virus Ebola.

    Le Fonds monétaire international (FMI) forcé de faire son examen de conscience ? C’est en tous cas le souhait de plusieurs chercheurs des universités de Cambridge, d’Oxford et de Londres, qui pointent du doigt la responsabilité de l’institution internationale dans la crise Ebola.

    Dans une étude publiée lundi 22 décembre, les experts ont estimé que les exigences du FMI en matière de restrictions budgétaires ont considérablement affaibli les systèmes de santé du Libéria, de la Sierra Leone et de la Guinée, les trois pays africains les plus durement touchés par le virus hémorragique..................

    1. IMF policies blamed for Ebola spread in West Africa ...

      Spending cuts imposed by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) may have contributed to the rapid spread of Ebola in three West African states, UK-based researchers say.

      It had led to "under-funded, insufficiently staffed, and poorly prepared health systems" in Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea, they said.

      The IMF denied the allegation.

      The deadliest Ebola outbreak ever has so far killed more than 7,300 people, mostly in the three states.

      "A major reason why the Ebola outbreak spread so rapidly was the weakness of healthcare systems in the region, and it would be unfortunate if underlying causes were overlooked," said Cambridge University sociologist and lead study author Alexander Kentikelenis.................

  25. Le Pakistan prévoit d'exécuter 500 condamnés à mort...

    Le Pakistan prévoit d'exécuter près de 500 condamnés à mort ces prochaines semaines, ont annoncé lundi à l'AFP plusieurs responsables gouvernementaux, quelques jours après la fin du moratoire en vigueur depuis 2008 sur les exécutions de peine capitale.

    Islamabad avait annoncé la fin de ce moratoire pour les affaires de terrorisme juste après le massacre par un commando rebelle taliban de 149 personnes, dont 133 écoliers, mardi dernier dans une école de Peshawar (nord-ouest).

  26. Ukraine geht die Kohle aus – Abtrünniger Donbass steigert Förderung ...

    Wegen des andauernden Militäreinsatzes im industriellen Osten des Landes ist die Ukraine in einen Steinkohlemangel geraten. Die Reserven der Wärmekraftwerke dürften nur bis Ende des Jahres ausreichen. Das abtrünnige Donezbecken bietet Kiew Kohle gegen Vorkasse an.

    Die Wärmekraftwerke haben gegenwärtig nur noch 1,5 Millionen Tonnen Kohle in Reserve, wie der ukrainische Vize-Energieminister Alexander Swetelik am Montag in Kiew mitteilte. Das sei um zwei Drittel weniger als normal. Nach Angaben des staatlichen Energiekonzerns Ukrenergo reichen die Reserven für höchstens zehn Tage aus.................

    1. Kazakhstan will supply coal to Ukraine, the country’s President Nursultan Nazarbayev said after meeting with his Ukrainian counterpart Petro Poroshenko in Kiev on Monday...

      “We have agreed on coal supplies from the Ekibastuz coal deposit,” Nazarbayev said, expressing hope that “the sides could reach progress in this direction of cooperation.”

      As a result of the military operation in Donbas, where some 80% of Ukraine’s coal mines are located, the country has lost some 12 million tons of coal, the country’s first deputy energy and coal industry minister, Yury Zyukov, said.

      Kiev has recently been looking for alternative coal suppliers, including Australia, South Africa and Vietnam.

  27. Ukraine angry as Zimbabwe minister visits Crimea ...

    Ukraine on Dec. 22 lashed out at Zimbabwe for a visit by a Zimbabwean minister to Crimea.

    1. Simbabwe zu Protesten Kiews: „Unser Minister besuchte Krim als Teil Russlands“...

      Nach dem jüngsten Besuch eines simbabwischen Ministers auf der Schwarzmeer-Halbinsel Krim hat Harare bislang keinen offiziellen Protest aus Kiew erhalten. „Die Ukraine hat keinen Grund für die Empörung“, sagte Simbabwes Botschafter in Russland, Bonifes Guva Britto Chidyausiku, der zugleich die Interessen seines Landes in der Ukraine vertritt, am Dienstag in Moskau.

      In der Vorwoche hatte Simbabwes Umwelt- und Klimaminister Saviour Kasukuwere die Krim mit dem Ziel besucht, Möglichkeiten der ökonomischen Kooperation auszuloten. Simbabwe selbst lebt seit über 14 Jahren unter den von der EU und den USA verhängten Sanktionen.

      Am Montag teilte das ukrainische Außenministerium mit, dass Kiew Protest gegen diesen Besuch eingelegt hatte. Die Reise des Ministers sei ein Verstoß gegen das Völkerrecht, was negative Folgen für die weitere Entwicklung der ukrainisch-simbabwischen Beziehungen haben könnte, hieß es in Kiew.

      „Nein, wir haben bislang nichts erhalten“, sagte der Diplomat weiter. „Simbabwe geht davon aus, dass Kasukuwere die Krim als Teil Russlands besucht hatte.“..................

  28. The Superior Court of Justice of Catalonia decided Monday to initiate a disobedience lawsuit against Artur Mas, the Catalan president, and several members of his government for conducting the non-binding independence referendum on November 9...

    The meeting of the Catalan Superior Court lasted more than four hours, during which 25 complaints and 7 lawsuits were presented against the Catalan authorities. However, this decision does not carry any punishment for Artur Mas, as well as his vice President Joana Ortega and Education Minister Irene Rigau, all accused of disobedience.................

  29. Anti-Pediga-Demos: Zahl der Pegida-Gegner auf den Straßen wächst

    In Dresden haben sich etwa 17.500 Pegida-Anhänger versammelt. Die Semperoper schaltete ihnen das Licht ab. Auch München setzt ein kraftvolles Zeichen gegen Fremdenhass.

    Bundesweit haben sich Tausende Menschen versammelt, um gegen Fremdenfeindlichkeit zu demonstrieren. In Dresden, Bonn, München, Nürnberg und Würzburg protestieren sie gegen die islamfeindliche und Ressentiments schürende Bewegung Pegida, deren Anhänger sich ebenfalls zu Kundgebungen versammeln.

    In Dresden, wo sich unter dem Motto "Patrioten gegen die Islamisierung des Abendlandes" (Pegida) in der vergangenen Woche etwa 15.000 Menschen versammelt hatten, kamen nach Schätzungen etwa 4.500 Gegner zum Neustädter Bahnhof, von wo sie über die Elbe zum Schlossplatz zogen. Sie trugen Transparente mit Slogans gegen Rassismus und der Aufschrift "Wirr ist das Volk" – unter Bezug auf die Pegida-Demonstranten, die den aus der Wendezeit bekannten Ruf "Wir sind das Volk" für ihren Zweck nutzen.................

  30. A man driving a van plowed into a crowd strolling through a Christmas market in Nantes in western France on Monday evening, injuring 10 people, an official at the local prefecture told Reuters...

    Five people suffered serious injuries, including the driver, the official said.

    According to local newspaper Ouest France, citing a police officer and witnesses on the scene, the driver of the white van shouted "Allahu Akbar" ("God is greatest" in Arabic) and then stabbed himself with a knife.

    The Christmas market was evacuated and secured by police, a Reuters witness reported.

  31. Nicaraguan officials and a Chinese company have broken ground on a $50 billion transoceanic waterway predicted to rival the Panama Canal...

    Vice President Omar Halleslevens with Wang Jing, president of the contracting firm HKND Group, say the canal will change the history and the economy of Nicaragua, one Latin America's the poorest countries.

    Officials broke ground Monday on ancillary projects in Brito, where the first port will be built. They say the canal will be fully operational by 2019.

    The groundbreaking has been preceded in recent months with protests by thousands of Nicaraguans, who fear their land will be taken without fair compensation. Environmentalists accuse the government of ram-rodding environmental reviews and ignoring the threat that cargo traffic will pose to Lake Nicaragua, the country's main source of fresh water

  32. Cоветник президента США: приглашение Обамы в Россию на 70-летие Победы не отклонено ...

    Ранее представители Белого дома, отвечая на вопросы на эту тему, ограничивались словами о том, что у них "нет сейчас объявлений по поводу каких-либо поездок президента в Россию"

    Главный советник Обамы по России в аппарате Белого дома Селест Уолландер заверила в этом корр. ТАСС в понедельник вечером в краткой беседе о российско-американских отношениях.

    Приглашение "рассматривается", сказала она. Когда будет принято решение, пока не ясно. Ранее представители Белого дома, отвечая на вопросы на эту тему, ограничивались словами о том, что у них "нет сейчас объявлений по поводу каких-либо поездок президента в Россию"..............

  33. Clashes on Monday between pro-government forces and extremist militiamen in Libya's eastern city of Benghazi killed 16 people and wounded dozens, security sources and medics said...

    Forces loyal to former general Khalifa Haftar and to internationally recognised Prime Minister Abdullah al-Thani have been battling for weeks against extremists who have taken control of much of Libya's second city, and the capital Tripoli.

    The Benghazi Medical Centre said it received the bodies of seven people and 35 wounded in the clashes, while Al-Jala hospital said it took in four bodies and 25 wounded.

    Medical sources said the casualties were all from Haftar's ranks and pro-government forces...............

  34. El avión Su-25 ucraniano regresó sin misiles el día de la catástrofe del Boeing malasio ...

    El avión Su-25 ucraniano despegó con misiles aire-aire el día del siniestro del Boeing de Malaysia Airlines, pero regresó ya sin ellos y estando el piloto fuertemente asustado, escribe este martes Komsomolskaya Pravda.

    El diario cita a un empleado de una base aérea ucraniana en Dniepropetrovsk, la tercera ciudad más extensa de Ucrania situada a 400 kilómetros al sureste de Kiev......................

  35. Vol MH17: un chasseur ukrainien soupçonné d'être à l'origine du crash (journal russe) ...

    Le Boeing-777 malaisien qui s'est écrasé en juillet dernier dans le sud-est de l'Ukraine aurait été abattu par un chasseur ukrainien Su-25, rapporte le tabloïd russe Komsomolskaïa Pravda.

    Le journal cite un employé de la base aérienne de Dniepropetrovsk, qui affirme que trois chasseurs ukrainiens sont partis en mission dans la région de Donetsk le jour du crash du Boeing. Sur ces trois avions, deux ont été abattus, tandis que le troisième, équipé de missiles "air-air", a fini par revenir à la base sans munitions.

    Le pilote de l'avion revenu était, selon l'interlocuteur du journal, "très effrayé". "Il aurait pu tirer des missiles sur le Boeing par peur ou par vengeance. Il l'a peut-être pris pour un avion de combat", conclut la source.................

  36. Das Parlament in Kiew wagt einen historischen Schritt und steuert den Beitritt zur Nato an - was in Russland auf entschiedenen Widerstand trifft....

    Die Ukraine hat einen historischen Schritt hin zu einem Nato-Beitritt getan. Das Parlament in Kiew beschloss am Dienstag mit überwältigender Mehrheit, den Blockfreien-Status des Landes aufzuheben.

    Dafür stimmten 303 Abgeordnete, nur acht votierten dagegen. Kiew hatte sich unter dem Druck Russlands im Jahr 2010 dem Lager der Blockfreien angeschlossen. Als Blockfreier gehörte die Ukraine keinem Militärbündnis an. Das Gesetz muss nun von Präsident Petro Poroschenko unterzeichnet werden..........................

    1. Ukraine votes to drop non-aligned status ...

      Ukraine's parliament has voted to drop the country's non-aligned status and work towards Nato membership.

      Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov called the move "counterproductive" and said it would boost tensions.

      The BBC's David Stern in Kiev says it is not clear when Ukraine will apply for Nato membership and many officials see it as a distant prospect.

      Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko pledged to seek Nato membership over Russian support for rebels in the east...............

    2. Lawrow: Gesetz über Verzicht auf blockfreien Status der Ukraine kontraproduktiv ...

      Die Verabschiedung des Gesetzes über den Verzicht auf den blockfreien Status der Ukraine ist laut Russlands Außenminister Sergej Lawrow kontraproduktiv, schürt die Konfrontation und schafft die Illusion, dass mit solchen Gesetzen die Krise in der Ukraine gelöst werden kann.

      Die Oberste Rada (Parlament) der Ukraine hat auf Vorschlag des Präsidenten ein Gesetz verabschiedet, das den Verzicht des Landes auf den blockfreien Status und eine Wiederaufnahme des Kurses auf den Nato-Beitritt vorsieht.

      Diese Entscheidung unterstützten in einer Sitzung der Obersten Rada am Dienstag 303 Parlamentsabgeordnete bei notwendigen 226 Stimmen.

      „Das ist kontraproduktiv. Dies schürt nur die Konfrontation und schafft die Illusion, dass durch die Verabschiedung solcher Gesetze die tiefe innere Krise in der Ukraine geregelt werden kann“, sagte Lawrow am Dienstag...............

    3. Comunistas ucranianos califican de crimen la renuncia de Ucrania al estatus no alineado ...

      El Partido Comunista de Ucrania (KPU) califica de criminal la decisión de Ucrania de renunciar a su estatus no alineado.

      "Esta decisión es criminal debido a sus consecuencias, empeorará la situación interna y externa" dijo el líder del KPU, Piotr Simonenko, a RIA Novosti..............

  37. Satellite images show 290 heritage sites in Syria damaged by war: U.N....

    (Reuters) - Satellite imagery indicate that 290 cultural heritage sites in Syria, whose history stretches back to the dawn of civilization, have been damaged by its ongoing civil war, the United Nations' training and research arm (UNITAR) said on Tuesday.

    Syria's heritage spans the great empires of the Middle East but cultural sites and buildings around the country, such as Aleppo's Umayyad Mosque, have been looted, damaged or destroyed in the three-year-old conflict.

    Using commercially available satellite pictures, UNITAR found that 24 sites were completely destroyed, 189 severely or moderately damaged and a further 77 possibly damaged.............................

  38. Griechenland: Auch zweiter Präsidenten-Wahlgang scheitert ...

    Die Regierung hat erneut für ihren Kandidaten keine Mehrheit erreicht. Neuwahlen werden wahrscheinlicher. Die Opposition wirft Premier Samaras Bestechungsversuche vor.

    Im griechischen Parlament ist ein zweiter Anlauf zur Wahl eines neuen Staatsoberhauptes gescheitert. Einziger Kandidat ist der ehemalige EU-Kommissar Stavros Dimas. Er verfehlte die nötige Mehrheit von 200 Stimmen klar, lediglich 168 Abgeordnete votierten für ihn. Es waren aber sechs Stimmen mehr als im ersten Wahlgang. Die Regierungsparteien, die Dimas nominiert haben, sind mit zusammen 155 Abgeordneten im Parlament vertreten und daher auf Stimmen aus der Opposition angewiesen...................

    1. Présidentielle : au second tour, la Grèce n'a toujours pas de président ...

      Stavros Dimas, le candidat du gouvernement grec, crédité de 168 voix, n'a pas réussi à récolter les 200 voix parlementaires nécessaires à son élection, lors du second tour de la présidentielle. Un troisième tour se tiendra le 29 décembre.

      Le candidat de la coalition gouvernementale grecque, l’ancien commissaire européen Stavros Dimas, n’a pas pu être élu par le Parlement, mardi 23 décembre, lors du deuxième tour de l’élection présidentielle. Il n’a recueilli que 168 voix – soit huit de plus que le premier tour - alors qu’il lui en aurait fallu au moins 200 pour atteindre la magistrature suprême.

      Un troisième tour se tiendra donc le 29 décembre. Ce jour-là, le seuil d’éligibilité sera abaissé à 180 voix. Si Stavros Dimas n'est toujours pas élu, le Parlement sera alors automatiquement dissous et des élections législatives seront convoquées pour le début de l'année 2015, fin janvier ou début février................

  39. Taiwan on Tuesday launched its largest ever missile ship as the island strives to modernise its armed forces in response to a perceived threat from China...

    The 500-tonne corvette named 'Tuo Chiang' - 'Tuo River' - is the first of its kind ever produced by Taiwan and was touted by defence minister Yen Ming as "the fastest and most powerful" in Asia.

    Armed with 16 missiles including eight supersonic Hsiung-feng III (Brave Wind) anti-ship missiles, it will boost Taiwan's defence capabilities against its giant neighbour, which considers the island part of China's territory awaiting to be reunited by force if necessary................

  40. Under pressure over CIA jail, Poland sends out mixed messages ...

    This month's acknowledgment by Poland's former president that he allowed the CIA to operate a secret interrogation center throws the Polish government's appeal against a European court ruling on the jail into disarray.

    In July, the European Court of Human Rights ruled that two inmates of the U.S military prison at Guantanamo Bay were held in a CIA jail run in a Polish forest in 2002 and 2003, had been subject to torture, and that Poland failed in its duty under human rights law to prevent that happening or investigate.

    The Polish appeal, contained in a letter reviewed by Reuters, said it was unproven a CIA jail operated in Poland and that if it had, officials might not have been aware..................

  41. Islamkritiker: Steinmeier begrüßt Anti-Pegida-Proteste ...

    17.500 waren es nach Polizeiangaben am Montagabend. Erneut folgten in Dresden viele Menschen dem Aufruf der "Patriotischen Europäer gegen die Islamisierung des Abendlandes" (Pegida) und versammelten sich im Zentrum der Stadt. Doch der Widerstand wächst. Vermehrt treten nun auch die Pegida-Gegner an die Öffentlichkeit. Allein in München demonstrierten rund 12.000 Menschen gegen die Islamkritiker, auch in anderen westdeutschen Städten gab es am Montagabend Kundgebungen.............

  42. For Russia it is better to get money back than have Mistral ships — Rogozin ...

    For Russia it will be better to get back the money paid for both Mistral amphibious assault ships than see the contract honoured at last, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin has told the daily Argumenty i Fakty in an interview.

    “What the French may be doing to the ships next if they refuse to hand them over to us is anyone's guess but surely not our headache,” he said. “We want either the ships or the money; to my mind the latter is preferable,” Rogozin said.

    He explained that “when the Navy ordered the ships (under Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov) we possibly lacked certain skills, for instance, the know-how of large-block assembly.” However when Russia on November 16, 2013 finished work under a contract with India to deliver The Vikramaditya aircraft carrier for the Indian navy, we showed everybody, including ourselves, that we have mastered large-block assembly procedures,” he said.......................

  43. Argentina loses appeal against Griesa’s Discovery orders...

    The US Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit in Manhattan has rejected Argentina’s appeal against US Judge Thomas Griesa’s decision to allow holdout bondholders to subpoena Argentine banks for information on state assets, including military equipment and diplomatic properties -known as discovery-.

    By rejecting the appeal, the tribunal has sustained Griesa’s September 2013 ruling that orders Argentine banks to comply with holdouts’ requests.

    In the appeal hearing, which was held last Tuesday on the 17th floor of the Court’s building in Foley Square, Argentine lawyers argued that allowing the subpoenas to apply to non-US assets would violate Argentina’s sovereign immunity.

    1. Argentina pierde la apelación contra los fondos buitres ...

      El Gobierno de Argentina ha perdido la apelación destinada a revertir una decisión judicial que requiere que Buenos Aires y varios bancos entreguen información sobre activos argentinos en EE.UU., informa la agencia Reuters.

      La segunda corte del circuito de apelaciones de Nueva York mantuvo una decisión de 2013 que obliga a cumplir con citaciones y pedidos de información hecho por tenedores de bonos que demandaron al país para conseguir el pago completo de deudas incumplidas en 2002.

    2. Los buitres podrán acceder a información de activos argentinos ...

      Los fondos buitre podrán pedir a las autoridades y bancos estadounidenses información sobre los activos de Argentina, en aplicación de lo que se conoce como el discovery.

      Así lo decidió hoy la Segunda Corte de Circuito de Apelaciones de Nueva York, en rechazo al recurso presentado por el Gobierno para dar marcha atrás un fallo del juez Thomas Griesa que lo autorizaba.................

  44. S&P pone en revisión las deudas de Rusia para una posible baja...

    La calificadora de riesgos crediticios Standard & Poor's ha anunciado este martes que pone bajo revisión, para una posible baja, las deudas de Rusia en moneda extranjera (ВВВ-/A-3) y local (ВВВ/A-2).

    En su comunicado, Standard & Poor's explica esta decisión por el deterioro de la situación económica de Rusia en medio de la volatilidad en el mercado financiero.

    La puesta en revisión significa con una probabilidad del 50% que la calificación crediticia bajará en los próximos 90 días.

    La propia calificadora dice que su intención es concluir la revisión hacia mediados de enero próximo.

  45. "Serbia respects the territorial integrity of Ukraine and believes that it is a basic principle of the OSCE," Dacic said after meeting with Ukrainian Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin in Kiev....

    Dacic, who is in Ukraine in his capacity of the future chairman of the OSCE, expressed regret over the tragic events in the country and stressed that "Ukraine will be a priority of our work next year."

    According to him, ways should be sought to "at any price" stop further violence in Ukraine, and respect the ceasefire "and the peace plan of President Poroshenko."

    "We want our presidency to be transparent, impartial, objective and of benefit to the organization," Dacic said and pointed out that he stood for strict observance of the Minsk agreements and protocols.

    He expressed his expectation that the Trilateral Contact Group will continue to work quickly to resolve all matters envisaged by the agreement, and these are primarily questions of vital importance for citizens - such as economic and humanitarian issues, and exchange of prisoners.......................

  46. Catalogne: des centaines de personnes s'accusent d'avoir participé au vote symbolique...

    Des centaines de citoyens se sont présentés mardi devant le Tribunal supérieur de justice de Catalogne (TSJC) pour s'accuser d'avoir participé à un vote symbolique sur l'indépendance et protester ainsi contre les poursuites visant le président catalan.

    Cette forme de protestation imaginée par l'Alliance nationale catalane (ANC), favorable à l'autodétermination, intervient au lendemain de l'ouverture par ce tribunal d'une instruction sur le vote du 9 novembre, suite au dépôt d'une trentaine de plaintes, dont une par le Parquet.

    Cette plainte vise le président nationaliste catalan Artur Mas, en tant qu'organisateur principal, ainsi que la vice-présidente Joana Ortega et la responsable de l'Education Irene Rigau, "pour avoir désobéi à une résolution du Tribunal constitutionnel suspendant le processus de participation du 9 novembre"...................

  47. Two men were arrested as part of an ongoing counterterrorism investigation into a group that officials have accused of plotting to kill a random member of the public in Sydney....

    Sulayman Khalid, 20, was charged on Tuesday with possession of documents designed to facilitate a terrorist attack, while a 21-year-old was charged with breaching a control order, police said...........

  48. Ukraine’s Naftogaz transfers $1.65 bln to Russia’s Gazprom under Brussels agreements ......
    Ukraine’s Naftogaz has transferred 1.65 billion U.S. dollars to Russia’s Gazprom as repayment its gas debts, Naftogaz said on Wednesday.

    Thus, in line with the agreements reached in Brussels, Naftogaz has paid 3.1 billion U.S. dollars in two tranches to pay for 11.5 billion cubic metres of gas supplied by Gazprom in November-December 2013 and April-June 2014. The first tranche of 1.45 billion U.S. dollars was transferred on November 4...............

  49. Ungarns Premier: USA brauchen Ukraine-Konflikt für verstärkten Einfluss in Europa ...

    Die USA nutzen laut dem ungarischen Premierminister Viktor Orban den Ukraine-Konflikt für eine Verstärkung ihres Einflusses in Europa, meldet Reuters.

    In einem ungarischen TV-Sender sagte Orban , dass „eine neue Ära begann, als die USA damit begonnen haben, sich nicht nur einzumischen, sondern sich auch aktiv an der Innenpolitik der Länder Mitteleuropas zu beteiligen“. Nach Auffassung des ungarischen Premiers erfolgt das wegen des Ukraine-Konflikts sowie wegen den Verhandlungen zwischen den USA und der EU über den freien Handel.

    „Sie (die USA) wollen uns in einen Konflikt einbeziehen, der sich für uns als schlecht erweisen wird. Zwischen den USA und Russland entstehen Stimmungen des Kalten Krieges, wir (Ungarn) wollen aber nicht daran teilnehmen“, betonte Orban.

  50. Inde: des attaques terroristes font 56 morts dans le nord-est ...

    Au moins 56 personnes ont trouvé la mort dans des attentats perpétrés dans l'Etat indien d'Assam (nord-est) de l'Inde, et attribués aux séparatistes du Front démocratique national de Bodoland (NDFB), rapportent mercredi les agences européennes.

    "Pour le moment, le bilan est de 56 personnes tuées et 80 blessées", a déclaré un haut fonctionnaire de la police d'Etat indienne cité par les médias.

    Selon des témoins, les insurgés du NDFB, mouvement illégal qui revendique l'indépendance de la région, ont obligé des villageois à sortir de chez eux avant de les exécuter.

    L'Etat d'Assam est depuis des décennies le théâtre de conflits fonciers, souvent violents, entre les tribus indigènes Bodo, les colons musulmans et la communauté Adivasi. Ces dernières années, les Bodo ont lancé plusieurs raids sanglants contre les musulmans et les Adivasi. Début 2014, des affrontements ont fait plus de 45 morts et près de 10.000 déplacés...................

  51. State Department sees US response to events in Ukraine as major success of US diplomacy this year ...

    The position of the United States on the events in Crimea and eastern Ukraine is one of the major successes of U.S. diplomacy in 2014, State Department deputy spokesperson Marie Harf has said.

  52. Kiev Must Control Battalions Blocking Aid Supplies to Donbas: Amnesty Int'l ...

    Pro-Kiev volunteer battalions operating in south-eastern Ukraine (Donbas) have been increasingly blocking aid supplies to the region and must be brought under control to avert a humanitarian crisis in the area, Amnesty International stressed Wednesday.

    "As winter sets in, the already desperate situation in eastern Ukraine is being made even worse by the volunteer battalions preventing food aid and medicine from reaching those in need," Denis Krivosheev, acting Director of Europe and Central Asia for Amnesty International, said as quoted by the organization Wednesday.

    Amnesty International stressed that the volunteer battalions, which "often act like renegade gangs", need to "be brought under control".................

  53. Global weapons treaty goes into force, but US yet to ratify ...

    A treaty that seeks to regulate the global arms industry comes into force on Wednesday. Many major weapons producers have ratified the agreement - except the world's largest, the United States.

    The Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) lays down rules for the $85 billion (70 billion euro) weapons industry and seeks to keep them out of the hands of criminals and human rights abusers.

    After coming into force on Wednesday, it means the countries that have signed on are legally obligated to prevent the transfer or diversion of weapons to warlords, terrorists and criminal organizations. They must assess whether an exported weapon could circumvent an international embargo, or be used for genocide, war crimes or organized crime.

    The treaty has been signed by 130 countries, less than two years after its adoption by the UN General Assembly. Sixty countries, including five of the top ten arms exporters - France, Germany, Italy, Spain and Britain - have ratified the treaty.

    The United States, which is the world's top arms exporter, signed the Arms Trade Treaty in September 2013, but the Senate has yet to ratify it. The powerful National Rifle Association gun lobby opposes ratification, even though the treaty does not cover domestic gun sales.................

    1. Statement by the High Representative and Vice President Federica Mogherini on the entry into force of the Arms Trade Treaty on 24 December 2014...

      “The entry into force today of the Arms Trade Treaty, adopted in April 2013 by the UN General Assembly, is a landmark in the international security agenda.

      The EU has been an active supporter of the principles of greater responsibility and transparency in arms trade enshrined in the Treaty.

      The Treaty now needs to gain universal applicability in order to be truly effective. It also needs to be fully implemented.

      In this respect, the EU has adopted a new programme through which it will support States that wish to receive assistance in strengthening their controls over arms transfers, in compliance with the Arms Trade Treaty. The EU will also continue to encourage States not yet party to the Treaty to accede to it.

      All EU Member States have signed the Treaty and all ratifications will be completed shortly. I want to reaffirm the strong commitment of the EU to actively engage in the preparation for the first Conference of States Parties which will take place next year".

  54. Islamic State (IS) militants have shot down a US-led coalition warplane over northern Syria, activists say...

    The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the aircraft, believed to be from an Arab state, went down near Raqqa.

    The UK-based group said the fate of the pilot was unknown, but IS supporters published photos they said showed a Jordanian airman surrounded by gunmen.

    If confirmed, this would be the first coalition warplane shot down since air strikes on IS began in September.

    The authorities in Jordan, one of four Arab countries whose aircraft have been flying sorties over Syria, has so far not commented on the incident............

    1. Syrie: l'EI abat un avion de la coalition et capture son pilote ...

      Le groupe Etat islamique (EI) a abattu mercredi un avion militaire de la coalition anti-jihadistes dans le nord de la Syrie, a rapporté l'Observatoire syrien des droits de l'Homme (OSDH), le groupe extrémiste affirmant avoir capturé son pilote jordanien.

      "Nous avons des informations confirmées selon lesquelles des membres de l'EI ont capturé un pilote arabe (non-Syrien) après avoir abattu son avion à l'aide d'un missile sol-air près de la ville de Raqa", a indiqué l'OSDH.

      La branche de l'EI à Raqa, "capitale" du groupe extrémiste qui contrôle de larges pans de territoire en Irak et en Syrie, a publié sur des sites jihadistes des photos montrant des combattants entourant un pilote capturé, l'identifiant comme un ressortissant jordanien et donnant son nom...................

  55. Oil spills into Black Sea after pipeline leak ...

    (Reuters) - A leak on a major Russian oil pipeline caused an oil spill in the Black Sea near the Russian port of Tuapse, first deputy port captain Sergei Proskurin told Reuters.

    He said the size of the spill was unclear and emergencies services were working on establishing temporary floating barriers in the sea to contain the spill.

    He said that work was complicated by a sea storm.

    (Reporting by Gleb Gorodyankin, writing by Dmitry Zhdannikov, Editing by Thomas Grove)

  56. An Israeli army routine patrol was attacked on the Israeli side of the Gaza border on Wednesday morning, Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said...

    Initial reports said a group of Palestinians opened fire on an IDF patrol near the southern Gaza Strip border. The forces then returned fire.

    An Islamic Hamas militant was killed during the exchange of fire near the fence of the borders between southeastern Gaza Strip and Israel, medics and witnesses said.

  57. US police have clashed with protesters in Missouri after an officer shot dead a black teenager near where Michael Brown was killed in August, a death that triggered national protests....

    A crowd of about 100 gathered at the scene in St Louis early on Wednesday after scuffles the night before.

    St Louis County police said the man who was shot had pulled a gun at a petrol station and pointed it at the officer.

    For weeks there have been protests about alleged police brutality.

    Berkeley is about two miles from the suburb of Ferguson, where the 18-year-old Michael Brown was shot dead by a white officer.....

  58. Viktor Yanukovych: Opposition leaders wanted to kill me ...

    Former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych stated that the head of the Presidential Administration Sergei Lyovochkin orchestrated the dispersal of Euromaidan students on November 30 in Kiev, Arguments and Facts newspaper reports.

    Former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych stated that he did not order to disperse the demonstrators. It was a provocation organized by Sergei Lyovochkin, the then head of the presidential administration.

    "In my opinion, it was a well-organized provocation, to push a peaceful protest in a radical direction. I have no direct evidence to prove that Lyovochkin is responsible for the provocation on November 30. However, such suspicions are based on quite weighty grounds," said Yanukovych.

    "If I had wanted it, police forces would have smashed Maidan in the evening of February 19. It was important for me to find a compromise and save the country," Yanukovysh also said......................

  59. Lithuania will adopt the euro as its currency starting from Jan.1, 2015, and will become the 19th member of the European Monetary Union...

    The move comes as the rest of the Baltic region is battling to restore growth and reduce unemployment. Lithuania's bid to adopt the common currency was rejected in 2006.

    Lithuania’s economy has been growing since 2011, according to European Commission statistics, and GDP is forecast to expand even further. Inflation is now under control, employment is improving and public debt is low, according to the European economic forecast autumn 2014.

    "It will abolish credit risk, it will decrease interest rates. That means we'll have a chance for better development," Algirdas Butkevicius, Lithuanian Prime Minister told Euronews on Tuesday.................

  60. La presidenta de Lituania rechaza visitar Moscú por el 70 aniversario de la Victoria...

    La presidente a de Lituania, Dalia Grybauskaite, recibió la invitación rusa para asistir a las celebraciones con motivo del 70 aniversario de la Victoria sobre la Alemania nazi en la Segunda Guerra Mundial, que tendrán lugar en Moscú en mayo de 2015.

    La presidente a de Lituania, Dalia Grybauskaite, recibió la invitación rusa para asistir a las celebraciones con motivo del 70 aniversario de la Victoria sobre la Alemania nazi en la Segunda Guerra Mundial, que tendrán lugar en Moscú en mayo de 2015.

    "La invitación llegó, pero la presidenta no tiene planes de participar en el evento", dijo un portavoz de la mandataria lituana..................

  61. ‘Vultures’ win NY ruling on assets ...

    Appeals court grants ‘vultures’ discovery rights over assets held in the United States

    Argentina and entities linked to the government must give details of the country’s global assets, including diplomatic and military holdings, to the “vulture funds,” who are seeking US$1.6 billion as part of a long-term legal fight over defaulted government bonds, a US appeals court ruled yesterday.

    The 2nd US Circuit Court of Appeals in New York rejected Argentina’s appeal against a 2013 ruling, which ordered numerous banks and the federal government to comply with subpoenas and information requests served by bondholders suing for full payment of debts after Argentina’s US$100-billion default in 2002.

    The judicial decision comes only eight days before the Rights Upon Future Offers (RUFO) clause expires, which forbids the government from voluntarily making a better offer and reaching an extrajudicial accord with those who have repeatedly refused to restructure defaulted debt than what it offered in its 2005 and 2010 restructurings................

  62. Russland fürchtet Staatspleite: Rubel-Krise droht zu eskalieren ...

    Russland gerät in der Rubel-Krise immer stärker unter Druck. Die Ratingagentur Standard & Poor's hat gedroht, das Land auf Ramschniveau abzustufen. Der Druck auf Präsident Wladimir Putin wächst.

    Die Rubel-Krise macht Russland immer mehr zu schaffen. Um die Auswirkungen des Währungsverfalls abzumildern, erklärte sich die Zentralbank des Landes bereit, führenden Firmen mit hohen Schulden im Ausland unter die Arme zu greifen. Sie wolle den Unternehmen Dollar und Euro zur Verfügung stellen, die im Gegenzug ihre Kredite als Sicherheit hinterlegten. Damit übernimmt die Zentralbank de facto die Risiken..................

  63. Amal Ramzi Clooney, a prominent British-Lebanese lawyer, will be one of the attorneys representing Armenia next month at the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) in a key case regarding the deaths of Ottoman Armenians a hundred years ago, according to an Armenian news website...

    “... Mrs. Clooney will be a great asset to Armenia’s legal team in Strasbourg, in the appeal of Perinçek vs. Switzerland before the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights on Jan.28,” the Armenian Weekly reported Dec. 22.

    A national court verdict in Switzerland had resulted with the case being brought to the ECHR.
    Turkey’s Workers’ Party (İP) Chairman Doğu Perinçek was found guilty by a Swiss court on March 9, 2007, after his participation in a number of conferences in Switzerland in 2005, during which he publicly denied that the Ottoman Empire had perpetrated the crime of genocide against the Armenian people.....................

  64. Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif sent a letter on Wednesday to his counterparts involved in the country's nuclear negotiations with the P5+1 group of world powers, the Iranian foreign ministry said...

    Iran's foreign ministry said the letter aimed to explain the country's position on the negotiations, saying that Iran had been resisting "illegal" and "humiliating" demands from its counterparts in the talks.

    "Iran proposed practical, equal and realistic offers based on mutual respect," the minister said, adding that his country showed determination to reach a fair and reasonable agreement.

    The U.S., U.K., France, China, Russia plus Germany comprise the P5+1 group of world powers who are negotiating with Iran over its uranium enrichment, nuclear cooperation and heavy-water reactor plants.

    The negotiations plan to reach a joint agreement, which will lead to the removal of economic sanctions and the implementation of a peaceful nuclear program..................

  65. Latest round of Ukraine Contact Group talks completed in Minsk ...

    The trilateral Contact Group negotiating possible solutions to the conflict in south-eastern Ukraine completed the latest round of its talks in Minsk, the capital of Belarus, on Dec. 25 evening.

  66. Lawrow: Kiew darf Ermittlungen zum Absturz der malaysischen Boeing nicht diktieren...

    Kiew darf nicht den Verlauf von Ermittlungen zum Absturz der malaysischen Boeing diktieren, so Russlands Außenminister Sergej Lawrow. Es sei „unfair und unsauber“, die Tragödie für geopolitische Zwecke auszunutzen.

    „Wie die Ermittlung organisiert ist – das steht auf einem anderen Blatt“, so Lawrow in einem am Donnerstag in der Tageszeitung „Kommersant“ veröffentlichten Interview. „Verletzt werden alle ICAO-Normen. Ukrainische Sicherheitsbehörden sind direkt in die Ermittlungsmaßnahmen eingebunden. Das Land, auf dessen Territorium die Katastrophe geschehen ist, kann zwar daran teilnehmen, nicht aber diktieren, wie dies jetzt der Fall ist. Es ist unfair und unsauber, die Tragödie für eigene geopolitische Zwecke auszunutzen.“ ................

  67. Ukraine: députés attaqués à la grenade à Kiev, explosion à Kharkov ...

    Un individu non identifié a jeté une grenade sur un groupe de députés de la Rada suprême (parlement) dans le centre de Kiev, a annoncé jeudi la police ukrainienne.

    "Un jeune homme dont l'identité n'est pas établie a jeté un engin explosif sur des députés populaires", lit-on dans un communiqué policier.

    L'attaque n'a pas fait de victimes. Pendant la course-poursuite, l'assaillant a également jeté une grenade sur les policiers, faisant un blessé. Une enquête pénale a été ouverte pour "hooliganisme", indique la police.

    Dans la ville de Kharkov (centre), une puissante explosion s'est produite dans la nuit de mercredi à jeudi à proximité d'un magasin de meubles. Selon le conseiller du ministre ukrainien de l'Intérieur Anton Guerachtchenko, le magasin appartient à un volontaire qui aide les participants à l'opération spéciale menée dans le Donbass.

    L'explosion de Kharkov sera qualifiée d'acte terroriste, a écrit M.Guerachtchenko sur sa page Facebook.

  68. Officials arrested in Israeli corruption probe ...

    Israeli police have arrested more than two dozen current and former officials in a corruption probe, including several from the party of Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman, a police spokeswoman said Thursday.

    Local media reported that the investigation was one of the most "important" anti-graft operations in the country's history and could strike a blow to Lieberman's Yisrael Beitenu party just three months away from a general election.

    According to police, "millions" of shekels of public funds have allegedly been transferred to organisations close to the party...............

  69. China insta a EEUU a no interferir en sus asuntos internos ...

    El Ministerio de Exteriores chino instó este jueves a EEUU a no interferir en los asuntos internos de otros Estados en respuesta al llamamiento a la liberación de presos políticos hecho por Washington.

    "Instamos a Estados Unidos a ocuparse de las violaciones de los derechos humanos en su propio país, así como abstenerse de intervenir en los asuntos internos de otras naciones bajo el pretexto de defender esos derechos en calidad de árbitro", dijo el portavoz de la Cancillería china, Hua Chunying.

    Chunying respondió así a las declaraciones del secretario de Estado de EEUU, John Kerry, que anteriormente urgió a Pekín a liberar al premio Nobel de la Paz Liu Xiaobo y a su mujer Liu Xia junto a otros presos políticos.................

    1. China Thursday rebuffed the U.S. demands to release Liu Xiaobo and warned the country not to infringe upon its judicial sovereignty and independence, in response to US Secretary of State John Kerry's Wednesday statement....

      "We advise the U.S. to reflect on and correct its own violations of human rights, instead of interfering in other countries' domestic affairs and judicial sovereignty and independence in the name of human rights," Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said.

      Hua added that China is governed by rule of law and its judicial authorities try cases in accordance with the country's laws.

      Liu was found guilty of agitation aimed at subverting the government and was sentenced to 11 years imprisonment in 2009.

  70. Ukraine to start withdrawing artillery in Donbas after Dec 26 — Ukraine’s Defense Ministry ...

    The Ukrainian side will start withdrawing heavy artillery from Donbas after December 26 to create a 30-kilometer security zone, the Ukrainian Defense Ministry said on Thursday.

    “We are trying to unconditionally implement the Minsk memorandum. The first stage is to observe ‘silence regime’,” Alexander Rozmaznin, a representative of the General Staff of Ukraine’s Armed Forces, said.

    “We will get over to the next stage after December 26. We will start withdrawing 100-mm and over 100-mm artillery guns to the established distances,” Rozmaznin said.

    “That is how a 30-kilometer security zone will be created,” he added.

  71. There is no doubt that China has the right to conduct activities and construct facilities on its own territory, asserted China's Defense Ministry on Thursday in response to recent claims made by Japanese media outlets claims that China is establishing a military base on the Nanji Islands...

    "Some media in Japan make irresponsible speculations about China's legitimate activities and construction and play up tensions in the region. It is pure media hype," Yang Yujun, defense ministry spokesperson, told a press conference.

    The Nanji Islands are part of Zhejiang Province, about 300 kilometers to the northwest of the disputed Diaoyu Islands.

    Kyodo News Sunday reported that China is building military facilities on Nanji Islands to enhance China's readiness to respond to potential military crises in the area.

  72. The Ukrainian Security Service (SBU), has confirmed that deputy leader and the chairman of the party's national policy cabinet of the Hungarian radical nationalist party Jobbik, Istvan Szavay, and three other members of his party have been banned from entering Ukraine........

  73. Obama on Christmas: World safer due to US troops ...

    KANEOHE BAY: US President Barack Obama says Afghanistan has a chance to rebuild thanks to the extraordinary service of US troops.

    Obama is honoring troops on Christmas at Marine Corps Base Hawaii. It's an annual tradition for Obama during his family vacation on the island.

    Obama says the world is more prosperous and the American homeland is protected because of the sacrifices made by US military members and their families.

    Obama points out that the US has been at war in Afghanistan for more than 13 years. He says this year is an important one because the US combat mission there will end next week. Obama says the U.S. is safer and that Afghanistan will never again be the source of terrorist attacks.

  74. L'Otan utilise la crise en Ukraine pour justifier ses activités militaires à proximité des frontières de la Russie, a estimé vendredi l'ambassadeur russe auprès de l'Alliance Alexandre Grouchko lors d'une conférence de presse à l'agence Rossiya Segodnya...

    "Nous sommes persuadés que la crise en Ukraine est instrumentalisée par l'Otan (…), quand elle invoque la nécessité de contrer les menaces qui auraient surgi à l'est, dans le sillage de la crise ukrainienne. L'Alliance se sert de la crise en Ukraine à titre de prétexte, voire d'argument à ses actuels préparatifs militaires", a déclaré le diplomate, interrogé sur le renforcement de la présence de l'Otan à proximité des frontières russes.

  75. Ostukraine: Militär und Volkswehr tauschen Gefangene aus ...

    Der in der weißrussischen Hauptstadt Minsk vereinbarte Austausch von Gefangenen zwischen der ukrainischen Armee und der Volkswehr hat am Freitagabend begonnen. Das berichtete ein RIA-Novosti-Korrespondent vor Ort.

    Die Aktion findet etwa 35 Kilometer nördlich von Donezk statt. Zuvor hatte der Chef der selbsternannten Volksrepublik Donezk, Alexander Sachartschenko, mitgeteilt, er wolle dem Austausch beiwohnen.
    Ein Vertreter Kiews übergab Vertretern der Volkswehr Listen der Gefangenen. Das seien 222 Menschen, sagte er. Die Volkswehr brachte 150 ukrainische Soldaten zum Austauschort.
    „Einige ukrainische Soldaten hatten zuvor den Wunsch geäußert zu bleiben“, sagte der stellvertretende Chef der Militärpolizei der Donezker Republik, Andrej Spiegel. „Ich habe mit diesen Menschen persönlich gesprochen. Wir werden sie trotzdem zum Austauschort bringen. Wenn sie bekräftigen, dass sie bleiben wollen, werden wir dem Wunsch entsprechen“, sagte Spiegel.
    Die Menschenrechtsbeauftragte der Donezker Republik, Darja Morosowa, teilte mit, dass die Verweigerer mit Arbeit und Wohnraum versorgt werden.

    1. Kiev dice que el canje de prisioneros con milicias de Donbás terminará en próximas horas ...

      El intercambio de prisioneros entre el Gobierno de Ucrania y los milicianos del este del país concluirá en unas horas, comunicó este viernes el asesor del jefe del Servicio ucraniano de Seguridad, Markiyán Lubkivski.

      "Creo que durante las próximas horas podremos anunciar a la sociedad, y en primer lugar a las familias, que la operación termina", dijo a los periodistas y agregó que de momento está en su fase activa...............

  76. Russia Revises Military Doctrine, Lists NATO Buildup As Major Threat ...

    President Vladimir Putin has signed an updated version of Russia's military doctrine, which highlights expansion of NATO's military capabilities among main threats to national security, the Kremlin said in a statement on Friday.

    "Despite a decreased likelihood of a large-scale war against Russia, some security threats continue to grow," the revised doctrine says.

    According to the text of the revised doctrine, "NATO's military buildup" and the bloc's expansion toward the Russian borders are among the main external threats to Russia's security.

    Other external threats include the development and deployment of strategic missile defense systems, the implementation of the 'global strike' doctrine, plans to place weapons in space as well as the deployment of high-precision conventional weapons systems.

    The doctrine also identifies the main internal threats as being activities aimed at destabilizing the situation in the country, terrorist activities to harm the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Russia, as well as actions involving anti-Russian and anti-patriotic propaganda................

    1. Russia’s revised military doctrine lists foreign private military firms among threats ...

      Russia’s revised military doctrine that was signed into law by President Vladimir Putin on Friday for the first time ever lists the presence of foreign private military companies in the immediate vicinity of Russian borders as a threat to national security.

      The previous version of the doctrine that was adopted in 2010 did not mention them in any way.

      “The emergence or the hotbeds of inter-ethnic and/or inter-religious tensions, the operations of militarized international radical groupings and foreign private military companies in the areas adjoining the borders of the Russian Federation and its allies, as well as the presence of territorial contradictions and a growth of separatism/extremism in separate regions of the world,” says the text of the doctrine published at the Kremlin’s official website....................

    2. Neue Militärdoktrin: Für Putin ist der Hauptfeind jetzt die Nato ...

      Russlands Präsident Putin hat eine neue Militärdoktrin unterschrieben. Die Aufrüstung der Nato sieht er als eine Hauptbedrohung für sein Land an. Intern seien Terroristen die größte Gefahr.

      Der russische Präsident Wladimir Putin sieht in der Aufrüstung der Nato eine der Hauptbedrohungen für sein Land. Wie die Nachrichtenagentur Ria am Freitag berichtete, unterzeichnete Putin eine neue Militärdoktrin. Als größte Risiken für Russland würden darin der Ausbau der militärischen Fähigkeiten des westlichen Nato-Bündnisses und die Destabilisierung in mehreren Regionen eingestuft. Als größte interne Risiken nennt das Dokument unter anderem die Aktivitäten von Terroristen.

      An dem grundlegenden Verteidigungscharakter der Doktrin ändert sich nach den Worten des Kreml-Chefs nichts. Der Präsident bestätigte aber eine geänderte Fassung des Dokuments über den Einsatz der russischen Streitkräfte angesichts neuer Bedrohungen in der Welt, wie Agenturen am Freitag meldeten. Der nationale Sicherheitsrat veröffentlichte zu den Änderungen auf seiner Internetseite eine Mitteilung.................

  77. Eruptionen: Nasa beobachtet gewaltigen Sonnensturm ...

    Geballte Strahlenausbrüche auf der Sonne sehen im Observatorium der US-Weltraumbehörde weniger bedrohlich als ästhetisch aus. Eine Gefahr für die Erde besteht meist nicht.

    Was uns auf der Erde als hübsch funkelnde Polarlichter erscheint, sind in 150 Millionen Kilometer Entfernung geballte Strahlenausbrüche. Die US-Weltraumbehörde Nasa hat in ihrem Sonnenobservatorium am 19. Dezember wieder intensive Explosionen auf der Sonne aufgenommen.

    Die Bilder zeigen, wie stark es auf unserem Zentralgestirn brodelt: Die Sonne spuckt 7000 Grad heiße Fackeln ins Weltall, die so stark sind, dass sie Stromnetze und Navigationssysteme stören können. Generell sind Sonneneruptionen nicht außergewöhnlich und ereignen sich meist ohne direkte Folgen für die Menschen.

    Es kommt aber gelegentlich vor, dass Kommunikationssysteme gestört werden. Fiele ein Sonnensturm noch gewaltiger aus, könnten die Schäden für die Erde deutlich größer sein. Großflächige Stromausfälle oder ausgefallene Kühlsysteme von Atomkraftwerken wären dann möglich. Eine Gruppe von Experten hat daher kürzlich vorgeschlagen, ein Frühwarnsystem aus 16 die Sonne umkreisenden Satelliten einzurichten..................

  78. Russia tests 10-warhead ballistic missile ...

    The Russian Defense Ministry announced the successful test of the RS-24 "Yars" ballistic missile on Friday.

    "Test warheads hit their targets in the Kura testing range on the Kamchatka peninsula with pinpoint accuracy," said Col. Igor Yegorov a spokesman for the ministry. The missile was launched at 11:02 Moscow time on Friday, Yegorov said.

    "The adoption of the RS-24 ICBM with multiple re-entry warheads has increased the combat capabilities of the Strategic Missile Forces assault group to overcome missile defense systems, thus strengthening the nuclear deterrent of Russian strategic nuclear forces," Col. Yegorov said. The RS-24 carries up to ten independently targetable warheads.

    Russia's strategic nuclear forces are actively rearming with the new RS-24 "Yars" missile, which replaces two older models that have been in use for more than 50 years.

    The ballistic missile uses solid fuel and has a range of 7,500 miles. It can be launched either from a silo or from a road-mobile launcher.

  79. Russie : 6 ex-membres de l’URSS créent une force aérienne collective !...

    membres de l’Union soviétique ont participé à une réunion de l'Organisation du Traité de sécurité collective (OTSC) à Moscou, le 22 décembre 2014. L’ordre du jour consistait en la création d’une force aérienne collective regroupant autour de la Russie, cinq anciennes républiques l’ex-URSS : l'Arménie, la Biélorussie, le Kazakhstan, le Kirghizistan et le Tadjikistan.

    « Les participants à la réunion examineront la création de la force de l'air collective de l'OTSC. Un plan d'activités communes pour l’entraînement aux opérations et au combat en 2015 devrait être approuvé », a fait savoir dans un communiqué, le ministère russe de la Défense................

  80. Ukraine's state rail company Ukrzaliznytsia said on Friday it would suspend passenger and cargo train services to the Black Sea peninsula of Crimea, annexed by Russia in March, due to security concerns...

    "In order to ensure the safety of passengers ... (the railway) will cut the route of trains to Crimea off at Novooleksiyvka and Kherson," it said in a statement, referring to two towns near Crimea.................

    1. Crimean Transport Ministry Denies Claims of Halted Traffic With Ukraine...

      The flow of cargo and passenger traffic through checkpoints at the Ukraine-Crimea border has not been suspended, Crimean Transport Minister Anatoly Tsurkin told RIA Novosti on Friday.

      "Everything is based on rumors for now. Cars are still crossing the border, bus and train [ticket] sales are continuing, trains are crossing the border," Tsurkin said.

      The minister advised to wait until Saturday to get an update on the situation with the border.

      Earlier on Friday, Ukraine's state railway operator "Ukrzaliznytsia" announced the suspension of railway service with Crimea starting December 27. The announcement said that trains previously bound for Simferopol and Sevastopol will now terminate at the border with the peninsula....................

  81. China, Vietnam agree to properly settle maritime disputes ...

    Senior Chinese and Vietnamese officials agreed in Hanoi on Friday to properly settle the maritime disputes and control their differences through dialogue.

    The consensus was reached in a meeting between China's top political advisor Yu Zhengsheng and Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung..............

  82. Ash from Guatemala volcanoes prompts flight warning ...

    Ash clouds from two active volcanoes in Guatemala prompted local air travel warnings on Friday (Dec 26).

    The country's National Institute of Seismology, Vulcanology, Meteorology and Hydrology warned of columns of ash from the Fuego volcano in the south of the country rising up to 4,500 meters (14,700 feet) above sea level.

    The Santa Maria volcano in southwestern Santiaguito ejected ash about 500 meters above the crater, the institute said. The organisation also cautioned air craft from flying in the vicinity of the ash-spewing volcanoes.

    Fuego and Santa Maria are two of several active volcanoes in the country. Activity from the Fuego volcano in 2012 prompted authorities to evacuate thousands of people from its slopes.

  83. Malaysian government defends flood response amid criticism ...

    In Malaysia, pressure is mounting on Prime Minister Najib Razak's government over its response to the floods affecting large swathes of the country. With hundreds of thousands of people evacuating the flood waters, politicians from both sides of the political divide have begun to point fingers.

    At the ruling party UMNO headquarters, donations have begun to trickle in after a nationwide campaign was launched on Thursday (Dec 25) by Women’s Chief Shahrizat Abdul Jalil.

    "People are asking me ‘Where to send stuff? How to help?'” said Ms Shahrizat. “At first we didn’t want to take money but now we said we will.''

    The UMNO headquarters has been turned into a temporary collection centre for donations. Blankets, clothing, food and drinking water are some of essentials in dire need. They will be sent to the military that will then distribute them to flood-hit victims.

    Over 100,000 people are currently seeking shelter at evacuation centres across peninsular Malaysia, hard hit by one of its worst floods in decades. Many, who were stranded by rising flood waters, expressed their frustration on social media, complaining about the lack of help from the federal government...............

  84. NATO force mistakenly kills three Afghan nomads: Police ...

    Afghanistan's NATO-led foreign force mistakenly killed three civilians in an air strike, Afghan officials said on Saturday, less than a week before most foreign troops are due to pull out at the end of a 13-year mission.

    The mistaken killing of civilians in air strikes has been a source of anger throughout the force's mission, frequently straining ties between the NATO force and the government...............

  85. Rajoy no descarta gobernar con el PSOE para evitar la inestabilidad ...

    El año 2014 ha sido para el presidente del Gobierno, Mariano Rajoy, el del broche de cierre de la crisis económica, y 2015 será el “del despegue definitivo” de la economía española. A cinco meses de las elecciones municipales en 13 autonomías y a once meses de las generales, el jefe del Ejecutivo fija en la recuperación económica su principal baza electoral, como este viernes se vio en su balance anual desde el Palacio de la Moncloa. Recuperación económica y estabilidad política son los dos puntales sobre los que quiere asentarse Rajoy. La segunda característica solo la pueden traer PP o PSOE al frente del Gobierno, dijo. No mencionó a Podemos, pero sí quiso dejar claro que para la buena marcha del país solo se puede confiar el Ejecutivo central a su partido o al socialista.

    El presidente llegó lejos. “El PSOE es un gran partido, no tengo inconveniente en reconocerlo, aunque no comparto muchas cosas de las que dicen y hacen, como ellos tampoco respecto a mí”, afirmó.......................

  86. Japan has proposed resuming talks with China in January aimed at setting up a hotline to avert unforeseen maritime incidents, government sources said Saturday...

    Tokyo hopes the hotline between the’ defense authorities will be launched next year. China said it will make plans on the proposal, the sources said.

    The proposed “maritime liaison mechanism” is aimed at easing tensions stemming from the sovereignty dispute over the Japan-controlled Senkaku Islands in the East China Sea..................

  87. Tres explosiones casi simultáneas en el sur de Ucrania se han saldado hasta el momento con un muerto....

    En la ciudad de Odesa una persona perdió la vida cuando supuestamente transportaba una bolsa con una bomba por la calle a plena luz del día. Varios edificios resultaron dañados.

    Otras dos explosiones han tenido lugar en el centro de la ciudad de Jerson. La primera bomba fue activada cerca de la entrada de un punto de cambio de divisas, y el segundo estallido se registró en su interior. El autor de las dos explosiones es supuestamente la misma persona, informa RIA Novosti.

  88. Ice warning in Britain after snow brings chaos ...

    Snow and blizzards have swept through large parts of Britain, leaving many travellers stranded.

    Sleet and snow hit the north of England, the Midlands and Scotland and the Met Office warned that nearly all the UK has been gripped by ice.

    The freezing weather brought dangerous conditions to roads, with many motorists in Sheffield forced to abandon their cars after becoming snowed in.............

  89. Syria said on Saturday it is willing to participate in “preliminary consultations” in Moscow aimed at restarting peace talks next year to end its civil war...

    But members of the Western-backed Syrian opposition dismissed the Russian plan on Saturday, saying there was “no initiative.”

    Syrian state television quoted a source at the foreign ministry saying “Syria is ready to participate in preliminary consultations in Moscow in order to meet the aspirations of Syrians to find a way out of crisis.”

    Moscow, an ally of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, has pushed to restart talks that collapsed in Geneva in February...................

    1. Syrie: les autorités prêtes à rencontrer l'opposition à Moscou ...

      Les autorités syriennes sont prêtes à rencontrer à Moscou les représentants de l'opposition qui mène une lutte armée contre le président Bachar el-Assad depuis près de quatre ans, a rapporté samedi l'agence syrienne Sana.

      "La Syrie est prête à rencontrer l'opposition à Moscou pour répondre aux aspirations des Syriens qui sont celles de trouver une issue à la crise", a indiqué un membre du gouvernement syrien cité par l'agence.

      Le porte-parole du ministère russe des Affaires étrangères Alexandre Loukachevitch a antérieurement annoncé qu'une rencontre consacrée au règlement du conflit syrien aurait lieu à Moscou fin janvier 2015. Selon le chef du parti d'opposition syrien Syria Al-Watan Majid Niaz, la rencontre pourrait se tenir le 22 ou le 26 janvier..............

    2. Syria says to discuss Russia peace plan talks, opposition rejects ...

      (Reuters) - Syria said on Saturday it is willing to participate in "preliminary consultations" in Moscow aimed at restarting peace talks next year to end its civil war.

      But members of the Western-backed Syrian opposition dismissed the Russian plan on Saturday, saying there was "no initiative."..............

  90. Las relaciones con la Unión Europea seguirán siendo una de las prioridades de la política exterior rusa, dice el documento "Los principales acontecimientos de la política exterior de 2014" publicado este sábado en la web de la Cancillería de Rusia...

    "A pesar de la complejidad del momento presente, las relaciones con la Unión Europea, vecina e importante socio económico y comercial, seguirán siendo objetivamente una de las prioridades de la política exterior de Rusia por muchos años", declaró la Cancillería.

    Las relaciones entre Rusia y Occidente empeoraron por la situación en Ucrania. EEUU y la UA impusieron sanciones al país ruso. Moscú en respuesta restringió las importaciones procedentes de los estados que le aplicaron sanciones: EEUU, los países de la UE, Canadá, Australia, y Noruega...............

  91. Estland : Die Angst der Balten vor Putins "hybridem Krieg"...

    Russische Jets in der Luft, Moskaus Spezialeinheiten an der Grenze und das Trauma der Sowjetzeit – für die Esten ist Putins Drohung real existierend. Die Nato-Präsenz lindert die Ängste allenfalls.

    In einem Tempo knapp unter Schallgeschwindigkeit rasen die beiden deutschen Eurofighter durch den Himmel über Estland. Wenn er will, kann Oberstleutnant Gordon Schnitger das gesamte Land in einer guten Viertelstunde überfliegen, von der russischen Grenze im Osten bis zu Küste. Dann tauchen die Jets ein in den Luftraum über der Ostsee, und was sie dort seit einigen Wochen erwartet, hat mit gewöhnlichen Übungsflügen nichts mehr zu tun........................

  92. Lapid: Jerusalem will not be divided 'no matter what happens' with the Palestinians ...

    "We will not divide Jerusalem," Yesh Atid leader Yair Lapid vowed Saturday, "no matter what happens."

    Speaking at a cultural event in Holon, Lapid said Israel could reach an agreement with the Palestinians without dividing the capital, noting that countries "do not negotiate over their capitals" and if this issue breaks down a final agreement "so be it."

    Lapid used the public platform to lash out at Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, as he often does on his campaign trail, this time for the aftermath of Israel's seven-week war with Hamas militants in the Gaza Strip.

    There were no diplomatic efforts, after the July-August war, to take part in the Gaza reconstruction conference where nations pledged $5.4 billion to help rebuild the Strip, a failure, Lapid said, that resulted in Hamas staying in power.................

  93. Estados Unidos e NATO retiram parcialmente do Afeganistão ...

    Num cenário de grande turbulência regional, Estados Unidos e NATO vão liderar uma "missão de apoio" no Afeganistão pelo menos até 2016, enquanto se intensificam os esforços para promover o desenvolvimento de um país assolado por conflitos quase permanentes desde a invasão soviética de 1979.

    Em setembro, após difíceis negociações, o embaixador dos EUA, James B. Cunningham, e o conselheiro para a segurança nacional afegã, Mohammad Hanif, assinaram em Cabul o Acordo de Segurança Bilateral (BSA), que define o futuro estatuto das forças da NATO e dos EUA no Afeganistão.

    O BSA estipula que 9.800 tropas norte-americanas e pelo menos 2.000 soldados da NATO permaneçam no país após o fim formal da missão de combate internacional, a 31 de dezembro...................

  94. Militärsprecher erklärt Transportblockade der Krim mit Terrorgefahr ...

    Der Passagierverkehr zwischen der Ukraine und der Krim ist eingestellt worden, um ein Durchsickern von als Ortseinwohner getarnten Diversanten auf das Territorium der Ukraine zu verhindern. Das erklärte der Sprecher der Sonderoperation der ukrainischen Armee im Donbass, Andrej Lyssenko, am Samstag in Kiew.

    „Die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass Diversionsgruppen eingeschleust werden, ist sehr groß. Aber es handelt sich um eine zeitweilige Maßnahme“, sagte Lyssenko.

    Zuvor hatte die Ukrainische Bahn mitgeteilt, dass die Eisenbahnverbindung zur Krim eingestellt wurde. Zudem wurde auch der Busverkehr mit der Krim zum 26. Dezember gestoppt. Nach Angaben des Direktors der Krim-Eisenbahn, Andrej Karakulkin, enden alle Züge, die bislang nach Simferopol und Sewastopol fuhren, zum 27. Dezember an der Grenze zur Krim. Unter das Verbot fallen auch Gütertransporte und die Transitfahrten durch das Territorium der Ukraine auf die Krim......................

  95. Residents of Eastern Syria Create Popular Resistance Group to Battle ISIS...

    Residents in Syria’s eastern regions have created a popular resistance group to battle Islamic State militants, the Lebanese-based Al Mayadeen TV channel reported Saturday.

    According to Al Mayadeen, representatives of the newly established group have declared their readiness to fight alongside the Syrian army to curb the Islamic State in eastern parts of the country.

    A military airfield in Syria’s eastern Deir ez-Zor has in recent months served as the main eastern base of the Syrian Army after IS militants captured the military base in the neighboring Ar-Raqqah governorate..................

  96. Un avion d'Air Asia avec 162 personnes à son bord a perdu le contact avec les autorités aériennes indonésiennes, ont annoncé dimanche matin les autorités locales et la compagnie aérienne malaisienne à bas coûts....

    L'aéronef assurait la liaison entre Surabaya, d'où il a décollé à 05h20, et Singapour, où il devait aterrir à 08h30.

    Un porte-parole du ministère des Transports a précisé que le contact a été perdu avec le vol QZ 8501 à 06h17 (00h17 en Belgique). L'A320 transportait sept membres d'équipage et 155 passagers dont 16 enfants et un nourrisson, a précisé le directeur général de l'aviation civile indonésienne, Djoko Murjatmodjo. Selon la télévision indonésienne, 149 Indonésiens se trouvent à bord, ainsi que trois Coréens, un Singapourien, un Britannique et un Malaisien. Les pilotes de l'avion avaient demandé à être déroutés peu avant la perte de contact. Selon un communiqué de la direction de l'aviation civile de Singapour, le contact a été perdu dans l'espace aérien indonésien, à "200 milles nautiques (environ 350 km) au sud-est de la frontière entre les régions d'information de vol de Jakarta et de Singapour". "Pour le moment nous n'avons malheureusement pas d'autre information sur la situation des passagers et des membres d'équipage à bord", a indiqué AirAsia. La compagnie aérienne a précisé que des opérations pour localiser l'avion étaient en cours. 2014 restera une année noire pour l'aviation malaisienne avec la perte de deux avions de la compagnie nationale Malaysia Airlines. (Belga)

  97. Italian-flagged ferry with 466 people on board evacuated due to fire ...

    An Italian-flagged ferry with a total of 466 people on board was being evacuated on Sunday after a fire broke out in one garage off the island of Corfu in western Greece, the local Coast Guard said.

    The "Norman Atlantic" was sailing from the port of Patras in western Greece to Ancona in Italy with 411 passengers, 55 crew members and 220 vehicles on board when the fire started under yet unclear circumstances.

    For precaution measures authorities decided to evacuate the people to ships which were sailing nearby at about 30 nautical miles off Corfu.

  98. The NATO-led International Security Assistance Force ended its 13-year combat mission in Afghanistan on Sunday....

    From Jan. 1, 2015, the mission will evolve into training and advising the nascent Afghan security forces. The 13,000 foreign troops for the Resolute Support Mission would come from 28 NATO allies and 14 other partner nations.

    During the past decade, Afghanistan once hosted as many as 140,000 troops from around 51 countries; some 3,500 of them lost their lives fighting the enduring insurgency. Over 2,000 of them were Americans. The war has cost the U.S. around $1 trillion so far, according to the Financial Times.

    In a statement released on Sunday regarding the commencement of the new NATO mission in Afghanistan, NATO’s Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg reaffirmed continued support by the alliance to Afghanistan.

    “At the end of this year, we complete our combat mission in Afghanistan and open a new chapter in our relationship with Afghanistan,” he said. Stoltenberg added that the security of Afghanistan will be fully in the hands of the 350,000 Afghan soldiers and police forces...........

  99. Greece faces election after lawmakers fail to elect president ...

    (Reuters) - Greek lawmakers failed to elect a new president in a final round of voting on Monday, leaving the country facing an early election that could derail the international bailout program it needs to keep paying its bills.

    The only candidate in the race, former European Commissioner Stavros Dimas, matched the result achieved in the second round of voting before Christmas but fell short of the 180 votes needed to become president.

    Under Greek law, a parliamentary election must now be called, leaving financial markets and Greece's European Union partners facing weeks of uncertainty that could undermine fragile signs of economic recovery and derail its public finances. A general election is now expected to be held by early February..............

  100. Досрочные парламентские выборы в Греции пройдут 25 января ...

    Досрочные парламентские выборы в Греции пройдут 25 января. Об этом сообщил в понедельник премьер-министр Антонис Самарас после того, как парламент Греции не смог избрать бывшего еврокомиссара Ставроса Димаса президентом страны в ходе третьего, финального тура голосования.

    Кандидатура 73-летнего Димаса, предложенная на пост главы государства правительством, не набрала необходимые 180 голосов в 300-местном однопалатном парламенте.

    В соответствии с конституцией Греции, из-за того, что голосование и в третьем туре не привело к положительному результату, в стране должны быть объявлены досрочные всеобщие выборы.

  101. Präsidentenwahl gescheitert,... Neuwahlen in Griechenland ...

    Nach zwei gescheiterten Wahlgängen ist der konservative Politiker Dimas wieder nicht zum neuen Präsidenten Griechenlands gewählt worden. Am 25. Januar stehen Neuwahlen an. Die Börse reagierte prompt.

    Die Wahl eines neuen griechischen Staatspräsidenten ist auch im dritten Anlauf gescheitert. Der Kandidat der Regierungskoalition, der frühere EU-Kommissar Stavros Dimas, 73, verfehlte im Parlament am Montag die notwendige Mehrheit von 180 Stimmen.

    Noch bevor das Votum zu Ende war, hatten sich bei der namentlichen Abstimmung mehr als 121 der insgesamt 300 Abgeordneten der Stimme enthalten. Damit kann die notwendige Mehrheit für die Wahl eines Präsidenten (180 Stimmen) nicht mehr erreicht werden......................

    1. Angst vor Neuwahlen: Neue Griechen-Krise kann Deutschland 80 Milliarden kosten...

      Taumelt das Land ins Chaos, fliegt es gar aus der Euro-Zone? Oder bleibt alles ruhig? Der Urnengang im Januar wird für die Griechen zur Schicksalswahl. Auch für Deutschland steht viel auf dem Spiel.

      Der Albtraum wird Wirklichkeit: Die Wahl eines neuen griechischen Staatspräsidenten ist auch im dritten Anlauf gescheitert. Der Kandidat der Regierungskoalition, Stavros Dimas, verfehlte im Parlament die notwendige Mehrheit..................

    2. Wahl in Griechenland Scheitern mit Ansage...

      Die Neuwahl stürzt Griechenland in eine Phase der politischen und wirtschaftlichen Instabilität. Dafür ist die Regierung verantwortlich – aber auch die internationale Troika.

      Als die Krakeeler zu laut wurden, schaltete das Parlamentsfernsehen ab. Ministerpräsident Antonis Samaras steuerte nach der gescheiterten dritten Runde für die Wahl eines neuen Präsidenten auf einen Ausgang aus dem Plenarsaal zu, da schrien ihm die Abgeordneten der rechtsextremen Partei der „Goldenen Morgenröte“ nach, schon sehr bald, nach der nächsten Parlamentswahl, werde auch er ins Gefängnis kommen; dort erwarteten sie ihn........

  102. Storm forces Turkey to shut Dardanelles to tankers, cancel flights ...

    Turkey shut its Dardanelles Strait to tankers and its flag carrier canceled some domestic and international flights in and out of Istanbul due to a storm.

    The Dardanelles waterway is frequently forced to shut during the winter due to rough weather, usually at least two or three times a month.

    Five northbound and three southbound tankers waiting to pass through the Dardanelles were expected to be scheduled to do so on Tuesday, shipping agency GAC said.

    The Bosphorus Strait remained open...................

  103. Le candidat du gouvernement Stavros Dimas n'a pas recueilli assez de voix pour être élu président en Grèce. Conséquence : des élections législatives anticipées vont être convoquées en 2015....

    Selon la Constitution, le premier ministre Antonis Samaras a dix jours pour dissoudre le Parlement et convoquer des élections législatives. Samaras propose la date du 25 janvier 2015................../

  104. Grécia falha eleição do Presidente e abre caminho a legislativas antecipadas ...

    O candidato apresentado pelo governo, o ex-comissário europeu e várias vezes ministro grego Stavros Dimas, obteve o voto favorável de 168 dos 300 deputados, menos 12 do que os 180 necessários para ser eleito.

    Nas duas anteriores votações, em que era necessário o apoio de dois terços dos deputados, ou seja 200, Dimas obteve 168 votos na segunda, realizada a 23 de dezembro, e 160 na primeira, a 17 de dezembro.

    A Constituição da Grécia estipula que a não eleição do presidente ao fim de três rondas implica a dissolução do parlamento nos próximos 10 dias e a convocação de eleições legislativas antecipadas.

    As eleições deverão realizar-se em finais de janeiro ou princípios de fevereiro................

  105. Kiev prêt à décréter l'état d'urgence en cas de reprise des hostilités (Porochenko) ...

    Kiev est prêt à décréter l'état d'urgence en cas de reprise des hostilités dans le sud-est de l'Ukraine, a annoncé lundi le président Piotr Porochenko lors d'une conférence de presse.

    "L'état d'urgence sera déclaré dès lors que les hostilités auront repris", a déclaré le chef de l'Etat ukrainien.

    Selon lui, les deux dernières réunions du Conseil de sécurité de l'Ukraine étaient consacrées à la mise au point d'un scénario d'intensification de la production d'armements dans le pays.

    "Il s'agit d'un plan d'action à réaliser en cas de rupture du processus de paix. Rien ne nous empêche aujourd'hui de prendre des mesures efficaces", a souligné M. Porochenko..................

  106. Kiew verschärft Krim-Blockade ...

    Die Einwohner der Halbinsel Krim kämpfen im täglichen Leben mit vielen Hindernissen und Mängeln, schreibt die "Nesawissimaja Gaseta" am Montag.

    Kurz vor dem Jahreswechsel hat die Ukraine den Bahn- und Busverkehr mit der Krim blockiert. Zudem gibt es auf der Halbinsel Probleme mit der Stromversorgung. Darüber hinaus verweigern die internationalen Kreditkartenfirmen Visa und MasterCard die Bedienung von Bankkarten.

    Die Behörden in Kiew begründen die sich häufenden Stromausfälle mit der fehlenden Kohle aus dem umkämpften Donezbecken.

    Am 24. Dezember war die komplette Halbinsel erstmals ohne Strom geblieben. Die Sprecherin des ukrainischen Energieministeriums, Anna Dudka, teilte mit, dass „die Verbrauchobergrenze überschritten worden“ sei. Der Strom sei vom Energieversorger Ukrenergo abgeschaltet worden...................

  107. Moscow regrets Red Cross official describing aid convoys to Ukraine as invasion ...

    The Russian Foreign Ministry has expressed regret over the comments the chief of the Russian Red Cross Office, Igor Trunov, made regarding Russia’s humanitarian convoys to eastern Ukraine.

    “It is for a third day running that Ukrainian media have been replicating comments by the head of the Moscow office of the Russian Red Cross, Igor Trunov, regarding Russian humanitarian assistance to Ukraine’s southeast,” the Foreign Ministry said. “Judging by these reports this humanitarian aid functionary has all of a sudden decided to describe the Emergencies Ministry convoys as ‘invasion’ and to interpret the humanitarian cargoes as “dual purpose products.”

    “Such irresponsible statements cannot but cause regret,” the Russian Foreign Ministry said. “As is known, in making arrangements for this humanitarian operation Russia has permanently dispatched invitations to cooperate to the Ukrainian side and the International Committee of the Red Cross. The latest convoys carrying Russian humanitarian aid were inspected by Russian border guards. We hope that this procedure will be continued.”.................

  108. IMF asks Russia to delay Ukraine's debt payment ...

    The next tranche from the IMF to Ukraine is likely to be delayed. The work on the program will not be not possible until all 15 billion dollars are collected. If the amount is not collected, Ukraine will face a formal default caused by the need to restructure its debt.

    The IMF, to facilitate the transfer of financial assistance to Ukraine, offers Russia to allow Ukraine to delay the payment of its debt on Eurobonds for several years ahead. Otherwise, other countries may refuse to allocate financial assistance to Ukraine.

    "The IMF will not be able to assign $15 billion at once. The IMF board of directors is not likely to agree upon the allocation of such a large amount. The maximum the fund can allocate is 7-8 billion dollars. For Europe and America the allocation of funds lies within the sphere of a political conflict," RIA Novosti reports.

    In 2015, Ukraine has to pay six and a half billion dollars of debt - a half of this amount is to be paid to Russia. Sources say that the Russian authorities have showed a negative reaction to the IMF's suggestion for the time being.

    1. Putin discusses economic situation in Ukraine with IMF Managing Director — Kremlin ...

      Russian President Vladimir Putin and IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde discussed financial and economic situation in Ukraine on Monday, the Kremlin press service reported.

  109. Russian project jeopardizes Turkey’s energy advantage ...

    Russia’s proposal to sell gas to Europe via Turkey with the so-called ‘Turkish Stream’ will jeopardize Ankara’s strategic importance, according to an energy expert. Turkey’s advantage stems from providing an alternative to decrease Europe’s dependence on Russia, says Mithat Balkan, a former Turkish energy envoy.

    Russia’s proposal to sell gas to Europe via Turkey, the so called “Turkish Stream,” to replace the South Stream may jeopardize Turkish interests, according to an energy expert. “Turkey’s advantage is to provide an alternative gas supply to Europe; the Turkish stream will risk this advantage,” said Mithat Balkan, a former ambassador.

    Were you surprised when Russia canceled the South Stream project?

    I was surprised, but it seemed to come with the stance the EU had taken against Russia. With the unbundling issue [EU provision, which requires the separation of gas production and sale operation from the transmission networks, to the effect that a single company may not both own and operate a gas pipeline] and the EU’s strict attitude to not have Russia dominate that part of Europe; it seemed it was going to happen, but such a swift action was a surprise for everyone.....................

  110. Poroshenko: Negotiations in Donbas are only possible with those who will be elected according to Ukrainian laws...

    The process of peaceful settlement in eastern Ukraine will begin after local elections there, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko said.

  111. Virgin Atlantic plane lands safely at UK airport after fault ...

    A Virgin Atlantic passenger plane safely carried out a "non-standard" landing at London's Gatwick airport today after a landing gear problem, with television pictures showing the plane intact and stationary on the runway.

    "Virgin Atlantic can confirm that flight VS43 has landed safely back at Gatwick," the company said in a statement. "Our priority now is to look after our passengers and crew."

    Television pictures showed the aircraft made a slightly bumpy, but otherwise regular landing. Passengers could not yet be seen exiting the plane, which was shown surrounded by emergency service vehicles.....................

  112. Earthquake M 4.7 - ADRIATIC SEA - 60 km NW of Tirana, Albania - local time: 21:34 ....

    Magnitude ML 4.7
    Date time 2014-12-29 20:34:13.7 UTC
    Location 41.66 N ; 19.26 E
    Depth 10 km
    60 km NW of Tirana, Albania / pop: 374,801 / local time: 21:34:13.7 2014-12-29
    35 km SW of Lezhë, Albania / pop: 18,695 / local time: 21:34:13.7 2014-12-29

  113. Fitch senkt Ausblick für 20 russische Banken auf „negativ“ ...

    Die internationale Ratingagentur Fitch hat den Ausblick für die Bonität von 20 russischen Banken von „stabil“ auf „negativ“ gesenkt. Das teilte die Agentur am Montag mit.

    Betroffen sind unter anderem die Moskauer Kreditbank, die Bank St. Petersburg, Zenit, Absolut, die LOKO-Bank, die Moscow Narodny Bank, die Expo-Bank und die Uraltransbank. Ihre Entscheidung begründete die Agentur mit einer möglichen ökonomischen Rezession in Russland, einer starken Abwertung des Rubels und mit der steigenden Inflation..................

  114. Greek opposition leader vows to protect Greek bank deposits ...

    (Reuters) - Greek opposition leader Alexis Tsipras on Monday promised to protect bank deposits in the country if he came to power in next month's election, in a bid to allay fears that his government would put the wealth of Greeks at risk.

    "A Syriza government and its allies will safeguard - without any footnotes or asterisks - the deposits of citizens at Greek banks, in cooperation with the European Central Bank and European partners," Tsipras said in a speech.

    "Let's put an end to the horror stories."

    Greece's parliament failed to elect a president in a final round of voting earlier on Monday, triggering the dissolution of parliament and early elections, which will be held on Jan. 25.

    (Reporting by Angeliki Koutantou)

  115. Disparition d'un avion d'AirAsia - Les Etats-Unis envoient un destroyer sur zone...

    (Belga) Les Etats-Unis ont annoncé lundi l'envoi d'un destroyer, le USS Sampson, vers la zone de recherche de l'Airbus d'AirAsia, disparu depuis dimanche entre Java et Singapour.

    Le bâtiment militaire devrait arriver sur place dans la journée de mardi, a précisé le commandement américain de la flotte pacifique dans un communiqué. Le destroyer USS Sampson "a été envoyé pour aider aux opérations de recherche du vol 8501 d'AirAsia", a confirmé de son côté le porte-parole du Pentagone John Kirby sur son compte Twitter................

  116. Libya contracts U.S. firm to extinguish port storage tanks fire ...

    (Reuters) - Libya's recognized government has contracted a U.S. firefighter firm to help extinguish fires at storage tanks at the Es Sider oil port, a spokesman said on Monday.

    Work would start within five days, government spokesman Mohamed Bazaza said, confirming a statement on a government website. The value of the contract was $6 million, the statement said, without naming the company.Fire has been raging for days at several storage tanks at Es Sider, Libya's biggest oil port, due to clashes of brigades allied with competing governments vying for control of the country's oil facilities.

  117. Maduro wirft USA “Öl-Krieg” gegen Venezuela und Russland vor ...

    Venezuelas Präsident Nicolas Maduro beschuldigt die USA, durch ein Drücken der Ölpreise einen Krieg gegen die Wirtschaft seines Landes und die von Russland zu führen.

    Der Preis für ein Barrel venezolanischen Erdöls war von 95 US-Dollar im September auf 48 Dollar am gestrigen Montag gefallen. Maduro griff auf Worte von Boliviens Präsident Evo Morales zurück, laut dem dies einen Versuch darstellt, Venezuela zu zerstören. Ziel sei es, so Maduro, sein Land in eine Kolonie zu verwandeln und „unsere Unabhängigkeit und Revolution zu vernichten“, zitiert das Nachrichtenportal Noticias24 Maduro. .............

  118. Albanian seamen die in Norman Atlantic ferry recovery...

    Two Albanian seamen have been killed on a tugboat while towing the fire-stricken Norman Atlantic ferry.

    Both men died after a connecting cable between the vessels snapped on Tuesday morning after it became entangled in a propeller, Albanian officials say.

    Ten people were killed and more than 400 rescued, after a fire broke out on the ferry in stormy seas on Sunday.

    It is unclear how many passengers are still missing. The cause of the fire on the car deck is unknown................

  119. La derecha española alerta de las consecuencias negativas si gana Syriza en Grecia ...

    El Partido Popular, la formación española que lidera el presidente Mariano Rajoy, alertó hoy de las consecuencias "negativas" que tendrá una posible victoria del partido izquierdista Syriza en Grecia, tal como avanzan las encuestas.

    El país helénico celebrará elecciones anticipadas el próximo 25 de enero tras perder tres votaciones en el Parlamento griego el candidato a la presidencia, Stavros Dimas.

    El favorito de los griegos es Syriza, actualmente principal partido de la oposición. La formación que lidera Alexis Tsipras tiene un ideario parecido a Podemos e Izquierda Unida en España.

    El portavoz popular, José María Beneyto, estimó hoy en declaraciones a Europa Press que "la posible victoria de Syriza puede tener consecuencias negativas para el país, generando inestabilidad"...........................

  120. GRECE. L'Europe a la peur pour seule réponse ...

    Face à la probable arrivée du parti Syriza au pouvoir, l'attitude de l'Union européenne prouve qu'elle ne supporte plus la contradiction, aussi démocratique soit-elle.

    Le disque européen est rayé. Et il n’est pas sûr que les Grecs l’entendent avec la même oreille qu’en 2012. Depuis lundi et l’annonce d’élections législatives anticipées après le refus du Parlement d’élire le candidat du gouvernement à la présidence de la République, la musique des conservateurs locaux et des autorités européennes est la même qu’il y a trois ans : en dehors de l’austérité, point de salut, toute autre orientation conduirait le pays "à la catastrophe", au chaos de la sortie de l’euro.

    Visé cette fois : Syriza, le parti de la gauche radicale d’Alexis Tsipras, donné favori du scrutin de fin janvier précisément parce qu’il prône une rupture avec le dogme de l’austérité édicté par l’Union européenne. Peu importe que Syriza ait mis de l’eau dans son vin anti-européen : une fois de plus, la seule réponse apportée par Bruxelles et ses cousins du FMI ou de la Banque mondiale à la contradiction démocratique de leur doxa économique porte un mot : la peur....................

  121. Ukraine PM says he is sure IMF will continue funding, expects no private investment ...

    Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk said on Tuesday the IMF mission, which will arrive in Kiev on January 8, will continue to provide funding to the country.

    “I’m sure that there will be a new program with the IMF. Its purpose is to stabilize state finances and to support the trade balance,” he said.

    “We had previous programs with the IMF because we followed up on our words and carried out reforms,” Yatsenyuk said.

    This year the government has received $9 billion external aid and paid $14 billion, he said. “I don’t know what would happen if we did not pay our debts. But if we hadn't not fulfilled our obligations, there would be no aid,” Yatsenyuk said.................

  122. Israel und PalästinaNahost-Resolution scheitert an einer Stimme...

    Noch immer fehlt ein dauerhaftes Friedensabkommen in Nahost. Eine Uno-Resolution soll helfen - und das Ende der israelischen Besatzung im Westjordanland einleiten. Doch dafür fehlt eine einzige Stimme.

    Die USA und Australien stimmten am Dienstag bei einer kurzfristig einberufenen Sondersitzung in New York gegen das Papier. US-Außenminister John Kerry rief in den vergangenen Tagen die Außenminister von 13 Ländern an, um ihnen die US-Position zu erklären. Die USA verzichteten aber darauf, von ihrem Veto Gebrauch zu machen, um nicht wichtige arabische Verbündete gegen sich aufzubringen..................

  123. Palestinian UN envoy after resolution voted down: 'Security Council remains paralyzed' ...

    Palestinian observer Riyad Mansour said on Wednesday that the defeated Palestinian resolution calling for an Israeli withdrawal from Palestinian territories by late 2017 was the result of 3-1/2 months of efforts after the recent Israeli war against Hamas militants in the Gaza Strip. He said it was time to end the "abhorrent Israeli occupation and impunity that has brought our people so much suffering."

    "The result of today's vote shows that the Security Council as a whole is clearly not ready and willing to shoulder its responsibilities in a way that would...allow us to open the doors to peace," he said. "It is thus most regrettable that the Security Council remains paralyzed."..................

  124. 53 dead in Philippines flooding and landslides ...

    The death toll from flooding and landslides in the Philippines wrought by tropical storm Jangmi rose to 53, officials said, with some regions saying they were caught off guard by the deluge.

    In Catbalogan town in Samar province 19 people died in a landslide that left homes and vehicles buried under rocks and mud, local Mayor Stephany Uy-Tan said, adding that the town had been surprised by the landslide.

    "We did not expect a deluge. We thought the hill where the landslide hit was tough as rocks," she told AFP.

    "There was no evacuation, people were just advised to prepare for possible landslides," she said. "We need to check communication systems to find out what went wrong.".................

  125. Ucrania será “un país ejemplar" de la UE, afirma el primer ministro Yatseniuk ...

    El primer ministro ucraniano, Arseni Yatseniuk, expresó la seguridad de que Ucrania se convertirá en "un país ejemplar" de la Unión Europea.

    A finales de junio pasado, Ucrania firmó el convenio de asociación con la Unión Europea que supone crear una zona de libre comercio. En septiembre, el presidente ucraniano, Petró Poroshenko, presentó un conjunto de reformas denominada Estrategia 2020, que a su juicio deben permitir la solicitud de ingreso en la UE dentro de seis años.

    Aunque los expertos a su vez sostienen que Ucrania necesitará mucho más tiempo para ser admitida.

    "Tenemos la seguridad y la fe de que (…) Ucrania será un país ejemplar en la Unión Europea, un miembro ejemplar de la familia europea", declaró Yatseniuk al felicitar a los ciudadanos con motivo de Año Nuevo.

    También dijo que el pasaporte ucraniano les permitirá desplazarse libremente por toda Europa................


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