Τρίτη, 18 Απριλίου 2017

Idlib Chemical Incident: No One Asks for Antidotes Within Fortnight

In the course of two weeks since the alleged chemical attack in Syria's Khan Shaykhun, no one has asked for antidotes, the town is living its live, an the impact zone has not been identified, the Russian Defense Ministry's spokesman said on Tuesday.

"The impact zone in Khan Shaykhun, from where locals had to be evacuated, has not been identified. The town is living its life. Neither locals nor pseudo-rescuers have even asked for medicines, antidotes, decontaminants," Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov said.

"It is clear that, as in Iraq and Libya, there are simply no plans to carry out a qualified investigation in Khan Shaykhun by the current 'schemers' of the chemical attack," he added.

Two White Helmets volunteer group videos remain the only evidence of the incident.

"It has been exactly two weeks after the incident with the alleged use of chemical weapons in Khan Shaykhun. However, the only 'proof' of the use of chemical weapons remain only two White Helmets videos," Konashenkov said.

He pointed out that US, UK and European TV-channels have not shown yet even a single "hero rescuer"...............https://sptnkne.ws/egrn
***Dieu Créateur, considérez que nous ne nous entendons pas nous-même et que nous ne savons pas ce que nous voulons, et que nous nous éloignons infiniment de ce que nous désirons.
***Voilà l'homme tout entier, s'en prenant à sa chaussure alors que c'est son pied le coupable. Ca devient inquiétant. Un des larrons fut sauvé. C'est un pourcentage honnête.

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