Thursday, January 2, 2020

Turkey's parliament has passed a bill that will allow the government to deploy troops to Libya

Turkish lawmakers passed the bill on Thursday, with 325 in favour to 184 against.

Turkey is allied with Libya's UN-backed government, which is based in the capital, Tripoli.

The Libyan government has been fighting an insurgency by forces under Gen Khalifa Haftar, based in eastern Libya.

Egypt, which backs Gen Haftar, condemned Turkey's vote, saying it would "negatively affect the stability of the Mediterranean region".


  1. Western media sources unveiled that hundreds of Turkish regime’s mercenaries of the terrorists in Syria have arrived in Libya to participate in the battles there, few days after the information saying that Erdogan’s regime have transported groups of mercenaries who were positioning in Idleb and north of Syria to Libya...

    The French RF Radio affiliated to the French Government reported that the information on transporting mercenaries from Syria to Libya by Turkey have recurred, “one after the other,” after video clips were published showing them in the capital of Tripoli.

    The French radio quoted sources in the Libyan Mitiga airport as saying that a large number of Turkish regime’s mercenaries had arrived in Libya from Syria by unregistered flights.

    It added that between Friday and Sunday, four planes landed at Mitiga International Airport, bringing in terrorists of the Turkish regime’s mercenaries who were transported from Syria.....

  2. The Libyan National Army (LNA) said it shot down a Turkish drone over Tripoli, shortly after its leader General Khalifa Haftar called for a holy war against Turkey for supporting a rival government...

    On Friday, the LNA said it had shot down a Turkish drone south of Tripoli, the seat of the Government of National Accord (GNA). One report identified it as a Bayraktar TB2 armed drone, downed after targeting a column of LNA vehicles.

  3. General Khalifa Haftar has warned that his Libyan National Army (LNA) forces will mobilize to repel any foreign soldiers sent to Libya, after Turkey approved a troop deployment to assist the rival government in Tripoli.

    The general vowed to “confront and expel” foreign forces in a statement on Friday, singling out Ankara by name.

    “We declare jihad and general mobilization to counter the Turkish invasion,” Haftar said. “The Turkish friendly people must rise up against the adventurers who force their army to be wiped out in Libya.”

  4. El Parlamento en el este de Libia vota por la ruptura de relaciones con Turquía que decidió enviar tropas a este país

    1. El Parlamento de Libia, que respalda al mariscal y comandante del Ejército Nacional Libio (ENL), Jalifa Haftar, ha aprobado este 4 de enero la ruptura de relaciones con Turquía, días después de que Ankara votó este jueves por el envío de tropas a este país, informa Al Arabiya.

      La decisión fue tomada por unanimidad. Además, se ordenó cerrar las embajadas en ambos países.

    2. Парламент востока Ливии проголосовал за разрыв отношений с Турцией

  5. Στα Κοινοβούλια των χωρών του ΝΑΤΟ και άλλους διεθνείς κοινοβουλευτικούς φορείς θα απευθυνθεί η Αιγυπτιακή Βουλή για να καταγγείλει την απόφαση του Τουρκικού Κοινοβουλίου να εγκρίνει την ανάπτυξη στρατευμάτων στη Λιβύη...

    Την απόφαση να καταγγείλει στα Κοινοβούλια των χωρών του ΝΑΤΟ το Τουρκικό Κοινοβούλιο για την απόφασή του να εγκρίνει την ανάπτυξη τουρκικών στρατευμάτων στη Λιβύη, πήρε η Αιγυπτιακή Βουλή.

    Σε επείγουσα συνεδρίαση της Επιτροπής Εξωτερικών Υποθέσεων του Αιγυπτιακού Κοινοβουλίου, ο επικεφαλής της Επιτροπής Καρίμ Νταρουΐς δήλωσε ότι η επιτροπή εργάζεται για να απευθυνθεί στα Κοινοβούλια των χωρών του Βορειοατλαντικού Συμφώνου, καθώς η Τουρκία είναι μέλος του ΝΑΤΟ, για να τους διευκρινίσει το παράνομο της απόφασης της Τουρκίας και την απειλή που αυτή θέτει για την ειρήνη και την ασφάλεια στην περιοχή της Μεσογείου, γράφει η Egypt Independent.

  6. Saudi Arabia Slams Turkish Parliament's Decision to Allow Sending Troops to Libya

    1. En un comunicado publicado este sábado, Arabia Saudita expresó su "rechazo y condena" a la decisión del Parlamento de Turquía, que permitió desplazar a militares a Libia para ayudar al Gobierno de Acuerdo Nacional (GAN) en su conflicto con la Cámara de Representantes respaldada por el mariscal Jalifa Haftar.

      Riad considera que la medida constituye "una violación de las resoluciones del Consejo de Seguridad [de la ONU] sobre Libia que socava los esfuerzos internacionales destinados a resolver la crisis libia". Además, las autoridades del reino aseguran que la decisión de Ankara "representa una amenaza a la seguridad y estabilidad" tanto para el país africano como para la región en general.

  7. Al menos 28 personas murieron y varias decenas resultaron heridas en la noche de este sábado en un bombardeo a una academia militar de Trípoli por parte del Ejército Nacional Libio (ENL), encabezado por el mariscal Jalifa Haftar, informa Reuters citando al ministro de Salud del Gobierno de Acuerdo Nacional (GAN), que controla la capital libia.

    1. Twenty-three students were killed and dozens of people were injured by an airstrike on a military school in Libya’s capital of Tripoli, the Health Ministry of the GNA said on Sunday...

      "According to preliminary data, 23 students were killed", the ministry said.
      The military school is located in Tripoli’s southern Al-Hadba Al-Khadra district, which is controlled by the western-based GNA.

      Al-Jazeera reported earlier that 28 people had been killed in the raid, Local media echoed the death toll, sharing footage from an alleged scene after the attack.

  8. Turquía ya ha iniciado el desplazamiento de sus tropas a Libia, ha declarado este domingo el presidente turco, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, en una entrevista conjunta con CNN Turk y Channel D.

    Asimismo, indicó que los militares turcos no formarán la principal fuerza de combate en la operación planeada por Ankara.

    "Diferentes unidades combatientes operarán en Libia, no son nuestros soldados. Pero nuestros soldados lo coordinarán todo", señaló el mandatario.

    1. Президент Турции Реджеп Тайип Эрдоган объявил, что турецкие военные начинают выдвигаться в Ливию для поддержки Правительства национального согласия (ПНС) страны.

  9. El Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU mantendrá este 6 de enero unas consultas cerradas sobre la situación en Libia, comunicó a Sputnik una fuente en el organismo.

  10. Las fuerzas del Ejército Nacional libio bajo el mando del mariscal Jalifa Haftar entraron en la ciudad de Sirte, donde lograron tomar el control del puerto marítimo, declaró a Sputnik una fuente en las tropas del oficial.

    Según el interlocutor de Sputnik, en la primera fase de la operación se realizó un desembarco, que permitió ocupar el puerto.

    "Los destacamentos también ocuparon la base militar de Al Saadi, algunas áreas urbanas y ahora se dirigen al centro de la ciudad", dijo la fuente.

    1. Libyan National Army Enters Sirte, Takes Control Of Sea Port, Some City Areas - Army Source

    2. СМИ: Армия Хафтара взяла под контроль один из крупнейших районов Сирта

    3. Aref Ali Nayed, an envoy for the eastern Libyan government, said on Tuesday that the functioning of basic infrastructure services in the coastal town of Sirte, south of Tripoli, had been restored since the city was recaptured by the Libyan National Army (LNA) from rival forces.

      "Already schools and hospitals are reopened, police are everywhere. The interior ministry has effectively taken control of all the streets and key locations. It's already transformed from a military operation into policing operation. There is total security in the city now," Nayed said.

      He added that an emergency committee had been ordered to secure basic services from bread to medicine, clean water and maintaining the electrical and communications grid.

      Additionally, the envoy said the leadership of the city had gathered on Monday night to show support for the LNA.

      "All the social fabric and notables of Sirte gathered last night and made a public announcement welcoming the Libyan Army and the Libyan Parliament and it's legitimate government to Sirte, pledging support and also committing to social harmony, safety and well-being of all concerned," Nayed said.

  11. The Libyan National Army (LNA), headed by Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar, has announced the expansion of a no-fly-zone that now includes Tripoli's Mitiga Airport, LNA spokesman Ahmed Mismari said.
    “The LNA General Staff has declared the expansion of the previously established no-fly zone in Tripoli, which includes the airport of Mitiga starting from 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday”, Mismari said in a statement, posted on his Facebook page.
    The LNA called on airlines to respect the boundaries of the no-fly zone and not to put their planes “at the risk of destruction”.

    On 12 December, Haftar announced the beginning of a decisive battle in his campaign to seize Tripoli.

  12. El Ejército Nacional Libio (ENL), bajo el mando del mariscal Jalifa Haftar, se encuentra a tan solo unos kilómetros del centro de Trípoli, sede del Gobierno de Unidad Nacional, informó a Sputnik el enviado del Gobierno interino del este de Libia, Aref Ali Nayed.
    "El ENL ya se encuentra en Trípoli, a unos pocos kilómetros del centro", dijo Nayed.

    El político declaró que "el aumento del apoyo popular al ENL tras la firma de los acuerdos ilegales entre [el presidente turco Recep Tayyip] Erdogan y [el jefe del Gobierno de Unidad Nacional de Libia Fayez] Sarraj propició el avance del ENL en Sirte y Trípoli".


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