Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Breaking News - Latest news - Flash News [October 2014(B)]

Breaking News - Latest news - Flash News
(as comments 14.10.14 - ............)
[October 2014(B)]

Etant donné l'existence telle qu'elle jaillit des récents travaux publics de Poinçon et Wattmann, d'un Dieu personnel quaquaquaqua à barbe blanche quaqua, hors du temps , de l'étendue, qui du haut de sa divine apathie, sa divine athambie, sa divine aphasie nous aime bien à quelques expression près; on ne sait pourquoi mais ça viendra et souffre à l'instar de la divine Miranda avec ceux qui sont.
On ne sait pourquoi mais on a le temps dans le tourment, dans les feux , dont les feux, les flammes pour peu que ca dure............En attendant Godot


  1. Syrian Kurds accuse Turkey of refusing to transfer injured fighters to hospitals at border...

    With medical supplies depleted in the war-ravaged north Syrian town of Kobane, Kurdish activist Blesa Omar rushed three comrades wounded in battle against Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) straight to the border to dispatch them to a Turkish hospital.

    He spent the next four hours watching them die, one by one, from what he believes were treatable shrapnel wounds, while Turkish border guards refused to let them through the frontier.

    "To me it is clear they died because they waited so long. If they had received help, even up to one hour before their deaths, they could have lived," said Omar, 34, an ethnic Kurd originally from Iraq who holds Swedish nationality.

    "Once the soldiers realised they were dead, they said, 'Now you can cross with the bodies.' I cannot forget that. It was total chaos, it was a catastrophe," he said, choking back tears..............http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/syrian-kurds-accuse-turkey-of-refusing-to-transfer-injured-fighters-to-hospitals-at-border.aspx?pageID=238&nID=72966&NewsCatID=352

  2. How the European Social Fund and the Youth Employment Initiative support Youth Guarantee Schemes...

    Italian Presidency Conference “Youth Guarantee: First Results”
    Rome, 14 October 2014
    Minister Poletti,
    Ladies and Gentlemen,
    As President Barroso said at last week's Milan meeting on "Employment in Europe", we need to address the dramatic issue of Youth Unemployment which is one of the most important challenges facing the European Union today.

    Indeed, our young people have largely borne the brunt of the protracted economic crisis. Five million young people under 25 are currently unemployed in Europe. An additional 7.5 million are neither in employment, education nor training. If we include those aged up to 29, the number of the so-called NEETs rises to approximately 14 million.

    The EU's economic outlook remains relatively bleak, with no strong economic recovery in sight.

    This means that we cannot hope for spontaneous job creation at a sufficient scale to ensure a job-rich recovery. Therefore, it is important to put in place strong employment policies which support both the quality of the labour supply and the demand for labour.

    The Youth Guarantee is a prime example of such a comprehensive policy, and I consider it one of the key achievements of the Barroso II Commission...............http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_SPEECH-14-694_en.htm?locale=en

    1. Les eurodéputés gagnent jusqu'à 18 millions en plus que leur salaire...

      Sur les 751 membres du Parlement européen, 398 (53%) disposent de revenus en plus de leur traitement en tant que député. Au total, ils gonflent leur salaire annuel d'un montant qui varie entre 5,8 et 18,3 millions d'euros, a affirmé lundi Transparency International, qui a analysé les chiffres et les publie sur un nouveau site internet: www.integritywatch.eu.
      L'ONG a récolté toutes les informations disponibles sur les "à-côtés" des eurodéputés. Elle s'est basée essentiellement sur les déclarations d'intérêts financiers que tout eurodéputé doit déposer. Les intérêts privés qui viennent à la surface sont "de manière alarmante élevés", affirme Transparency International. 175 députés européens reçoivent chaque mois plus de 500 euros pour des activités extra-parlementaires, douze d'entre eux gagnent même plus de 10.000 euros. Une députée, la libérale française Nathalie Griesbeck, déclare pas moins de 68 mandats et gagne ainsi jusqu'à 33.000 euros par mois................http://www.rtl.be/info/monde/europe/1132465/les-eurodeputes-gagnent-jusqu-a-18-millions-en-plus-que-leur-salaire

  3. Huge Earthquake Could Hit San Francisco Any Day: Report...

    A new study suggests the San Francisco Bay Area is due for another major earthquake.

    According to the data, four major faults in the region are moving along the surface and are primed to collide in a huge way. These stressed faults “are locked and loaded,” geophysicist James Lienkaemper, lead author of the study published online Tuesday in the Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, told the Wall Street Journal.

    However, Lienkaemper added, “nature doesn’t tell us when she’s going to pull the trigger.”

    The faults of concern, all of which run under urban areas, are the Hayward (between Suisun Bay and San Jose), the Calaveras (from Hollister to Danville), the Green Valley (near Richmond and Fremont) and the Rodgers Creek (in Sonoma County).

    Lienkaemper explained to NBC News that if the faults are locked as they appear, one of them will eventually give way as the Pacific Plate moves past the North American Plate, causing quakes anywhere from magnitude 6.8 to 7.1. That's right in the range of the Loma Prieta earthquake 25 years ago, which took 63 lives.

    Lienkaemper estimates a nearly 70 percent chance that one of those faults will pop within the next three decades, and he named the Hayward fault as the most likely to rupture...........http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/10/14/san-francisco-earthquake-study_n_5984772.html

  4. Ukraine plans to build gas pipeline to Poland to get European gas...

    Ukraine plans to build a 110-kilometer-long gas pipeline for a yearly transit of up to 10 billion cubic meters of gas from Poland, the UNIAN news agency reports.

    The project is estimated at $245 million. Radoslaw Dudzinski, deputy chairman of the board of Polish Polenergia, told a Baltic business form in Poland that the gas pipeline could become operational in 2019-2020................http://en.itar-tass.com/economy/754447

  5. Several thousands of protesters in Kiev demand salary increase...

    Several thousands of representatives of the Federation of Trade Unions of Ukraine on Wednesday demanded the working people’s rights be observed.

    They gathered for a peaceful protest action at the government building with the trade unions’ symbols and banners. Slogans say “No Poverty in Ukraine”, “Stop Anti-Social Aggression”, “STOP Attack on Working People’s Rights”, “Reforms for Interests of People and not Oligarchs”, “For Decent Work and Fair Salary”, “Working Man High Value of Country”.

    Several dozens of law enforcers ensure security of the government’s building...............http://en.itar-tass.com/world/754525

  6. China blocks BBC website amid Hong Kong protests...

    The BBC's website was blocked in China on Wednesday, a day after a video of Hong Kong police beating and kicking a pro-democracy protester began circulating online.

    Time appears to move the BE the British Broadcaster's website HAS been the first completely Blocked in China since December 2 010, when it was Nobel Peace Prize Award Inaccessible for days ahead of the ceremony for Chinese Dissident Liu Xiaobo .

    The BBC's Chinese-language website has been blocked in China since it was launched in 1999, aside from a few months around the time of the 2008 Beijing Olympics.

    "Extra censorship in mainland China today," the BBC's Asia bureau chief Jo Floto wrote in a Twitter posting today, noting authorities also have a "usual practice of blacking out BBC World during Hong Kong reports".Floto wrote in a Twitter posting today, noting authorities also have a "usual practice of blacking out BBC World during Hong Kong reports".................http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/world/china/China-blocks-BBC-website-amid-Hong-Kong-protests/articleshow/44826052.cms

  7. Putin warns U.S. spat over Ukraine threatens global stability ...

    President Vladimir Putin warned Washington that a spat between nuclear powers over the Ukraine crisis could threaten global stability and said in remarks published on Wednesday that Russia would not be "blackmailed" by sanctions.

    Taking a tough line on the eve of talks with Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko in Milan, Putin said the sanctions imposed by the United States and the European Union over Moscow's role in the crisis were hindering peace moves.................http://www.todayonline.com/world/putin-warns-us-spat-over-ukraine-threatens-global-stability

  8. Le Premier ministre ukrainien Arseni Iatseniouk a déclaré que Kiev désignait unilatéralement une ligne de la frontière avec la Russie dans certains endroits...

    La longueur de la frontière entre la Russie et l'Ukraine est d’environ 2300 kilomètres.

    Le ministère russe des Affaires étrangères a antérieurement déclaré qu’il n’y avait pas de problèmes entre la Russie et l'Ukraine en ce qui concerne la délimitation de la frontière de l'État, parce que les accords relatifs étaient signés par les parties et la frontière était complètement délimitée.
    Lire la suite: http://french.ruvr.ru/news/2014_10_15/Kiev-designe-unilateralement-une-ligne-de-la-frontiere-avec-la-Federation-de-Russie-Iatseniouk-0345/

  9. Putin Warns Western Companies of Permanently Losing Place on Russian Markets...

    It will be difficult for Western companies to come back to Russian markets as their refusal to cooperate with Russia under sanctions would seriously damage their reputation, Russian President Vladimir Putin said.

    "It is obvious that the decline in mutual confidence is bound to have a negative impact on both the international business climate in general and on the operation of European and American companies in Russia, bearing in mind that such companies will find it difficult to recover from reputational damage," Putin said in an interview with Serbian newspaper Politika ahead of his visit to Belgrade, scheduled for October 16...............http://en.ria.ru/world/20141015/194128850/Putin-Warns-Western-Companies-of-Permanently-Losing-Place-on-Russian-Markets.html

  10. U.S. says ISIS made ‘substantial gains’ in Iraq...

    Militants of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) have scored “substantial gains” in Iraq despite a continuous U.S.-led air campaign, a senior U.S. official said on Wednesday.

    The group “has made substantial gains in Iraq,” and it will take time to build up local forces that could defeat them in Syria and Iraq, John Allen, a retired four-star U.S. general, told reporters, according to AFP.

    Although the Iraqi government and Kurdish forces succeeded in halting or pushing back ISIS in some key areas including around Mosul dam, the militant group had “tactical momentum” in other areas, Allen said............http://english.alarabiya.net/en/News/middle-east/2014/10/15/ISIS-made-substantial-gains-in-Iraq-U-S-.html

  11. Collected Department Releases: Feeding our Growing Planet by Opening More Markets...

    Charles H. Rivkin
    Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs
    Des Moines Register
    When people ask pointed questions about the United States – from its role in the world to its future in this globalized century – they need look no further than the corn and soybean fields of Iowa and the great American heartland. They feed the dinner tables of the world, they bring jobs to America, and they speak to who we are as a people.

    But there’s more. American agriculture, from our farmers to our seed companies to our manufacturers and distributors, is one of our nation’s most valuable assets – not only because it does all these things, but because it remains an indispensable leader in our collective food security efforts.

    Secretary Kerry has long recognized that – in his words – “economic policy is foreign policy.” And that’s why my bureau – the Economic and Business Affairs Bureau of the U.S. Department of State – is doing everything it can to support American agriculture, from opening markets to advocating for American business interests from our many embassies around the world.

    We recognize good numbers when we see them. The agricultural sector has enjoyed its five strongest years in trade in the history of the United States. Its exports grew from $98.5 billion in 2009 to $144.1 billion in 2013, and its trade supports almost one million jobs at home................http://www.state.gov/e/eb/rls/rm/2014/233030.htm

  12. Le gouvernement ukrainien licencie 39 fonctionnaires de haut rang suite à l'entrée en vigueur de la loi dite de "lustration" permettant de pratiquer un grand nettoyage au sein des instances dirigeantes du pays, a annoncé jeudi le premier ministre ukrainien Arseni Iatseniouk.....

    "Conformément à la norme de la loi sur le nettoyage du pouvoir, le gouvernement limoge 39 fonctionnaires de haut rang", a déclaré M.Iatseniouk en ouverture d'une réunion de son gouvernement.

    Et d'ajouter qu'il ne s'agissait pour le moment que de la première étape des licenciements en vertu de la loi de lustration.

    Selon les autorités ukrainiennes, la loi d'"épuration politique" permettra de faire le ménage au sein de l'appareil d'Etat afin de "rétablir la crédibilité du pouvoir et de créer des conditions pour la mise en place d'un nouveau système d'Etat", conforme aux normes européennes.....................Lire la suite: http://french.ruvr.ru/news/2014_10_16/Ukraine-nettoyage-du-pouvoir-39-hauts-fonctionnaires-limoges-Iatseniouk-0233/

  13. Nepal: Annapurna Circuit snow and avalanche deaths reach 28...

    At least 28 people have died on a key Nepali hiking route, officials say, after blizzards struck at the height of the Himalayan climbing season.

    There are fears the final toll will be higher. Nine bodies were found on Thursday and about 220 people have been rescued, but many are still missing.

    Nepalese, Israeli, Canadian, Indian, Slovak and Polish trekkers are among those killed.

    Severe rain and snow in Nepal appear linked to a recent cyclone in India.

    Tuesday's exceptional weather was said to be part of the remnants of Cyclone Hudhud.

    Most of the deaths happened when a blizzard hit a point on the Annapurna Circuit, a well-known trekking route in central Nepal.............http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-29640241

  14. Donetsk Republic deputy PM praises Ukrainian president's special status law...

    The self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic intends to “follow its way” despite the law on Donbass’ special status, chairman of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) Supreme Council Boris Litvinov told TASS on Friday.

    “The quintessence of this document is that, if I don’t make a mistake, we’re indicated to hold elections to local bodies of power - to rural, settlement, district and town councils on December 7. On the former Donetsk region’s territory the city council has not already fulfilled its functions in April. It did not hear the population’s request to put forth an initiative on Ukraine’s federalisation. Nobody will elect a regional council. Nobody will elect new bodies of power with a special status. We’re following our way,” Litvinov said.

    The republic intends to hold elections of its head and the People’s Council on November 2. “We’re following this way. We’re electing our supreme legislative and executive power in the nationwide elections,” he said.

    Earlier, the first deputy premier of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) said, Andrei Purgin, said the signing of the law on a special status for Donbass - the Donetsk and Luhansk regions in eastern Ukraine seeking independence from Kiev - was a positive step........http://en.itar-tass.com/world/754884

  15. China concerned about Japan shrine actions...

    China's foreign ministry expressed serious concern on Friday after Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe sent a ritual offering to Tokyo's Yasukuni Shrine.

    "China is seriously concerned about and resolutely opposed to the negative tendencies which have appeared in Japan regarding the Yasukuni Shrine," the ministry said in a statement in response to a question on Abe's offering....... REUTERS.......http://www.todayonline.com/world/china-concerned-about-japan-shrine-actions

  16. Griechen waren zu optimistisch: Land wird "ohne Absprache mit den Partnern im Euroland" nicht an den Kapitalmarkt zurückkehren...

    Nach den jüngsten Turbulenzen an den griechischen Börsen versucht die Regierung in Athen, die Anleger zu beruhigen. Das Land werde "ohne Absprache mit den Partnern im Euroland" keine Schritte zurück an die Geldmärkte machen. "Das sollte allen klar sein", sagte ein hoher Funktionär der Nachrichtenagentur dpa am Freitag.

    Zuletzt erklärte Athen immer wieder, das Land könne es ohne Hilfe der Geldgeber-Troika schaffen und schrittweise an die Märkte zurückkehren. Bei den derzeitigen hohen Renditen schließen Experten dies aber aus. Regierungschef Antonis Samaras erklärte am Freitag aus Mailand im griechischen Fernsehen, Athen verhandle bereits auch um "eine vorsorgliche Kreditlinie des Euro-Rettungsschirms ESM". Einzelheiten nannte er nicht.............http://kurier.at/wirtschaft/finanzen/griechen-waren-zu-optimistisch/91.769.838

  17. Ukrainian troops kill their own soldiers in fighting for Donetsk airport...

    As a result of either errors or negligence, a company of Ukrainian security services that launched an attack on the terminal of the Donetsk airport came under artillery shelling.

    The Ukrainian troops launched a massive attack on the new airport terminal in Donetsk, said RIA Novosti. A column of military equipment and about a hundred people went to the runway of the airport from the direction of the village of Peski. The local militia forces tried to halt the offensive, but all of a sudden, the Ukrainian side opened fire on their own advancing column.

    Thus, the Ukrainian troops destroyed a company of Ukrainian servicemen almost completely.

    Donetsk militia leaders conduct OSCE-mediated talks to deliver the dead bodies to Kiev.

    The fighting for the Donetsk Airport continues. Militias control several buildings of the airport. The Ukrainian troops are concentrated in the surrounding area - in the village of Peski and in the settlement of Avdeyevka.

  18. Palestinians slow to win support for end-of-occupation bid at UN...

    A senior Palestinian official says the PA is waiting for a change in the Security Council’s makeup to get the nine votes it needs.

    The Palestinians are having problems in their efforts to urge nine members of the UN Security Council to support a motion for a timetable mandating the end of the occupation, chief negotiator Saeb Erekat has told Palestinian media.................http://www.haaretz.com/news/diplomacy-defense/.premium-1.621212

  19. La rencontre entre Poutine et Porochenko ...

    Une rencontre bilatérale entre les présidents russe et ukrainien Vladimir Poutine et Porochenko a commencé à Milan. Elle se déroule à huis-clos.

    Précédemment, les présidents participaient sous le « format normand », avec la participation du président français François Hollande et la chancelière allemande Angela Merkel.

    Poutine évoquera en marges du sommet avec le chef de la Commission européenne José Manuel Barroso et le chef du ministère des Affaires étrangères de l'Australie Julie Bishop. En outre, le président russe a également eu des discussions avec le président roumain Traian Basescu.
    Lire la suite: http://french.ruvr.ru/news/2014_10_17/La-rencontre-entre-Poutine-et-Porochenko-9128/

  20. Putin: Minsk Agreements on Ukraine Must Be Strictly Implemented...

    The agreements signed in Minsk should be a reference point for resolving the crisis in Ukraine and should be strictly implemented, Russian President Vladimir Putin told journalists Friday.

    "The reference point in the Ukraine [crisis] resolution…should, of course, be the Minsk agreements. I want to note that, unfortunately, these agreements are not being fully implemented by either side," Putin said after meeting with Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko in Milan.

    "I presume that all parties [to the Ukrainian conflict] will strive to ensure that all of the agreements are fully implemented," the Russian President added.

  21. Sweden's military investigates 'suspicious underwater activity'...

    (Reuters) - Sweden's military said on Friday it was searching an area of the sea around the Stockholm archipelago after a report on "suspicious underwater activity".

    The search in the Baltic Sea evokes memories in Sweden of the stranding in 1981 of the Soviet submarine U137 deep inside Swedish waters, which sparked intense suspicion about the scale and motives of such incursions.

    "The Armed Forces have on Friday received information about alien underwater activity in the Stockholm archipelago," the military said in a statement on Friday.............http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/10/17/us-sweden-deployment-idUSKCN0I61UZ20141017?feedType=RSS&feedName=worldNews

    1. Sweden’s armed forces have deployed planes and ships in the waters near the country’s capital due to possible “foreign underwater activity” in the Stockholm archipelago, said the country’s military....

      The counter-intelligence operation was carried on Friday night and will continue all Saturday, the country’s military said.

      "This will continue until we consider that we are done," Jesper Tengroth, press officer for the Swedish army, told Swedish TT news agency, as cited by The Local.

      He added that Sweden’s forces are now trying "to verify the information we received yesterday, which we assess comes from trustworthy sources, and see whether it has any substance or not."............./rt.com/news/197112-sweden-troops-underwater-threat/

  22. Hurricane Gonzalo pounds Bermuda with strong storms...

    Hurricane Gonzalo has hit Bermuda with winds of about 175km/h (110mph).

    The US National Hurricane Center (NHC) has warned of high winds and "life-threatening storm surge" the after the eye of the hurricane passed the British Atlantic territory.

    Eighty per cent of the island chain has lost power because of the hurricane, Reuters quotes Bermuda Electric Light Company as saying.

    Bermuda, an affluent insurance hub, frequently sees strong tropical storms.

    "I wish everyone all the best for the next 24 hours. Good luck and look after each other," Governor George Ferguson said in an emergency broadcast ahead of Hurricane Gonzalo's arrival...............http://www.bbc.com/news/world-29669226

  23. Tornados Attacking in Swarms. Is Climate Change to Blame?...

    Tornados are among the most frightening storms, in part because of their destructive power but also because of their unpredictability. You can track and prepare for a hurricane, but tornados strike quickly and with little warning. And unlike hurricanes, tornados have no specific season.

    And if it seems to you that tornado incidents have been bigger and scarier recently, you’re right, says a team of researchers in a new study published today in Science. While it found that tornados haven’t increased in number and, in fact, the number of days on which tornados are occurring has decreased, the appearance of tornados in clusters has risen. That means if one tornado touches down, more are likely to occur in quick succession in the same geographic area. And scientists are asking if climate change is to blame..............http://ecowatch.com/2014/10/17/tornado-swarms-climate-change/

  24. Mysterious US spaceplane returns to Earth...

    A US plane on a top-secret, two-year mission to space has returned to Earth and landed in California.

    The aircraft, resembling a miniature space shuttle and known as the Orbital Test Vehicle or X-37B, spent 674 days in orbit around the planet.

    It touched down at Vandenberg Air Force Base on Friday morning.

    The purpose of the plane remains unclear - a theory that it was taking a look at China's space lab has recently been downplayed by experts.

    Air Force officials have only told US media the aircraft performs "risk reduction, experimentation and concept-of-operations development for reusable space vehicle technologies"................http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-29669205

  25. Nel Parlamento italiano è stato creato il gruppo "Amici di Putin"...

    Al Parlamento italiano è stato creato un gruppo trasversale chiamato "Amici di Putin". Secondo il servizio stampa della Camera dei Deputati, l’iniziativa è stata presentata da Paolo Grimaldi, rappresentante dell’opposizione, membro del partito autonomista "Lega Nord".

    "Putin è rispettato dai rappresentanti delle diverse forze politiche", ha detto il politico. Secondo Grimaldi, in questi ultimi anni il peso politico di Putin, soprattutto se confrontarlo con il disastro dell'amministrazione Obama, è diventato ancora più evidente.
    Per saperne di più: http://italian.ruvr.ru/news/2014_10_18/Nel-Parlamento-italiano-e-stato-creato-il-gruppo-Amici-di-Putin-7376/

  26. Opposition Candidate Surpasses Brazil’s President in Opinion Poll Ahead of Runoff...

    Brazil's President Dilma Rousseff is reportedly losing ground ahead of the runoff and has been surpassed by the opposition candidate Aecio Neves, the recent poll conducted by Sensus revealed.

    According to the poll by Sensus research institute published on Friday, 56.4 percent of those who were asked would cast their votes for Neves, president of the Brazilian Social Democracy Party, whereas 43.6 percent would vote for the incumbent, leader of the Workers' Party.

    However, Rousseff enjoyed the narrow majority of 45 percent of votes against Neves' 43 percent in the polls released earlier this week by Brazil's Datafolha and Ibope polling institutions.............http://en.ria.ru/world/20141018/194250440/Opposition-Candidate-Surpasses-Brazils-President-in-Opinion-Poll.html

  27. Greece's anti-bailout party leads conservatives, margin slips: poll...

    Greece's radical leftist Syriza party would beat Prime Minister Antonis Samaras' New Democracy party if an election were held today, but its lead has slipped, said an opinion poll published on Saturday.

    Syriza is deeply opposed to an international bailout that has allowed Greece to avoid a debt default in return for a package of tough austerity measures and economic reform.

    A Metron Analysis survey for Parapolitika newspaper said support for Syriza was running at 32.9 percent against 26.1 percent for New Democracy and 4.7 percent for the Socialist PASOK party, which is in Samaras' coalition government...............http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/10/18/us-greece-poll-idUSKCN0I70BN20141018?feedType=RSS&feedName=worldNews

  28. Obama calls for end to Ebola 'hysteria'...

    US President Barack Obama told Americans on Saturday not to "give in to hysteria or fear" over the deadly Ebola virus, calling for patience and a sense of perspective.

    In his weekly address to the nation, Obama also played down the idea of a travel ban from West Africa, the epicenter of the outbreak, saying such restrictions would only exacerbate the crisis.

    "All of us — citizens, leaders, the media — have a responsibility and a role to play," Obama said.............http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/world/us/Obama-calls-for-end-to-Ebola-hysteria/articleshow/44868200.cms

  29. U.S., four European countries call for end to violence in Libya....

    (Reuters) - The United States and four European countries jointly called on Saturday for an end to violence in Libya.

    The governments of France, Italy, Germany, Britain and the United States said in a statement that they "agree that there is no military solution to the Libyan crisis" and expressed dismay that calls for a ceasefire had not been respected............http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/10/19/us-libya-security-allies-idUSKCN0I800320141019?feedType=RSS&feedName=worldNews

  30. Lavrov: Russia cannot lose Ukraine...

    Ukraine is the closest fraternal nation for Russia with which it has “common historical, cultural and civilization roots, the same world outlook as well as language and literature, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said in an interview with Russia’s NTV television channel.

    “We cannot lose Ukraine because it is not confined to a group of persons who committed a state coup and seized power; it is not confined to the Nazis who continue marching in Kiev and other big cities committing acts of vandalism, destroying monuments and glorifying Hitler’s accomplices,” Lavrov said.

    “What’s happening in relations between our presidents proves that we are going to find the way out of the crisis anyway and will help the Ukrainian brothers to agree on how they should build and develop their country,” the Russian foreign minister told NTV.

    He said that Russia would support all efforts designed to implement the agreements, including those reached in Minsk that are already being implemented, and those that were reached with participation of Russia, the United States and the European Union in Geneva this year...........http://en.itar-tass.com/russia/755207

  31. Russian foreign minister: Russia, US have many bilateral problems...

    Relations between Russia and the United States are complicated both in terms of “the essence of issues we are split over, discuss and trying to solve” and in terms of “the atmosphere that has formed due to obvious reasons,” Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said in an interview with Russia’s NTV television channel.

    Most of proposals coming from the U.S. side are oriented towards their own interests, he said, adding that Russia “as a rule, tries to reckon with their approaches and find a balance of such interests,” while advancing its proposals.

    “This is a very difficult work, encompassing, naturally, the current situation in the Middle East and North Africa. We are cooperating on a very difficult problem of Iran’s nuclear programme, we are part of the structure that has been set up to tackle the yet ‘frozen’ problem of the Korean Peninsula’s non-nuclear status, we are discussing the entire agenda of the United Nations Security Council,” Lavrov noted, adding that Ukraine-related topics are always present at talks with all partners. “So, issues of the international agenda only are packed with contradictory approaches and we have to look for compromises. We have always been ready for that.”

    The Russian foreign minister noted that Russia and the United States had a range of bilateral problems too. “Our relations are complicated, being not merely in a state of freeze but, in a range of areas, in a dead end, where we arrived long before the Ukrainian crisis,” he said. Among such problems he cited talks on further reduction and limitation of strategic offensive arms the Americans are seeking to resume...........http://en.itar-tass.com/russia/755208

  32. S.Korea, DPRK exchange fire near border: Yonhap...

    SEOUL, Oct. 19 (Xinhua) -- Militaries from South Korea and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) exchanged fires on Sunday across their border near the Paju city in Gyeonggi Province, Yonhap news agency reported.

    South Korea's Joint Chiefs of Staff said South Korea fired warning shots to the DPRK border post at around 5:40 p.m. local time (0840 GMT) when the DPRK soldiers were approaching the military demarcation line in Paju, according to the Yonhap. The South Korean side has broadcast warning messages before the firing.

    The DPRK military fired back and the gun fight lasted for around 10 minutes. No casualties of the South Korean soldiers were reported so far, Yonhap quoted the Joint Chiefs of Staff as saying.

    It added that South Korea has withdrawn tourists and farmers near its fortified border with the DPRK.

    1. Seoul expects high-level talks with North Korea to resume this month....

      Seoul hopes a second round of high-level inter-Korean talks will start at the end of the month despite growing tensions in relations between South Korea and North Korea in the recent days, South Korean Unification Ministry spokesman Lim Byeong-cheol said on Monday.

      North Korea has not responded to Seoul’s offer to hold talks at the deputy ministerial level on October 30, he said.

      The spokesman said earlier, the two Koreas had already agreed on holding talks in late October - early November...........http://en.itar-tass.com/world/755244

  33. Bombardamento a Donetsk: 4 civili uccisi ...

    Almeno quattro civili sono stati uccisi e nove feriti negli ultimi giorni a causa dei bombardamenti su Donetsk da parte dei militari ucraini. Tutta la notte di domenica in città non sono cessati gli spari.

    Nell’epicentro dell’attacco si sono trovati i quartieri di Petrovskij, Kirovskij, Kujbyshevskij e Kievskij, molte case sono state distrutte dalle granate. Secondo le Nazioni Unite dall’inizio fino al 15 ottobre, il numero delle vittime del conflitto è di circa 3.700 i civili, ed oltre 9 mila sono i feriti. Con la mediazione della Federazione Russa e dell'OSCE le milizie e le forze di sicurezza hanno concordato un cessate il fuoco dal 5 settembre. In generale, è stato osservato, tuttavia le parti si accusano reciprocamente di violarlo regolarmente.
    Per saperne di più: http://italian.ruvr.ru/news/2014_10_19/Bombardamento-a-Donetsk-4-civili-uccisi-9525/

  34. Kobane: US drops arms and aid to Kurds battling ISIS/ISIL ...

    US military aircraft have dropped weapons, ammunition and medical supplies to Kurdish fighters battling Islamic State (IS) militants in the key Syrian town of Kobane.

    US Central Command said C-130 transport aircraft had made "multiple" drops of supplies provided by Kurdish authorities in Iraq.

    US air strikes have helped push back IS in the town near the Turkish border.

    Correspondents say the airdrops are likely to anger key US ally Turkey............http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-29684761

  35. U.S. military says air-drops weapons for Kurdish fighters near Kobani...

    (Reuters) - The U.S. military said it had air-dropped arms to Syrian rebels fighting Islamic State militants near Kobani on Sunday in what appeared to be the Pentagon's first public acknowledgment it has provided lethal aid to the rebels.

    The U.S. Central Command said it had delivered weapons, ammunition and medical supplies to the Syrian rebels who for weeks have sought to stave off an onslaught by Islamic State fighters that have overrun swathes of Syria and Iraq this year..............http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/10/20/us-mideast-crisis-usa-airdrops-idUSKCN0I904X20141020?feedType=RSS&feedName=worldNews

  36. В пробе грунтовых вод с АЭС "Фукусима-1" зафиксирован рекордно высокий уровень радиации....

    Уровень радиации в грунтовых водах, извлеченных из технического колодца в районе первого и второго энергоблоков станции АЭС "Фукусима-1", достиг новых рекордно высоких показателей. Как сообщил оператор электростанции компания Tokyo Electric Power (TEPC), содержание изотопов цезия-134 и цезия-137 на литр воды в пробе, взятой 17 октября, составило 267 тыс. беккерелей...................http://itar-tass.com/mezhdunarodnaya-panorama/1518325

  37. Japanese PM accepts justice minister's resignation ...

    Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on Monday accepted resignation of Justice Minister Midori Matsushima who tendered the quit letter earlier in the day due to alleged election law violation, reported local media.

    Matsushima's resignation came after Trade Minister Yuko Obuchi' s quit from her post earlier the day over scandal of misuse of political funds.

    A senior official of Japan's major opposition Democratic Party of Japan filed a criminal complaint with prosecutors on Friday against Matsushima for alleged election law violation.

    Abe said he is responsible for appointing the two resigning ministers, both of them took the post early September during Abe's first cabinet reshuffle since he returned to power in December 2012, according to local report.

    The prime minister will also select two new ministers on Monday, said Japan's Kyodo News.

    Abe ushered in five female ministers, including Obuchi and Matsushima, during his cabinet reshuffle in efforts to make his cabinet a test field for promoting women's status and involvement in the society and workplace.

  38. Kerry in Southeast Asia seeking support against ISIL...

    U.S. State Secretary John Kerry, center, leaves the Parliament building after attending the inauguration ceremony of Indonesian President Joko Widodo in Jakarta, Indonesia, Monday, Oct. 20, 2014. AP Photo

    U.S. State Secretary John Kerry, center, leaves the Parliament building after attending the inauguration ceremony of Indonesian President Joko Widodo in Jakarta, Indonesia, Monday, Oct. 20, 2014. AP Photo
    US Secretary of State John Kerry arrived in Indonesia Monday to attend Joko Widodo's presidential inauguration and press Southeast Asian nations to step up their efforts in the fight against Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL).

    Kerry is among foreign dignitaries visiting Jakarta for the inauguration of Widodo, a former furniture exporter who is the first leader of the world's third-biggest democracy to come from outside the political and military elites.

    During his one-day visit, the United States' top diplomat will use a series of bilateral meetings to urge Widodo, known by his nickname Jokowi, and other Southeast Asian leaders to take more action against the growing threat from ISIL, officials said...........http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/kerry-in-southeast-asia-seeking-support-against-isil.aspx?pageID=238&nID=73212&NewsCatID=359

  39. Another revision of EU sanctions against Russia due October 28 — source...

    Another revision of the EU sanctions against Russia has been scheduled for October 28, a source has told TASS on the sidelines of the EU foreign minsters’ meeting in Luxembourg.

    A review of the situation in Ukraine in order to identify the possibility of a revision of sanctions will be held at a meeting of the EU Committee of Permanent Representatives on October 28. A decision whether to preserve or revise restrictive measures against Russia will be made depending on the analysis of the situation, the source said.

  40. En Ukraine, des législatives sur fond de marasme économique...

    Une industrie paralysée, des prix qui s'envolent, un conflit gazier avec le voisin russe: le Parlement qui sortira des législatives de dimanche en Ukraine héritera d'une situation économique dramatique, que le conflit dans l'Est ne cesse d'aggraver.

    La majorité prooccidentale attendue devra voter des réformes économiques radicales afin de sortir le pays du gouffre et d'assainir ses finances, dont des mesures de rigueur budgétaire douloureuses pour une population déjà touchée de plein fouet par la crise. "Bien sûr, la situation est difficile, je ne peux rien vous dire de positif", soupire Evguénia Fedorivna.

    Cette retraitée vend des sacs, disposés à même le sol sur les marches qui mènent au marché Jytny dans le centre de Kiev. D'autres personnes âgées, à côté, vendent des noix ou des volailles. Les clients se font rares. "Il y a moins d'argent, les prix sont élevés", constate la vieille femme aux yeux clairs, fichu vert sur la tête. "Vu la situation, avec la guerre et les réfugiés, les choses ne vont pas s'arranger tout de suite après les élections, mais je crois à une amélioration petit à petit, je fais confiance en la jeunesse et en (Petro) Porochenko", le président prooccidental élu en mai.................http://www.rtbf.be/info/monde/detail_en-ukraine-des-legislatives-sur-fond-de-marasme-economique?id=8382093

  41. Employment: Progress Microfinance loans worth €182 million given to over 20,000 entrepreneurs for start-ups and expansion ...

    More than 20,000 entrepreneurs have already benefited from loans and guarantees worth a total of €182 million under the European Progress Microfinance Facility, according to the latest European Commission report about the implementation of this financial instrument. In particular, the report finds that Progress Microfinance has significantly contributed to job creation, by enabling credit for unemployed or inactive people struggling to borrow money from financial institutions. The new microfinance financial instrument set to begin in the second half of 2014 under the Programme for Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI) will build on this experience.

    European Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion László Andor said: "By helping people to become entrepreneurs, the European Progress Microfinance Facility is an effective instrument to support people from disadvantaged groups in their efforts to get back to work and integrate into society. Raising the money needed to start new businesses can be difficult for the unemployed, young people and minorities, but small loans such as the ones Progress Microfinance is providing can make a big difference for would-be entrepreneurs who might otherwise never be able to put their creativity at work." ..............http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_IP-14-1178_en.htm?locale=en

  42. Lavrov: la Russia è pronta a fornire droni per monitorare il Donbass ...

    La Russia è pronta a fornire droni e uomini per monitorare la situazione nel Donbass, ha dichiarato il ministro degli Esteri russo Sergej Lavrov.

    Ha osservato che la missione speciale di osservatori OSCE ha chiesto ulteriori forniture di attrezzature, veicoli blindati e droni.

    Secondo il capo della diplomazia russa, proposte simili sono state fatte da Francia, Germania e Italia.
    Per saperne di più: http://italian.ruvr.ru/news/2014_10_20/Lavrov-la-Russia-e-pronta-a-fornire-droni-per-monitorare-il-Donbass-0044/

  43. Issue of EU aid to Kiev to pay off gas debt not discussed — Lithuanian minister...

    The EU foreign ministers are not expected to discuss on Monday a possibility of providing an additional aid to Kiev to pay off its gas debt, Lithuanian Foreign Minister Linas Linkevicius has said.

    Answering a question, whether Lithuania supports the possibility of using the additional €2 billion in financial aid that Ukraine has requested from the European Commission, the minister said: “This issue is not being discussed now, I cannot comment on this.”

    Russia estimates Ukraine’s debt for the gas already consumed at $5.5 billion.

    At the summit of the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) in Italy’s Milan, President Vladimir Putin said that Russia is ready to reconsider the sum offering a $100 discount on each 1,000 cubic meters of gas. Thus, the debt will stand at $4.5 billion...............http://en.itar-tass.com/economy/755342

  44. Lithuania Sees No Reason for EU to Ease Anti-Russian Sanctions: Prime Minister ...

    The European Union is not going to reverse its sanction policy in relation to Russia, Lithuanian Prime Minister Linas Antanas Linkevicius said Monday.

    "Now it will not be discussed. I believe we will keep the same position. We will not lift any sanctions," the diplomat told reporters before the EU Foreign Affairs Council meeting in Luxembourg.

    "Any further steps are not being discussed but it is not excluded that in the course of the events if we still will be witnessing this deterioration and no political will or contradiction with the statements and what's going on the ground … we have to take decisions and technically we should need a consensus so I cannot guarantee what will go but I personally believe we have to extend further sanctions and pressure on the Russian government in order to make some difference," Linkevicius said................http://en.ria.ru/world/20141020/194329955/Lithuania-Sees-No-Reason-for-EU-to-Ease-Anti-Russian-Sanctions.html

  45. Commission assesses progress by Turkey in visa dialogue....

    Today the Commission presented its first report on progress by Turkey in fulfilling the requirements set in its visa liberalisation roadmap.

    "This first report shows that Turkey is doing effective efforts to meet the criteria identified in its visa liberalisation roadmap and I welcome in particular the progress achieved in the fields of migration and international protection, as well as in document security. Work is still needed in areas like, among others, border management, and police and judicial cooperation. I am convinced that Turkey will keep a steady pace towards the fulfilment of the benchmarks by bringing forward several essential legislative and administrative reforms", said Commissioner for Home Affairs, Cecilia Malmström.

    The Commission report assesses the situation of the legislation, administrative capacities and practices of Turkey in the areas addressed by the benchmarks of the roadmap, and makes a set of recommendations for the Government of Turkey to fulfil these benchmarks.............http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_IP-14-1173_en.htm?locale=en

  46. Luhansk People’s Republic to create its own banking system...

    The self-proclaimed Luhansk People’s Republic (LPR) announced plans on Monday to establish its own banking system.

    “A new banking system will be created. Old bank cards will no longer be valid,” LPR Parliament Speaker Alexey Karyakin said at a meeting with pensioners.

    The LPR authorities will use new bank cards, to which pensions will be transferred, he said. The LPR leaders have acknowledged the existence of financial difficulties in the republic that prevent social payments in full.

    LPR Prime Minister Gennady Tsipkalov said difficulties with social payments were due to the grave economic situation in the republic. “Enterprises are standing idle and the LPR budget is not replenished so far,” he said.........http://en.itar-tass.com/world/755387

  47. Russia Imposes Temporarily Ban on Animal Fats, Food By-Products from Europe...

    Russia is introducing temporary import restrictions on cattle, swine and poultry by-products from Europe, including fats, starting October 21, the country's agriculture watchdog Rosselkhoznadzor said Monday.

    "Starting October 21, temporary restrictions are introduced on certain types of food imports from the European Union, including cattle and swine by-products, meat meals, as well as cattle, swine and poultry fats," the watchdog said in a statement.

  48. EU not to recognize any elections held in self-proclaimed DPR and LPR — EU Council...

    The European Union will not recognize parliamentary elections or elections of the republican heads in the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics, the EU foreign ministers who attended an EU Council meeting in Luxembourg on Monday said in their final statement on Ukraine.

  49. Schulz warns against attempts to disrupt Northern Ireland peace process ...

    All sides in the Northern Ireland peace process should refrain from “dangerous mutual provocation” urged European Parliament President Martin Schulz in his opening address at its October session.

    Mr Schulz urged all parties to the Northern Ireland peace process to continue contributing to a peaceful solution and thus to the new round of talks launched on 16 October. He said that the European Parliament is willing to act as an honest broker to support the process of building stable institutions and a thriving economy, so that all the people of Northern Ireland can look forward to a safe and prosperous future....................http://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/news-room/content/20141016IPR74258/html/Opening-Schulz-warns-against-attempts-to-disrupt-Northern-Ireland-peace-process

  50. Mosca non pregherà la UE di annullare le sanzioni antirusse ...

    Mosca non ha intenzione di chiedere all'Unione Europea di cancellare le sanzioni.

    Lo ha dichiarato il rappresentante permanente della Russia in Europa Vladimir Chizhov.

    Inoltre non serve attendersi una decisione relativa alla revoca delle sanzioni contro la Russia nella riunione dei ministri degli Esteri UE in Lussemburgo, in quanto il vertice sarà maggiormente dedicato alle misure da prendere nella lotta contro la letale epidemia del virus Ebola.

    Chizhov ha anche ricordato che in Russia c'è una lista delle persone a cui è vietato l'ingresso nel Paese, ma le autorità non renderanno pubblichi i nomi dei politici europei sanzionati.

    "Non si tratta di personalità di primo piano dei governi", - ha rilevato Chizhov.
    Per saperne di più: http://italian.ruvr.ru/news/2014_10_20/Mosca-non-preghera-la-UE-di-annullare-le-sanzioni-antirusse-3201/

  51. N.Korea warns of 'unpredictable' retaliation ...

    North Korea warned Monday of an "unpredictable" retaliatory strike against South Korea following a series of minor border skirmishes that have raised military tensions ahead of planned high-level talks.

    Troops from the two sides exchanged small arms fire on Sunday after South Korean troops fired warning shots at a North Korean patrol moving towards the military demarcation line that marks the border on the peninsula.

    The North's military warned in a message sent Monday through a border hotline that it would take "unpredictable measures" in retaliation for alleged provocations from South Korea, the South's defence ministry said.................https://sg.news.yahoo.com/south-korea-warns-north-against-reckless-provocation-050200105.html

  52. EU ministerial meeting in Luxemburg is unlikely to lift anti-Russian sanctions...

    The meeting of the EU foreign ministers in Luxembourg is unlikely to produce any decisions on anti-Russian sanctions or the situation in Ukraine, Vladimir Chizhov, the Russian Foreign Ministry representative at the European Union, told Rossiya 24 TV news channel on Monday.

    The EU summit due on October 23-24 is not expected to make any decisions.

    "Ukraine or sanctions against Russia are not part of the agenda. They (the foreign ministers) will deal with economic issues. Much attention will be paid to the Ebola virus,” Chizhov said in his TV interview.........http://en.itar-tass.com/world/755464

  53. Ukraine Used Cluster Munitions in Populated Areas of Donetsk: HRW...

    Ukrainian forces used cluster munitions in populated areas of Donetsk in October, Human Rights Watch (HRW) said in an official release.

    "During a week-long investigation in eastern Ukraine, Human Rights Watch documented widespread use of cluster munitions in fighting," the Monday release said.

    "It is shocking to see a weapon that most countries have banned used so extensively in eastern Ukraine. Ukrainian authorities should make an immediate commitment not to use cluster munitions and join the treaty to ban them,” senior arms researcher at Human Rights Watch Mark Hiznay was quoted as saying.

    HRW also said "an employee of the International Committee of the Red Cross was killed on October 2 in an attack on Donetsk that included use of cluster munition rockets."............http://en.ria.ru/world/20141021/194363110/Ukraine-Used-Cluster-Munitions-in-Populated-Areas-of-Donetsk.html

    1. L'armée ukrainienne ferait usage de bombes à sous-munitions ...

      L'organisation non gouvernementale Human Right Watch (HRW) a dénoncé l'usage fait par l'armée ukrainienne de bombes à sous-munitions contre les séparatistes prorusses dans l'Est.

      Dans un rapport, l'organisation dont le siège est à New York affirme avoir constaté "un usage répété de bombes à sous-munitions dans les combats entre les forces gouvernementales et rebelles prorusses dans plus d'une douzaine d'endroits, en ville comme à la campagne".

      S'il est impossible de déterminer l'origine de la plupart de ces attaques, "des preuves désignent la responsabilité des forces gouvernementales ukrainiennes pour plusieurs attaques à Donetsk", le principal fief séparatiste, précise HRW.

      L'attaque qui a coûté la vie à un employé de la Croix-Rouge le 2 octobre à Donetsk a été réalisée avec des roquettes à sous-munitions, ajoute l'ONG...............http://www.rtbf.be/info/monde/detail_l-armee-ukrainienne-ferait-usage-de-bombes-a-sous-munitions?id=8382951

    2. L’ONU préoccupée par l’utilisation des armes à sous-munitions en Ukraine ...

      Les déclarations de l’organisation de défense des droits de l’Homme Human Rights Watch (HRW) concernant le fait que les forces armées de l’Ukraine utilisaient des armes à sous-munitions dans des zones peuplées de la région de Donetsk, suscitent l’inquiétude au sein de l’ONU, a indiqué le porte-parole du secrétaire général de l’organisation Stefan Dujarric..............Lire la suite: http://french.ruvr.ru/news/2014_10_21/L-ONU-preoccupee-par-l-utilisation-des-armes-a-sous-munitions-en-Ukraine-7194/

  54. Double standards harmful in matters related to chemical weapons in MidEast — Russia ForMin...

    Russia is urging the United States to consider how harmful “double standards” are in the matters related to chemical weapons in the Middle East, which is becoming a “proving ground for terrorists to practice skills in synthesizing, producing and using chemical warfare agents,” the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a commentary following an article in the New York Times.

    The publication “quotes official sources and US Department of Defense documents, which had remained classified until just recently, as saying the international coalition’s force in 2004-2011 discovered and covertly eliminated up to 5,000 chemical weapons, manufactured back during the years of the Iran-Iraq armed conflict with the use of Western technologies,” the Russian Foreign Ministry said...............http://en.itar-tass.com/russia/755505

  55. Mortar shell from Syrian civil war lands in Israeli territory in Golan ....

    A mortar shell fired in the context of the Syrian civil war crossed the border on Tuesday, landing in Israeli territory in the northern Golan Heights.

    There were no injuries or damage in the incident.

  56. Les Etats-Unis ignorent les problèmes qui existent avec les armes chimiques au Moyen-Orient, malgré le fait que la région est en train de devenir un « site d'essai » pour l'utilisation de substances toxiques, précise un commentaire du ministère russe des Affaires étrangères ce mardi....

    Le ministère russe a également attiré l'attention sur le fait qu’un verdict de culpabilité du gouvernement de Bachar al-Assad avait été prononcé même avant l’achèvement de l'enquête, menée par une mission spéciale de l'OIAC, sur les cas d’usage de substances contenant du chlore en Syrie à des fins militaires.
    Lire la suite: http://french.ruvr.ru/news/2014_10_21/Les-USA-ignorent-les-faits-dusage-d-armes-chimiques-au-Moyen-Orient-Moscou-2832/

  57. Il Consiglio di Sicurezza dell’ONU terrà una riunione sull’Ucraina ...

    La riunione del Consiglio di Sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite sull’Ucraina è prevista per il 24 ottobre, ha riferito Alexei Zaitsev portavoce della missione permanente russa presso l'organizzazione mondiale.

    "Si terrà un dibattito aperto sulla situazione in Ucraina", ha detto Zaitsev.

    E’ stato sottolineato che la riunione sarà aperta al pubblico.

    In precedenza, il Ministero degli Esteri russo ha esortato l’ONU e l'OCSE a premere sulle autorità di Kiev dopo le recenti proteste.
    Per saperne di più: http://italian.ruvr.ru/news/2014_10_21/Il-Consiglio-di-Sicurezza-dell-ONU-terra-una-riunione-sull-Ucraina-4381/

  58. Russian ForMin condemns NATO’s attempts to equate Russia’s stance on Ukraine to terrorism ...

    NATO’s attempts to put an equation mark between Russia’s steps towards Ukraine and international terrorism are deficient and stay beyond the bounds of the rational, Russian Foreign Ministry said in a comment on Tuesday in the wake of claims made public by NATO Deputy Secretary General Alexander Vershbow.

    “The dull and trite craving to put an equation mark between Russia’s actions in Ukraine and the threat to international security emanated by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, a terrorist group, is little more than a primitive distortion of reality and it testifies once again to how addicted the US and its allies are to the use of double standards, which serve their geopolitical goals,” the commentary said.

    “All of this clearly stands beyond the bounds of the rational,” it indicated.

    1. Veshbow comparant la politique russe à l’EI : « une distorsion de la réalité » selon le MAE de Russie ...

      La comparaison entre les actes du groupe terroriste Etat islamique et la politique de la Russie, réalisée par le secrétaire général délégué de l'OTAN Alexander Vershbow a été qualifiée de « distorsion de la réalité » par le ministère russe des Affaires étrangères.

      Le ministère a également souligné que cela témoigne de l'engagement des Etats-Unis et leurs alliés de l'OTAN à l'utilisation de « doubles standards », pour que Washington puisse réaliser ses plans géostratégiques.
      Lire la suite: http://french.ruvr.ru/news/2014_10_21/Veshbow-comparant-la-politique-russe-a-l-EI-une-distorsion-de-la-realite-selon-le-MAE-de-Russie-8194/

  59. La Croce Rossa rifiuta di collaborare con la dottoressa che sostiene Putin ...

    Il direttore esecutivo del fondo Spravedlivaya Pomoshch (Fair Aid) Elisaveta Glinka, nota anche come Dottoressa Lisa ha riferito che il Comitato internazionale della Croce Rossa ha rifiutato di collaborare con lei per fornire assistenza ai bambini ucraini.

    Secondo Glinka, la ragione risiede nel fatto che al CICR non piace la politica del Presidente della Russia.
    Per saperne di più: http://italian.ruvr.ru/news/2014_10_21/La-Croce-Rossa-rifiuta-di-collaborare-con-la-Dottoressa-Lisa-a-causa-delle-preferenze-politiche-5994/

  60. HRW Says Will Press Kiev to Stop Using Cluster Munition in Eastern Ukraine...

    Human Rights Watch (HRW) will be pressing the Ukrainian government to stop using cluster munition on its territory and against its people, Rachel Denber, Deputy Director for the Europe and central Asia division of the organization told RIA Novosti on Tuesday.

    “Absolutely we will be pressing the Ukrainian government not to use cluster munition, just like we pressed many other governments not to use cluster munition. But particularly in this conflict, it is very important and very urgent,” Denber told RIA Novosti.............http://en.ria.ru/world/20141021/194396164/HRW-Says-Will-Press-Kiev-to-Stop-Using-Cluster-Munition-in.html

  61. Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) militants seized at least one cache of weapons airdropped by U.S.-led coalition forces that were meant to supply Kurdish fighters battling the extremist group in a border town, activists said Tuesday....

    The cache of weapons included hand grenades, ammunition and rocket-propelled grenade launchers, according to a video uploaded by a media group loyal to ISIS. The video appeared authentic and corresponded to The Associated Press' reporting of the event. The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the militants had seized at least once cache, but may have seized more.............http://english.alarabiya.net/en/News/middle-east/2014/10/21/ISIS-fighters-seize-weapons-airdrop-meant-for-Kurds.html

  62. Ucrania pide un préstamo a Europa para resolver la disputa por el gas ...

    Ucrania solicitó hoy a la Comisión Europea (CE) un préstamo de 2.000 millones de euros para hacer frente a la factura por las importaciones de gas ruso y desbloquear un conflicto con Moscú que provocó el corte de suministro hacia Kiev, hace cuatro meses.

    "La Comisión ha recibido una petición de las autoridades ucranianas de un préstamo adicional de 2.000 millones de euros", dijo el portavoz comunitario de Asuntos Económicos y Monetarios, Simon O'Connor, a la agencia de noticias española EFE.

    O'Connor explicó que esa solicitud será ahora evaluada junto al Fondo Monetario Internacional (FMI) y las autoridades ucranianas y, luego, será presentada al Parlamento Europeo (PE) y al Consejo de la UE....................http://www.telam.com.ar/notas/201410/82424-ucrania-prestamo-europa-rusia-gas.html

  63. A mistaken announcement of an emergency water landing on a Turkish Airlines flight from Athens to Istanbul caused panic among passengers on Oct. 20....

    Just minutes after the pilot had announced that the TK-180 flight was preparing to land in Istanbul, an announcement was made that the plane would make an emergency landing on the sea. It said passengers must return their seats to the upright position, loosen their neckties or scarves, close their tray tables and lift their window shades.

    The automatic announcement was made after a member of the cabin crew accidentally pushed the emergency button, Doğan News Agency reported............http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/panic-at-athens-istanbul-flight.aspx?pageID=238&nID=73295&NewsCatID=341

  64. The United States could soon be facing sanctions as a result of a ruling handed down by the World Trade Organization this week concerning an American meat labeling law contested by officials in Mexico and Canada....

    On Monday, the WTO decided against the US and said the nation’s country-of-origin labeling law is in violation of international fair trade rules.

    America’s country-of-origin labeling, or COOL, law mandates that the packages of most beef, poultry, pork and lamb sold in the US clearly list where the animal in question was born, raised and harvested. Canada and Mexico have called this COOL law unfair, however, and said it unfairly discriminates against exports from those countries. Indeed, Reuters noted this week that Canadian pig and cattle exports to the US have diminished since 2009 — one year after the current COOL law was adopted in the US ........../rt.com/usa/197960-wto-cool-labeling-america/

  65. Le Parlement européen tourne la page Barroso sans regret ...

    Le dirigeant portugais a délivré son ultime discours devant un Parlement européen déserté. La Commission Juncker devrait être investie mercredi.

    Avec dix années à la tête de la Commission européenne, José Manuel Barroso peut se targuer d’avoir dirigé l’exécutif européen aussi longtemps que Jacques Delors, l’éternelle référence bruxelloise. Et pourtant, mardi à Strasbourg, c’est devant un Parlement européen aux trois quarts vide qu’il a prononcé son discours testament, comme une ultime rebuffade pour quelqu’un dont le bilan a été abondamment critiqué.................En savoir plus sur http://www.lesechos.fr/monde/europe/0203878179710-le-parlement-europeen-tourne-la-page-barroso-sans-regret-1056044.php?xtor=RSS37&LPEOoIbfXq7bgowu.99

  66. The Pentagon said on Tuesday that the cost of fighting Islamic State militants in Iraq and Syria has cost about $424 million since air strikes began on Aug. 8...

    Rear Admiral John Kirby, the Pentagon press secretary, said the conflict was costing an average of about $7.6 million per day. REUTERS

  67. Armed forces to secure Brazil's presidential runoff...

    Nearly 15,000 military personnel will be deployed around Brazil to ensure security during the Oct. 26 presidential runoff, the Superior Electoral Court (TSE) said Tuesday.

    The army, navy and air force personnel will be stationed around polling stations in 280 towns of 12 states, as they were during the first-round vote on Oct. 5.

    According to the Defense Ministry, the military will additionally provide logistical support, including delivering electronic balloting machines and transporting TSE workers to remote voting sites in the Amazon region.

    Military Police and local police forces will also take part in the security effort.

  68. U.N. warns Yazidis facing ‘attempted genocide’ ...

    Strong evidence suggests that Iraq’s ethnic and religious minority, the Yazidis, face what could amount to “attempted genocide,” a top U.N. rights official said on Wednesday.

    “The evidence strongly indicates attempt to commit genocide,” Assistant Secretary-General for Human Rights Ivan Simonovic said after meeting with more than 30 displaced Yazidis across Iraq in a week-long visit..............http://english.alarabiya.net/en/News/middle-east/2014/10/22/U-N-Yazidis-facing-attempted-genocide-.html

  69. ISIS-Mitglieder zeigen Bundeswehr-Granaten in Video

    Mitglieder der Terrormiliz Islamischer Staat (IS) haben deutsche Handgranaten älterer Bauart präsentiert. Auf einem im Internet hochgeladenen Video packen Extremisten Granaten aus, deren Behälter die Aufschrift „DM41“ tragen – die Typbezeichnung eines älteren deutschen Fabrikats. Unklar ist, aus welchen Beständen die Waffen stammen und wie sie den Weg nach Syrien gefunden haben.
    Auf dem am Dienstag im Internet hochgeladenen Video zeigen Extremisten zunächst eine auf einem Feld niedergegangene Fallschirmladung.

    Ein Bundeswehrsprecher sagte am späten Dienstagabend, Granaten des im Video gezeigten Typs seien nicht kürzlich an die kurdischen Peschmerga-Einheiten im Nordirak geliefert worden. Vielmehr hätten die Kurden dort das Nachfolgemodell DM51 erhalten. Die Bundeswehr hatte die Kurden im Irak im Kampf gegen den IS mit Waffen ausgestattet. Über die DM41-Granaten hatte zuvor der Blog-Autor Thomas Wiegold geschrieben..............http://www.welt.de/politik/article132981126/IS-zeigt-Bundeswehr-Granaten-in-Video.html

  70. Лавров: кризис на Украине - следствие попыток продвигать разделительные линии на восток ...

    Министр иностранных дел РФ Сергей Лавров предостерег от принятия односторонних шагов в решении мировых проблем. Глава МИД РФ выступил на встрече с представителями Молодежной общественной палаты.

    "Мир сегодня становится реально полицентричным, многополярным, - отметил министр. - Мы наблюдаем как возрастает конкуренция в разных сферах". "Осознание этой истины должно предостеречь от попыток одной группы стран навязывать рецепты остальным, - сказал Лавров. - Пока это не изжито".

    "В условиях, когда необходимы общие подходы, мы наблюдаем, как односторонние шаги подрывают успех наших решений", - заметил министр.

    "К чему это приводит, мы наблюдаем в последние годы, - продолжил Лавров. - Это и агрессия против Югославии, и незаконное вторжение в Ирак, и бомбардировки Ливии. Мы это видим сейчас и на примере Сирии".

    "Украинский кризис - это прямое следствие попыток наших западных коллег передвигать на восток разделительные линии на евроатлантическом пространстве, - отметил глава МИД РФ. - Мы выступаем против подобных попыток".

    "Мы не хотим конфронтации, но будем твердо отстаивать свои интересы, делать так, как считаем правильным, на основе норм международного права, - подчеркнул Лавров. - Считаем, что это оптимальный путь обеспечения интересов России".

  71. Rival Libyan PM meets Turkish envoy in first known meeting with foreign visitor ...

    Libya's self-declared prime minister, who runs a rival government not recognised by the international community, met a Turkish envoy on Oct. 21, in the first publicly known diplomatic meeting with a foreign representative.

    Libya has had two governments and parliaments competing for legitimacy since an armed group seized Tripoli in August. Omar al-Hasi set up his own cabinet in the capital and forced the internationally recognised prime minister, Abdullah Thinni, to move to the east of the country.

    Hasi met Turkey's special envoy for Libya, Emrullah İşler, in Tripoli, Hasi's government said on its website. It showed a picture of the meeting in the prime minister's office, which had been previously used by Thinni.

    The United Nations and Western powers have tried to bring both sides to the negotiating table to end the country's chaos but have avoided recognising or dealing publicly with Hasi, who was elected by the rival assembly in Tripoli...............http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/rival-libyan-pm-meets-turkish-envoy-in-first-known-meeting-with-foreign-visitor.aspx?pageID=238&nID=73308&NewsCatID=510

  72. Donetsk Republic May Begin Coal Deliveries to Crimea This Week: Minister ...

    The self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic may begin the delivery of coal to Crimea later this week, the republic's Fuel and Energy Minister Alexei Granovsky said Wednesday.

    "Respective agreements have been reached with Crimea. With winter approaching, Prime Minister [Alexander] Zakharchenko ordered not to delay this issue and to start coal deliveries to Crimea this week, before Friday," Granovsky said.

    Earlier this week, Crimean Fuel and Energy Minister Sergei Yegorov said coal delivery negotiations with the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic were under way. Crimean Prime Minister Sergei Aksyonov, in turn, instructed authorities to prevent unjustified price increases of coal. According to him, Crimea is ready to allocate money for coal purchase.

    The amount and the price of coal to be shipped to Crimea were not disclosed.............http://en.ria.ru/russia/20141022/194423227/Donetsk-Republic-May-Begin-Coal-Deliveries-to-Crimea-This-Week.html

  73. Juncker: Excessive austerity will not bring growth ...

    The new leader of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, has said that excessive austerity on its own will not bring economic growth.

    In a wide-ranging speech ahead of the European Parliament vote confirming the new commission, Mr Juncker said what was need was a combination of flexible policies, economic reforms and fiscal discipline.

    He said: "To those who think excessive austerity will automatically revive growth and create more jobs, they should drop those ideas."................http://www.rte.ie/news/2014/1022/653975-european-commission/

  74. EU allocates €17 million for restoration of east Ukraine areas controlled by Kiev ...

    The European Union has allocated €17 million for the restoration of the areas of east Ukrainian Donetsk and Luhansk regions that are controlled by the Kiev authorities, the Ministry of Regional Development, Construction, Housing, and Public Utilities said on Wednesday.

    EU assistance will come in the form of grants varying in size from €200,000 to €2 million for the periods ranging from six to eighteen months. The money will be spent on restoration of infrastructure and housing, construction of facilities for provisional accommodation, as well as on accessibility of healthcare and education................http://en.itar-tass.com/world/755875

  75. Jerusalem car 'attack' kills baby at rail station ...

    A three-month-old girl was killed and eight other people were injured when a car hit them at a Jerusalem tram stop.

    Police say the driver was a Palestinian from East Jerusalem. He was shot by officers as he tried to run away and later died of his injuries in hospital.

    Officials say they are treating it as a "terrorist attack" and that the suspect had previously served time in an Israeli prison "for terrorism".

    Local media report that the suspect's teenage brother has been arrested.

    The baby girl and her parents were US citizens, Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat told the Associated Press news agency.

    East Jerusalem has experienced months of unrest since a Palestinian teenager was abducted and burned to death in early July, two days after the discovery of the bodies of three Israeli teenagers who were abducted and killed in the occupied West Bank in mid-June.............http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-29725278

  76. Cuba sends 83 more doctors, nurses to fight Ebola in Africa....

    A new contingent of 83 doctors and nurses have left Cuba to help battle Ebola in Guinea and Liberia, bringing to 256 the number of medical workers sent by Havana to fight the epidemic.

    The state-run Granma newspaper reported on Wednesday that the plane carrying the "heroic" medical workers was seen off at the airport by President Raul Castro, as they head "to the epicenter of the global fight against Ebola."

    The daily wrote that there were 35 doctors and 48 nurses in the medical team being sent to West Africa, in an arrangement reached with the World Health Organization.............Read more: http://www.dailystar.com.lb/News/World/2014/Oct-22/275026-cuba-sends-83-more-doctors-nurses-to-fight-ebola-in-africa.ashx#ixzz3GwAtZLu6

  77. Russia voiced concern with the United Nations on Wednesday over poor investigations into sound crimes and tragic accidents, which took place this year in Ukraine, particularly over the mass death of people in notorious Odessa fire, recently discovered mass burials in war-torn eastern Ukrainian territories and the crash of the Malaysian passenger aircraft this summer....

    According to Alexey Zaitsev, 1st secretary of Russia’s permanent envoy to the United Nations, “there has been not an investigation into sniper shootings at Maidan, mass killings of people in Odessa and in other Ukrainian cities.”

    “None has been brought into account in connection with the recently discovered mass burials near Donetsk,” Zaitsev said addressing a session of the UN General Assembly’s 4th Committee. “The investigation into the crash of MH-17 flight of the Malaysia Airline in fact reached its dead-end.”................http://en.itar-tass.com/russia/755936

  78. Pakistan slams West for double standards over Hong Kong ...

    Criticizing the double standards of West over Hong Kong's ongoing protests, Pakistan's leading newspaper on Thursday said the Western propaganda is nothing but crocodile's tears.

    The daily "Pakistan Observer" published an article on its editorial page in title "Democracy in Hong Kong, double standards of West".

    The newspaper wrote the editorial about the Western response to the ongoing protests in Hong Kong by university students that launched the "Occupy Central" movement in September this year.

    The newspaper said the protests are spearheaded by some foreign funded elements...............http://www.china.org.cn/world/2014-10/23/content_33850550.htm

  79. Le climat et l'énergie sur la table du sommet européen à Bruxelles...

    Les dirigeants européens se retrouvent ce jeudi et vendredi à Bruxelles pour un sommet consacré aux ambitions européennes en matière de climat et d'énergie. Ce sera aussi un sommet de transition, le dernier présidé par Herman Van Rompuy, et où les 28 valideront la nouvelle Commission avec Jean-Claude Juncker à sa tête.

    Des enjeux oubliés reviennent sur la table des dirigeants. Les 28 doivent trouver un accord sur les objectifs proposés par la Commission pour lutter contre le réchauffement climatique. La Commission a proposé trois chiffres.

    Premièrement, une réduction des émissions de gaz à effet de serre de 40% en 2030 par rapport aux niveaux de référence, ceux de 1990. Deuxièmement, une proportion de 27% d'énergies renouvelables dans le mixte énergétique. Troisièmement, une amélioration de l'efficacité énergétique de 30%...............http://www.rtbf.be/info/dossier/euranetplus/detail_le-climat-et-l-energie-sur-la-table-du-sommet-europeen-a-bruxelles?id=8384679

  80. Lavrov Uninterested in West's Opinion on Crimea, Other Domestic Issues ...

    Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Thursday he was uninterested in the West's opinion of the present status of Crimea as well as other domestic issues within the country.

    "I'm not interested in the West's opinion about this and am equally not interested in its opinion in regard to other domestic issues within the Russian Federation," Lavrov said on the sidelines of the Valdai discussion forum in response to the question of whether the West would continue to insist on Russia returning the Crimean Peninsula to Ukraine......................http://en.ria.ru/politics/20141023/194480694/Russias-Lavrov-Uninterested-in-Wests-Opinion-of-Crimea-Other.html

  81. OSCE accuses Ukrainian forces of violating ceasefire...

    The armistice in Ukraine is largely violated by the Ukrainian military, says a report released by the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe on Wednesday. According to official reports, over 330 civilians have been killed in Donbas since the ceasefire came into force on September 5.

    The armed forces controlled by Kiev do not observe peace agreements and launch artillery attacks on Donbas, says OSCE monitor mission in Ukraine. According to the report posted on the OSCE website, observers are aware of 75 ceasefire violations, while 15 of them were registered by themselves. In this case, 13 attacks out of 15 were carried out by Ukrainian government forces, while 2 – by self-defense forces.................Read more: http://indian.ruvr.ru/2014_10_23/OSCE-accuses-Ukrainian-forces-of-violating-ceasefire-0957/

  82. China Criticizes US Missile Defense Radar in Japan ...

    The United States is damaging stability in the Asia-Pacific region by positioning a missile defense radar in Japan, China said on Thursday.

    Japan, an ally of the United States, has voiced growing anxiety over China's more assertive posture in the East China Sea, where the neighbors are locked in a dispute over control of a group of uninhabited islets.

    North Korea has carried out a series of missile tests this year, including two medium-range missiles capable of hitting Japan. Pyongyang has also threatened another nuclear test.

    Japan's defense ministry has said an X-Band radar system was delivered on Tuesday to the U.S. military's communication facility in Kyoto in the western part of the country. It is scheduled to be fully operational by the end of the year..............http://www.voanews.com/content/reu-china-criticizes-us-missile-defense-radar-in-japan/2493419.html

  83. U.S. threatens to sanction buyers of ISIS oil...

    The Obama administration on Thursday threatened to slap sanctions on anyone buying oil from Islamic State militants in an effort to disrupt what it said was a $1 million a day funding source.

    "With the important exception of some state-sponsored terrorist organizations, ISIL is probably the best-funded terrorist organization we have confronted," Cohen said, referring to another name for Islamic State. His remarks were prepared for delivery at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

    ISIS is generating tens of millions of dollars a month through a combination of oil sales, ransom, extortion and other criminal activities and support from wealthy donors, Cohen said in laying out the most comprehensive outline yet of the U.S. financial strategy against the group. Cohen said that each day, ISIS earns $1 million from oil sales alone..................http://www.haaretz.com/news/middle-east/middle-east-updates/1.622311

  84. Washington Hopes Crimea Will Participate in Ukrainian Elections: US State Department ...

    The United States hopes that people from Crimea will vote in the upcoming snap parliamentary elections in Ukraine, a spokesperson for the US Department of State said Thursday.

    "We hope to see wide participations in the elections by all Ukrainians including Crimea, Donetsk and Lugansk," Jen Psaki said during a press briefing, adding that Washington would strongly condemn any interference in this legitimate democratic process and the ability of the people of Ukraine to peacefully choose their own leaders.

    "We commend the Ukrainian government on its continuing preparations for free, fair and inclusive elections and look to authorities and all political parties to ensure the vote is in line with international democratic norms," she added...............http://en.ria.ru/politics/20141023/194508896/Washington-Hopes-Crimea-Will-Participate-in-Ukrainian-Elections.html

  85. China's top diplomat to visit Vietnam again amid sea dispute ...

    (Reuters) - China's top diplomat will visit Vietnam next week, China said on Friday, five months after he last visited during a period of tension over a Chinese oil drilling rig working in part of the South China Sea both countries claim.

    State Councilor Yang Jiechi, who outranks the foreign minister, will arrive in Vietnam on Monday for meetings with Vietnam Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh, China's foreign ministry said in a statement.

    The two would discuss "Sino-Vietnam bilateral cooperation", the ministry said. It did not elaborate................http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/10/24/us-china-vietnam-idUSKCN0ID05T20141024?feedType=RSS&feedName=worldNews

  86. Merkel says EU will discuss bridging finance for Ukraine next week...

    The European Union and Ukraine will discuss a bridging loan to Kiev next week so that the country can pay in advance for Russian gas deliveries for the coming months, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Friday.

    "There is a necessity for a certain amount of bridging finance," Merkel told reporters after the first day of a European Union summit.

    The latest round of talks between Moscow and Kiev, brokered by the European Commission, to try to resolve a row over Ukraine's unpaid gas bill took place on Tuesday. They ended without agreement and more talks are scheduled for Oct. 29.................http://www.todayonline.com/world/merkel-says-eu-will-discuss-bridging-finance-ukraine-next-week

  87. Des journalistes occidentaux ont trouvé en Ukraine des chars et missiles « russes » ...

    Les journalistes de Reuters ont découverts dans la zone de combats dans l'est de l'Ukraine deux chars d'assaut brûlés que des experts indépendants avaient identifié comme pouvant être russes.

    Ils affirment que ces chars n'ont jamais été exportés de la Russie, qu'ils n'étaient pas en dotation dans l'armée ukrainienne c'est pourquoi les miliciens ne pouvaient pas s'en emparer.

    Le matériel de guerre a été découvert non loin du village de Gorbatenko à 40 km de Donetsk. Les journalistes auraient également trouvé des missiles antichars Kornet, 124 rations de combat et 50 bouteilles d'eau minérale vides avec des étiquettes russes.............Lire la suite: http://french.ruvr.ru/news/2014_10_24/Des-journalistes-occidentaux-ont-trouve-en-Ukraine-des-chars-et-missiles-russes-7079/

    1. Russia’s Sberbank files lawsuit to EU Court on sanctions cancellation...

      Russia’s largest bank Sberbank has filed a lawsuit to the European Union’s Court on cancellation of the decision by the EU’s Council to impose sectoral sanctions against Russia, the Sberbank press office said on Friday.

      “Considering that the case will be examined by the European Union’s Court and in compliance with the accustomed practice for such sort of issues, the bank will not comment on its lawsuit until a final court ruling,” Sberbank said in a statement.

      Russia’s oil major Rosneft and Russian businessman Arkady Rotenberg earlier filed lawsuits against the EU over the imposition of sanctions to defend shareholders’ interests..............http://en.itar-tass.com/russia/756197

    2. Ukraine-Krise: Russische Banken klagen gegen EU-Sanktionen ...

      Die russische Sberbank Chart zeigen will die gegen sie verhängten Sanktionen der EU nicht hinnehmen. Zusammen mit einer weiteren russischen Großbank hat sie vor dem Europäischen Gerichtshof (EuGH) Klage gegen die Strafen eingelegt. Das zweitgrößte Geldinstitut VTB erklärte zur Begründung, die Sanktionen der EU schadeten sowohl der Bank als auch ihren Kunden.

      Die EU verweigert der Sberbank sowie zahlreichen weiteren russischen Unternehmen und Banken seit Juli den Zugang zum europäischen Finanzmarkt. Brüssel will den Kreml mit den Sanktionen zu einem Friedenskurs in der Ukraine-Krise bewegen.

      Die Sberbank ist mehrheitlich in Besitz der russischen Zentralbank, rund 44 Prozent der Anteile halten ausländische Fonds. Das Geldhaus ist einer der größten Kreditgeber der russischen Wirtschaft und hält den höchsten Anteil an Spareinlagen im Land. Das Institut VTB warnte zuletzt, dass sich bis Jahresende wegen der Sanktionen ein Milliardenverlust anhäufen könnte. Die Bank durfte bereits einen eigentlich für das russische Rentensystem bestimmten Staatsfonds anzapfen.

      Die Führung in Moskau bezeichnet die Politik des Westens als feindselig und hat russischen Unternehmen empfohlen, gegen die Strafmaßnahmen zu klagen. Auch der russische Ölkonzern Rosneft Chart zeigen und der russische Geschäftsmann Arkadi Rotenberg, ein enger Vertrauter von Präsident Wladimir Putin, haben wegen der EU-Sanktionen bereits Rechtsmittel eingelegt.

  88. D. Cameron refuse avec force de payer 2 milliards de plus au budget UE ...

    Le Premier ministre britannique David Cameron a refusé vendredi avec force de payer une rallonge de deux milliards d'euros au budget européen, évoquée la veille dans le Financial Times.

    C'est un David Cameron "très en colère" qui s'est présenté vendredi aux journalistes à l'issue d'une réunion du Conseil européen. S'il a l'habitude de dénoncer les travers de la Commission européenne, le chef du gouvernement britannique s'est montré particulièrement en verve.

    "Nous ne payerons pas, cela ne se passera pas", a-t-il martelé, comme en lointain écho au fameux "I want my money back" de Margaret Thatcher.

    Le Financial Times a fait état jeudi soir d'un recalcul des contributions nationales au budget européen, découlant d'une nouvelle comptabilisation du PIB, mais aussi des performances économiques plus ou moins bonne des États. Le Royaume-Uni est le grand perdant de la manœuvre, avec une facture estimée à plus de deux milliards d'euros...............http://www.rtbf.be/info/monde/detail_d-cameron-refuse-avec-force-de-payer-2-milliards-de-plus-au-budget-ue?id=8385958

  89. Russia still has troops in Ukraine, NATO says ...

    (Reuters) - Russia still has troops in eastern Ukraine and retains a very capable force on the border despite a partial withdrawal, NATO's military commander said on Friday.

    "We've seen a pretty good withdrawal of the Russian forces from inside Ukraine but, make no mistake, there remain Russian forces inside eastern Ukraine," U.S. Air Force General Philip Breedlove told reporters at NATO's military headquarters near Mons in Belgium..........http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/10/24/us-ukraine-crisis-nato-idUSKCN0ID0VP20141024?feedType=RSS&feedName=worldNews

  90. Президент РФ признал, что Россия помогла Януковичу перебраться в Крым ...

    Президент РФ Владимир Путин признал, что Россия помогла Виктору Януковичу перебраться в Крым, чтобы избежать преследования со стороны оппозиции. Об этом он рассказал в рамках заседания клуба "Валдай".

    "Не буду скрывать, мы помогли ему (Януковичу) перебраться в Крым и он там еще пребывал в течение нескольких дней, в Крыму; на тот период времени Крым был частью Украины", - рассказал Путин, вспоминая по просьбе участников встречи события тех дней, когда в Киеве началась ключевая фаза кризиса.

    По словам российского президента, далее события в Киеве начали развиваться очень бурно и быстро. "Там ведь были убийства, людей заживо сжигали. Зашли в офис Партии регионов, просто технических работников взяли убили там и все. сожгли заживо в подвале, - напомнил Путин. - В таких условиях ему (Януковичу) бессмысленно было возвращаться в Киев, все забыли о каких-то договоренностях с оппозицией под подписями министров иностранных дел, про наши разговоры по телефону". "Скажу откровенно, он попросил вывезти его в Россию, что мы и сделали", - заключил российский лидер..............http://itar-tass.com/politika/1530982

    1. Putin admits helping Yanukovych to move to Crimea ...

      Russian President Vladimir Putin admitted on Friday that Russia had helped Ukraine’s former President Viktor Yanukovych to move to Crimea to avoid persecution by Ukrainian opposition forces.

      “I am not going to conceal that we helped him (Yanukovych) to move to Crimea where he stayed for several days. Crimea was still part of Ukraine at that time,” Putin told the participants in the Valdai discussion club, recalling the days when the key phase of the Ukraine crisis started in Kiev..............http://en.itar-tass.com/russia/756423

  91. Les démarches irréfléchies menacent l'ordre mondial (Poutine) ...

    Il faut éviter les démarches irréfléchies dans la politique internationale, sans quoi les crises actuelles constitueront un prélude à l'effondrement de l'ordre mondial, a déclaré vendredi le président russe Vladimir Poutine dans une intervention devant les membres du club de discussion Valdaï.

    "Nous sommes parfaitement conscients que le monde s'est engagé dans une époque de changements et de mutations profondes, époque où nous devons tous faire preuve d'un degré élevé de prudence et d'une capacité à éviter les démarches irréfléchies. Au cours des années écoulées depuis la guerre froide, les acteurs politiques internationaux ont quelque peu perdu ces qualités. Il est aujourd'hui nécessaire de s'en souvenir, sans quoi l'espoir d'un développement pacifique durable sera une illusion dangereuse et les bouleversements actuels constitueront un prélude à l'effondrement de l'ordre mondial", a déclaré le chef de l'Etat russe.
    Lire la suite: http://french.ruvr.ru/news/2014_10_24/Les-demarches-irreflechies-menacent-lordre-mondial-Poutine-6963/

    1. Excessive patriotism can result in nationalism — Putin ...

      Excessive patriotism can result in nationalism and this is the way to self-destruction, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Friday.

      “This is the way to self-destruction. Russia will do all to prevent this (growing nationalism),” he said at a session of Valdai International Discussion Club.

      Putin called for separating nationalism as the manifestation of extremity from the effort to promote national interests.

      “I’m the biggest nationalist in Russia” from the point of view of positive manifestations of nationalism, he said.

      “But the most correct nationalism is to build actions and the policy for the people’s benefit. If nationalism is interpreted as intolerance to others, as chauvinism, this will destroy our country that developed as a multinational and multi-confessional state,” Putin said.......Read more: http://indian.ruvr.ru/news/2014_10_25/Excessive-patriotism-can-result-in-nationalism-Putin-1787/

  92. Russia submits draft gas agreement to EU, Ukraine ...

    Russia has submitted a draft trilateral protocol agreement to solve gas dispute to the EU and Ukraine, Energy Minister Alexander Novak told reporters Friday.

    “I gave the draft trilateral protocol agreement to our partners in Ukraine and the EU on October 21, it is under their consideration,” Novak said. “I do not have the information on what proposals our partners in negotiations are discussing. They have promised to speak them out at trilateral consultations on October 29,” Novak said..............Read more: http://indian.ruvr.ru/news/2014_10_24/Russia-submits-draft-gas-agreement-to-EU-Ukraine-6387/

  93. Poutine n'a "jamais" mis en doute la souveraineté de l'Ukraine ...

    Le président russe Vladimir Poutine a déclaré vendredi à Sotchi n'avoir jamais mis en doute la souveraineté de l'Ukraine.

    "Quant à ma position sur l'Ukraine, en tant qu'Etat souverain, je n'ai jamais mis en doute que l'Ukraine est un Etat européen souverain et moderne. Or, il en va autrement pour l'histoire de la formation de l'Ukraine dans ses frontières actuelles, qui a été un processus assez compliqué", a indiqué le chef de l'Etat lors de la séance plénière finale du Club de discussion international Valdaï à Sotchi.

    Et de rappeler que le terme Novorossia (nom donné actuellement aux régions insurgées de l'est ukrainien) était un nom historique désignant une région ayant pour capitale la ville russe de Novorossisk.

    Refusant de reconnaître les autorités arrivées au pouvoir à Kiev suite au coup d'Etat de février 2014, de nombreux habitants du sud-est de l'Ukraine ont réclamé la fédéralisation de l'Ukraine avant de proclamer l'indépendance de leurs régions par rapport à Kiev. En avril dernier, les régions de Donetsk et de Lougansk ont proclamé des "républiques populaires" avant de former l'union de Novorossia. Kiev, qui ne reconnaît pas les deux républiques autoproclamées, mène une opération militaire d'envergure dans l'est de l'Ukraine depuis la mi-avril. Le 5 septembre dernier, Kiev et les insurgés ont adopté un cessez-le-feu.
    Lire la suite: http://french.ruvr.ru/news/2014_10_24/Poutine-na-jamais-mis-en-doute-la-souverainete-de-lUkraine-4023/

  94. Putin: Europe’s transition to American shale gas will be suicidal for EU economies...

    Russian President Vladimir Putin believes that transition to shale gas will be suicidal for the EU economies.

    In his speech at the Valdai discussion club on Friday, Putin said that Russia’s trade turnover with the European Union stood at 260 billion dollars in the first half of 2014 even despite sanctions. He assumed, however, that the trade volumes could fall if Russia stopped all gas and oil supplies to Europe.

    “We assume that it can happen at the will of our partners in Europe. But it’s hard to imagine,” Putin said, explaining that alternatives to Russian gas and oil supplies were worse.

    It is either the crisis-hit Middle East where the “Islamic State” militants have stepped their operations or deliveries of shale gas and shale oil from the United States.

    “We can imagine that /deliveries/ of shale oil and shale gas from the United States are possible. But how much it will cost?” Putin asked................http://en.itar-tass.com/russia/756461

  95. Palestinian teen killed by IDF gunfire during West Bank protest...

    According to initial reports, five other Palestinian youths were wounded in the clashes; Hamas says boy, 14, was U.S. citizen.

    A 14-year-old Palestinian boy was killed by IDF troops in the West Bank town of Silwad on Friday afternoon, during clashes that erupted during the weekly protest held there.

    According to the military, the boy was about to throw a firebomb towards Route 60; an IDF unit positioned nearby opened fire after he had lit the firebomb's fuse, and was preparing to hurl it.

    Palestinian medical sources say the boy, Aruah Abdelwahab, was hit by a live bullet in the head, and was evacuated to the government hospital in Ramallah, where he was pronounced dead................http://www.haaretz.com/news/diplomacy-defense/1.622615

  96. Sinai attacks kill at least 30 Egyptian soldiers ...

    A coordinated attack on an Egyptian army checkpoint in the Sinai Peninsula on Friday killed at least 27 people, making it the deadliest attack against the armed forces in decades.

    Hours later a second attack killed three soldiers when gunmen opened fire on a checkpoint in the town of al-Arish

    There was no immediate claim of responsibility for either attack. Similar previous operations have been claimed by Egypt's most active militant group, Ansar Bayt al-Maqsis.

    Following the attacks Egypt National defiance Council, convened by President Abdel-Fattah el-Sisi, declared a three-month state of emergency in parts of Sinai, including a curfew...........http://english.alarabiya.net/en/News/middle-east/2014/10/24/Explosion-heard-near-army-base-in-Egypt-s-Sinai-.html

  97. L’Egypte décrète l’état d’urgence dans le nord du Sinaï après un attentat suicide ...

    L’Egypte a décrété vendredi l’Etat d’urgence pour trois mois sur une partie du nord et du centre de la péninsule du Sinaï, bastion des djihadistes, après la mort de 28 soldats dans un attentat suicide.

    Cet état d’urgence débutera samedi matin à 5h (heure belge), « pour une durée de trois mois » et s’accompagne d’un couvre-feu, selon un communiqué de la présidence, qui intervient après l’attaque la plus meurtrière contre les forces de l’ordre depuis la destitution par l’armée du président islamiste Mohamed Morsi.

    Multiplication des attaques

    Un kamikaze a tué vendredi 28 soldats en précipitant sa voiture bourrée d’explosifs contre un barrage de l’armée dans le Sinaï égyptien.....http://www.lesoir.be/690017/article/actualite/monde/2014-10-25/l-egypte-decrete-l-etat-d-urgence-dans-nord-du-sinai-apres-un-attentat-suicide

  98. Otro fondo buitre demanda a la Argentina para cobrar US$ 835 millones ...

    El fondo EM, del multimillonario Ken Dart, está tratando de aprovecharse del fallo del tribunal de Estados Unidos que ganó su compatriota NML Capital, de Paul Singer, y busca que la Argentina le pague a él también. Reclama US$ 835 millones en bonos argentinos en default, difundió la agencia Bloomberg.............http://www.ieco.clarin.com/economia/buitre-demanda-Argentina-US-millones_0_1235876744.html

  99. Lavrov: nel mondo vi è una ridistribuzione del bilancio globale del potere ...

    In un'intervista al quotidiano norvegese Verdens Gang, il Ministro degli Esteri russo Sergei Lavrov ha detto che nel mondo di oggi si sta avendo una ridistribuzione per l'equilibrio globale del potere.

    La nuova epoca, secondo lui, è accompagnata da nuove minacce. "Il mondo è entrato in un periodo di transizione, e, a quanto pare, non stiamo parlando solo della prossima fase della storia, ma del cambiamento di epoche. C'è una ridistribuzione del bilancio globale dei poteri, che formerà un nuovo ordine mondiale policentrico" ha detto Sergei Lavrov.
    Per saperne di più: http://italian.ruvr.ru/news/2014_10_25/Lavrov-nel-mondo-vi-e-una-ridistribuzione-del-bilancio-globale-del-potere-6591/

  100. US, Western meddling with domestic affairs of other states blow to stability, says Lavrov ...

    Interference of the U.S. and other Western states in the domestic developments of other countries deals a telling blow to international stability, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said in an interview with the Norwegian newspaper Verdens Gang.

    “The world has entered a transition period and, in all appearance, the situation now is bigger than a yet another historical stage - we’re dealing with a change of epochs,” he said. “Taking place is a redistribution of the global balances of forces and the rise of a new polycentric system of the world order.”...............http://en.itar-tass.com/russia/756493

  101. Lavrov: Western Sanctions Against Russia Lead to Deadlock ...

    Sanctions imposed by the West lead to a deadlock in finding solutions to existing issues creating additional obstacles along the the way, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said.

    "Regarding the sanctions, we strongly oppose such approach and consider them [sanctions] counterproductive. The spiral of sanctions leads to a deadlock. Does not help resolve the problems, but rather creates obstacles to their solution. Since the sanctions imposed by the European Union and the associated countries aimed, among other things, to worsen conditions for the Russian agricultural producers, we were forced to take protective measures in response to protect them from unfair competition," Lavrov said in an interview with the Verdens Gang (VG) Norwegian newspaper..............http://en.ria.ru/world/20141025/194570005/Lavrov-Western-Sanctions-Against-Russia-Lead-to-Deadlock.html

  102. ΠΛHPΩΣAME 2,7 ΔIΣ. για πλεόνασμα 900 εκατ.....

    H EΛΛHNIKH κοινωνία το πρώτο εξάμηνο του 2014 πλήρωσε 1,6 δισ. πρόσθετους φόρους και στερήθηκε 1,1 δισ. μέσω περικοπών σε μισθούς και κοινωνικές παροχές, με συνέπεια να χάσει εξ αιτίας της δημοσιονονικής λιτότητας, με τον έναν ή τον άλλον τρόπο, 2,7 δισ., αλλά η κυβέρνηση να εμφανίσει σε εθνικολογιστική βάση πρωτογενές πλεόνασμα 900 εκατ. Tην ίδια ώρα το κρατικό χρέος δεν μειώθηκε, αλλά αυξήθηκε οριακά, ενώ σχεδόν διπλασιάστηκε το βραχυχρόνιο χρέος. Tου KΩΣTA KAΛΛΩNIATH ............http://www.enet.gr/?i=news-room.el&id=454073

  103. L'opération américaine en Irak était une erreur (responsable de l'OTAN) ...

    L’opération militaire américaine en Irak était une erreur. Une discussion avec l'OTAN avant le début de l'opération aurait probablement permis de l’éviter, a déclaré le directeur de l'information de l'OTAN en Russie, Robert Pszczel.

    La guerre en Irak a commencé au printemps 2003 avec l'invasion des troupes des États-Unis et de leurs alliés (l'opération Liberté pour l’Irak) dans le but de renverser le régime de Saddam Hussein, accusé par Washington d'avoir des liens avec des organisations terroristes internationales et de possession d'armes chimiques de destruction massive, ce qui a été démenti plus tard.
    Lire la suite: http://french.ruvr.ru/news/2014_10_25/Loperation-americaine-en-Irak-etait-une-erreur-responsable-de-lOTAN-3939/

  104. Eurokrise: Hat Athens Schuldenschnitt die deutschen Steuerzahler einst 2,6 Milliarden Euro mehr als nötig gekostet? Die Verantwortlichen bestreiten das...

    Als Christian Bluhm sich Ende September ins Berliner Regierungsviertel aufmacht, will er seinen Ruf retten. Im Paul-Löbe-Haus tagt ein geheimes Gremium, das für den Bundestag kontrolliert, was aus den Milliarden wurde, mit denen der Bund während der Finanzkrise die Banken gerettet hat.

    An diesem Morgen, kurz nach neun Uhr, muss der Manager Bluhm den Parlamentariern sowie Vertretern des Bundesfinanzministeriums erklären, ob sein Haus bei der Umschuldung Griechenlands im Jahr 2012 rund 2,6 Milliarden Euro leichtfertig verloren hat – zulasten des Steuerzahlers. Erhoben hatte diesen schweren Vorwurf Mitte September die Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung........http://www.zeit.de/2014/42/eurokrise-griechenland-schuldenschnitt

  105. Poroshenko: Ceasefire in Southeastern Ukraine Benefited Country's Defense Capabilities...

    The ceasefire agreement in southeastern Ukraine benefited the country's defense capabilities, but there is no military solution for the crisis, the Saturday appeal of the Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko stated.

    "The decision on the ceasefire primarily benefited defense capabilities... And today we are much stronger than we were six weeks ago," the statement said.

    According to Poroshenko, only a political settlement can bring back Ukraine's southeastern regions, "where there is no military solution to the problem."..............http://en.ria.ru/world/20141025/194587207/Poroshenko-Ceasefire-in-Southeastern-Ukraine-Benefited-Countrys.html

  106. US, British Forces Close Base in Southern Afghanistan ...

    British and U.S. soldiers have formally marked the end of combat operations in Afghanistan's southern Helmand province by handing control of the country's largest military base to Afghan forces.

    The British flag was lowered Sunday in a ceremony at Camp Bastion, while the American flag came down for a final time at the adjacent Camp Leatherneck.

    The handover ends an important chapter in the 13-year Afghan campaign, which started after the terrorist attacks on the United States in 2001.

    All NATO combat troops will leave Afghanistan by December, leaving most of the fight against a resilient Taliban insurgency to Afghan army and police...............http://www.voanews.com/content/afghanistan-troop-withdrawal-us-marines-british-combat-forces/2496918.html

  107. Poroshenko arrives in eastern Ukrainian city Kramatorsk to inspect polls ...

    Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has arrived in Kramatorsk, eastern Ukraine, to visit polling station No 141027 that is located at the Interregional Higher Construction Vocational School, the press service of the Donetsk regional administration said on Sunday.

    “The head o state will familiarise himself with the voting procedure organisation here. Poroshenko has not voted at this polling station,” says the report.

    According to earlier Sunday reports, the Ukrainian president intended to personally check the voting process at the early elections to the Verkhovna Rada (parliament) of Ukraine, the president’s wife Marina Poroshenko said at a polling station.

    “My husband is in Donbas now where he went for a personal check so that all the people in the east could express their will and vote: both civilians in the liberated territories and the military who are currently on the frontline,” she said...............http://en.itar-tass.com/world/756550

  108. Turkey disagrees with US, Russia, Iran on Syria: Erdoğan ....

    Turkey disagrees with the United States, Russia and Iran separately over their stances on Syria, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan told media representatives onboard his presidential jet returning to Turkey from Estonia on Oct. 25.

    “Unfortunately, we disagree with Russia over the Syria issue. We have talked about this many times, but we have wasted time despite our meetings. Russia continues to support [the Syrian regime]. Apart from this issue, our economic relations [with Russia] are very good,” Erdoğan said, also acknowledging that Turkey and Iran have considerably different stances on the Syria crisis.

    He expressed his dissatisfaction that the actions of the U.S. in Syria have “had no positive effects” on Turkey’s expectations.

    “The U.S. has not taken any stance on the declaration of a no-fly zone in the area. It just says the safe zone is discussable......................etc........http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/turkey-disagrees-with-us-russia-iran-on-syria-erdogan.aspx?pageID=238&nID=73466&NewsCatID=338

  109. Pro-Western blocs 'win Ukraine poll' ...

    Pro-Western parties will dominate Ukraine's parliament after the first elections to the body since February's revolution, exit polls suggest.

    As votes are counted, President Petro Poroshenko's bloc is expected win the most, with PM Arseny Yatsenyuk's People's Front party a close second.

    Mr Poroshenko called an early poll in a bid to set Ukraine on a new path after the ousting of pro-Russian leaders..............http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-29772078

    1. Turnout in parliamentary polls in south-eastern Ukraine reached 41% — CEC ...

      The voter turnout at early elections to Ukraine’s parliament, the Verkhovna Rada, in south-eastern Ukraine reached 41.1%, or 11% lower than in other regions, the Central Election Commission (CEC) said on Monday.

      The highest voter turnout was reported in the industrial Dnipropetrovsk Region (47.86%). The lowest voter turnout was seen in eastern Ukraine’s Donetsk region (32.40%).

      High voter turnout was also recorded in Zaporizhia Region (47.19%), Kharkiv Region (45.32%), Mykolaiv Region (42.80%), Kherson Region (41.36%) and Odessa Region (39.52%).

      In general, the voter turnout at Sunday’s parliamentary polls has made 52.42%, according to the latest results.

      Over 34.6 million Ukrainians were eligible to vote. Around 3 million people in the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics are expected to vote in their own polls next Sunday.

  110. Ukraine: large victoire des pro-occidentaux, selon un sondage ...

    Les partis pro-occidentaux ont obtenu une écrasante victoire aux législatives de dimanche en Ukraine, sur fond de conflit armé avec les rebelles prorusses dans l'Est, selon un sondage à la sortie des bureaux de vote.

    Le bloc du président Petro Porochenko et quatre autres mouvements pro-occidentaux, dont des nationalistes, ont obtenu ensemble environ 70% des voix selon cette étude d'opinion portant sur la moitié du Parlement élu au scrutin proportionnel et réalisée conjointement par trois instituts de sondage.

    Le bloc Porochenko est arrivé légèrement en tête avec 22% des suffrages, suivi du parti Front populaire du Premier ministre Arseni Iatseniouk (21%) et du mouvement Samopomitch mené par le maire de Lviv (13%).

    Le parti nationaliste Svoboda et celui de l'ex-Premier ministre Ioulia Timochenko ont obtenu chacun 6%, dépassant de justesse le seuil électoral fixé à 5% des voix..................http://www.rtbf.be/info/monde/detail_ukraine-large-victoire-des-pro-occidentaux-selon-un-sondage?id=8387404

  111. Parlamentswahl: Ukrainer bestätigen Poroschenkos Europa-Kurs ..

    Bei der vorgezogenen Parlamentswahl in der Ukraine gewinnt nach ersten Umfragen das prowestliche Bündnis von Staatschef Petro Poroschenko. Im Osten des Landes fand die Abstimmung nicht statt.

    Die prowestlichen Parteien haben nach ersten Prognosen die Parlamentswahl in der Ukraine gewonnen. Der Block von Präsident Petro Poroschenko wurde nach Angaben der Organisation Rating Group Ukraine mit 22,2 Prozent stimmenstärkste Kraft, dicht gefolgt von der Volksfront von Ministerpräsident Arseni Jazenjuk mit 21,8 Prozent. Die kürzlich gegründete proeuropäische Partei Samopomitsch wurde demnach mit 14,2 Prozent Dritter.

    Eine zweite Prognose dreier ukrainischer Meinungsforschungsinstitute sah Poroschenkos Partei bei 23 Prozent und Jazenjuks bei 21,3 Prozent. Poroschenko und Jazenjuk führen zwar rivalisierende Parteien an, sie stehen aber beide für eine westlich orientierte Politik und wollen die darniederliegende Wirtschaft des Landes reformieren. Amtliche vorläufige Ergebnisse wurden am Montag erwartet..............http://www.welt.de/politik/ausland/article133680887/Ukrainer-bestaetigen-Poroschenkos-Europa-Kurs.html

  112. Palestinian Authority president Mahmoud Abbas on Sunday warned against the dangers entailed in measures taken by Israel with the aim of dividing holy sites in the Palestinian territories....

    In an urgent message he sent to the U.S. administration, Abbas said Israel's continued measures would lead to a "wide-reaching explosion" that could not be controlled.

    Abbas held Israel responsible for what he described in the message, which was reported by the official Palestinian news agency, as this "dangerous escalation."

    He called on the U.S. administration to quickly intervene to stop Israeli escalations in East Jerusalem and especially stop violations by extremist Israeli settlers against Al-Aqsa Mosque...............http://www.aa.com.tr/en/news/410756--abbas-warns-against-israeli-measures-in-al-aqsa

  113. Ukraine president: consultations on new parliamentary coalition to start Monday...

    Consultations on a new coalition in Ukraine’s parliament, the Verkhovna Rada will begin on Monday, President Petro Poroshenko said on Sunday after the parliamentary polls.

    “Yes, I am glad that my political force is the leader, according to all exit polls,” he told the 112 Ukraina television channel. “But this is not as important as the fact that we will have a pro-European majority. I am sure the Verkhovna Rada will be changed and the number of committees will be dramatically cut.”

    “Coalition consultations will be kicked off tomorrow not to waste time,” he said. “Ten days will be more than enough to finish consultations on both the prime minister, and the speaker, and the cabinet.” However he refused to elaborate on who would be the new prime minister..............http://en.itar-tass.com/world/756616

  114. Dilma Rousseff has been re-elected president of Brazil, after securing more than 51% of votes in the closest election race in many years.

    An official count showed her rival, centrist candidate Aecio Neves, taking just over 48% of the vote.

    In her victory speech, Ms Rousseff said she wanted to be "a much better president than I have been until now".

    She faced protests last year against corruption, record spending on the football World Cup and poor services.

    Ms Rousseff, who has been in power since 2010, is popular with poor Brazilians thanks to her government's welfare programmes.
    Political reform

    But the vote split Latin America's biggest country almost evenly in two, along lines of social class and geography.

    Ms Rousseff called on all Brazilians "to unite in favour of Brazil's future" and said she would seek political reform.

    "This president is open to dialogue. This is the top priority of my second mandate," she told a cheering crowd in the capital, Brasilia......................http://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-29782073

  115. 3 years after Arab Spring, Tunisia holds first poll ...

    Tunisians expressed tentative hope for the future as they lined up on Sunday to choose their first five-year parliament since they overthrew their dictator in the 2011 revolution that kicked off the Arab Spring.

    The past three and a half years have been marked by political turmoil, terrorist attacks and a faltering economy which has brought disillusionment to many over the democratic process, even though Tunisia is widely seen as the country that has the best chance for democracy in the Arab world..............http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/world/rest-of-world/3-years-after-Arab-Spring-Tunisia-holds-first-poll/articleshow/44943842.cms

  116. Results of Ukrainian Elections Show Hope for Western Aid Money: Former US Official ...

    The number of elected parties into the new Ukrainian parliament possibly reflects hopes by the Ukrainian politicians to secure a part of Western aid money flowing into Ukraine, former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury Paul Craig Roberts told RIA Novosti.

    "Both Poroshkenko and Yatsenyuk are Washington's stooges, and we can conclude that the Ukrainian people have elected Washington's candidates," Roberts said on Sunday. "It seems that Ukrainians concluded that the flow of aid into Ukraine depends on electing Washington"s candidates," he added.

    Roberts stressed that Ukrainian parliamentary election "was about bringing foreign money to Ukraine."

    "Ukrainians voted for the two candidates most closely connected to Washington's money," he asserted..................http://en.ria.ru/politics/20141027/194649482/Results-of-Ukrainian-Elections-Show-Hope-for-Western-Aid-Money.html

    1. Russian Foreign Ministry Wary of Rise in Nationalists in Ukraine Parliament ...

      Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Grigory Karasin on Monday expressed his concerns on the growing number of nationalists in Ukraine’s parliament that could spark a renewal in military action in the country’s eastern regions.

      “There is increased danger that again calls will be made from the tribune to use force and military methods, as well as bloodshed to solve all the problems [in Ukraine] because straightforward nationalistic and chauvinistic powers have received support and will become representatives in the Verkhovna Rada (Ukrainian parliament). This is extremely dangerous,” Karasin said.
      (RIA Novosti)

  117. Wolfgang Schäuble : « Le secret bancaire n'a plus sa place » ...

    La lutte contre la fraude fiscale sera au coeur d'une conférence internationale qui va se tenir à Berlin le 29 octobre. Un accord d'échange automatique d'informations doit être signé entre plusieurs dizaines d'Etats, dont la France et l'Allemagne. Avant ce rendez-vous, le ministre allemand des Finances, Wolfgang Schäuble, a répondu aux questions de quatre quotidiens européens : « Les Echos », « The Times », « El País » et le « Corriere della Sera ».
    Un accord international sur l'échange automatique d'informations entre administrations fiscales doit être signé à Berlin dans deux jours. Quelle portée donnez-vous à cet événement ?

    C'est un aboutissement remarquable, dont l'initiative a été lancée lors d'un sommet informel des ministres européens des Finances à Dublin en 2011. Nous étions au départ cinq pays à vouloir cet échange automatique de données, l'Allemagne, la Grande-Bretagne, la France, l'Espagne et l'Italie. Or, près de 50 délégations sont attendues à Berlin pour signer l'accord. Les 28 pays de l'Union européenne viennent de s'engager, lors d'une récente réunion Ecofin, à le mettre en oeuvre à compter de 2017, sauf l'Autriche qui a souhaité décaler la date à 2018. Notre liste de signataires compte par ailleurs un certain nombre de paradis fiscaux. D'autres pays veulent nous rejoindre ultérieurement, la Suisse et Singapour, par exemple. On est bien dans une dynamique internationale qui ne cesse de gonfler...............En savoir plus sur http://www.lesechos.fr/journal20141027/lec1_monde/0203887191042-wolfgang-schauble-le-secret-bancaire-na-plus-sa-place-1057788.php?xtor=RSS37&1LqUQokKTey00m7u.99

  118. "Old guard" joined by relatives returning to Ukraine’s parliament ...

    Pro-Western parties will dominate the new Ukrainian parliament following the October 26 elections, but members of the so-called "old guard" and their relatives will also be on hand.

    This comes despite the lustration law that took effect in Ukraine in mid-October which is aimed at getting rid of officials who held government and Communist Party posts during the Soviet era and the Viktor Yanukovych presidency.

    According to the preliminary vote count, former parliamentary speaker Volodymyr Lytvyn and former deputy Andriy Derchach, who is the father of his daughter-in-law, may get deputy seats.

    The old guard also includes ex-member of the Party of Regions and ex-governor of Kharkiv Region, Mykhailo Dobkin. His brother Dmytro is expected to be elected in a single-mandate constituency in the Kharkiv Region................http://en.itar-tass.com/world/756662

  119. World Bank Vows to Toughen Fight Against Transnational Corruption ...

    A new report from the World Bank’s anti-corruption “Integrity Vice Presidency” says that while there have been advances against transnational corruption over the past year more needs to be done to fight illicit activities.

    In his letter prefacing the “Integrity Vice Presidency Annual Update” for fiscal year 2014, World Bank President Dr. Jim Yong Kim said his organization is working vigorously with nations to strengthen their laws and other anti-corruption safeguards.

    ”World Bank Group support to country-led efforts is critical to turning the tide against corruption once and for all,” Kim said. “We will provide tools and that transform ideas into action, diffuse knowledge across the globe on what works and why, and help countries adopt successful strategies.”...............http://www.voanews.com/content/world-bank-vows-to-toughen-fight-against-trasnational-corruption/2497548.html

  120. Kiev rejects reports of preparing new military offensive in eastern Ukraine ...

    A spokesman for Ukraine’s National Security and Defense Council rejected on Monday reports that the country’s troops prepare a military offensive in the east of the country.

    Speaking at a briefing, Andriy Lysenko said the reports that Ukraine’s forces “are preparing for an offensive after the elections to the Ukrainian Verkhovna Rada” are false.

    Deputy defense minister of the self-proclaimed Luhansk People’s Republic (LPR), Vitaly Kiselev, did not rule out on Sunday that the Ukrainian military could stage provocations to disrupt the elections of the LPR parliament and head due on November 2................http://en.itar-tass.com/world/756713

  121. At least 1,000 former Nazis, and likely many more, spied on behalf of the United States at the height of the cold war, The New York Times reported Monday, ahead of the release of a book on the matter by one of its reporters...

    Eric Lichtblau's “The Nazis Next Door: How America Became a Safe Haven for Hitler’s Men” is due to come out on Tuesday. The book records how U.S. law enforcement and intelligence leaders like FBI director J. Edgar Hoover and CIA director Allen Dulles heavily recruited former Nazis, favoring their value to provide intelligence on suspected Communists over moral drawbacks of hiring potential war criminals.

    The CIA even hired one spy after concluding he probably committed "minor war crimes," according to the report. The extent of the collaboration ran so deep that the FBI withheld information from the Justice Department about suspected Nazis living in the United States, some of them still in the service of the bureau, The New York Times reports......................http://www.haaretz.com/jewish-world/jewish-world-features/1.622977

  122. Polen will wegen des Ukraine-Konflikts Soldaten an seine Ostgrenze verlegen. Dies kündigte Verteidigungsminister Thomasz Siemoniak am Montag im Gespräch mit der Nachrichtenagentur AP an....

    "Die geopolitische Situation hat sich verändert", sagte er. "Wir haben die größte Sicherheitskrise seit dem Kalten Krieg, und wir müssen daraus Schlüsse ziehen."

    Obwohl Polen 1999 der Nato beitrat, sind die meisten seiner 120.000 Armeeangehörigen immer noch entlang der Westgrenze stationiert. Dies ist ein Relikt des Kalten Krieges, als Polen zum Warschauer Pakt gehörte und die Nato als Feind ansah. Mit der Truppenverlagerung wird diese historische Ausrichtung grundlegend verändert............http://www.welt.de/politik/ausland/article133706532/Polen-kuendigt-Truppen-Verlegung-nach-Osten-an.html

  123. EU must prepare for Russia's 'hybrid warfare': Danish formin ...

    Russia poses no direct military threat to the European Union but its intervention in Ukraine is a type of 'hybrid warfare' the bloc should fight using coordinated energy policy and media to counter "massive propaganda", Denmark's foreign minister said on Monday.

    Martin Lidegaard has traveled three times to Kiev over a year that has seen the toppling of a Moscow-leaning president and the outbreak of a pro-Russian rebellion in Ukraine's eastern region...................http://www.todayonline.com/world/eu-must-prepare-russias-hybrid-warfare-danish-formin

  124. World Bank: EU-US trade talks should include Turkey ...

    Turkey needs to take part in parallel negotiations with the U.S. in order to prevent adverse effects from the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, said the World Bank’s Turkey director Martin Raiser on Monday.

    The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) is a trade agreement currently being negotiated between the EU and the U.S.

    “Turkey’s diplomatic efforts should be concentrated on making sure that the TTIP remains an open agreement available for countries such as Turkey,” said Raiser..........http://www.aa.com.tr/en/news/411321--world-bank-eu-us-trade-talks-should-include-turkey

  125. US Daily Cost to Fight Islamic State Rose by $700,000: Pentagon ...

    The cost of fighting the Islamic State (IS) has gone up $700,000 a day for the United States, a US Pentagon source has told RIA Novosti.

    "The costs are rising," a Pentagon official, who did not wish to be identified, said Monday.

    According to the Pentagon, the cost of fighting IS on a daily basis rose from $7.6 to 8.3 million a day after the costs were recalculated.

    The total overall cost has reached $580 million up from $424 million since the US began air strikes on August 6 of this year, the source noted...................http://en.ria.ru/world/20141028/194711687/US-Daily-Cost-to-Fight-Islamic-State-Rose-by-700000-Pentagon.html

  126. Ukraine: la Russie reconnaîtra les élections organisées par les séparatistes ...

    La Russie reconnaîtra les résultats des élections législatives et présidentielles qui doivent être organisées le 2 novembre par les rebelles prorusses dans les régions qui sont sous leur contrôle en Ukraine, a annoncé mardi le ministre russe des Affaires étrangères.

    "Nous espérons que les élections seront tenues comme convenu, et nous reconnaîtrons bien entendu leurs résultats", a déclaré Sergueï Lavrov au cours d'une interview pour le journal russe Izvestia.

    Ces élections qui doivent se tenir dans les deux "républiques"

    "Nous espérons que l'expression du peuple sera libre et que personne ne viendra tenter de la perturber de l'extérieur", a-t-il ajouté.

    Selon lui, ces élections qui doivent se tenir dans les deux "républiques" proclamées par les séparatistes dans l'Est de l'Ukraine "seront très importantes pour légitimer les autorités".

    "Il s'agit de l'un des points les plus importants des accords de Minsk", sur l'instauration du cessez-le-feu en Ukraine, conclus le 5 septembre avec la participation de la Russie, a estimé M. Lavrov..................http://www.rtbf.be/info/monde/detail_ukraine-la-russie-reconnaitra-les-elections-organisees-par-les-separatistes?id=8388375

  127. Some actions by Ukraine law enforcers in south-east can be called war crimes — Lavrov ...

    Some actions taken by Ukrainian law enforcers in the country’s troubled south-east can be called war crimes quite definitely, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said in an interview with TV news channel LifeNews and Izvestia daily.

    In his words, the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights confirmed in its latest report that “the whole scope of action taken by Ukrainian law enforcers in south-east Ukraine can be called war crimes quite definitely.”

    “For the first time this report lacks a statement which previous reports by the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights contained, saying that the Kiev authorities can use proportional force to regain control over the whole territory of the country in view of threats to sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine,” the Russian foreign minister said...............http://en.itar-tass.com/russia/756820

  128. EU urges vigilance against risk of new financial crisis ...

    Outgoing European Union (EU) Commissioner for Internal Market and Services Michel Barnier on Monday warned of the risk of new financial crises, calling on the EU to put its "political will" at the service of the economy.

    In a lecture delivered at the Bocconi University in Milan, Barnier said one of the main lessons he has learnt from his five years in the European Commission (EC) was the "necessity to always remain vigilant" for possible new risks in financial stability.

    "The crises which have been hitting Europe since 2008 have not finished. We have certainly overcome the worst period, but we are still in the middle of the economic crisis triggered by the financial crisis," he said. The commissioner warned of the "continuous risks in the financial sector."................http://www.china.org.cn/world/2014-10/28/content_33894510.htm

  129. Japan nuclear plant gets approval to restart, over three years after Fukushima ...

    A town in southwest Japan became the first to approve the restart of a nuclear power station on Tuesday, a step forward in Japan's fraught process of reviving an industry left idled by the Fukushima catastrophe in 2011.

    Satsumasendai, a town of 100,000 that hosts the two-reactor Kyushu Electric Power Co plant, is 1,000 km (600 miles) southwest of Tokyo and has long relied on the Sendai plant for government subsidies and jobs.

    Nineteen of the city's 26 assembly members voted in favor of restarting the plant while four members voted against and three abstained, a city assembly member told Reuters.............http://www.todayonline.com/world/japan-nuclear-plant-gets-approval-restart-over-three-years-after-fukushima

  130. Russia will recognize Ukraine separatists' elections: Lavrov ...

    Russia plans to recognise elections being organised next weekend by rebels in east Ukraine in defiance of the government in Kiev, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said in an interview on Oct. 28.

    "We expect the elections will go ahead as agreed, and we will of course recognise the results," Lavrov told Izvestia daily ahead of the Sunday polls staged by two pro-Russian separatist regions of east Ukraine.

  131. Ukrainian Finance Minister suggests Russia deliver gas directly to Donbas ...

    Moscow can deliver gas independently to the self-proclaimed people's republics in the Donbas if it wants, Ukrainian Finance Minister Oleksandr Shlapak said Tuesday.

    "If it comes to this, you [Russia] may deliver gas. If you have the opportunity and the people who rule [in Donbas], these bandits, are willing to make payments to you. They are not willing to make payments to us," Shlapak said on the sidelines of the international investment conference "A fresh Look at Ukraine," according to the Ukrainian Apostrophe news website.............Read more: http://indian.ruvr.ru/news/2014_10_28/Russia-deliver-gas-Donbas/

  132. UN Envoy: Libya Nearing 'Point of No Return' ...

    Factional warfare in Libya is pushing the oil-producing nation "very close to the point of no return," the U.N. special envoy to the country said on Tuesday, commenting on flagging efforts to bring about a ceasefire and political dialogue.

    The North African country has had two governments and parliaments since an armed militia from the western city of Misrata seized the capital Tripoli in August, setting up its own cabinet and assembly.

    The internationally-recognized government of Prime Minister Abdullah al-Thinni had to move 1,000 km (625 miles) to the east where the elected House of Representatives is also now working, effectively splitting the vast desert nation...............http://www.voanews.com/content/reu-united-nations-libya-war-misrata-benghazi/2499400.html

  133. Russia to Strengthen Arctic Border with 13 Airfields, 10 Radars ...

    Russia will build at least 13 airfields and 10 radar stations in the Arctic to safeguard the nation's military security in the region, a senior military commander said Tuesday.

    "We are planning to build 13 airfields, an air-ground firing range, as well as ten radar and vectoring posts," Lt. Gen. Mikhail Mizintsev, head of the National Defense Management Center, said.

    A number of political, economic and military measures have been taken over the past few years to protect Russia’s interests in the Arctic amid NATO’s increased focus on the region............http://en.ria.ru/russia/20141028/194737649/Russia-to-Strengthen-Arctic-Border-with-13-Airfields-10-Radars.html

  134. Unmanned US rocket Antares explodes during launch ...

    An unmanned supply rocket bound for the International Space Station has exploded during its launch from the US state of Virginia.

    Antares, a 14-storey rocket built by Orbital Sciences Corp, combusted seconds after leaving the seaside launch pad at Wallops Flight Facility.

    The cause of the cargo ship malfunction has yet to be determined.

    The initial planned launch of the spacecraft on Monday was delayed due to a sailboat in nearby waters.

    The flight was expected to be the third contracted mission with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

    The rocket was due to carry nearly 5,000 pounds (2,200kgs) of supplies to six astronauts aboard the International Space Station.

    "We will understand what happened, hopefully soon, and we'll get things back on track," said Frank Culbertson, executive vice-president of Orbital Sciences.

    "We've all seen this happen in our business before, and we've all seen the teams recover from this, and we will do the same."...........http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-29812139

  135. Eine Rakete mit dem unbemannten Raumtransporter "Cygnus" ist am Dienstag beim Start im US-Bundesstaat Virginia explodiert...

    Das Unglück ereignete sich sechs Sekunden, nachdem die Antares-Rakete um 18.22 Uhr Ortszeit (23.22 Uhr MEZ) gezündet worden war, wie auf Live-Bildern des TV-Senders der US-Raumfahrtbehörde NASA und auf der CNN-Seite zu sehen war. Die Ursache des Unfalls ist nach NASA-Angaben noch unklar.

    Verletzte oder gar Tote am Boden scheint es laut einem Kommentator des TV-Senders nicht gegeben zu haben, allerdings seien "erhebliche Sachschäden" entstanden...........http://kurier.at/politik/weltchronik/us-raumfrachter-cygnus-bei-start-explodiert/93.892.928

  136. Sri Lanka landslide: Ten dead and 300 missing ...

    At least 10 people are dead and hundreds are missing following a landslide in central Sri Lanka, disaster officials tell the BBC.

    The landslide, which came after heavy monsoon rains, engulfed about 140 houses in Badulla district, officials said.

    Security forces have been mobilised in search and rescue operations.

    Mudslide warnings were issued after much of Sri Lanka was lashed by heavy rain in the past few weeks.................http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-29813981

  137. L'Otan en alerte face à une intense activité de l'aviation russe dans le ciel européen ...

    L'Otan a annoncé mercredi avoir détecté ces deux derniers jours une activité aérienne de "grande ampleur" de l'aviation militaire russe en Europe, en mer Baltique, en mer du nord et dans l'océan Atlantique ainsi qu'en mer Noire, qualifiant ce niveau d'activité d'"inhabituel".

    Des appareils des pays de l'alliance ont décollé en quatre endroits différents pour des missions d'interception contre quatre groupes d'avions militaires russes "en manœuvre" dans les espaces de la mer Baltique, de la mer du Nord et de la Mer noire, a précisé l'Otan dans un communiqué sur cette activité "à grande échelle" et jugée "inhabituelle".

    La plus importante opération à mobilisé des appareils de trois pays de l'Alliance après la détection d'un groupe de huit avions russes - quatre chasseurs bombardiers et quatre ravitailleurs - en formation sur l'Atlantique.

    Des appareils des forces norvégiennes se sont portés à leur rencontre pour les identifier et six appareils russes ont rebroussé chemin, mais deux autres, des bombardiers TU-95, ont continué leur route.

    Des appareils de la Royal Air Force britannique ont alors décollé pour les escorter. Ils ont passé le relais à la force aérienne du Portugal. Les avions russes sont repartis vers le Royaume-Uni où la RAF et les Norvégiens les ont repris sous leur contrôle.

    Selon l'Otan, les appareils russes n'avaient pas soumis de plan de vol, n'avaient aucun contact avec les autorités aériennes civiles et ne communiquaient pas, "ce qui représente une risque potentiel pour les vols civils".

    Une autre opération a été menée par l'aviation turque au dessus de la Mer Noire pour contrôler un groupe de quatre avions russes, dont deux bombardiers TU-95, a ajouté l'Otan.

  138. Russia to deliver four S-300 missile complexes to Belarus by year's end ...

    Russia will deliver four S-300 surface-to-air missile systems to Belarus by the end of this year, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said Wednesday.

    "If we speak about the summary for 2014, then this year we will finalize the delivery of four S-300 Zenit missile systems that will be handed over [to Belarus]. I think they'll enter into the Belarus military service in 2015," Shoigu said during a meeting with his Belarusian counterpart in Minsk.

    The contract for the supply of four S-300 systems to Belarus was signed in July.

    S-300 is a family of air defense missile systems capable of engaging aerial targets from helicopters to cruise and ballistic missiles.

    The systems are capable of simultaneously tracking up to 100 targets while engaging 12 at a range of up to 200 kilometers (124 miles) and a height of up to 27 kilometers (nearly 17 miles).
    Read more: http://indian.ruvr.ru/news/2014_10_29/Russia-missile-complexes-Belarus/

  139. Ukraine loses Donbass hopelessly ...

    The recent parliamentary elections in Ukraine showed that the parliament will be dominated by the "war party" of Prime Minister Arseny Yatsenyuk, although the "peace party" of Petro Poroshenko is not peace-loving at all. Putting it simply, it is very likely that the war will resume, while the authorities will try to distract public attention from socio-economic problems that Ukraine is facing today.

    It is now clear that Poroshenko's bloc will form a coalition with Yatsenyuk's Popular Front. Yatsenyuk will also fight for a key law-enforcement post in the cabinet of ministers. It means that Ukraine may resume the war. It also means that it will be hard for Ukraine to come to an agreement with Russia on gas supplies. In winter, the Ukrainians will have to live in cold apartments with no hot water. To crown it all, it also means that upon the demand of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) that gives loans to Ukraine, the authorities will continue to raise tariffs and taxes, cutting social spending..............http://english.pravda.ru/world/ussr/29-10-2014/128919-ukraine_novorossiya-0/

  140. Results of Russia-EU-Ukraine trilateral talks on gas to be made public Thursday morning ...

    Results of Russia-EU-Ukraine trilateral talks on natural gas will be made public Thursday morning, the press service of the European Commission said late night Wednesday.

    “The talks continue at the moment and, in most probability, they will end in the early hours of morning,” a spokesperson for the commission said. “If an agreement is signed, the final news conference will be held at 08:30 Central European Time."............http://en.itar-tass.com/economy/757248

  141. Fukushima Reactor 1 dismantling to be delayed ...

    In the first-ever delay in the plans to dismantle reactor 1 at Tokyo Electric Power Co.’s stricken Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant, the government and the utility have agreed to postpone the removal of fuel rods from the spent-fuel pool by two years from the initial plans, NHK reported Thursday.

    The date of extracting the meltedfuel rods from the reactor core, which suffered a meltdown in the 2011 earthquake and tsunami disaster, will also be delayed by five years, the network said, without naming the source....................http://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2014/10/30/national/reactor-1-dismantling-delayed/#.VFHCs1fm75M

  142. No gas agreements will be signed until “Ukraine and the European Union reach an agreement on financial guarantees,” Alexei Miller, the CEO of Russia’s gas giant Gazprom, said after the first round of tripartite gas talks....

    He said three documents had been prepared for signing at the tripartite gas talks between Russia, Ukraine and the European Union. According to Miller, these documents are two protocols: a protocol in a trilateral format between Russia, Ukraine and the European Commission and a bilateral protocol between the European Commission and Ukraine.

    “Everything concerning financial issues, concerning guarantees the European Commission is to issue to Ukraine, these liabilities will be committed to paper in a bilateral protocol,” he said. “As for out trilateral protocol, all principal provisions of this trilateral document have been agreed. A technical supplement to the contract between Gazprom and Naftogaz has also been agreed.”

    “Today, the talks ended with the sides taking a break till tomorrow. But the meeting, the talks will take place only in case the Ukrainian side and the European Commission reach an agreement on that bilateral protocol,” Miller said. “If there is no such agreement, naturally, there will be no meetings, no talks tomorrow and no documents will be signed. If Ukraine and the European Commission ultimately reach an agreement, hence, these three document might be signed tomorrow - two protocols and a supplement to the contract between Gazprom and Naftogaz. Everything that concerns our documents where Russia is the side, where Gazprom is the side, all these issues have by now been agreed........................http://en.itar-tass.com/economy/757272

  143. Ostukraine: Heftige Gefechte um Flughafen von Donezk ...

    Donezk/Mariupol - Heftige Gefechte in Donezk: Trotz der vereinbarten Waffenruhe kämpfen die ukrainische Armee und prorussische Separatisten um den internationalen Flughafen der Stadt. Die Armeestellungen am Flughafen seien zunächst von Raketenwerfern und später mit Mörsergranaten beschossen worden, sagte Militärsprecher Wladislaw Selesnjow..............http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/ukraine-gefechte-um-flughafen-von-donezk-a-1000267.html

  144. Trucks with Russian Humanitarian Aid Arrive in Luhansk ...

    A Russian humanitarian aid convoy has reached the eastern Ukrainian city of Luhansk, a RIA Novosti correspondent reported Friday.

    The trucks are currently being unloaded into warehouses.

    One hundred trucks laden with Russian humanitarian aid for eastern Ukraine were divided into two convoys after crossing the border earlier in the day. One convoy was routed to Luhansk and the second was headed for Donetsk.

  145. US:1,000 foreign fighters flock to Syria each month ...

    More than 1,000 foreign jihadists are streaming into Syria and Iraq each month despite the ongoing international aerial military campaign there, the United States has warned.

    U.S. intelligence and counterterrorism officials have said the U.S.-led military campaign against the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has neither deterred nor led to a surge of foreign militants travelling to Syria.

    “The flow of fighters making their way to Syria remains constant, so the overall number continues to rise,” The Washington Post quoted a U.S. intelligence official as saying.

    The rate of 1,000 militants a month was established over the past year, which would put the total number of foreign militants in Syria at more than 16,000.................http://english.alarabiya.net/en/News/middle-east/2014/10/31/1-000-foreign-fighters-flock-to-Syria-each-month-U-S-.html

  146. China supports UN in playing due role in Palestinian-Israeli issue ...

    China supports the UN Security Council in playing a due role in the Palestinian-Israeli issue and responding to the legitimate demand of Palestine and other Arab states, a Chinese envoy to the United Nations said on Thursday.

    Wang Min, China's deputy representative to the United Nations, made the remarks at a meeting of the Security Council on conclusion of work in October.

    Noting the Palestinian issue is the focus of the Security Council's work for the month of October, Wang said China attaches great importance to the Middle East process and is deeply worried about tensions in Palestinian and Israeli situation.

    He reiterated that Israel should cease immediately its settlement activities in the occupied Palestinian territories, including East Jerusalem, so as to pave the way for confidence building and the resumption of negotiation between the two sides..............http://www.globaltimes.cn/content/889327.shtml

  147. Donetsk comes under intense artillery fire ahead of elections — Defense Ministry ...

    The eastern city of Donetsk has come under intense artillery fire ahead of the elections in the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic, head of the DPR Defense Ministry’s political department Eduard Basurin told TASS on Friday.

    “I can’t confirm. But I admit this is done to thwart the elections. During the last few days it (Ukraine) has kept silent and now it has resumed artillery fire. The Petrovka district, the Kievsky and Kuibyshevsky districts are coming under fire,” Basurin said.

    Over the last 24 hours the shelling has left three militias dead and injured 21. One civilian has been killed and another three people injured, he said.

    According to TASS reports, artillery fire has been heard in downtown Donetsk starting from the night of October 31. The fire continues up to now................http://en.itar-tass.com/world/757725

  148. Too much focus on Kobani in anti-IS campaign: Erdogan ...

    Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan said on Friday he believed that the coalition combatting Islamic State militants was focusing too much on the Syrian town of Kobani near the Turkish border and should turn its attention to other areas

    "Why Kobani and not otherwise towns like Idlib, Hama or Homs ... while Iraqi territory is 40 percent controlled by the Islamic State?" Erdogan told a news conference in Paris after talks with President Francois Hollande..................http://www.todayonline.com/world/too-much-focus-kobani-anti-campaign-erdogan

  149. Frankreich: Unbekannte Drohnen überfliegen Kernkraftwerke ...

    Frankreich ist alarmiert: Abermals haben Drohnen unbekannter Herkunft zwei französische Atomreaktoranlagen überflogen. Spezialeinheiten haben inzwischen die Order erhalten, die Flugobjekte „zu neutralisieren“.

    In der Nacht zum Freitag haben abermals Drohnen zwei französische Atomreaktoranlagen in Penly (Seine-et-Marne) und Golfech (Tarn-et-Garonne) überflogen. Erst am Vortag hatte der französische Elektrizitätskonzern EDF, der die 58 Reaktoren betreibt, Anzeige wegen Drohnenflügen über einem Dutzend eigentlich durch ein Überflugverbot geschützten Atomanlagen erstattet...............http://www.faz.net/aktuell/politik/ausland/frankreich-unbekannte-drohnen-ueberfliegen-kernkraftwerke-13241023.html


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